Monday, January 8, 2024

Mali Woods-Drake records podcast

Race activist and friend of the progressive city council Mali Woods-Drake has recorded a podcast:

This week’s story is entitled “Deciding Between Motherhood and Personal Ambition”


  1. I like it when this blog owner shows their true colors. In case people didn't pick it up from the frequent comments they make "anonymously".

  2. If her voice isn't your preference, scroll down and read the transcript instead.

  3. Please god let her get knocked up.

  4. Ewww. Becoming a mother did not help hinze become a better person and care about others.

    Maybe this hired gun of a union organizer will become more of a human being when she pops one out.

    Riiight. Not likely I know after the 'stuff she pulled over the last couple of years. She has obvious character flaws, ie, when she publicly and personally attacked some of our most longtime dedicated resident defenders.

  5. RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I’m talking to YOU. The one in the inter-racial marriage.

    1. Ok Rachel, what do you want to say, again?

  7. So the law finally caught up with Jeff Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Filner, Fletcher…..

    Is an America ready to make Billy “pervert” Clinton own his actions?

    #me_too_ even_ Clinton_and_Fletchers

    1. 👆🏿Notice Mali is grouped with these losers.


    2. Mali is one the meanest, nastiest humans I've ever met! When you call your community members racist, white privilege all day everyday, you've got a problem.

  8. Never met her, but she seems driven, smart, and passionate.

    Whether you agree politically or not, you should respect someone who takes action.

    I’m pretty sure she doesn’t give a shit what any of us think.

    1. What action? Going to AA?

    2. Mali doesn't take action. She hides behind others if she can. Some of the policies she is pushing can be found here:

    3. You got to applaud her for seeking treatment and continuing with therapy…. SHe has a pretty sketchy jacked up past.

    4. I don't give a shit what she thinks, so we're even.

    5. She doesn't take action, but all you assholes are super angry about her basic existence?

    6. 11:36 She's made some extremely rude remarks to a lot of good people over the years. Calling people racist simply because they're white, without any evidence is why so many people dislike her. Mali and Marlon are a disservice to our community.

  9. Indeed. As soulless as they come. The lack of respect she showed toward the few who give of their time to defend this community was despicable. This hired gun earned her pay from the former mayor mostly, along with the current council make up.

    She was rewarded for her service by being appointed to a commission after all that equality crap her and Marlon regurgitated out of the plan book they were given to follow.

    1. So tired of this bullshit about the poor community members and their suffering. They can dish it out day and night for years, in as rude and offensive terms as possible, but have the thinnest skin on earth themselves.

  10. "There's a seat on the city council that looks to be available to me and if I want it I'll most likely be appointed to that seat"

    You can't make this crap up folks.

  11. You can take the grifter out of the city, but she’s still a grifter.

  12. Mali is nasty. She has a dislike for anyone she calls white. She originally started her non-profit as Encinitas and Black Lives Matter and quickly changed the title to Encinitas4Equality. Then Encinitas city mayor Blakespear embraced her during the riots to get her policies push through as city policies. Blakespear wanted other North County city councils to do away with police enforcement.

    1. She hates herself for being white.

      Racism and self hatred suck.

      Poor girl has some serious self work to do. Good luck Mali.

      I hope she come out the other side a better human.

  13. 8:47 the difference between our unpaid resident activists and Mali is that the activists fight for ideals while Mali fights to preserve her income. No deals, all transactional.

    She’s good for putting a mean spin on the lines fed to her but it’s doubtful whether she understands much if any that she spews.

    1. If creating an imaginary situation like that in your head makes you feel better, go for it. If selling it to other residents to make them feel okay about their poor behavior, also go for it (clearly many already have).

      It's not the truth though. You're talking about two different sets of ideals, and this is the home of only one. The residents you are trying to lionize have behaved extremely poorly, IMO. No doubt they'll continue to do so, and that's all they're doing. Behaving like a group of jerks that are pissed they aren't the ones in charge right now is nothing to be proud of.

  14. “No ideals, all transactional.”

    Wait for her return just in time for the 2024 elections to shout down, virtue signal, and attempt to shame into silence anyone who challenges the Blakespear legacy.

