Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Swami’s benches return with anti-homeless armrests

NBC 7:
The benches were gone for more than two weeks while they were being refurbished, according to the city. Upon their return, the benches now feature an armrest in the middle.

“Armrests on City benches are the preferred standards due to providing distancing functions or boundaries for personal space, separation between seats for more people to utilize it at once, and deterrents to skateboarding," the city said in a statement.


  1. The Anti-homeless armrests is the name of my new Encinitas Brothel

  2. EN - 7,044 members +38 in the last week
    EV - 1,989 members +6 in the last week

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎFB freak

    2. Here’s the difference between EN and EV…..

      EN has zero comments on their posts. They may have more members, but they’re all bots, because there are literally ZERO interactions on all of their posts, just like Encinitas Progressive Unity.

      Yes, EV has fewer members, because they are actual community members and not bots.

      EV also has quite a bit of interaction on all their posts.

      In short, EN and EPU are empty pages.

    3. πŸ‘†πŸΏπŸ’―

    4. 3:43,

      Nah. Just not full of narcissists that think the world needs their opinion.

    5. Has anyone ever looked at the members of EN? Half of them are foreign names and are certainly no residents of Encinitas. They look like a lot of foreigners who want to may want to know what is going on in Encinitas, for reasons that we may to be aware of. As I look at EV I recognize most of the names, or at least a lot of them. I see no people from other countries on that site.

    6. If Encinitas Votes started over today they'd top out at 250 members. Look at the rest of the right wing agenda pages like Encinitas Uncensored or the mini EV page Pam created.

    7. 12:45, That's a great point Lorri. You should share your member information like EN does to prove it.

    8. 1:24- I am blocked from Encinitas Now so you will have to go somewhere else for your numbers. I know how many EV and EPU have, as I am not blocked. However, for whatever reasons too numerous to mention, I was blocked soon after the site went up. I really don't care how many members Encinitas Now has. Good for them. Everyone has their own preference. Lorri

  3. A "Starvin" or "American hating left" post do in 5 4 3 2 1...

  4. Yeah EU new post!!

    I look forward to the future real news of Encinitas.

  5. I like to hang my nutsack out the window when I fly over Encinitas.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏ69 times a day, 365 days a year.

  6. This website has turned into a lovely example.
    It must be intention in order to ruin it. Many times
    free speech is not all it's cracked up to be.
    And this is what happens with no moderator.
    Children fantasizing

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎ Yeah right.

      And that’s the reason why every city council member and past city council members, commissioners, most city staff, and all inform citizens review this blog at least weekly if not daily.

      Sorry, Starvin, your stuck as third most hated person in Encinitas behind Kranz (no 1)and BIA (no . 2).

    2. Where does πŸ·πŸ‘§ fall in that line up?

  7. She’s probably down between 6 to 10…

    I’m not seeing quite the hatred to the piglet as I do Starvin.

    1. She is rather better suited to the muck. 🐽

  8. With a catcher's mit for a face at no extra charge, how can things go so wrong?

  9. Encinitas is a cruel and cold place for down-and-out folks. The only social services are provied by the Churches / Leichtag. And those providers get attacked by assorted local loons / hater-mongers. One best be able to pay there way here or suffer the wrath of the tiny-hearted City of Encinitas.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏ take some ownership of your life bitch. You’ll feel a lot better about yourself and help the community much more than your current dead ass. Be a part of the solution not the problem.

      I’d suggest you consider Quit passing judgment on others and focus on bettering yourself and helping those in need.

  10. When there’s so much cruelty spewed on long time locals like the commenter above who compared Julie’s face to a “catchers mask,” why would we want to bring transients from other Cities and States here and subject them to the cruelty our own locals like Julie have are subjected too? Answer: Follow the money! Anyone w/a brain has figured out by now, that the whole Liechtag/JFS parking thing was a complete scam and Sacramento money grab. Shame on Liechtag/JFS for luring “down on their luck” transients here, only to deny them admittance into their compound, then forcing the said transients to sell their fentanyl near the YMCA, schools, downtown, beaches and other places where children and teens hang out.

  11. Why is it all the Democrats are the most vile people filled with hatred towards others. The person comparing Julie’s face to a “catchers mit” for example. Obviously they are a Democrat.

    Yet the Dems always virtue signal how full of tolerance and love they are. It’s total BS. Every Dem I know is a mean spirited asshole, just like the one comparing Julie’s face to a catcher’s mitt.

    Let’s hope they don’t have kids.

    1. Yep. May I add. Ever notice the left is "always angry".
      Ohhh' they start out just fine but it only lasts for a few seconds. comes out. Very odd people.
      I met one woman last weekend that went crazier when I mentioned biden has Alzheimers. It was priceless.
      She started screaming at me.

