Saturday, December 30, 2023

Council addresses homeless shopping cart theft

 Encinitas Advocate:

First, it establishes that it’s unlawful under city municipal code to remove a shopping cart from a store’s premises or be in possession of a cart in an off-site area. Second, it makes it unlawful for stores to allow shopping carts to be abandoned, details how stores must identify the carts that they own, and states how quickly stores must collect abandoned carts. And, finally, the proposed ordinance spells out city code enforcement employees’ role in dealing with carts that have been dumped in hard-to-reach spots, such as stream beds, Steenblock said.

Steenblock said Encinitas spends about $3,000 to $6,000 a year in labor costs to remove abandoned grocery carts from places where they shouldn’t be. The city keeps them for 30 days in hopes that their owners will claim them, but typically that doesn’t happen, and the city ends up having to dispose of them, he said.


  1. Thank you EU. Thank you for providing a free speach platform that is truly American, and in the DNA of our Constitution.

    Free speach is essential to freedom and protection from tyranny.

    This site is one of the true Assets of Encinitas and I greatly appreciate your service!

    Its clearly the best source of news in Encinitas for people that really want to know what is happening in Encinitas. Not what is published in the local rags which are scrubbed/edited to suit their masters (money/power).

    Thank you. ❤️

  2. #Shopping_cart_gate is nothing compared to #Kranz_pays_ nearly no_property_tax_gate on his compound including rentals and bunissesses.,-117.3005269,104m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sGlass+blower!3m6!1s0x80dc0cefd261ac13:0x19dca8bf0ffed788!8m2!3d33.068637!4d-117.2999923!15sCgxHbGFzcyBibG93ZXKSAQxnbGFzc19ibG93ZXLgAQA!16s%2Fg%2F1tm696v5?entry=ttu,-117.3005269,104m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sGlass+blower!3m6!1s0x80dc0cefd261ac13:0x19dca8bf0ffed788!8m2!3d33.068637!4d-117.2999923!15sCgxHbGFzcyBibG93ZXKSAQxnbGFzc19ibG93ZXLgAQA!16s%2Fg%2F1tm696v5?entry=ttu

    I look forward to seeing how this pans out. Maybe we should all quit paying taxes?



    Tony Kranz screws the taxpayers time and time again. πŸ‘ŽπŸΏ

    What’s the current Vegas line on? How much time Tony spends in the Popo?

    Is orange, the new black? 🫢🏿

  4. Tony-pays-taxes-due-gate.

    Just you wait.

    We got him this time. This time is different.

    1. WOh. What did TONY pay for that huge seven bedroom five bathroom house with an ADU and a separate business building? When was that rebuilt? What tax year? What was the new assessment after It was rebuilt?

      Paying $2,400 a year and equates to $200 a month. I pay more of a monthly charge for my annual DMV fees for my electric car.

      Something is clearly not adding up. This is interesting. Thanks!!

      I can’t wait to see how this unfolds.


    2. I guess adding two identical numbers isn’t your strong suit.


  5. Love watching the city government haters in the Wile E. Coyote Party.

    You got him this time for sure.

    Those Acme Rocket Roller Skates will surely do the trick.

    Just you wait.

  6. πŸ‘†πŸΏπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


    Let’s see how this plays out Starvin. Can’t wait to see you at city Council in January.

  7. Go Starvin. You got some explaining to do.

    Distraction, distraction, distraction…

    Love it. No one should have to pay taxes.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. Starvin,

      Meet me at our rendezvous spot at 5 PM.

      On a separate topic, how come you haven’t opened the emails I forwarded to you this morning? You need to let me know what’s going on and how I should react to all of these accusations.

      I’m getting kind of nervous. I hope it doesn’t affect our Saturday romp.


  8. I’ll be there.

    Can’t wait to see you wheel in the Acme Catapult, muttering “just you wait.”

    I’ll be the one giggling because I’ve seen this show before.

    1. Nice. Can’t wait to see the new leisure suit. ❤️

    2. Starvin-
      All of us at the BIA wish you a very, very happy New Year’s.

      You have served as well over this last year and we are very thankful.

      Thank you for sharing yourself to the Encinitas public. While we know it was not always easy or fun, it was very necessary for us. We do need to focus on profits for our stake holders..

      Thank you again and we look forward to the January city Council meeting as well.

      Your holiday check and Bonis are in the mail.

    3. Imagine the cognitive dissonance of calling people communists, and also using capitalism and profit as a slur.

      It’s truly the sign of a broken brain.

      I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised though. All of the shithole loser states they run are woefully underperforming economically.

      In the immortal words of Oingo Boingo:

      “There's nothing wrong with capitalism
      There's nothing wrong with free enterprise
      There's nothing wrong with making some profit
      If you ask I'll say it's just fine”

    4. πŸ‘†πŸ½Starvin- Strike 1

  9. So onto another interesting subject, how much did City Of Encinitas pay out to the poor Worley family for that wrongful death lawsuit?

    I saw on EV from a guy named Serge that the city of Encinitas settled. But there is no information on what the City Of Encinitas taxpayers paid for this wrongful death lawsuit.

