Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Leucadia still flooding after all these years

Coast News:
For nearly three decades now, Leucadia residents in an area spanning from roughly Basil Street to further north at Ponto Beach have lived with the distinct possibility of flooding during storm seasons.

The flooding not only causes extensive property damage but has had the ripple effect of pushing the city to pump untreated stormwater over the bluff through a pipe and onto nearby Beacon’s Beach, contaminating the coastal area and posing environmental hazards, experts say. Additionally, legal analysts believe the city’s diverting of stormwater from Old Encinitas to Leucadia may be unlawful, opening the city up to litigation.


  1. Since when is storm water treated? I love to know...please.
    Ya' experts say...Are these the same experts that believe in
    "man made global warming? created by the communists?". By the way, all roads lead to Rome as in all waters flow to the sea.
    I'm sorry to be so harsh but thems' the facts. If your property is apt to flood then there it is, apt to flood. And no, I don't work for the city, I simply try and use what little logic the gods gave me. If people buy homes in an area that can flood then no one revealed that when they bought?
    Come on...

    1. Since the clean water act you moron.



      Wake up. You're lucky social security is caring for you because you could not make it in the real world.

      Man made pollution is not good and people pollute.

    2. 6:23, water from storms run down all of our streets, show me one place/point where the water is picked up via pumps and shipped to treatment plants...just one. I'd love to know.
      "people pollute"...isn't this topic about storm water?
      I can tell you are a "warmer". "gullible warmer"

    3. 6:43 - I think you have your first sentence backwards, but I follow you. Low flow storm water pollution is treated near the pump station at Moonlight beach.

      People polluting is a topic for stormwater. I in guessing you do not care, because you like to pollute.

      I can tell you are a knuckle dragger and not a surfer.

      - I really dislike self induced ignorance and people like you.

  2. People build these houses an arms length from one another, stacked on top of each other, concrete and asphalt everywhere and expect a different result? And to stupid to notice.
    Friggin' morons.

    1. Look in the mirror moron.

      Do we have the most disfunctional city in the US?

      Maybe we should not have incorporated. The only hope is to get annexed by Carlsbad or Solana Beach. I would vote for either.

      BIA and Kranz are part of problem and opposite of any good.

    2. 6:26, I notice you don't address the facts. You simply go off into a rant that has nothing to do with the prior response. Slow down and get your mind right.

    3. 6:47 - I did address the facts. Maybe you can understand this one?

      I am not the friggin' moron. You are.

  3. Well done Coast News! This the best article you have written in 10 years!


    Kranz is too busy focused on ignoring calls from residents in Leucadia to complete the promised rail trail area along Vulcan Avenue to reduce the risk of kids getting killed along the street. Instead, Kranz too the space and built a parking lot for the homeless and private free storage area for peoples, boats, construction trailers, yard sale, drug sale tents, homeless tents, trash.

    Kranz is also super focused on fencing off all Coastal access along the railroads and blocking are residents east of the tracks from accessing the beach, as a bonus he gets to armor large portions of the Coastline. Where is Gonzalez on this issue?

    So whats up Kranz are you now solely focused on screwing the residents along the coast?

    You gotta love the dipshit leaders of Blakespear and Kranz. Focus on building a homeless industry in Encinitas and ignore a long standing drainage liability that Kranz identified 10 years earlier on video record.


    Can you say, "mutli, multi million more going to the Attorney and plaintiffs for the City's F-ups?"

    Whats this one going to cost the tax payers? $20 million? 30 million?

    1. This is the Coast News doing what the Coast News always does. They provide an extremely thin veneer of credibility to "important issues" so the online crew can take their shots.

    2. Sorry. Deflection denied. Put up facts or STFU. Verdu and team are losers!

  4. I heard people like you say the same non-sense about the Walker case. https://thecoastnews.com/city-of-encinitas-agrees-to-11-million-settlement-in-walker-lawsuit/

    I offer a different opinion. Coast news provides a well written balanced simple to follow facts and good reporting on the issue.

    I'm sure the jury will find it simple. We shall see. I can not believe the incompetence of dallablabber who has know about this issue for decades and yet did nothing to address it. Wow.

    What issues do you have with Coast News article?

    1. 7:29, I don't have an issue with this particular article. Didn't bother reading more than the excerpt above, because the slant is already there. I don't bother reading any of their articles, because it's been clear what their game is. EV or another online group forms a conspiracy or detects a possible weakness for a candidate or politician they don't like. Coast News (always) follows, with a slanted article that attempts to give each conspiracy theory and accusation some credibility. Next, those sam online sites post the article with a "finally someone is on this!" sort of response. It's not just one or two articles; the examples I can think of off the top of my head are the Walker article, the homeless one, coverage of safe parking lot, Allman recall articles, writing an article about a city council meeting solely for the purpose of knocking Mali, dumb recall effort for Lawson-Remer, etc. etc. There are a lot more, but those are some more recent ones. It's a mouthpiece for anti-mayoral and anti-council views, plus some conservative junk thrown in (favorable Allman articles, for example). I know that's what you guys like to see, but it's not balanced and the articles are often not even news.