    2. Additionally, if the America hating left cared so much about crime, killing and theft then why have the Southern Borders been open for 3 years? What ever the left does, they destroy.

    3. The people or person after Thunder are not Dems. It's the people that keep on talking about how she helped Kranz win the election that are posting the very mean comments.

      Those people supported Cremona or Morris, not Kranz. In other words, its the usual shit talkers.

    4. I talked to a homeless guy and he said the influx of migrants is causing strain with the resident homeless. They are now competing for the same limited resources - food, space and charity. This will result in more problems...

    5. Bullshit 7:50.

  12. 5:23 they’re definitely an angry bunch and love to make personal attacks on people. Marco Gonzalez, Eli Sanchez, Amanda Zenick, Mali Drake and the rest of the Progressive Liberals are a nasty bunch.

    When they don’t have a rebuttal they always resort to personal attacks followed by a lecture on how little “tolerance” and “acceptance” Republicans have.

    Their hypocrisy is so predictable.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏ lecher Fletcher and his family.

    2. Treat those names as forbidden. Put them on ignore. Pity them. Laugh at them. Call into question their facts.

      Tolerance and acceptance can not be defined by those furthest out on the spectrum.

    3. We remember when the Republicans in town wanted to exclude our Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, and atheist friends and neighbors from the Holiday parade.

    4. 7:33 yep, you Progressive Libs are just full of shit. After all because of you it no longer called the “Christmas Parade”, because it’s so offensive.

    5. 7:39 fuck you asshole Republican!

    6. 7:41 I rest my case!

      You’re a perfect example of a Progressive Liberal who always has to resort to personal attacks.

      So much for your tolerance and acceptance mantra!

    7. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’― πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ


    8. 7:39 is butthurt that we don’t have an exclusionary theocracy.

      BTW, the event was never called a Christmas Parade until the shithole losers took over.

    9. 8:08 according to you it was never called the “Christmas Parade”.

      However in your next sentence you say it was in fact called the “Christmas Parade”.

      Which one is it?

      You Progressives always contradict yourselves!

    10. 8:19 perhaps reading comprehension isn't your thing.

      I appeal to the good nature and judgement of the readers.

      Did anyone else interpret my comment that way?

    11. Marco, Amanda, Eli, etc keep winning while you keep losing, how is Jersey? You see Snooki yet? Hahaha losers gonna lose.

    12. Speedy is repugnant.

    13. The Whining Right!

  13. 8:08 the Progressive Libs are probably losing their shit because Santa is featured in the Holiday Parade. “It’s so offensive”, “racist”, “Santa should be black” “white privilege” etc etc etc.

    The Progressive’s are so easily triggered!

    1. RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. 8:25, where can we find these direct quotes you have put in quotation marks regarding the Encinitas Holiday Parade?

    3. Love how the low IQ righties make up crap to be offended about then accuse the left of being offended. Dumb AF. That’s why y’all can’t win shit or govern, dumb as fuuuuuuc

  14. 8:58 9:46 you keep proving my point.

    1. I’m proving your point by asking you to provide the sources for the quotes you posted?

      Sure sure sure.

    2. Nobody cares about your stupid point because your point is stupid. Toughest part of being stupid is not knowing that you are stupid. You are an insufferable fool that always loses for a reason. You are dumb and make stupid post, that is why you are not tolerated by most people in this town. You would be tolerated more if you were not so confident with your stupid hot takes. I don’t have the crayons to explain it further to you dumbass but this may help. “You are dumb as fuck”

  15. Thoughts on whether the benches would have been returned had residents not kicked up a fuss? The conflicting stories coming out of Kranz alone and city hall late to confirm what was going on point to the "compassionate" fix to simply remove the seating and hope no one or at least not enough people noticed.

    1. There's no way our inept city manager would setup contractors so quickly to do the work if it wasn't planned in advance.

  16. and city hall "had" to confirm....

  17. Those so-called bench armrests are going to be pillows for the homeless. Great job. How much did that cost the taxpayers?

    1. I was thinkin' the same thing. Pillows for Pablo or Paul.
      It would have been so much easier for no benches.
      That way, when the bums are sleeping on the edge, just push em' off with a foot. Nite Nite

    2. Looks like those arm rests would be a great place to put your works.

  18. Well we now see why Marco G has a hard on for bashing Susan Turney. Everywhere Susan comments/communicates Marco is there bashing and berating her. Susan is a lovely Jewish woman. Marco is a J*w hating Antisemite. Just peruse thru his comments on EV and it will be obvious to you.


    Why are developers using the services of a raging J*w hating Antisemite?

    These questions needs to be answered

    1. 2:14 - Wrong on all fronts, as usual.

    2. 2:14,

      Not sure that’s how antisemitism works.

      I’ve been somewhat critical of David Berkowitz, AKA the Son of Sam mass murderer.