    Doesn’t the use of public funds warrant a disclosure by the city Council?

    Maybe we could have M G Fletcher weigh in with his legal opinion?

    1. Well, this is interesting. Lorri care to explain?

      EV posted this article and asked for any updates yesterday.

      A guy named Serge, who hosts the restore safety in Cardiff Facebook site, explained that the lawsuit was settled however, there was no disclosure on the amount of tax paras payments from the City Of Encinitas.

      EV then took the article down. Why would they take it down?

      How much did the City Of Encinitas taxpayers pay out for this wrongful death?

      What was the outcome of the lawsuit settlement?

      Lorri- let’s have some transparency on the subject.

    2. Message her directly we don’t care

    3. 1:28- speak for yourself. We do care. At least some of us. You are not we.


    4. πŸ‘†πŸΎ City continues to bleed money from lawsuit payouts. It’s a clear sign that everything done at City Hall is wrong and complete failed leader ship at the top.

      How much did the Encinitas tax payer pay for that wrongful death lawsuit?

      Come on MG Fletcher. You’re an attorney. Please give your legal opinion on public information regarding tax pair payouts for lawsuit settlement payments?

    5. Court record shows the settlement is still conditional.

      When it becomes final you can FOIA request it.

    6. ☝🏾 Thank you..

      My guess is the taxpayers will be paying over $10 million for Encinitas share of the wrongful death.

      The road designs which they approved with these crappy bike lane designs are horrific. They started with Blakespear’s legal partner, but continue with the stupidest person in Encinitas at the helm.

      There’s actually websites like “please restore bike safety in Cardiff” that explains how horrific it is to remove bike lanes and replace them with a sharrows in high-speed roadways.

      Unfortunately, more fatalities and serious injuries will occur along the coast highway, and also in front of SDA as a result of these horrific Town Dunce projects.

      But don’t worry, The City will be asking you to approve a tax increase so they can pay for all of this pain and suffering from the deaths they are liable for…. πŸ‘ŽπŸΎ

      And no, their proposed tax increase will not get Tony to pay his taxes… πŸ‘ŽπŸΎπŸ‘ŽπŸΎ

    7. Nah.

      The city wasn’t even originally in the lawsuit. It was PODS and the driver who did a right hook.

      The city will bear some responsibility, but it’s tangential.

      The ball was dropped for sure. A driveway was changed to a road, and somehow the developer and the city never flagged it to create a turn lane merge.

      I’m curious why the city subcontractor for road striping is a named defendant. The only way they share responsibility is if the city directed them to change the paint and they dropped the ball.

    8. πŸ‘†πŸ½ Wishful thinking…. We shall see. The city was clearly named. It’s their roadway they approve designs.

      I hope it’s under 10 million but I doubt it. 🀞🏽

      So what section of coast highway do you think the next serious injury and or fatality will be?

      And how much will that one cost the tax payers, considering all of the city’s self created hazards have been identified on that roadway?

    9. Seems to me like there are no problems unless it’s campaign season.

      Maybe it’s the brightly-colored yard signs.

    10. Bike lane “danger” is the Acme Dehydrated Boulders of local politics.

  10. You can take my shopping cart when you pry it from my cold dead hands!!
    Happy New Year to all those wanna be BUMS.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎ❤️

      So happy to see you’re still alive. How do you like all of your new fentanyl zombie neighbors?

  11. I think Bhavani Kirnak should run for office.

    She is the Acme Jetpack of local politics.

    Just you wait.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸ½Starvin- Steeeeerike 2

    2. Bhavani should totally run. Im gonna need her to fully expand on her beliefs in detail, in writing, before any voting happens.

    3. πŸ‘†πŸ½Steeerike 3. You’re out Starvin.

      See you at the first Jan city council meeting.

    4. I think both Bhavani and Julie should run for mayor.

      They stand a much better chance working together.

      It almost worked last time.


    5. πŸ‘†πŸΎ and Starvin’s up to bat again… boo. Sit down..

      Steeerike 1

    6. Julie is the Acme Exploding Tennis Balls of local politics.

      Just you wait.

    7. πŸ‘†πŸΎStarvin- provingyou sell out former friends and family alike.

      Steeeeerike 2

    8. Stocks has a better chance of winning than πŸ·πŸ‘§. She got smoked by a blabbermouth newbie Zonie in her own neighborhood…. 🀣🀣🀣

      If piggie enters, its to support Kranz again….

    9. ☝️☝️☝️πŸ‘§πŸ–☝️☝️☝️

    10. πŸ‘†πŸΎ3:52- solid grounded hit, batter moves to 2nd base.

    11. I vote for a Garvin, Julie & Bhavani ticket. What could go wrong?

    12. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

      Home run!!!! no sorry I didn’t see the people on base, grand slam!!!!!

    13. Garvin for Mayor!!!

      He’s read more of the Mayor emails and Tony has, and he’s clearly smarter than Tony, and they’re both transplants and not locals.

    14. * Garvin for Mayor!!!

