Monday, May 9, 2022

Blakespear’s Body Count?

 Encinitas Guerrilla:

As part of Mayor Catherine Blakespear’s focus on increasing bicycling safety in Encinitas, the city had installed bollards — hollow green plastic posts about 3 feet tall — between the right traffic lane along Leucadia Boulevard and the bike lane next to the curb. The gaps between the bollards were about 10 feet. At Moonstone Court, the row of bollards extended close to the street’s corner.

Some cyclists commented that the bollard close to the corner forced the truck driver to make what cyclists call a “right hook turn.” That angle made it impossible for the driver to see Worley in his right-side mirrors. Photos taken at the scene shortly after the accident (see below) appear to show that the driver turned into Worley’s path, giving him no escape and causing him to fatally crash into the truck’s side.

Without bollards or had they stopped farther east of the intersection, the driver would have been able to see Worley in his right-side mirrors and to judge whether to slow and let him pass or to turn right ahead of him.


  1. Blakespear's Bankruptcy Count?

    As her reckless abandon results in hazardous conditions, we have pending injuries and deaths and associated liability settlements:

    1. Walker - $11 million - Sharrows on a high speed road? Really?

    2. Dr Worley - ?

    3. Stephanie Berger-McKenna, a marathon runner who had just left Pandora Pizza with her husband, who was following behind her on a skateboard, when the vehicle, which investigators identified as a white or silver ‘90s model Mercedes-Benz, struck her and drove off? - Sharrows on a high speed road? Really?

    4 through 20 - All the injured on the Blakespear Cardiff Fiasco - She removed the bike lane and pushes the experienced bicyclists into high speed Sharrow Lanes - Sharrow Lanes on a high speed road?Really?

    20 and beyond - ?

    Blakespear thinks she alone knows best and the carnage keeps racking up. The citizens will need to keep cleaning up the blood, and City's taxpayers will pay the final toll for her reckless abandon.

  2. Blakespear is funded by special interest developers and is as corrupt as they come. Her ideas for the City have been a disaster and her participation in the SANDAG credit card scandal goes unaddressed by her. She eliminates her "opponents" in the fiefdom of City Hall and now wants to taint the State Senate with her willingness to serve the big money. She needs to be voted into oblivion, like Gaspar was.

  3. Add to the list anyone the paramedics can't reach in time due to worsened response time issues. These were first flagged in 2019 by now-terminated Fire Marshal Anita Pupping, well before Streetscape broke ground. The mayor seems to struggle with the concept of "public safety," as do her mini-me votes on council.

    Their $11M payout to pal Roberta Walker sets up nicely those seeking to make the very legitimate claim of negligence against the city. Blakespear plans on being long gone by then and leaving taxpayers holding the bag.

  4. 10:22- good referenced article. The Streetscape will not cause congestion. The gridlock and restriction point will remain at the four lane segment at the problematic Leucadia Blvd. intersection. Points supported by David Smith and Stocks show just how stupid some residents really are.

    1. Streetscape is acknowledged by city staff to be expected to worsen emergency response times. Lawsuits against the city will certainly ensue: line 'em up!

    2. 10:47 Your knowledge is dated. There is no four-lane segment at Leucadia Blvd. It was eliminated to allow bike lanes in each direction. The two southbound lanes north of Leuc Blvd in the original plans are no longer there. One of those lanes is now a bike lane.

    3. Uh, 10:47, do you live around here? Streetscape will cause plenty of congestion, especially at commuting time and more so on Fridays and Saturdays southbound in the summer. Drivers will get sick of being stuck in traffic and will divert to side streets. In time, visiting drivers will abandon 101 and the businesses that depend on them will die.

    4. 11:47 & 12:08- Wrong. The plan still has 4 vehicle lanes at Leucadia Blvd. and that’s is where there is the most congestion.

    5. 5:45 If you mean a very short apron of four lanes in both directions on 101, you're right. But the four southbound lanes from Phoebe to Leucadia Blvd were scratched to allow a bike lane.

    6. 7:08- thank you for setting the record straight. It’s the traffic signal at the four lane segment that causes all the congestion. The new roundabout already flows much better than the shitty signal at Leucadia Blvd.

      Address the gridlock, fix Leucadia Blvd. intersection

    7. 9:02 The El Portal roundabout is not a fair comparison with the 101-Leucadia Blvd intersection. That very complex intersection has not been fixed because there's no simple way to fix it.

  5. Let them sue the city for not addressing that F’d up intersection at Leucadia Boulevard. Causes such gridlock and is also horrible for pedestrians and bicyclist. That is the worst problem in the entire Streetscape area and completely ignored.

  6. It doesn't matter. Traffic and Safety commissioners were openly bragging last night about making cars be stuck behind recreational cyclists. The driver can "just wait a few seconds more". They love the new 10 foot wide traffic lanes on Vulcan. There were also comments about double-yellow lines, which now force drivers into making an illegal pass.

    1. It doesn't matter to the mayor and council, that's obvious. They are spinning this as a good anti-car story.

      Who it will matter to are the families of the dead who might otherwise have been saved. It will matter to the attorneys who happily take the cases and it will matter to residents when city services are even more substandard due to legal costs.

  7. Vote for any political opponent of Blakespear. Get her out of politics!

    1. Vote for any corpse in the morgue instead of Blakespear. This will markedly improve life in Ensicknitas

  8. When is Blakespear going to explain her part in the SANDAG credit card scandal? Hint - NEVER!

  9. And least we not forget the attempt by these goons in the council to ruin Historic Olivenhain with ghetto apartments.
    These clowns couldn't care less what they ruin.
    Vote them all out. And take out goodson !!!!

    1. Everything the left does they destroy

    2. Can't wait until Repubs take over and you lose your medicare and social security. But then again I'm pretty sure you live with your'll be fine.

    3. Fear not 7:05. Most of the units will not be "ghetto" therefor there will not be an influx of negroes or Mexicans. Your White privilege and dominance will remain intact.

    4. Ummm... you might want to check with your whitest of whites master before you start T'ing off about Mexicans.....

      Our whitest princess feels like a savior "employing" all those culturally diverse people to help keep mamas compound functioning. Thanks to all you people of all color for supporting our whitest of whites, oh shit, strike that last part,.... supporting our compassionate family in helping all those less fortunate as us.

  10. A lot of the "explanations" above sound like Kranz trying to obfuscate and misdirect.
