Thursday, January 5, 2023

Hit-and-run victim identified; driver still on the loose

 NBC 7:

The man who was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver on New Year's Day in North County has been identified, officials announced Tuesday.

David D'Lima, 23, of San Diego was killed Sunday during a midnight walk with a friend on Pacific Coast Highway in Encinitas, according to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department (SDSO). Deputies were called to Highway 101 just before 12:30 a.m. after they received a report of a crash involving two pedestrians.


  1. 😢 RIP young one.

  2. Didn’t California just pass a jaywalking forgiveness bill because—-racial equality? Odd timing.

    1. No relation. What your point? Just to throw a ton of BS out?

    2. Now THAT...WAS FUNNY

  3. Anyone that thinks a traffic signal is your protection...WAKE UP
    Look right, look left...LOOK AGAIN. WAKE UP
    People have dumbed down at an alarming rate.
    These brain dead politicians can make all the laws they want but people never change. Oh' wait...people are getting dumber.

    1. Agreed. Traffic signals suck.

    2. Especially the traffic signals in Encinitas.

  4. Today is January 6. A date that will live in infamy.

    Never forget. POS Domestic Terrorists attacked America on this date.

    Some of them still walk among us.

    They will be responsible for the US defaulting on its debt later this year. Another kind of attack on America.

    1. Who are you referring to as POS domestic terrorist?

    2. What’s the big deal with January 6? Do we get today off? Is it a federal holiday?

    3. You are exactly right about the American defaulting on that. Not sure about this year but definitely by 2025 at the latest.

      And that my friends will be a major GameChanger…. that is the collapse of western civilization as we know it.

      The 1900s will be looked back as a glory days. Interesting times ahead!

    4. 7:07, if you have to ask that question, then the answer is probably you.

    5. Trump even failed at his insurrection, such a loser. Trump also killed oil and gas in the US, worse president ever for oil and gas. 40% of producers went out of business because he pushed OPEC to produce more thus crashing the price. Used a US reporter that was killed by Arabs as leverage to do it as well. Trump is a loser like his cucks that follow him.

    6. 10:43...most people won't get your joke, I did.
      And for the rest of you without concept of your surroundings. 10:43 is referring to biden.

    7. Wrong again 12:30. That was all trump. Trump did nothing for oil and gas except lower some standards that the oil companies already exceeded. Obama raised to federal standards to what the the oil companies were already doing . It must suck to be a republicant, always losing

    8. 6:39 -

      July 6th bro, JoooLIE 6th !


  5. That must be the America hating right wingers. The truth matters, except to those same delusional right wing republicans who cannot find a backbone to save their lives or their party for the welfare of our nation. Never forget.

    1. American hating right winger?

      You sound like you are completely under control by the leading parties. They got you by the balls… right/left/red/blue/Democrat/Republican….

      Keep on playing the blame game…. It’s by design and that’s why they keep it a two party system.

  6. Whatever Dr. Nutbird said to persuade WC to delete comments was probably a lie.

    WC, please don’t feed the ego trip. It’s all about control.

    1. WC is no longer administrator however, I’m sure he’s still reads the blog.

    2. I agree about the issue of deleting that but birds comments. Pretty weak that they let others get harpooned, but they protect the former therapist with Kik lives. Somethings up.


    3. There's this crazy little thing called libel guys. All your guessing, complaining s talking isn't going to reverse the election.....

    4. So now it’s libel to express the opinion that she’s doing a terrible job, and is on a power trip?

  7. 7:50 what is the connection between WC and Susan Turney? WC may own the domain, or may even be fictions. But word on the street is Susan Turney runs it. And Turney Turncost is good friends w/Dr Nutbird. So it’s not surprising that Loony Nutbird Lorri who gets a big charge and power trip off deleting people, got the post you’re talking about taken down.

    1. I believe WC is the same person as always. There hasn’t been any significant change. Also, if you comb through the profile, WC is still the owner of several blogs. I doubt he would give someone the password to his profile if he’s still actively using that same profile to run other blogs. There’s also an inherent legal risk in doing so. If a new admin does something irresponsible or illegal, Blogger still has data that connects the administration of the blog back to his real life identity. Why would someone assume that risk?

    2. Definitely not WC. I know WC.

    3. What do you know, another day and you are still obsessed with Lorri. Why not pick up a hobby or go for a walk. Better yet find a therapist who is still practicing and book an appointment.

    4. Good suggestions. 👏🙏

    5. The martyr has arrived.

      This is all so difficult on her.

      Cue a demand for the EV minions to praise her in 3 - 2 - 1

  8. 7:50am You lie. You are a liar. Your desperation is showing. So typical is your juvenile moronic name calling.

