Wednesday, May 22, 2019

5/22/19 City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Hubbard the dictator pro tem. Trying hard to enforce Blakespear's jazz hands rule, the crowd responds by clapping harder than ever.

    Of course the speakers find out when they get there that they get two minutes, one time donation for a total of four minutes tops. Of course.

  2. How is it that the council can arbitrarily limit public comments time and donations?

    Why can't the school be rebuilt without encroaching on the park?

    1. A: because they can. Blakespear is the most heavy-handed council member we've every had and Hubbard takes it to a whole new level of rude.

      A: it can.

    2. 8:05 PM

      "Why can't the school be rebuilt without encroaching on the park?"

      It can, just have some of the buildings two stories.

  3. The fix is in. There were only 42 speaker slips. That's 2 hours at 3 minutes per speaker slip. Council doesn't want to spend their valuable time listening to the residents.

    1. Sadly, what's new?

      The speakers get two minutes, not three. On time donation, not two.

      All hail the dictator!

  4. Jody is as dumb as she is rude!

    1. She brings incompetence to a new level!

  5. What was the vote?

  6. Vote all the Developer Whores out.

  7. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: Nothing ever gets accomplished at public comments, ever.

    It's just a grandstanding show by the same half dozen elderly dimwits every week. Anybody who really wants to get anything done reaches out directly to council members and gets a meeting without a two or three minute time limit. But if you are one of the dimwits, forget it. You've already proved your thoughts are garbage, so members of council will probably not take a meeting with you. Sorry, calendar is completely full.

    Two minutes vs. three minutes really doesn't matter. I've watched your public comment speeches. Honestly, they could give you all night and you'd still never come to a cogent thought. When you had three minutes, you were just repeating the same stuff four times anyway. So just repeat it three times and take a seat.

    If I was on council, I'd be reading a book under the desk, or maybe try to put a cardboard cutout of me in the chair until the real meeting begins. I guess that's why I'd never run. I don't know how they do it--pretending to listen to the incoherent ramblings of the dimwit posse for hours. I literally couldn't do it.

    1. Putin called, he said it’s time for you to come back to the motherland. His other ball washer “disappeared”

    2. I have no idea what that means.

      If you are trying to help make my point about the confused thinking of dementia patients, then thanks—well done, sir.

    3. 9:44/10:27 could be a city worker, could be the mayor's husband, could be Phony T - anyone with a demonstrated lack of impulse control is at work here.

    4. Clearly 9:44 is an insensitive jerk - a boor - arrogant and condescending. Unfortunately 9:44 has a point. If you want to get something done at the City or anywhere else for that matter you have to set meetings and talk to the decision makers. Public Comment can certainly be used to reinforce points made in one off meetings, but it's a waste of time to introduce an issue. So if you want to influence CC, set up meetings, talk to stakeholders, make your position known to anyone who can help. Trust me - it works!

    5. The last thing the council wants you to do is air their dirty laundry in public. They prefer phone calls and undocumented meetings at city hall.

      If you really think you can influence something, by all means meet in private.

      But if you want the public at large to know the crap the city pulls - make it visible to all. Don't underestimate the value of outing issues to fellow residents. You never know who's listening.

    6. Oh gee 12:52 - I thought this was about actually getting something done. If your initial assumption right out of the gate is that CC is nothing more than dirty laundry, then the outcome has already been decided. However, if your objective is to hold the CC accountable, why would the approach be any different? Journalist talk to people all the time, both on and off the record. They interview stakeholders to get background info and connect the dots. You can still make it visible to all - it just comes down to a matter of timing.

    7. Not all outcomes can be influenced behind closed doors. When they can't, its time to take the fight public. That gets things done, too. Maybe not that night and maybe not immediately after, but things do change as a result.

      You may simply be one of those who are uncomfortable with what Shaffer used to call "public shaming."

    8. I've met with council and staff members many times. No effect. They do whatever they want to do, completely disregarding public input.

    9. Council voted 4 to 0 is reject the appeal on the Cardiff School, with Blakepear recusing herself because she lives within 500 feet of the project. The Coastal Development Permit will be issued. The denial also included setting up a sub-committee of two school board members and two council members (Kranz and Hinze).

    10. 2:23,

      So you were ineffective.

    11. The only members of the public who are effective are people like Keith Harrison and others who agree with the development agenda.

    12. And so you work to support alternative candidates.

      But you’ve also been ineffective at that.

      Maybe it’s time to accept that you’re ineffective.

    13. 7:25 There is training available for idiots like you.

  8. Anyone that speaks to embracing homeless camps in town, homeless porto potties, increased bar scene and party culture in town, increased concrete and dense section 8 apartments downtown is welcome and praised by our City Council.

    Their legacy is converting our nice beach town to Pacific Beach!

    This is the worse Mayor and City Council ever. Even worse than Jeromme Stocks and Crazy Cameron.

    1. None of the high density will be Section 8. That's not the point of Measure U or the mayor asking the court to invalidate our right to vote on these mega plans.

      Virtually all the high density the mayor is pushing will be market rate.

  9. Public comments?? You want their attention?? Meet them in the parking lot with flaming torches and pitchforks, that will get their attention. The days of playing nice are over. Yellow vests for all!!

  10. Hey Kathy, it's been 10 weeks since CalTrans has lifted a finger to finish the underpasses at Santa Fe and Enc Blvd. Any chance you could pick up the phone and get them working again?? No?? I didn't think so. Too busy at ribbon cuttings for the rail trail and the soon to fail sand dunes in Cardiff. Well then when do you think it will be done?? 6 months?? 9 months?? A year?? Well I'm sure that whenever it's done you'll cut a ribbon, even if you're not the mayor anymore.....

