Sunday, February 4, 2024

Quail Gardens stack & pack

Encinitas Advocate:
A revised version of the hugely controversial Quail Meadows housing plan, which now calls for putting the previously proposed 485 apartments into two massive buildings instead of four, will go back before the Planning Commission in two weeks.

Considered to be the biggest apartment development in the city’s history, the project put forward by Baldwin & Sons is proposed to go on a 12-acre site on Quail Gardens Drive, just north of the Encinitas Boulevard intersection. The two apartment complexes would be six stories and top out at 68.6 feet tall, while their accompanying parking garages would be seven stories, including an underground area, and would be 74.6 feet in height.


  1. You voted for Kranz and Kranz approved this upzone along with all the others being built.

    Go have a circle jerk with John Gjata and you can not whine one bidt about over development and the LAification of Encinitas.

    If you voted for Kranz you caused this and you suck.

  2. It seems odd that the large majority of Encinitans had no idea about this tent city plan until now considering it's been in the works for almost 2 years.


    1. A small cabal controls the development and destiny of urban planning. It is based solely on personal profits and kick backs, and totally lacks a comprehensive plan to maintain some reasonable balance between density and infrastructure. The less the public knows, the better. This is Speedy's credo; along with his cohorts.

  3. Yes 5:41, if we had voted for Jeff all development would have ground to a halt immediately. Come on.

  4. In case you missed the BREAKING NEWS
    Kim Morris won full attorneys fees from one of the mean girls on January 31, 2024. I’m sure you smart asses could go look it up at vista court house.

    1. Well at least Kim's attorney secured his paycheck..How much did she have to pay for Kim's attorney?

    2. 646. Who cares. You and Jeff took Encinitas to a low.

  5. Baldwin paid many millions for this site. You betcha something will be built.

    Morris would have rolled over in 2 seconds. Biggest pussy who ever ran.

  6. Kranz- fix the freaking flooded and failing roads.

    They’re freaking pot holes all over the place.

    Why are you spending money on a second senior center when the roads are literally failing and people are flooding?

    1. Why has the city repaved Vulcan only to tear it up 3 weeks later??

  7. 6:46 I heard that crazy lady went after both Kim and Jeff. So evidently Jeff was also was awarded Attorney fees.

    1. No - the case against Jeff is still proceeding. He wasn't awarded shit

  8. Great article in the UT about this project. Seems Ecke / Carltas has seen the light on over development since their push to densify their Saxony land several years ago after promising to keep it agricultural in perpetuity.

    1. No light sighting, they simply live too close for comfort. They'll happily throw us all under the bus when necessary. Will say it was fun to watch them beg for a break as so many have unsuccessfully done with them.

    2. It's not a project that benefits them. They are acting like they're one of the people. Don't be fooled.

    3. Ecke tried to cry poverty when he lobbied to remove the covenant he had previously agreed to for perpetual agricultural use. This agreement was in exchange for developing a large swath of his land to housing, commercial and the golf course. When the voters shut his request down, he sold it to the Jewish group, who have commenced on eroding the covenant by having "alternate use" on the property (car lot for homeless). Eventually they will petition for rezoning to high density housing and commercial use. People like these look to the bottom line - profit over community good.

  9. It seems odd that the large majority of Encinitans had no idea about this tent city plan until now considering it's been in the works for almost 2 years.


    Partly, but mostly blinded by the big D Dem as shorthand for "everything's all right." Big mistake to use shorthand no matter what party.

    Anyone not paying attention and putting their full faith in the Blakespear cabal asked for this. Honestly confused why the upset now over something made public years ago. Only conclusion is they wanted it.

  10. 9:22 Jeff is the bad guys worst nightmare. He started the biggest movement in the history of Encinitas in exposing evil and corruption.

    1. Jeff didn’t do jack. He just screamed the loudest while offering no solutions. He fled because he was exposed as the dumbass failure he is. Unemployable kept man who would be homeless if not for his wife.

    2. Jeff is the worst nightmare of his family.

      The rest of us sleep the sleep of angels after he left in shame and disgrace.

  11. The only people that talk shit about Jeff, are the very same people that he exposed for being “evil and corrupt.”

    1. Doesn’t matter. He scurried out of town like the rat he is and he won’t be able to afford a homeless tent, let alone a place to live here. Good riddance to white trash.

