Wednesday, August 19, 2020

City includes "van lifers" in homeless count

 Julie Graboi at Encinitas Votes:

I attended the August 17 Homeless Action Plan and had wanted to share some observations and concerns during Oral Communications at tonight's City Council Meeting. However, starting tonight, a new policy requires speakers to register by 2:00 and send their oral comments into the city by 3:00. Therefore, I will be sharing some concerns here instead. After LeSar principal consultant Nui Bezairewas asked if "van lifers" were counted as homeless, she would not answer this simple yes/no question. I emailed this question to Encinitas Planner Jennifer Gates and spoke with her a few minutes ago. She gave a similarly evasive answer that "it is defined by policy." After pressing her, the answer is that YES. Why should people who are making this life style choice and often have expensive vans that they consider their homes they be counted as homeless? Not only do they consider their vans their homes, but they have no intention of moving into the housing that the city is proposing that Encinitas provides for them!


  1. Cool. Cool. Cool.

    Let’s shut it down and give the evicted a map to park in front of Julie’s house.

    I hear you could eat off the sidewalk over there.

    1. 10:40 I'll tell you what needs a good cleaning out: three council seats in November and the mayor's "professional staff" following right behind her.

    2. 1:08 comments are fact. So when someone is living in their car in front of your house, tell them that Tony's neighborhood welcomes them and is more accommodating, give them Tony's address and encourage them to move to Tony and Blakespear's neighborhoods for $5 dollars. They voted it in, and they can feel the joy. Fricken idiots.



  3. People in cars and vans can park and live on ALL public streets now because Tony Kranz has passed a resolution to make it legal to do so! While it is mostly an issue on the coast and within several Encinitas parks where homeless park their vans and take over picnic tables with their belongings, they can now legally park and live in front of anyone's house. Remember this in November!

  4. 1:08 comments are fact. So when someone is living in their car in front of your house, tell them that Tony's neighborhood welcomes them and is more accommodating, give them Tony's address and encourage them to move to Tony and Blakespear's neighborhoods for $5 dollars. They voted it in, and they can feel the joy. Fricken idiots.


  5. Steve Bannon arrested?

    Let me show you my shocked face:


    The Republican Crime Family strikes again.

    No wonder Julie Thunder is working so hard to mislead voters about her partisan ideology.

    1. Good. Let Bannon rot in Federal prison. There is more white collar crime than any other crime. Like Killary having 300 top secret documents on her home computer. Like the Clinton Foundation collecting $5 billion for earthquake relief for Haiti and not distributing a dime. White collar crime, meanwhile if you jaywalk the cops toss you to the ground and put you in handcuffs....

    2. At this point, it would be easier to list the people around Trump who aren’t either convicted, indicted, or under criminal investigation.

      Comparisons to the Obama administration are welcome.

      ZERO criminal indictments.

      Although, who can forgive Tan Suit-gate, Terrorist Fist Bump-gate, and of course, Dijon Mustard-gate.

    3. You want comparisons?? How's this, a little something called Fast and Furious, in which the Obama administration SOLD high caliber automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels and those weapons were used to kill a DEA agent. A trivial little matter to you?? Okay, how about leaving an American Ambassador to die in Libya?? But black Jesus is free from all liability.
      Fact: No American President is as good as his supporters believe nor as bad as his detractors wish.

    4. Wow.

      That sounds terrible.

      Not 170,000 dead Americans bad, but still bad.

      Question: how many people has the Trump-controlled justice department prosecuted for those events in the last 3.5 years?

      Follow-up question: If the answer is a big fat goose egg, then who would ever vote for an administration that either through malice or sheer incompetence has allowed the guilty to go free?

    5. Neither the Mexican gun sales nor the Benghazi tragedy went down quite as 12:43 misinterprets them, but even if they did they pale in comparison to what Trump and his lackeys have done in the past nearly four years. If justice still exists in America, Trump will eventually go to prison.

