Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Leucadia sign thief caught in the act

From the Inbox:
We've been plagued in our neighborhood with yard sign theft for the better part of a year. Caught this [Monday] morning in the act, the unidentified "gentleman" is a self-professed Blakespear supporter. He told the photographer that he could not stand seeing the "My Mayor Sued Me" and "Suppresses Freedom of Speech" signs, so took matters into his own hands. In many cases he has gone onto private property to do the deed.

Leucadia needs help identifying the perpetrator - any help will be appreciated.


  1. That's some funny chit

  2. That looks like Tracy Conkey.

  3. Replies
    1. Who loves Blakespear? Enemy of the people more like. Dude looks familiar.

    2. Those signs are annoying and it's time to let the Blakespear hate fest go.

    3. Too bad you’re annoyed. Haha.

    4. Blakespear is GOAT #1.

    5. 8:38- everyone hates BIA… your whiter the white racist is the worst behind the Dunce.

  4. Hating on Blakespear is the entirety of the "personality" some people have.

    1. Add Kranz to that =💯

    2. 8:52, well said and good use of sarcastic quotes.

  5. Replies
    1. That's the question. He stole any signs that were not pro Blakespear and Kranz. Word is he dropped a ton of F bombs but was shaking at being caught. Neighbors need to circulate the photo, mystery will be solved.

  6. Replies
    1. It wasn't January when he rampaged regularly through the neighborhood throughout 2022. And it's private property, so there's that.

    2. “ Caught this [Monday] morning in the act”

      In January.

    3. Right and he’s been at it for months.

    4. BIA and the Town Dunces cronies suck and destroyed Encintas.

      We hate you for it.

      We hate the Mayor that 53% of the voters voted against.

    5. are telephone poles private property?

  7. Morris’ new profile pic on FB is a blood covered person holding a gun, with a vague threat typed over the image. Which is totally sane and normal.

    1. The DA ought to know about that.

    2. Anyone else confused why Jeff is going after the CN douche Jordan now? The story he wrote didn't seem all that bad.

    3. and yet you still called him a douche. Pure class...

    4. I was shocked to see the people who are his "friends". You people are enabling a potential criminal, if not a borderline assassin.

    5. Ingraham is a Republican hack like his bosses at the CN, but used to be Jeff's BFF. It's unclear why they're not on good terms anymore.

    6. Totally disturbing image after just being arraigned. If he is convicted this image should be used at his sentencing.

  8. BIA and the Town Dunces cronies suck and destroyed Encintas.

    We hate you for it.

    We hate your Mayor that 53% of the voters voted against.

    The Dunce will be recalled!!

    1. Recall Ehlers too he didn't even get 50% of the vote against unknowns.

    2. 11:24 invokes the “percentages are different for incumbents” rule.


      Here in the real world, 47% is the same as 47%.

      Fun facts: in the race for Ehlers council seat, there was no incumbent council member in the race; in the race for mayor, there was no incumbent mayor in the race.

    3. Kranz is the incumbent you moron. He’s been on council since 2010. Ehlers and the rest in his district were all running for the first time.

  9. I know this gentleman.

    He's a brother to Ray Epps

    1. Now that...is funny. I'm surprise anyone on here knows of ray epps. I do and that rat should be behind bars.
      But wait, he is working for this communist government so that won't happen. Like that brain dead black that shot and killed Ashley Babbit. He was given a medal.

    2. Give him a million metals and a raise. Ashely made a choice that day and it cost her her life.

      Your views on race and reality are found lacking.

    3. So, genius, it's just fine to shoot and kill an unarmed person after the doors were opened and they were waved in. But it's just fine to make up lies that 5 police officers were murdered. You twisted piece of human waste.

    4. 8:35..the killer of Babbit wasn't black? And, hadn't left a loaded firearm in a public restroom prior to killing Babbit?
      Now I'm positive your parents were brother and sister.

  10. Good for this guy for taking down this trash. It’s like taking down anti-vax propaganda. At least change the text to say “former mayor.” She’s moved on but some of you are stuck in the mud.

    1. Yep she moved on all right. Curridan left Encinitas in flames. Massive developments under construction, roads with people, dying and blood smeared all over the place every week. Lawsuits from the cities liability for creating such hazards, absolutely horrible decisions at the city Council level with fucking idiots like the town Dunst taking a leadership role.

