Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Cronyism on Parade

Coast News Op-Ed:
“I have an opportunity to apply for an appointment to an open seat on our town city council, and it’s very likely if I do it that I would be the one to get the appointment.”

Mali Woods-Drake (now Mali Shook after her marriage in 2022) disclosed this during an If You Knew Me podcast episode in 2023 entitled, “Deciding between motherhood and personal ambition.”

Mali entered Encinitas politics at a BLM rally at the Cardiff Kook in 2020. From there, she quickly allied herself with then-mayor Catherine Blakespear, Councilmember Kellie Hinze, and current Mayor Tony Kranz.

During her work on their election campaigns, Mali became known for her attempts to silence those who disagreed with her by aggressively branding them “racist” and inviting them to “leave town if they don’t like the direction we want Encinitas to go.”

Since 2020, the council has rewarded Mali’s efforts with a string of increasingly influential appointments to the Encinitas Equity Committee and, more recently, the Encinitas Public Health and Safety Commission. Mali’s growing connections also earned her a board seat on the Pacific View nonprofit, Encinitas Arts, Culture and Ecology Alliance.


  1. Bitter boomers that don't live here yet are obsessed with Encinitas politics is one of our largest exports. I'm sure Susan and others contributed to this article as they always do.

    1. What part of the article isn’t true?

    2. Who doesn’t live here? Your attempt to shoot the messenger is pretty pathetic. What is factually incorrect about the piece?

    3. Can't agree with your first sentence. Encinitas city council is bubbling with cronyism and special favors. Mali is an outsider herself who found a great conduit for self service through the self service Queen herself, Catherine Blakespear. This is the best gig the eastern grifter has ever had.

      As to your second sentence, couldn't agree more. It has the smell of local activists all over it. Some of them are pretty bitter, but who can blame them? Watching your once vibrant city turn into a woke wonderland isn't fun.

      Tony Kranz isn't the only one with anger issues either. This whole blog and most social media pages are filled with impotent anger and ugly behaviour. Unfortunately, this pertains to both sides of any issue.

    4. Misogynist bully much, 1:21?

    5. Struck a nerve, eh???

  2. Interesting how all Kranz’s followers can do is name call. What is equitable or woke about labeling someone a “boomer?“

    1. It is further proof that they are not inclusive. Becareful, MDW and Kellie H. Boomers are in a protected class ๐Ÿ™Œ

    2. 1:44, finish your jello.

    3. 2:52 what about calling someone a "boomer" is equitable? Asking the woke folk for the rest of us.

    4. Woke or equitable (whatever that means to you) is not synonymous with Christ-like or even nice. Fair could maybe be the closest word, and swearing is not off the table.

    5. Let's add illogical on top of everything else. Not once in her multi post ranting on Encinitas Now did Amanda address the obvious quid pro quo that any reasonable person would assume from Mali's statement that she expected to get the appointment.

    6. Amanda didn't address the content of the article at all. She addressed a few people in Encinitas involved in politics and online commenting and Coast News.

  3. Maybe Kranz or Margo would like to tell us about the deal with Mali to appoint? Careful Amanda, those words came out of Mali's mouth so blame her for the entitled slip.

  4. The credited author of this drivel lives in San Marcos. Are Linda and Del Mar Pam members of the same support group? More importantly if stuff like this is the plan of attack for 2024 it's going to be another great year for incumbents. Even worse those that think they're helping are also going to end up damaging Bruce in the process. Some people never learn and Encinitas pays the price.

    1. the only ones who will try to damage Bruce are Kranz, Walsh, and Thunder. with a little margo thrown in.

  5. The entire premise of the piece is wrong.

    The piece says that appointments were made in exchange for work as campaign staff. Local campaigns don’t have any staff.

    She accuses the council majority of cronyism in appointing Mali. But lavishes praise on Ehlers, WHOM THE SAME COUNCIL MAJORITY ALSO APPOINTED.

    This is the addled 79-year-old brain of someone who has stewed in the juices of victimhood for far too long.

    Back to San Marcos.

    1. Dude, 2:47 take a minute to screw your head on straight. Whew.

      The council majority did not appoint Ehlers, he was elected in 2022.

      "Work" on the campaign doesn't necessarily mean paid work. But who knows? There are different ways to be compensated. Like with appointments. LOL.

      Misogynist bullying of women and seniors is stock in trade for Marco and Tony. Sadly, they've enlisted folks like Amanda who throw out labels but no coherent thoughts. They mistake name calling for valid arguments and informed discussion.

    2. 2:57,

      He was elected to planning commission?

    3. Ah, right. Appointed years ago by Blakespear. When she found she couldn't control him, she removed him. Next question.

    4. So when they appoint people you don’t like, that’s cronyism. And when they appoint people you like, that’s not.

      Have I got that right?

    5. Are you suggesting that elected politicians sometimes appoint people to commissions who are like-minded and less likely to undermine the policies they were elected to enact?

      Because [mind blown gesture]

    6. 343 I’m asking you why Mali gave an interview and said she had an appointment in the bag? Is this cronyism or corruption?

    7. 3:53,

      I don’t know. Don’t really care either.

      I would have advised her not to say that in public, because she seriously degraded the chances of that happening now.

      If you are against her on council, you should be celebrating that she said it.

    8. 3:53,

      It’s absolutely not cronyism or corruption if it doesn’t happen.

    9. Well Mali indicates it did. Take it up with her not the messenger.

    10. If an appointment to city council happened, then why isn’t she on city council.

    11. It's an old interview. It's from the one this site posted last week or so (see below). She didn't get appointed; you stalkers should know this.

  6. Out-of-town-people-are-mad-gate.

    1. Starvin and Tony = # Trannygate

  7. 2:16 and 2:47: what about the piece is not factual? We'll wait.

    1. Mali was never campaign staff.

      This blows up the entire premise.

    2. Where does it say "staff?" Asking for everyone who can read.

    3. “During her work on their election campaigns. . . “

      She never worked for any of the council members.

    4. OMG you are funny. Don't look now but you're spinning your tires.

    5. Go check her LinkedIn page.

      She has all of her paid employment history and volunteer work listed.

      No campaigns.

      This opinion piece is made up garbage.

