Wednesday, January 10, 2024

City Council meeting cancelled

 Here’s your open thread.


  1. Old Blakespear trick when oral comms scared her thin skinned self too much.

  2. It must be the heat wave we are suffering through.

    Heat comes in many forms, real and imagined.

    Thanks to those residents who call them on their stuff. Our local heroes get a well deserved week off

  3. Who would a thunk it? The baboon of an orangutan dropped out of the race.

    If there was one thing this traitor could have done for America, this is it. I hope it lasts considering the 30,000, or was it 50,000 lies he told while in office?

    Now we have the spineless Nicky Haley who has come out with some real doozies lately.

    The confederate flag should still be honored even because it was taken over by white supremacists during the civil war. Huh? Duh.

    When asked why the civl war was waged, not a peep about slavery. Convenient much?

    All politics is local whether you want to hear it or not.

    What will our local repugnicans do without their fearsome leader?

    What a great day for America.

  4. If only this was true, sadly it is not. Christy is one who dropped out. Damn. Oh well, hope springs eternal that the orange one gets his dues that have been coming for most of his criminal life.

  5. The interesting thing is, the country is now a mess, but it wasn't.
    And yet you people hate Trump. If I have this correctly, you would rather have a screwed up country?
    Name one thing Trump did to garner such hatred.
    And 5:52, you think your are smart, you didn't even report on the correct person dropping out. And you vote?????
    No wonder this country is in ruination. Now wonder.
    You probably think camel toe harris is clued in.
    Gawd help the Republic.

    1. Molested women, lied, cheated, no integrity. He’s a scumbag always has been. Another problem Trust fund baby just like BIA and kindergarten Kelly.

      Other than that, he’s almost human.

    2. A million dead Americans. Told people to take horse dewormer and shove a lightbulb up their ass. Incited an insurrection to end democracy, said Nazis were “fine people,” told violent racists to “stand by.” Called American D-Day heroes “suckers.” Showed disrespect for an American war hero who spent years being imprisoned and tortured in a war he avoided with “bone spurs.” Used a Sharpie to change a hurricane map. Fired the head of the FBI for doing his job. Put kids in cages and separated them from their families. Destroyed the translator notes (US property) from a meeting with Putin. Lavished praise on dictators like Kim of the DPRK. Lied about Mexico paying for the wall. Retained top secret documents and refused to return them pursuant to a legal subpoena and obstructed justice in an attempt to hide them. Caused the lowest respect for America among our allies in history. Called for the suspension of the Constitution. Pushed the Big Lie, even though evidence failed to show anything in 62 court cases. Was found by a jury to have sexually assaulted a woman. Received millions in foreign tribute paid at his DC hotel. Shared internal campaign polling data with Kremlin operatives aiding their election interference efforts. Shared a satellite spy photo on Twitter giving away information on our technical imaging capability. Pressured a US ally under direct threat from Russia to make up political misinformation on an opponent.

      Need more?

    3. Yet, the economy was thriving, all taxes were lower and no wars were started. The guy is a narcissist I know and I wouldn’t vote for him, but if asked, I’d 100% say I was better off under Trump than I am under Biden.

    4. There is no tax rate where we should let a conman burn down democracy.

    5. thank you 9:02. Trump drives me nuts and I can't listen to him, but he is smart. And all of these accusations of lying, corruption and the like....NOT ONE CONVICTION.
      NOTHING...Well, what do you know...
      Plenty of lying about him, but in the
      The problem with leftists, they can't think with logic, they think with nothing...result? An america hating left that would rather sink and not swim.
      7 million illegals and counting. The left is so brain dead, they think they are not paying for this.
      They can hate Trump all they want but at least the wall was being built. Now...turd world countries headed our way while are troops are off in other countries defending who? binden has Alzheimers, harris is a dope. Shall I go on?

    6. Convicted of fraud for trump U, convicted of deformation of a woman he raped, convicted of tax fraud. Then there are all the criminal charges pending. Your boy is a trust fund loser that would have more money if he just put his daddies money in the bank. Trump has lost more money than he made., the dude begging at Vons has made more money than trump.

