Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Norby's back

Peder Norby, the controversial former six-figure city consultant from the Stocks-Barth era who was recorded on video suggesting 4- or 5-story zoning at a city meeting he was facilitating, is back, apparently getting a no-bid contract to work on train corridor issues.

From the Inbox:
According to the staff, their justification for hiring Norby is:

"Mr. Norby would assist in developing and implementing a near-term and long-term action plan, based on direction and approval from the City Council, coordination with other agencies and pursue securing grant funding sources. It is estimated that this effort would be conducted over a one year period at a cost of $60,000. As directed by the City Council, staff would develop a detailed scope of work and the contract would be authorized by the City Manager, subject to the review and final approval of the City Attorney. Consistent with the City’s Purchasing and Contracts Policy PC01, given Mr. Norby’s relevant experience and success with similar projects, such as in the City of Carlsbad, a Sole Source Justification form has been prepared (Attachment 7), which upon direction by the City Council would be authorized by the City Manager."

The city has a policy and form that must record the details of why a contract isn't put out to bid. The Sole Source Justification form has that information. Diane Langager requested the approval.

The staff report was part of a special Council meeting on Feb. 14, 2018 at 5:00 pm.


  1. Praise God, someone who can actually get something done.

    1. Norby was run out of his cushy consulting work here when it was made public that he was working against residents and helping developers.

      You meant "Praise the Developer God, " didn't you 5:10? You meant maybe this time he'll "actually get things done for developers," right?

  2. Trench the tracks! Norby was for it early in Carlsbad and helped get the study done.

    1. Notrby also did not have his Carlsbad gig renewed. Why do we think that is?

    2. Good . Norby can help Encinitas get something done. They need the help, that is for sure. Nothing good get done in this town. Expect wasteful projects like that ugly $5 million dollar concrete block taking up precious towel space and blocking pristine views at our jewel moonlight beach

    3. "Concrete" is Norby's middle name! Charlie Marvin and his cronies just loves them some Norby.

  3. 8:24pm - that is not good. That is an expensive ugly coastal disaster. Surfrider and the Coastal Commission failed us big time!!!

  4. Hey Pam Slater Price what do you think of the city hiring Norby, wasn't he one of your appointed County Planning Commissioners?

  5. No one cares about what Spam has to say.

    The women is a moron. The best thing she ever did was marry up and attach herself to someone with money.

    Her motto - Life carpetbagger. She will probably get buried using someone else's grave site.

    Not the type of person I respect.

    1. Why don't you respect her? Did she prevent you from maximizing your pet development project to full financial benefit at the expense of everyone else in this city?

    2. Bingo, 1:16. I can smell the sour grapes from here.

  6. At least Slater didn't take gifts and favors and not disclose them like one council member who owned a tool sharpening business. You may not like Slater but she didn't break the law while in office.

    1. Or like another who accepted an all-expenses paid trip to Israel and voted on the trip donor's project.

      Need a hint? Still a sitting council member.

    2. I heard that Tony was involved in getting Norby to return. Norby does own a vineyard, I've heard.

    3. Wow... now that really says alot about Slater. Yup, she may have been better than Dalablabber and Stocks...... Well done! What an accomplishment Carpetbagger.

  7. I understand that Pam didn't run again for office, because too much was going to come out on her use of community grants money; personal opera seats, donor kickbacks, etc.

  8. What about Crazy Eyed C getting kickoff of Mayorship for those crazy outbursts. Muy Loco- KooK Koo!

    Now that was a fun time watching her spout off on the Dias. Lets get Muy Loco back up there next election! At least the meetings will be entertaining.

    1. The Spanish grammar police have arrived!! Anonymous at 6:29 AM you are guilty of ignorance of the Spanish language. "Loco" should be "loca" because you are making a feminine reference. Time to go back to school.

    2. You assume too much when you say "back" to school, 10:17.

  9. Encinitas city government has always been and continues to be all about insider deals.
    Who runs Barter town?

  10. Pam Slater Price was a bigger crook then Stocks!

    1. Oh, please. You mean she didn't do you the favors Stocks did.

  11. Now slimy mikey goes after another woman who does not post here and wouldn't bother to descend to his level anyway.

    He needs some therapy. His picking on women should be stopped. This piece of work is as classless as they come.

    Hopefully his tirades will come back to haunt him at some point. He is deserving of so much more.

    Oh, btw mikey, this is not any of those women you constantly pick on, not even the same gender. You are a disgusting despicable presence who offers nothing of appreciable value for our community. May the rot inside have its day and we will be better off without your nasty irrelevant meanderings. You have some serious issues with women.

    A truly pitiful an excuse for a human being that you are, the times they are a changing and you are left way behind the times. Time is up a..ream.

  12. Its a pity that someone is still so tied-up by the idea of Andreen; but Andreen isn't interested in any of the subjects posted on this blog: when asked, Mr. Andreen responded that he is quite comfortable with the City's current leadership; both elected and appointed staff and he is comforted by the fact that the new staff of new hires are not even aware of any of the blogs around town and that is how it should be; new technology for new paradigms being used by new staffers being led by new leadership: regardless of their gender.

    1. If Andreen supports current leadership, it shows just how bad current leadership really is.

      IF Assreem supports it, its crap.

  13. 12:56pm I would say nice try, but it is not.

    Whether you are his doppleganger sp? or not, doesn't matter. You are of the same low on the evolutionary scale to support in any way going after several women who have nothing to do with whatever thread is being discussed here. The tell is only to evident.

    1. 1:49-

      What is your point?.... you make no sense.

      Take your Ambien an go back to bed.

    2. Makes sense to the rest of us, Charlie Marvin.

  14. fact is- staff monitors this blog regularly. Proven by many staff comments that are my friends.

  15. 6:08am The point is that a certain known lowlife operator relentlessly comes here and brings some local women into a thread that they are not taking part in, and endlessly calls them names and criticizes them when they refuse to lower to his level and respond.

    Some of us refuse to let him get away with his ongoing bullying that never has anything to do with whatever thread is under discussion.

    This piece of work never stops and he should be made to pay a penalty for picking on these women. The totality of his actions, if ever compiled, would not present a pretty picture, but you already know this slimy mikey.

    Just stop picking on these women and there will be no need to call you out. It is that easy.

  16. Too funny - crazy eyes and the L word rip the shit out of people and blow smoke completely out of their ass Yet they expect everybody to treat them gently . Ha. Truth hurts to some with heavy filters on their life .

    1. Charlie Marvin, your one-note blathers were old the first time.

  17. 5:55pm Spot on.

    6:22pm Charley boy/man /child is stuck in the past when his critics bothered to post here on occasion.

    His declining mental acuity in being off the mark is nothing new. His blaming of certain women will continue, although they choose to not lower themselves to his level by responding to his bullying attacks.