      Does this make me an antisemite in your world?

    3. Marco. That EV commment of yours revealed a lot. Not so woke where the Jewish community is concerned are you. Don’t look now but your mask slipped.

    4. Which comment? Maybe come ask my Jewish law partners or my Jewish best friend about my "mask"... idiot.

    5. No one's going to ask your friends to vouch for you. Your slipped, end of story. Like it always does with you.

    6. Marco's a bully.

    7. Good comments Marco, you really out them in their place !!

  19. Homeless friendly and this is what we get. The optics could not be more damning. Just look around, but don't look too closely. You might see more than you want to. Where do you suppose all these unfortunates relieve themselves? Anywhere they want to.

    1. This is an extremely low bar for being "homeless friendly". Please.

  20. 3:34 The transients relieving themselves anywhere they want, in our Parks, Beaches, and other places kids play, isn’t even the worst of it. What’s really horrifying is how Liechtag/JFS, BIA, Kranz, etc, have threatened the safety of our cities children by attracting Fentanyl selling zombies here to our once safe beach town, then placing them near our kids schools! SAVE the CHILDREN!

    1. Save the children and the DOLPHINS!

      You know where all that fentanyl saturated poop flow to right?

      Straight down the storm drain and right into the Ocean.

      So not only are Tony’s welcomed do you fentanyl, junkie neighbors dangerous to our kids and spraying their feces all over our community, they’re actually pushing their poop fat now into the poor lungs and systems of the Dolphins and other ocean creatures.

      Stop, Tony’s fentanyl waste land, ignore Starvin’s paper planes, and don’t vote for Tony and πŸœπŸœπŸ—»’s staff building/Boner pill tax increase.

      They should put out a survey and ask the residents. Would you like your roads fixed or would you like the city manager to continue to hire shit load of employees at waste all of the tax dollars?

  21. I saw the City Of Encinitas sent out a survey asking if we want to pay one percent more in sales tax.

    They need more money for Boner pills, and 3 or 4 more community center/ senior centers to do watercolors. Two isn’t enough they need new community centers in all 16 corners of Encinitas.

    Don’t worry according to Tijuana standards Encinitas has B - credit rating, but MG’s brother-in-law, lecture Fletcher, gives Encinitas an A+ +.

    Encinitas is in great shape. I highly support pan one percent more sales tax of that Phony and Garvin can continue having an endless amount of Boner pills from πŸœπŸœπŸ—».

    1. Reduce city salaries for Administrators and trim their redundant staff. These people get a quarter million in retirement pay - absurd!

  22. I read the questions on the survey, definitely leading.
    Who in their right mind wouldn't want potholes fixed, litter cleaned up as in, only a pinhead wouldn't want a clean place to live. People have dumbed down below any low expectation in my career. It's stunning. On the upside new "ghetto apartments being built" because the America hating left threatened all cities and towns with lawsuits.
    newsom and bonta...the buffoon twins.

  23. On the private airplane front concerning these clubs and schools making money flying in circles over and over Encinitas.
    Our new approach is now...
    "Ruin where we live, we ruin your business." The upside is it is simple. I know a guy that is buddies with two fellows that work for the Studios in Hollywood. They are computer/internet experts. Take a wild guess what the next step would be. Nite nite

    1. So predictable- πŸœπŸœπŸ—» sends out survey supporting Phony’s boner pill addiction and Starvin rabbles about paper planes…..

      Just say no to Phony’s tax increase for huge staff increases and more Phony hard ons….. it that simple.

    2. Wait, I thought you were going to sue the FAA for breaking no laws,

      How’s that going?

    3. Also, if your plan is computer hacking, and step one is to publicly declare your intent to break laws, then you are even dumber than we had possibly imagined.

    4. 6:03, aren't too bright are you. You make up subjects and think them true. Hacking, suing.
      This folks, is the problem. Pinheads that think it just fine to fly dozens of times over Encinitas over and over.
      Tic Toc buffoon...Tic Toc

    5. πŸ‘†πŸΏStarvin talking to himself to try and deflect the focus off of Tony’s Boner pill tax increase being pushed to the residents.

      Starvin was up late over the last couple of nights, reading all those emails from Tony on the subject. Come on Starvin you can do better than paper airplanes.

      Save the children and the DOLPHINS!

      You know where all that fentanyl saturated poop flow to right?

      Straight down the storm drain and right into the Ocean.

      So not only are Tony’s welcomed do you fentanyl, junkie neighbors dangerous to our kids and spraying their feces all over our community, they’re actually pushing their poop fat now into the poor lungs and systems of the Dolphins and other ocean creatures.

      Stop, Tony’s fentanyl waste land, ignore Starvin’s paper planes, and don’t vote for Tony and πŸœπŸœπŸ—»’s staff building/Boner pill tax increase.

