Monday, December 12, 2022

Kranz sees Barth as role model for mayor


Kranz, a 63-year-old printing company employee, will replace Catherine Blakespear, who has just won election to the state Senate.

He said last week that he doesn’t expect to make drastic changes to the city’s course once he assumes the top spot, but he does hope to “dial back some of the tensions” regarding issues that come before the council, particularly housing conflicts. He considers former mayor Teresa Barth as a role model, he said, adding that he liked her approach of hosting special meetings and engaging in strategic planning sessions to solve city problems.
We don't recall any significant city accomplishments during the Barth era. The first things that come to mind are Barth's bickering with Jerome Stocks which culminated in a frivolous harassment complaint, and numerous fiascos involving Barth favorite City Manager Gus Vina.

What do you remember of the Barth era?

UPDATE: Oh and lest we forget Barth dishonestly opposing Prop A's right to vote!


  1. If Kranz truly wants to score points with the community he should try falling down a flight of stairs. Barth would definitely be proud.

  2. Where's the recall petitions?

    1. Up your ass, and to the left.

    2. I just love the tenacity of you keyboard warriors. I can’t imagine any of you having an actual good day. Every post is just child like and tiresome. Kinda like this city. You’re all weak and wounded.

  3. Barth was worthless. She accomplished nothing, while pretending to be an advocate of sensible government - she was anything but!


  4. I remember Jerome's harassment, which was real.

  5. So here's a question. Take the last 25 years, who was the shining light of virtue and accomplishment on our city council?Anyone?

    1. Mayor Blakespear crushed every opponent, crafted a lasting majority, engineered herself to be on the winning side of nearly every vote, secured herself a political promotion, and did it all with some jazz hands and a smile.

      I’d say she knocked the cover off the ball.

    2. Blakespear should have handed out coat hangers as campaign gimmicks.

    3. Knocked to cool out of the coast, smashed the Californian coastline into a ugly fucking east coast fence and sand dune plants and her bike line bullshit puts a lot of balls on her chin. She sucks.

  6. Barth spent six years in the minority on council. Tough to get much done with the likes of Stocks, Bond, Gaspar, Dalager to deal with. She pushed a lot of open government policies that weren't popular with the majority, but they had to go along or look even worse than they were.

    1. Speaking of worthless, There's Dallager, who's big accomplishment was trading favors at the bank....

    2. Anyone can sell out a nice town to developers.

  7. Barth's anonymous re-districting comes to mind..

  8. We had traffic issues in our neighborhood and formed a group to engage the city on possible calming measures.

    We invited all the relevant city staff and council members to come see for themselves during peak traffic hours.

    Barth was the only one to show up.

  9. Barth used to call residents to ask them to raise issues she was too chickenshit to bring up. Some "leader." So satisfying telling her to go pound sand.

    1. That is 100% true. I was one of those people she thought was a door mat.

    2. Every single council person has made that move. There's a reason it's called politics...

    3. Good leadership isn’t just about figuring out what needs to be said, but also who should say it. And sometimes the answer is: not me.

  10. I’m curious why so many people are disparaging of Dalagher? I’ve heard the “he accepted used appliances story a million times.” Not good, but it seems minor compared to bribes others have taken: like Tony taking bribe trips to Israel from the Liechtag/JFS transient parking lot execs. Why is a seemingly nice guy like Dalagher a punching bag? At least he tries to talk to people and doesn’t stonewall them like Blakespear..

    1. He was dumb, and never contributed anything to the conversation. He was the ultimate patsy to Stocks and Bond.

    2. A "nice guy" does not take a bribe, no matter how "minor" you think it may be, 10:36. It speaks to a flawed character and could not have been a one-off.

    3. Your missing the real story. People are always talking about corruption. He got nailed for trading city favors while working at a bank.

    4. linkage:

    5. and while I totally don't approve of the Tony Israel trip, that was not a bribe and was declared legally. really bad look though...