  9. 9:07 Turney Turncoat has horrible social skills. It’s why she lost by a landslide to Kindergarten Kelly. It’s why she’s stooped so low as to spew her evil behind the scenes here and even at times on EV. I wonder if WC is on board with her, and condones the negativity and lies she spews…

  10. Carlsbad has their shit together when it comes to electing councilmembers and recalling bad ones. We should take a lesson from them and start the citizens initiative to require an election for the district 1 position and to start the recall election on Kranz.

    “The council attempted to appoint someone to the District 1 seat vacated by the resignation of former Councilmember Barbara Hamilton in 2019. But residents stopped the process before an applicant was selected by collecting enough signatures to force a special election.

    Councilmember Cori Schumacher won the special election in 2020, then resigned in July 2021 facing a possible recall election. Again the council decided to appoint and selected longtime Carlsbad resident and businessman Peder Norby, who agreed not to run for election when the term expired in November. Melanie Burkholder was elected to the District 1 seat and took office earlier this month.”

  11. Yup- the fastest way to get Tony Kranz out of our counsel hair is to start a Recall The dunce petition.

    After all, 53% of the voting public voted against The Dunce.

    - Save Encinitas

    1. So stop gabbing about it. Do it!

    2. Scott, Cindy, Susan- any leaders in our town?

  12. I agree the US will likely be defaulting on debt some time soon. Within 2023. Not sure, but I would bet 2024 or 2025 at the latest.

    and this my friends will be a game changer. As an example, Romans are no longer a world superpower. You know why, they collapsed their dynasty by defaulting on their debt.

    I hate to say it but the taliban is winning and the day is not to far off in the future

    1. The entire America economy is a joke anyway. Once off the gold standard there was "zero" backing it up.
      The bigger joke is the saying, "backed by the federal government" Huh? Backed with what?
      Nuthin' Zero. They simply print more money and give it to Ukraine.

    2. True Endo ad they don’t even print it anymore. They just digitize it. US dollar is the original bitcoin.

    3. At least it will be an interesting chapter in the history of the world. I’m surprised it held up this long.

    4. Gawd...what a mess.

    5. you have that right

  13. Remember a few weeks ago when a “friend” of Dr. Nutbird showed up here and tried to CONTROL what was said by threatening to unveil everyone’s true identity because he owns a computer repair shop?

    And then remember when a mystery guest showed up and tried to CONTROL what was said here by declaring that Dr. Nutbird was on her deathbed in the hospital?

    And then remember when Dr. Nutbird worked the moderator to delete and CONTROL the content of this blog?

    And then just today another mystery guest made vague threats about libel to CONTROL what people say here.

    I remember these things.

    Someone has control issues.

    1. The blog was better under WC, but was the all time best under JP….

      Sigh…. The glory days.

    2. Although I do love that I can use Siri and with all the misspellings I drive grammar grandma absolutely bat shit.

    3. Hate to bring up nutbird, but someone has identity issues. 🤣

    4. Whoever wrote that comment about rocket in your pocket was pretty damn funny.

    5. I'm new to this blog. Who is Dr. Nutbird? Is it an animal, or human being? Curious.

    6. Welcome. It’s a local really old Karen that used to be a therapist and she’s flat out a nut bird with identity issues.

    7. 4:16- How old is she? And why do yo call her Dr.Nutbird? What's here real name?

    8. You’ll catch on quick why she’s not bird. Not sure what her real name is. I think it changes often throughout her life. She might be a vampire. She could be over 100 years old.

      All good questions

    9. Oh yeah and you can’t talk about her real name either because this blog administrator will delete all of your comments. Feel free to Stan or anyone else, but nutbirds off-limits.

    10. * Feel free to attack Stan or anyone else, but nutbirds off-limits.

    11. 4:27- I'm a bit confused-sorry. Who is Stan? I guess I will have to go back and read the comments, except some are so long. I'm not lazy, just a working stiff.

    12. Enjoy the read

    13. Wait until you get a load of the Town Dunce. Best part is 53% voted against him and he still ended up Mayor.

      BIA =$$$= nice perks for The Dunce

  14. The person that was with the guy that was hit is probably the only witness to this hit and run. His description will remain the best description of the vehicle, which is sparse at best. The perpetrator will go to considerable means to disguise or repair the damage in a means not to be detected. He may avoid commercial body shops, as the authorities will be monitoring these businesses.

  15. True. Thx for getting back to post

  16. I just read electricity in Encinitas will be down for 48 to 96 hours…. The need to rebuild substation that was taken out by environmental protectionists.

    1. I'm in the utility biz, please direct me to stated outage.

    2. 6:21- So far I have heard it's in parts of Leucadia. I am in Cardiff and so far we have power.

