Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Fiddling through the floods

Coast News commentary:
Before he was elected to the city council in 2012, Mayor Tony Kranz was in the audience and among those begging the city council for solutions to the extreme flooding dangers. However, once elected, he took a back seat to the issue and sat on his hands. Here’s just a smattering of Mayor Kranz’s non-responses to the dire situation:
Click on over for the rest.


  1. I love this blog and informed residents!!


  2. Kranz's latest newsletter is right in line with everything this person observes. Love how he works the fact that he "quickly determined" he couldn't take his grandkid to school by bike. Has to virtue signal fiddle as we drown.

  3. Oh lord, Coast News doing its CV thing 🙄 Dorks. Every last one of 'em.

    1. You got a prob with the piece talk to Kranz. It's all him in his own words. CN and an observant citizen are simply messengers. Missplaced blame as usual. Read through the links all roads lead back to Kranz.

    2. Yeah right. Lets see an opinion there about the super simple, inexpensive solutions that have been overlooked for decades. What's that? Crickets?

      Coast News is where the dummies hang out.

    3. Kranz is the mayor. The buck stops with him.

    4. 4:16 Encinitas engineering dept disagrees with Kranz. So yah solutions there he doesn't believe or too lazy to understand.

      He would rather paint surfboards up and down Santa Fe to show what a good job, brownie, he's doing. And yes that's really in the budget.

      So who do you believe Tony "go get yerself some sandbags" Kranz or engineers? Guess your money's on Kranz.

    5. No crickets 4:16 just you and kranz being ignorant.

    6. Let's hear them 4:27. Let's also hear why no one before him did anything about the problem either.

    7. Watch last week's Wed night meeting. All laid out and your food cut up for you. It's there.

      Why not fixed before you're asking the wrong person. I'm not an engineer nor am I Stocks who thumbed his nose at the grand jury, no reasons given, how many years ago?

    8. And before Stocks there was who? And after Stocks there was who? Such a bunch of bs in general.

    9. offhand i'd say it's political. not nearly as sexy as raising pensions with the wave of your wand or painting surfboards on the streets and a question of priorities when you're paying out millions in wrongful injury/death suits caused by said paint jobs.

    10. And the buck stops with Kranz. Get over it.

    11. 4:33 who cares why no council member didn’t do anything to fix the problem before Kranz.

      Kranz has been on council for 14 years, he’s heard about the problems with flooding for just as long. The fact that Kranz continues to ignore the problem because previous council whom he sat with did nothing is not an excuse for ignoring it.

      Should we just keep giving every mayor a get out of jail free card because the previous Mayor did nothing.

    12. Who cares about previous council members and why they ignored the drainage issues. Kranz is ignoring the problem now and is being confronted daily by the residents. Fix the problem Kranz instead of wasting millions on finger painting at Pacific View.

  4. Renaming this blog to EV Undercover is long overdue.

  5. Taking bets how long before Kranz calls the paper to cry foul.

    1. Lots of people call that paper foul, for good reason.

    2. Again with the messenger blaming how embarrassing for you 4:49

    3. Im blushing over here 4:51. It's embarrassing to have a local newspaper with a clear political agenda consistently and aggressively displaying it whenever they can.

      Why don't they publish a thoughtful, well researched article about the history of the issue and real solutions? Because they suck and are politically motivated.

    4. I love Coast news!!

      Coast news and this blog are the best news sources for Encinitas.

      Also public comment at city council meetings.

      It’s where you get truth.

    5. Again: Why don't they publish a thoughtful, well researched article about the history of the issue and real solutions? Because they suck and are politically motivated.

    6. Why do all that work only so Kranz and the ladies pooh-pooh the research? Save your breath and vote 'em out.

    7. Yeah, scratch your ass and have a random write an opinion piece. Let facebook commentors do the rest.

      CN losers FTW.

    8. Kranz has a problem that's only going to grow. Look at his absurd comments and responses. Look at how he turned up at Mudd House to introduce himself as "Tony from the city." What a joke. Not mayor material. Party needs a better figurehead.

