Saturday, May 11, 2019

Big vegan action in little Encinitas

Anonymous for the Voiceless


  1. The Mayor has embraced these folks - the new normal for Encinitas!

  2. Get more original masks. How about the Chik-a-Fil cows? Then have chicken counter protesters pecking out Col. Sanders' eyes.

  3. I wonder how this clowns feel about late term abortions?

    1. I'm not vegan, but am increasingly bothered by how animals we consume are treated before we get them packaged up all nice, neat, and unrecognizable as animals.

      Why would you call them "clowns?"

    2. When did aborted fetuses enter the food chain? Maybe you're a zombie!

    3. 8:49 Are those not clown masks?
      5:19 It just a question..........maybe you are a fool

    4. They're not clown masks, but perhaps you are from another planet where they are. And we all know what you meant.

    5. Perhaps you can explain what kind of masks those are if not clown masks.

    6. 6:20 AM Nutcase crusader- self righteous hypocrite too!

    7. 11:34 AM, clearly they are ghost clown masks with facial hair. I assume the ghost clowns prefer to speak French.

    8. Being annoying vegans, I'm sure they're against them, but I sure as hell am for em! Bring all the delicious animals and fetuses to my table please! Sorry jesus kooks, move along!

    9. 11:34 - the mask is meant to be a depiction of Guy Fawkes - a member of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605. It has been used as a mask of protest since the 1800's. So no - it is not a clown mask.

      12:24 - the masks have nothing to do with France.....

    10. Thank you for the history lesson. Who knew? After reading the write up online.......I'm not to sure what Guys fight has to do with a hamburger. So I will leave it at that.

    11. 1:35, Jesus and veganism? Uhhh you're the kook.

  4. Not a vegan, but also not a big fan of factory farming.

    I like to cook with lamb, buffalo, rabbit, ostrich, heritage breed pork, etc. Stuff that’s raised and butchered locally and doesn’t sell in quantities that work for factory farmers.

    Tip Top Meats in Carlsbad is the only place in north county that buys whole animals on the hook and butchers locally.

    The recalls for wide spread contamination come from factory farming.

    1. Sick. You enjoy eating corpses.

    2. Never really thought of it that way, but sure.

      Here’s a thought. We’re both adults with free will. We both have knowledge and personal preferences in our food choices. How’s about we both make our own choices, while recognizing that others may make different choices without being wrong or bad people.

      There would probably be more vegans if vegans didn’t go out of their way to piss people off.

    3. You're not acknowledging the reality. By eating corpses, you're hurting yourself and the planet, and you're murdering sentient beings.

    4. You’re making my point.

      Gotta go.

      Smoking corpses out back.


    5. 5:41 Think deeper and be more responsible. You can do it without anybody having to soft-sell you.

    6. I bet you have leather in your car, your furniture, a belt, wallet, dress shoes, or hiking boots. I bet you’ve taken prescription pills that contain animal products. I bet you’ve had the MMR vaccine or the flu vaccine.

      See, you’re a monster just like me. I just eat the meat of the animals that died to make your garden gloves, so that they didn’t go to waste.

    7. 9:08 Sorry, I didn't realize you're a child.

    8. If only we could eat animals while they're still living, like they humanely do to one another.

      Think vegans are angry because they have to miss out on the best food options, or is it simply the result of being less mentally developed?

    9. 1:42, it's not so much animal consumption by humans that's offensive, it's the sick and twisted way we treat them until they are killed and consumed. Raping, kicking, punching, maiming - you name it is not at all uncommon.

      I think vegans get a bad rep from putting this ugly reality out there where it's impossible to ignore. It's just like dealing with the city: asking nicely and politely does not get you anywhere.

      I think a lot of the bad vegan rep comes from the meat-eater's discomfort with what they're seeing, so they blame the messenger. Not sure how else to explain the rationalization for buying factory-farmed meat.

    10. No. The bad vegan rep comes from the arrogance of trying to impose a personal preference on everyone else.

      Humans have been eating meat for 2.5 million years. There’s peer reviewed scientific research suggesting that we would not have evolved our brains to the current point had our diet not included meat.

      That said, I understand and respect the health benefits and taste preferences that lead vegans to make their personal food choice.

      I simply wish that vegans would share the respect for others who make different personal decisions.

      You do you, vegans.

    11. Humans have existed for about 300,000 years so our species can't have been eating anything for 2.5 million years.

      Encinitas is trying to impose cycling on everybody, but vegans aren't trying to impose their dietary choice.

      Vegans are vegans because they recognize the choice is better for the planet, better for the animals and better for the vegans.

      Anything else is cruel, disgusting and irresponsible.

    12. Should have said “hominids” have been eating meat for 2.5m years. These are our ancestors who lived through an evolutionary brain expansion that makes modern humans who we are, and cannot be explained without meat in their diet.

    13. “. . . vegans aren't trying to impose their dietary choice.”

