Wednesday, January 26, 2022

1/26/22 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. A lot of public comments in the Special Meeting. Worth listening to.

    1. How and where can I see this? I love meltdowns

  2. Worth watching was Blakespear's wildly infantile melt down/stare down with a woman who asked a simple question: "What does equity have to do with our sheriff's contract?"

    The mayor refused to answer and when the speaker said you can have a stare down if you prefer not to answer Blakespear leaned in suddenly like a wild animal and STARED at the resident for the minute remaining.

    Blakespear isn't just unfit for Senate, she's unfit to leave her house. She made a little speech about speakers "berating" her. The woman asked a simple question, but Blakespear took it as an attack. That juvenile little hissy fit is gonna cost her. Let's see the Gonzalez n' Verdu show spin her way out of that one.

    Worth a rewatch, folks. Other great speakers, too.

  3. I felt bad for the crazy lady from Carlsbad. They should have done a live demonstration of the MCRT to help her.

    1. 10:41 - I didn't see Shaffer in the room.

  4. just watching the replay I'd say the pressure is getting to blakespear. her reaction was childish and inappropriate for anyone, but especially given her position as mayor. have to wonder if this is what she does in public what goes on at home and outside the public eye?

  5. just watched the replay too. what an unbelievably rude speaker. comes up to the podium to ask questions and then doesn't listen to what the mayor says, and then tries to ask questions of people in the audience. chick is clueless. doesn't know what equity means? doesn't know what equity has to do with policing? and people here don't think we have idiot racists in Encinitas? what a joke.

    1. So Mali you go straight to "racist" after a speaker asks the mayor "can you tell me what equity has to do with the police department?" The mayor could have shut down the whole discussion if she's so conversant with what equity has to do with policing. But she's not it's a virtue signal and she's using you and you're using her.

      Speakers often are unrehearsed, unprepared, nervous, and unable to express themselves well. That is their excuse. What is Blakespear's?? She's been in her position how long now with aspirations for higher office and she drops to the level of a random speaker?

      Mali your MO is to call anyone who challenges the mayor "racist." People see through it. They also see through your friend's facebook posts of you on luxury vacations while crying poor. You are a fraud and word is spreading fast including to folks on the left who now recognize that your little game is giving progressivism a bad name.

    2. 1:01 Blakespear told the speaker she'd answer her when she was done. The woman was clearly done because all she had was her single question. Bottom line the mayor didn't know the answer not surprising. So she couldn't do what she said she would. No pass here for that hack.
