Wednesday, December 20, 2023

12/20/23 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Wow Todd Gloria endorses a “tool” to keep in touch with Encinitas. Big brother choice #1 will “catalog” what’s being said on social media. Right up coward Kranz’s corrupt alley.

  2. Lyndes “understands nature based solutions.” Wtf? Someone who supports her please explain.

  3. Anthill's boner pills are all nature based, what is the problem here?
    - Starvin

  4. I can not wait to watch the video of the public comments. Always the best part of the meeting.

  5. Never vote for a POS domestic terrorist at the federal, state, or local level.

    Remember to ask all local candidates where they stand on support for POS domestic terrorists.

    If their answer isn’t a simple rejection, then you are dealing with a POS domestic terrorist.

    1. Like the ones that ignore City Codes so that more booze can be served, and more DUI's occur?

    2. 👆🏿💯-

      those that voted for Biden, Newsom, and Tony Kranz should be prosecuted for treason and given an appropriate sentence. Minimum should be removal of citizens status. Forced to leave the country or be in prison for life picking vegetables in the field,, for those of us liberty loving Americans.

      That would be a merry Christmas. 🎄 🇺🇸

    3. 6:03,

      Anti-democracy. Yup. That’s exactly what we expect from you.

    4. Why are the creepy jobs that own this blog not commenting on the racist and murderous behavior of their Iszrahelli brethen committing genocide and a real Holocaust in the illegally occupied West Bank and Gaza?

  6. City Council never disappoints- 🤣🤣🤣🤮

    They put Anti Joy blabber mouth from AZ to talk about beach sand issues. her babbling wasted 5 minutes of everyone's time.


    blabbers on and on and on... with zero value.

    thanks for wasting everyone's life Joy with your ridiculous useless babble. 👎🏾

    Go back to Arizona. You are an idiot.

    1. and the Town Dunce couldn't be outdone by AZ Joy so he had to waste everyone's life even more. 👎🏾

  7. Natalie Sattoon, hot and smart.... Spot on and the voters need to listen to this intelligent woman.

    Mark Maville - Spot on and reminds the City Council their supporting the local pot shops like the Cake shop pot shop is ruining childrens lives.

    College Freshman Student Lilly - Super intelligent and so honest. She gives me so much hope for our future. Have her replace our Town Dunce as mayor and Encinitas will start heading in the right direct. The Cake Shop is ruining children's life and will lead to increased suicides. Tony Kranz supports these shops and continued harm to our Children.

    Rachel Graves- 100% truth- This City Council minus Bruce is corrupt and against the voting citizens. The voters still need to wake up. Tell 5 of your closest friends about their horrid actions against Encinitas and vote for anyone besides these losers next election. Can we please run these fools out of town?!

    Elena Thompson - pure gold. Honest Truth, and hero status American. You know she sleeps well at night telling the City Council whats happening in Encinitas with Fenty Zombies and Drunks stabbing people in Leucadia 101 and sheriff's helicopters flying in the air trying to catch is murderous loser before they invade and destroy some resident's life.

    WTF Tony Kranz?- Open your fricken ears and resign. You are unfit for the job and harm Encinitas every day you are in office.

    Any one who voted for Tony Kranz is equally to blame including Marco Fletcher, Mali, Garvin, Johnny, Kathleen, Kellie, Joy, and BIA.

    All have blood on their hands and need to be run out of Encinitas .

    Watch all of public comments here -

    Mike - talks the truth about street sweeping, and kids not using helmets and street safety and the road.

    Public Comments is really the only value part of the City Council meetings.

    Along with Tony Kranz resigning - the Rod Stewart looking 🐜🐜🗻 needs to be fired for complete mismanagement of the City's finances and lack of management.

    1. You always claim to represent the majority of citizens and yet you lose every election.

      You should probably think about that.

    2. 👆🏿 I’m sorry you can’t read. Go back to kindergarten and try again. There’s also free courses at the community college.

      We support you improving yourself. Merry Christmas.❤️🎄

    3. Marco again. Yawn

    4. Nope. Still posting as myself. Tools...

    5. Yeah right, just like Thunder continuing to remind us on EV, she’s NPP, not the MAGA she really is.

    6. 8:02 was me ☝🏿 and was directing my comment at 7:44. I find it Highly offensive that you would call me Marco G.- Fletcher.