  8. Elected as-appoint-commissioners-who-don’t-undermine-them-gate.

    1. Starvin and Tony = # Trannygate
      #Starvin is an old tranny piece of shit gate

  9. The council majority used cronyism to appoint someone who worked on a campaign to a commission.

    The above statement applies to only one person in Encinitas.

    Bruce Ehlers.

    1. 5:16 what do you call Mali Shook
      Woods Drake’s appointment to the public health and safety commission? Aka the equity committee round 2.

    2. 5:20, she never worked on a campaign.

      Ehlers was campaign manager for Maggie.

    3. Did Marco work on Blakespear's campaign? Was he on her campaign staff or did he keep his hands off? The Verdus? "Tiffany?" Amanda? Try again.

    4. 5:35,

      Do you understand the difference between having an opinion and being a staffer with a campaign job?

  10. 5:13 the point is not that Mali’s interview is a year old. You’re reaching and you know it. The point is that she and Kranz? other council members? had an arrangement outside the public eye. You’re ok with that so just own it.

    1. I'm not arguing, I'm providing context for the clueless.

    2. Your argument is stretched to the breaking point

    3. Are you stupid 5:21? It absolutely matters if the interview is a year old or done yesterday. Why? Because she wasn't appointed and isn't going to be. The position being discussed went to someone else.

      Now move along.

    4. Don’t you wish.

    5. An arrangement? Nah.

      Sounds to me like maybe a council member said “if there’s an opening, would you want to be considered?because I think you’d be good.”

      Nothing unusual or untoward about a comment like that.

    6. And she said "I would be the one to get the appointment." Magic 8 Ball says try again tomorrow.

    7. 5:37, nice try.

      Full context matters.

      “I have an opportunity to apply for an appointment to an open seat on our town city council, and it’s very likely if I do it that I would be the one to get the appointment.”

      Let’s break it down, shall we?

      “I have an opportunity to apply for an appointment to an open seat on our town city council”

      When ab open seat comes up and council decides to appoint for it, EVERYONE in Encinitas has the same opportunity to apply.

      “and it’s very likely if I do it that I would be the one to get the appointment.”

      This is Mali’s opinion. She doesn’t say “I was told” or “there’s an arrangement.”

      Maybe her opinion was correct, maybe it wasn’t.

      All we know for sure is that NOTHING HAPPENED AND SHE’S NOT ON COUNCIL.

    8. Bad enough. She’s a loose cannon hope Kranz enjoys what he’s unleashed

    9. What he’s unleashed by doing nothing?

    10. I do agree. She does sound like a loose cannon. Is AA for people who hate their white male fiancรฉs or people who turn violent over politics? If so, I did not know this.

  11. Plain and simple Woods Drake, feeling too sure of her standing with some council members, screwed up. She boasted in an interview on the record that she was a shoo in for a position not yet heard in public. Problematic for Kranz to be sure.

    1. She said something minor she shouldn't have (only because people are hanging on here every word), you guys are fucking psychos and jumped the gun as usual and made a big deal over relatively nothing. That is the real situation.

    2. Calm down, Amanda.

  12. MWD-could-apply-for-open-council-seat-like-everyone-else-gate

    1. The biggest political scandal since untrimmed-tree-gate.

    2. I-would-be-the-one-to-get-the appointment-Crony

    3. # Trannygate
      #Starvin is an old tranny piece of shit gate

  13. So minor that Kranz is calling all over for reinforcements.

    1. You got em this time for sure. This time is different.

      This time you bought the Acme Giant Rubber Bands.

  14. Fake controversies like this are why woke fools control this town. I can't believe it's going to be another year of this losing strategy. Encinitas has some of the smartest idiots imaginable.

    1. What is fake? Did Mali lie? Do you think behind closed door deals do not bother voters?

    2. What deal?


  15. For such a supposed nothingburger rhe Amandamarco crew sure are all over this.

    1. Fun to watch. Amanda broke Encinitas Now they had to shut down commenting.

    2. The issue isn't Amanda. The issue is a group of unpleasant people that still can't comprehend that they don't run a town that they desperately want to.

      You lost, over and over. Better luck next time, and next time is very soon, so don't act like a bunch of fucking assholes and throw your chances away again. Or do. I personally hope you do.

    3. You know Marco that “you lost” line is your tell.

  16. I’m still waiting to see Kelly and Millie stand up and call Howard Fletcher is for being predators.


  17. * I’m still waiting to see Kelly and Mali stand up and call out Fletcher for being a predator.


  18. It’s gonna be a wait. They haven’t been given the ok to say silence equals violence.

  19. Lots of energy being expended trying to convince everyone there’s nothing to see here.

    1. You got em this time for sure!

    2. So, a year old podcast has emails and blogs up in arms all over town, and for a woman who didn't get appointed.

      Hey activists, did you ever hear of bait and switch. Mali got dangled out there last year just to ruffle your feathers so the council could appoint someone else. Did Mali know this? Who knows and who cares?

      This council knows exactly how to distract the activists while they continue to do their dirty deeds. Besides, Mali is way too smart for Tony to deal with on council. Allison was the perfect pick; clueless and beholden.

      Also, Bruce was appointed to the planning commission, as are all planning commissioners. He campaigned and won his election.

      And I agree with whoever said the activists will blow it for Bruce. With a little help from Garvin and Julie and most assuredly Marco as well.

      Anyone taking bets yet on who the spoilers will be?

    3. Mali is still dangling now she wants your money to study barriers to equity. When she gets her answer then what? Hypnotize the jerkiness out of WD bigots? Artificially depress housing prices?

      No answers, all pot stirring that’s as far as she ever gets. I’ll give her this she’s of use.

      Not all activists are watch dog refugees far from it. But putting up another wing nut courtesy of the Julie n Garvin show and yep, Kranz slides right back into place.

    4. Lots of useful idiots in this town. Some get used and others use. EZ enuf to sniff out the losers.

    5. So the consensus is Mali, Tony, Kellie, Blackspear, Joy and Blackwell WILL NOT speak up for minority women who are getting molested and prayed upon by racist misogynist predators, preying on young migrants.

      Wow. Actions speak louder than words. And now they’re taunting karma!