    1. Filner, Fetcher, Epstein, Weinstein, Kranz, MJ Fletcher, Mali, and BIA.

      There is your dream team for 2024.- it’s all about perversion and self hate to promote profits for the BIA

    2. You sound like a fucking genius. If I put her name next to bad peoples name, people will think she's bad!

    3. 👆🏿 Which one is bad or the worst in your opinion- MG. Fletcher, Kranz, or BIA?

      Birds of a feather, flock together.

    4. In my humble opinion, the town dunce is absolutely the worst. Knowingly selling out to the BIA and destroying Encinitas.


  15. POS Domestic Terrorists.

    Real patriots want them to have a trial, and if convicted, to rot in federal prison.

  16. 👆🏿 My God, you sound like a parrot. You’re such a good minion.

    1. If you are upset about cop-beaters going to jail, you might be a POS domestic terrorist.

    2. 👆🏾 calling all minion.

  17. 6:43- you’re talking about Biden, right.

    There is a lot of us I really dislike that brain dead president.

    1. Stay proud of your ignorance.

      Your turd-god is pleased.

      +5 POS Domestic Terrorist points.

    2. 7:09- thanks for proving your ignorance.

      Try and have a nice day. Life is short. Like your attention span.

    3. It my friend is beyond brain dead. biden and the rest of these white house traitors need to hung as traitors.
      This country is a mess and yet, the ignorant think the america hating left are doing a fine job.
      Like the 7 million illegals allowed in from all over the world. Lock and Load. Be prepared to kill or be killed.

    4. 👆🏾 Thank you for your valueless comment and wasting everybody’s time. And I hate Biden.

      Continue with your minion life

    5., point out one thing I wrote that isn't true.
      Just one. biden has no idea what planet he is on, he has Alzheimers. Turd world ghetto illegals are pouring across the open borders by the hour.
      And I'm valueless? What planet do you inhabit?
      It sure isn't earth. Everything the left does
      it destroys

    6. 7:13,

      Someday you’re going to wake up and say “I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I defended people who attacked cops, tried to end democracy, and then became fugitives for three years.”

      And the rest of us will be there to tell you it wasn’t a dream.

    7. 8:16...still waiting for examples.
      "Tried to end democracy" are a nut case
      Aren't you...
      The crowd was littered with fbi agents, didn't know that, did you. You are an uninformed nut case

    8. Mali is corrupted trash. She's a terrible human being who only cares about her self and what other can do for her. Trust me on this, I use to work with her.

    9. 11:42,

      Did the FBI go to their homes that morning and tell them to bring ripe, bulletproof vests, pepper spray, tasers, illegal guns and ammo, hockey sticks, baseball bats, helmets, ladders, a gallows, encrypted coms, and Molotov cocktails?

  18. This movement needs to be smashed and humiliated. They need to have their noses rubbed in their mess like a puppy. Their grand kids will deny knowing them.

    1. 👆🏿 I hope you’re talking about Kranz and I couldn’t agree more!

    2. Ease up on the animal abuse. I don't want to have to cut your throat.

    3. 8:13,

      Threats of violence from the cult of lies and violence.

      What a shock.

  19. This Mali Whatever Drake creature should never rise again EVER. For those gasping at the reality of these words let me remind you one David Plouffe (or is it Boof?) said same about this competitor as the lead criminal of the Barry Obama presidential campaign.

    So, let us pray and chant that these types are completely overwritten much like the cockpit voice recorder of the recent aeroplane the door flew off of midflight.

    Got that ali?

  20. 6:47 it’s your elected officials who are thin skinned when folks take issue with city hall. I’ll hazard a guess that you categorize those who dare criticize as “haters.“

    1. We aren't talking about city hall here. We're talking about multiple people going way to far, to the point of being completely inappropriate, all on one side of the Encinitas issues.

      You know it, I know it, and many voters know it. Hopefully many more will know it too, if it continues in 2024. Its completely out of control, but at least you eat your own as well.