      Oh yeah, Catherine Blakespear did things for Encinitas all right.

      Wait to you see the size of the settlement for the brutal death of Dr. Jennings Worley….


      It’s going to be much more $$$$ than the city has poured into that money pit called Pacific view.

      Death of our citizens is very very expensive and bad business for the city.

    2. * Catherine Blakespear left Encinitas in flames.

    3. 7:35 it's someone else's property. Mind giving us your address? We're sure you don't mind if we come over and do some tidying up - you know, since not all your stuff is completely current.

    4. Like the anti-vax that is trying to save lives from the lies getting a vaccination and a million boosters?

  11. Blakespear was dishonest, incompetent, duplicitous, sold out to BIA, self-centered, etc... and she was rewarded by an ill informed electorate by being elected to higher office. No wonder this system is caving in.

  12. Blakespear is undefeated and got a promotion.

    She left Encinitas with the highest possible credit rating.

    She passed balanced budgets.

    She invested in infrastructure.

    She got Encinitas compliant with state law.

    And before she left, she recruited and mentored strong candidates that will continue serving her legacy for years to come.

    Eat a bag of dicks, losers.

    1. Is that you Speedy? The lap dog!

    2. 1:17...do what? I thought your father and uncles were dead.

    3. 1:17- 🤮

      Blakespear left Encinitas after she caused tanking conditions with blood dripping off the roads and heading towards financial ruin due to all the lawsuit settlements.

    4. 1:17 All the lawsuit settlements leading to financial ruin? Which ones? You talking about the big one paid out by the City's insurer? Where are all those "Cycle Trap" lawsuits that were supposed to bankrupt us? Never showed up, and now they are too late. Was it the fired fire marshall? That had no fiscal impact on the City. Sounds like a lot of speculation to me...

    5. Roberta Walker $11 million, next Dr. Worley big $$$$…. Just like any insurance, high payout affect future premiums…. Sky is the limit with what Bloodspear left us…. 😥

    6. Don’t forget the bluff deaths. We couldn’t weasel our way out of those lawsuits with our embarrassing attorney led antics.

    7. Most people would never dream of dropping the "C-bomb" in reference to a woman. Marco on the other hand....

  13. Somewhere in between the adulation and decimation of Blakespeare above is the truth. She's no great shakes to me, too many pet projects like the Cardiff Bike Trap and Streetscape. Who did she mentor that's a strong candidate: No one.....

    1. Blakspear was incompetent and corrupt. She'll fit in well in Sacramento.

    2. Corruption is trading favors at the bank like Dan Dallager. Blakespeare was merely incompetent and unoriginal...

  14. Governor Blakespear.

    Get used to it, bitches.

    1. Whitest of whites racist to Governor…..

      Won’t be the first time.

  15. Before Blakespear and her mega-development, the drive from Leucadia 101 to ECR took 10 minutes. Now it's 30. After Fox Point, it will be at least 45. The distance is about three miles.

  16. Does everybody know who owns this house? Hint, a fire station is across the street.

  17. Did they remove the illegally placed sign that remains partially visible attached to the telephone pole?

  18. Susan Turncoat! If you think her place is dark on the outside, wait ‘til you see the inside! It’s darker than dark! The only thing darker is her soul! God Bless that dark dark soul!🙏

    1. Not as dark as the vacant space where someone's mind usually resides....

  19. 8:32 you’ve for the wrong location lol.

  20. 8:02 ohhh, I have the right location alright! 9:34 showed a picture and said across from the fire station. Susan Turney owns that corner property across from the station. And Susan Turney’s the one that plastered that corner with Blakespear sued me signs as well as Cremona signs. Susan Turney is also the one that turned on Jeff and convinced Cindy to run, knowing it would split votes and help Tony win. Hope you’re real proud of yourself, Turney Turncoat!

  21. Those in the know realize this is the SW corner of Hymettus and Fulvia. The truth is simple if you just make a modest effort.

  22. My daughter said Marco’s son is a bully at school and most the kids think he’s a weeny. What do you think dad?

  23. Thanks for producing more shit Marco, yes, I’m referring to your offspring. Great now we have Marco’s kids to look forward to in life. The apple sure doesn’t fall far from the tree!