      That’s just flat out mean bullying.

    7. As usual the most obnoxious idiots get love from their fellow imbeciles. Rachel gets dumber by the day with her latest lies about only 2 members being elected and her imaginary line of succession.

    8. How is this a lie? 3 of the 4 council members were appointed.

    9. And then won their elections following their initial appointments 5:51. Someone challenged their seats, and LOST.

    10. Hinze defeated Turney in the 2020 election.
      Lyndes defeated Thunder in the 2022 election.
      Blackwell was appointed in 2023 to complete the remainder of the vacant D1 term and is the only appointed councilmember.
      The Deputy Mayor doesn't automatically become Mayor if the Mayor post is vacated.

      These are indisputable facts and her claims are lies.

  8. Bring back Donna, the self-appointed expert on everything.

    I once saw her do her whole time plus max time donations on a traffic light that was blinking red on her way to the council meeting.

    It was hilarious.

    1. 👆🏾 I see you like the dumb and dumber show.

      Kranz and Joy babbling over each other making absolutely zero sense. Real life Idiocracy.

  9. So I guess you all finally agree that the parklets in front of the restaurants downtown are the way to go.

    1. again, marco copying and pasting what he's crowing about on EV. no idea who all his "residents have spoken" sources are, but imagine we can fill in the blank and say the usual few that he claims represent the entire city.

    2. Hey Marco, why don’t you try and get your lecher buddies Filner and Fletcher brother-in-law out of jail and on the straight path again.

      What young women are you going to pray after next?

      What would you do if your scumbag brother-in-law did that same thing to your daughter?

      It’s really a disgusting group you’ve assembled.

    3. I guess our mayor and city council loves to bring in a bunch of partying assholes to get drunk and run over people like the poor kid crossing Encinitas Boulevard near Moonlight Beach a few months ago.

      The City Council declaring a safety emergency is a freaking joke. The City Council is promoting DUIs and more deaths.

    4. Bruce Ehlers showed that he hates the hard working business owners of Encinitas and their employees. He represents a district with virtually no commerce yet is trying to put Cardiff and Leucadia restaurants out of business.

    5. The usual clowns will attempt to dress it up but the voters won't soon forget how Bruce betrayed them.

  10. Downtown looks like crap

    1. Tony loves crap. you should see the mess left behind for housekeeping after a weekend at a motel 6 with his girlfriend Starvin. 🤮

      That is what you get when you have a Town Dunce crap lovin Mayor

  11. Vote for biden and's a no brainer...

  12. Property value is inversely correlated with missing teeth, meth labs, broken glass, cigarette butts, banjoes, and Trump flags.

    Prove me wrong.

    1. 👆🏿 I’ll have those things are disgusting.

      Only thing worse are child hunting predators like the Fletcher / Filner/Gonzalez clan . Now that is the bottom of the barrel. 💀

    2. * All those things are disgusting.

  13. Scott publicly announced last night that he's aligned and supported by Rachel and Natalie. In other words last night Scott guaranteed that he'll never be elected or appointed to a role in our city government.

    1. Maybe. We have seen there are a bunch of fucking idiots in Encinitas hence the destruction.

      But I’ll support Natalie, Rachel and Scott any day and with cash donations and telling all my neighbors and boating friends. all 3 have good common sense. Especially Natalie and Rachel

    2. So he made a public announcement that he has two votes?


    3. Is his two votes more or less than Tony’s minority vote received?

      And Tony had all of those funds from the BIA developers pumping in, including their shady attorney antics like MG Fletcher 🤮

    4. Nope. PAC didn't spend a penny in 2022.

  14. How can the greedy restaurant owners look at themselves in the mirror…crying poor…what about being a good neighbor to the other businesses?

    1. Are you kidding? They make their profit off of getting people poisoned drunk, and then contributing to DUIs. And a City Council promotes it.

      They could give a shit about anybody’s personal well-being.

    2. Kranz lives among the local watering holes, can be seen almost every night imbibing. Why would he bite the hand that pours?

    3. Regal Seagull's patio in the back is in the spotlight.

  15. Will Rudy claim his employee’s tits as an asset in his bankruptcy? If so, what are they worth, and can ownership be transferred to the election workers he defamed?

