Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Guerrilla satire

 Encinitas Guerrilla:

Given the popularity of her Oct. 15, 2019 speech titled “Increasing Suburban Density to Fight Climate Change,” Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear has announced a series of Zoom speeches she will give toward the end of her reelection campaign this year.


The titles of the speeches are —

“Marketing Perforated Condoms to Fight Population Growth”

“Wearing Lace Face Masks to Fight COVID-19”

“Eating Cheeseburgers and Fries to Fight Obesity”

“Selling Aphrodisiacs to Fight Promiscuity”

“Building Cycle Traps to Fight Using Cars”


  1. She typically communicates in a duplicitous and dishonest way thinking voters won't talk to each other and compare stories. She told one group of voters in Leucadia that she didn't vote in the election for Prop A. She told developers that she voted against Prop A. When she was running the first time she said that she supported Prop A because it was the law. Now it looks like she has gone to great lengths to try to invalidate Prop A by suing citizens. She proudly stated on tape that she did sue citizens, but now she has Marco going around saying that she did not brag about suing citizens but that we misunderstood.

  2. EG beyond spot on with this one! Forward-worthy description through analogy for any on the fence voter.

  3. "Swimming in the Ocean While Bleeding to Fight Shark Attacks"

  4. "Surfing With 75 Friends to Fight Crowds"

    1. "Hookah parties to stop the spread of COVID 19"

  5. So I am all in to Blakespear's plan. More dense development is better for the environment. Its not like people pollute the earth or anything right?

    So if I support Blakespear and the BIA and want to turn Encinitas into the Waikiki, or Maimi Beach of SOCA (now that is some dense good development right) who will I vote for in November?

    Do I vote for the BIA, Marco, the Blakespear-Gomez ticket, Catherine, Gomez-Blakespear, BIA-Blakespear-Gomez?

    I sure hope they make sure its clear which ticket is the BIA/Blakespear/Gomez ticket. I can hear the jackhammers already in my dreams.

    I sure support Blakespear's plan to pave over Encinitas and put those puny towers down in Coronado to shame with the 80 to 100 story BIA towers of Encinitas. Let's get this party started. November can not come soon enough!!!

    BIA Blakespear - Gomez all the way!!!

    1. Sing along if you know the tune!

      Concrete in the morning and
      Concrete at lunch.
      Concrete downtown and
      Concrete on the bluffs.

      Vote BIA Thunder Jones, for more of that sweet sweet Encinitas concrete.


    2. Concrete can be used to builts some really strong foundations and Five Star Custom homes and infrastructure. It can also be used to build crappy dense developments that are pushed by Newsom and Blakespear-Gomez.

      If you want Encinitas to look like Miami Beach, vote for Blakespear-Gomez

    3. 7:33,

      Which of your categories does Pacific Station fit into?


  6. Republican racist whack-a-mole. They just got rid of Steve King. Maybe 17 years from now they’ll also get around to pushing this one out.


  7. "Stabbing Oneself to Fight Hemophilia"

  8. "Feeding rats to fight infestation"

  9. "Tickling Sting Rays to Fight Stings"

  10. "Bullshitting Residents to Fight Truth in Government"


  11. Blakespear "I voted for the railtrail before I voted against it." Blakespear take credit for the railtrail, even though she voted against it. You can't make this shit up!

  12. Blakespear: time for you to go away. You have done way too much damage to the city that cant be reversed. Why dont you re-zone the canyon by your mommy's so a ten story tower can be built

  13. "Selling Pornography to Fight Sleaze"

  14. And now for all the morons who generalized with no evidence that millennials want to live in urban centers, own no cars, use public transit or bike and walk everywhere:


    1. Millennials want to claim that boomers wrecked the system and that the world owes them a living. Trump further buried their expectations with another Great Depression and out of control pandemic. They are right on the first count, but miss the mark on the second.

    2. We didn't start the fire.

    3. So what. Either did we. Consider yourselves lucky. You were born in this country and you are not getting mandatory requirements to serve in the Country's offense and get your ass shot off like WW1 or WW2

  15. Blakespear needs to GO AWAY!

  16. 9:46-

    What? Are you kidding me?!

    Blakespear-Gonzalez is educating us that Miami style development is much better for the environment then the ol laid back and formerly open aired Encinitas. We had it wrong in our little ol dank beach town.

    Bring on the high rises and lets pack the beaches and streets to the gills!! Now that is good livin!


    We are lucky to have the BIA and Blakespear-Gonzalez. Thank them for their blessings.

    -BIA Rocks!

  17. "Clogging Pores to Fight Acne"

  18. Here's a brilliant strategy! Send out a report card that identifies the Sheriff's Department with a grade of F. Then when someone makes threatening calls, disclose this information to voters and assure them that a call the Sheriff has been made and ask for the Sheriff for protection! After that, ask the Sheriff's office for an endorsement in the upcoming election. This sounds like a rational plan.

    1. "Shooting Sheriff's Deputies to Fight Lawlessness"