      He’s read more of the Mayor’s emails than Tony has, he’s clearly smarter than Tony, and they’re both transplants and not locals.

    15. It’s settled then.

      Stocks and Bhavani will run.

    16. πŸ‘†πŸΎ for districts 2 and 3. Garvin all the way for Mayor!!

      πŸ·πŸ‘§ can be all of their campaign managers and read all of Garvin’‘s emails like Garvin does with Tony.

      It sounds pretty atrocious, but it probably would be better than what we have now with the Town Dunce at the lead.

    17. No, it would be the same.

    18. πŸ‘†πŸΏTrue, since we know Starvin is currently dictating Tony’s moves.


  12. More utter nonsense.

    Stray shopping carts straddled by hobo's are the most important things needing solving within the confines of EncShitnitas California.

    Maybe CLG can provide Health Insurance to the 12000 people a day coming across the Southern border?

    Ship of fools eventually capsizes

    1. πŸ‘†πŸ½πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

  13. Imagine having the #Starvinator running the show around here! Oh what bliss that would be! Just the thought of this makes me want to pleasure myself and then towel off with a Wall Street Journal tee hee.
    - Phony

  14. Seriously Julie? Orcas in the wild don’t prey on people. Even nature isn’t immune from your histrionics.

    1. Piglets and Orcas living together MASS HYSTERIA!

    2. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ€£

    3. 9:16 she’ll turn anything into a major news flash. Embarrassing.

  15. Maybe the Council should not have made Encinitas a magnet for the homeless. They've got bigger issues to deal with, like the uncontrolled growth overloading the already strained infrastructure. O yea - they're all in the developers' pockets....

    1. What’s your solution to getting people off the streets while not violating Martin v Boise?

      Be specific.

    2. Your man Newsom has a plan to get around Boise or have you not heard just google it


    4. Your article:

      “Ryu granted the injunction in December after homeless advocates argued the city had been violating the law by clearing homeless encampments without offering shelter. . .”

      In other words, the current rules have to be followed.

      Again, what’s your solution that follows current law?

      You uh, do believe in following the law and respecting court decisions, right?

    5. When someone endangers others and themselves, , I call the cops and tell them the person appears to be a danger to themselves and others. Pretty much a slam dunk 5150. Not really interested in the “right“ of someone loony out of their gourd running into the middle of the street and acting wild.

      Revoke the welcoming city bullshit and enforce laws that are enforceable. If it’s illegal to camp somewhere, take that person to jail if they are breaking the law. Lots of things we can do that don’t need the “soft touch“ that Hinze has advocated and enforce the ones that are on the books.

      What’s your solution? Are you one of those who consider stepping over people in the street “compassionate?” What an easy, virtue signaling place to go when you really have no solution and don’t want to lift a finger.

    6. “ If it’s illegal to camp somewhere, take that person to jail if they are breaking the law.”

      So just blatantly and openly violate Martin v Boise, then?

    7. My solution is to sue and fine the living shit out of these shithole loser states and counties that buy their homeless a bus ticket to SoCal. Stop all federal spending, including military contracts and bases until that shit stops and they start taking care of their own.

      Every town nation wide should be mandated to spend 5% of local sale and property taxes on services to get people into transitional housing and services. Mandate the construction and staffing of shelters in every single town, and mandate that such shelters have secure storage units attached. Did you know that many homeless refuse shelters because local sanitary codes won’t allow them to bring their shopping cart full of stuff into habitable space, and they are afraid it will be lost or stolen? I know, it’s nuts, but it’s a real problem. Need to meet people where they are, and systematically knock down barriers to getting them into a shelter with services to help them recover and get back on track.

    8. Everything the left does...they destroy

    9. 8:49- tell him to get a job. if they can’t find a place to stay, offer a work program with tents out in the desert to pick crops to pay for their way. Offer some minimal schooling that they can better than self if they apply and work their way up in society.

      A good hard days work will make everyone feel better. Laying on your ass begging, makes people feel like shit hence depression, and drug addiction.

    10. 10:19,

      Which desert town has agreed to host thousands of homeless?

      The problem with shipping the problem somewhere else is that everyone that lives somewhere else also wants to ship the problem somewhere else.

  16. Her soft touch means turning a blind eye. No solution there.

  17. Changing topics, Marco everyone knows you had to start your CERF organization because you were kicked out of the Surfrider for your nasty developer clients list that ran counter to their environmental values.

    But keep touting it, a dwindling handful still hang on your every word and believe you are morally decent.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎwas ther a point or question in your rambling above?

    2. That was a PSA for those who might be taken in by his too-public attempt to redeem himself. Just keeping it real.

  18. 9:47 you can’t “mandate” without the money. want to build a shelter in Encinitas or contribute to one nearby? What projects would you take away from to fund such as structure and program?

    If the state is requiring it, it is called an “unfunded mandate” and is illegal.

    1. Newsom and others need to travel and get informed…. There are about 6 billion people world wide that do make over $20/day and have no health insurance or schooling.

      Newsom and MG Fletcher thinking Medical care is a human right are delusional.