    “ MR. GIULIANI: Come here, big t***. Come here, big t***. Your t*** belong to me.
    Give them to me (indiscernible). I want to claim my t***. I want to claim my t***. I want to claim my t***. These are my t***,”

    This is your brain on Trump. Any questions?

    1. Stupid, starving deflection

    2. Means nothing when you have Marco Fletcher leading your pack. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. LMAO! Rudy G is has 100x the class and intelligence of the local hitler Margo bwahahahahhha

    4. If that’s your definition of class and intelligence, then you have neither.

    5. Margo is a henpecker. Plain and simple

  16. Long term solution:

    Let restaurants build patio space above the parking spaces.

    1. Typical Encinitas. Creating or exacerbating problems without solutions.

      Instead of doing the work to make sidewalk dining more equitable to ALL downtown businesses, free up parking spaces and rid us of those god awful ugly and useless orange barriers, the council leaves the shitshow as it is to fix later. Later fixes usually mean adding high fees and still not fixing the problem.

      Lazy and incompetent. Who was the hold out in the vote?

  17. Ehlers "hates" business people? Sounds like Bisonete back with her person X "hates" a part of the city. Please, no.

    1. Gotta wonder what she and Thunder are cooking up this time.

  18. Bruce is the only one with common sense.

  19. Time to boycott all restaurants that stole our parking. 175 spaces.

  20. Scott don’t waste your or our time running. You’re amusing but won’t be considered a serious candidate. They’ll swat you like a fly.

    This blog and Encinitas Votes are just a tiny portion of residents who see what’s happening and speak up. The remaining residents are either good Democrats or don’t give a shit. The activists need to find a credible candidate and not let the big mouth usual suspects ruin their chances. It probably won’t happen unless they do something different. Seems as if they all prefer complaining instead of getting serious about fixing what used to be a nice city. You too Scott. Solutions not more complaints please!

    1. Everyone will swat him like a fly, the folks he thinks would support him won't. He is all over the place and can't get himself under control. A nonstarter.

      So who will Garvin put up to run next year, any guesses? Maybe Scott?

    2. Not Scott. Too independent. They'll wait till someone like Scott announces then find a sucker or two to spoil it. They did it to Cindy and it worked beautifully. Either Garvin and his BFF Julie will do it, or the Dem party. No way will they let any more seats go.

    3. Scott's balls are bigger than you think. He speaks the language that smart people can relate too. He may not run but he sure is making the City look bad.

    4. I wish Scott’s presentations were posted to a blog like this, or a FB page. His presentations are thoughtful and data driven.

    5. And full of holes and errors.

  21. Bad decision council. Downtown looks like crap. Orange barriers and fake grass your idols?

    1. Kranz won't bite the hands that pour.

    2. That's because he has no teeth.

    3. It shows the quality of our Encinita’s City Council. Ugly environmentally, polluting orange barriers, and ocean for living, fake plastic grass putting microfibers in our fishes DNA. 😥

  22. * It shows the quality of our Encinita’s City Council. Ugly environmentally polluting orange barriers, and ocean polluting fake plastic grass putting microfibers in the fish which enters their DNA and then our children’s as well. 😥

  23. My o my. I think Marco has finally pushed Lori's button. Now she wants an ADA attorney and wants him to find that person. What an idiot.

    1. Maybe Lori is Marco's new bff.

    2. She's been looking into ADA for a few weeks, the only button Marco pushes is his own ;)

    3. Dr Nutbird called in the “fire risk” at the Smith/Blakespear property far from her house because she’s a sore loser and the GOAT just keeps beating her preferred candidates like a rented mule.

      And now the FD told her to mind her own business.

  24. I can answer Lori’s question,

    Yes, she is that stupid.

    1. Or maybe Marco is that stupid and Lori is smarter than she appears. All will come out in time.

    2. I don’t even know the context of the question, but I can also confirm she’s that dumb.

    3. “ Lori is smarter than she appears”

      Well I would hope so.

      Have you seen her?

      Low bar.

  25. Dr. Nutbird was never particularly bright. Afflicted with dementia and drug addiction has only made things worse.

    1. Garvin is a special level of asshole.

    2. The medical term is prolapsed rectum aka the place Phony’s class ring went missing.

    3. I heard that she got Cory Briggs for the ADA complaint. That would babe rich if true. Cory vs. Marco would be a sight to see.

