Thursday, August 22, 2019

SDG&E wants to punish people for conserving energy and installing solar

San Diego Gas and Electric is looking to nearly quadruple the minimum bill it charges customers.

"The minimum bill amount currently is $10 per month and we’re proposing to increase it to $38 per month," said SDG&E Spokesman Wes Jones.

Jones added that the proposed increase comes as more customers are turning to solar.

"A solar household may not pay their full cost of service in terms of us giving them electricity and that cost is then shifted to a non-solar household for the grid to be maintained and operated," he said.

Critics of the proposal say it is a tactic by SDG&E to keep people from going solar.
They'll make you pay for their wildfires one way or the other.


  1. Just a question....How much is CalPers invested in SDGE?

    1. $85 million in stock, $24 million in bonds

  2. The Community Choice Energy JPA with the city of San Diego is more of a dictatorship that demands that customers of the current SDG&E be shanghaied into the Encinitas/San Diego electric agency unless a customer opts out. Do Encinitas residents want Encinitas to take on hundreds of millions of dollars of debt to buy electricity? Read more about the other formed city electric agencies:

    The entire Encinitas city council which include the mayor are lacking any financial sense and responsibility. This new agency debt will be added onto the Leucadia highway 101 streetscape debt of over $54 million.

    1. I posted in another section of EU but I will write the same thing (or close to) here. If these local governments think they want to be in the energy distribution business, they are mad. Who will:
      Fix downed power lines
      Replace blown transformers overhead and underground
      Replace underground cable
      Install new services
      Change rotted poles
      These are examples of a huge business that costs tens of millions to run. Then there is lineman wages and benefits. Large crew trucks, boom trucks, assist trucks.
      Get the picture? Now, if these cities are going to pay SDG&E to do these services then it will cost the cities a fortune, as in "ain't nothin' for nothin'. The cities will pay.
      For the people that think they will save big money on their bill? THINK AGAIN. You are living in a dream world. Been to Palm Springs lately? Half the time those propeller topped towers aren't spinning. No spin, no generate equals no money. Try and think

    2. who needs wind propeller in the desert when you have over 90% of pure sunny days on Solar. I am going to install several Telsa Powerwalls and pull completely off they grid. Fuck SDGE. They suck and are raping San Diego County with zero oversight on their operations. How much do their top officers make and why?

      Do you want to save money and get off the grid? See here -

  3. Refrain from hysterics, 2:06. I'll fix the downed power lines, replace blown transformers, etc. Yup, me. I've changed many a light bulb in my time on this earth, and I've hit that little "test" button on some of those surge protected outlets too. Quite the electrician's resume and one I'm proud of. And I'll even do the work for free cause I don't think it'll be too much hassle. So there you go, problem solved. You're welcome.

    1. I love a good dry response. It took me a minute to absorb but then a chuckle. :)

  4. Fuck SDGE. They suck and are raping San Diego County with zero oversight on their operations. How much do their top officers make and why?

    Do you want to save money and get off the grid? See here -

    1. Nice language, did your mother teach you to write like that?
      How much money do you make and why? What a fool.

    2. "How much money do you make and why?"
      lol, wut? Did your mother teach you how to discuss? She failed. What a tool.

  5. 8:40 - The Powerwall? What? Are you directing people toward self-immolation? You potty-mouthed Jim Jones. As an aside, if you do aspire to guide people, you may want to work on developing some amount of charisma.

    1. 8:47:

      Inside tip for you. Solar panels and Powerwalls are not the same thing.

    2. 11:54 -thanks for the tip. Got anything else? Dogs don't meow?

    3. 9:34 — Some Tesla solar panels on Walmarts roofs burned. No reports of Tesla Powerwalls burning. 8:47 is confused about causes of self-immolation. Also confused about what charisma is.

    4. 11:41 - ya, sure - "fuck sdge" embodies the gift of grace.
      Troll knob.

  6. Powerwalls, Teslas and debt for everyone! It's a god given right! Big houses with small yards!

    Roundabouts and videos on every corner will cure upzoning and incompetent officals elected by fraudulent (shh don;t mention that oh my gawd) elections! It's all written in the police state liberal handbook! Just ask Kamala yaaaaay!

  7. how about no powerwalls, gas burners, red lights all over, and dumb asses complaining about the way other people drive. Oh yeah- that MO has been tried.