      They should put out a survey and ask the residents. Would you like your roads fixed or would you like the city manager to continue to hire shit load of employees at waste all of the tax dollars?

    6. 6:28 days ago: I have the best lawyers and we’re going to sue the FAA.

      6:28 now: Who me?

  24. The Tony πŸœπŸœπŸ—» boner tax program is such a great idea.

    Hopefully we can invite more fentanyl junkies as Tony’s welcoming seems to be working so well. While we’re at it, there are literally millions of people around the world that really deserve to live in Encinitas.

    Let’s go! I think they’re asking for a 1.0% tax increase. Let’s ask for a 2.0 tax increase and we can actually solve the Ukraine and Let’s ask for a 2.0 tax increase and we can actually solve the Ukraine and Israel problem.

    Tony and πŸœπŸœπŸ—» are so smart.

    1. Hey 6:49am. Here is the deal, Tony and the dumb do-getters are creating drug dens for the addicts. Provide access to an open drug market combined with needles, pipes and beds, and you have just turned humans into mice on the wheel. You can't get them off of the wheel.

    2. 9:07,

      Please provide us a list of the accomplishments and/or policy prescriptions the Republicans have for helping people conquer addiction and get people off the streets and back into housing.

      I believe only the people you are attacking have done anything.

    3. Not a republican, looser. Right now your attempts to give an addict everything is creating drug dens. That is what you want to create here. Love to provide you with needles and drugs and watch you spin on the wheel.

    4. You don’t seem to want to answer the question.

    5. Here’s a chart of the incarceration rate by country. And your answer is: we aren’t imprisoning enough people.

    6. Ok, Marlon. πŸ‘

  25. Rachel Hill, I hope you’re not the new Kim Morris. Let πŸ·πŸ‘§ do her own dirty work.

  26. All dem fancy street decomp granite sidewalk bicycle projects funded by state grants now be at risk for unfundness.

    Aint that hi falutin Streetscape funded by grants also? Money tree done gone dried up.

  27. Marco please tell us you did not just bust out “my best friend is a Jew.” Please no. But for you, classic.

    1. The lack of self awareness really is stunning! Some things never change.

  28. Egomaniac can do no wrong.

  29. So why wouldn’t you wanna vote for Tony’s Boner pill tax program?

    It could fund a whole lot more of πŸœπŸœπŸ—»- staff building so we could fund a bunch of high priced fire princesses to sleep in the cool fire stations- and making great compliments about our kick ass compliments about our Rod Stewart wantta be city manager πŸœπŸœπŸ—».

    Check it out. She’s surrounded by them. All cresting about 400 K.

  30. Marco’s a real piece of shit. Everyone knows that, and deep down inside I think Marco knows it as well.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏπŸ’―

      Even Lecher Fletcher knows it.

    2. Show us on this doll where Marco hurt you.

    3. You do realize you’re talking to most of the city

    4. It’s OK, 631. His best friend is a Jew.

    5. πŸ‘†πŸΏ it’s OK.

      I’m a Jew.,

    6. If you are accusing anyone of antisemitism, then you should also share your opinion of Jewish Family Services (JFS), and the Leichtag Foundation.

  31. Helmets are like condoms...always encouraged unless you're riding Starvin.
    - Phony

  32. πŸ‘†πŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏ

    Funny cause it’s true.

  33. πŸ‘†πŸΏand?

  34. The complete idiot that had the most retarded plans, at Sandag is finally gone.

    he completely wasted billions of dollars and fucked up LA so bad and was about to be fired up there and BIA and Todd Gloria brought him down to San Diego to pay him over $400k at SANDAG.

    For those of you, that don’t know, Sandag is the biggest joke in the world for a government agency. Pretty much everything they do they do poorly. They have decades of a failing track record.

    And that is why BIA and Tony Kranz absolutely love them.

    Here is the results of Hasan Ikrata’s plan in LA

    Dan Quirk is super smart and tells the truth. Really stupid part out like the truth.

    Who do you thinks telling the truth are telling dunce or Dan Quirk?

    My money is on Dan Quirk and common sense.

    1. *Who do you think is telling the truth, The Town Dunce or Dan Quirk?

    2. Dan Quirk?

      You mean the guy who was just censured for misrepresenting the positions of the Del Mar council?

      The liar?

    3. Liar?

      Please reference one lie.

      All I see is common sense truth spoken from that guy.

      Throwing out accusations like liar without any proof shows that you’re an idiot you’re probably the Town Dunce, or his strange girlfriend.

    4. He was censured for lying about the position of the Del Mar City Council.

    5. That’s BS.

      He was sharing facts, and some of the other Kooks on Delmar city council support the SANDAG BS. That censorship letter is meaningless. A waste of paper.

    6. Really?

      Because you seem pretty upset about it.