    4. I don’t know about the whole walked with MLK thing. I have doubts.

      But if she told me she did drugs with Keith Richards—now that would explain a lot.

    5. What’s your excuse garvin

    6. 👆🏿 Chronic torn sphincters.

    7. 6:12- She not only did drugs with Keith but with Willie too. She used to hang with all of the druggies, including Dylan himself. Whether she walked with King, may not be true, but I do know what I just said is true. Someone I know actually has pictures.

  26. I hope no one has pictures of Starvin’ 🤢

  27. Anyone know anything about the shooting reported tonight in Olivenhain?

    1. Doesn’t that happen every night?

      Sure does in Cardiff.

    2. tell.

    3. Saw it in on a news media post.

  28. Margo, you can flirt with me all you want but you don't have quite enough cushion for the pushin' (though you're close) to capture my interest. My heart still belongs to Phony.
    - Starvin

    1. Starvin honey, I carry my cushion up front; above my junk.

      Margo 🫃🏻

    2. 👆🏾🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  29. Still beating that NPP drum that no one is buying. You know what that means.

    1. Gawd, I hope not.

    2. Yes, but for what position??

    3. She can only run for mayor, God forbid.

    4. How much you wanna bet she’s already made a deal with Kranz to spoil to get him elected again? She and her sidekick Walsh.

    5. Even if her friend Bruce runs?

    6. If they were ever friends, they are not now.

    7. Although you can bet, gonzalez will be whipping up the base against Bruce using any false connections he can

    8. You expect it from Marco, but Julie is a hypocrite. Smiling in your face while stabbing you in the back. Hope Bruce learned from the last election.

  30. Geee, I thought European countries didn't have mass shootings.
    Oooops. 15 dead. Gun control...nice try

    1. Dear dummy,

      Fewer is better.

      Derp derp.

    2. 12:43- same as Mexico… guns are illegal and the only ones that have guns are the outlaws that are gunning down people.

      Residents without guns have no chance…

    3. 2:01, if we make murder illegal, then only the criminals will murder.

      If we make speeding illegal, then only the criminals will speed.

      If we make rape illegal, then the criminals will still rape.

      The dumbest argument ever, and suggests we should have no laws.

    4. I may be dumb, no wait, I am dumb. But I'm smart enough to be armed. I reckon I ain't that dumb. on my friend Mexico is the number one murder country in the world. Interesting that people with no intention owning a gun don't want us owning guns. I wonder why that is...never mind. Then only criminals will own guns and stupid people will end up dead. Got it now

    5. American Exceptionalism.

      A wise person would ask what we are doing differently.

  31. Bruce and Julie are most definitely friends and are in regular contact regarding city business. Ask him and he will tell you how great he thinks she is and believes she should be on the council.

    1. Bruce is a gullible fool. After Tony fired him, Julie continued to support and plug for Tony for mayor last year, still acting like she was buddies with Bruce and a supporter. Julie was so busy making sure Tony won that she suicided her own campaign. Glad she lost and he won.

    2. 12:58 is Walsh spinning his tales in anticipation of interfering again in 2024.

  32. Julie Thunder on council will be a Theresa Barth re do.

  33. Wonder who's trying the change the subject? Guess Julie's fuck ups are too relevant.

    1. 👆🏾🤣

      Classic Starvin.

      He must be done w MG Fletcher for today.

  34. It's become intuitively obvious Margo is a knuckledragging submental

    1. It has been obvious for years that the EV crew is repetitive and boring as all hell. STFU assholes, or at least keep it to your boring POS page.

    2. Whoops 4:02 what inconvenient truth is getting out that you would rather didn’t? Hehe.

    3. Just an observation, 4:20 hehe.

    4. You sounded pretty disturbed there what with the language and all. Just an observation.

    5. 4:02. What happened my friend? If the feeling do not go away, please take a deep breath and stick your head in the freezer for just a minute . Trauma Mama here to help.

  35. EV does keep it to their site. Wtf are you smoking? Non-members can occasionally read the posts for a limited about of time, sometimes. Sometimes being relevant.

    1. 👆🏽 We know that’s not true. Lori and plenty others are regularly on here including MG Fletcher and crew.

