Thursday, July 19, 2018

Housing deadline in doubt amid council chaos

The Coast News:
The Encinitas City Council continues to play a dangerous political game with the Housing Element, now putting the ballot-filing deadline at risk.

After hours of public comment and about 10 minutes of councilmember discussion at the July 18 meeting, the council moved to vote on whether to approve the Housing Element in its current form. The vote tally on the screen flashed 2-2, with Mayor Catherine Blakespear and Tasha Boerner Horvath opposed. Councilman Mark Muir was absent.

As the city’s attorney, Glenn Sabine, then explained, the tie vote meant that no decision could be rendered. Because approving the Housing Element was a prerequisite to approving the ballot measure, no action could be taken on that measure either.

The shock in the room was palpable. Councilman Tony Kranz said, “It seems clear that the mayor is willing to sabotage this.” His comment was interrupted by loud outcries of dissent from attendees. After Blakespear quieted her supporters, Kranz continued, “We have a lot of professional fees that we’re paying tonight and we’re doing a lot of things that we could have postponed until we had five councilmembers here.”
Click on over to the Coast News for much more, including that the state housing department (HCD) rejected the current plan due to the Kranz/Mosca/Muir last minute changes.


  1. Blakespear did not have supporters yelling for her, Kranz had detractors yelling at him.

    And it wasn't a case of the council choosing between HCD and residents, it was a case of the city choosing developers over residents - and HCD.

    This reporter is GREEN.

  2. The article has since been edited- "EDITOR’S NOTE: This article has recently been updated and features new information." Also seems quite pro-Tasha.

  3. It's the property swap of L-7 with the Clark/Urania properties that is the underlying reason for the split vote. Too much information from public speakers came out during the council meeting. Two on the council are promoting the swap.

  4. Have to question what's in it for them to promote the swap. Rumblings of skullguggery.

  5. It doesn't effing matter anyway. If the city council can't reach unanimous agreement they shouldn't expect the voters to sign on to the plan. It looks like the judge will have to come up with a plan.

    1. It matters in that it points to yet another plan designed behind closed doors with quid pro quos between certain Council members and developers. It points to corruption.

      I'll take the judge.

    2. And the judge may not enforce anything, anyway. At least is more trustworthy than this 5-stooges council.

  6. A judge can’t do worse.

  7. The forced housing plan should be fought. High density over-development is not in the community's best interest, considering that infrastructure is currently way over-capacity. High density development has generally lead to visual blight and an overall decline in the quality of life for the inhabitants. This has absolutely nothing to do with affordable housing or accessibility and all about developer profits. Any argument otherwise is specious.

  8. HCD has already denied the latest sell out plan fostered, festered, by Tony, Mark, and Joe.

    Just what will they be able to vote for at the next council meeting in August when they have a majority again?

    Vote them all out. We surely will voting out whatever plan they come present.

    The question is, since HCD is naming these three bozos as the reason why, is there any place to go at this late?

    The residents came up with something we could support, but as usual, we are not the stakeholders the city listens to. Same old, same old.

    They never learn from their past failures. Vote them all out.

    If we could have the choice to vote them out, and somehow come up with some other way run our city without a council bending over to the Planning Dept. count me in.

    Voting out the Planning Dept. works for me too.

    1. Traffic...Water...Traffic...Water

  9. Developer profit over sensible growth - American Greed.
    DCM (Meyer) is the poster child of this affliction.