    6. Have to wonder how much the Kranz wife actually paid for herself on the trip. Did she contribute for half the hotel room or was that just the cost to Encinitas taxpayers of Kranz doing "business?"

    7. Dalager got caught in the kitchengate scandal when he blabbed about accepting "used" kitchen appliances that turned out to be new. Tony went to Israel when gifted the trip by Jewish Family Services as a front for Leichtag. At most his wife paid for her plane ticket. The rest came out of the $5000. The problem was that after the free trip he voted to allow Leichtag to expand the uses on the their property beyond what the Municipal Code allowed. It allowed the non-agricultural use of the property for the Foundation's corporate offices to move to the property from Carlsbad. Leichtag bought his vote.

    8. Get ready, I’m sure Leichtag is looking for payback for all of it. Do you actually think they put a homeless lot there for nothing in return. They have been wanting to change their zoning for the 67 acres that is zoned agriculture in perpetuity.

    9. You mean the trip that was paid for by another Jewish organization that is neither JFS, Leichtag or their executives. The FPPC investigated the trip at the prompting of "bitter ex-politician" Stocks and they found the claim to be meritless. But they are all Jews right? Tell me more about how antisemitism doesn't play a role in the Safe Parking Lot uproar and how Stocks being part of the Morris inner circle is coincidence.

    10. If a non-profit is running cover for its developer, they are corrupt. Jewish or not, Tony took money from a non-profit with direct connections to a developer. Tony then changed zoning from ag to residential for that same developers property. Tony got a trip and a developer got millions in profits. Thats the facts jack. Pretty common for developers use their non-profits for legal political bribes.

    11. 4:39 make sure to see the 30 page plans for the 67 acres for the Leichtag utopia. They just needed to help get the people on city council that would vote their way. Money is the root of all evil. Even Joy was photographed with the Leichtag CEOs on a joy ride of the property.

    12. What non-profit connected to what developer? You people are so full of shit and desperate to tell a story of greedy evil Jews.

    13. It really is anti semetic stuff wrapped up in a "no fair they got to rezone property" jealousy. Get a grip guys, it's crystal clear to most that you're walking a thin line between full blown hater and ignorant jerk.

    14. 6:09. Get out of here with that BS, it could be any non-profit sharing an office and employees with another non-profit. The Jewish aspect is your issue and yours alone. Argue about the validity of the connections, you are literally playing the race card to dodge the issue which is a disgrace to the people you pretend to advocate for.

    15. If Dalager tied his shoes right, it was a major achievement.

  11. Just stop the goodson project and I'll back you forever.
    Everything the left does...they destroy

    1. 11:24 Your last sentence is comically stupid.

    2. 11:24 would like us all to live like the Red States: poorer, with less education, less economic growth, fatter, less innovation, sicker, with more opioid addiction, and more dependency on the federal government to slow our spiral into shithole collapse.

      Name a CA city run by the right that you think is exemplary.

    3. Let's start with 2.5 million illegals let in our southern border. Then forgiving student loans (tax payer money)
      Ghetto apartments mandated in the City of Encinitas in nice neighborhoods...shall I go on?
      No natural gas in new homes, electric cars, need more?

    4. I would suggest everyone get trained on a sidearm. Over 2.5 million illegals DO NOT have your best or your family's best interest in mind. There is not enough law enforcement to handle what is coming. Wake up. The left in two short years have damaged the United State beyond comprehension.
      If I wanted to live in a ghetto, I would have moved to one. The common buffoon has no concept of what is happening. Our neighborhood won't call 911.
      We, will take care of it ourselves.

    5. I let illegals onto my property and into my back yard every week. And I invite others inside the house every week. They have full access to roam into every corner of the house. Sometimes I’m not even home when they come inside. Been doing it for years.

      Our cleaning lady has three sons in the US Marine corps. I’ve known those boys since they were tiny. The oldest was brought here as an infant. I hooked her up with a free legal service that focuses on gaining citizenship for people serving in the US military.