    2. So what? If actually true, or even just informed opinion: it should all be aired. As much is Marco and Tony and Garvin and Julie don’t agree.

  36. It’s FB for crimes sake. Too many take it too serious. Just like this blog. I’m sure 🐖👧 will be complaining over there any minute 🙀

    1. Agreed and we all know this is the best place for honest news in Encinitas.

      That’s why Marco, and all of the councilmembers, and all of the commissioners, all of EV and EN followers, and all of the informed residence come to the blog daily.

      Good honest news.

      The one challenge is the info is raw. Straight from the truthful source. Not CNN or FOX edited.

      you have to put up with the mobile phone and Siri auto spell mistakes as well.

      Overall, I am very thankful for this open and transparent news channel. It’s the best in San Diego county.

  37. Elections are like erections....when Phony is involved I'll always be there!
    - Starvin

    1. 👆🏿soooo👌🏿


      At least, as long as the BIA is paying him…. And.🐜🐜🗻 keeps supplying her boner pills.

    2. 👆🏽8:30-

      You are a genius level spot on! 👊🙏🏽

    3. 8:30 - 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Bravo!

  38. Where are all the new comments?

  39. When everything is questionable, people choose the side that confirms their bias.

    Lots of classical libs in Encinitas. These are good people. The new lib is the ignoramus Gonzalez and Blakespear, Hinze types that have the philosophy that you voted for us now you're going to get screwed good and hard. These types are horrible disgusting human beings who lie to your face then say you voted for their stupid destructive policies like building 7 storied slums, defunding police , having blm terrorist rallies at city hall. and letting in 12000 douchebags daily at the border to give them $5000 gift cards from your tax dollars.

    In concept the people doing this should be imprisoned. Hopefully that will in fact be their future 🙏

  40. Democracy is the theory that common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

    H. L. Mencken

  41. Turd world illegals walking over many parts of Encinitas, coming out of canyons.
    Get ready, watch you children's movments and keep an eye out.
    Your families are counting on you to wise up.
    biden and harris need to be hung in public if found guilty as traitors to America. Hung.
    Thousands of illegals just dropped off in San Diego, guess where they are headed. 51 percent in L.A now on welfare.
    Wake up The u.s dollar back by nothing. china will take over without firing a shot.

    1. Haven’t seen one yet. What are you smoking?

    2. 1:44...leave your mothers basement, look around and
      wake up. Additionally they are pouring into San Diego proper. You people live in a dream world.

    3. “Pouring?” Stop reading thunder’s epoch times crazy links.

  42. He is smoking smoking something but it is more like what is left of his brain matter combusting under the load of his racism and gundickness and being a sheep for the rightwing cult pos domestic terrorist that the repugnican party has devolved into.

    1. Too much time with his nose in the epoch times. Haha.

    2. The Wall Street Journal is the only trusted news source. I laminated an issue from 1984 that I still use as a prop when attending city council meetings. I save money and look like a scholar! In fact, I'm thinking about bringing it in to the bedroom this evening if Phony allows it.
      - Starvin

    3. I'm a racist. I hate em' all. Get out more clowns.
      Head on down to Logan Heights and tell me how messed up I am. You clown acts know nothing.
      Keep drinking the kool aid

  43. 👆🏽💯

    Tik Tok- controls the youth and the China 🇨🇳 controls the US 💸💸 supply.

    Their military is strong and funded w stronger money supply.

    Bottom line - 🇨🇳 already owns the USA

    1. I’m old enough to remember when Japan was going to be the big baddie.

      China is fucked.

      The one child policy has created a shrinking workforce supporting a massive retired population. Supply and demand means the cost of labor is going up, which means companies are shifting production to Vietnam, India, and Malaysia.

      China is in the early stages of demographic and economic implosion.

    2. The US is way in front of China on the implosion.

      Persia forever!!

  44. WSJ is another Rupert Murdoch owned rag. I had always had respect for the WSJ until this cretin bought it. He is a cancer.

    He said he would not interfere with the reporting or the reporters. Yea right. When has that ever happened with any publication Murdoch has run? Never.

  45. If there is water supply problems then how can the officials allow more and more apartment buildings? Ohhh' I know.
    They are banking on shortages in the future along with electrical shortages so the government can control the population.
    Wake up dimwits

  46. Encinitas was better with more Mexicans and illegals. All the flatbill fuckboys can piss off to Jersey for all I care. Make Encinitas great again, less Stans and more Mexicans.