    9. Coast News is not political motivated, looser. The issue is that when the liberal papers report on City Bloopers, you all cry out. Like a pack of crying trust fund babies who never had a hardship. You whine....

    10. Thanks for your opinion 12:15. You're incorrect.

  6. So, let me understand your reasoning. Because all of the mayors prior to Tony didn’t fix the problem, that means Tony should get an immediate pass, right?

    Actually, that sounds like Tony’s logic. Blame and ignore, then pass the buck.

    1. Don't know how to do the 100% image but yes, 5:04.

    2. It's not that he gets a pass. It's that the losers at CN and EV are taking advantage of historical rain to run negative campaigning.

      If they were serious about the issue there is an honest, solid way to report on the issue.

    3. 5:33- It's an Op-Ed piece for heavens sake. They did one a while back that Garth wrote. Why don't you write one about what you would do?

    4. "One" that Garth wrote? We must be on the 5th or 6th of his. Not counting actual "articles" with his quotes & input.

  7. Excellent writing by Denise to be sure. Very accurate to say the least. Please people make no mistake it's not just Mayor Kranz who is extremely apathetic towards this problem. Blakespear with her left hand he/him Marco Gonzalez have full culpability in the shirking of their responsibilities of fixing the decades long task at hand. He advised and likely still does on this. His only response has been and I quote

    " But with climate change and more frequent "100 year events," we no longer have the luxury of inaction."

    So instead of engineering and allocating resources to one of the most important tasks currently at hand in Encinitas these people are more worried about "climate change" and every other week another "100 year event" occurs yet they have no intelligence or will to actually solve the current problem. Maybe we should put some windmills off the reef at Swamis? That may solve this problem.

    Worse leadership in the history of Encinitas hands down. These people should go the fuck away.

    1. You see they don't understand climate change.

  8. The most damaging figure in Encinitas: Marco Gonzalez (Kranz is 2nd fiddle to this faker)
    The most damaging figure in San Diego (especially during the covid foolishness): Nathan Fletcher
    One of the most damaging figures in CA: Lorena Gonzalez

    It's all so obvious

  9. When can we expect the CN to publish a piece on Ehlers killing reliable beach access and then becoming a council member and proposing no alternatives?

    1. Write it they’ll publish it. That’s when. We’ll wait.

    2. 5:49. Really? That’s all you got?

  10. Looking at the published plans, streetscape drainage approved by Dexter S. Wilson, PE expires on 06/30/2024

    The contractor for streetscape only gives us a one year guarantee

  11. 5:33 PLEASE write a positive op-ed about dear leader Tony and all of the amazing things he says and does about and for Encinitas. Most of all you can quote his intelligent responses to some of our most pressing problems like DEI and the developers need for more land like promised park that’s not gonna happen L7. And don’t forget his grand scheme to raise our taxes to pay for the never to pay for itself artist colony. His crowning achievement!

  12. Tony has positively increased our downtown vibe. The enhanced tax revenues from booze far outweigh any perceived nuisances of DUI and assault crimes. Kids will be kids, right?

    Tony has increased tourism. All those visitors with bikes on the back, enjoying our green paint. They aint spending shit.

    Mayor Kranz made Encinitas less attractive for professional homeless by installing ugly butt arm rests at Swami's.

    Tony was there for Blakespear Beach aka Georges. His newsletter says it's good and going to plan. He's wrong, it's a losing battle.

    Got Sand?

  13. Encinitas elected (apparently) leaders are under the spell of ergotism.

  14. 4:56 they published an OPINION piece. If someone wants to “research” all the wonders of the Kranz majority they can have at it and the paper will publish just like they did Garth Garvin whatever.

    It’s not the paper’s job to manufacture and print cheerleading propaganda for the mayor to cover up for the fact that no one is writing that oped. Face it your emperor’s got no clothes on. It’s too hard a road for anyone to try putting lipstick on that pig.

  15. Garth Murphy is a completely different person than Garvin Walsh.

    Garth Murphy can’t stand Tony Kranz, everyone knows that.