    7. 10:51, are you telling us that the guy found by courts to have committed fraud at his university, committed fraud at his charity, and committed sexual abuse against a woman—that he may have also committed fraud in his real estate business?


    8. And all the so-called truths....Trump has never been in prison. Why not? Come on, tell us all why Trump has not gone to jail if any of what you write is truth.
      You watch too much cnn and msnbc.
      Name one jail or prison Trump has been in. Still waiting

    9. are a dunce. Who did Trump con....come on, tell us all what a genius you are.

  6. It is a special council meeting tonight. It is going on right now. Tune in.

  7. I missed the best part of every council meeting, the public comments.

    Who put out the word that it was cancelled? Hmmmm? How could it not be intentional?

    1. That’s Tony…. Hates the public and Wants his developer BIA business all done behind closed doors.

      Zero sunshine. Zero Transparency. 100% corruption. 🤥

    2. No public comments in special meeting nor consent calendar.

      Dr. Lorrie was spreading the word the meeting was cancelled. 🤦🏼 I went anyways.

    3. Larri is no Dr… and she’s been losing it for years. They should definitely take her keys.

      She can take her meds and listen to all the old hippie music. Farout man.😵‍💫❤️.

  8. A very fancy finagling by city staff and city manager, and the 4 major wokes (Blackwell, Hinze, Lyndes, and Mayor Kranz) of the council.

    1. Wait I thought they were all about transparency? Wha happen??

  9. Fricken city losers closed Beacons Beach access for no reason other than they want the power to control the minion.

    1. Tony Kranz sucks balls.

    2. 👆🏿fat ass loser loving her power.

  10. They were scared that someone might say something that others might interpert as a sign that they're RACIST! Its the worst, most scary thing that could happen to an Encinitan that just wants to talk shit and insult democrats!

    Waaaaaaah 😭

    1. Tony Kranz sucks balls 🤥

    2. The secret to everything is...admit it. For instance, tell everyone you are a racist...I do. Then I tell everyone "I'm stupid." That way the idiots have nothing on you.
      It works every time, without fail. I once knew an unattractive woman. She always stated, "I'm unattractive...I know it." It made me want her, for her honesty.

    3. Starvin. Your deflection tactics our weak. If I was BIA, I would fire you.

      You better stay with your girlfriend.

    4. Sorry pinhead....I have no idea what a starvin is.

  11. They are contemplating closing all Encinitas schools to house the 300k illegal border invaders.


  12. Wasting $20 million on a second community center to be used on a few finger paintings seniors, while Beacons Access crumbles and closes all the time is absolutely ridiculous.

    Fire Tony Kranz for his damaging wasteful spending while ignoring imperative beach access!

  13. Threatening judges is for P0S Domestic Terrorists.

    Keep it up, and there will be drone strikes. Don’t cry victim when it happens.

    1. Not interested Starvin.

      Tell your girlfriend to get your little raisins out of his mouth and go open in Beacons Beach.

      Quit wasting $20+ million dollars on a second senior center and put some goddamn beach access improvements up at Beacons Beach Access to make sure that Beach Access remains open.

    2. You are not interested in violent threats to our court system and democracy.

      Got it.

    3. Way more interested in local issues. Open the freaking coastline.

      Tony’s fences annd closing Coastal Access is bullshit!!

  14. "Got it," the signature sign off for Tiffany Fox! Must be her shift this morning.

  15. Mali must be on another drinking and coke binge.

    1. Standard operating procedure.

    2. Mali was up late last night snorting coke and drinking again. Look at her 3am posts about racism on the Mali topic.

  16. In case anyone's bored there's this: Encinitas Undercover: Stocks uses taxpayer-funded survey, tax-exempt charity for campaign propaganda.

    Who in current Encinitas politics is aligned with this individual?

    1. The bulk of the dumbasses posting today.


  18. Hey Mali, how was your 3am coke ride last this morning? Did you vacuum it all up or at least save some for the weekend?

    1. You WD refugees always sink to the bottom, don't you. Can't stand Mali but your one trick posts are always pure idiocy.

    2. 11:17 Nope, never was a WD or Jeffy fan, but I know Mali loves her coke. That's why they use to call her the "vacuum cleaner".

