Friday, August 14, 2020

City Council unanimously supports allowing developers to build projects with inadequate parking

... because turning Encinitas into Mission Beach will be good for global warming or something.

Council candidate Susan Turney on Encinitas Votes:

Council voted last night 5-0 to approve support of AB 3153, a bill that cedes more local control to the state. Ironic coming from a council that likes to complain how their "hands are tied" by Sacramento dictates, the bill further reduces density bonus onsite parking requirements to accommodate bicycle parking.


What's a more rational prediction of behavior when inadequate parking is provided? That tenants and guests will sell their cars and decide to ride bicycles, or that overflow parking will spill out into surrounding neighborhoods? This isn't rocket science. 





  1. And ��������Snakespear signed her name to another thing the Residents don't want!!!

    1. Get out your old DUMP STOCKS bumper stickers and write over with BLAKESPEAR!

  2. This is awesome! I can not wait for an affordable and section 8 condo towers to be built at moonlight beach and swamis and have affordable housing at the beach. We do not need to parking spots, we can walk everywhere! I hope they make them at least 60 stories but they should go 85 in my opinion. Think of all those awesome new residents and tourists. I currently live in a trailer in the IE, but this is great! Everyone should have affordable housing at the beach.

    Thanks Mayor Blakespear-Gonzales! Your wisdom to team with the BIA was the best thing to ever happen to Encinitas!

    Luv you! You sure know what us residents want for our future! Thanks!

  3. Best part is this is not section 8 housing. This is market rate luxury non affordable. But this council can feel good because at the end of the day isn't it all about virtue signaling and calling that good enuf?

  4. Catherine Blakespear is a horrible disgusting human being.

    Catherine Blakespear is a lying sack of rotting flesh.

    Catherine Blakespear is a total fraud.

    Any additional character traits are encouraged below

    1. Blakespear is a scourge on Encinitas, a diabolical scourge.

    2. Geeze crazy Jayne, no need to attack someones character. All I hear people saying is she make horrible decisions as mayor. I hear nothing about her being a bad person. Lighten up.

      But we all get it, there are others who will do a better job as Mayor

    3. Blakespear is a sociopath of a woman trappedotrapped in a mans body. Cuckold husband is a nurse. Cankles came from feminist mom.

  5. Way back in time before anyone wore spandex to ride, I rode a bicycle. For 3 years in LA, from 1977-1980, then we moved to Encinitas and I rode for another 3 years. It's not easy, it's dangerous and when you get to work you are dripping with sweat. Doing laundry is fun, too. Try balancing 3 loads in a bicycle basket. It takes a good 20 minutes to ride from Cottonwood Creek to Cardiff Seaside market for the average person. Where do you put your groceries? What if you need to go to El Camino Real? Sure, there's a brief trail by the golf course, but you'll be inhaling car exhaust for most of the trip. Bikes are meant for short trips, fun and exercise. They can't replace a car, and that's that. Until our business areas promote more shops that have things we need, that we can get to by foot or bike, the car will prevail. We all know why our mayor is promoting this idea. Everyone knows.

    1. Because she invested in bike and related companies?

    2. You rode a unicycle?

  6. Vote them all out.

  7. “I bore witness to the real man, in strip clubs, shady business meetings, and in the unguarded moments when he revealed who he really was: a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man.”

    1. The mayor is a woman. Other than that, spot on.

    2. Oh come now, she isn't a total moron with the attention span of a gnat.

    3. MEGA = Make Encinitas Garrulous Again???? MEPB = Make Encinitas Pacific Beach.

  8. 4:25 PM - Who dat? Marco.

    1. The quote is from Michael Cohen's upcoming book about Trump.

  9. 6:44pm - now hold on one minute. I heard Cohen was Trumps long time confident and trusted friend.

    Oh never mind, I just learned he is an attorney. All bets off. They always follow the money. Now it makes sense.

  10. Many republicans are douche-bags to be sure but let us not lose our grip on reality here...many many democrats are pedophiles. documented proven pedophiles. We know this to be true.

    Choose carefully.

    1. A good a Q-Anon conspiracy dope.

      You are embarrassing yourself and your family.

      No, derp derp. There isn’t a tunnel under a pizza parlor where Hillary Clinton is smuggling underage sec workers.

      Alcohol has rotted your brain, and people are laughing at you.

    2. 10:09 you spelled mailgate wrong.

      Oh, and Epstein didn't kill himself.

      Nor did Ghislaine...oh wait

  11. Dems' own the majority of congressional pedophiles?

    If that is not pulled out of your posterior, I would be amazed.

    There is no comparison to the hypocracy so unashamedly expoused by these compromised, profiteering, loud mouths.

    What appears to have become crucial, is that a change is needed.

    That can only happen if a new majority is voted in.

    Anything less, and nothing will change.

    We, as a unified community, even after being subjected to the scam of redistricting, can come together.

  12. You two above are complicit with your denial.

    You're likely guilty.

    1. Has any national news reporter asked the DNC why Bill Clinton, recently identified in sealed court records as a guest on Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island, will be speaking at the DNC?

      Asking for a classic reasonable democrat

    2. Has any republitard wondered how the pussy grabber in chief who bragged about walking in on underaged girl changing for a pageant got rid of the 13yo who filed a suit against trump and epstein for rape. She just disappeared right before the election, even her lawyer cant find her. Clinton maybe a pedo but you are dumb as a republican if your think trump isn’t a sexual predator. Even his wife was a sex worker in Eastern Europe. You trump fan boys are retarded. Only cucks go around fan boying for another man. I bet everyone of your repubitards would let rump bang your wife. No president has ever had so many cucks wrap themselves in another mans name as much as trump cucks have.

  13. And this, is why everyone one of the clowns are going to get voted out. And the fact they changing zoning to rental status. Ruining Encinitas.

  14. Everything the left does, they destroy.

    1. While everything the right touches turns to shit.

    2. That's the feces touch!

  15. Housing without parking = CHAOS!

  16. This is not a right or left issue. This is about legal, systematic bribery. The right wingers in California are just pissed off because the Democrats are harvesting the money.

  17. Next our council will write a letter supporting an exit fee to leave the state.
    VTO-Vote Them Out!!

  18. Vote out Blakespear and her two council member followers. Why is'nt there large Remove Blakespear Protest Happening???

    1. Because Fakespear has let the sheriff captain know if there are anymore protests outside her home she'll have him reassigned to Southeast San Diego and his career will be over.

  19. Notice the scrawl that is Blakespear's signature - undefined, illegible and uncertain. That's her in a nutshell.