  12. 10:37 Not scurrying. Lots of people leaving CA due to politics. And why wouldn’t Jeff and Kim, want to leave after Jeff tried to fix Encinitas, and was totally dissed when the mean girls put up their Crony Cremona to split the votes? After that plan worked and Tony won, Jeff and Kim saw that Encinitas was done and moved to greener pastures. And btw, you have no idea what their living conditions are. All projection and wishful thinking on your part. The Morris’s are doing just fine being away from evil people who don’t appreciate their efforts.

    1. Scurried away in shame after his abusive campaign to help Tony get elected succeeded. Too fucking stupid to realize he was used. They couldn’t handle it, got sued, got violent and got separated. Yup, doing real fine. Keep up the lies if it makes you feel better about chronic victim Morris. 🐀🐀🐀

    2. More people need to leave CA. Solves a lot of problem if more peeps would just f-off out of here. Then, tax the 280 Million people a year that visit here but don’t pay for the infrastructure they use more than locals. We should be paying people to move to AZ and Texas as it those people who come here and take our housing and resources away from residents. Tourist are loving California to death. 280 million tourist/year are subsidized by 39 million residents taxes. So don’t be scared to cash out buy that place in AZ.

    3. It’s always amazing to me how an unemployed wife beater everyone hates can think so highly of himself.

      The contrast between what he thinks of himself and objective reality is simply stunning.

      If we could tap into it, 10 minutes of narcissistic ego could probably power the USA for a whole year.

    4. Has anyone seen Jeff's new place own the East Coast? After buying their house for only $650K, he mocked single mothers who didn't live in $2 mill homes. Would love to see what he left Encinitas for.

  13. 6:46 News Flash, you’re a liar 🤥

  14. 1:48 😂 it’s in black and white at the court house. Nice try. CHEERS TO KIM MORRIS

  15. 1:48 You're the liar who continues to lie that Jeff split the votes when anyone w/a brain knows that Jeff filed first(public record). So it was your Cremona crony who was “used to split the votes.” And stop lying about the wife beating. If he’d done that, he’d be in jail. Not to mention, the crazy person from your Cremona “mean girl gang” has lost every filing against Jeff. But she didn’t stop at that and tried to sue Kim. She now
    has to pay Kim and Jeff’s Attorney fees. And sorry to further disappoint you, but it’s not a crime to yell while heaving a Christmas Tree out the door when your over Christmas, because your teenage daughters continue to fight and pick on their Mom. But keep whining, and making shit up to try and divide people and help split votes. I suppose you hope that yelling the same crappy lies over and over again ad nauseam will help Tony win again! Congrats for causing division in our community!

    1. Kim called 911 because you threw a Christmas Tree and yelled?

  16. Can’t believe the losers who don’t even live here and scuttled out of town like thieves in the night still post to this page.

    Kim you lying bitch new Cindy was filing because she told you the day before.

    Kim the double crossing liar who buddied up with Thunder to throw her stupid husband under the bus.

    Is that why he literally kicked your ass.

    And now you’re back in Jersey. How’d that campaign work out for you and your family, Kim?

    Play with fire and scum like Thunder and you get burned.

  17. 3:55 you sound so angry. You might want to seek some help

  18. We all know exactly how someone avoids being convicted of wife beating. He’s such a violent psycho nut job that the witnesses are afraid to testify and tell the truth under oath.

    If he was innocent, then that’s easy to testify to. No one on earth would avoid testifying if the truth is innocence.

    But they didn’t, did they? No one showed up to tell the truth, because the truth would cause a psycho nut job to flip out.

    We all know the truth. And the fact that no one showed up to swear an oath to tell the truth tells us all exactly what happened.

    We know it. You know it. The kids know it. The whole family knows it. The sheriffs know it. Everyone knows it.

  19. 🤦🏿‍♀️ Jeff. You're really working overtime trying to convince people that you aren't the short fused racist imbecile most people know you to be.

    You seem unable to accept the reality that it doesn't matter who filed first. YOU WERE NEVER EVER GOING TO WIN. EVER! This is why you were the spoiler! 🤣 To say it for the hundredth time, Cindy could've won, you couldn't.