      I would hate to be a young female in their family. Karma is a bitch baby. You reap what you sow.

      I can’t believe it. After of all the black life matters and equity progress, Mali undermines it all, and proves it’s all just talk and is best buddies with the molester’s family. And BIA is literally in bed with molesters family.

      Absolutely disgusting. I would expect it from Tony because he’s such a stupid tranny. He doesn’t know his head from his ass. But all the others it’s pretty shocking they won’t say anything. And then they support Marco and Lorena who are openly supporting The Predator Fletcher. All of this while they openly came out and ate one of the young with Bob Filner. WTH? This makes absolutely no sense.

      It really shows that the whole group of TONY Malley, Kellie Blakespear, Marco all have zero integrity.

      What only matters for them is to remain in some sort of power position, and keep getting support from the building industry.

      What a sad day in our community where we allow disgusting people like Molly and TONY and Blakespear and Kelley to roam free. I think in earlier times this would not be the case.

    6. Council-didn’t-comment-on-stuff-that-has-nothing-to-do-with-Encinitas-gate

  20. Hello- My name is Maria and I am sad.

    My friends cousin came to this country and was working to build the American life. She was doing quite well and educated herself, and was working for a local municipality when all of a sudden, ann evil man cut her life short.

    Believing in a helping those less fortunate than herself, she focused on working for the metropolitan transit district, trying to serve those that need help. I don’t know the details, but my friend shared a lawsuit regarding this subject, and I absolutely could not believe that this could happen in this country. This is not the America that was spoken to me by my relatives. This does not seem like the America that honors the free.

    I hear people talk about how evil Donald Trump is and Jeffrey Epstein for praying on and molesting young women. Is it OK to molest and pray upon young women from south America?

    Is it OK to molest and pray upon young women from Central America and South America if you are with a certain group or gang?

    I do not understand. How can this occur in such a great country.

    Is there anyone that can help me right this wrong? Is there a people in this community that stand up for women’s rights like I heard and this great me too movement?

    Is the me too movement only for women of white color or do women of brown color matter?

    Here is just portions of the lawsuit that I read:

    Defendant Fletcher Begins to Stalk Ms. Figueroa Online

    Beginning around May 2021, Ms. Figueroa noticed that Fletcher was frequently viewing her personal Instagram account. He did not officially “follow” her on social media, nor did he openly “like” or “comment” on her posts at that time; but in May 2021, she began receiving notifications that Fletcher was viewing content on her profile. He was “lurking” in the common parlance of social media activity.

    In the weeks and months that followed, Fletcher viewed almost every photograph and video Ms. Figueroa had posted on her Instagram profile, sometimes viewing them multiple times. Many of these photos and videos were purely personal. They included, for example, pictures/videos of Ms. Figueroa at the beach in a bikini, traveling, or going dancing with girlfriends on the weekend.

    Around that same time, Ms. Figueroa also noticed Fletcher paying closer attention to her during MTS board meetings and news conferences. He sometimes stared or smiled at her where she sat, which was usually in the back of the room, beyond the cameras and the audience. Ms. Figueroa found it odd because, other than Fletcher spending so much time on her Instagram account, the two barely knew each other. In fact, the only reason Ms. Figueroa even knew that Fletcher was viewing her profile was through notifications she received from the social media application itself; and even then, she wondered if it was really him, or merely a staffer who had access to his account.

    (To be continued)

  21. Defendant Fletcher Surfaces on Ms. Figueroa’s Social Media Account

    In October 2021, Fletcher made his first open appearance on Ms. Figueroa’s Instagram account by voting on a social media “poll” on her profile. But even then, Fletcher still did not officially “follow” her on Instagram, and he still had not revealed to her (on social media or elsewhere) that he was viewing all of her photos and videos.

    Around that same time, Fletcher began making additional open remarks on Ms. Figueroa’s profile by posting “hearts”, “heart-eyes smiley faces”, and “fire/hot” emojis in reaction to many of Ms. Figueroa’s pictures and videos.

    Around November 2021, Fletcher approached Ms. Figueroa before taking the stage at an MTS event and – for the first time – directly contacted her by simply asking, “How you been?” Ms. Figueroa found the comment odd because it seemed to imply that she and Fletcher were old acquaintances, when, in reality, they had never really interacted.

    On February 14, 2022, following a press conference, after most attendees had left the event, Fletcher approached Ms. Figueroa in the parking lot, wrapped his arm around her shoulder (without her consent), and commented on one of her recent social media posts. In addition to catching Ms. Figueroa by surprise, Fletcher’s interaction also confirmed that he was indeed the person who had been stalking her Instagram profile for the past six to nine months. Immediately after their interaction, Fletcher sent Ms. Figueroa a private, direct-message (“DM”) through Instagram, saying, “Nice to see you!” Ms. Figueroa responded to the Chairman of MTS with simply, “Nice to see you too. Have a great day

    To be continued…….

    In the days and weeks that followed, Fletcher continued to send private DMs to Ms. Figueroa through Instagram, usually complimenting her posts or showcasing his experience with social/political issues – for example, he dropped buzzwords about his experience as an intelligence operative in the middle east.

    Ms. Figueroa felt obliged to entertain the Chairman of the MTS Board – the pinnacle managing agent of her employer – and thus, she responded in kind to most of Fletcher’s messages.

    In the days and weeks that followed, Fletcher continued to send private DMs to Ms. Figueroa through Instagram, usually complimenting her posts or showcasing his experience with social/political issues – for example, he dropped buzzwords about his experience as an intelligence operative in the middle east. 24. Ms. Figueroa felt obliged to entertain the Chairman of the MTS Board – the pinnacle managing agent of her employer – and thus, she responded in kind to most of Fletcher’s messages.

  22. Defendant Fletcher Reveals that He Wants Sex from Ms. Figueroa

    Soon, Fletcher’s private DMs included hints that his wife and children were out of town and that he might be looking for Ms. Figueroa’s companionship. For example, on February 28, 2022, he sent Ms. Figueroa a private DM that read, “Home alone – no wife and kids.” Then, on March 7, 2022, he sent a message that read, “I have another very rare Monday night with no wife or kids. I get bored with nothing to do…” And on the evening of May 2, 2022, he sent a series of messages which included, “I just got home … all amped up from class and energy from students … And all home alone tonight”.