      Some people are clueless and are ruining Encinitas.

    2. The problem is already costing us. In property value. In policing and first responder services. In court costs. In unreimbursed medical care. In lost productivity and economic output. In quality of life.

      In fact, I’d wager that living with the problem costs a shit ton more than it costs to solve it.

      So funding the solution is simply a cost shifting exercise.

    3. πŸ‘†πŸΎ10:08- that’s a ton of shit on the wall. now how about some facts to substantiate it.

      Otherwise, you’re clueless dumb ass.

    4. What exactly do you disagree with?

      You don’t think the status quo has a cost?

    5. We are talking accountable cost on a balance sheet. We are talking actual budget lines on the city’s annual financial plan. Quality of life costs are real, but intangible. accountability needs to happen around this and that can only happen when actually called out as a line item on a financial statement.

    6. It can be done.

      Take unreimbursed indigent care. Hospitals and ambulance companies write off millions of dollars every year. Publish a schedule that says if we cut that write off in half, those companies owe 80% of their savings toward the preventive services. They can keep 20%.

      Same with policing. If sheriffs are using 40% of their resources responding to homeless issues, and we cut that in half, then we don’t need as many cops, cars, administrators, and pensions.

  19. Come on is time to wake up. 7 million illegals allowed into the country by the America hating left. Been the san diego airport lately? The brain dead A.D.D idiot newsom is giving your tax dollars for health care insurance to illegals.
    The country is be ruined and you are worried about some half dead wineos' on a sidewalk? Wake the Fuck Up

    1. Sounds like you regret not doing a bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform deal like Sean Hannity described.

      Border security happens in a compromise that includes modernization of visa, guest worker, and legal immigration programs, and a pathway to citizenship for those already here with no criminal record.

      Republicans could have that deal tomorrow and seal the border. They don’t want that. They want exactly what we have. A lot of big money Republican donors rely on cheap labor in their restaurants and on their farms.

    2. Exactly right 10:15. Anyone who tells you different is a MAGA retard.

    3. Keep thinking that you clowns. As the country is ruined with illegals and diseases they bring. I belong to no political party. The left has ruined this country and if you think the other party is controlling are as insane as what you write. You must pay zero in taxes as only a fool would blame others for what the communists are doing. Also mexico is our enemy.

    4. Dat you Barstow?

    5. "also Mexico is our enemy" durrrrr....

    6. With Julie’s maiden name, she probably had relatives who died in the holocaust.

      By falling out of a guard tower.

  20. Finally honey, we’re having a good day. No new comments and more cuddle time.

    - Phony

  21. 10:28- 7,000,000 already entered already

    ….and 5,993,000,092 more coming. Free housing, free healthcare, free food, and free education, why work?

    If you work, you’ll actually have to pay it all in taxes and it won’t get you anywhere in CA. Hence you have all the smart people with assets moving out of California. ✅

    Let’s triple the population of Encinitas as MG Fletcher wants to do.

    Just make it over here and you 10 times better off than you are wherever you’re at in the world if you’re the 99% with nothing but your heartbeat….. That is …while it last few years. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


    1. Our neighborhood is armed. Killing isn't a task. Body removal is a pain but doable. It might provide a meal for the others living in the canyons. Perhaps a pit, hot coals, banana leaves and covered with dirt. Start first a.m, hang out at the corner of Encinitas Blvd and Manchester for 6 hours, maybe more. Come home to your canyon and bam...fully cooked corpse.
      Sadly it isn't bidens

    2. Tough guy not really watchdog refugee.

  22. Hi neighbors, I wanted to pass along some great news from City Hall.

    For every fifth job, you get a free 12 pack of toilet paper at Costco…. They don’t call vaccines anymore because they really don’t vaccinate against anything….

    Hans was right. You don’t need or want to own anything. The government will provide.

    Tony Kranz has it all figured out.


    1. Most people dont buy into your dumb shit. Save it for facebook.

    2. Or for another commentary at a council meeting. Dude is still complaining about face masks. All while waving the wsj. It’s an old act but he tries.

  23. Too funny. What a Freudian slip. “Job” 🀣… no one needs a job.

    * For every fifth jab, you get a free 12 pack of toilet paper at Costco….

  24. 1:20pm Brain dead personified. Thanks for clarifying what was already obvious.

  25. The brain dead banjo boy should keep rejecting the vaccine.

    We will all thank you for your service to this community when the day comes and you end up in the hospital clinging to your miserable ignorant life. Darwin has an award waiting just for you.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ vaccine…

      You said it all you idiot!

      Go get your fifth one and you get a free 12 pack of toilet paper. πŸ‘

      Don’t worry about the other stuff you are putting in your blood, they will tell you that your jab is also good for fighting cancer. Which is great because you’re going to need it.


    2. Ok watchdog refugee back under your rock.

    3. 4:06- I hope you’re not wrong on everything in your life. What a loser.

    4. 4:44- thanks for confirming 100%

      You’re a 100% loser. Now go apologize to your mother.

