Saturday, December 29, 2018

VOSD: Still shilling for the developers

We've noted before the bias and bad reporting on Encinitas housing issues from Voice of San Diego. It's still happening.

Waves to Ride Blog:
Some local observers say Voice of San Diego (VOSD) has a pro-development stance because its principal funders require it. Recognizing the reporters and editors as objective journalists would be preferable, but the publication’s persistent bias in covering Encinitas housing issues makes that difficult.

VOSD has portrayed density bonus, Proposition A and HEUs in Encinitas simplistically and largely ignorantly. They’re not black-and-white, heroes-and-villains issues. VOSD has characterized City Councils and voters as trying to oppress low-income people and prevent them from living in Encinitas. No VOSD reporter has researched the topic well enough to understand it.

To get it right, VOSD would have to admit its gross errors regarding housing in Encinitas, start over and thoroughly research the issues. The publication’s integrity and credibility are at stake.


  1. As mentioned innumerable times, "affordable" is a misnomer. There is nothing affordable in the classic sense about the high density clap trap development on the horizon for Encinitas. Affordable will translate to million dollar condos, jammed into every square foot of space. It is a legislative gift to the developers, granted via their lobbying efforts. The citizens of the community are cut out of the decision making equation by money motivated government.

    1. It's not that "affordable" is a misnomer. It's that it's never defined. Council, staff, developers, the BIA guy, lawsuits and just about everybody else uses "affordable" without defining it. It's left open to interpretation. Maya thinks it means "poor people."

      Go here and deeper to find out what "affordable" means:

    2. Maya doesn't think it means "poor" people. She's had this explained to her ad nauseum. She knows better.

      More evidence that she and VOSD are working hard for the BIA.

    3. Quoting Maya: "That’s why both affordable housing advocates and developers like the law: It lets private developers make more money if they build homes for poor people."

  2. While the housing element fiasco is a terrible travesty of the Mayor, the City Council, and City Manager, posting anything from "Waves to Ride" or Doug Fiske is just stupid and a waste of time.

    While Doug may be a good grammar grandma, he lacks common sense and may be close to not even being able to care for himself. Doug's hobbie is pursuing fictional stories and trying to pursue others that his warped reality is in fact real. (i.e. OMG - who cares if its Beacon or Beacons beach)

    Don't waste you time responding to anything he says or writes. He doesn't matter.

    1. So 10:46 what in his editorial is "fictional" or lacking in "common sense"? "He doesn't matter". Who does matter? Andreen? Meyer?.

    2. I’m not 10:46, and I agree.

      Fiske is a self-important nut who craves attention. He’ll do anything to see his name online, and this repost will only encourage him.

    3. What is a grammar grandma? Does she know how to spell hobby? Does she care that the city calls it Beacon's?

    4. Can 10:46, 11:55, and 1:43 point out where Fiske has it wrong? Didn't think so.

      Theirs are the posts that don't matter.

    5. 1:45 - agreed!
      Doug's writing / reporting is carefully considered and very much appreciated from here.
      the juvenile attacks on his opinions are pathetic.
      he has far more credibility than the infants attacking him -

    6. Fiske is a fool. He only looks out for his personal biases. He has no concept of what is in the best interest of the City or it's people. For instance, he spent 10 years arguing against Streetscape because he lives close to the 101 in a little apartment and is worried about traffic. He doesn't care if it makes the City safer or anything. He's only looking out for #1.

    7. Agreed. From reading Fiske's posts on blog and commentary on subjects like Beacons and roads, he is a fool indeed.

    8. Haha sounds like Fiske's ideas interfere with your big plans, 10:11 and 11:41.

      Why don't you use your words and explain where he's wrong? You're both still looking like the real fools.

      We're still waiting....

    9. 11:41 is 10:11 agreeing with himself.

      Do you even know Doug? You sound like a jealous pissant.

      Top of the Google stack is 10 Coast News commentaries. Three are about trenching the tracks through Encinitas. The oldest is almost six years ago. Is trenching the tracks "looking out for #1"? Seems to me trenching would be a huge benefit for the whole city.

    10. Looking out for #1 is Charlie Marvin and his crew. That handful of loudmouths are the squeaky wheel that got Blakespear's grease - for now.

      Tony's got a hand in this, too. Tony, you read the blog: we'll invite you again to weigh in.

  3. When you can’t respond with facts, attack the character. You anti Friske nobs got nothing but a fist full logical fallacies.

  4. 10:46 & 11:55, who claim to be different people:

    Please point out where Fiske has the facts wrong, lacks common sense and why what he writes doesn't matter.

    1. He is critical of bias, but doesn’t acknowledge his own.

      I think he’s right about the bias and oversimplification of VOSD, but he would only be happy with coverage that is equally skewed in his favor.

      I think there has been pretty good reporting on this issue from the UT, Coast News, &c.

      We can also question the purpose of this editorial. The phase of this story where public opinion matters cane to a close on Nov 6. Maybe the real purpose is to satisfy an urge for attention.

      Otherwise, it’s a pretty good piece.