    1. Ok, sorry. I was referring to someone else.

  16. Mahoney and Robertson on EV claiming Quail Gardens was what the former Swami surfing moron was trying to warn us about.

    HUH? Morris was no where in sight when the locations were picked during the fifth housing element. Matter of fact the idiot didn’t even know what a housing element was.

    Morris was all for the developments in his own community and never once before or during his campaign did he go against any building. All he raved about were the homeless and what a hero he was.

    Stop retelling history. There were so many ordinary citizens who fought with time and money to protect their neighborhoods. Jeff was never one of them.

    1. Thank you, 8:46. Correct on every point.

  17. 8:46 Bullshit! Morris was always clear he wanted to keep Encinitas a ‘Beach Town!’ Afterall, he was a Surfer! Duhh? Morris did initially get involved in City politics when he found out that Blakespear was in on approving/accepting money grabs from Sacramento for JFS and their Leichtag property (between Saxony and Quail Gardens). This grant $ was to be in exchange for housing transients in Leichtag’s Parking Lot.

    That led Morris into discovering building plans for Leichtag’s ‘Agricultural Land in Perpetuity property. Then Morris discovered Blakespear and Tony had high density Stack and Packs slated for all over the town, w/Marco’s legal help

    Morris was not happy about BIA and Tony pushing developments through in his surf town that he was so desperately intent on preserving, and the negative impact it would have on destroying our beach vibe.

    So it’s not doing any good to continue lying about someone who was trying to help our community. If you ever want everyone to get together and defeat Kranz and company, you’re going to have to stop with making up lies about Morris, Julie, etc. And stop with the infantile name calling. Morris isn’t even here anymore, to defend yourself. So for you to keep grinding your same old tired ax is just making you look really pathetic.

    1. You left out the part where he tried to secretly do back room deals with Blakespear, harassed homeless people, aggressively attacked any woman who dared challenge or disagree with him, threatened journalists, got his guns taken away, allegedly beat his wife, lost miserably, shamed his whole family, held up an “FU” mug to the whole town, then was forced to slink out of town because everyone was done with his narcissistic bullshit.

      He’s a terrible human and we’re all glad he’s gone.

    2. The brainwashed few remaining leave out a lot of parts.

    3. Wait - wot - Morris discovered building plans? Sorry buddy but that award goes to Sheila Cameron who had them back in mmmm want to say 2011 or so.

  18. Nobody cares about flooding of these dumb tax paying business owners and homeowners properties. Shopping carts and sharrow paint will save the planet

    The fluck outa here

    1. 6:39, maybe the road paint will wash away..?

  19. Thunder. Stop with the colored crayons. Residents may be ignorant, like Trish Schiller, about circumstances surrounding why and how these R30 projects were born, but they don’t need a different colored crayon to point out every floor. Sheesh.

  20. Round and round we go. Where and when will the morons let it go?

    Their chosen candidate had his moments early on but they were few and far between, and nonexistent in the latter days of the campaign. The moron was a gift to tony. tony never had to campaign much, if at all. The moron was a puppet and never knew he was being played all along.

    Try to move on, try to come together and unite in an effort for a new council majority.

  21. 8:54 I think you meant MORONS, plural.

    Both Cremona and Morris were morons. Cremona for not preparing, refusing to debate at times and throwing her hat in the election AFTER Morris did. If anything Cindy Cremona was a bigger spoiler than Jeff.

    Now we have to contend with pornstar Natalie possibly running.

    How do we find someone qualified to run against Jaba the Hut, Tony Kranz?

    Please run for Mayor Bruce!

    1. Calling “shotgun” doesn’t give you a free running lane.

      Either beat your opponent soundly so they drop out early, convince them to drop out, or drop out yourself.

      If Jeff had any high ground from declaring first, then he must really suck as a candidate because he rode that advantage to a third place tie.

      Weak as shit to tell voters they should pick you just because you declared first. Nobody gives a fuck.

    2. 9:13 but when you mention Jeff as the spoiler, you the impression that he threw his hat in last, when in fact it was Cindy Cremona. So, Ms. Cremona is actual and quite literal definition of the “spoiler”.