    1. I've noticed there are a lot more Christmas trees in Encinitas ever since Stan left town. Coincidence?

    2. What is the illegal giving his kid for Christmas? Your bike !

    3. that is funny stuff.

    4. Fucking retards (hi 12:09) are letting loose for the holidays.

  47. Tony Kranz’s mother in law’s tax’s - Tony is a complete society tick and pays zero taxes, yet like BIA and Hinze, they want to tax the hell out of YOU.

    DA- care to explain?!

    This is F’d up!!

    Why is this corruption allowed?

    1. This is ridiculous. He pays property taxes. Just because they inherited the home doesn't mean they don't pay property taxes. That's not how this works.

    2. If he and his wife inherited the property, it's THEIRS now and they pay taxes.

  48. I see PSP woke up her old crusty ass up on the racist side of the bed this morning. Pam and golden trying to debate is like watching 2 monkeys with Down syndrome hump a ballon. One has been and one never-was showing Encinitas why the dems keep winning across the country. Then you got thunder all pissed about people leaving California while also being about slow growth while also running a concrete biz for the BIA. Another big L coming in for 2024 for the party of perpetual losers. Dems had never had it so easy.

    1. 👆🏿Starvin deflection- trying to protect his girl regarding the illegal tax issue.

    2. Why does the Republican history of race relations always stop at the Southern Strategy?

      It’s like the last 65 years doesn’t exist.

      I choose the party with a shameful racist past over the party with a shameful racist present.

    3. You can always tell the morons by who Pam cheers on. She never apologized for supporting moron4mayor and she won't apologize when the golden pedo goes down either.


  49. George Carlinstrodamus

  50. Happy Allegedly Day, everyone.

    Get out there and beat up a tree and/or family member.


  51. It appears some cannot resist the temptation to share garbage posts from EV here on EU. Thanks.

    I know why I never signed up for EV.

  52. Garbage in, garbage out. As if EU needs anymore 'stuff 'from EV.

    We have more than enough of the morons here to keep the trash talking flowing without adding the EV postings.

  53. It's been years since this blog posted anything that wasn't copied from EV. That's not a coincidence.

  54. Plus One Flyers today out of Montgomery Field 18 miles away. 300 hundred feet below minimum of 1000. The legal height over the population of Encinitas.
    The jerk in the plane should be arrested for safety violations and have their license suspended. These pieces of crap private planes crash all the time in the u.s, on average 1000 a year. Per the FAA.
    Tail number N9488G, Tap Solutions are the owners.

    1. You should sue the FAA.


  55. Plane guy , try to have a Merry Christmas if you can take yourself away from the sky is falling mantra.

    Would not radar detect any plane not observing flight paths below the required altitude? One would think the FAA would come down hard on any such violations.

    Are you getting your plane info from them or is there another entity that provides these small planes flight paths over our community on a daily basis?

    1. It’s Garvin deflecting again

    2. 6:32....I'll make a holiday response, polite.
      I have radar access. See, I can polite The FAA...
      ya' right

    3. 6:32 "sky is falling mantra?" You remind me of people that when something happens to them, you are stunned.
      Telling me, you know nothing about the way the world works. Bubble boy comes to mind.

  56. 6:09 word is kranz and the wife live with the BIL. Neither has the money to buy out the other and they live in uneasy close proximity.

  57. Tony and the wife did not “inherit the property.” He needs his council seat for the money and insurance. A good provider he does not seem to be.

  58. Something is weird with those taxes.

    No way that 7 bedroom house on 1 acre is valued at that low price.

    Time to call in the county tax assessor and DA.

    His neighbors are paying 10 times the taxes on their properties. What is the deal?

  59. Plane/Gun guy here. Last night "in the Ranch", four low lives broke into a home, stole items and lead Sheriffs Deputies on a chase. Remember, when someone brakes in...
    Hit em' with your purse, that'll save ya'. The Ranch, a stones throw from Encinitas. Wake up

    1. 👆🏿Starvin- always predictable.

      Everybody else merry Christmas!!

      Tony’s family is running a tax scam. It looks like the property was never reassessed take into account, the value of the new structures that were built with family living in his family for the last 20 years. Look at the property value jumped over $1 million and then is reduced down to $200,000 again.