    Notably, at this time, Fletcher and his family were living at a hotel in downtown San Diego while repairs were being made to their home. Fletcher’s wife, former State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, spent much of her time in Sacramento and other cities throughout California, at which times Fletcher often stayed in San Diego.

    On May 2, 2022, Fletcher began to solicit Ms. Figueroa to meet with him outside of work but insisted that Ms. Figueroa keep it very “discreet.” For example, Fletcher told Ms. Figueroa, in private DMs, that “If I went to lunch with you (beautiful woman) our lunch would be on social media in 10 minutes.” … “You get the problem we would have if out in public?” … “[We] just have to find the right setting. Like in a closet or something …”

    As Fletcher pursued Ms. Figueroa, he pressed her to always delete their text conversations to cover his tracks. For example, he wrote, “Can you do me a favor and delete our chats. I would hate for someone to grab your phone.” … “My staff has access to my account so delete as we go.” … “You are good to be 100% discrete?” Defendant Fletcher Lures Ms. Figueroa to His Hotel 29. On May 12, 2022, Fletcher asked Ms. Figueroa to visit him at his hotel. He told her that his wife was out of town, he would only be in the hotel for another two weeks, and he wanted to see Ms. Figueroa before he moved back into his house. Around 8:30pm that evening, Fletcher told Ms. Figueroa that he had put his two children to bed for the night, that he was “feeling a bit impulsive”, and that he wanted Ms. Figueroa to join him for a drink at his hotel. He convinced Ms. Figueroa to visit him but asked that she come after 10:00pm because that’s when his security guards would be off-duty. “And please make sure you delete our chats!”

    When Ms. Figueroa arrived at the hotel, Fletcher met her outside and instructed her to follow him through the lobby to the elevators – separately, and from a distance – because “all the staff here know me.” She did as he instructed. Fletcher then took her to the 16th floor of the hotel and led her down the hallway to an emergency stairwell. 31. Once in the stairwell, Fletcher quickly asked to kiss Ms. Figueroa, but she rejected his advance, pointing out that he was married and she had no intention of having anything more than a conversation. Fletcher then confessed to stalking Ms. Figueroa’s Instagram account and obsessing over her for at least a year. He said he had a crush on her, and he encouraged her to have a few drinks so they could continue talking. Shocked and confused, but feeling powerless in front of the Chair of the MTS Board, Ms. Figueroa reluctantly agreed to stay. Over the next 2-3 hours, Fletcher continued to make advances towards her, until eventually, near the end of the night, he put his hands on her and kissed her. Unsure of what she was getting into, Ms. Figueroa soon insisted that they stop and she go home, which she did around 2:00am. 32. The following morning, on May 13, 2022, Fletcher messaged Ms. Figueroa to thank her for a “nice escape” in the stairwell of his hotel. He said he would “check in” with her the following week, when he was back from his trip with California Governor Gavin Newsom.


  23. In or around September 2022, during an MTS Board meeting, Fletcher locked eyes and smirked at Ms. Figueroa while messaging her from his seat at the head of the boardroom. Ms. Figueroa recognized that anyone sitting near Fletcher could likely see that he was messaging her. For example, sitting immediately to Fletcher’s left was the CEO of MTS, Sharon Cooney, and sitting to Fletcher’s right was MTS Board member (and San Diego City Council Present), Sean Elo-Rivera. 39. In addition, Ms. Figueroa’s department head, Mark Olson, seemed to notice what was going on between Fletcher and Ms. Figueroa that day, and he cast a look to Ms. Figueroa, appearing unhappy about the interaction. 40. From that point on, Ms. Figueroa carried an unremitting sense of anxiety, wondering if her entire department – or even the entire MTS organization – knew that Fletcher was pursuing her sexually. She felt trapped because, on one hand, Fletcher’s relentless pursuit of her was changing the conditions of her employment and would likely destroy her career and her professional reputation, as people learned of the affair and drew their own conclusions about Ms. Figueroa; but on the other hand, she knew Fletcher was too powerful, especially within MTS, to risk upsetting by trying to make him stop. 41. On September 19, 2022, Ms. Figueroa learned that multiple people had posted allegations on Fletcher’s Instagram account accusing him of cheating on his wife, Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher. For example, one comment read, “Lorena had 0 stage cancer! Why don’t you talk about [] your lies, cheating on her, [] and your corruption in San Diego and the state of California. You are awful individuals. …” Another comment read, “I feel sorry for her, just wait until the truth comes out cheating, lies and corrupt you are [sic].”

    Several days later, on October 5, 2022, Ms. Figueroa complained to Fletcher in a phone call that she was afraid of being publicly exposed or dragged into some kind of scandal, because it would ruin her career and destroy her professional reputation. She suggested that Fletcher keep things strictly professional with her

    COMPLAINT from that point forward. In response, Fletcher assured her there was nothing to worry about. He said he had been in politics for a long time, and this was just part of the game, that she should not believe everything people post online. 43. Later that month, while Ms. Figueroa was picking up mail outside the MTS boardroom, she was unexpectedly approached by Fletcher’s bodyguard. The bodyguard asked whether Ms. Figueroa was employed by MTS or the County of San Diego and whether he had seen her at a County Board of Supervisors meeting in the past, because he thought he had seen her around the County Administration building. Ms. Figueroa politely answered his questions but found them bizarre because she had never attended meetings at the County Administration building and because Fletcher’s bodyguards rarely, if ever, spoke to anyone other than Fletcher himself. The interaction suggested to Ms. Figueroa that Fletcher’s bodyguard(s) – in addition to others – might be aware of everything Fletcher had been doing with her. 44. On December 1, 2022, during an MTS Executive Committee meeting, Fletcher messaged Ms. Figueroa from his phone while he was conducting the meeting. In the message, Fletcher asked Ms. Figueroa to “come say hi” and to meet him in the adjacent conference room after the event.

    When Ms. Figueroa arrived at the room, Fletcher asked her to close the door and then sexually assaulted her a second time – this time grabbing her breasts underneath her blouse, pulling off some of her clothes, exposing her breasts, and putting his mouth on her nipple, while forcefully shoving his hand back and forth over her vaginal area.


