Sunday, December 16, 2018

Red-light camera vigilante attacks sheriff

10 News:
A San Diego County Sheriff's Deputy was injured on Saturday when trying to stop a man from hitting a red light camera with a bat.

Reports came in around 2:36 p.m. of a man on a ladder reportedly hitting red light cameras with a baseball bat at the intersection of North El Camino Real and Encinitas Boulevard in Encinitas. The man was identified as 53-year-old Frederick Gramcko. At the same time, a Sheriff's deputy was driving by and saw Gramcko allegedly hitting the camera.


  1. A new hero in town

    1. not the hero Encinitas deserves, but the hero it needs

    2. 15 years to life for the poor guy. Wouldn't of happened if city council removed the cameras as they had promised but Blakespear wanted them for one more year.

    3. Blakespear's fault, huh? Not the fault of the guy swinging the baseball bat. That's America in 2018 for you.

  2. What have we come to calling someone a hero who blatantly breaks the law in Encinitas - your saying a lot about yourself 3:03. LOSER!

  3. B-b-b-but this is Murcia, an I have RIGHTS under the CONSTITUTION, like the right to go through the intersection just after the light has turned, because I’m important and can’t wait like the rest of you libtards. The gubmint just steals my money for exercising my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, so they can give it all to people who don’t even look like me.

    I’m oppressed.

  4. Batter up! When does his baseball card get issued?

  5. A corpse was found today at Cottonwood Creek (B St. and 2nd St) - not a great place to hang out.

  6. This man is doing the lord's work.

    1. For attacking a sheriff with a bat?

      You are a stain.

  7. 1:56pm Actually, Catherine was willing to consider removing these cams and keep them on a temporary one year basis. That was what the year was about that she proposed.

    It was the rest of the council who nixed any idea of ever removing them.

    I have on a number of occasions, personally seen the timing of the yellow lights manipulated to catch drivers. cha ching$$$$$

    The embedded road sensors that are supposed to recognize traffic amounts and prolong the green light timing have also been observed being shortened, in spite of the heavy traffic, to catch drivers, along with the shortened yellow light timing.

    The cost to drivers when they are caught up in this legalized extortion are so high. The city makes no more money from these, but the company makes a ton.

    One time years ago, I made it through the turn onto Leucadia Blvd, but just barely. The several cars behind me were more than likely ticketed. At that time, I was the third or fourth car to go when it turned green and It switched to yellow and red before I made it through the intersection.

    I came across a deputy in his cruiser a mile up the road and told him what was going on with that light. He thanked me and said he would look into it. I doubt that ever happened.

    Other cities in our region have removed these sources of legalized extortion for just these same reasons. Encinitas? Not a chance.

    Please be aware these redlight camera intersections have a history, and not a good one. Law enforcement denies the timing has ever been manipulated.

    I know it has, and I have not been caught, so don't blame this opinion that I have personally observed as a reason for me to speak up.

    1. 4:47,


    2. 7:13,

      Usual valuable input from you.

  8. 4:47 PM What you have observed has been well documented by others, who have noticed the rigged timing of the lights. It is a commercial enterprise; at one time, the company that installed these cameras got a piece of the action. I'm not sure whether Encinitas shares the revenue from these traps. I'm sure people have used this as a defense in court; proving it would require timers and synced photography - very difficult for the average citizen to organize.

    1. Nope. I believe by law the source code of the software that runs the cameras, sensors and timing has to be open source.

      It would be pretty easy for a tech savvy individual to check the software for bugs or malicious code that could ticket someone who doesn’t deserve it.

      In fact, no one has found such a thing. It’s easy to spout garbage opinions on a blog. Harder to back it up with real proof.

      Every time I see the flash go off, I do a little dance in my car, because the driver deserves a big fat ticket for breaking the law and being a danger to everyone else out of pure selfishness.

    2. Such purity, 7:20. I'm sure you've never squeezed through a yellow light or broken a law in your life.

    3. Not on purpose.

      And when I make a mistake, I accept both the responsibility for, and consequences of my actions. And I vow to do better.

    4. 2:48 forfeits sainthood because he's lying.

    5. 12:06 teaches his/her children that nothing is ever their fault, that rules and laws are for suckers, and that they should strive to get away with whatever they can by whatever means.

      If their sports team loses, it was the refs’ fault.

  9. I suggest anyone who can, install a dash cam. This is our only defense against this ongoing legalized criminal company.

    This simple but effective device can also save drivers from being wrongly accused by being able to prove they were not in the wrong when stopped by an officer.

    Of course, that works to prove when we are in the wrong too. I have heard that when some drivers have been pulled over for a questionable infraction, once an officer saw that dash cam and he knows he might be pushing it, he told the driver to move on along.

    Cheap insurance. Works out on the streets and in court, if it is ever needed.

    Throw these bums out of our town. That will take a change of council in two years. Tony, can you hear the bells tolling for you?


      Is this the same person that signed the contracts for Encinitas?