  17. I think somebody sniped the environmentalist

  18. Thanks for inviting all of our new neighbors Tony.

    They got the message!

    Number of homeless in downtown San Diego reaches record high for fifth straight month

  19. Don't forget that Jeff Morris's arraignment is in Superior Court in Vista this coming Monday. It could be vey interesting. This has nothing to do with Natalie's case, BTW, but with the charges of Domestic Violence and Child Endangerment.

  20. Yes. That will be interesting. Hopefully we get some good reporting following the case.Thx

  21. Will his parole allow him to move to Hawaii still?

    I hope at least his kids can move to Hawaii

  22. From what I have seen, he might not get parole, but instead jail time. But he does have a fancy criminal attorney from L.A. so who knows.

  23. I’m new to this blog, but it sounds mostly like the same handful of old bored housewives that are so unhappy with their own lives, that they take pleasure in trying to find misery in other peoples lives as well as creating much of the misery themselves with lies and fabrications. They hate almost everyone, except their own small circle of other mean old ladies. They gloat about others misfortunes non-stop. And if they don’t have any, they make them up. I saw one post where one of them even jumped up and down w/glee and said she was “getting a bottle of champagne out to celebrate!” That’s crazy mean to be filled w/so much hate. And nutty!

    1. Chauvinist. I happen to know it’s a bunch of old bored husbands. Otherwise known as mean boys.

    2. Lies and fabrications? Please elaborate. Let’s hear what information you have to share?

      For being new to the blog, it sounds like you have some good insights.

  24. Welcome. I’m sure you’ll find it Informative and entertaining. There are some serious characters in this town. Not to mention our crazy clown council. Hugs.

  25. 11:10 Nope. I’m a woman, and I can spot the bored mean ones a mile away. It didn’t take me long reading through the posts, to see the same repetitive posts over and over. It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist like Lorri Greene’s husband to see that the same handful of nut jobs are posting over and over the same exact comments. It’s starting to look like we might want to ad dementia to their list of issues.

    1. You seem kind of slow. Dimensions been a main topic even well before our current president and mayor. Please catch up because you’re not doing so well so far.

  26. 10:40 here. Just wanted to mention, there’s nothing wrong with being a housewife, just don’t be a mean bored one. Get a hobby, be philanthropic, volunteer for a cause you’re interested in, etc. In other words, do some good in the world, instead of the non stop repetitive attacks of trying to destroy people and their families.

    1. I like you up on that horse. Just remember it is a blog.😜

  27. 11:10 ohhh, thx for clarifying! So Lorri, Larri, or whatever new name she’s sporting these days, made up the lie about having a husband that’s a PHD rocket scientist??? Well, not surprising really when you consider all her other lies. I mean you have to be a serious nut case to have a criminal record and be a Therapist. What kind of Therapy could a kleptomaniac possibly be capable of? Oh, never mind,…the inappropriate kind that got her license revoked. Sigh….And these are the types of woman in the Mean Girls club wreaking havoc on our town. Just Great🙄!

    1. 💯…. That’s so mean mean boy!!

      So true, but so mean. 🤣

  28. …above comment was for 11:53. Thx for exposing Nutbirds lie about her fictitious husband.

  29. You have to be fucking kidding me. Someone posts something and you automatically believe it. Lorri Greene is married to David Dozier, Professor Emeritus at SDSU. Look him up and you can see yourself. They have 2 girls, ages 44 and 40. One of them has a Ph.D. from Stanford and the other from UCSD. They are both are professors. All of this can be verified if you are so inclined. My God some of you are truly obsessed with this woman you probably have never met. She holds no public office; is not a threat to anyone; and worked her entire life until retirement. I have no idea what you beef is with her, but maybe you might want to think about that before you get in too deep. Saying "time for her to go" even on a blog has implications of killing her. And that is what I honestly think you would like. I haven't been a part of these convos about Lorri as I didn't think it was worth my time. But her kids both went to Ada Harris; Oakcrest; and San Dieguito High and one of them saw these posts. Lorri doesn't know that yet, but it's just a matter of time until she does. What's the old saying "Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned" Add to that her child sees all of this. If any of you are parents, ask yourselves how would you feel if one of your kids saw all of this crap about their mom? All I know is my friend, her daughter, saw it and is beside herself. God have mercy on all of you who have gone out of your way to degrade this woman who has done you no harm. You make me sick!

    1. Amen to that 12:43 most of these comments make me sick. Kids are seeing all these comments and are absolutely effected by the nasty things people are saying. Hopefully 2023 people will go do something better with their time.

    2. 💤💤💤 I heard a bunch of rambling. I dreamt about some old Karen up on a horse.

      Did you say something?

    3. Who is this Lorri character is it a real name, a cartoon or what?

      Who is this fellow with a big rocket in his pocket?