    2. Your turn to give examples, 9:23. No idea what you're talking about. Sincerely hope you're not referring to Raul, the embattled barber. And really hope you understand 1st Amendment rules and that no one is responsible for what someone else says. Unless, as Kranz told the crowd that he loves Mali, and demonstrably agrees with the offender.

    3. Nope, not refering to Raul, the embattled barber. Im referring to a much more politically active, connected, group of people.

    4. 11:28 The missing element is mental illness. The crazies don't understand the difference between activists or people with a legitimate complaint like Raul and the whackos they celebrate. Reading EV and watching council meetings is like a tour through the DSM.

  21. Kranz called Mali Shook Woods Drake "a wonderful person." He called her that directly after being shown screenshots of MSWD's vitriol toward senior citizens. Remember in November.

    1. Senior CITIZEN

    2. MSWD made her posts blanket ones on Nextdoor. As in plural. As in "you people."

      Even if you believe it was "just" one, is that acceptable to you coming especially from someone who seeks public service positions?

    3. I personally believe the number is zero. You're referring to a specific incident though, that involved one person.

      You made up 3-5 dumb accusations a couple of years ago, repeat them with no explanation, and everyone is supposed to take them as truth. Snore.

    4. what you personally believe has no basis in reality.

    5. since you referred to that "single incident" as you characterize it, was what you saw ok with you? asking for senior citizens citywide.

  22. 9:25 right one senior citizen had the balls to step up and speak publicly to the council. How many in your book constitute enough ballsy seniors for you to say Shook was wrong??

    1. There we go! Someone remembers the BS.

    2. Now, are you ballsy enough to break out the real quotes?

    3. You know screenshots can’t be posted here. Watch the 2023 council presentation on equity committee “accomplishments“ and you’ll see all the screenshots . Ask the city clerk for the date of the meeting, watch, and you will have your proof. Unless of course you don’t really want it. Just a wild guess on my part.

    4. I don't need to see anything, I know what happened. I'm not asking for screenshots, I'm asking for the quotes.

      An "offended" senior citizen and her outspoken, off the rails daughter that is constantly "offended" about the same topic for years are obviously something that requires closer examination than anonymous gossip with no reference points or quotes.

    5. Thanks for the corrections, 10:10. Could you provide the correct details, please?

      The speaker FYI 10:06 was a now formerly staunch Kranz supporter who lives in his district.

    6. Sure 10:24, when I'm done with work I'll create a transcript for everyone. Aren't you supposed to know the origins of your smear campaign? It's likely here in the EU archives too. I remember everyone having a meltdown when it happened.

    7. "Smear campaign?" These are Mali's own words you are trying to kill the messengers. Not to worry, someone else can post what you fear being made public.

      Meltdown is right. Anyone telling white citizens that they are "racist by virtue of your skin color" has no place among rational people. Much less imagining they can represent them.

    8. And before you ascribe that comment as targeted to a certain senior female, it was made to a senior male.

    9. First it was nextdoor, then I needed to look it up, then it was a screenshot, now it is a specific male that is a former Kranz supporter that lives in his district that no one will name or quote that is over the age off 55 and can't be quoted.

      Hmmm. Seems like a very flexible and nebulous attack.

    10. I especially like it how we aren't allowed to know what Mali's "own words" are. All we know is that they are quite bad, and very racist.

  23. Here is the link to her podcast, transcript below:

  24. Is she related to Jeff Morris?

    1. No, but he's about 55 and lived in Leucadia. Was he the victim??? Is he a former Kranz supporter that spoke up against Mali?

  25. Mali Drake, "Encinitas is full of white privileged racists who can't seem to comprehend their own white fragility." said on EV 5.9.2020

    1. Is that a quote from the facebook page Encinitas Votes? I can't verify that because they ban so many people and edit comments. If it's something different, please correct.

    2. see here's a perfect example where you're going to claim it's all been photoshopped

    3. That statement is 100% true. Look at how prolific the Watchdorks were. Look at how many people voted for Julie Thunder and Jeff Morris. Look at the same retards spouting off on this blog. The only people that get this worked up over being called racist are racists.

    4. No one can say it's real, not real, photoshopped, or whatever! Most people don't even have access or any way of finding what you're referring to. Especially not if it's four years old, buried on some lame facebook page that no one reads.