    6. Maybe we should send a few billion to russia for rona relief? I hear their us soldier bounty fund is running low. Oh wait, we already did. Are you trumptards putin cucks? Trump cucks? Or just dumb followers? bEngAzI, derp derp. Can trumptards even read the multiple republican led reports that found nothing? Hillary at least had the balls to testify and everyone around her did. Trump hid like the draft dodging coward he is. Lets face it, trumptards are cowards, dumb, and cucks.

    7. 1:12- What am I missing?? A United States Ambassador was killed in a terrorist attack and our Secretary of State when informed of this called NOT the President nor the VP, she called her DAUGHTER. As if Chel Chel could help...per the testimony of the Madam Secretary.

    8. "No wonder Julie Thunder is working so hard to mislead voters about her partisan ideology," says 7:29. Julie Thunder hasn't spent a day in office yet has a partisan ideology. Hilarious! It's pretty clear there is a toxic partisan ideology at city hall, and it is called our current city council.

  6. Is the reason that you pay taxes on a million-dollar home so that you can go outside and have someone living in a car in front of your house? Thanks to Tony Kranz and the rest of this council, you con't do anything about it.

    1. So you are saying that having more money justifies moving the homeless to somewhere with less money.

      Perhaps they are here because Del Mar, La Jolla, and RSF agree.

    2. I am saying that Tony Kranz and the council have voted to make it legal for people to sleep and live in their vehicles on any road in Encinitas including in front of most people's houses.

    3. correction:

      You said “million dollar” houses.

    4. Some who live in million dollar homes, like Tony Kranz, did not himself work to earn his home. A sizable number in Encinitas inherited their property. My point is that residents are paying a lot of taxes to keep this city funded either as owners, renters, or in the case of Blakespear and Kellie, their family members shoulder their share. It does not seem too much to ask that people on council make decisions to keep our community safe. About 40% of Enciitas residents are over the age of 50, and there are quite a number of people with young children who moved here specifically because it used to offer safe parks and a higher quality of enjoyment for its residents. I know that I would not feel safe having people living in their vehicles outside of my house. My friends with children no longer feel safe letting their kids have the freedom that was once available to Encinitas kids to walk to the YMCA or use the park. I am voting for the candidates who support residents first.

  7. 9:08

    One of the best posts on EU.

  8. Hey, remember that time when you donated money to build the wall because you’re racist?

    Yeah, funny thing. Turns out those guys stole your money, because you’re also stupid.

  9. Hey remember when your mom gave you an IQ test and it came back negative so she named you face diaper boy?

  10. Republicans are a cult now. Don't waist your time engaging with them. I just read Mein Kampf. The parallels between Hitler's ideology and modern Republican ideology are stunning.

    1. One and the same - SIEG HEIL REPUBLIKANS!

  11. Some who live in million dollar homes, like Tony Kranz, did not himself work to earn his home. A sizable number in Encinitas inherited their property. My point is that residents are paying a lot of taxes to keep this city funded either as owners, renters, or in the case of Blakespear and Kellie, their family members shoulder their share. It does not seem too much to ask that people on council make decisions to keep our community safe. About 40% of Encinitas residents are over the age of 50, and there are quite a number of people with young children who moved here specifically because it used to offer safe parks and a higher quality of enjoyment for its residents. I know that I would not feel safe having people living in their vehicles outside of my house. My friends with children no longer feel safe letting their kids have the freedom that was once available to Encinitas kids to walk to the YMCA or use the park. I am voting for the candidates who support residents first.

  12. I often wonder how the left thinks. It reminds me of placing a BB in a bucket. Pick up the bucket and shake it. The BB bounces back and forth with no direction. Exactly like the mind of a leftist.
    Notice everything they claim is wrong is what they do and divert the blame elsewhere. Beware the America hating left

    1. Exactly.

      “sEE, DerS dIS bUCkeT aN DiS b-B. . , “

      That’s the dumbest, most irrelevant analogy I have ever heard.

    2. Dumbshit posts at 8:40 and attributes right-wing habits to left wingers then posts twice more at 10:19 and 10:33 to agree with himself. Must be a lonely life.

    3. 8:40 Great analogy. I've already sent it on to 100 people. The democrats don't like it, so it must be accurate.