    4. I guess I would suggest that some people with checkered backgrounds, including multiple name changes, a theft record, and actions to remove licenses, and big egos, and super sensitive egos, and has said outlandish things, and has a control issue, maybe they consider not being so far out in public.

      Maybe they might take some time to search and find happiness within. Just a simple suggestion. 😘

    5. The wife beating and 3rd place loser declared war on Lorrie so all his even lower IQ cucks have to go after her because that is what loser followers do, they follow. It really means nothing, Stan is not relevant and his cucks are even less relevant. They have this low wattage blog and that is all. They cant do a better job than lorrie because they cant do anything, at all, losers gonna lose.

    6. 11:30, as has been explained to you many times, they are both turds.

  30. Thanks for the breath of fresh air 12:43am. If only it would make this personal attack a thing of the past.

    1. 1:30- Agree. This blog used to be a place where we could discuss things. I don't know what happened, but it sure has changed, and not for the better. I see no purpose in even having this blog if all it is going to be is "attack central". I would think the blogmaster would care about his or her own standing in the blog world. But then again, I have no idea what the blog world is. I'll check in but I won't be posting anything else unless it is worth posting or commenting on. Maybe others would like to join and talk about the actual post that is at the top?

    2. If you don’t like the comments on the blog, and simply don’t read the blog.

      Somethings are out of your control.

    3. Bring back the sculpin!

  31. Wow. Lotta comments about CONTROLing what can and cannot be said about Dr. Nutbird.

    Look, it’s a lovely story that her children grew up here and are doing fine, but I’m not sure what that has to do with her being self-centered and manipulative in the administration of EV, which is what has drawn attention to her.

    Look, WC doesn’t make this blog all about himself and try to actively manipulate, and he’s not a major topic of conversation. Same with the admins of Encinitas Now, EG—even the other admins of EV. When was the last rant about how bad Glen is? Doesn’t exist, because he hasn’t earned it.

    The only two group admins in town that make everything about themselves and manipulating the conversation are the leads at EV and Watchdog. And those two have earned their criticism.

    1. 💯….

      I just love a good old Karen rant. Not!

      If they want to rant like that, they should stay on EV.

      What I’ve seen over the decades, is This site is for news and interesting subjects not repetitive Karen rants. Although, as you can see, we get some of those.😘

    2. BTW, there’s a telling exchange over at EV in the last 24 hours.

      Dr. Nutbird announced a new rule. If anyone makes any comment related to national politics, the whole post and all comments will be deleted.

      Garvin (who I’m no fan of) points out that this is dumb. Anyone who doesn’t like a post can have it deleted by making a national politics comment. And he suggests that maybe it’s better to focus on admins themselves adhering to the rules and not posting national politics comments, which kind of sends the signal to others that it’s okay.

      Dr. Nutbird absolutely flips out and tells Garvin he’s being extremely rude to her.


    3. Nutbird or whatever she gos by today is a fun shit show, but lets keep this blog focused on more productive and interesting things in Encinitas. 🙏🏾🙏🏾

    4. 7:43 Walsh is as relevant as the wife beater. In other words not. He and his sidekick Thunder have done enough harm. Hope EV ejects him once and for all.

    5. Comment isn’t about Garvin. It’s about the Nutbird reaction.

    6. Garvin is just part of the shit show along with nutbird and Stan

  32. I’ve been told, and seems reasonable that it takes people seven times to hear, see or understand something to really get the point.

    Let’s go!!!!!

    Scott leads the petition drive. Scott is our next mayor.

    It’s that simple.

    Scott leads the petition drive. Scott is our next mayor.

    It’s that simple.

    Scott leads the petition drive. Scott is our next mayor.

    It’s that simple.

    Scott leads the petition drive. Scott is our next mayor.

    It’s that simple.

    Scott leads the petition drive. Scott is our next mayor.

    It’s that simple.

    Scott leads the petition drive. Scott is our next mayor.

    It’s that simple.

    Scott leads the petition drive. Scott is our next mayor.

    It’s that simple.

    Let’s Go!!!!

    Scott, I will give you $1000 if you start a petition drive to Recall The Dunce. I know there are many others that will follow..

  33. 💯 now we’re talking!

    Go Scott!!!!!

  34. Lets do this. So last report there is 44,488 registered voters in Encinitas.

    20% of 44,488 is 8,898 round up 8,900. So we need to get 8,900 petition signatures. Snap. Thats not a big deal at all.

    In the last election 53% of the voters, voted against the Town Dunce. Last election voters in Encinitas totaled 28,395 with 15,026 voting against The Dunce.

    That right Scott. 15,026 already voted against The Dunce (53%), and we only need 8,900 signatures. Snap. Lets Go!!!!