  24. COMPLAINT 46. Ms. Figueroa was shocked, scared, and humiliated – not only from being sexually objectified, but from the reality that this was happening in an MTS conference room, immediately adjacent to the MTS Boardroom where a committee meeting had just concluded. This was simply not something Ms. Figueroa was comfortable doing. She (again) pushed Fletcher back, told him she was too nervous, and insisted that he stop or she would leave, at which point Fletcher allowed her to put her clothes back together. 47. The next day, on December 2, 2022, Fletcher grinned at Ms. Figueroa while she spoke publicly at an MTS press conference. Ms. Figueroa was standing at a podium in front of an audience, and Fletcher was sitting at a table beside her. The event was covered by local news media and others. Even in front of cameras, media personnel, and MTS executives, Fletcher asserted his sexual dominance over Ms. Figueroa. 48. Several days later, at 11:22pm on December 5, 2022, Fletcher sent messages to Ms. Figueroa requesting that she drive to his house that evening for another intimate encounter. Ms. Figueroa declined.

    On December 8, 2022, during an MTS Board meeting, Ms. Figueroa noticed that Fletcher’s friend and associate, MTS Board member, Sean Elo-Rivera, went out of his way to stare at her in the audience while she was entering the MTS boardroom. This strange, unprovoked interaction, among other factors, further supported Ms. Figueroa’s fearful suspicion that members of the MTS Board and/or others managers or coworkers were indeed aware that Fletcher was pursuing her sexually and that his actions were indeed affecting Ms. Figueroa’s professional reputation. 50. By late 2022, Ms. Figueroa felt an inescapable blanket of shame, distrust, and entrapment as she realized there was no way to avoid the emotional prison Fletcher created for her at MTS. She went out of her way to avoid him, but due to the nature of her work, it was impossible not to see him at board meetings and press conferences; and each time she saw him, even if only over a Zoom videoconference, Fletcher would send her a message reminding her that he was still pursuing her. 51. On the evening of December 31, 2022, Fletcher sent Ms. Figueroa a message previewing his intention to pursue her into the new year.

    Several weeks later, on January 19, 2023, Fletcher sent messages to Ms. Figueroa while he was conducting a Zoom video conference for an MTS Advisory Committee meeting.

    Ms. Figueroa’s last communication with Fletcher was on January 26, 2023, during an MTS Board meeting.


  25. Ms. Figueroa Is Abruptly Terminated from MTS on the Same Day Fletcher Announces His Run for California State Senate

    On February 6, 2023, Fletcher announced his official candidacy for a seat in the California State Senate. That very same day, Ms. Figueroa was unexpectedly called into a closed-door meeting with the MTS Chief Human Resources Officer, Jeff Stumbo, and abruptly fired. She received no warning, no opportunity to speak with her supervisor or anyone else at MTS, and she was required to leave immediately without gathering any of her personal belongings. In addition, the MTS Chief Human Resources Officer could not confirm the reason for her termination. 55. Ms. Figueroa is informed and believes and thereon alleges that MTS terminated her employment because she was sexually harassed by Defendant Fletcher.

  26. Defendant Fletcher Tries to Silence Ms. Figueroa by Threatening to Destroy Her Reputation and Sue Her for Extortion if She Vindicates Her Rights

    Prior to filing this action, Ms. Figueroa attempted to engage in meaningful, pre-litigation settlement discussions with Fletcher to resolve her claims quietly and amicably. 57. Fletcher immediately contacted Ms. Figueroa, by and through counsel, to request that Ms. Figueroa keep the matter strictly between herself and Fletcher and that she remain absolutely silent about her story, not even sharing it with MTS. As a professional courtesy, Ms. Figueroa agreed and provided a summary of her claims, in hopes that the parties could open a good-faith dialogue to resolve the matter on mutually agreeable terms.


  27. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION Sexual Harassment

    The allegations in all preceding paragraphs are re-alleged and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth herein. 63. Defendants are “employers” as defined by Government Code section 12940, et. seq. 64. Plaintiff was, at all times material hereto, an “employee” as defined by Government Code section 12940,

    The conduct alleged herein created an intimidating, hostile and offensive work environment for plaintiff. The foregoing conduct was based on Plaintiff’s sex. The foregoing conduct created an intimidating and hostile work environment, in violation of Government Code section 12940(h) and other provisions of the FEHA. The harassment was sufficiently pervasive or severe as to alter conditions of Plaintiff’s employment and to create a hostile or abusive work environment. 66. The conduct alleged herein, in addition to pervasively or severely altering the terms and conditions of Plaintiff’s employment, constituted quid pro quo harassment. 67. Defendant MTS and DOES 1-20 are strictly liable for said conduct because the unlawful harassment was committed by Defendant FLETCHER, who was Chair of the MTS Board and therefore qualifies as a manager and/or managing agent of MTS. 68. Alternatively, Defendant MTS and DOES 1-20 are liable because they knew, or should have known, of the sexual harassment and failed to take immediate and appropriate corrective action. Said conduct violated Government Code section 12940(j)(1) and other provisions of the FEHA. 69. As a direct and proximate result of the acts of the defendants, and each of them, as alleged above, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, humiliation, and has been generally damaged in an amount to be ascertained at the time of trial. 70. As a direct and proximate result of the acts of the defendants, as alleged above, Plaintiff has necessarily incurred and will continue to incur attorneys’ fees and costs in an amount to be proven at the time of trial. Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code section 12965(b), Plaintiff is entitled to the reasonable value of such attorneys’ fees and costs. 71. The above-described acts of Defendant FLETCHER were willful, intentional and malicious and done with the intent to vex, injure and annoy Plaintiff

    COMPLAINT and warrant the imposition of exemplary and punitive damages in an amount sufficient to punish Defendant FLETCHER and to deter others from engaging in similar conduct. The above-described acts were authorized, ratified, or committed by an officer, director and/or managing agent of Defendant MTS.


    1. Not that Fletcher isn't a scumbag - he is - but I wouldn't assume everything Figueroa's lawyers write or claim is true. She and her lawyers are in this for money and lawyers regularly take great liberties with the truth. Seems she was playing Fletcher and is now looking to cash in.