    4. i sENt IT TuE 100 OTheRs, DErP DeRP. You sound an idiot 7:15 because you are an idiot.

  13. Have you recently wondered why rolling black outs occur?
    SoCal never had rolling black outs. Why, the counties had generating plants. This is until the "earth first" whackos got them shut down. Now the majority of the power comes from other States. And all the America hating left can talk about?
    Wind turbines and solar. The next time you have no electricity... don't blame your local electric company. Their control was taken away by the America hating leftist ruining California. Every thing they do, they destroy.

  14. Another example of the Republican racism problem.

    Why does have to turn off comments on stories relating to race?

    The obvious answer is that they know their audience is filled with racists. The executives are happy to pander to racists and use them for clicks and advertising dollars, but they are still horrified and ashamed of you. Shutting down comments on news stories about racial issues allows them a tiny fig leaf to pretend their brand isn’t associated with the unwashed, uneducated and racist hoards.

    They are ashamed of you. They are disgusted by you.

    1. Leftism, is a mental disorder. Like reading a child with A.D.D

  15. Would you be surprised to find that a video from years ago was recently found featuring the current head of the SD County GOP and loads of Nazi symbolism, including images of Hitler, swastikas, and the Nazi salute?

    And would you be surprised if his response on Twitter amounted to ‘that was a long time ago?’

    I wouldn’t be surprised. Because I’m paying attention. How about you?

  16. How classic is the strategy of our local incumbent City Council that they are trying to deflect attention to the national party issues and away from the fact that they make terrible decisions for the local quality of life and financial health our our City?

    So classic. Lets see if it works in November. They sure did make a mess of our future zoning and densities on our City. And they seem to screw up most things they vote on. November will be interesting.

    1. The Chairman of the SD County GOP being a Nazi isn’t a national story.


  17. 10:59 Definitely disturbing. I am glad they found and aired the piece. He needs to be held accountable. I am glad he is not running for a City Council seat that I am aware of.

  18. If you want the economy fully re-shutdown for years on end in the name of fake science beginning in January - vote for the democrats

    If you want schools to remain closed forever and teachers unions ruining your children's education- vote for the democrats

    If you want low income high rise housing in your suburb - vote democrat
    If you want your taxes to go up significantly - vote democrat
    If you want tot lots chain linked and baskets removed from ball courts - vote democrat

    If you want marxist protests in your city hall parking lot and constant gaslighting by brain dead leadership - vote democrat

    If you want government to take over your healthcare- vote democrat

    If you want mentally ill trans people telling you that you are the mentally ill, not them - vote democrat

    If you want to redirect money away from the police - vote democrat

    If you want to burn down everything - just vote democrat- Please vote democrat!

    Warmest Regards!

    1. 7:45 is correct. Simply look a leftist run cites.
      This is beyond politics as people on the left are simply fools. Examples?: man made global warming, seas raising, defund police, healthcare for non citizens, government run healthcare for all meaning NO private insurance. They say it, they hide nothing. Everything the left does they destroy. If you hate the United States as it is then vote for the left. Or, you could move to another country where they have in place all you desire.

    2. 6:10 is right. Remember what a total disaster the Obama administration was?............ Me neither.

    3. And, for the ones that believe Obama did a great job?
      Ahhh...he was a failure, in over his head the first day he took the oath. And yet, the buffoons voted for him a second time. Gun running to Mexico, spying on Trump people with lied for paperwork to the courts.
      Ohhh' ya...just wait. You all will learn about it very soon. And, as stated by others, not me, Obama was worse than Carter. Quite the accomplishment. If I had a son...

    4. Just wait?

      It’s been 3.5 years.

      How long are you going to wait before you realize they lied to you?

  19. 7:45 pm - no ifs about it - you're trolling with some really stupid comments. Do you waste all of your waking moments in a similar way?
    Or are you simply cutting and pasting into every blog / nextdoor forum that you can barf into? SAD!

  20. 10:06 typical democrat. If you can't respond with FACTS, just try and trash the messenger.

    You are the one that needs to get a life with your eyes open. I suppose you think Biden has changed his stripes and is no longer a racist.