    5. Conspiracy theories like the anti-vax bullshit is very seductive.

      By believing your ego is flattered by the notion that you are smarter than all of those kids in school who got top marks, went to elite schools, and worked their asses off to become medical researchers, virologists, and epidemiologists.

      The conspiracy theory allows the believer to think they are smarter than those people for the low low price of watching a couple of YouTube videos and listening to a Steve Bannon podcast “expert.”

      Unfortunately, like most things that seem too good to be true, so is this one.

      It’s far less palatable to be told the truth: that you are average to below average intelligence, you didn’t put in the years of hard work, and your opinion is worthless.

    6. Seductive to the gullible.

    7. Truth is always seductive. It brings inner peace.

      5:10 - I highly recommend you try it.

      You will feel much better about yourself and everything in you life will become so much more peaceful.

      Happy New Year!


  26. 4:54 is Jerome you can always tell by his weird put on uppity tone. He advised the guy who used to surf swami’s and was shit down by the sheriff for stumping for that candidate down at the police station in 2022.

    He cannot take a hint, “Dump Stocks” meant go away and stay away.

    1. 6:00- you are wrong 100% of the time.

      Poor mama raised a retard. You seem about as smart as Kranz. Hmm.

      On the COVID, look at the Jon Hopkins Data. Nations that didn’t jabbing faired much better, and had none of the huge destructive mental health and major public health issues from the mishandling of Covid in the US.

      You’re a fool so if course you don’t understand. Good night fool.

    2. Wtf? You are a freak.

    3. 11:39- Happy new year. We knew you wouldn’t understand.

      Remember, COVID’s going around, be sure to go get your cancer jab today.

      Oh shoot. that’s right, you prefer to call it a vaccine that kinda helps you think you are doing something. We get it.

      Have a great day and thanks for supporting big Pharma.

      We love you for it and I hope Tony closes the beaches again, because that just make a whole lotta sense.


    4. Calls other people idiots.

      Cites “Jon Hopkins.”

      Me: sips coffee.

  27. Shut down but shit works

  28. Phony and I wish all of you a very happy new year. Just so you know we've been fighting over the remote all night and thus toggling between CNN and Newsmax...we've now decided to hide the remote in each other's underpants and it seems to be working out quite well...that is if Anthill shows up with the boner pills (your tardiness is killing me honey)....

    1. 11:11 is Starvin if you couldn't guess. Tee hee

    2. πŸ‘†πŸΏHappy New Years ladies!

      I hope πŸœπŸœπŸ—» came through and as Oingo Boingo sings - You were,

      Up All Night.


  29. “After May 1, 2021, when vaccines were available to all adults, the excess death rate gap between Republican and Democratic voters widened from −0.9 percentage point (95% PI, −2.5 to 0.3 percentage points) to 7.7 percentage points (95% PI, 6.0-9.3 percentage points) in the adjusted analysis; the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters.”

    Excess Death Rates for Republican and Democratic Registered Voters in Florida and Ohio During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Jacob Wallace, PhD1; Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, PhD2; Jason L. Schwartz, PhD1

    JAMA Intern Med. 2023;183(9):916-923. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.1154

    Stop watching YouTube videos.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΏ✌🏿- awesome blabbermouth. Enjoy your stats and enjoy your cancer Jab.

      Me naw…. Hard pass…..

      I’m good I’m gonna go eat a fresh organic apple and orange, and enjoy this beautiful sunny day with fresh oxygen abound. Beaches are open, however, much of coastal access along Encinitas is fenced off due to TONY’s stupidity.

      Despite Tony’s continuous damage to a Encinitas, enjoy today. Carpe Diem!! πŸ’ͺπŸΏπŸ‘ŠπŸΏ


    2. Everyone knows the Black Death aka Bubonic Plague wiped out 40% - 60% of the European population in the 15th century before the discovery of the organic apple from Whole Foods.

    3. Yep black plaque was real w a high death count as you mention. Then compare it to the Big Pharma and Media circus act….

      COVID- 1.1% and that is self reported and includes all people dieing w COVID and other critically fatal diseases including cancer, coronary heart disease, and diabetes related illnesses.

      Again, I know you won’t understand because you’re a dumb fuck, so I’ll just bid you a fond farewell and enjoy your cancer jabs…..

      I love seeing the stats from all you guinea pigs.

      Thank you for your service. πŸ‘πŸΏ✌πŸΏπŸ«ΆπŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

    4. 9:31- here’s some stats for you to ignore:



    5. If it’s okay with you, I’m going to listen to my MD, and the people who have dedicated their lives to understanding health science, and not some anon blog rando on the interwebs.

    6. πŸ‘†πŸΏ awesome. You do that. You spend a lot on Pharma. It’s gotta be good for you.


    7. 11:10,

      I’m fascinated with your worldview, and I’m compelled to inquire further.

      Do you put your own thoughts on buildings above those of an architect or structural engineer?

      Do you understand more about the ethical implications of AI than the brilliant minds who have been working on the problem for decades?

      Do you think you have a better grasp on the origins of the universe than the astrophysicists currently processing the data from the James Webb telescope?