    3. Speaking of former addicts—and this one is true, unlike the filthy lies from the scum cult of lies—did you hear about the former crackhead lumpy pillow salesman who came out of a White House meeting with the words “Martial law” on his notepad, and how he completely destroyed his company and his life over the Big Lie? Then he degraded himself by climbing into a claw game at an arcade so Jimmy Kimmel could make fun of him. The FBI confiscated his phone, and his cult friend the former Colorado county clerk goes on trial for felony election fraud next month. He also proposed a multi-million dollar challenge to anyone who could prove his “election data” false, and he lost when a cyber security expert proved it in a day. Also, he’s being sued into oblivion by all of the people the scumbag lied about.

      It’s a heartwarming tale. And all true.

      It’s awesome.

      I love America.

    4. 11:50 Does everything that comes out of your mouth smell like Bull Shit, Mali?

      You're just full of conspiracy theories aren't you Mali, what will your tinfoil hat tell you next?

    5. 11:50 gets all their news from Youtube and CNN.

    6. 11:24/25,

      Unlike you, I speak only truth and am happy to back up every word with reliable sources.

      What specifically is it that you doubt?

      I’m happy to rub your nose in it, you filthy liar.

    7. 12:40 you’ve always add humor to my day with your outrageous CNN and YouTube sources.

      Yesterday you told us Trump withdrew from the race, what next Blakespear’s running for President?

      But please don’t stop, always enjoy reading your silly comments 💕

    8. 12:40 you should put your tinfoil hat back on 🤪

    9. 12:40 you and Mali really need to quit sniffing glue!

    10. 12:52, that wasn’t me. Nice distraction. Now answer the question.

      What in the comment above about the crackhead lumpy pillow salesman is incorrect?

      Come on filthy liar. You said something was false. Let’s hear it.

    11. 12:56 ok scratch what I said, don’t stop, keep sniffing glue. The entertainment is priceless. What YouTube headline do you have next for us?

    12. *12:58 that was for 12:58

    13. 12:58 you’re an angry elf 🤪

    14. 1:03-:05,

      Once again, when asked to specify what is false, you offer nothing and prove yourself to be full of shit.

      How sad for you that you have abandoned virtues like your personal honor, dignity, and courage in service of a cult of lies and violence.

    15. 2:36 just keep sniffing glue and keep it coming, you’re very entertaining. Love it!

      What else you got from YouTube or CNN? Keep it coming baby 💕

  19. Kranz and his wife get all expense paid trip to Israel, courtesy of the Leichtag Foundation. Then like the skies cleared and the heavens opened, upon Kranz's return the zoning for Leichtag's property suddenly changed.

    Quid pro quo! You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

    1. And they completely rebuilt their mother-in-law‘s house with a huge mansion with an accessory unit…. And somehow they avoid paying any taxes.

      That fat ass never worked a day in hee life and would be completely helpless without her legal wife.

      If I was her, I would throw that fat tranny out on the street again. Let Mali take care of her. With her big old fake boobs.

  20. I don't get it. The city council meeting happened last night and wasn't cancelled. What gives, WC?

    1. Larri was stoned again and was spreading mistruths.

  21. These people absolutely humiliate themselves by things they say in public and/or on social media. Take for instance the guy that goes by the name of Margo.

    That dude continues to post comments on social media that absolutely humiliating for any same person to consider.

    Then you've got all of these localLeftist people and/or politicians who support a guy like ca rep Anthony Weiner. That dude is the king of legalizing diddling children.

    What gives man?

    1. WD refugee trademark is getting things mixed up and confusing being gay with being a pedophile. Can just hear that ignorant garbage coming out of the mouth of the guy who used to surf swamis. Talk about humiliating what rock did y’all crawl out from under? Wiener’s a jerk but so are you.

    2. 1:10 you have to be joking. There is a large, large portion of Encinitas that feel that the right leaning frequent posters and some public speakers are a bunch of dumb, sick fucks. Not exaggeratating.

      Wake up, and move outside your idiot circle.