    7. What gives you that idea?

      You seem pretty bad at reading things.

      I’m not upset at all.

  35. Those other Delmar councilmembers like Druker are total freaking kooks.

    “The spirit is, hey, let’s have an open-minded discussion about transportation and transit,” Quirk said at Monday’s meeting, and that people normally assume such statements are a person’s opinion.

    “I don’t see anything in the Del Mar city code or guiding principles that says you should provide this disclaimer,” Quirk said.

    Quirk is spot on with his arguments. The others have zero common sense.

    Quick shows at Sandag’s plan is planning to waste billions of dollars just like smelLA did and now LA’s dead.

  36. πŸ’― common sense

    Option 1) Expensive $20 Billion Tunnel Reroute?

    The 65 mile segment of coastal train tracks running from San Diego to San Clemente are failing due to unstoppable erosion on the beach and bluffs. The proposed rerouting of the train tracks via massive tunnels in Del Mar and San Clemente could cost a staggering $20 billion for a poor performing train line with mostly empty trains.

    Option 2) Convert the Tracks to a Popular Trail.

    The Rail-to-Trail movement is helping cities convert abandoned and struggling rail lines into biking & walking trails that also serve as dynamic community hubs. In total, there are now over 2,000 different rail-to-trails in the U.S. , the most popular of which are New York's High Line and Atlanta's Beltline. Converting these tracks into a backbone infrastructure trail for the region (The Surf Line Trail) would likely result in one of the most popular trails in America.

    Get Educated On The Train Versus Trail Issues

    There has been a tremendous number of exaggerated claims and misinformation made on behalf of the coastal train. Get the facts including:
    I-5 Highway ridership 250x greater than the Coaster train
    Rail makes up only 0.5% of total freight in San Diego versus 91.4% for trucks.
    Coaster riders are predominantly high income earners.

    SANDAG and The Town Dunce are the liars.

    Learn the facts here:

  37. The dude's idea is to completely shut down the train.

    What a stupid republicrat. The age old truth has always been that voting democrat will ALWAYS

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏ Garbage nonsense thrower.

  38. ^^ CONTINUED

    make your life infinitely worse. Voting republicrat will not make your life better but at least it will not make it worse. It's getting to the point where both parties need to be eradicated forever.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏ idiot like Tony.

    2. I support 10:24 comments.

  39. New party -

    The Orange Man Party !

    Make Orange Soda Fizzle Again! LMAO!@

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏ From the ledger crowd. Fletcher, MG, Phony, Filner, and Starvin….

  40. πŸ‘†πŸΎ no logic, just flaming

  41. πŸ‘†πŸΏ* πŸ‘†πŸΏ From the lecher crowd. Fletcher, MG, Phony, Filner, and Starvin….

  42. Local rails are part of STRACNET, designated strategic to the national defense. Changing that would require a literal act of congress, which is politically impossible unless the military recommends it.

    So best of luck. Stop bothering us here. You got your work cut out for you. First the military. Then congress.

    1. I don’t need to luck. Delmar Solana Beach, Carlsbad in Oceanside do.

      Two keep points -

      1. Apparently you cannot read because there’s been numerous railroad lines that have converted to rail trails. It’s not a big deal. Each year Congress passes approximately 200–600 statutes. It’s what they do.

      2. If the purpose is for military strategic infrastructure, then that’s great. 100% of the ongoing cost to improve and maintained that rail line should be born by the feds. Military budgets are huge. Your

      No local money is needed and should not be used because there’s no local value.

    2. You obviously don’t know how STRACNET works. The military doesn’t own, operate, or exclusively finance any rail line.

    3. If they need a functional line, they can pay 100% plus all grade separations.

      If not, let’s let if fall into the ocean. There is no local value, only pollution.

  43. Thanks for the reality check for our train guy.

    About the only we can do and should have done decades ago is to lower the tracks. Our rep at the time $tock$, failed us when we had the chance to follow the example Solana Beach pursued. He used his position as an old boys club and no much more. Oh yes, drinks with the old boys club was not an uncommon occurrence.

    Dave Roberts our county commissioner at the time asked me what I would like to see done at one of the Summer Fun on the 101 gatherings. Just as I was about to answer him, a train roared by and I simply pointed to the tracks.

    His response was not unexpected. No council member had ever officially expressed interest in trying to lower the tracks. The will was never there and still isn't.

    Talk was cheap and still is. Action has never been utilized, except for fencing off the tracks.

    1. The city council have been yokels who, once elected, are approached by the special interests. The special interests spell out the agenda to the council, who are given their marching orders - and rewards (incentives) are given. There is surplus land on Quail Gardens Dr. owned by the city. Any municipal entity has first preference on buying it; if not, here comes more private development in an area with 1100 new units coming on. It 'll take half an hour to go 2 blocks to the freeway - total mismanagement of the infrastructure load in urban planning. Encinitas will lose in the process, as the money grubbers squeeze every dime out of the landscape.