      Should your opinions on law and the constitution rightly be valued more than those of specialist law scholars and judges?

      Is there any field of human knowledge or endeavor where you defer to others who know more?

      Perhaps we should stop working so hard in specialties to push back the frontiers of human ignorance. We could just ask you!

    8. 11:43- you would would probably be better off. I would give you a clear logical analysis with common sense. I would explain the issues, challenges, alternatives, and recommended solutions.

      The best part is, I do use truth and common sense logic in my approach.

      But we all know people like you would never listen to that… there’s not enough money in it for the greedy.

    9. 11:57,

      You must feel both incredibly privileged to be so special, and also incredibly frustrated that the world has failed to acknowledge your singular and universal command of all knowledge.

    10. 11:43- i’m not sure why you’re asking those questions. I never claimed to know more than those referenced in the questions.

      I was just truthfully, sharing information from a very reliable national database regarding how minor of an issue Covid really was/ is…

      It’s pretty much excepted at this point that it was completely fabricated by the media and big Pharma to make a shit load of money and to test how ready the world human population is to be controlled by the centralist/global regime.

      It really is that simple.

      I tend to be more of a localist than a centralist. I’m just guessing you’re the latter.

      Don’t watch The Hunger Games. It will upset you. the localists are the heroes.

      And be sure to jump on the newly issued electronic government currency it’s going to be great for you.

      For some of us, the philosophy of liberty or death will continue to work just fine. Carpe diem.


    11. 12:00- No. I’m good but thanks for being concerned.


      I’m outside, enjoying this epic day. Time to stop wasting it on this site.

    12. Oh no!

      And you were doing so well. It would be a shame to start backpedaling now.

      You need to double down.

      See you didn’t just say that COVID was exaggerated. No. You said the vaccine causes cancer.

      And since the scientific method has not been able to reach that conclusion through data, peer review, and double blind studies, then the only way you can know that is if you truly are a universal omniscient power who has a unlimited knowledge.

      Don’t deny the world the benefit of your singular brilliance!

      Tell us about the cancer link, and how you know it!

      Please don’t let us down by linking to a YouTube video.

    13. 12:38- classic that you just ignore all the statistics provided from a major university-

      COVID- 1.1% and that is self reported and includes all people dying w COVID and other critically fatal diseases including cancer, coronary heart disease, and diabetes related illnesses.

      Enjoy your jabs loser.

    14. 2:52- I’m kind of sorry to say, but you’re not worth my time.

    15. 3:09,



      You definitely could prove that vaccines cause cancer, even though there’s no scientific evidence to support it.

      You just don’t want to.

      Sure sure sure.

      Totally plausible.

    16. Best of luck to you in the cancer ward. πŸ€™πŸΏ

    17. 4:22,

      See, this is the problem. Even in your insult and attempt to backpedal out of the conversation you reveal yourself to be not so bright.

      If I do happen to get cancer, that would be correlation, not causation, which is the claim you need to support with evidence.

      Likewise, if I live the rest of my days cancer free, that also doesn’t prove anything about the safety of vaccines.

      Even your insult is irrelevant, and demonstrates a profound lack of basic intelligence.

    18. πŸ‘†πŸΏ okey-dokey. Good luck with your logic. There’s tons of Covid going around, and the flu. You probably better schedule a couple of jabs. πŸ‘πŸΏ

    19. 5:45- thanks again for being a datapoint for John Hopkins in their study on number of jabs vs. increase in cancer rates. You are taking one for the team. It seems you’re very intelligent and lived a good life. πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏ

    20. You believe things for which there is no evidence.

      It’s no surprise really. We are primates who evolved brains suited to avoid being eaten by tigers on the African savanna. For many years, it was common sense to believe that the heavens were filled with luminiferous aether, and that earthquakes and plagues resulted from the displeasure of invisible gods.

      You are continuing in that tradition.

      There’s a great book about how humans can rise above pseudoscience. I highly recommend it to you.

      It’s called The Demon Haunted World, by Sagan and Druyan.

      I think you’d benefit a lot from it.

    21. πŸ‘†πŸΏ See you’re so smart. Thank you. πŸ’‰

    22. Good morning guinea pig, it’s time for your jabs! πŸ˜€


    23. It’s sad what’s become of you.

      Reduced to third grade playground insults.

      Unable to engage on the level of science and evidence.

      Doesn’t make you look too good.

    24. Can the dumb as all shit vaccine bs stay on the retard's facebook page, please.

    25. 8:48,

      I think it’s interesting that this person went from claiming that there’s a scientific causal link between COVID vaccines and cancer, supported by some fellow named Jon or John Hopkins, to being reduced to childish trolling.

      It demonstrates that he knows he took quite a smack down for having zero evidence for his beliefs.

      He knows he’ll get another smack down if he makes specific unsupported bs claims, so all he’s got left is becoming a dumb troll with no substance.

      What he doesn’t realize is—that choice is just an epic self-smack down.

    26. 9:00- misogynistic ignorant loser with zero common sense. The more you write the more you show your ignorance.