      The kid is good. A Navy commander found out, got involved, and he’s going to be a US citizen soon.

      Couldn’t be prouder to play a small part in making it happen.

    6. Republicants are mad the liberals hire illegal MexiCANs over their sorry ass. Snowflake, scared of everything, righties are the the only threat. Go hump your guns some more so a homeless guy can take it from you. Just dont shoot your own eye out like the felon proud boy leader. Republicans are pathetic.

    7. Oh' 4:25, you break the law as well.
      You are a fine American.

    8. Who would you rather hire:

      A man who crawled across broken glass through a thousand miles of desert to get to the job site so he can send money to let his family survive violence and despair in Honduras?

      Or, Cousin Cleadus of Arkansas, who dropped out of fifth grade, does meth, and thinks your job is his birthright?

    9. I hire people that are in the U.S legally. Orrrr.
      I hire Americans. You are a criminal. Aiding and abetting criminals. Un American

    10. hate your country. Have you not given any thought to the 100s of thousands of people that fought and died for the U.S...And here you are inviting
      illegals into our country? You pathetic loser

    11. I hire the person who is most likely to show up on time every time, work hard, and do a good job. That’s what successful business people think about. I don’t really care where people are from.

      If you are worried about losing your job to an immigrant, than you should get off your ass and work harder.

      Friend of mine is an ER doc at Scripps. He says the ER is mostly two groups: overprivledged housewives with inconsistent symptoms fishing for pills, and Mexican immigrants begging him to amputate an infected finger so they can go back to work tomorrow instead of taking time off to let it heal.

      This is the kind of work ethic we are competing against in the global marketplace.

  12. The fact is the right wingers are the party that hates America and is supporting the destruction of our democracy. This cretin is living is living in opposite world and doesn't know it. His cognitive abilities are in need of some professional mental help.

  13. 9:22 I haven’t heard anything about bank trading? My impression was that Dalagher’s huge accomplishment was being instrumental in getting the huge Sports Park w/soccer fields, developed..

    1. You mean the regional sports park that a small group of Encinitas taxpayers developed and now it sucks the city’s budget dry?

    2. "regional sports park" - ha! it's not that. as a sports park its terrible, but as a dog park, skate park, playground its amazing.

  14. 11:37 Speaking of wives…, does anyone know why Dalaghers wife Shirley always looks pissed off? The first time I saw that look years ago I figured she was just having a bad day. But every time I’ve bumped into her since then, she still has that same scowl on her face...?

  15. 11:30 Thx for the link and insight from others too, who gave their observations. Now I understand why you all call Tony Dala Kranz. The Dala = Dumb? And the Kranz = Dumb? So, Dumb & Dumber?

  16. 1:06 let me give you an example and you tell us why Barth could not have brought up the Naylor Act herself before voting to grossly overpay to purchase the Pacific View School property: "requires school districts, who propose to sell land used for outdoor recreation to offer to lease or sell a portion of the land at a discount to a city."

    Why did Barth sneak around and not propose invoking the Naylor Act herself? She made at least three calls to residents and in every case was told to do it herself.

    Sneaky is never leadership.

    1. She could have brought it up herself.

      She chose not to.

      Next question.

    2. It's actually far worse than that. Barth claimed the city council were not "stockholders" in the Pacific View school issue, and wanted private citizens to do their dirty work, like file an injunction against the EUSD.

  17. 2:08 Shirley had the pissed off scowl on her face as long as I’ve known her, well before Danny got caught. They are polar opposites. Shirley scowls, Danny smiles.

  18. Dan has a tendency to be overly friendly w/the ladies. Maybe that’s why Shirley is so pissed off. I haven’t actually heard of him doing anything though? Maybe just a harness, although inappropriate flirt?

