Monday, February 12, 2018

City government logic

Lock the beach bathrooms at night, then put a porta-potty outside because the bathrooms are locked.


  1. Why is this a bad idea?

    The city is dealing with the regional Hep outbreak, and wants to provide 24 hour toilet access. But there are no staff or good Samaritans around at night to deter vandalism of the expensive real restrooms.

    Seems like a decent compromise, no?

  2. There is no Hep A epidemic .

    How many non-homeless cases have there been in Encinitas today and last six months ?

    This is a government made emergency which won’t be helped by putting Porta potty is all over the place . Freaking morons .

    1. Porta-potties are unsanitary. They are dehumanizing the homeless and chasing them off. And have you seen a lifeguard station anywhere else in the world that includes pre-planned facilities for law enforcement? Why don't they just surround Moonlight with chain link and barbed wire and hand out orange uniforms? It's all money laundering, they are all scratching each other's ding dongs. Get woke people.

    2. “There is no Hep A epidemic“

      What are your medical/public health credentials?

      “Non homeless cases”

      Only some human lives are worth saving? Try to be a better human.

  3. 11:10= Bleeding heart idiot .

    Hey idiot — I saw a car accident yesterday on Encinitas Boulevard. The city is closing the road to all traffic to prevent further loss of life .

    And that’s how idiot logic goes .

  4. 2:02pm There but for fortune........., not that you could take it to heart.

    You would have to have a heart to begin with for that to mean anything to you.

  5. My hearts fine. I’m still alive and thinking clearly.

    You might look into the condition of your heart, it’s not supplying your brain enough blood obviously.