    27. Hard to me misogynistic when you don’t know the writer’s gender.

      I assumed you were a he because the arrogance and overestimation of your knowledge is typically more aligned with males.

      Thank you for the reminder that Dunning Kruger isn’t exclusively tied to maleness.

      In my experience, women are generally more humble and self-aware.

      My apologies.

      You are exceptional in this regard, ma’am.

      Here’s an article for you about a doctor who is losing his medical license and being sued into oblivion for having a woman’s entire reproductive system ripped out over the unsupported claims you make.

    28. 12:19- you make no sense.

    29. What would make sense is for you to provide some medical/scientific basis for a claim that vaccines cause cancer.

      What makes no sense is making an assertion without being able to defend it.

    30. And BTW, misogyny would be getting picked on you because you are female.

      To clarity, you are getting picked on because you are an idiot.

    31. IMO it's a waste of time engaging with anti vaxx retards. Not knowing or understanding what Johns Hopkins is might be a problem, but so are all their other retard problems.

      They just don't care about reality. Somewhere along the line someone hurt them and made them distrust maybe everything. That's their problem. Our problem is they won't STFU and they're really dumb.

  30. Jim Brown you are a champion.

    Jim's response to Margo is the greatest Pwnage in the history of Encinitas:


    Health Care is human right. I am proud of my state.
    Jim Brown:
    And attorneys such as yourself should only work pro bono for everyone including seniors who have lost their medical coverage recently. What happened to their human rights? Walk the walk bro!


    2024 gonna be lit!

    1. No seniors lost their medical coverage.

      One provider decided not to take their coverage. There are other providers in the area.

      It sucks, but it’s a business decision. Healthcare providers hide behind the “non-profit” label. In truth they are corporations like any other, who use non-profit status as a competitive advantage by avoiding taxes.

      But you should stop lying. No one lost coverage. Sometimes your payor and provider can’t come to an agreement on price. Tough shit. Find another provider.

    2. 11:03 your gaslighting is orders of magnitude larger than your intelligence.

      I am sorry you suck maybe use your limited time left and head down to the southern border and protect the children that are being trafficked and raped instead of claiming the issue does not exist and CA should pay 36K annually for illegal aliens health coverage.

    3. What did I say that was incorrect?

      Be specific.

    4. So Tony Kranz must be a nonprofit because he don’t pay any taxes for his seven bedroom five bathroom home with an ADU and a separate business building on his half acre property in Coastal Encinitas.

      What a racket. The mayor is a scammer.

    5. What year was it? Seven bedroom /five bathroom structure built? And what was the newly assessed value of the new improvements? It clearly wasn’t $100,000.

      Mayor is running a scam.

    6. He needs an attorney. Maybe MG Fletcher will represent the mayor pro bono. How about it MG Fletcher?

    7. What I got from your attempts to change the subject is that you lied about seniors losing their coverage.

  31. Q: Why do lawyers wear turtlenecks?

    A: To keep the foreskin in - -


    Cause lawyers are dicks

    Well deserved~!

    1. I know a lawyer in this town who is an assclown and not a dick. We have many cool men named Dick. Leave them alone. The lawyer you are speaking about is a jerk, assclown, and or asshole.

    2. 11:32

      Yes. My apologies I agree

  32. Greatest indicator of productive heathy societies- lowest rate of attorneys.

    Attorneys are ticks in society. They do not create anything other than paperwork and redirect/steal other’s assets.

    MG Fletcher is a liar tick w zero integrity.

    1. Im not gonna advocate for all attourneys, but two have swooped in to help me in the last 5 years and they do do their job.

    2. You might consult with an editor. 🀣

      Or maybe that was a Freudian slip with Doodoo. πŸ’©


    3. Hilarious dummy!

  33. The issue is shopping cart threat???? This is rich.
    The country is being sold out, 7 million illegals, the communist
    run u.s is giving free health insurance to illegals...
    YOUR TAX DOLLARS are being given to illegals.
    newson the brain idiot with A.D.D has just awarded more tax dollars to illegals. You are being sold out....wake up
    And let us not forget the ghetto apartments they are building due to threat of the california government to sue every city.
    and town in the entire state if it isn't allowed to occur.
    That's right...keep worrying about shopping carts and bums.
    You ain't seen nothin' yet.

  34. Gosh Jerome maybe you could contribute less when you post. breaking story about widespread homeless housing fraud and this is your contribution:

    "Par for the course. Nothing to see here folks…" If you think that's going to get you reelected try again.

    1. LOL I see as useful now as when he was on council!

    2. Hey morons....I don't know who this jerome is.
      Are you the wheelchair people with nothing else to do?

    3. Oh and since you don't know him 11:25 then you need to look when you name call...just sayin.'

  35. Just took an irresistible trip down memory lane:

    Stocks leaves off the list of self aggrandizing claims his regular verbal abuse behind closed doors of Houlihan in her office at city hall. Guess he thought she wouldn't tell anyone. Great friends? NOT. Enjoy!