  19. Gaspar was a favorite of mine until as Supervisor she voted to keep all the shops, restaurants closed on lock down. Meanwhile Walmart and Costco could stay open. Grrr. She was willing to hurt small businesses, I still voted for her though, rather than her ‘woke’ opponent,

    1. And Gaspar lost. Yay!

    2. And we finally find out what happened to Gaspar on this blog!!!!

      I’ve been wondering for years.

    3. Use the search bar and you’ll see plenty on Gaspar. She was not idolized as some would have you believe.

  20. *4:19 I agree that flirting can seem ‘harmless’ but is disrespectful to spouse

  21. 4:39 directing you to the facts:

    Tony went to Israel when gifted the trip by Jewish Family Services as a front for Leichtag. At most his wife paid for her plane ticket. The rest came out of the $5000. The problem was that after the free trip he voted to allow Leichtag to expand the uses on the their property beyond what the Municipal Code allowed. It allowed the non-agricultural use of the property for the Foundation's corporate offices to move to the property from Carlsbad. Leichtag bought his vote.

    You can put your spin that on a technicality, this was OK. And you can play the anti Semitism bait card. Can you also stand behind Kranz refusing to recuse himself from the vote to approve?

    1. Hysterical that your "facts" further prove the point that all those jew organizations look the same to you. Jewish Family Services had nothing to do with any of it, they weren't even on the radar at the time. Your claim that the trip was paid for by a front for Leichtag is just a horseshit conspiracy with no evidence. The trip was investigated by the FPPC and no improprieties were found. Goose stepping Gerry amirite?

    2. If it walks and talks like corruption, it is corruption. Youarewrong.

    3. “ gifted the trip by Jewish Family Services as a front for Leichtag”

      And this was proved in what court?

      Can you point us to any founding documents, charters, 990s, contracts, Board agreements, or emails that establish that one org was acting as an agent of the other? Also, it would be handy when making this claim to have financial transaction evidence that JFS was reimbursed by Leichtag in the exact same amount that JFS covered for the trip. Can you show us that?

      Because with none of that, it seems you are just lumping the two orgs together with only your bigotry and conspiratorial imagination.

    4. Kranz emulating the bribery of Dalager.

  22. 5:55 learn something and get your knee jerk under control, wouldya?

    1. Thx for the link. I see Leichtag has two staff members listed: Charlene Seidel and Sharyn Goodson. Could Sharyn Goodson (V.P. & Grant Maker)be affiliated with the current Goodson project? The web of corruption and how they’re all interconnected is scary.

    2. addition to the useful link, thx for calling out the person who keeps screaming anti-semetism. They appear not to get that not wanting corruption and a transient lot has nothing to do with religion. But, I don’t believe for a minute, they’re so stupid they can’t comprehend this. They just use the anti-semitism card to hide behind the fraud, just like the women behind the fraudulent BLM movement used the racist card, to hide behind their fraud.

    3. The link is not about the parking lot or anti semotism, but rather the appearance of quid pro quo: a vote for a trip. The occurrences happened years apart and have nothing to do with one another. Don’t trip yourself up here.

    4. Let us not forget Barth and Vina's love affair. It was quite a big deal at the time.

  23. Who remembers when people actually had rational, on topic comments on this blog?

    1. This is the same link someone posted earlier on this thread, which still begs the question if Sharyn Goodson(one of the 2 staff members)Leichtag has listed is related to the mega Goodson project going in on the corner of Enc blvd & RSF blvd?

    2. no, how fucking hard is it to use the internet.

  24. Where can I sign the recall petition to recall the Dunce?

    1. Has a recall petition been started? If not, maybe you can start one?


  25. For the person waving the anti-Semitism red herring, here were the facts of the case:

    Tony Kranz accepted a free $5000 trip to Israel from the Jewish Federation of San Diego, then voted to allow the Leichtag Foundation to use its agriculturally-zoned land for non-agricultural general office use. The rule change likely saved Leichtag tens of thousands of dollars per year in commercial office space rental.