      She initiated the attacks on Mr. Morris and focused her entire campaign on attacking Mr. Morris and his family. In turn Mr. Morris had to defend himself throughout his campaign from a barrage of attacks slung at Morris everyday all day.

      Instead Ms. Cremona should have focused her efforts on Mr. Kranz. Why didn’t she? Ms. Cremona was the spoiler.

    3. Cremona couldn’t even be bother to show up for debates. She was a spoiler.

    4. Jeff is a loser, always has been and always will be. He has failed at everything he has done. Only a dumbass as dumb as Jeff thinks candidates get dibs on being a loser. “Jeff entered first” has to be the most dumbass response to anything ever. If you think there are dibs in politics you shouldn’t vote, not that your stupid vote matters because you are always on the losing side, every single time.

  22. Cremona didn’t even make the effort, she was a spoiler.

  23. Cremona didn’t even campaign, she was a spoiler.

    1. She tied the alleged wife beater without campaigning?

      How weak was he?

    2. Cremona didn't campaign? Didn't you see her on all of those Encinitas Viewpoint episodes? They really helped.

  24. Cremona, didn’t raise any campaign money, she was a spoiler.

    1. She tied the alleged wife beater without raising any money?

      How weak was he?

  25. Cremona never attacked Kranz, she was a spoiler.

  26. Cremona went on multiple vacations during the election, she was a spoiler.

    1. And yet, she tied the alleged wife beater while not campaigning, not raising money, not debating, taking vacations, and not declaring first.

      Sounds like he must’ve been and absolute shit candidate if he couldn’t do better with those advantages.

      You’re proving he was a very weak loser candidate who never stood any chance.

  27. LOL, Cremona still pisses of the bunch of losers.

    Your guy was used (and by his soon to be ex-wife too) and a loser too. 😂😂😂

    1. I’m not a fan of Jeff either, I didn’t vote for him, but Cindy Cremona was terrible. An adult child. I agree with the poster, she was a spoiler.

    2. She only cared about the Clark Avenue project, and then didn't even show up to the final hearing.

    3. 12:39, what took you so long to figure that out? She came across as very entitled to me. She was also scared by her own shadow.

  28. Cremona is spoiled trust fund adult whose wealthy family lives in New York. She doesn’t have a job, friends, or any social life with the exception of her dachshunds and horses. She so desperately wanted people to recognize her, so she ran for mayor. The only attention she could get was when she attacked Jeff, that was her safe space, easy to kick someone when they’re down. She never went after Tony Kranz.

    She’s a coward and will never be a leader.

  29. Natalie can't run, wrong district. Learn how your city works!

    1. I said Natalie was running for Mayor dipshit. She doesn’t need to live in a specific district. Learn how to read before spouting off.


    2. Oh for gods sake she's not running for mayor. Wake up. Better yet, go back to sleep.

    3. 9:49. I second your motion. For Gwady sakes...she is not running. Can't believe the bullshit on this very nasty blog. It is filled with hate.

  30. I’m gonna have to agree as well, Cindy Cremona is an idiot. Jeff was too. But Cindy didn’t even try, and in my book that makes her a spoiler. So I agree with the poster. Sorry Cindy but please don’t run again, unless someone is chasing you.

  31. If you’re still team wife beater, reevaluate your moral standards.

    1. 9:47 I never said I was for Team Morris. I said Cindy was a spoiler and a spoiled brat. She didn’t make any effort and only put her name on the list, which makes her a spoiler.

  32. I think it's awesome that Thunder reminded everyone she still supports the wife beater. Robertson, Golden and Thunder make for fine company. Top talent for sure. Much of this city remains oblivious to the apocalypse that was averted by making certain Thunder wasn't elected and never will be.