      Criminal. DA needs to investigate.

      Maybe it will be a Merry Christmas if TONY ends up in jail where he belongs.

      DA- care to explain?!

      This is F’d up!!

      Why is this corruption allowed?

    2. I see how this works. You write' o.k
      I write things and it's not. How could I have been so
      wrong. Try getting a hobby

  60. Kranz house valued at $3.4M but until revalued if and when it sells the fam enjoys Prop 13 protections so pay very low property taxes.

    Cue Marlon n’ Mali telling us how racist Prop 13 is as they already have others. Maybe they want to call their benefactor and protector Kranz racist to his face. Because they’re so honest and righteous. Merry Christmas, y’all!

    1. Commissioners Mali is a con,fake, grifter. She latches on to whatever cause that can put her selfish human

    2. Commissioner Marlon has a huge ❤️ but sadly he got pulled in by the Mali. Soon, she will have many new toys while Marlon gets a bone.


  61. Tonys in trouble on this one. It will be a merry Christmas for Encinitas sending Tony to prison for millions in tax evasion.

    Taxes look highly illegal

    The assessment is based on the current value at time of sale. There’s no way Tony’s home seven bedrooms with multiple bathrooms in the back unit on an acre of prime Leucadia’s real estate from his mother-in-law is worth only $100,000.

    The city, County and the DA all need to investigate. Major criminal action!

    What a tax scammer tax evading scum bag!! 👎🏾

  62. If the last time it sold $100K was the price then the increase in assessed value is limited to something like 2% per year, keeping it well below the current $3.4 million estimate. Neither of the kids in the family has enough to buy the other out so they all live together in unhappy non harmony.

    And by kids, I mean the wife, not Kranz. He fell into the family riches same as Hinze same as Blakespear. That he did not work to get his roof over his head is evident in his inability to understand how the real world works. Just like Hinze and Blakespear.

  63. So let’s have it Marlon and Mali. Are you going to tell Kranz you think he’s racist?

    Marco is this your worldview too?

  64. ☝🏾 Starvin sweating for his girl. Throwing out all kinds of shit to try to distract from Tony’s big big tax problems.

    Look at those numbers, the family please less than $2000 in property, school tax fire tax all the taxes that support our community and he’s been evading taxes for years.

    The assessment look way off.

    The county tax assessor has some explaining to do, along with the DA.

    The school districts in Fire District San all of the different agencies that rely on tax money should look at this criminal case as an example of people pretty much not paying taxes while their neighbors pay over $10,000-$20,000 a year in taxes.

    This has nothing to do with prop as it has to do with someone scamming and lying on their tax forms.

    Kranz prison time is It is coming.

    This one makes Dallablabber appliance gifts look like elementary school. and for good reason.

    Kranz is the biggest screamer about communist support structures but yet he waits taxes the most that I’ve ever seen.

    1. You are embarrassing yourself. Go look up prop 13. Kranz families pay very low taxes as do many people who got their house years and years ago. It’s how it works. Jesus.

  65. * Kranz is the biggest screamer about communist support structures but yet he criminally evades big taxes the most that I’ve ever seen!

    He literally pays about $1,000 in property tax for the year and yet he’s proposing to increase sales tax for every Encinitas resident forever. What a complete scumbag.

    The scum bag needs to go to prison he’s been screwing the school districts and children, county and City long enough.

  66. It is a very Merry Christmas with Tony heading to Prison for tax evasion!

  67. See 8:57 above. He’s guilty of plenty but cheating on property taxes isn’t on the long list.

    1. Yeah, 8:57 is probably correct. Plenty of people around here are in the same situation.

    2. And guess what 935? They are not racist but Marco, Mali, and Marlon want you to think they are.

      Kranz you read this blog. Are you racist?

    3. Well yes I am racist. But what I really like to do is the screw the children and all the tax payers of Encinitas by cheating on my taxes in the millions.

      Don’t worry, starvin loves a girl in black and white stripes.


  68. However, (Garvin) is spreading the false rumor Pam ever supported the guy used to serve swamis. Both still butt hurt because she never would answer the phone when they called.

  69. I like Garvin’s butt and no taxes.


  70. * I like Garvin’s butt and no taxes. Merry Christmas 🎄