    Without some connection between Leichtag and the Jewish Federation, this would be a non-story. One Jewish non-profit doesn't necessarily have anything to do with another.

    "However, it appears that Leichtag and the JF are quite interconnected. The Jewish Federation operates out of the offices of the Jewish Community Foundation San Diego at 4950 Murphy Canyon Road. Essentially, the JF is the networking umbrella organization, while the JCF is the charitable fund.

    The Leichtag Foundation is one of the primary funds listed as a part of the JCF."

    1. Leichtag is methodically unraveling the zoning covenant on the former Ecke land they bought, that made it agricultural zoning in perpetuity. They eventually will petition to rezone it commerical/residential and their land investment will skyrocket in value. Kranz is just a yokel that is bribed easily.

    2. They will bump up against Prop A. Leichtag commissioned a report that discussed basically how to schmooze the right politicians to smooth the way to change the zoning without residents in the mix. Likely Leichtag was led astray by Blakespear and Kranz telling them they would be challenging Prop A in court. Whoops! How'd that turn out?

    3. Red herring is exactly what it is.

      Also, why did JF send a politician on a trip? Non-profits are not suppose to lobby and religion is suppose to stay out of politics. Kranz should have said no and JF should never had offered. Whom else has JF sent on trips?

    4. We all read the same post, it was bullshit then and it's bullshit now. At the time two Jewish organizations both had offices in the same office building, that's the smoking gun rofl. No zoning has changed for the Leichtag property. It didn't change for the office, it didn't change for the parking lot.

    5. Wow you are really dug in aren't you.

  26. Encinitas city government has hit rock bottom.

  27. Kranz sees Barth as a role model? In what way? Turning tail against her former supporters? Exhibiting traits that approached a split personality?

    She rightfully deserved some sympathy for the way $tocks, Bond, and Dalager treated her, abused her, but when her time finally came, she became a different person, and not a nice one.

    Anyone that wants to emulate her is as off base as she became. Have at it.

  28. She lost any decency she had left. She stormed off the dais one time and got in Lynns face practically screaming. Her anger issues were front and center. Not very mayor like from my seat in the peanut gallery. Not a fan ever since.

    1. Lynn and Russ are nut jobs. Russ threatened a judge, and intentionally wore long, bulky overcoats to city meetings in summer heat. He wanted people to think he could have brought firearms and concealed them under the coat. This is a the precise reason we now have armed sheriffs at city meetings.

    2. I don't think she did, never heard that one before. The Marr thing went on for years. Gaspar and Kranz finally got it resolved.

    3. Bringing in "armed sheriffs" (what other kind is there?) is an old trick that all mayors use when they want to fake demonstrate how dangerous residents who disagree with them are. Catherine abused our tax money in this way more than any of them.

    4. So in your view, a man who threatened a judge and comes to council meetings with an overcoat during summer heat is no big deal. We definitely should ignore that behavior and not alert the Sheriffs.

      What could possibly go wrong?

    5. No one said "no big deal." But Russell is long gone and the practice continues to this day. It's a stupid intimidation thing taken to new levels under Blakespear.

  29. Lynn lost Russel years ago. You have no problem speaking ill of the dead and the living alike. Aren't you special? Bring on the church lady.

    1. Thou shalt not tell the truth about the deceased.

      Pleasant lies only.

  30. One has to love Kevin Doyle, speaking in support of a mail in election to fill the open seat tonight!!!

    1. I agree w Kevin. Mail in.

      Where can I sign the recall the Dunce petition?

      We have to get rid of this kook.

    2. I agree with Kevin

  31. When Barth was mayor, she acted like a queen. Maybe Kranz wants to be a king?

  32. Bruce is sworn in and already sold us out with 4-0 on every vote tonight. I can't believe I voted for another Blakespear puppet.

    1. Puhlease. What vote was the sell out? Joy for Deputy Mayor?

      This was a ceremonial occasion. Save the snark for tomorrow.