    The only people that said anything negative about you during the campaign were your own WD idiots. Didn't it strike you as odd how all the other people that despise you so much just sat and watched? They would've loved to use the election as an opportunity to publicly crush you. For them it was worth sitting silent because AS A SPOILER you were GUARANTEEING a Tony win. Rest assured, if you ran alone against Tony the entire city would've known what a dirtbag you are. You imploded over nobody's saying nothing of consequence. You CLEARLY can't take any heat and would've melted down and run away long before election day even came. Guaranfuckingteed!

    As far as Encinitas is concerned, you and your family are nothing but unpleasant memories. All's well that ends well as they say. 👋🏿

    1. 4:29 you honestly believe Cindy Cremona could've won?


      She received the same amount of votes as Jeff for a reason, she just like Jeff is an imbecile. She never had a chance of winning and neither did Jeff.

    2. Cindy wouldn't have won but she could've won. Translated for slow Jeff, that means it was possible not probable. There's a huge difference between the two. There's an even greater difference between could've won and Jeff's absolutely no chance in hell of winning. Jeff still can't accept that he got the votes he did because it was deliberately allowed to happen.

  20. So glad people are witnessing how vile you guys are. You really must be very unhappy to continue talking about people. Sad life

    1. Alleged wife beaters have not earned the privilege of having their deeds forgotten and the slate wiped clean.

      Public shunning should be reinforced and remembered so that future scumbags will think twice before raising their hand to a woman.

      There is nothing lower on earth than those who use physical violence against their own family.

      This needs to follow him for life. Thank goodness for the internet.

    2. 5:31 the key word that you used was "alleged". You're a moron.

    3. 6:05, it was alleged by sheriffs who responded to a domestic violence call made by a kid.

      I trust law enforcement more than a known liar and self-serving piece of shit.

  21. Cindy and Jeff are both idiots.

    Neither one of them knew what the hell they were doing, it's the reason nobody voted for them.

    Thunder received 46% of the votes against incumbent Catherine Blakespear while running for Mayor. Therefor if she ran against Kranz, she would've won. You know it, I know, the entire town knows it.

    Jeff and Cindy both canceled each other out with their moronic narcissistic attitudes about our city. Both are losers, always have been and always will be.

  22. Lets face the facts Cindy and Jeff are both morons, and based on results from a previous campaign against Kindergarten Kellie so is Susan Turney.

    Cindy's a moron, who on earth would hire Susan Turney to be her campaign manager when Turney barely received 30% of the votes against Hinze.

    And how narcissistic is Susan Turney to believe she would make a great campaign manager after her own disastrous campaign.

    They're all just a bunch of morons.

  23. 100% the poster above (6:12pn) is margo.. hey Margo the cure for climate change was ground today did you hear?

    It's an umbrella 🌂

    1. 6:19 Nope not Margo, try again! Here's my proof, Margo is a self serving jackass.

      Cremona and Turney actually think that Margo gives 2 cents what they have to say, he doesn't.

      Margo's an asshole, but at least he's a smart asshole.
      You two are just dumb fucking morons.

    2. 6:19 Marco Gonzalez doesn't give a shit about you, you're not a threat, but you sure would like to believe you are.

      For the record, Marco's also a piece of shit. See, I'm not Marco genius.

      Get a life Susan!

  24. It's hilarious watching Susan Turney and Cindy Cremona make fun of Julie Thunder. They have no idea just how stupid, insecure and narcissistic they are.

    They're completely oblivious to the fact that Julie Thunder garnered 46% of the votes against former incumbent mayor, Catherine Blakespear. Could Cremona or Turney have done that? NO.

    Cremona and Turney barely yielded over 20% of the votes against their opponents, and here they are criticizing others and giving campaign advice. Hilarious!

    Jeff, you're a moron too.

    Cremona, Morris and Turney, you're all idiots. Kudos to Jeff for moving on. Cindy Cremona and Susan Turney, you have a very self inflated sense of yourselves. Here's some advice, stop trying to give advice to others, it's embarrassing.

    1. It’s not Susan or Cindy making fun.

      It’s a Encinitas that knows what 🐽
      is up to…

    2. You gotta love Encinitas political observers. Some of the most clueless to be found anywhere to be sure. Blakespear went on to crush Gunderson for senate. Thunder went on to lose to a nobody named Lyndes in the district Thunder has called home for 30 years. 🤣🤣🤣

  25. If Jeff was innocent of beating his wife in front of his kids, then why wouldn’t his own family stand up in court under oath and defend him?

    Never mind.

    We all know the answer.