  33. Nobody gives a fuck about Morris on Feb 1 2024. You little children are living in the past.


  34. You went 1 for 7 but congratulations that's a better record than Thunder, Morris and the rest combined.

  35. Nobody gives a flying fuck about the morons Cremona or her boyfriend Morris.

  36. No one gives a flying fuck about anything posted on this page.

  37. 12:41 someone must care or we wouldn’t be arguing over idiots such as Morris, Cremona, Turney, Zenick, Mali, Kranz, Marco, Thunder, Walsh, ElLies Sanchez, Fletcher, Lorena, etc etc etc….

    I enjoy this blog because it brings me great pleasure in hurting those who have deliberately chosen to inflict injury on others for their own gain. Watching you eat each other like animals brings me great joy. There’s no better place for that than Encinitas Undercover.

    Now where did we leave off….

  38. Oh yes more chaos, let’s begin again. Who shall we rip to shreds next?

    1. POS Domestic Terrorists!

    2. YES call me a POS Domestic terrorist, I love it. Names, I need names. Shall we start with Morris or Cremona or is that too easy.

      Who should we destroy today?

    3. POS Domestic Terrorists have picked a fight with the 11-year-old girl fans of a pop star.

      Fat uneducated cowards.

  39. I predict Morris will be Trump's running mate.

  40. And I’ll predict Cremona is having an affair with gas powered operated dildo.

    Who knows maybe Morris is using one too. Wouldn’t that be fun?

  41. Biden and Hillary are bathing themselves in babies blood to preserve their youthful looks.

  42. I thought Biden had a thing for 11 yo girls. Didn’t he get handjobs from them on Epstein Island?

  43. Or maybe it was Trump and Biden both getting handjobs.

  44. Who's underwater today and who's Kranz going to tell he's "Tony from the city?" It's a perfect storm, pun intended, of his negligence, the flooding, Martin's piece, and more rain on the way. What a fraud.

  45. Here we are on Thursday, and it's almost 2pm. Orpheus-CLOSED. Fulvia and Hymettus-flooded. Roadside Park and Europa: flooded, both sides of the park. Hwy 101 by Caldwell's Antiques: flooded. Vulcan just before Hillcrest: water up to car doors. Thank you city manager and our Mayor for the big FU. Remember this come election time.

    1. The city manager isn't elected, she "works at the pleasure of the city council." Replace Kranz with Ehlers, he would never stand for the crap Kranz supports.

    2. 1:37 fervently hope the lawsuits come “flooding” in. Screw helping kranz cover up his mess by getting in line to register a loss and hope for some county handout.

    3. Speed humps are the new water collectors. The one at Vulcan and Hillcrest is working wonders. By the way, that is Ms. Blackwell's street.

      The culvert for the train tracks was barely keeping up today.

      Are we the only city that literally has water coming up out of drains to sit in undraining ponds?

  46. " We no longer have the luxury of the bullshit of 100 year droughts due to global warming "

  47. 3:05 standing water is a health hazard. Since Kranz doesn't care, report it to these guys, they'll be all over it and on the city:, Main number - (619) 516-1990.

    1. Called them a couple of years ago for an issue on Eolus they were out same day inspecting and threatening fines. The real deal vs. the fauxgressive greenwasher.

  48. Holy crap! The Baldwin property is building 450 units! Check out the Planning Commission meeting going on now.

    Anyone want to take a bet on how this will down?

    Are we supposed to fall in line because of the 20% affordable units? My bet is, that 20% will not quite match up to the claim of 20% in the end.

    Let's see. 72 affordable units. 450 total units. 20% of 450 is not 72. How does that work?

    Should be 90 units. 20% my rear end. Typical.

    1. Holy crap! You just learned this??

    2. 485 units. 1.2 million square feet across two 6 story towers that look like Amazon warehouses.

    3. Will give you 3 guesses the who is the attorney who reps the Baldwin people (who are known to be scumbags).

      Now is there anyone left believing that Margo "IS NOT" the most damaging figure in Encinitas history?

    4. The same Margo who screams bigot at every opportunity but represented the white developers of Clark which will destroy the decades old Clark community, one of the last Hispanic communities in the city. Way to go heffe!

    5. They believe these expensive prison cells will help the poor. Mali/Marlon, please tell? How are these cells going to help income distribution and increase diversity?