    1. 11:09- you suck.... leave kids out of this..

  24. Comments should be based on Marcos actions and behavior which we’ve all seen is atrocious. If his wife’s behavior and ethics is as bad as his, maybe she deserves to be called “nasty and skanky.” But calling his wife and his kids ugly is completely out of line. Besides what’s wrong with red hair? Red hair is very rare, unique and sought after. That’s why so many women dye their hair red. If someone is a natural red head, it’s a real treasure. So there’s something seriously wrong w/the person who keeps making digs about carrot tops. So we might as well add them to the list of Loony Losers.

    1. I'm more than willing, as always, to discuss whatever behavior people think is "atrocious," but FTR, the word "skank" is problematic from a defamation perspective. I'll not go into more detail at this time, but people who want to attack me and my family should probably stick to vulgarities that are less inflammatory.

    2. Mr. Gonzalez, I’d like to apologize for my rude behavior that took place on January 12th. I said some things to you that I’m embarrassed and ashamed of. Calling your wife skankey was absolutely unnecessary and uncalled for. My behavior that day was completely out of line. I was wrong. Please accept this as my sincere apology. If need be, I can write a letter of apology to your wife for the words I used. My apology may not mean much to you, but please know that I feel like a total jerk.

      If there’s anything else I can do to make up for my poor behavior, please let me know. Thank you.

  25. My wifebeater mayoral candidate suppressed my freedom of speech with threats of violence.

    1. Sadly, this is the truth. Morris’s over the top reactions to anyone who disagrees with him includes stalking, threats, dissing on social media and calls and emails which also contain threats.

      Seriously, is anyone surprising about the charges of spousal abuse?

  26. 7:04 isn’t the one who got arrested for abusing his wife. On Christmas. Talk about stupid.

  27. Actually didn’t but maybe you should pay closer attention.

  28. 7:33 his attorney said Morris didn’t hit anyone so stop spreading lies.

    1. Well if Jeff’s defense attorney said so, it must be true 🤦‍♀️

  29. Back to the topic of this thread: There’s a man pictured who got caught stealing all the ‘My Mayor sued me’ signs along with Cremona signs right in front of Susan Turney’s house! How convenient that Susan who talked Cremona into running caught this man stealing the signs she and Cremona put up. This is further evidence to what we’ve been hearing all along that Susan Turney runs this blog. You can come out of your Hidey hole now Susan….

    1. Corner of Hymettus and Fulvia, but don’t let the facts interfere with your story.

  30. 11:37pm I am constantly amazed that some folks have no qualms about showing their ignorance to the public, albeit anonmously

  31. EU run by Susan? What hole did you pull that out of? I can only imagine. Susan has more going on than wanting to run this site.

  32. 4:18 More going on than this site? Ha ha ha! Now that’s funny! She lives for this site! And EV too!

  33. So who is the guy in the picture taking signs?

  34. I think I saw that ol’ fck in some of BIAs group photos but don’t know him.

  35. I thought I saw him at the SD County Credit Union last week.

    My bad for not asking him directly. Next time, if there is one, I will.

    While I admit I have had the compulsion to take down signs on the right of way, I resisted and instead gave each and every one of those misplaced signs my own single digit response every time I drove by.

  36. So any word who this old thief is?

  37. This guy looks vaguely familiar. Maybe he works for the City? I once read that the City has someone who’s job is to go around and take down old signs. They do this with the Cardiff Kook, by disrobing him from whoever decorated him the previous night. I’m surprised it’s taken this long for these signs to come down considering the election is long over.

    1. After Blakespear lost the signs ordinance lawsuit, signs are permitted on private property year round. Sucks to be you 11:39.

  38. 1:21 “Sucks” for you to have such low level guttural intelligence that you’re only capable of using words like “sucks.”

  39. Marco Gonzalez received two forgivable SBA loans totaling $720,000 for his employees at Coast Law Group LLP.

    Yep, the same guy who shouts equal opportunity all day from his law firm, while profiting. Then gets handed free money ($720,000) from the state in forgivable loans so he and his buddies can take huge bonuses.

    Marco Gonzalez is a weasel! The worst in humanity. https://www.federalpay.org/paycheck-protection-program/coast-law-group-llp-encinitas-ca