      “Anything else is cruel, disgusting and irresponsible.”

      Yeah. Loud and clear.

    14. Let's get some perspective here.

      Blakespear is trying to impose everyone to abandon their cars for bikes. By comparison, vegans are merely stating their disgust of eating meat, believe it to be cruel and irresponsible, and have no problem telling you that. They are not, however, trying to take away your food.

      Blakespear on the other hand, is trying to get you to leave your car in the garage or, better yet, send it to the crusher. (Not that you'll see her doing that. She just happens to know best for YOU.)

    15. Whataboutism done poorly.

      Council is making changes to stop the rash of disabled and dead people—and the expensive settlements.

      I understand that you care more about a cow than your neighbors—it just seems odd to most people.

    16. The one you really mean is the one whose police report has yet to be released...who is now suing the city because, as a self-described cycling expert, got confused by the road signs she's passed safely how many hundred times in the past? Is that the expensive settlement that has not yet been offered that you're referring to?

      Because you surely can't mean the fellow in the wheelchair who has repeatedly shown photos of himself in the hospital thanks to the outstanding crosswalk design by Blakespear's expert staff. You can't mean him, because Blakespear already told him that he should be "happy to hear" that said crosswalk is on the list to get fixed in two years' time.

    17. Yowza you change the subject a lot.

      Perhaps a change in diet would improve focus and attention.

    18. Not really, as I was responding to your claim of a "rash of disabled and dead people." If not Walker, to whom did you refer - specifically? Who all is included in your "rash?"


    20. 6:48 Like most flesh eaters, you fail to understand, and you deny truths because they're inconvenient.

    21. This is awesome, I get to watch three groups of assholes taking shots at one another.

    22. 2:11 = sad life.

    23. In response to 12:32’s question, I posted links to about a dozen different accidents in recent years where cyclists or pedestrians were injured or killed. I also posted links to a few law firms that have special pages advertising personal injury services specifically targeting pedestrians and cyclists injured in Encinitas.

      Not sure why they were deleted.

    24. Please do repost - with actual Encinitas examples supporting your "rash" comment. And unless they were actually hired to sue the city, don't bother including personal injury ads in an attempt to support your statements.

    25. 2:40 hahahaha, definitely one of em.

    26. Myeah, so with the exception of Walker, I see the personal injury lawyers reporting on - not representing - accident victims.

      With the exception of Walker, has anyone sued?

      No offense to a certain Blakespear bff attorney, but the poster him. Lots of bluster, little substance.

    27. The links are back (see above).

      The only reason I included the PI attorney pages is that it's a sign of a significant problem when ambulance chasers see enough of a pattern to try to commercialize and industrialize lawsuits against a specific city.

      For similar reasons, I posted on EU a few years ago when I found bus companies advertising and selling tickets to Encinitas bar crawl tours.

      When a trend reaches a point where it can be commercialized, it's a significant milestone/warning sign that should not be ignored.

  5. 8:44AM if you're worried about late term abortions, don't have one.

    1. 11:47 That may be a little tough since I'm male.

    2. For some reason, I assumed you were.

    3. 6:24AM of COURSE you are.

  6. For every vegan I've come across that proselytizes, I've come across 20 people that complain about vegans proselytizing. Militant vegans are an urban myth designed to keep places like 4chan fired up!

  7. The anti-abortionists are the very ones against social assistance programs, where most of these "unwanted" children end up. Maybe they need to line up to adopt them.

  8. Fun fact:

    You can’t be both vegan and devout catholic.

    Catholicism teaches the concept of transubstantiation, which is the belief that the communion cracker isn’t just a symbol of the body of Christ, but that it transforms in the stomach into the literal body of Christ. Literally cannibalism, which definitely is not vegan. .

    1. Your argument is invalid. Jesus meat is miraculous and magical by definition and is therefore deemed vegan through the grace of God should one require that it be vegan to conform with their beliefs.

    2. ^^Catholic Jedi Mind Trick.

  9. You are so right. The nuns used to tell us we couldn't chew the wafer because it was like "chewing on the body of Christ", so one would sit in church, wafer glued to the roof of your mouth, and you hoped you didn't inhale it accidentally and meet up with JC right there. Fanatics of all shapes and sizes disgust me. If vegans want to save the planet so much, stop having KIDS!!

  10. I would venture to guess that 80% of the posters (posers) that post up on this here rag do not live in Encinita nor could they afford a lunch at the crappy restaurant AKA quack shak. Go away losers and make encinitas gay again

    1. Not grammar police but this here is "Encinitas". As for the gay slur, FU.

  11. I did a little homework on the Halloween mask these people wear. They have only been wearing these revised masks since a movie came out in 2005. Before that the "guy masks were completely different.
    Just as I thought......."more made up garbage revising history of true facts". Thinking a movie is real life explains it all in the world of the numb.

  12. It's not a Halloween mask.