  49. Correction. 485 units. 20% of 485?

  50. Holy crap. No, it is not news to me.

    Excuse my being shocked every time we get these massive projects that make it to the airwaves.

    1. Get over it this is what the majority of wanted.

    2. 7:49. No, it wasn’t. We voted twice against these onerous projects, but Blakespear threw up her hands and a judge bypassed our Prop A and ok’d 15 or 16 density projects to be built, most of them in Luequadia. Do your homework and don’t be another Morris Moron talking out of their ass.

    3. Hey 8:01 the majority of the city voted Blakespear kranz Hinze lyndes so yep they got exactly what they wanted, unfortunately the rest of us got what they wanted, too. Didn’t see it coming, they say? Shame on them, signs were there from day one.

  51. “Amenitization?” You heard it there first, folks!

    Long story short, no fire wall. “Encourage people to bike” = not enough parking.

    Cur Marco, let’s go!

  52. Ooooh Chris Calkins is a NIMBY? Leichtag shill a NIMBY?? Too delish.

  53. Lambs to the slaughter.

  54. Yum Quail Medows… I want to live there … everybody should… the bigger, the better the tighter the sweater. Tall and Hard….

    Oooo Tony take some more boner pills and come back to bed! Me so horny!! I absolutely lovvvvve Planning Commission night!


  55. Tony loves Fencing off the coastline and

    Tony absolutely loves train noise!

    While Blakespear demanded action and got a quiet-zone in her neighborhood, Tony said hell no.

    “We want tall buildings with all section 8 living, fenced off coastline where you have to drive everywhere, and tons of Train horns for those packet full environmentally friendly diesel trains blowing clean pollution to help our children sleep and breath well”

    “Can life get any better?”

    - The Town Dunce

  56. 8:01 did you vote for one of the kranz crew? Be honest, did you ever vote Blakespear? I did not I saw through her the first time .

  57. The flooding of migrants into California is a true crisis. Newsom tells them that they will be housed and given free medical care, so thousands are streaming across the border. Look at new York - migrant mobs beating the cops. You'll see that in California soon. Thefts, assaults, shop lifting, burglaries, pan-handling, robbery - all going up. We need an approach like Texas - stop the invasion now, or you will see all these social disorders increase.

    1. Newson and Fuckspear are to CA what Kranz is to Encinitas and Fletcher is to young migrant women- pure evil!

      They destroy and then point their fingers and say they were a victims and didn’t know better, BUT listen to them anyway.

      I say literally, “ run them out of town”.

    2. Arm yourselves. Do not shoot to wound, shoot to kill.
      These illegals have invaded our country. Kill them.

    3. The migrants can stay. Run fat boy Tony, and fuckspear out of town.

  58. Enc city council vibes--->

    1. Comments being deleted again.

      Free speech under attack by either Google or this blog master. I’m guessing it’s Google.

    2. It’s a conspiracy.

      You are an oppressed victim.

      It’s so unfair.

      The 1st amendment says you can say whatever you want, wherever you want, with no consequences whatsoever.

    3. No, it’s not a conspiracy. It’s deleting comments which is an attack on First Amendment rights you loser. You’re freaking Commie and can’t wait till you’re gone.

    4. Yes.

      A private company that owns a private platform is attacking your first amendment rights.

      The first amendment protects your right to come into my house, any church, a theater during a performance, or an corporate board room and say whatever you want, and no one can ask you to stop or leave. First Amendment says we have to listen to you, and there can be no consequences or repercussions for your speech.

      Your interpretation is spot on.

    5. Google is a major propaganda machine. Nice.

    6. 10:50,

      And you are a victim of that, right?

    7. 11:02- we all are. it is an inherent weakness, so in the end it may affect their bottom line.

      I’m sure they’re not worried about it. They are probably thinking more along the World Economic Forum centralist theory.

      Not my cup of tea. The world is too big a place to be ruled by one ruling class. Plus, I believe in the end, it crushes positive evolution and creativity.

    8. My original comment was that that video gave me a headache, and that biatch needs to get to work and earn some rent money.