  11. 10:40pm- I totally agree. This City Hall is run like a total shit show.

    Encinitas City Council and Staff Suck. Useless and bad for our Beach Town.

    1. It's a bread and circuses city council and staff only they get the bread and circuses and the public gets the shaft. Where can I buy a yellow vest now that Ace has closed??

  12. Catherine Blakespear mom's (Trica Smith) augument defy's common sense. This women says she want the Cardiff school to maintain the open space/park, yet fought against the Encinitas Community Park for years. You either like open space and parks or you don't! Don't be so foolish, we're all on to you. You and your group of 5 or 6 activist.

  13. And those of us who made it through grade school know how to spell defies.

    1. That wasn't the only problem with 12:53's spelling. Sheesh.

  14. 4:37- Fuck off grammar mom. No one give a shit that you can edit blog comments.

    1. If you're so careless that you can't get the form right, nobody puts any value in the content.

  15. No. You might not, but many other do. Fuck off Grammar Mom no one other than you cares about grammar in blogs. :(

    1. 12:25 You're just confirming what a dumbshit you are. My 4th grader knows English and Spanish better than you do.

  16. Comments about grammar are racists!! It indicates a higher level of education ( a put down of undereducated people) and lack of compassion for the disadvantaged. Not all schools are the same. Harvard, Yale, Princeton no longer grade papers on what the author wrote or how they wrote it but what the author meant to write and how they meant to write.

    1. Great comedy!

    2. No, not true. Yes, ridiculous and great comedy. I'm a pilot. My employers and passengers don't rate me on how I fly and where I land but how I meant to fly and where I meant to land.

      Do you want to be careless and wrong, or careful and right?

    3. 6:06 You don't even know what racist means!

    4. 3:40- by telling me I know nothing of racism is a clear indication of your bigotry.

    5. 7:41—3:40 posted that you don't know what the word "racist" means. You posted: "Comments about grammar are racists!!"

      Maybe you want to restate and clarify?

    6. I don't have to restate nor clarify. You should know what I mean regardless of what I write or if I use proper grammar. You should give me an A....

  17. Everyone assigns weight to an opinion based on context. Who is the author? What is their expertise or experience? What background or education do they have?

    Sometimes it works backwards. If the topic is the impact of alcoholism, drugs and poverty on native peoples, I may give more weight to the opinions of an uneducated tribal elder who has lived it, relative to a professor who studies it.

    But usually, if you present yourself in writing as someone lacking basic skills and knowledge taught in grade school, then we would value your thoughts the same as a grade schooler.

    If you really are ignorant, we’ll, that’s a shame. But you should understand and expect that others will discount your thoughts. If you are just sloppy and lazy, that’s a real shame, because you are throwing your thoughts into the trash bin, when they may have otherwise made some small difference.

    1. Deep thoughts from the Deep Thought Police. I recommend you direct your comments to the board of directors of the afore mentioned Ivy League schools.

    2. 7:19 Disturbing that you have to explain this is anybody and ironic that the aforementioned 7:54 doesn't get it.

    3. I think you mean "to anybody"

    4. 7:19 knows what I meant to say and should give me an A ......

  18. Fuck off Grammar Mom. Its only a blog. Get a life and try and convince people to call it Beacon instead of Beacons, or something productive.

    Geeze. What a loser want-to-be know it all.

    1. Angry and ignorant.

      A Lovely combination.

    2. 6:06 — Oh, because it's a blog it's OK to post ignorant opinions and to show your stupidity and coarseness?

      You sound like a Trump supporter.

      Instead of expecting people to figure out what you mean, why not be smart enough to actually post what you mean?

      The sign says and the city calls the access Beacon's. Where did you get those other versions of the name?

  19. It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

    1. That's all well and good, but you still have to use the RIGHT WORD!!

  20. Well thats all good. But the Grammar Mom can never admit that they are being a nag with zero value.

    Thanks 4:53 for proving the point.

    and to you Grammar Mom - Fuck off. Try and get people to start calling Swamis --- Swami.... Loser.

  21. We didn't need more proof that you're a crude, uneducated moron, 5:55, but you've provided it anyway.

    Surfers named Noonan's Point Swami's because it was owned by the SRF and Swami Paramahansa Yogananda. That make Swami's a singular possessive noun just like Noonan's.

    But you wouldn't know that because you're ignorant and too stupid to cure your ignorance.

  22. Thanks for proving the point. No facts, nothing new or nothing new of interest.

    Your a useless blow hard. Nothing more.

    1. Well, no. New, solid facts to further prove your profound and willful ignorance.

      And you're so dumb, you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're."

      You're at the Trump level, which is under the bottom of the pit.

  23. 2:55-

    As usual, your wrong again. I do know the difference. I just do not care because......

    Its a blog and the only one who cares whether I use your or You're is an ass like like you.

    One thing we seem to have in common is a dislike for Trump.

    1. If you're so careless that you can't get the form right, the only people who put any credibility in your content are dummies like you.

      The fact that you don't understand that is proof of how dumb you are.

  24. Have you ever heard of constructive criticism? Apparently not.

    How about exhibiting a little of what we are all taught in school? Your mind, or what is left of it, must have been elsewhere if you were even physically
    in the classroom.

    It is the easiest thing in the world to write intelligently once you pay attention.

    Short attention spans are becoming a plague in our society, and we all know several reasons why.

    You have a long life ahead of you. Don't go through it showing your lack of learning anything when you had the chance.

    It really isn't that difficult and will serve you well throughout your life.

    Constructive criticism is offered for your benefit.