    2. no, she is not to blame. Flecher became a perv stalker who was set out to destroy this women. His quest for power went overboard. His poor children and wife. I know we don't like her because of her potty mouth and outright lies and poor policies. In the end, it is never fun to know your husband was a creepy perv slimebang. Don't blame the women.

    3. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ’ฏ

  28. As I said, I am sad.

    Is there any people who stand up for minorities and women's rights in Encinitas? Doesn't the City Council care about safety for minorities and women in the workplace? What about equity and freedom?

    Can anyone help right this wrong to my friend's relative and create a better environment in Encinitas today?

    I will post more about my friends relative in the future, but I didn't want to overwhelm you all.

    I love Encinitas and love all its fine residents. I hope to meet you all in our amazing parks, places, beaches, and around.

    Blessings to all for now,

  29. Is her real first name Nimrata? This Mal-adapted woman is the most disgusting human being ever to step foot in Encinitas. It's close, as the other nimroda Fakespear is horrifying but this 3 IQ woman is most certainly worse. DEI = DIE TROLL DIE !

  30. I sure hope our City leaders will take a stand for minority and women's rights. Can some one tell me how we can get the City Council to issue a resolution to oppose such treatment where political powerhouses uses their power to prey and molest our young?

    Our children need us and we need to protect our minorities who are at greater risk. Will you help or will you be a part of the problem?

  31. Once again the blog has been hijacked by some numb nuts who thinks anybody cares about or reads their rambling. Waste of space.

    1. Not sure what you’re referring to?

      Are you referring to young female migrants, getting molested by older men in power?

  32. If you are dumb enough to take claims in a lawsuit at face value, then I’d like to introduce you to this lawsuit, where a guy sued himself for $5 Million and demands taxpayers pay on his behalf, because he’s in prison and can’t work to pay the judgement he owes to himself.


    1. It’s not your fault I don’t blame you. You probably went to a California public education system..

      When you can read, you’ll see it’s very apparent. Fletcher is a molester. He’s a groomer, he then hunts his prey,, and then molests.

      It’s plain as day. Read the text sent from him.

    2. He shouldn’t be cheating on his wife. He shouldn’t be pursuing anyone who works for MTA while he oversees it.

      He lost his job, and we should all support the civil and criminal courts to meet out any further appropriate judgement.

      Just like we should all respect and support that 62 different court cases showed that there was no evidence of election fraud. And that courts found that E Jean Carroll was sexually assaulted and defamed. And that Trump University was a massive fraud. And that Trump’s charity was a massive fraud. And that the Trump real estate business committed massive fraud.

      I will also respect and support the rulings of judges and juries in the 90 pending felony counts, because I an a patriot who respects the Constitution and the founders establishment of our judicial branch in Article 3, and because I’m not a POS Domestic Terrorist.

      Diety(ies), universal consciousness, energy, or whatever of your choice bless America.

  33. Encinitas appointments only go to white people. Mali was used by blakespear to get that equality feather in her election cap. Blakespear won and Mali is put on ice until the next election when a local fuaxgresssive needs to parade around their minority friend. The only question for Mali is…was the juice(a couple unpaid and useless commish appts) worth the squeeze(Steven and Pam’s racist rants directed at her)? Mali, at the least, deserves a coveted affordable home normally reserved for white people.

    Seriously though, the PSP and Goldens of the area are the same fools that scream about more housing but cry when people are leaving. Do you low IQ basement dwellers want less people or more housing? make up your broken little minds. You don’t want affordable housing or McMansions but more people moving here? Republicant logic at its finest. Yes, golden, psp and the like are actually republicants. If it quacks like a low IQ republicant, waddles like an illogical dumbass, it’s a republicant.

    1. So you support molesting young women from South America. ✅

    2. Republicans really need to give up on trying to "turn the tables" on dems. You sound like fucking idiots.

      All we have here is another man behaving badly. Stop taking up so much blog space please.

    3. 11:06,

      If our beloved and revered courts found 62 times in a row that Fletcher did something wrong, then I would be inclined to believe he did something wrong.

      And if those same courts found no evidence of wrongdoing 62 times in a row, I would think he didn’t do anything wrong.

      Now your turn.

      Can you say the same?

    4. Where did 11:06 go?

    5. 11:06 selectively supports courts only when they are troubling his enemies.

      Otherwise—victim, victim, victim.

    6. Ahhh Fletchers claiming Satin made him do it… I see.

      #satins no excuse

  34. 11:05 if you think this is Pam and Steve you're mistaken. Mali has managed to piss off a whole lotta people. Case in point Kranz supporter Kathleen Lees who got into it with her at City Hall. The Mali experience is much more widespread than you may think or hope. Of course if you devolve into name calling then you're no different than Pam, Steve, and Mali so have a nice day.

    1. And there it is.

      It’s not about any appointment.

      It’s about “we don’t like her.”

      Your honesty is appreciated.

    2. It's not about "we" don't like her. It's about how she interacts with residents and the track record she's established since she got here.

      If she can't be respectful and voice her opinions respectfully, she doesn't belong in any position that represents residents. And no, this is not about her responding in kind.

      Lees is a perfect example, Lindemann's another one. Their only offenses seem to be their age and skin color. These sent Mali into a rage. You keep making her excuses, we'll keep speaking our truth.

    3. Anyone who knows the two Kathleens know they're soft spoken and the very opposite of aggressive. Prime examples of Mali nastily targeting anyone who voices opinions different from her. As she has told both "Get on board or get out of the way." Nice.

    4. Fine, but again, it shows this is personal.

      Mali is a bomb thrower. Of course that’s going to rub some the wrong way.

      But let’s be clear that a comment that led to nothing is just a pretext.

    5. Mali's agenda overrides decorum and courtesy as well as civil discourse. She'd like to import back east street into a city that is west coast quaint. And if we resist, she'll shove it down our collective throats.

    6. This is not east coast, this is guerilla tactics she learned from classic overthrow approach. Blakespear brought her here and Kranz thinks "she's a wonderful person."

    7. You could have just asked what pretext means.

    8. See below, 1:27. Assume you mean pretext for outing Mali Shook Woods Drake and Tony Kranz for those asleep at the wheel/busy taking kids to soccer? Their dozing is what this council depends on but you already know that.