      Who is gaslighting and full of shit?

    5. 100% true statement. It's pretty clear the reason many of you don't like Mali is because she accurately calls you what you are.

  26. Mali Woods Drake Quotes:

    “It’s actually happening because two months ago she reported Republican and white supremacist Trustee Michael Allman for verbal abuse and violent language in an open meeting. This is a coordinated attack to her and silence her so that his violence won’t be revealed. White violence and white power at its worst going on here. “

    “Mo and Allman thought they had their token black woman to make them appear less racist, only to find she wasn’t going to fall in line with their white supremacy, and once she called him out for his violence – she became the main target of his insanity.”

    1. Mo Muir and Allman aren't Encinitas residents. They are/were shitty SDUHSD board members that many many Encinitas voters don't/ didn't want there and shared the same sentiment about.

      Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the woman that is the subject of these comments filed a lawsuit against the district, won, and taxpayers are covering the costs of Muir and Allman's outrageous behavior.

    2. Actually, aren't we covering the costs of multiple Muir and Allman lawsuits? Plus the hassles of the Allman recall fiasco and all his silly masking and other political distractions?

    3. Do you honestly think Allman would still be on the Board if he was a convicted racist white supremacist?

    4. 12:38 How does one get "convicted" of that? Use your brain. The school district can get sued for what she complained about and we the taxpayers have to pay for it, which we are doing.

  27. Looks like the above are quotes of her attacking 2-3 individual's.

    Mali’s responding to a resident of Cardiff who had said Ward (a black woman) lacked leadership skills.

    “You’ve made your comments and racism clear”. - MWD

    1. But zero of those people are Encinitas residents so far, and zero of those quotes are attributed to any reliable, verifiable source (EV isn't shit, especially not from 4 years ago)

    2. 12:39 it says Cardiff

    3. Oh lord. So about two years ago, when the short term Black superintendent of SDUHSD was fired for a very small offense and after much abuse from allman and Muir, a Cardiff resident on some social media somewhere (probably Nextdoor) wrote that this fired Black superintendent was actually fired for "lack of leadership skills" Mali reportedly replied "you've made your racism clear".

      She's pretty bad. You caught her.

  28. And to ANOTHER resident of Encinitas

    “I’m glad you found your role in ending white supremacy that you perpetuate to be a good place for sarcasm. We've come a long way from people hiding between White hoods to just revealing themselves” MWD

  29. To call someone a horrible "racist" on the level Mali is being attacked, you need something more than unattributed quotes from social media ( especially slanted EV) and valid questions about problematic politicians like Mo Muir and Allman.

    You guys know this!

    1. Defending her is insane.

    2. Trying to drag her down with zero is funny 😘

    3. No zero and you know it. What's funny is thinking your weak gaslighting is working. Now that's hilarious.

    4. You're gonna have to come up with much more than what you've written here today, if that's the case. Good luck!

    5. Lame gaslighter all I need to come up with.

    6. Loser round three! Or will it be four? Maybe five?

  30. Mali is the grift that keeps on giving

  31. BREAKING NEWS: Encinitas racists really hate Mali. 🤣

    1. Using Allman and Muir and the examples are the best. I go to a good amount of kids bday parties, and guess what parents want to talk about? How much Allman fucking sucks, in many aspects. Racism is part of it.

    2. You missed a word, "Encinitas hater racists." Can't make that shit up.

    3. Maybe it's out of town anti union people that hate Mali more than anyone in Encinitas. It is an election year.

    4. Or the Tri-City nurses Union not really getting much out of her services? Ask your friends.

    5. Is it time to say hello to PSP and the Carlsbad crew?

    6. Lets face it, racism is the wedge issue for Encinitas, unions are what asshole republicans are after Mali for. Allman and Muir included.

    7. It’s not but those who want the rest of us not to notice the mismanagement at city hall find it a useful red herring.

  32. It’s crazy that MWD would accuse me of being racist against the coloreds and the Mexicans from Honduras or whatever because I can’t even see skin color, and I have a black friend at work.

    My black friend who works for me doesn’t disagree at all when I point out that racism doesn’t exist anymore because the KKK is gone. He doesn’t say a word because he agrees with me.