      What a freaking whiner… she reminded me of our tranny Mayor.

      -pronouns are not needed

    9. It’s a conspiracy and you are a victim.

      The Illuminati meet under the Denver airport to drink baby blood and discuss the mind control chips in vaccines and chemtrails. Then they discuss how to keep big foot hidden, and how important it is to silence you, because your opinion on a blog read by 7-8 people is very special and important. You personally are very important, as your ideas represent a huge risk to their plans for world domination.

      So the Illuminati spend a lot of their time talking about how to silence you.

    10. I don’t know why you keep saying conspiracy. All the facts are pretty much out there. WEC or individual liberty.

      Let’s keep it simple.

    11. * WEF or individual liberty. It’s that simple.

  59. So how'd last night go? Throngs convince planning commissioners to reject the project? Or did "staff" win the day?

    1. It’s all a show. All of these projects will get approved. It’s just a matter of how many times I want to play the game. Step one step two step three..

      Kranz ruined Encinitas.

    2. "“This project doesn’t belong there,” said Andrew Pond, who lives across the street from the proposed site.

      Good luck, Andrew. Across from the site is/was Lisa Shaffer's neighborhood. Did you vote for her?

    3. “No parking in any direction on the street for at least a mile, where is everybody going to park?” Steven Gerken said.

      He already knows the answer: they'll be on bikes.

    4. Commissioners say there will likely be no more public comment at that time, only the discussion and decision whether they choose to support this project, or not.

      Speakers needed to present technical objections, not "doesn't belong here." Taking bets on how fast commissioners will vote to approve. They'll pretend they understand the convoluted answers to their questions then get out the rubber stamps. Yah!

    5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

      You voted for this when you voted for Tony Kranz.

    6. Watched the Planning Commission meeting last night how come no one on Team ERRD didn't speak the building code violations in the project design?

    7. It turns out yet again that "We don't like it" isn't a successful legal argument.

    8. More residents pissing their hard earned $ on lawyers who won’t win their arguments.

      Goodson got held up in a lawsuit but eventually lost.

      Piraeus, thank the environmentalist Gods, will be held up in court after the cc approved it.

      Blakespear and Kranz knew the Clark community would never have enough money to continually fight, it, so that one was always in the bag.

      Really struggling that Ehlers approved the 200 units on Encinitas Boulevard. That is going to be an infrastructure, traffic , and parking nightmare.

    9. ☝🏽mean voted for, not approved

  60. 7:57, 8:03, Marco destroying the Clark Hispanic community, when he himself is Hispanic? Way to go Margo…throw your own people under the bus! You take away the diversity we have, then you Marlon and Mali scream that we don’t have enough diversity! You guys are hypocrites and pond scum of the worst kind. You belong in the toxic creek behind Oggies where the rats die from the water before it goes into that opening at Moonlight where the kids play. Remember when as a young man out of college, you were an Environmentalist who would have cleaned up the creek, to protect the kids, us, and your community? Marco, you’re a perfect example of how money, greed, and corruption, kill communities.

    1. Totally. Marco is an old bald white man. He totally plays off the Hispanic background crap.

      Us Hispanics are so pissed off at him. He’s a total loser predator supporter.

    2. You guys took your time speaking up 10:22.

    3. Dead rats in the creek? So this is James (JD) or Jeff.

  61. An abomination is what it is. Six stories? Here in Encinitas? Open that door and we will become Irvine.

    Try three stories and they might get some local resident approval. Gawd. How ugly can they get?

    1. Be sure to thank Kranz. He pushed it and John Gjata and Kathleen Lees think it’s great!

    2. 10:10 that door opened years ago, Kranz has been pushing it with his "hands are tied" excuse for YEARS. Slow this down by replacing him and his flying monkeys.

    3. Wake up...the America hating leftist newsom and bonta are the ones that forced the low income ghetto apartments all over California. Keep voting to the left and this is the result. Oh' and free medical for illegals.

    4. You forgot the part where multiple MUCH smaller previous iterations were also protested by neighbors. So the developer did what they needed to do, leveraged state law and it grew into a monstrosity. Does this story sound familiar?