    So Scott leads the effort, get 20 people to set up in front of popular grocery stores, beach access, moonlight beach, home depot, the rail trail, and bingo we have ourselves a petition with signatures well over the needed 8,900 to get Tony Kranz off the dais forever.

    Twenty people collecting signatures for 8,900 total would mean 445 per gather.... of course the more petition gathers the better and faster the effort.

    Lets Go Scott. You got this!!

    What a blessed thing for Encinitas. You are a good man Scott and we know you love Encinitas.

  35. Scott did not apply to lead a recall. Curious after all your research why you don’t do it yourself?

    1. Please go back to EV. We do not appreciate your negativity. Thank you.

  36. here is a start to a draft of a petition text for your consideration:

    We the undersigned of this petition support the recall of Tony Kranz as the Mayor. For over 10 years, As a City Council member, Kranz has damaged the quality of life and future of Encinitas for generations to come. Below are just a sampling of the damaging actions resulting from Kranz's votes.

    1. During the latest housing element update, Kranz voted to slammed as much of the high density development in Encinitas. Even while future population projections are dropping in the County

    2. Kranz supports a regional homeless shelter in Encinitas in addition to the homeless parking lot

    3. In ten years, made zero progress towards a quiet zone all while other City's completed their zones.

    4. Supported fencing off coastal access and decimated pedestrian travel along our beach areas

    5. Led the effort to build a parking lot instead of a rail trail on Vulcan Avenue north of Leucadia Boulevard

    6. Led the effort to make Encinitas a “Welcoming City” and to make it legal to park and van life it in front of your house

    7. Led the effort to pay $500,000.00 dollars more than the full asking price for Pacific View and take on a huge unfunded costly coastal city facility without ever exploring the real costs for the long term operations and maintenance of yet another public facility on the beach

    8. Led effort to fire the most experienced and effective Planning Commissioner.

    9. Led the effort to increase train noise and pollution by 30% while ridership tanked and the cost for Coaster trips are subsidized by the public tax payers at $140 a ride in 2021

    10. No action and has not supported funding the improvements needed to retain Beacons Beach access to remain open the entire time he has been on City Council

    Simply put, Encinitas can not afford the onslaught of continual bad decisions and votes that are decimating the future of Encinitas. We, the signers of this petition commit to supporting a legal recall petition of Tony Kranz.

    Lets Go Scott! We Got This!!!

    1. Nice start. You could also add towards the front of the document:

      Whereas, 53% of the voters voted against the Tony Kranz in the last election.

  37. 7:29 = sad sack Stocks aka $tock$. Can smell his nasty streak a mile away.

    1. You’re absolutely 100% wrong.

  38. 10:19am It can't be $tock$. The grammar and punctuation was not the usual incompetence he has shown for years. Got another guess?

    1. I’d say someone that loves Encinitas, and not unnecessary drama.

    2. It is definitely Jerome. You’d have to be unfortunately familiar with his anger and snark to recognize his signature style. Maybe The Office wasn’t open yet so he was posting with a marginally clearer head. Or maybe Mikey A is back in his employ. But it is definitely $tock$.

  39. Mikey???? oh my God. Now it makes sense. You are a brain fried old Karen.

    You’re probably the L Word, or crazy eyes. Good morning ladies I’m sorry to hear that your head still is in the fog. I hope you get out and get some oxygen into your blood and have a great day. Hugs.

    1. Crazy eyes is officially lost her mind. Dementia is a sad thing.

      Peace be with you crazy eyes.

    2. Hi, I’m Jerry S. Oh yeah, I have a skinny penis I like to talk about how skinny my penis is and disguise my comment so that people who are well in to dementia think that I’m posting on this blog and they can figure out it’s me skinny penis, Jerry S. You got me.

      My wife kind of likes that I have a skinny penis because it doesn’t hurt at all for that once a year event.

    3. Pressure’s getting to the wife beater and his fanatics. 38 hours to Go time!

    4. Is Garvin gonna show up as a character witness for Stan?

  40. Back to you real issues-

    Scott, we know you have some organizing and planning to do. Just let us know when this thing launches and how we can support you. Thank you.

    1. Don’t hold your breath. There is never going to be a recall of Mayor Kranz. An endeavor of that nature requires hard work and dedication and not 24/7 bellyaching. Plus, he hasn’t even done anything yet other than WIN, which I know triggers many of you. Maybe you should start smaller with like a support group outside of this blog.

    2. I don’t have to hold my breath and apparently you can’t read or don’t follow happenings in Encinitas.

      Kranz has done horrific things and Encinitas. You must be just too stupid to recognize it and must be part of the ignorant 47% that voted for the idiot.