  22. The Dems sniff glue!

  23. It is hilarious that people are having imaginary conversations with "Mali" on this post and the one below.

    You seem to loooove to hate her, but I highly doubt she's paying any attention to you at all.

  24. Everbody knows its sick, dumb fucks, and then puppet show....

  25. Christopher Sluka an unsafe flying school 20 times back and forth over Encinitas today. This jerk off couldn't care less about safety. He is the same jerk off that crashed in Carlsbad last year. Flying back and forth over and over schools, families and their homes. Making money putting in danger.
    Tail number N2226N.

    1. Can we get an update on the FAA lawsuit?

    2. Ask starvin for an update on Kranz cupping his shriveled up raisins in his mouth?


    3. Doing Discovery 6:40. Try and focus

  26. Learn to Fly San Diego will get you killed.
    And guess who owns it...christopher sluka
    And guess who flew back and forth over Encinitas today
    Learn to Fly San Diego out of montgomery field.

    1. starvin- Kranz is tired of you cupping his shriveled up raisins in his mouth… do something else tonight.


    2. 21 times on Thursday. Back and Forth over and over.

  27. 🐷👧 whining about people believing lies and not doing their research is the most unintentionally ironic comment ever. 🤣

    1. ‼️😆😆😆👆👆👆😆😆😆‼️

    2. 👆🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿

  28. Disruption is so much fun!

  29. What is blue, louder than a Kranz farts, pollutes more than MG Fletcher’s partners yearly travel patterns, can travel up to speeds over 49 mph, eats millions of gallons of dirty diesel fuel a year, and annihilates over 50 humans a year?

    You quessed it - The Empty Coaster trains! 😵‍💫☠️🥲😂🥲😒😢

    Another one bites the dust…..

  30. There's nothing more pleasurable than complete chaos among people you detest.

    Arguing and telling each other how awful the other is brings me joy. Biden and Harris have my vote.

    1. 🤪… wonderful. What could go wrong…

      The leader of the “free” world, with full on Alzheimer’s….

      💯Idiocracy!!! 😵‍💫🤪😵‍💫🤪😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤡☠️

    2. 👆🏿how equitable!!! And 10:53 your comment are racist. You are a turd and deserved to be flushed.

    3. 10:53 SAYS:
      "Biden and Harris have my vote."

      Really? Like seriously and really? You 10:53 are going to vote for the worst scum family in the entire country? Just humiliating themselves each and every moment. These fluckwads are laughing all the way to the bank. The son is a crack smoking, sex addicted disgusting piece of filthy human scum. The dad POTUS is no better. These are garbage people. This man (POTUS) is a disgusting piece of garbage with his gross disgusting family. The son screws the former wife of his dead brother. The dad is sniffing kids all the time and felling women's asses and stuff. Totally gross. Showering with his daughter. Absolute disgusting that any human being would vote for these degenerate grotesque disgusting human scum.

      Good god man.

    4. 1:37 Anyone that votes for Trump is a goddam fucking idiot, asshole and POS. You have all the reasons why above, and all over any type of media you prefer. Use your goddam fucking idiot eyes, ears and whatever brain you might possess. Why are some Americans so goddam fucking stupid.

  31. Open Beacons you FUCKWADS!

    And quit wasting millions on a SECOND community center/senior center for a few a your fingerpainting senior friends who do not like to walk or bike to the exiting Art Center/Community Center/ Senior Center on Balour Street in the middle of our city.

    Beach Access is great.

    Wasteful underutilized city facilities and programs are expensive and bad decisions.

    FIRE KRANZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FIRE 🐜 🐜🗻!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Finger painting? Same old, same old made up bs from you. Grow the f up. When it is all you have, it does prove you need some help.

    1. 👆🏿 OK and maybe naps on the nice artsy fartsy pillows projects they make.

      I remember I had similar type projects in kindergarten. Maybe you’ll see Kellie there.

  33. You sure sound like Steve Golden. While I never associated you with jeff's morons, you do have some similarities going on.

    Artsy fartsy pillows? You must be a genius and a stable one at that. Just for you and to be quite clear, that was a joke, much like you are around here with your postings on EV and EU.