    2. Regarding the highly polluting and wasteful railroad,

      If the purpose is for military strategic infrastructure, then that’s great. 100% of the ongoing cost to improve and maintained that rail line should be born by the feds. Military budgets are huge.

      No local money is needed and should not be used because there’s no local value.

      Let the feds pay for all of the current, shoring a long Del Mar bluff and any future relocations inland along the I15.

      If the purpose is for military strategic infrastructure, then that’s great. 100% of the ongoing cost to improve and maintained that rail line should be born by the feds. Military budgets are huge. Your

      No local money is needed and should not be used because there’s no local value.

      This is great news.

    3. Read up on STRACNET.

      You make many wrong assumptions.

    4. Can’t have it both ways. if it’s purpose is military, then military pays 100% for it. πŸ‘ŒπŸΏ

    5. So certain.

      And yet so wrong.

    6. Care to try and point out what’s wrong?

      Or are you just throwing BS?

    7. Good luck convincing the military and Congress.

      You know, Congress will first look for a unanimous point of view from the local San Diego congressional delegation.

      Good luck, dummy.

    8. πŸ‘†πŸΎ OK Einstein. 🀣

      I don’t need any luck.

      Del Mar has smart enough people to lead the county in correcting this ridiculous rail line on the beach. Del Mar coupled with San Clemente seem to have much more intelligent people than our asswipes at City Hall and SANDAG, and I’m confident they will get it right.

    9. One rogue censured nut job doesn’t speak for Del Mar.

    10. πŸ‘†πŸΎ And one name calling person with possibly some financial ties to the failed rail system doesn’t speak for anyone but themselves.

    11. I only ever speak for myself, even if it’s to point out to dummies that I’m a representative form of government, the majority of council members in Del Mar represent the majority of voters.

    12. “in” not “I’m”

    13. Of course, you’re only speaking for yourself. We always knew that it was you who were delusional.

      Three of the five Delmar council members are kooks. Deputy Mayor Quirk and Mayor Martinez are not.

    14. Martinez voted to censure the liar, so. . .

    15. Martinez can’t vote to silence the Encinita’s Town Dunce. Wrong city liar.

    16. 1:34 is pretending to be even dumber than he really is, which is difficult to do.

      Pretending he doesn’t know that Martinez isn’t the mayor of Encinitas.

  44. Such good news and it’s worth saying it twice.

  45. Train guy is delusional if thinks the tracks can be turned into a linear park. I dream of such a fantasy actually happening, but that is a dream and nothing more.

    Who ya gonna call? Train guy? Riiiight. With all the entities involved? Riiight. Why not? Multiple reasons, as someone pointed out above. Who has the power to effect the change we all want? Take a guess.

    1. Doesn’t sound much like a train guy to me. He sounds more like a trail guy. πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ’―❤️

  46. It is not the train guy swinging at windmills.

  47. Hi Minions! If you received my survey, please complete it as soon as possible. Need more of your tax dollars but not sure the best way to word it. Don't worry I won't use any of the money on my hair coz my Beiber haircut is perfect!
    - Anthill

    1. πŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸœπŸœπŸ—»

  48. I read that survey, well, part of it. That was until I couldn't, due to the oddity of the questions. Then it was, under my breath...
    who TF wrote this? Do I want pot holes in the road fixed?
    Safety for children? Trees trimmed?
    Now...if the questions were "do I want a frontal lobotomy for the author of the questionnaire, that, would be a "yes".
    I'll pay the extra penny.

    1. They could have written questions like 1) Do you support a second Community center?

      2) is maintaining streets and storm drains a higher priority the building a second community center?

      3) do you thing the city manager is going a good job and does she deserve a x% raising to bring her new salary to $3xx,xxx.xx?

      4) Does this survey reflect the items you think are important for the city hall to be interested in learning more about how the citizens think about priorities?

      5) is the city on the right track in regards to addressing homeless?

      6) If not, what are your suggestions? (could easily list several options like-

      A) Have the County lead with finding a solution for our region?

      B) Implement solution similar to how to address homeless in Japan.

      C) Implement programs on how they dress homeless in Florida?

      D) Implement a program that is heavily based on churches and nonprofits, so that individuals can contribute to the cost as they feel appropriate.

      7) is the city on the right track in regards to its planning for a future housing development?

      8) if the above answer is no, then what options would you prefer?

      A….. F

      But we know that the survey is not truly trying to gain information about how the residents feel about important topics in the city. It’s really about going through the steps needed to try and push πŸœπŸœπŸ—»’s boner pill program, staff building, and building the homeless industry here, and Tony and her admiral girlfriend are all on-board.