    2. Wow you're right. I went back through the council meetings and Ehlers has voted 4-0 with the BIAspear appointed council 100% of the time.

    3. Huh? You are a special kind of uninformed.

    4. 8:13 we’ve heard of picking your battles? Ehlers has much, much bigger fish to fry.

    5. Not my Mayor.

      Where can I sign the Recall the Dunce petition?

    6. We all signed a petition of sorts Nov 8.

    7. 53% of Encinitas voters, the majority, voted against the Dunce.

      It’s time to recall the Dunce. Where can I sign the petition?

    8. Sold out already?

    9. Already? Never stopped.

    10. Correction from 9:32 - was referring to Kranz, not Ehlers.

  33. Really people? Geez, take a pill why don't you? A one time solution pill for good of our community would suffice.

    I knew the pompous one had some serious problems, but didn't realize he was handicapped. Well, let me restate that. Mental and morally handicapped absolutely. I guess he qualifies for sitting in seats with the handicapped banners on them. When he sat down there were plenty of other seats he could have used that were not reserved for the handicapped. What a nice guy garvin is.

  34. The lefties on council should appoint Alex Riley in the same way that the righties on council appointed Shaffer to fill Maggie’s seat.

    1. Mark Muir was appointed to fill Maggie's seat...

    2. 7:31 don't look now but your complete lack of historical accuracy is showing....

    3. 11:17, congratulations. You suck at getting jokes.

    4. Considering 10:43 didn't get your funny either, suggest it is you who sucks at making jokes.

  35. If you think they will pick Alex for that position you haven’t been paying attention. They will pick someone who is more in line with Tony, Kellie and Joy. Nice try though. That was why Julie needed to win that seat but instead you all decided to attack each other. All that energy should have been helping Julie. One day you will all learn.

    1. Everyone knows Alex will not be chosen but good on him for stepping up and making them say no. Mali is rumored to be the hands-down favorite. And you can stand behind Julie while she looks in the mirror to see why she lost.

    2. Already heard she's not the pick....

    3. Is this really a rumor, or what people are freaking about potentially happening?

    4. I'd say people are cautiously freaked out. Realizing it's a rumor but also realizing that there's nothing they would put past Blakespear and now Kranz.

    5. If there is a vote, I could see her running. I bet she could win.

    6. There should be a vote. And if the people want her, they will deserve what they get.

    7. I don't think the council will appoint and choose Mali, just becasue she's been the subject of criticism online and at meetings. Its difficult to tell how much what happens online affects reality, but I'm pretty sure there would be a considerable number of upset people (many of who may not live in Leucadia, but need to have their voice heard about every single issue, big or small). An election would just be between Leucadia residents and the candidates. Who else would be a more obvious winner?

    8. STFU you stupid RACIST.

    9. Please stop referring to the Leucadia district. It is District 1, and includes areas east all the way to Rancho Sante Fe Road.

      Additionally, please recall that earlier this year, the council voted to split up historic Leucadia neighborhoods.

      The most politically active region in the city was split in two. Effectively diluting it's voting power.

    10. Ok. I forgot that D1 went so far east and south. Good luck with your new council member.

  36. Replies
    1. You are a freaking racist for saying that.

    2. Mali. That poser twat blew into gaycadia with her wanna be “ look I found a black friend “ and bang—-she’s a fucking diversity diva. Seriously that bitch could ruin a tv dinner let alone anything political. Then again HINZEEE might be as dry as Mali. They bleed out on Instagram then go back into their crypt of misery and depression.

  37. Barth is a cheap imitation of Blakespear.

  38. Right. A bipolar one.

  39. Ehlers was the prime mover and wrote Prop A. That doesn't square with the accusation that he's a Blakespear puppet. Plus, she axed him from the Planning Commission.