      Carlsbad was nearly at the point of recalling their council member Schumacher and we’re going to do the same with Kranz. Kranz has done a lot more harm to Encinitas.

      If Kranz was smart, he would resign and recommend the council appoint Brust Ellers as mayor. But we know Kranz is not smart and hence his nickname the Town Dunce.

      Ignore the chatter, Scott, we fully support you.

      - The 53%

    3. 2:57- he did not win. The developers won, and he is the mayor as a result of shenanigans from thunder, Garvin, and a few other idiots that are in bed with the developers.

      Kranz didn’t do shit and Garvin, Thunder and Stan did all the work. And I’m not happy about it. Now we have to do the extra work to put in a real mayor.

    4. 3:09- First you have to learn how to spell Ehlers last name. Then maybe you will get your Jr. High credential.

  41. I ain't going to work on Morris's farm no more.

  42. We’re here for you Scott Scott!

    - The 53%

  43. We’re here for you Scott!

    - The 53%

  44. Go Kranz. Make them suck it up.

    1. What do you expect Kranz to go on? Is he going to eat more and do more circle jerks with Garvin?

      When you say go, Kranz sits down and makes bad decisions.

  45. Don't do it Scott. Not worth losing a possible Council seat over something that won't work. You will have a hard time of it trying to get rid of Kranz.

    1. Scott was never in the running by this clown counsel. He said way too many honest things that went against all of their BS from the last four years.

    2. 15,000 voters is way way way over the 8900 count that we need. The recall is pretty much a slam dunk.

      It’s the fastest and best way for Scott to show his leadership skills and get Encinitas back on track.

    3. The threat of a recall got Cory Schumaker to resign, and the Kranz recall will happen much much quicker.

      53% of the voters in the last election voted against Kranz.

  46. Teen aged wasteland.

  47. There are a lot of people out there that really really dislike Kranz for all the harm. His caused in Encinitas.

    - The 53% that voted against Tony Kranz.

  48. We are watching you EU.

    1. ? Sounds like someone’s losing it again.

  49. Ya and we’re going to cut off your Johnson.

    1. Someone’s definitely losing it

  50. What the fuck is going on EU?

    1. Yep. Freakshow participants please go to EV

  51. Nothing. They just want their MTV. And some want e bikes.

    1. Hope you have some narc for your fentanyl

  52. All the Dude wanted was his rug back.

  53. 3:26 is sad takeover trybaby. Not gonna happen sad amateur.

  54. You’ll be a great mayor Scott!!

    - The 53%

  55. Amateur hour. Like this hasn’t been tried before. 😂😂

  56. Where can I go to bet my entire life savings against a successful recall of Kranz?

    1. Good luck with your 10 bucks 👩‍🌾💰

  57. Encinitas. 👏👏👏👍

    1. Good luck with your 10 bucks 👩‍🌾💰

    2. Any mayor is worse than Kranz. BIA and any of the other council members are better than Kranz.

      We currently have the worst. Anything from the bottom is better.

  58. 4:07- Yea but has it ever been tried by bored teen agers? Thought a group of us would have some fun and this is the only place we can do that anonymously. Suck it up.

  59. Wow $1000. You must’ve got Biden bucks. You’re a big roller now Mr. negative.

  60. Go back to the East Coast dickhead. Nobody wants you here. Well that is except for maybe the Town Dunce.

    1. I'm black I can go anywhere I want. STFU. Mali likes me a lot.

    2. Oh sorry you’re black. I take it back :-) once you’re here that’s OK.

    3. Take Mali with you.

  61. You are really a bunch of losers. New name for this group could be Losers Anonymous.

    1. That’s a good one thanks genius.

  62. Yea like that's going to happen. You must be in your burrow once again.

  63. Separate this blog that has served us well from the new, disruptive voices who are staggeringly ignorant yet confidently loud in their cuckoo opinions. Brought to you by the watchdog fringe plus the Thunder/Walsh alliance you need to consider the sources and not blame the blog spot. Hoping they slime away soon back to wherever they came from.

    1. 5:20-Yes, there was a time when lots of people came over to EU to see what people were thinking about the CITY not about how to trash other people. And I also agree with you people who undid this group. But unless something changes it's still losers anonymous to me. I come for the entertainment and the bullshit I hear from nowhere else because everywhere else you have to put down your name and stand up like a man, or woman, and it seems to make people a little more accountable for their moronic beliefs.

    2. I wish I could say I miss you. But I know you’ll keep reading it.

    3. Almost had the feeling and a few word choices of the L Word…

      Any post from that old hag is a waste of life.

    4. 6:23 prime example of someone who cannot intelligently discuss city issues. Misogyny and ignorance is all you’ve got.

