Tuesday, March 8, 2022

City Council finds fame on ZeroHedge financial web site

With oil now raging through $120 a barrel with little or no signs of stopping, we thought it would be a good time to look back over the "woke" virtue signaling ESG idiocy investment decisions that some actively managed funds made over the course of the last year.


The City of Encinitas also voted last September to "urge CalPERS to take such divestment action and update the city’s own investment policy which doesn’t have any direct fossil fuel holdings."


  1. Get woke go broke!

    Karen Blakespear is the Cathie Wood of Peppermint Patties

  2. For further color Mayor Karen please confirm your view that all construction workers, blue collar folks, younger gen workers and all those struggling now that our low priced Leucadia dude just raised his prices from $3.99/gal to $5.69/gal in 3 days. The plebs are the real problem!

    The real problem is these losers (tongue in cheek) mentioned above should be purchasing 80K EV vehicles immediately so they can feed their families.

    Don't forget to mention the price of the commodity called nickel (which goes into all batteries) price movement the last 3 days.

    These people are so smart!

    1. Gasoline may hit $10/gallon before this is over. If a nuke is fired off, gas isn't the only thing that will be burning.

    2. Don't worry = Blakespear is looking forward to her State issued car with a gas credit card, so she can get to every photo op rally for the disenfranchised.

  3. Enc Guerilla wins the Pulitzer for this century!

  4. More like Wingnut Hedge...


  5. The woke have zero concept of what battery material mining does to the earth. ZERO. The green new deal goes back decades where the communists suckered fools into believing the earth was heating up and seas will rise. This is only to weaken the U.S so that fossil fuels get used less and less.
    The tides are the same as they were 30 years ago, nothing has changed. But warmers need something, nay, anything to believe in. Fools.

    1. Decades ago, it was called the watermelon effect.
      Posing as a green repair of the earth on the outsdie but the truth is, it was red (communism) on the inside.
      You see, leftists are not smart. Like biden, harris and rest. All members of dumb and dumber

    2. As are you with your endless refrain. Clearly you are too dumb to stick to the issue and have to veer off topic. Every time. Any idea how sick of you we all are? 2:54 made an intelligent post. Be more like 2:54. Otherwise you got nothing.

    3. 2:54 - "battery material mining"? Hey dum-dum, you don't have a clue about cobalt or rare earths, do you? You are the town fool.

    4. 2:54 is astoundingly stupid. dirt-eating dumb.

    5. 3:26 this has everything to do with the subjects. Blakespear is a warmer.
      6:14 battery materials mining doesn't ruin the earth?
      Well, how could I have been so Wrong?
      It appears the "watermelon effect" has worked...on you

  6. On a long enough timeline...

    The entirety of Enc city hall willbe filled with cisgenger transhuman clot bots

  7. 12:12- So?

    Will the sun rise and will there still be the ocean to play in?

  8. Are you feeling stressed? Your paycheck doesn't quit have the buying power of 5 years ago? Well some others are feeling the same.


    I see congress just gave Ukraine 13 billion that’s $13,000,000,000 / 333,000,000 or $40 per person in the USA. Thanks Uncle Sam and can you please triple my contribution and just create another $5 trillion to give away?

    1,500,000/333 = $4,504.50 for each resident. Why not just transfer the money to our checking accounts and we can gift the money to a worthy causes. Naw.... Uncle Sam knows best right?

    1. I'd rather have Ukraine get the money than the 2 million illegals the Alzheimers traitor to America biden let in.
      He should be at the end of rope.

    2. That's right 4:44. When Trump was prez you didn't see any of this crap going on. He took care of business.

  9. 5:05am- Why you bringing up Trump you kook?

    1. Simply because he took care of business and the U.S was in great shape. Didn't like him so be it but America was far better off with him. And now???

  10. Better off with him? You are delusional, but if you want to remain ignorant in spades, you certainly have the choice.

    The daily disgracer in chief does not nor ever has, deserved such loyalty.

    You sir, are a disgrace to every true blooded American who believes in our special experiment in democracy.

    There has never been such an abomination in our White House, and yes, I realize we have had some doozies.

    Your intent amounts to nothing more than dooming our democracy to the dust bin of history. That you don't care is exemplified by your party of choice.

    Spineless every one of them that does want to extricate their party from the grip of one who cares nothing but for enriching himself.

    There could not be a more unamerican stance and you have swallowed it completely and without remorse for our once treasured experiment.

    Nothing will sway your thinking until your end days which cannot come soon enough for this once inspiring nation that offered a beacon of hope to the world that is no longer a source of hope that it once was.

    Shameful. Absolutely shameful if you had a consciousness to begin with.

    1. Congrats 2:24! That rant is a tremendous assessment of Biden! Well put!👏

    2. Congrats 2:24! That rant is a tremendous assessment of Biden! Well put!👏

  11. Your type always deflects from the truth that what was once the republican party is no longer anything more than a cult of treasonous personalities.

    1. And can't the same be said for the Dems. Just look at the poison that hinze and blakespear brought to town with mali. They push her out front to do their dirty work and she's only too happy to comply in exchange for "having a house built" here and all kinds of appointments.