    1. You actually believe that 7:45 posted facts?

      No wonder the country is in such big trouble!

      Hot tip: Ignorance doesn't pay.

  21. I currently have two vans parked on my street, each with a recently displaced middle aged man living in it. How do I know they are recently displaced? Because I treat them like human beings and check up on them. When it's 94 degrees outside I invite them to take a lawn chair in the shade of my tree. I bring them water and let them use my trash can when they clean out their new "homes." I provide them info on the CRC and food pantries. I invited them to worship at my church, where they were welcomed, able to get cleaned up, and not be treated like pariahs for a couple of hours a week.

    In short, I treat them like humans, not some labeled and dehumanized "other." If not for COVID I'd do more for them.

    Try obsessing a bit less on your wealth and property and a bit more on the least of your brothers.

    So suck it up you NIMBY-assed Richie Riches. Act like you give a shit about anyone but yourselves. In a couple of months you'll no doubt know someone who recently became homeless due to job loss or medical bills. Things are going to get worse, how bad will depend on how many of you insist on being selfish assholes...or worse.

    1. 12:13 is an example of how a decent human being should conduct themselves.

    2. I'd rather save/rescue animals from loser people than save people. But that's me. Always remember the saying,
      "If you feed a dog it won't want to eat you, feed a person you should continue to watch your back"

  22. 12:13 Give us your street name so we can refer more clients to you. I wonder if your neighbors might want to get involved with your charity work?

  23. 12:13am - Typical Karen. Always trying to explain how great and companionate they are and emphasize how all of their neighbors are losers and no one is as smart and wise as they are. All as they continue to pollute the earth daily with no abandon.

    She should do more, what is wrong with her?! She sounds like the typical Karen I can not stand. I bet her neighbors hate her. I know I would.

    1. 12:13 demonstrated human kindness, a character trait 7:22 lacks.

    2. 07:22 It says a lot that you think I'm a woman. Compassion is probably too effeminate for you, amirite?

      And yeah, my neighbors are fine with this situation, they stop to talk and check in. We still lock our doors and as always and keep an eye out for each other. Guess what? We're all perfectly fine.

      So please, continue to revel in your increasing property values. Just don't think too hard about the fact that you know your price and it's really, really cheap.

  24. Republicans have an odd way of displaying their deeply held beliefs.

  25. Vote kamala harris for President. How could you possibly go wrong?

  26. I don't care for the smugness of 12:13 pm. As a progressive, I unfortunately bump into a fair number of these holier-than-thou do-gooders. Very off-putting. There is a time and a place and a way to help others, and inviting homeless folks into your life is, quite frankly, naive and ill-advised. Although I am a fan of social services for the homeless, I am absolutely against having people who are living in their vehicles park on the streets of Encinitas. And anyone who pushes for street parking for the homeless is selfishly putting their own feelings of guilt and desire for self-flagellation above the good of the existing community.

    1. Like Tony Kranz for example?

    2. 09:58 Starting a sentence with "As a Progressive" is the political equivalent of saying "I'm not racist" right before launching into a race-baiting tirade. If you have to announce it, you're probably not a Progressive.

      Your defense of an "existing community" is nothing more than vapid NIMBYism in defense of a convenient living arrangement, not a community.

      Don't be surprised when the people you've "let into your life" abandon you.

  27. So it turns out Falwell Jr. was a fraud, Steve Bannon was bilking right wingers, and Wayne LaPerrier was running a con job to steal from the gullible.

    I’m conflicted about all of it. On the one hand, I’m not a fan of hucksters and charlatans. But on the other, their victims are a bunch of stupid rubes who probably deserve it.

  28. Serious 10:22 bro we all know both sides are self serving and corrupt.

    It's pretty much always been that way and will likely continue until you die in prison.

    The moral egregiousness is bad to be sure but you may want to keep your judgements to your own personal thought bubble rather than vomiting them at every moment like an 11 year old...

    Especially when your side has been factually documented as proven pedophiles who have sex with underage minors and often children for pleasure.

    You're a total loser and everyone knows it.

    You best just stay in your moms basement for a few decades with a muzzle on your beak AND keyboard.