    2. "Didn't bother reading more than the excerpt," you just lost all credibility 9:06. What facts in the article are incorrect? Not biased as you believe, but actually incorrect?

      I'll enjoy the sound of crickets.

    3. 10:37- spot on. 9:06 is a tool.

  5. I didn't realize credibility could be gained or lost on an anonymous blog with 95% anonymous commentators. With the Leucadia flooding issue, I'm familiar with the situation; Coast News isn't the only source of information out there (thank god). Besides, Encinitas Votes already shared the plot line a few weeks before CN, I'm not going to give CN more hits on their slanted articles. I know what the spin is, and where it's coming from just like many other articles. This is my opinion, and you can agree or not. I don't have time now, but I'll post a list of articles that follow this same pattern. Hopefully that will help my imaginary credibility.

    1. So says the anonymous poster about the credibility of anonymous posters!

    2. 12:06 still has not produced a single fact that the CN got wrong. Posting other links doesn't substitute for pointing out what's not true.

      Then there's this, issued by SD County in 2012 in response to Grand Jury's findings on Leucadia flooding: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/grandjury/reports/2011-2012/StormDrainsLeucadia.pdf.

      "The 2011/2012 San Diego County Grand Jury (Grand Jury) conducted a detailed review of Leucadia’s flooding that examined several issues, including past efforts to improve drainage. The Grand Jury found that existing storm water infrastructure is not sufficient to serve the needs of Leucadia. No currently-funded capital projects address Leucadia’s storm drains. There is an immediate need for a comprehensive plan to improve drainage."

      According to 12:06 that report would likewise be "biased."

      Kranz has been kicking around since the Grand Jury findings and what has he done to address the issue? Squat, which is why he is eminently unqualified to be dog catcher.

    3. 12:38. Exactly, that's my point. How can anyone establish (or lose) credibility if we don't know who is posting what here? 12:47, I never wrote they were lying about established facts. I'm saying that it appears that they choose stories and how they are reported based on political view. That isn't journalism, and isn't a credible source of information.

    4. You're claiming "political view." There's either an issue with the reporting on flooding, or there's not. If you don't like that it's being exposed well that certainly is political as it's not anything Kranz and the rest of the council want the light of day on.

      Put up or shut up if the reporting is not factual. Otherwise continuing looking like a real idiot. Your choice.

  6. 1:53, it's right in front of your face, but I'm sure you know that. I'll make a list and post but don't have time today.

    1. Won't be holding my breath lol.

    2. 2:43, Ok, then don't hold your breath. Would anything I'd post change your view? I doubt it, lol. I'd encourage people to look at the facts for themselves. Coast News is good for feel good community posts, and that's it.

    3. So you're already backing out of presenting your "facts," no surprise that 2:51's got nuthin.' Just don't like your dictator in chief on the hot seat, got it.

  7. Another one bites the dust....Lillian Doherty, Director of Infrastructure and Sustainability (you mean Engineering) "resigned". Yet another vacancy in leadership on the 'ol SS
    Encinitas. Can you say City "dysfunction"? Sure you can.....

    1. She was a moron. She knew nothing about planning and did the stupid video on what a planner does that was geared towards 3rd grade level.

    2. 5:26: That video was so weak. Not sure how she was a Planning Director with very slim planning/zoning background.

    3. This is exactly what happens when focus is lost.
      The new focus is woke stupidity. Or,
      let's celebrate the life of "Latwanda" and feel good about ourselves. Forget running a City or a Country is a business but believe me, if these woke clowns werent' getting tax money as their paychecks and had to rely on making the business work? They would be out of business.

    4. I liked her.

      She seemed too logical for Encinitas where BIAspear has everyone jumping from one lawsuit fire to the next all with her hair on fire.

      Who the hell would want to work in that environment. BIAspear is the cause of so many lawsuits and the forthcoming bankruptcy of Encinitas.

      Walker $11 million, Dr. Jennings death ($20 million?), Stephany Bergis ($8 million?), Leucadia Flooding ($20 mil?), Cardiff elimination of bike lanes ($10 mil?).... the list doesn't stop.

      I didn't even touch the issues of building a homeless industry in Encintas, POT, or overdeveloping all our neighborhoods with 5 story plus government housing apartments.

  8. Flyboy is squashed. Not running again in Nov 2022. Who will step up for Olivenhain?

  9. I heard he was going to join Mali's team and start screaming RACIST at all the long time residents. It doesn't matter your skin color or belief. If you lived here over 2 years, you are probably a racist.

  10. Blakespear is utterly incompetent. The Encinitas Guerilla explains why someone as incapable as she continues to aspire to higher office.