  49. Mexico your enemy to the South. To date, over 6 million illegals have crossed our Southern border. They all came thru mexico.
    Now why is that...they don't care. That turd world country wants us to be like them. Have you seen the lineup in front of the old Rite Aid every morning. Between 20 and 30 of them on the sidewalks after coming out of the canyons.
    Wake up people.
    You can thank the America hating left as well.
    Lock and Load

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏ Change that to πŸœπŸœπŸ—» and Tony Kranz are our enemy from within.

      If Encinitas wants to try and change course from becoming just another F’d up LA style city, they need to reverse this cancer and remove these two bad players immediately.

    2. This time of year, many Americans like to shit on poor refugees while setting up a diorama in their front yard celebrating the worship of poor refugees trying to find shelter.

    3. πŸ‘†πŸΏ Nice try at the deflection Starvin.

      Quit wasting your Boner pills and go snuggle up to your girl for her Sunday morning missile.

    4. There is no vetting of the illegals crossing the border - estimates of their numbers are now in the millions. Many are if ideologies that conflict with Western concepts. Crime is escalating and charities are over whelmed. When there is a terrorist event perpetrated by one or more of these illegals, it will dramatically shift the political landscape. This could bring Trump back to office - then the nightmare intensifies.

    5. Deity(ies) or whatever help me, but I agree with Sean Hannity. The only solution is a compromise where border security is coupled with dignity and a pathway to citizenship for those already here. Until then, we’ll have neither, and you can thank the toddler Republicans who want their way with no compromise. Sorry dummies, that’s not how the adult world works.

      “It’s simple to me to fix it,” Hannity said. “I think you control the border first. You create a pathway for those people that are here — you don’t say you’ve got to go home. And that is a position that I’ve evolved on. Because, you know what, it’s got to be resolved. The majority of people here, if some people have criminal records you can send them home, but if people are here, law-abiding, participating for years, their kids are born here, you know, first secure the border, pathway to citizenship, done.”

      “You can’t let the problem continue — it’s got to stop,” the conservative radio host added.

    6. πŸ‘†πŸΏ naughty, naughty Starvin’

      You are being a bad girlfriend… the admiral may get coal in her stocking this year.

      So easy to see your wasteful deflection posts.

    7. I love it when you have no answer.

      It warms my soul.

    8. Maybe not important but I didn't receive this survey everyone is talking about. Did they only send it to some people in different areas? Lorri

    9. Lorri- Please post the questions for those of us that didn’t get one. Which I’m guessing is majority. Thank you.

    10. Didn’t get one either. Guess they know how some of us will answer, so better to skew the results to fit the narrative. #cynical

    11. If anyone on this website thinks there are enough law enforcement officers here in Encinitas to protect you from illegals and crime, you live in a haze.
      Take classes on self and home protection via firearms.
      American citizens are bad enough, now the communist government of the u.s has let in illegals from
      "turd world ghettos". Get ready as it is going to hit the fan and you better be prepared. And remember about protecting your home and family.
      "He, who lost". biden and the rest should be hung as traitors to America.

    12. Instead of being a paranoid tiny penis pew-pew guy, you could read real data.

      “ The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes”

      Is anyone surprised that the tiny penis pew-pew guy is statistically more likely to be a POS criminal than someone working to feed his family?

    13. Just what we do not need. More guns.

      Gun sickness is real. The major cause of death among children is guns.

      The major cause of death in shootings in our nation is the unregulated access to high powered weapons on war better suited to the battlefield than to our streets and our schools. Gun sickness is rampant among the lowlifes of the right wingers.

      The America hating leftists is a created fantasy and a lie.

      The spineless traitorous rightwing repugnicans continue to sell their souls to an unworthy authoritarian dictator in the making.

      This abomination has made it quite clear what he will do to our nation if given the opportunity.

      You traitorous right wingers know this is true, yet you continue to support the ending of this form of government, and all for a tyrant who heads a lifetime criminal enterprise. This version of a teflon don is not and never will be acceptable.

      It is past time when your kind should step up and defend our democratic form of government if have any soul left in you.

    14. 3:04....Ohhh' so Mr. Trump will ruin the nation if elected.
      But wait !!! Why didn't he ruin the nation when he was president before? hmmm. You are, a nut case.
      But who isn't on the left. Angry nutcases.
      Notice how leftists are always angry, and everything is racist. And no, leftists are the enemy within.
      Too bad the demon-cratic party allowed the left to take over. Alzheimers biden and the fake black were your choice? You are a genius.

    15. 2:54 hey's because there are more u.s citizens.
      Additionally 13 percent of the population commits 50 percent of the crimes. Take a wild guess what the 13 percent is. Just think of flat feet and protruding heels combined with an extra thick skull. Or, take two semesters of biology and learn something.