    1. Proving my point.

      It’s the same dim-witted stupidity that allows you to believe dumb Q-anon conspiracies that also makes you an easy mark for the Bannon’s of the world.

    2. "we all know both sides are self serving and corrupt."
      You are correct sir BUT you support so called conservatives because you are a racist, sexist, elitist prick. When Biden is elected you will blame him daily for the out of control deficit that Trump has blown through the roof. "Trump created the greatest economy in history" your people say. Why did the fed print seven TRILLION dollars to prop up the market and why are interest rates at near zero. That's not a great economy....that is a house of cards....That you and your kind will blame on the "socialists".

    3. Do you really believe what you write?

      Pure tripe.

      Read the creature from jekyll island and get on with your pedophilia support

  29. As long as the sickos wear masks all good right?

  30. Vote Harris for President...

  31. Were the challenger candidates really poisoned?

  32. In listening to the RNC speakers last night, I learned that America is a horrific hell hole of lawlessness, violence, and fear under the Trump administration, and that we should vote to extend it.

    1. Hey genius...all of the violence is in leftist cities. That was their point. Try and understand the message and for gawds sakes...get out of your own way. You are your own stumbling block to logic

  33. For the douchenozzle who keeps posting his misinformation about democrat pedophiles and some weird Qanon story ...

    Why do you hate truth so much?

    1. Nice self own.

      You accidentally described yourself in paragraph one, genius.


  34. Hmmmm....

  35. Trump on Hillary Clinton: “Nasty”

    Trump on Elizabeth Warren: “Nasty”

    Trump on Kamala Harris: “Nasty

    Trump on Ghislaine Maxwell: “I wish her well, frankly.”

  36. Well she's kinda hot AND nasty for a old lady so there's that.

  37. You knuckleheads may not like Trump, but he is smart. Think Not?
    Then explain his billions. I can't wait for this...

    1. Sure.

      1.) He may not have a Billion dollars. He’s under criminal investigation in the state of NY right now for inflating the value of his assets to defraud banks into lending him more money. His whole branding and ability to make any money at all lies in a facade that he’s wealthy and successful, but the facade is crumbling. We will eventually know the truth of his net worth.

      2.) He started with about $100M in loans, gifts, and inheritance of family money. On average an S&P 500 index fund will double about every 7 years. When we learn his true net worth, I’m confident we will learn that his business acumen over the long run actually lost him money relative to sticking it in a boring Vanguard fund. Choosing the road he did probably got him laid more, but he’s probably also going to see jail time after office for bank fraud and tax evasion.

      Hope this helps.

    2. Count the bankruptcies. What's your degree from Trump University worth? Have you flown on Trump Airlines? Have you eaten a Trump steak? Gambled at a Trump casino?

    3. There it is. Genius from the leftists. "taxes, jail time, criminal, Trump University" !!!!!

      Weak kneed leftism, the mental disorder. Children with A.D.D in adult bodies. Just wait until the Trumpster gets into the debates with the mummy (Biden the dead man walking). It's going to be a blood bath.

    4. It will give me no joy when Trump is convicted of financial crimes and is sent to prison.

      Just kidding.

      That will be a fucking awesome day.

      Don Jr. already knows.

    5. 3:36 Stick with your ignorance-based ideology. Ignore facts, ignore reality. Hot tip: the Earth is a sphere. It's not flat.

    6. 11:35 and people on the left are like children. Present them with facts, they lose their minds. The left thinks the mummy is the best candidate they have? Gawd what a bunch of fools. I can't wait when the Donald wins again. The left is going to get crazier, if that's possible.
      What the eyes of a leftist. One of two types, can't focus where the eyes are moving back and forth, or, the eyes look dead as in no life.
      Everything the left does, it destroys. If you disagree with a leftist they start screaming and having their arms around like an monkey. It's the best entertainment on earth. Just watch the whacked out pelosi. It's like a side show.

  38. Liberalism is a mental disorder

    1. Hey, you can't write things like that. Just like you can't write that obama was the first half white President. It's just not done. Oh' wait...I just did it. Oooops