    1. The 🎄 fled to Mexico

    2. 7:11 how do you know they didn’t? Were you in the court room douche bag?

    3. 8:33,

      I know it because it’s true.

      “It should be noted that the charges against Morris were not dropped because a court ruled in his favor over the alleged charges that he used force, inflicted corporal injury and engaged in false imprisonment during a Christmas Eve argument. They were dismissed because his wife and daughter could not be found by representatives of the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office attempting to serve them to appear in court at the trial.

      ‘Despite extensive efforts to locate and personally serve the victim and witnesses, we have been unable to do so,’ stated Tanya Sierra, a public information officer with the District Attorney’s Office.”

      Again, if Morris was innocent, why didn’t his family stand up in court under oath and defend him?

      Never mind. We all know why. Including you.

    4. 9:03 I’m calling Bull Shit, Susan. You just love to twist stuff. No wonder you barely got 30% of the votes.

  26. 6:42 Wrong! There you go again making fun of Julie Thunder with your Pig memes. You’re just showing all of Encinitas how immature you gals are. Trying to make Julie sound like a “Pig” and making like she’s against the Morris’s. That’s exactly what crazy makers like you do! Julie was always a Watchdog, a good person, friends with Jeff and Kim, and on their side. You ‘Mean Girls’ were ALL Watchdogs too! You loved Jeff until he announced his run. Your ‘Mean Girl’ club wanted your Crony Cremona in. But sneaky Susan and Cindy failed to tell anyone until after Jeff had already filed and announced. They’ve been whining ever since! Waaa Wasa, Wasa!

    It’s sad that the Susan and Cindy gang seems to be bent on continually making nasty comments towards Julie, Kim, and Jeff, or anyone trying to keep Encinitas a Beach community. Jeff and Kim have moved on. You gals should too.

  27. 8:10 couldn’t agree more with you.

    It’s weird!

  28. Turney is a loser! As long as I’ve known her she’s always been a backstabbing, lying and spiteful person. Most the people in her neighborhood feel the same, it’s why she got her ass kicked by Kindergarten Hinze.

  29. Turney’s a coward! No life, just Facebook, blogs and gossip to build herself up. She relishes in putting down others. She ran for council because she so desperately wanted to be important, but people saw through that and no one voted for her.

    She was probably abused as a child.

  30. 8:32 ,8:42, 8:47, Well said! Although I wouldn’t give Susan a pass, even in the event that she perhaps could’ve been an abused child. I’ve known many adults who were abused. Most due to the pain it inflicted on them, act the opposite of the way they were treated. It’s a personal decision. After all, Psychologists say that even three year old children know right from wrong.

    The Mean Girl Posse deliberately chose, and continues to choose to behave in a devious, evil, cruel, and egregious manner.

    1. OK 🐽. Go cuddle up to your Kranz freak show.

  31. Bullshit 10:04, Julie is always calling out Kranz! You are dumber than a rock!

  32. 11:43 I’m another observer of these conversations and arriving late to the party. Cindy Cremona and Susan Turney are awful people. Someone described them as backstabbers, I’d agree with that as I’ve had personal interactions with both of them. The commenters who mentioned abuse and them not having children is onto something.

    1. 😢 poor poor🐽…

      So misunderstood……

  33. What does a 🐽 say?

  34. Nice spin, 🤥 how quickly you’ve forgotten most of us have seen the police report. You called, not your daughter. There is so much more, but nobody even cares anymore and thankfully you’ve left town.

  35. And a 🐽 says what?

  36. Jeff had an office and no job.

  37. 11:43, I read this garbage while sipping coffee out of a mug that says “Fuck You.”

    Not one member of your family was willing to stand up in court under oath and defend you.

    That says it all.

  38. Posts being deleted?

    No debate, no argument?


  39. This is the way Marco finds 200 votes here and 400 votes there to change the outcome of local elections . This is not a joke. It's a real as real can be. Why do you think Newsom et ea are allowing 12,000 illegals come across the border every day? Jacumba?

    You only need about 2% of those illegals to get a ride to the Home Depot parking lot and sign a ballot. It's quite the strategy. Expose expose expose

    The California Secretary of State's office, which oversees elections in the state, does not require proof of citizenship for voter registration. Individuals are asked to affirm their eligibility to vote, including being a U.S. citizen and they submit the CA ID number as proof of residency. CA DMV has issued IDs to non-US citizens since January of 2015. Here are screenshots from the DMV website.