    9. Of course they don't like her, they hate her. They hate everything she represents. Just pick from the checklist....

      Speaks her mind
      Social Justice Warrior (BLM, DEI, homeless, etc)
      Progressive Democrat
      Works for a union
      Associated with Blakespear
      Hasn't lived here "long enough"

      Calling her a bomb thrower when she get into with the likes of bat$hit crazy Rachel is comedy though.

    10. Oh here we go with the "hater" gaslighting. Amanda your potty mouth stinks from a mile away.

    11. Please don't tell her mommy 3:24.

    12. Her mommy who bought her house for her. Another entitled white person telling it like it is lol.

    13. Reallly 7:46. Do tell.

    14. Look it up easily discovered. Birds of a feather these parasites.

    15. Dumb as a fucking rock 8:21. Guaranteed.

  35. If by "pretext" you mean PSA to folks who have not yet enjoyed meeting Mali and those who think that Kranz is a good guy, ok.

  36. 12:30 Mali is making it personal. Her choice and yours, apparently.

    1. Nothing-happened-gate.

    2. "Don't like somebody" is plenty of reason to vote. Isn't that pretty much what all votes come down to?

    3. Good point 1:58. Hehe.

    4. So Kranz, Mali, Kellie, BIA, Joy, and Blackwell all are silent, support MG, and therefore are supporting Fletcher through their silence, and supports violence against young women migrants from South America.

      I don’t understand why and am so sad because of their support for violence.


    5. But Mali says silence equals violence.

    6. Oh STFU, no one is supporting violence.

    7. According to Mali’s law they are! Get on board or get out-of-the-way!

    8. Kranz, BIA, Mali, Marco, Joy, Blackwell, all support Fletcher anx violence against young women from central and South America.


    9. I have never read a word of support for South Americans here, ever. Quite the opposite.

      I have read about "turd" world counties and I have read about killing immigrants and chopping them up to avoid legal consequences. Also "lock and load" to "protect" your loser ass. plus a bunch of other racist comments.


      I am so sad right now.

  37. Quite the endless Siri transcribed manifesto from one of the most frequent posters. As often happens it started at 5am which just shows that like many of the complainers they don't even live here. I do enjoy the mental picture of this clown yelling at their phone for hours to deliver these rants. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    1. I can think of one mental defective who relied heavily on rants delivered by Siri and is now on east coast time.

    2. Pray the mental midget has found other sandboxes to shit in.

  38. Tony and Mali -Your silence equals violence!

    1. Waaaaaaaahhh! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    2. Right….. sad for the young women that had some slimy old guy preying on them.

      So wrong. I hope he goes to prison and loses millions for the damages to all the young women that pervert has destroyed their lives.

      How an anyone support that predator MG, Mali, Lorena, Kellie, Tony?


    3. *How can anyone support that predator MG

  39. Maladaptive Mali is a freak show

    1. Good news, the contractor that Mali recommended for the housing equity study has quit. Mali's insider game of bringing in her friends to score government contracts is on public record. Also, on public record is that Mali's judgment is flawed as she has now connected to an unstable consultant who created a biased and flawed study paid for by your tax dollars. Mali, attempted to have the consultant slip in the recommendation of a full time DEI employee to manage low income housing. No go and Mali and her poor judgement while on the equity committee is exposed and on public record.

    2. Oooowee sounds like it's worth watching the replay!!!

  40. Bad night for Kranz. Full carton of eggs on his face.

  41. Where was Mali? Afraid to show her face?

    1. Soon to become Mali who? You see Mali was used by these monsters to be the pawn. The front line idot. She was used by white people in power to scare the kind people of Encinitas from speaking up about local concerns. Speak up against Kellie and the possible illegal way they came to dump L7 and you are labeled a racist. Who do they send out to call you this? Well, the developer lawyer, Mali and Marlon. I feel for Marlon. It is hard to feel for Mali because of internal hatred for people when she does not get her way or you disagree. By.. By Mali.. looks like you were not invited to the party.

    2. "Witch" successfully driven out? Victory party in ye olde Olivenhain featuring Ratchel, mommy and Mr Ehlers?

      New Encinitas wasn´t invited, as usual.

    3. Party at the Dodges house kook aid for everyone come one come all?

    4. Be careful 9:42. Hate to see you end up in slander issues?

    5. We should all carefully consider who we're voting for, to put it mildly. Especially those that have no representation.

  42. Kranz, BIA, Mali, Marco, Joy, Blackwell, all support Fletcher and violence against young women from central and South America.


    1. It's disgusting how some people can turn their sympathy for immigrants on and off for political points.

    2. That’s why they’re called fauxgressives. Ignorant Dems eat it up.

    3. No, 11:35. I'm referring to the people here that hate immigrants with a passion on a daily basis, but now are championing a single immigrant woman because she provided the opportunity to attack a democrat they hate.

  43. Mali Drake, Amanda Zenick, Lorena Gonzalez and Nathan Fletcher are definitely in the Hall of Shame.

    A friend of mine volunteered for Mali in 2020, said she was raging "C*nt". She belittled all of the white people that were volunteering for her and held the hispanics and African Americans in high regard. She told me she felt as if she was being made an example of. Probably the reason for so much of the internal hatred and disgust for Mali from previous volunteers and board members.

  44. 1:06, it’s true, I volunteered for Mali at a yoga event. She treated the volunteers like dirt, barking orders and making us feel as though we were entitled to even be in her presence. Mali Drake is an awful woman!

  45. If your friend volunteers for an organization focused on equality and refers to women as "cunts", they are probably in the wrong place.

    1. 3:44- they weren’t referring to women as c$nts- just one C$nt who fits the definition perfectly.

    2. The whole thing is bs to start with, but you aren't understanding what I wrote. It doesn't matter if it's one, 15 or all women. It's a horrible word.

    3. 4:59 well then you shouldn’t support Mali with her notorious potty mouth. Can’t have it both ways!