    MWD really offends my hurty feelers. When she says racism still exists it feels like she’s talking about me and I take it personally.

    —Clueless Codger.

    1. Lame. The woman is unfit to represent anyone, you just can’t handle that fact.

    2. You forgot that racism doesn't exist in America anymore because we had a black president.

    3. More lame arguments that were lame the first time.

  33. COAST FLIGHT TRAINING TODAY out of Montgomery Field flying over Encinitas under 900 feet over a school and thousands. These jerks need to be put out of business.
    Tail number N245CA. The FAA is now investigating.

    1. Wait, the same FAA you are suing?

    2. 2:25 hey dipshit...they, the FAA in San Diego no longer pickup their phones and you cannot leave a message. D.C is now informed. I notice you state nothing about the low flying aircraft over a school. You are too busy making an ass out of yourself. You fool

    3. Where can we find your court filings against the FAA? I’d like to read them. Please tell us you aren’t a flaccid blowhard with no juice.

    4. All Law Enforcement points to the FAA to take of planes.
      If they refuse to do their job and put our families at risk, then yes. Putting together discovery now. Lots of it.

  34. Hey garvy didn’t you try cozying up to Mali at some point? Just letting to help her out?

  35. Encinitas can’t have any racial problems because it’s almost all white now.

    1. Now that all the mexicans got priced out?

    2. It's gotta be that, because white and mexican were the only options.

    3. where is the person that wants to kill and chop up illegals that live in the canyons, and also the hardcore surfers that go south for the swells.

    4. Hey morons.......I have Mexican friends that are white. You dumb asses. You think only Mexicans look like those little Indian people walking around with backpacks.
      You morons.

    5. Do you like your "white" mexican friends more than " the " the little indian ones with backpacks"? What if they're somewhere in between?

    6. US male racists that spent too much time hanging out with Mexican male racists. But they don't mind fucking Mexican girls of whatever color.

  36. Wait, she was the FIRST choice, and (thankfully) declined?!!!

    "There's a seat on the city council that looks to be available to me and if I want it I'll most likely be appointed to that seat"

  37. 1:32 is completely full of shit. The dude has zero kids and is stirring the pot with his gaslit nonsense. This chode is a former catamite and undoubtedly needs professional help and needs to be sent to a mental institution asap

  38. This person without kids is bragging abt going to tons of kids bday parties.

    What the actual fluck?

    1. I’m a parent who is grateful for Allman.

    2. There are a lot pf retards, 6:30

    3. Another word I didn’t think was used any longer. Well done, both sides.

    4. To be clear, "beaner" was always racist.

    5. No argument there but don’t look now your thin skin is showing. Sheesh.

  39. People are too sensitive.

    Just because I agree with Trump that the beaners are poisoning the pure blood of Merica they accuse me of being racist.

    Can you believe it?

    1. I haven't heard "beaner" since I was about 8. Do you still say that? Did you call people that?

    2. that...was funny. Thank you....

  40. Take the phone away, and see how well Ms. Drake speaks at meetings.

  41. Next topic please. This one is making me feel 🤢😡

  42. Maybe you need to focus on electing someone besides a brain dead president.,

    I support others besides Biden and trump,

    You should quit being a minion and think for yourself.


  43. Next topic, please.

    shit show council meeting tonight. 🤡😵‍💫

  44. I wonder if MG Fletcher, Filner, Kranz, BIA, or Mali went?

    Former president Bill Clinton was spotted enjoying some rest and relaxation with California Gov. Gavin Newsom and others at a luxury resort in Mexico just last week as the first batch of court docs related to Jeffrey Epstein were released.

    - Birds of a feather


  45. You make the rules?

  46. Mali Drake, is offensive because she calls everyone who disagrees with her rants a “racist”.

    Just because people get upset about being called a “racist” and “white privileged” doesn’t mean they are. I have many black friends, colleagues, even a family member. So, to be labeled a racist by Mali Wood Drake is offensive and frustrating.

    She needs a basic lesson in civility and has no business being in any sort of leadership position. All she does is divide and label people. Disgusting!