    2. VOSD wrote about Encinitas housing through and after Frazier's decision, which was well into December this year. No doubt, they'll continue to cover housing in Encinitas. Seems to me what Fiske is after is truth and objective reporting. What he writes is factual mixed with well-informed opinions. I find no fault in that. If VOSD wants to editorialize, they should label it as such, not claim it's fact-based journalism.

  5. In 2018, "affordable" in San Diego County is for a household of four people with a low income at or below $77,850, or a very low income of $48,650. The calculations assume households pay 30% of their income on housing. Figures for households of other than four people are commensurate.

    How many of the housing units proposed in Measure U will meet those HUD-HCD standards?

  6. There's no doubt about who VOSD serves. VOSD columnist Maya Srinivasan met repeatedly with David Meyer to get her "facts" and POV when she wrote about affordable housing. She never did figure out she was getting her intel from the most predatory of foxes guarding the henhouse and ended up writing an extremely pro-BIA propaganda piece.

    1. Correct, 1:40, but was that intentional or just sloppy journalism?

      That's the basic question posed in Doug's blog post.

    2. It was intentional. Several of us exchanged emails after her reports came out and she stuck to her "but David told me..." stance. How to explain that I don't know, but how she tried to justify herself did not fly.

  7. Thanks for the link to the early EU post and comments about VOSD. They have a long history of getting Encinitas housing wrong. Are they as bad with everything else they cover?

  8. Blakespear already told Meyers that his project was good!

  9. I saw Kranz having a lovefest with Meyers at the Poinsettia Christmas Ball.

    1. These council peasants sold out to their developer benefactors from the start. Small town politics - put the yokels in office, then bait them with incentives and they will follow you anywhere. Kitchengate in its various forms.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. You know 12:09, most of us are also suspicious of the quid pro quo nature of Kranz's relationship with Leichtag as well as a host of other special interests.

      If you eliminated your anti-Semitic slant people might actually learn something about Kranz and his Leichtag connections. Instead you just out yourself as another piece of trash to step over.

  10. Meyer- Flakespear and Phony are one. Sell out encinitas residents for developer profits.

  11. WATCH ALERT - the council will fold on the Housing Element and join with the developers! They'll blame it on the judge but we all know they have other optoins to consider (appeal, new plan to voters, etc.)

  12. Shaffer and Kranz both lied about their support for Prop A, then flipped when they got elected. Why should things be any different with this bunch?

    1. I believe Shaffer and Kranz realized the mistake. People can chance their mind, or are they forever tied to one belief?

    2. If they "realized the mistake," they sort of neglected to share what it was with the rest of us.

      Nope, they used the pro-Prop A folks to get elected then started listening to the BIA propaganda machine. One of them may even have profited from listening.

  13. Why is the blog owner censoring and suppressing freedom of opinion on this blog? Why would the blog owner destroy someone's opinion or facts?

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 at 12:09 PM
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The 1st Amendment doesn’t grant you the right to express antisemitism on a privately moderated and hosted blog.

      Back to Stormfront—back underground, you whiny little wannabe Nazi $h:t stain.

      Buh-bye, now.

    2. 3:04

      Are you a member of the KKK?

      Are you so blind that you need an explanation of why hate speech and prejudice are wrong?

    3. 7:12, let me answer for him:

      Yes, but he won't understand.

  14. Off topic but warning to anyone who wants to go to downtown Encinitas right now....GRIDLOCK! Thanks to the Chesterfield closure we are screwed for 3 weeks. Encinitas can't do anything right.

    1. I'm sure it's always fun to take a swipe at the city but the Chesterfield project is SANDAG not a city project. I was in that traffic yesterday and yes it was bad but Chesterfield is the only street crossing between Lomas Santa Fe and downtown and it's used heavily. It has to be closed for this portion of construction so traffic will suck for awhile. What would you suggest they do differently?

  15. Oh I see, my comment has no worth because you say so. Sounds like city staff on the blog again. My solution? One lane could've been kept open. As worked progressed, use another lane. It's not rocket science. In addition, the city should have police watching traffic at least through this first week period. Try to get out of The Lumberyard, especially by ACE HARDWARE. There's total gridlock even at the 4 way stop on H street in the intersection. Our city should've seen this coming.

    1. "my comment has no worth because you say so" Really? Sounds like you have confidence issues.

      "Sounds like city staff on the blog again" No, not really. Why is it when someone disagrees they have to be labeled "staff" like no resident can ever disagree.

      My assumption is that since they are redoing the crossing gates, they have to shut them down while they reconfigure which means they can't open just one side. That was my original thought as well. I do agree with you on the lack of traffic control deputies in downtown. That should have been included in SANDAG's project budget as they are certainly aware of the heavy traffic using that crossing.

    2. It feels great for the ego to think that you are smarter than everyone.

      4:58 likes to imagine that he’s smarter than everyone who has been planning and executing construction projects their whole life.

      4:58 is another very stable genius, who knows more than the generals, with one of the greatest memories of all time.

      Or he’s just another blowhard who is too arrogant to admit the limits of his knowledge.

  16. paper cuts adore you.