    5. The T/W alliance and the WD fringe combined with Stan spiral this blog every time. These are the same losers who destroyed our last possible chance of getting some decency back into the Encinitas council.

      Thunder needs to be held accountable for her hypocritical, backstabbing turncoat behavior. She who was beloved, used her friends, fans and the voters to spoil the race and usher in the mayorship of Kranz. We are totally and truly f@cked.

    6. 6:40- apparently you do not value accurate descriptions.

  64. OMFG. No words.

    Dr. Nutbird is becoming a parody of herself.

    On EV, in full woe is me, passive aggressive, martyr mode: “ I have an idea. Why don't you all write the rules for this site? It will make it easier for the adms.”

    Then someone makes an obvious joke, that may have a little edge to it:

    “ I think the rules should be completely arbitrary, capricious, ironic, sarcastic and random while not being disclosed at all. They should be reflective of the whims and moods of Lorri and never questioned. Those who are found to violate the rules are to engage in self reflection”

    And Nutbird loses it:

    “Amber Olivier Kolpin Right out for Encinitas Undercover. Thanks for outing yourself. I'll let this stay, as God forbid I get chastised on EU. A direct quote too. Good to know who the trolls are.”

    Jeezus lady, either stop the behavior behind the joke, or learn to laugh at yourself.

  65. Nutbird needs to step away from Social Media.... You can tell there are some things in her past that are not settled. My guess is parent issues. Take the same advise as given a disturb and troubled 10 year old. Nutbird get some help and shutoff the social media.

    1. Just a suggestion. Ask your communications husband, retire proff..., and your highly educated Phd. children.

      Just a thought. Is there truth to the term, if you can do it, teach it.

      Just saying.

  66. *Just a thought. Is there truth to the term, if you can NOT do it, teach it.

    Just saying.

  67. I will probably lose support...

    Mayor Kranz has been in office for less than a month, recall him for what? Supporting sand replenishment? From what I've seen, in person at the council meetings, we are already on a better track than with the previous mayor.

    We just had a 'recall' in November, Tony was not recalled. the mayor's position is for only two years. At best, a recall election could occur in November. Then we need a new mayor, then a new appointed council member. And then, blammo, it's election season again.

    I've never been on the recall Tony team. My intuition tells me that certain people are trying to set me up with this recall bs. Or maybe adversarial actors are trying to get me to spend my time on unproductive activity. I have a day job, I have to budget how I decide to spend my time, leading a recall effort is not it for me.

    EU readers, if you want to make positive change, get on the commissions. There are 27 spots available.!/

    1. Where do I go to collect on my life savings bet?

    2. You have it right, Scott. It is a handful (if that many) of jerks trying to set you up. The number of votes you think you might lose by refusing to be played you never had in the first place.

    3. Nope- you lost my support Scott. Please explain your support for Tony’s actions on these items:

      Below are just a sampling of the damaging actions resulting from Kranz's votes. 

      1. During the latest housing element update, Kranz voted to slammed as much of the high density development in Encinitas. Even while future population projections are dropping in the County


2. Kranz supports a regional homeless shelter in Encinitas in addition to the homeless parking lot

      3. In ten years, made zero progress towards a quiet zone all while other City's completed their zones.

      4. Supported fencing off coastal access and decimated pedestrian travel along our beach areas

      5. Led the effort to build a parking lot instead of a rail trail on Vulcan Avenue north of Leucadia Boulevard

      6. Led the effort to make Encinitas a “Welcoming City” and to make it legal to park and van life it in front of your house 

      7. Led the effort to pay $500,000.00 dollars more than the full asking price for Pacific View and take on a huge unfunded costly coastal city facility without ever exploring the real costs for the long term operations and maintenance of yet another public facility on the beach


8. Led effort to fire the most experienced and effective Planning Commissioner.

      9. Led the effort to increase train noise and pollution by 30% while ridership tanked and the cost for Coaster trips are subsidized by the public tax payers at $140 a ride in 2021

      10. No action and has not supported funding the improvements needed to retain Beacons Beach access to remain open the entire time he has been on City Council

      The last election was a complete shit show. We had a spoiler alert with thunder and Garvin supporting a wifebeating Stan, who completely split the boat for a majority of Encinitas voters.

      We ended up with absolutely the worst Mary possible. If you support him, I don’t support you.

      You are nothing more than a gadfly. Plus your ADD will never allow you to be on the council anyway and if you do, you’ll be a complete shit show..

      With that said best of luck with the other parts of your life and I hope you continue to be a guard fly because you’re pretty damn funny in your comments. One suggestion would be try and take some deep breaths, and try not to have a stroke.

      Well, hopefully Alex or some other person steps up to remove this worst there ever. Otherwise, we are completely fucked.

      Thanks for the comedy Scott, and nothing more.