    1. “I have many black friends”

      And I can’t be sexist or misogynistic because I know some women.

    2. 8:41 yes I do have black friends and I’m sure my black friends have white friends.

      Do you have a problem with that?

    3. 8:41 seems the only person trying to divide others with that attitude, is you!

    4. 8:41 this is problem, you just don’t wanna believe that every white person is not a racist and every male is not misogynistic! That’s your problem and you sound like Mali.

      My tennis and business partner is black. We’ve been friends for over 30 yrs. I love him and his family dearly, I don’t see skin color. But you do!

      I have a wife a 3 daughters and you wanna call me misogynistic?

      Perfect example of the Mali behavior I’m talking about.

    5. 8:43/44,


      Let me dumb it down for you.

      Having friends or acquaintances in a group is not an inoculation from the human tendency to make generalizations or discriminate against that group.

      Most of us saw misogynistic proclivities in a certain candidate for mayor last cycle. And yet, he was married to a woman; had daughters; had a mother; probably had women he considered friends.

      So by your logic, he should be shielded from any possibility that he could be a misogynist.

      In fact, even bringing up the discredited “I have a black friend” trope is a huge red flag, because it’s so weak and discredited, and it reveals an insecurity—some subconscious reason you go searching for some “proof.”

    6. 8:41 so if I say, “I have many black friends” I’m now considered a racist?

      How does that work? How do you come to that conclusion?

      This is exactly the kind of thing Mali, Amanda and Marlon do everyday.

    7. 8:52 this is a perfect example of Mali type of behavior. Start of by being condescending, “let me dumb it down for you”, followed by I don’t care how many black friends you have, “it’s a red flag” and your still a racist.

      My logic would be, I like sports particularly football and baseball, and have many friends who like sports. Your logic would be, those aren’t your friends because they also like ping pong and you do not.

      Quit trying to divide people and take them at face value instead of labeling people without even knowing them.

    8. If you are using the “I have a black friend” trope unironically in 2024, then you might want to be aware that everyone around you is silently judging you. And the “I don’t see color” trope is even worse.

      Seriously. Do some reading about it.

  47. Amanda Zenick is just as bad! But like they say birds of a feather.

    Mali is still trying to capitalize on her racist labeling to fund her 501c3.

  48. Mali and Amanda only divide people.

    Nothing positive or remotely heart warming ever comes out of those people. Notice they never respond to feel good comments on Facebook, they only participate in negative discussion. Quite simply they are attracted and feed off bad energy.

    It’s people like Amanda and Mali that keep people from coming together.

  49. You can’t just label people as racist without evidence. It doesn’t work that way in society.

    1. Racism isn’t binary.

      It’s shades of gray.

      And none of us are purely in or out.

      We all have biases. Humans evolved with tribalism.

      It’s the inability to admit it and actively strive to overcome it that is problematic.

  50. I seem to recall Marco writing that he has a Jewish best friend to prove he’s not antisemitic. What’s the difference between him and those who “some of my best friends are black?“. Bothe statements equally offensive. And in neither case can the poster hear themselves.

    1. 8:54 tell me how “I have black friends” is offensive.

      I have white friends as well, is that offensive?

    2. 8:54 so, how does one go about telling you that they have friends are a different ethnicity then they are.

      Is, I have white friends,Asian friends, European friends or Jewish friends or Christian friends is that offensive as well?

    3. There is no difference. It’s bad. Stop doing it. If you indeed to have a black friend, it’s seriously insulting to reduce them to a prop to be used as a rhetorical flourish.

      They are a whole human being in their own right. If you do value that friendship, then don’t reduce them to a token.

    4. 9:06,

      It’s good to have diversity in your friendships. There’s nothing wrong with that.

      But bringing it up as a defense or evidence of your virtue is so weak it makes everyone who hears it question your motives for bringing it up.

    5. 9:10 that’s a stretch and a week argument. You know it, I know it and anyone reading your statement knows it.

      The fact that you think I’m reducing a 30 year friendship with a black friend of mine to a “token” or any of the other longstanding relationships to a “token” is exactly what wrong with people like Mali.