    1. You are STUPID! Take your dumb as all shit ideas and shove them up your ass.

    2. This is "all" because of the America hating left.
      Don't think so? You ain't too bright
      10 million illegals in the last 2.5 years. Wake up.

    3. Fake news. Remember loser, Newsom is your daddy, Biden your granddaddy and Blakespear is the GOAT. You will always have Gundersen though, oh wait, another loser like all republicants. Thunder almost won once but the rest of the country is most blue ever from local to the feds, so much winning from the left. Whole states turning blue, next election will have all three branches go blue then watch what happens. More scotus judges, taking back women’s rights and more republicant convictions. Haha, more low wage jobs for you loser. Migrants are going to have all of them and we couldn’t be happier to have the higher quality workers. Back to the welfare line for you.

    4. Dumb as dirt. You clearly have no idea how voter registration and confirmation work in this state and county. Go back to your mom's basement.

    5. My landscaper just arrived from Guatemala and tells me he's voting next month in the primary but ok

    6. Are these your landscapers bro?

      Shit, looks like they got work pretty quickly.

    7. Are those beaners republicans?

    8. Illegal border encounters

      2023: 2,476,000
      2022: 2,379,000
      2021: 1,735,000
      2020: 400,000

      #Jacumba #sandiego #newencinitasvoters

    9. Speedy pipes up to denigrate a poster. Go back under your rock, you slimely worm. Put a few dozen illegals in your front yard to show vato solidarity.

  40. Person using piggy memes defends Susan Turney and Cindy Cremona, I think that says it all.

  41. Someone is triggered

  42. Thank god neither Turney or Cremona have children. It’s no wonder neither of them have a job either.

  43. Susan, tell us about your 13 FPPC violations for attempting to cheat voters. You’re a scumbag!

  44. Susan and Cindy have been triggered ever since they lost their elections by a landslide margin. They are the only ones bashing the opposition and writing piggy memes about other people.

  45. Susan doesn’t wanna comment on her FPPC violations. She’s a cheater, everyone knows it and she got caught. We’re fortunate she got destroyed by Kindergarten Hinze.

    Once a cheater always a cheater. Just like Fletcher!

  46. Oh come on now Fletcher should be at the top of that list along with Lorena Gonzalez.

    Turney is bad, but she’s no Fletcher.

    1. 8:24 the first 5 were the choices we were given, but I’d agree Fletcher and Gonzalez should be 1 and 2 on that list. Terrible people!

      Remember when Lorena faked breast cancer for votes? Disgusting! Now that’s someone who deserves a piggy meme!

    2. Accusing someone of faking breast cancer sounds like something Bobby Nickels would do. Karma won't be kind to people like that.

  47. Levine? Marlon? You're fucking stupid.

  48. Seth Levine has been defending Nathan Fletcher for last year now. He constantly criticizes the character of the women he sexually assaulted and anyone who speaks out against Marco, Lorena or Nathan.

    That should qualify him as a political puppet douchebag.

    As for Marlon Taylor, I don’t need to explain myself on that one. We’ve all seen what he writes.

  49. Agreed, Seth Levine is a big turd of human.

  50. I can't make you guys less stupid, unfortunately.

  51. The GOP killed its own border security bill.

    They own the border now.

    1. At least somebody is claiming ownership

    2. GOP arguing (1) we don’t need a new law—we just need to enforce the current laws, and (2) the proposed law needs to be mush stronger.

      So, the law we don’t need at all should be stronger?

      Only shithole loser state voters are dumb enough to not get what’s going on here.

  52. School yard bullies. wah wah wah

  53. There is only one GOAT.

    The future governor.

    And the vast majority of Encinitas supports her.

    Time to get onboard the high speed rail to GovernorGOATville.

    AG Gonzales anyone?

    1. Sure…. CA loves old tacist white predators!!

  54. How many posts can a 🐽 make in one hour?

    1. By 🐷 I’m referring to Blakespear.

    2. Blakespear is a white racist BIA toad.

      We all know who 🐽 is…

      She is one of Kranz’s freak show top ten.

    3. 11:00 I knew you were referring to Blakespear as 🐽.

  55. Kids are all “mom, why did you marry a loser, that makes you a loser.” Jeff: “come here Xmas tree”.

    Now we know that at least the kids have figured out they have dumbass parents. I guess dingleberries don’t always fall near the butt.