    1. Golden doesn't make anonymous comments, according to him. He totally was a Jeff fan though, but STFU at the end.

    2. 🤣🤣🤣 Imagine believing the golden pedo isn't all over this blog. That sicko isn't hard to spot.

    3. Would an attempt to blame street restriping on DEI be an example? 🤔

  34. Mali Drake's tattered life both current and past makes her big problem, mainly a liability.

    She has no business making decisions for others when she can't even make the right decisions for herself. But I wish her well and hope she gets cleaned up.

    1. Obsessive, creepy, weird, untrue and strange 1:08.

  35. 1:08, while I agree with your assessment that Mali would be a major liability for the city, Cremona would've been the worst. She couldn't even put a sentence together during the debates.

    Total waste of time.

  36. I remember Ms. Cremona and her Weiner dogs well. She pronounced around Encinitas like she owned the place. I personally watched her brush people off like they were scum at one of her meet and greets.

    I'm not a fan of Jeff or Tony either, but after what I at that meet and greet, Cindy was a big turnoff. Frankly I think that's why she lost by a landslide, she was more confident in her abilities then what she actually possessed in talent, which was no ability or talent at all.

    1. Here's a tip: read aloud so you don't miss typing words that might help you make sense. Consult the dictionary if unsure of what word to use. Case in point: "pronounced" around Encinitas"? Yikes. You sound like one of the WD crowd.

    2. 1:43 meant to say "pranced".

      Was it really that difficult for you to figure out. What do work for the grammar police?

      Sometimes spell check is whacky, but sounds like you're perfect and never make mistakes.

      Didn't realize some people aren't bright enough to realize that maybe the commenter meant a different word. You must be terrible at Charades!

    3. How close were Cindy and Jeff for 3rd place? About 100 votes.

      Yes Cindy, the voters didn't like you. Neither do your Dachshunds 🤣

    4. Don’t worry about the grammar grandma.. it’s her life…. All she’s got.

  37. This just in regarding NATHAN FLETCHER GONZALEZ.....

    "A third victim is coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment against disgraced former Supervisor Nathan Fletcher Gonzalez."

    "CBS 8 reported on Wednesday a former University of California San Diego professor, Juli Beth Hinds, was the victim of retaliation by Fletcher and San Diego County staff after she reported a sexual harassment claim by one of Hinds’ students to UCSD."

  38. Lorena Gonzalez and Nathan Fletcher Gonzalez threatened the victims with bad publicity, saying it would follow them for the rest of their lives.

    Lorena and Nathan Gonzalez should go to jail for extortion and abusing their power as public officials.

    Marco, your family is literally full of scumbags, just like you.

  39. Marco, Nathan cheated on his wife Lorena Gonzalez, he also cheated on his LAST WIFE WITH Lorena Gonzalez. That's well known and publicized.

    Therefore both Nathan and your sister are proven cheaters. They've each demonstrated that they are willing to cheat on the most sacred thing in their lives, their spouse.

    People like your sister and Nathan will never be trusted publicly because they've broken the most sacred of trusts. Yet here you are trying to tell us that Nathan is telling the truth. When in fact there's mountains of evidence against him.

    Other women have come forward stating Nathan sexually assaulted them, UCSD for example. Then there's the attempted $10,000 payoff, the MTS Director of Communications coming forward and blowing the whistle on what he was asked to do....

    The fact that you try to spin what your brother Nathan Fletcher Gonzalez ( I just love to say his name) did says everything about you as a human being.

    SO DON'T YOU DARE try to act like you care about racism, anti-semitism or anything that's worthy of fighting for. All you care about is lining your pockets with gold.


    1. Who gives a shit? It has nothing to do with Encinitas. You need to all go jack off to your saved Marco images and calm the fuck down down.

    2. 5:21- Marco is the only one jacking off to your disgusting photos are Tony Kranz and Starvin fingering themselves with their mutilated Morphie thingies….

      Your cult is disgusting, but is now getting exposed in the sunlight.

      🌅☀️🌞 👍🏾

  40. 3:29pm Thanks for the clarification about who Steve Golden supported. It fits. Morons, the whole ,lot of them.