    4. 8:45 Duuurrrrrrr

    5. I'd love to know what a woman that fits the perfect description of a "cunt" is. Do tell, 4:56.

    6. 4:24



  46. Medusa
    Clytemnestra (lot's of linguisticts in that name)

    1. we could continue to modern times as well, but then people really do want to use the label "cunt".

    2. They REALLY want to use the word. Just give them an excuse.

  47. She is toxic - purge her out of all city activities.

  48. Mali here.

    Not sure if this will even post as I’ve tried to post in the past and it hasn’t worked. Nonetheless, I’ll try again.

    In regards to this article, I dont know if I should be terrified or flattered that a woman I’ve never met, who lives in San Marcos, took the time to write this article and even more astonishing find a podcast recorded by a woman halfway across the globe. Either way, as a woman talking about an issue that many face, career and ambitions Vs motherhood and family, it’s quite saddening that the main takeaway is my belief that if I chose the civic ambition road, city council appointment, I’d have been appointed. Let’s be honest, if a white man had the confidence in himself and his resume prior to applying to an appointment, and said, “it’s quite likely I’d get the appointment” we would be championing them for their confidence and bravery in applying. Yet when a Latina woman speaks confidently based on her experience and belief in herself, it’s deemed some sort of back room deal or cronyism. Perhaps the woman who wrote this article should reflect on that.

    There has not and was not ever, with any committee, commission or council seat any sort of deal or cronyism. I run a racial
    Justice & equity nonprofit, am a Latina and a renter, in Encinitas - is it really that surprising I’d be appointed to an equity committee? Secondly, as many of you love to bash me for, I’m a woman in long term recovery, 22 years, who works in the healthcare field, is married to a firefighter and was on the county behavioral
    Health commission, is it really that surprising that I’d be appointed to the public health & safety commission? No. It’s not. Just as it would not be surprising that I, as a 9 year encinitas resident (minus 2 in solana beach) living in D1 would be a prime choice for the council appointment or that id feel confident id LIKELY get the appointment.

    Confidence, experience, intelligence, representation of minority groups (renters and Latinos), commitment to civic engagement and my town, advocacy for working class, relationships and proven collaboration with stakeholders all made and make me a quality candidate, I’ve been asked to consider running for multiple seats across the spectrum for this reason.

    And I choose prioritizing my family life and the path towards motherhood, and have largely focused on this for the last 18 months. And yet, a vocal minority still
    Spend hours of time (googling me, listening to podcasts, writing articles, and some of the most heinous comments I could imagine).

    While I know this will likely fall on deaf ears I’ll say it anyway. I’m sorry for those I’ve offended over years. I deeply regret many of the comments I’ve made, and have worked hard to learn to listen better and be curious of others experiences, fears and concerns. It’s why you’d be hard pressed to find anything negative in the last year. I’m human, imperfect and trying to be a better neighbor and person.

    I hope others can find the same sort of peace in self reflection and focusing on their side of the street that I have. I’m a commissioner now, If you have an issue w my performance or want to discuss your concerns in that manner please reach out. A lot more civility is possible over a cup of coffee and eye to eye. I’m open to civil dialogue, perhaps some of you are too.

    Either way, blessings. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

  49. Blessings coming from Mali? Give this community break. Blessings my rear end.

    That is rich after all the crap you spewed as a paid mouthpiece of an attack dog for the council majority.

    Your redemption will not be coming from this community that you personally brought forward as a hired gun. Live with it.

    You are toast with all but the council majority and their lackeys in tow. Live with it.

    Blessings? Really?

    1. Paid mouthpiece? I’d like to see $1 that I’ve personally received for anything I’ve done here in encinitas. You can keep googling but all you’ll
      Come up with is some podcast recorded with a woman around the world and some other random information.
      But payment, I’ve never received a penny from candidates, the city, my role with e4e. Wish I did cause living here is expensive. But it’s all done for free.

      Again, im not trying to restore any reputation, or win any friends within this group. I have a beautiful & robust community, within elected officials, activists and many more who steer clear of all of that. Just sharing the truth. Something many people prefer not to live in.

      Blessings. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

  50. Hey there - “anonymous”

    Mali again. I’m not looking for sympathy, nor did I ask for it. It is also not my responsibility to prove to anyone how long I’ve lived in encinitas, or anything else. Quite honestly, for every 2000 comments written about me, I thought I’d respond once with the truth. It took 5 minutes - That’s about how much time and space I allow those who spend their days and months and now years focused on me.

    Really my post was a hope that maybe people can begin to realize that the obsession created around me, is fabricated in the stories they create for some form of entertainment or distraction from their own life. And the reality is really no where as exciting as people would hope. Y’all give me so much more power and attention than warranted.

    I’ll continue to hope you find some peace and enjoyment outside of insulting me.

  51. More vomit from one who, paid or not, chose to denigrate our most respected citizens defending this community from years before you showed up, and you did this for free and on your own?
    Riiight. Whatever you say. You are not a reliable resource for the truth and never will be.

  52. Blessings my rear end. Not even a nice try is warranted.

  53. Mali, these people that respond are fucking retards. Don't put yourself out there for them. Wrong forum. It's never gonna work.

    The people that care are maybe reading here, but other places as well.

  54. 4:40pm So says the mental midget of a banjo player, who is a retarded moron himself. You give retards a bad name.

  55. Who would come out in support of this interloper? Marlon most likely as her fellow manipulating conspirator that he is. They make quite a pair of tools.

    We do care about this community, especially when characters like these operators come into our town and screw around in favor of the current council majority. Decades of caring and advocating for representation that we rarely get.

    1. You don't get representation because there aren't enough voters that agree with you. That's how it works. My guess is the shitty, aggressive, bullying, mean spirited attitude.

    2. BTW, Kellie & Kranz aren't "interlopers". They are "sellouts". You just can't get anyone elected.

  56. 6:13pm Comprehension is not your strong suit. Obviously.

    Mali and Marlon are the interlopers du jour. Being mouthpieces for the majority has its costs with the long time residents who pay attention.

    Paying attention? Try it for a change.

  57. Huh? More like duh. Not jerome. He has a tendency not follow grammatical standards. That usually gives him away.

    1. Im sorry. The condescending attitude confused me.

  58. Mali needs to be deposed.

  59. Or muzzled. That mouth is a weapon for the council majority to use.