  56. Pretty insightful when this blog turns into nothing more than listing of people you don't like. Lol...

  57. Who here wants to bet we can’t get Jeff to go into another full on apeshit retard n-word rant and have sheriffs open another investigation?

    I don’t think it would be that hard really.

    1. Is a Christmas tree green?

    2. I guess that is subjective…. here’s an easier one.

      Do 🐽 fly?

    3. Blakespear or frequently referred to as 🐽, loves to fly.

    4. Sorry you’re not allowed to change your own nickname- 🐽

    5. Blakespear = 🐷

    6. The way things are going here, I don't think you'll have any problem 10:50.

  58. Old money racists love Blakespear. She keeps the Mexicans in garden and kitchen just where her family likes em.

  59. By 🐷 I mean Blakespear.

  60. That really means a lot coming from a guy who harbors predators.

    What an old white predator supporter you are MG Fletcher. Family must be proud.

  61. Blakespear thinks there's only two kinds of Mexicans. Mexicans who do her gardening and housework and Mexican'ts, those who vote against her.

  62. I guess I'm a mexicant

  63. Well I can’t be racist because I can’t see skin color and my tennis partner is black, or so I have been told. I can’t tell.

    1. Your tennis partner is black, so is mine. We must have the same tennis partner as there's only 1 black in all of Encinitas.

    2. I didn't know Marlon played tennis.

    3. Marlon and Blakespear, I mean 🐽 are a stellar duo. She oings when he flashes his balls.

  64. How does that make Omed, I mean Jeremy feel?

    1. Jeremy doesn't mind, he oings 🐽 like Blakespear when he sees Marlon's balls.

  65. You think Jeremy minds that Mr. Footlong is bending Blakespear, I mean 🐽 over the tennis net? All those veins running up her legs, do you think they stop at her asshole? Probably like fucking a hemorrhoid.

  66. I'm confused, are you talking about Blakespear, ug I mean 🐽 face or asshole? Both look like a hemorrhoid.

  67. The Blakespear family, I mean 🐽 family are well known racists. Blakespear's tennis partner, Marlon, is just a cover. Remember, she doesn't see color because her tennis partner is black.

  68. PRRI also asked respondents whether they believed that, “It always makes the country better when all Americans speak up and protest unfair treatment by government.” Then, it asked the same question, but substituted “Black Americans” for “all Americans.” Democrats made no distinction between the two questions: 71 percent answered Yes to both. Among Republicans, however, 49 percent believed it made the country better when all Americans spoke up and protested unfair governmental treatment, but just 24 percent believed it when Black Americans spoke up and protested. Among Republicans whose most trusted news source is Fox News, the gap was 47 percent Yes for all Americans, and a bare 10 percent for Blacks.

    Indeed, 57 percent of Republicans believed that whites face “a lot of discrimination,” while just 52 percent believe that Blacks do. Among Democrats, 13 percent said whites encounter a lot of discrimination; 92 percent said Blacks do.

    Conclusion: Republicans have a huge racism problem.

    1. Ok Blakespear, I mean 🐽, we're all just a bunch of racist. You figured us out.

      We're gonna have a great KKK rally this evening at Cottonwood Creek. Music for the night will be Bob Marley. Us KKKers love our reggae. So bring your shit kicker boots and some rope, see you at 7.

      If there's any confusion our event starts right after BLM's.

    2. Blakespear I mean 🐽 is gonna be there.

  69. Does Mali still claim to black?

    I guess that’d mean we have two blacks in Encinitas now. Mali and Marlon. We’re so diverse, I guess our inclusivity virtue signaling is finally working.

  70. To be or not to be, that is the question.

  71. I’m wearing my suspenders with my shit kickers cause I’m a fool blooded Republican. Real Republicans wear suspenders.

    1. And a stupid fucking bowtie too, 2:26.

    2. I'm deeply offended by your remarks and so is my tennis partner, Marlon, and housekeeper, Lupita.

      We Blakespear's value our negroids, I mean African Americans, and we don't see color, unless it's Mr. Footlong. Marlon does everything I tell him, he's a good negroid, ugh I mean African American.

    3. 2:44 Thanks for reminding me, sometime I forget my stupid fucking bowtie.