      You don’t think my black friends refer to me as “white” at times? Would that or should that offend me? NO.

      When I watch comedy I often see black comedian’s make jokes about white people and always referring to them as “white people”, you’ve seen it too. Is that supposed to be offensive? It isn’t for me, but according to you it should be.

    6. 9:16 the fact that you are afraid to say “black” is suspicious.

      Do you have a problem when black people refer to white people as “whites”? FYI, I don’t.

      How about you?

    7. 9:10 so according to your logic CNN should stop saying the word “Jewish” when covering the war, because that’s “labeling and bad”?

    8. 9:17,

      You aren’t going to get it. I’m so sorry.

      Are those black comedians trying to use their mention of white people to prove something about themselves?

      I’m sorry to say it, but your approach and thinking is out of date, and you are giving off a vibe that you don’t want to give off. Trust me, people around you pick up on it, and it’s not good.

      But I get the impression you don’t want to learn and grow.

    9. 9:10 so when a store owner uses the title, “Asian Market” that’s bad?

    10. 9:10 so when filling out a census or government form, DMV, passport, etc, they shouldn’t ask for your ethnicity (White, African American, Asian, Hispanic)? According to you that’s labeling and bad.

    11. 9:20,

      I can’t tell if you are being intentionally obtuse, or if you really can’t understand.

      The issue with the “black friend” trope isn’t about saying the word “black.”

      It’s about suggesting that your friendship somehow inoculates you from racial bias.

      You realize that during slavery, many white children were raised by black nannies, right? They had a deep and loving, nurturing relationship with a black person that lasted years. And yet many of them grew up to own slaves.

      Having loving relationships with individuals did not inoculate them from participating and perpetuating a system of degradation and violence against blacks as a whole.

      In that light, can you see how flimsy the “black friend” defense is?

    12. 9:24 you didn’t answer my question, you danced around it. Is it ok to refer to white people as “white” or is that offensive?

      If it’s offensive to say “black” then why is it not offensive to say “white” both are colors?

      It’s readily apparent that you support double standards.

    13. If you read carefully, I did answer those questions very directly.

      I won’t bother repeating myself.

      Good luck on your journey.

    14. 9:32 your still dancing around and haven’t answered the question.

      If you think it’s bad to refer to a person as African American or Black is it just as bad to refer to someone as White, Indian, Asian, Jewish, etc?

      I see blacks referring to whites as “whites” all the time on TV is that suppose to be offensive?

      Just answer the question…

    15. 9:39 so you do think it’s offensive for Blacks to refer to Whites as “whites”.

    16. So by your logic using the phrase “white racist” is racist in itself. After all you said that using the word black is offensive, so therefor it would equally be offensive to use the word “white”.

    17. 9:39

      I read your comments carefully, I read them twice.

      You never answered my question and I think it’s telling as to how dishonest you are to pretend you did.

      The question was, if it’s racist to label blacks as “black” (which it is according to you) is it equally racist to label whites as “white”?

      Please explain what the difference is!

    18. Read it again.

  51. Margo is as faux woke as he is faux concerned about the environment.

  52. Mali called me a “misogynistic white racist” simply because I voted for Mark Muir.

    It was a long discussion, I gave my reasons and in the end she concluded that I voted the way I did because I’m a “misogynistic white racist”.

    Isn’t Mali conclusion kinda racist in itself?

    1. 9:51,

      Given your level of comprehension on this thread, I’m guessing your retelling of the conversation is completely distorted and self-serving.

    2. 10:12 this is so typical, when you can't answer question you make personal insults, "given your level of comprehension" "obtuse", etc. Then you assume that my comments are "self-serving".

      This is perfect example of why people like Mali, Amanda, Marlon and Marco can't get along with others. They can't have a discussion without insulting people's intelligence. They have this sense of arrogance that they are all knowing and disagreeing with them is either.

      A. Obtuse
      B. Poor comprehension levels
      C. Racist
      D. White privileged
      F. Fill in the blank.

  53. For the record, The commenter says using the word “black” is “offensive” and racist.

    I asked the commenter if government questionnaire forms such as the DMV, Census, Passport, etc that use the works “White” “Asian” “Indian” “Hispanic” for ethnicity description purposes is offensive.