  36. Question is. Did Stan give the title of village idiot to Steve golden or Jerome? They seem to be battling for dumbest hot takes. Idk, Steve seems to be winning but Jerome is giving him a good run. Then again, Jerome did get elected and Steve has yet to leave his mom’s basement. Mmmm tough one. Maybe they can be co-idiots?

    1. Jerome was elected but the epic boot that resulted from his public "service" canceled out being elected.

    2. WOW. Those are amazing choices. Encinitas is too young for both. And for mosr of the EV crew too.

    3. Where you getting your demographics info 1:43? Mali? Kellie? The population split between under 18 and over 65 is dead even. Check it out it's called the US Census.
      You people sure like making up facts to fit your fantasies.

    4. Stocks is a typical selfish Republican. He's a has been and a douchebag but he managed to make something of himself and raised a family. This is not the village idiot.

      Golden is an imbecile and closet pedo that lives with his mother. He's never had a real job and spends 15 hours a day whining on the internet repeating what other people say. This is the village idiot.

    5. Quite a big accusation from behind a keyboard. Don’t forget libel/slander doesn’t hide.

    6. “Make something of himself?” I guess you could call it that….

    7. 1:54 even if their physical age fits in ok with some people in Encinitas, ehem especially most people on EV, their ideas are old. Old and outdated. Have you read them ramble on and on and on? And they belong to the wrong political party for most of the city. No.

    8. Wrong party? Name the name bitch.
      Old ideas? Those pesky 10 commandment ideas just won't die.

      Micro-mobility for all!!!
      Who needs a job, all people really need is 800 foot apartments. LOL, horses in D4 live better than that.

    9. Funny you mention D4. Sounds like that's where it's all going down this year. It's an area that isn't filled with old ideas, even though some of the people with big fucking mouths with old ideas live there, with their horses. It will be interesting, bitch.

  37. Grapevine story:

    Back in 2018 when Stocks ran for assembly, he called his best bud Mark Muir to give him a heads up a day or two before he planned to announce. The Muirs, rather than tell Stocks Mo Muir was also going to run, decided instead to use the information to screw their old pal. Mo announced hours after the courtesy call so she could start banging the phones and locking up donor support before Stocks could get out of the gate.

    So the Muirs screwed their friend before they screwed Graham with the shady lying robocall.

    In the end, Stocks and Mo both got single digits in the primary. Phil was screwed out of the runoff, and two Dems advanced to the runoff.

    Tasha took the seat without much effort.

    Heard it through the grapevine.

    1. 4:09- tell the one about BIA partnering with MG Fletcher to approve maximum high density throughout Encinitas and then turn over BIA operations to The Town Dunce.

      That one is funnier than the Stocks Muir debacle. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€£

    2. Truly the Wile E Coyote party.

      Mo Muir painted a black tunnel entrance on the canyon wall and a train came out of it and ran her over.

    3. The fate of the city in the hands of money grubbing idiots.

  38. Stocks, both Muir and Thunder are all cut from the same cloth.

  39. And on the same team for years running.

  40. This is what people who make unsupportable claims about cancer and medical science look like to normal people.

    1. 7:03- the more you write about it, the more ignorant you sound, specimen.

      You are clearly concerned and for good reason.


    2. And don’t use the remote when you got food on your hands. it’s disgusting.

      Now I have to clean the remote because of your action.

    3. Annnd cue watchdog refugee ramblers

    4. Since is estimated that 50,000 illegals were dropped off in San Diego County. Get ready.
      nancy boys need not apply. Remember, killin' is easy.
      Getting rid of the body is a pain, even if you chop them up.

    5. 3:57- I get the 50,000 illegal migrants part. Can you please clarify your other points please?

      What are you proposing?

  41. What comes around, goes around. Seems like the same issues but different players.

    This was just the one of the posts that month.

    Appointment process
    "Even in laid-back Encinitas, you can only push people so far. The arrogant and brazen appointment of political crony Mark Muir could be what finally rousts the voters and runs the council good old boys out of town."

    Money quote:
    AnonymousNovember 8, 2011 at 12:31 PM
    Marco's representing the developers in Olivenhain.
    He's batting for the other team now.

    And more on "cronyism"

    1. Stocks trying to return as a player. Absurd considering his history of shenanigans.

    2. Speedy has always been for Speedy - money grubbing hypocrite.

    3. Speedy is MG Fletcher

    4. More nicknames are needed for a single man. There aren't enough.

    5. word is Stocks hates $tock$ but then again, one word is worth a thousand shenanigans

  42. MG Fletcher has transcended words, and has evolved to just an emoji….. πŸ’©

    Same as πŸœπŸœπŸ—» and πŸ·πŸ‘§.

  43. Watchdog refugee ramblers? Thanks.

    It is good to have something else to call the morons who pollute this blog every day with their infantile projections.

    1. That sounds like a Starvin comment to me = ⚧️

  44. 12:20- your an idiot proven by watchdog’s former support for and by πŸ·πŸ‘§.

    Get a life loser.

  45. Diversity


    Apply this bullshit low IQ racist nonsense = DIE