  40. Has the lions share of EU and especially the entire city council (save for 1) become a bunch of Kim Prather clones?

    For those not paying attention Kim Prather is the woman who claims to be a "scientist" who still wears a mask and was claiming that ocean spray from breaking waves was going to infect the world and kill everyone within 100 miles of the ocean.

    queen gaslightentist


  42. Watching the council meeting? La Costa. Do you mean La Costa Ave? Leucadia. Do you mean Leucadia Blvd. OMG! Some people and idiot Kranz are lobbying for another too-small roundabout. Roundabouts are great if they're big enough to function as roundabouts are designed to function. Otherwise, they're an impediment to traffic flow. The little ones we have are a very expensive and an unnecessary replacement for stop signs on the little-used cross streets.

    1. Joy for the life of her could not remember that roundabouts there would involve taking of private property so was not an option. Kranz contributed randomly “Everyone knows I LOVE roundabouts!”

    2. yup, only 16k trips a day on La Costa, little

    3. With more projects getting stuffed along that road it’s only going to get worse and yes, you can thank the three sitting goons. If you voted for them then suck it up and enjoy.

    4. 9:36 The cross street is Sheridan. It's little used. WTFU, idiot!

  43. Hinze says we are well served by appointments. She means SHE was well served by the appointment process. Shocked she can move her mouth without Blakespear operating it for her.

  44. I suggest we focus on getting rid of Kranz in 2024, as well as Hinze. They are a joke. What a shitshow. The only decent person up there tonight was Ehlers. Let's get rid of the others ASAP. We have spent over 17 million on Pacific View and they are concerned about $250,000 for an election.

  45. Kranz did as expected: He consolidated his power. We can look forward to two more years of Blakespear-style ruination of Encinitas. Paraphrasing Ehlers when Kranz was making appointments or suggesting same: You left me off of everything else, so you might as well leave me off this too. Ehlers was appointed to the most obscure seats or as an alternate. He'll be outvoted and do a lot of suffering as a council member for at least two years.

    1. Hoping he exposes plenty of issues with the others and staff. Weekly dash of cold water in Kranz’s angry mug, Joy’s constant confusion, and Hinze’s self righteousness.

    2. You expect to come in with no seniority and get the top assignments?

      Drama queen.

  46. How do we end up with what we have? At least this time we have a keeper. Two very long years with such representation, or lack there of, will feel much longer.

  47. Kranz came out swinging tonight and it was not a good look. If he is worried about Bruce making him look like an idiot, well he's already doing it for himself.

    1. Let's use these 2 years to find some great candidates. Start tomorrow. Up for Mayor in 2021 is Kranz and HInze. Expose Tony for who he is, a person who got the job because someone else would not take the deal that was presented by the developers. He didn't even get 50% of the vote. But the time to act is now.


    2. Absolutely, 12:33. Find some great candidates who will put to shame the Blakespear legacy mini me four. Expose them for the BIA-fueled sham representatives they are. Tonight was a good start as they showed us they are happy to continue fronting for developers.

      Kranz and Hinze both could benefit from some anger management training for starters. Move on from there and try, just try, to learn how to think. Baby steps.

    3. Mini me 4 = whoever they've already decided they will appoint to continue the reign of terror.

    4. The time to act is now with the recall. The fastest and most effective way to rid ourselves of the asswipe Kranz and friends is to get him recalled ASAP.

      He has already been in office 10 years too long.

      A serious recall will not only remove him from office forever including not being a contender in the 2024 election it will signal to the voters that Hinze is dumb as dirt for supporting the same ignorant policies and the Dunce and the shift will be made.

      Where can I sign the petition to Recall the Dunce?

    5. When will you start the petition to recall? Let us know where we can sign your petition.

  48. Hey they fixed it. Affordable housing is coming!

    Sorry anyone trying to sell their home. Prices are tanking, there will be plenty fo vacancies, and rents will start dropping.

    Oh yeah, and those without cash better have a really stable job, because you good looks are not going to close the deal with our depression that is here.

    Thanks feds for starting this much overdue correction.