    No answer, they just dance around.

    1. “For the record, The commenter says using the word ‘black’ is ‘offensive’ and racist.”

      Where did I say that?

      In fact, at 9:32 I said the opposite.

    2. 10:06 Here's what you said....

      "If you are using the “I have a black friend” trope unironically in 2024, then you might want to be aware that everyone around you is silently judging you. And the “I don’t see color” trope is even worse.

    3. 10:06 The point being made by me is you can't just put every white person in a box and classify or generalize them. Yes there are racist people.

      There are whites who hate blacks and just as many blacks who hate whites. There are hispanics who hate blacks and blacks who hate hispanics. There are Asians who hate certain ethnicities and certain ethnicities who hate Asians. There are fat people who hate skinny people and vice versa. There are Democrats who hate Republicans and vice versa.

      But you still can't label someone as a "racist or misogynist" just because they are white or a white male. You are only contributing against what you are fighting for. You yourself are becoming the racist and labeler.

      Treat people as individuals don't put an entire group in box an label them. Don't label all Encinitas residents as "white privileged" and "racist" such as what we've seen from Mali Wood Drake and Amanda Zelick and Marco Gonzalez.

    4. 10:06
      I have black and white friends.

      There are black people I don't like and white people I don't like. Same goes for all ethnicities.

      Just because I don't like someone with a different skin color doesn't mean I'm racist. It just means I don't like that particular person.

      I know you wanna believe it's racism every time a white person doesn't get a long with someone that has a different skin tone, but that's just not true. That's just people.

    5. 10:21,

      And you got from that “using the word ‘black’ is ‘offensive’ and racist”?

      I literally do not know what to say.

    6. 10:54,


      You have defeated a strawman literally no one was making.

    7. 11:35, YES.

      Your reference that -

      "If you are using the “I have a black friend” trope unironically in 2024, then you might want to be aware that everyone around you is silently judging you. And the “I don’t see color” trope is even worse.

      Suggests exactly what I said.

    8. “The issue with the ‘black friend’ trope ISN’T ABOUT SAYING THE WORD ‘BLACK.’

      It’s about suggesting that your friendship somehow inoculates you from racial bias.”

      I guess your brain won’t let this in.

    9. 12pm

      Here's the simplest way I can explain this to you.
      This is common sense, try not turning it into something it's not...

      If someone tells you they have....

      1. Close black friends
      2. A black friend as one of the best men at their wedding
      3. A black business partner
      4. A black tennis partner

      They probably aren't a racist. I know you'd like not believe that, but yes I'd say that would qualify you as inoculated from being a "racist".

  54. New post please. This one is boring as hell.

  55. Agree. Dunning/Kruger is in effect with the right wing racist here who is beyond educating. His blindness will not be solved by trying to reason with him, or bothering to answer his disingenuous responses. He is a lost cause and beyond redemption as a human being.

    1. 11:51,

      Your comment says everything about you as a human being. It shows how little regard you have for others and how much hate you have for anyone who disagrees with you. You're a hypocrite.

      Read the words you've chose to use for me.

      "His blindness", "right wing racist", "disingenuous responses", "he's lost and beyond redemption as a human being"

      If anyone needs a lesson in basic human kindness it would be you.

    2. I agree with 12:02

  56. 11:51 unfortunately the world is full of people like you, who don't even realize that you're the problem not the solution.

  57. I agree w 10:14- new topic please.

    🤡 Show tonight. 😵‍💫

    1. I love watching the public comments. The rest of the meeting is useless. Whatever this council does is bad for Encinitas.

  58. 11:51 you are the perfect example of how loosely the word "racist" is thrown at people these days.

    You just labeled me a "right wing racist" when in fact that couldn't be further from the truth.

    What evidence do you have that I'm a "right wing racist".

    What evidence does Mali, Marlon, Marco or Amanda have that I'm a "right wing racist"?

    It's disgusting what these people are labeling good people as.

    Try to have a discussion about racism, ask questions and get labeled a "right wing racist". The only people that are putting labels on others are people like 11:51.