    5. While blakespear and kranz trusting idjits said it'll never happen here. Meanwhile their other hero Shaffer moved to a carlsbad gated community the minute she heard what she was pushing was happening by her. All those asleep at the wheel idjits putting full faith in the virtue signalers are learning the hard way. Some people are slow. Slow and screwed.

  62. The Communist left...10 million illegals and counting.
    Shoot to kill

    1. Jesus. That’s a little extreme.

    2. Typical Thunder and Trump voting lunatic.

    3. 10 million illegals is better than 1 million republicants. Republicants block immigration reform so their sorry asses have a chance to win an election. the always losing losers that vote republicant fall for it but the majority of voters go democrat which is why you are perpetually losing elections and in life. There is a reason the economy ALWAYS suffers under republicants and why republicants never win the popular vote. Losers to the core, just ask thunder, psp, and the other always losing losers. Crazy part is that you are so stupid and delusional you actually think you are helping when in reality your stupidity only serves to push the majority into the arms of the left. Face it, loser, Biden and blakespear own you. You can’t beat them, you are too dumb to do much let alone come up with a republicant candidate that can come even close to beating a democrat. Failures to the core, all of you.

    4. 1:14- rambler.

      So happy I’m not a family member that needs to act like they’re listening to you.

    5. 1:14 10 million illegals getting free cell phones and in commiefornia free medical. Of which you idiot are paying for. Reads like you are a traitor to your country

  63. 12:23 there were never "smaller interations." There were only the numbers the council was showing the public versus what they were discussing privately with the developers.

    1. And those developer numbers can no longer be hidden from sight. Time's come to build baby, build!

    2. Those quail gardens people thought they had it in the bag when they made a "deal" with kranz not to overdevelop on their road. Whoops.

  64. The Jewish developers figured out it was good practice to give Kranz big Christmas presents.

    Anything for big profits… they will even get an old bald white lawyer with the last name Gonzalez that harbors predators. Anything for increased profits. Existing residents can go fuck themselves. Anything for developers profits.

    That’s Kranz’s Moro.

    1. * That’s Kranz’s Motto.

    2. I hope you and the rest of the Watchdorks continue exposing the truth. More people need to hear about Jews being behind everything bad that happens in Encinitas and the world. Please make certain your candidates continue encouraging and spreading antisemitism as well so we can make sure they're never elected.

      - Your friends at the Jewish cabal

    3. 505 you have just exposed yourself as a watch dog refugee.

    4. Aka the cesspool collector for every bigot, true racist, hillbilly, in town. Some wear suits, and are missing teeth!

    5. 3:37 I thought it was moose-slimes, or is it ragheads

    6. 5:05 is being sarcastic, but Morris is a bigot. Hates Jews and black people. He was the lead WD bigot.

    7. He might have been the lead, but we clearly have a herd of idiot followers missing a leader.

  65. Guess who just got back today?
    That wild-eyed boy that had been away
    Hasn't changed, had much to say
    But man, I still think that cat crazy
    They were askin' if you were around
    How you was, where you could be found
    I told 'em you were livin' New Jersey
    Drivin' everyone crazy

  66. Whatever you say Drama Queen…. I heard the Morris’s just chalked up another Win in the victory column of your frivolous lawsuits. You might as well give it up, since the Morris’s keep Winning, Winning, Winning! Hashtag # Winning

    1. Please tell…. What lawsuits?

    2. I wouldn’t consider a divorce a win, or maybe I would in this case.

    3. Please tell… what divorce?

      Did 🐧 learn how to fly?

    4. Maybe Stan moved back to live in the drainage swale /fentanyl hell behind Oggies?

    5. 2024 is stacking up to be an amazing year. It could be the year we see 🐧 & 🐽 fly ?!

    6. Piglets and Penguins living together...mass hysteria

    7. A tranny called Kranz mayor of Encinitas and 🐽flying? … is Satan rising?!!!


    8. Are you calling Kranz or Satan a loser?

      Could be one and the same. 🖤👹👺