    4. To your point about commission, scott, why would someone waste their time with this bullshit Council?

      When has his counselor ever listen to a recommendation from a commission?

      They don’t. It’s a complete waste of time. You said you have other things to do in your life. Why would someone waste hours and hours talking about shit and then have a council completely disregard the recommendations?

      Yeah. Thanks for responding. Your illogical statements make no sense, and I no longer support you for any councilmember possession in the future. Keep up the gadfly work though.. thanks.

    5. Scott, I would appreciate your response to what you think of Tony’s actions on those 10 items. Thank you.

  68. Well, the gadfly Scott’s off the list. Are there any people in Encinitas that are willing to step up to save the city from Tony continuing on city council votes, and doing tremendous damage?

    It doesn’t matter whether the mayor term is only two years, I recall election would take Tony Kranz out of the city Council forever. It’s the quickest way forward in a positive direction.

  69. The same jerk goading Scott came out of the arrested one’s camp after he saw the light and bailed on the cray-cray. Still smarting over that yard sign coming down aren’t ya. Campbell is greener than green but the idiot thinking no one sees his game is fringier than fringe and hails from a certain private Facebook page. Carry on.

    1. And there you have it, folks. 8:34 can’t get over that sign removal. Campbell’s on their official “list.”

    2. 849 – thanks for confirming you’re a complete idiot.

    3. 8:14 is the only one to make sense. Please ignore the other MADdog acolytes. They and the Mad Moron himself need to find other outlets and people to sabotage, like they did during the last election cycle. It’s their actions that put Tony in office.

      Agreed, talk of a recall is just distracted talk. The only place it’s happening is in the mind of the loser who incessantly posts about it here.

      We all know the appointment is already decided, but many applaud you, Riley and other caring citizens for stepping up and subjecting yourself to the criticism by the very people who put Tony in place to begin with.

      Support or not, it’s not a vote/election, it’s an appointment so who gives a shit what they say or think. They’ve already done enough damage.

    4. 8:56- so what little I could take from your dribble, is it my understanding that you feel since we got bamboozled, and ended up with a completely horrendous, mayor and clown council, There is nothing we can do besides wait two more years?

      I don’t agree.

      Right now we have the worst mayor ever.

      The pretty consistently agreed-upon mayor of the worst mayor list is:

      1. Tony Kranz
      2. Catherine Blakespear
      3. Jerome stocks

      When Carlsbad didn’t like with her counselor was going they started a recall election and Cory Schumaker step down. Prior post to share that this process is not very difficult and very achievable.

      In my opinion, it’s the next logical step to improve Encinitas.

    5. It’s “drivel,” not “dribble.” Dead giveaway you’re a MadDog.

    6. 9:10- No its dribble in your case. Focus on your own posts. They need it.

    7. If you don’t agree 9:06 then by all means lead the charge.

  70. I just read that the SHOCKING news that EV isn't going private. Maybe you defenders of Loonie that keep going along with her lies will wake up some day.

    1. Nutbird the cartoon with her 🚀 in the pocket.

    2. 9:00: Only in Encinitas do you find people this stupid. This city deserves all the bad that comes with being such rubes. Literally everything that woman says is a lie intended to manipulate weak minds. She was just gaslighting about celebrating 9 years since she created EV. It's been less than 7 years and she didn't even create the group! Even the most basic, easily verified facts are warped in her addled brain.

  71. 8:56 , 8:14 here, right back at you and thanks for making further sense.

    1. The Maddog's focus on LG & EV does not distract from the reality that their sainted Cannot Tell A Lie leader is going to court for beating up his enabling codependent wife and was flung in jail on Christmas. Anyone going to Vista court tomorrow afternoon to watch the lies unfold?

      Anyone see the 911 call transcript or sheriff’s report yet?

      Who’s standing up for him? The usual fan babes? Dahl, Kirnak and Thunder? Let’s hear how Morris the Much Maligned is a stalwart and upstanding figure in our community.

      3,2,1…. Go!

    2. I wouldn’t expect more from a shoplifter who thinks her husband is a rocket scientist when he was actually a communications major. Probably wasn’t very good at communications considering he went into teaching it. You know what they say if you can’t do it teach it..

      I’m guessing she might’ve been pretty hot about 90 years ago. Sometimes men will overlook serious personality flaws if the looks are there.

      It’s so funny that she takes credit and is so proud of a Facebook page. I’ve never had a Facebook account and Facebook is a sad joke on humanity in my opinion.

      Carry-on. I love all these interesting characters in Encinitas. Particularly, this multi identity, shoplifting convicted, ex hottie is hilarious.

  72. 10:01- I heard his Bestie Garvin was suggesting they try and pay Mike Tyson to come in and say a few words.
