Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Encinitas "Footloose" anti-dancing policy to go before Planning Commission

From the comments (presumably from Mr. Peabody's):
We're finally ready to go to the planning commission with the dancing matter this Thursday. The permit process has been long and complicated. If we get permission from the City we will go through the ABC permit process next. We appreciate your support. The meeting starts at 6pm, City Hall. Hope you can make it.


  1. This will be a feel-good vote that Blakespear will tout in her newsletter as though she actually did something that matters.

    The others will fall in line and do the same.

  2. WAY back in the dawn of Leucadia's watering holes, a woman named Ruby (who smoked cigars) owned a bar. She had to appear after getting a ticket for dancing in her own place. When she got to speak before a judge, she said "We wasn't dancin' Your Honor. When I saw an old friend come in the door, I ran over to give him a big hug and my old place is so close to the train as it was goin' by, it shook the building so much that it'n just looked like we was dancin'." The judge said basically: "OK, next case". Personally, I feel the same as the judge did. And not because I dance like Kevin Bacon.

  3. Hope they cleaned up that stale beer smell. Pine-Sol will cover it up.

  4. “If our Lord wasn't testing us, how would you account for the proliferation these days of this obscene rock and roll music, with its gospel of easy sexuality and relaxed morality? If our Lord wasn't testing us, why, he could take all these pornographic books and albums, and turn them into one big fiery cinder like that! But how would that make us stronger for him? One of these days, my Lord is gonna come to me and ask me for an explanation for the lives of each and every one of you. And what am I gonna tell him on that day? That I was busy? That I was tired? That I was bored?! No!! I can never let up!“

    The ETL are right with you, Rev. Moore.

  5. Aw Lordy, Lord...Praise Da Lord! honey chile, honey lamb..