    4. Is it when you have to do a quick change from "NPP" to "real" Republican? You're like "oopsies, can't forget my dumb as all fuck bowtie and suspenders for this event! Better bring my racism as well."

    5. 3:31 yes yes, you nailed it, all Republicans are racist, suspender and bowtie wearing mother fuckers. What else have you got for us all might one. Thank god I'm a Democrat, I'd hate to be a racist like the other 50% of the country.

    6. I don't think republicans make up 50% of the country. They don't make up 50% of CA, thank god.

  72. I'm so proud that we have such a diverse city. Equity and equality are so vital within our community. Just yesterday Jeremy Blakespear asked me how we were gonna get the brown stain from Lupita off our L shaped sofa at my house overlooking Cardiff. I told him, not to worry, Marlon my doubles partner will clean it or I'll remove him from the commission.

  73. Fucking asshole, we have a lot of racism in Encinitas. Everywhere I look I see black people being refused service at restaurants and sitting at the back of the bus. I think city hall should remove the "colored" restrooms and water fountains. We got a serious problem on our hands. This community needs to discuss more equity and inclusions.

    Let's ask Marlon, he understands, he knows racism, he sees it everyday here in Encinitas.

    1. If anyone had any doubt about Republicans being racist AF, I think it's all been cleared up for us. Thanks everyone, keep being the piles of trash we all know you are.

    2. 3:15 does that mean I’ll see you at our annual Moonlight Beach Republican KKK rally tonight?

      Marlon will gonna be our guest speaker. He’s gonna tell us how we can improve as racist in Encinitas. Don’t forget to wear your black face.

    3. 4:13 Make it Olivenhain Oktoberfest 2.0, but go harder. Show Encinitas you mean business.

      The whole crew should be there, suspenders, shitkickers & bowties. All republican retards invited. Hell, ESPECIALLY the retards are invited.

    4. Mr Ehlers will be your speaker, followed closely by Mrs Thunder and perhaps 3-4 others that would like to catch a ride.

    5. I'm a racist. I've been to the 24 Hours of Le Mans twice.
      Lost count of F1. Yep...I'm a racist.

    6. Stand back and stand by.


    7. 6:05 ooooh, "Stand back and stand by." ooooh scary! Here come the virtual signal warriors on their computers from their L shaped couches on Neptune.

  74. Anyone want to wager it's old Bobby Nickels who's obsessed with Margo and Fletcher clan?

  75. I'd agree with you 4:19, but he'll start posting his autobiography for the next 48 hours if I do.

  76. MLB KKK rally starts in 10 minutes. I see the usual crowd already. Blakespear, Kranz, Hinze.

    Blakespear’s gonna give a speech on how we can continue to suppress minorities and look like we care about them at the same time. Something about agrihood and low cost housing.

    I wore my suspenders and shit kickers and brought my confederate flag, because I’m a Republican. Yeeehaaa!!

  77. Blakespear's recently put up a very important bill, something that we can all agree needs to get passed. We need to ban all shampoo, take it off the shelves, so bald people don't get offended.

    Thank you Madam Senator Blakespear.

  78. If anyone can revive this state it's Madam Blakespear. All hail Madam Blakespear.

  79. As a racist, I'm voting for Blakespear!

    1. I think all people should have brown slaves like BIA for taking care of the compound’s daily needs.

      I have always voted for Blakespear

  80. Do you think Madam Blakespear's ass look like her face and legs, full of veins? I'm just asking for a Republican friend of mine.

  81. What kind of Freakshow favors does 🐽 grant to Phony?

    -Asking for a republican friend with a printed version of the WSJ.

  82. Speaking of reps Garvin Walsh is running for office?

    1. What happened to Garvin Walsh? Ohhh' that's right,
      it's a lie. The lie that has been giving for 40 years. He is a she and is Kranz’s Biatch!

      You fools

  83. What happened to gullible warming? Ohhh' that's right,
    it's a lie. The lie that has been giving for 40 years.
    You fools

  84. What happened to Garvin Walsh? Ohhh' that's right,
    it's a lie. The lie that has been giving for 40 years.

    He is a she and is Kranz’s Biatch! ⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

    You fools

  85. Illegals wandering the streets. Soon to be breaking into your place in Encinitas. Get ready to kill.

    1. Your own federal government sold you out. Now it's you that needs to protect your family. 10 million illegals.
      All thanks to the left.