  8. What is with EU these days. Seems like it used to be when something newsworthy was out there, the blogmaster would post it. Lately the same post stays up for a really long time. Lots of issues to talk about since the Council has gone back onto session. What's going on?

    1. Why not write EU with your newsworthy information and request it be posted. I don't think he spends time combing for articles so may appreciate some well-researched input.

    2. Maybe Lou is on vacation.

    3. Put up or you know what. We're waiting for your "lots of issues" suggestions.

  9. Check out EG! The writer would like to get the blake spear, a dangerous weapon, off our streets. Seems like a good idea.

  10. Remember, the sandal wearing earth people wanted the nuke power plant gone. Now? the ones with the far away look in their eyes can't conceive why their electricity bill went up.
    We tried tell the earthers this would happen but they knew it all. The fools complain about power plants and someone have no concept of where electrical power comes from.
    People. "They can't be fixed".

    1. "Sandal-wearing earth people"? What are you, about 125 years old?

      That's the label out-of-touch right-wingers older than my parents put on hippies 50 years ago.

  11. Ok, 6:04, I get where you're coming from. The sandal wearing earth people ... catchy and grin inducing. But here's the rub: those people may have a point.

    If, at the core, we're talking about climate change, with me the jury is still out -- I'll admit I haven't done my research and can't empirically support my own conclusions. You may say different and profess certainty that the sandal/earth people are wrong, but I don't believe you. I know that even the most hardcore climate change deniers have, way, way in the back of their minds, just a kernel of doubt that climate change may be true, and we're all driving over a cliff while adamantly denying that it's even there -- what some call the "dead right" club. That's just how it is, because hard science isn't on our side.

    Here's where I'm going: if the nuclear power plant is dead, let's exploit it in a way that comes out a win-win. It's a big piece of property, and it has electrical transmission infrastructure already build out. Why not convert the entire area into a solar farm, using only the most advanced, efficient and productive solar technology in existence or development? If disposal of radioactive material is an issue, and the giant concrete titties have to stay, then scaffold solar panels atop them. How many megawatts of electricity might be produced from such a conversion? Hell, I don't know, but a feasibility study could lay out some possible scenarios.

    The cost, logistics and build out of transmission lines is the big headache, but the as-is infrastructure at San-O checks that box, while the generation of renewable energy scores a win for sandal/earthers. Admittedly, its not the best use of unvarnished coastal property, but that whole area is hardly unvarnished; after generating nuclear energy for a few decades, it's an environmental hot potato that will not qualify as a developer's dream for a couple hundred years, if ever. If it works, we might by the same brand sandals as those earthers and decide to buy matching hemp shirts too. You never know.

    1. I long for the past when 6:04 was more concerned about a tan suit or a bare shouldered dress sticking it to MURCA.

    2. Hold on, in order for solar panels to work well, they need to be cleaned, a lot. I thought, according to climate change believers we were in permanent drought. So what's it going to be believers?
      "Earthers with the far away look", that's funny

  12. The EV moderator exhibits righteous indignation that we don’t give seniors free yoga classes.

    If she read the first line of the article she posted, she would know that the issue was already resolved. What a drama queen.

    “ENCINITAS — When Silver Age Yoga students at the Encinitas Library found out the city was going to start charging a fee for the free yoga classes they had been taking for 10 years, they wrote letters, attended a City Council meeting, and helped keep the service free.”

    1. Feel better now? Talk about too much time on your hands.

  13. Back on the subject of this post: Why the hell should I have to subsidize solar panels. SDG&E are doing the right thing. Let the solar panel people pay their fair share for the expenses of maintaining the grid.

  14. Haaa! Nice SDGE paid post 4:36.... overpaid is the right word. SDGE is corrupt and needs to be replaced.

  15. In order for you solar people to be happy, I suggest you have your electric meter pulled and stop service to your property. Let your panels and power banks power your homes. Oh' wait, what happens when there is no sun??? Now we have 6:26 chiming in on wanting SDG&E to be replaced. And who would do that? YOU?
    No one is making any of you use the products from SDG&E so stop using them. Stop your service today. You show them whos boss and that you won't be bullied. STOP YOUR SERVICE NOW

  16. If they're going to start charging people $38 per month for no electricity, going solar + battery + backup generator will be a viable option.

  17. Six years at $38 per month just to make up the cost of the generator. Then there's the cost of buying and installing solar and the battery.