    16. 5:06,

      Tell us you don’t understand crime rates, without telling us you don’t understand crime rates.

      Is it your understanding that a larger city will always have a higher crime rate than a smaller city, because it has more population?

    17. if you believe u.s government records, you have more of a problem than reading me. And just today a priest was stabbed to death by a....wait for it. Flat foot protruding heel sub human in Nebraska. Small town

    18. Oh. So whenever the data doesn’t support your made up conclusion, then it’s a conspiracy.

      How convenient for you.

      How dumb.

    19. Wait, so government data on illegal border crossings is good, but on crimes committed is not good?

      What a retard.

    20. Once you realize the u.s government is not your friend and constantly lies you'll be a happier person.
      I get my border stats from reliable sources.
      And yes, mexico is an enemy

  50. I willingly filled out that ...... from a city manager that should be long gone, if only to show how the cities management is, to say the least, in the toilet and ready for a good flushing with a new majority in power next year.

    Hope still springs eternal we can get a majority council that represents this majority.

    Residents need to be involved in the democratic process more than ever, as distasteful as it is at times.

    Ain't that the truth!

    Democracy dies when the citizens do not give a sheet.

    When apathy runs amuck, we get what we have. This is local, as well as national and international.

  51. The current republican led house is the least productive congress since the great depression of 1929 began. That is an undeniable fact.

    Please check it out for your own confirmation if you have any doubts.

  52. πŸ‘†πŸΎStarvin deflection πŸ–•πŸΎ

  53. No it is not, you moron denier of the truth. Pull your head out of your rear end and take a breath of fresh air.

    Your party of choice is as incompetent to govern as is their fearsome leader who promises if given the chance to become the dictator dick he always was.

    That is, if he isn't locked up before then. Lock him up. Lock him and his crime family up. Lock up all of his fellow conspirators.

    Blurring the faces of the Jan 6 traitors is another gift to the dems. Do keep that up. Brilliant campaign strategy. What a sad joke the right wing has allowed itself to become.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎ I don’t buy it. Nobody’s that stupid to bring up federal issues on a local blog..

      Only Starvin

    2. If supporting POS domestic terrorists at the federal level doesn’t matter, then why did Julie lie about it?

    3. πŸ‘†πŸΎWFC?

  54. All politics is local.

  55. There is tax and build staff costs and not have any money for maintenance minion -

    πŸœπŸœπŸ—» and Phony

  56. Citizens of Encinitas-

    I’m trying to figure out a nice way to tell you that you must increase your tax at least 1%.

    The Town Dunce has proclaimed that we must develop all of Encinitas to provide housing for the world’s homeless and crackheads.

    In addition, one community center for our small city is not enough. We need multiple community centers so I can hire many more staff. That way, we can have tons of checker games and water colors for all of seniors that show up.

    I haven’t even gone into the essentials of a city like safety and maintaining roads. But that’s boring in the Mayor doesn’t care about that.

    Anyway, vote yes for any tax that will provide me bigger raises and more taxes to spend.


    1. Don't forget the freeway tax proposed by the corrupt
      Sandag stooges. Blakespear loved those free Sandag credit card spending days - now she is really in the gravy in the State Senate. Does she provide a dog bowl for Speedy?

    2. Maybe some more doggy bones?

      If you know what I mean.

  57. Wow. I have a whole new level of respect for Pam Slater Price - 100% truth.

    Read this post about fire debris in Cardiff and our former disaster of a mayor who set this Dunce and clown council to sell out to developers and F up Encinitas so bad

    She seems up Blakespear’s contributions to a Encinitas perfectly:

    1. Over development.

    2. Messed up bike lanes.

    3. Jazz hands.

    Do you know Pam Slater prices feeling good for being so honest.

    And we know that Blakespear’s got to feel like crap living in her white compound, ordering her brown people around, and knowing everybody knows what a sellout she really is

    Bravo Pam, Bravo πŸ‘ Bravo πŸ‘

    1. What rhymes with GOAT?


      All hail future governor!

    2. I don’t think Pam is interested in running for Governor, but I would support her…

      Go Pam!!

    3. Agreed. Pam is the GOAT and I hope we promote!

      Go Pam!! ❤️

  58. Coast Flight Training 18 miles away at Montgomery Field.
    Saturday 10:48 a.m 23 times back and forth and in circles over Encinitas. This company is dangerous. The FAA will do nothing. So there you have it. You are on your own.
    Coast Flight Training where your safety means nothing.

  59. There is a storm brewing on EV about Blakespear's lack of taking care of her property. Seems as if she won't remove the crap on her property and it is a fire hazard. Eleanor disagrees, but she is about the only one.

  60. This week on ‘what are republicans scared of now”. We have dead palm trees and Mexicans. Phucking snowflakes, grow a pair.