    2. What happened to Garvin Walsh? Ohhh' that's right,
      it's a lie. The lie that has been giving for 40 years.

      He is a she and is Kranz’s Biatch! ⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

      You fools

    3. The only killing going on is the GOP killing their own border bill because they want to play politics.

    4. You republicants are scared of everything. Im sorry an illegal took your job but they work harder and do better work. Im sorry homeless people scare the crap out of you, never mind that Lorri talks to them but she is more educated and much more brave than you. I know i know, potholes hurt your turkey neck when your rattlebox hits them but maybe cut down on starbucks and save up for new shocks. Women are terrifying, I agree with you there, but they are pretty nice if you are nice to them. Black people are not that scary, i promise, they also make great tennis partners. Gay and trans, you know, the porn you watch all day and then over comepesate against so people dont suspect you. Again, i promise they are just normal people and have no interest in sharing a bathroom with old fat and ugly ass. You’re safe dude, it’s going to be okay, it is the safest time to be alive ever.

    5. hate your own country. Traitor

    6. Actually, 10:18 seems to love and support his whole country, which includes women, LGBTQ, blacks, and other minorities.

      For 2:21 comment to make any sense, your definition of “country” would have to be fat old white male toothless banjo players only.

    7. Watch for the mass looting to begin. Hordes hitting the stores and cleaning the shelves. They'll ride away on your kid's E-bike then.

  86. Last weak I saw 🐽smelling Starvin’s rear end.

    I guess that’s what 🐽do. 🤷🏿‍♀️

  87. Blakespear, Gonzales, Kranz and a host of other sell outs to the BIA bring this abomination to Encinitas. It will take 45 minutes or more to go 2 blocks to the freeway. The balance between housing and infrastructure is so off balance, it will become permanent dysfunctional chaos. This is what these grifters have wrought for the community.

  88. There are fine people on both sides.

    Disgusting racists.

    1. fine people break the law????
      You buffoon

  89. Kranz fix the freaking failing flooded roads.

    Quit messing around with a second senior center for your 10 Janet watercoloring friends, and spending tens of millions of dollars and wasted effort with huge long-term maintenance cost.

    Fix the damn roads for all residents.

  90. Instead of passing their own substantive border bill, the GOP-controlled house tried to play games and impeach a cabinet secretary over policy disagreements rather than the Constitutional standard of high crimes and misdemeanors.

    And they failed.

    Then they tried to play games and pass a standalone bill for aid to Israel.

    And they failed.

    This crew could fuck up a wet dream.

    I guess that’s what you get when shithole loser states send their very best nose picking banjo players to Washington.

    1. 8:57 It shows you have absolutely zero working knowledge of the situation. Its obvious you're a low IQ msnbc frequenter .

      The US imported a city the size of SF (800k) over the last 4 mos.

      That bill was a wet dream for your encinitas Ukraine flag flying tricycle war trogdolytes.

      Go back to your mom's basement with Margo 🙄

    2. They killed their own bill.

      The GOP owns the border now.

    3. The 14th Amendment confers full United States citizenship to all children born on US soil, irrespective of the immigration status of the parents.

      The GOP caving to the Mango Mussolini means in the years ahead millions of new American Citizens who will legally vote for the candidates that best represent their interests.

      This is the end of the GOP, and it will come as a direct consequence of their own actions.

    4. Both parties should be placed in gitmo for the rest of their natural lives. Maybe 6-8 of them should remain free. Catamites the lot of them

    5. This country is over. Everything the left does it ruins.
      Gitmo is too to generous. I prefer a CZ Scorpion 9mm

  91. Kranz fix the freaking failing flooded roads.

    1. Didn't you hear the man? He doesn't think it's worth spending the money to fix:

  92. When the illegals start committing crimes in Encinitas, lets just see how you left wing traitors react. If you think there are enough Deputies available, you are dumber than the things you write.

    1. Stay scared loser

    2. It's comin' 11:27. Think not? Counted 40 yesterday in front of the old Rite Aid. Tick Toc........lock and load

    3. 11:27...I think you have scared confused with

  93. 11:27 is soooo Retarded. Poor creature!

  94. What happened to man made global warming?
    Never mind....that was lie as well. It's all a lie.
    That is, except the 10 million illegals. Lock and load

  95. 3:57am Mr Dunning Kruger effect exemplified. How does this banjo man tie his own shoes?
