Saturday, January 19, 2019

Staff overrules committee on bike event

Coast News:
Earlier, a committee composed of four environmental and traffic commissioners Joy Lyndes, Amy Flicker, Christina Simokat (who has since left the traffic commission) and Brian Grover were planning the event to coincide with the city’s holiday parade — running for several hours after the conclusion of the parade — in early December.

Grover said Jan. 14 that city staff didn’t support the concept, and that the committee settled on a date that would impact businesses along Coast Highway the least, though the committee is hoping that businesses will open their doors and get involved with the event.


  1. It's not enough that militant cyclists ride slowly on purpose, spaced as widely apart in a lane as possible, in a seriously-misguided effort to get the rest of us out of our cars.

    Now they want us to in effect impose a boycott on businesses by the majority of shoppers who travel by car. Our city protects business interests above all else, so it's no surprise staff nixed the idea and Grover's "concept" backfired.

  2. Saw a dayglo grape smuggler cussing out a car that was turning left, legally. It was very strange but so are dayglo grape smugglers. This was yesterday on 101. I’m convinced that frat boys just become dayglo grape smugglers when they move To Encinitas. Wonder if you have to participate in a circle jerk to ride with them?

  3. There are already an excessive amount of marathons, Turkey trots, half marathons, Kook races , etc. Maybe they need to limit the number of events and hold a drawing for those dates. The cops need to enforce traffic laws for the bicyclists - many are out of control and think that no rules apply to their use of the roads.They routinely blow thru stop signs - it is amazing there aren't more accidents.

  4. Yeah- The really is the Vehicals are causing the fatalities, carnage and property damage and not bicyclist. Cops need to focus on Vehicals running red lights not bikes. Whens the last time time you heard of a bike causing a serious crash?

    Vehicle drivers are the ones who kill. Keep the focus were it belongs.

    1. Retarded cyclists and pedestrians whose parents failed to teach basic survival skills are the ones who are killed. Keep the focus where it belongs.

      Or don't, weeding out shitty entitled assholes isn't exactly a huge tragedy.

  5. Wow.

    What a shitty attitude people have when making streets safe for all travelers becomes twisted into a negative.

    Stop being selfish and look out for your fellow travelers.

  6. Coming to Streetscape soon......or not.....

  7. Well, I'm glad we all got that out of our systems.

    1. Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974.