    Zero cost of money for 20 years has consequences. Just like voting for your town idiot for mayor. both are going to be both painful for many but fun to watch the predictable collateral damage

    I look forward to buying some more property at about 50% of recent sales price. Pop!

  49. Dr. Nutbird the Martyr has arisen from the dead, and is again posting on EV.

    So what’s the new reason we can’t comment on her moderating skills?

    1. Get your own site and quit complaining about one site on another site?

    2. 6:30 - deflection. fuck off

    3. Sorry, go complain somewhere else. If you don't like EV, then don't be on EV. Election's over, go bother people out in the lineup....

    4. But I thought she was dead.

      She is risen.

      It’s a Christmas miracle.

    5. Talking about somebody passing away, classy move....

    6. Sounds like butthurt Garvin, finally banned from EV.

    7. 12:05,

      We’re talking about resurrection of the Martyr, not death.

  50. Ahhh haaa haaaa - our Dunces actions of being a welcoming City and welcoming all the homeless have shown to be like putting out piles of cheese in a rat infested neighborhood. they are coming.

    Well done Dunce! Even your state hero has recognized the disastrous results and is doing a 180 on his previous policy.

    Not surprised from that loser and I'm not surprised at any of your loser decisions. You have an excuse. You are the Town Dunce.

    Voters like Garvin, Kathleen Lees, John Gjata, and Mali gave us the Town Dunce as mayor and now we live with the consequences.

    Welcome one tweeked out drug addict and welcome all world's need! We here in Encinitas open our home, belongings, and young children to you.

    Kranz supports a homeless shelter in Encinitas. Knowing his past track record, can guess the proposed location? Right next to your house. “Mr. Kranz affirmed this summer when asked that he supports establishing a homeless shelter in Encinitas. After an overnight in a shelter, where will the homeless spend their time in the day?”

    Kranz led the effort to make Encinitas a “Welcoming City” and to make it legal to park and van life it in front of your house.

    Haaa Ahhh ahhh hhaaaaa ha! So good.

    1. Hey Jeff: If I were you, and thank God I'm not, I would make sure I got to my TRO meeting on time at the courthouse and preparing to give up your guns. The next step is a 5150. Some of us are sick of your shit. You lost, get over it.

    2. Jeffy…. Cut back on whatever makes you write this batty stuff…. Also have you considered releasing digital trading cards of yourself in heroic poses? $9.99 a pop.

  51. Low rent ghetto apartments brought to you by the loser left.
    Threatened under a lawsuit from the leftist run state of california, Insaneitas is on the cusp of low buck renters which "always" bring crime. Always. Tic Toc you fools, it's comin'

    1. What lawsuit? Use your words.

    2. How is Bobby Nickels lawsuit going?

    3. Hey @8:44 because if history has taught us anything it’s that privileged high income people NEVER commit crimes… 😂

      The only crime here is your ongoing ignorance. Tucker broke your pea brain…

    4. 8:58, the a.g of califonria bonta, another leftist whacko sent a letter to the mayor of insaneitas threatening a lawsuit if the whimps in the council didn't o.k a the goodson ghetto apartments.
      It is...a matter of fact., are probably one of those low buckers.

  52. you bunch of whiny bitches maybe need to get outside every once in a while instead of wringing your hands about the same five talking points in response to every issue and post anyone puts up here

  53. The MWD just declared a water emergency. raising rates and limiting use. Meanwhile, Encinitas continues uncontrolled growth under the phony premise of "affordable housing". Brought to you by the former mayor Blakespear and her poodle Speedy G and a compliant city council. And the irony is that she was rewarded by being elected to a higher office! As you shell out more for your allotment of scarce water and sit in grid locked traffic due to infrastructure overload, thank those that have lined their pockets with the bribes from the building industry.

    1. Anyone watching last night would have caught "zero backyard setbacks" for split lots. Brought to you by Blakespear & clones.

  54. I saw 4' setbacks on the plans which is as much an abomination as zero setbacks. Almost. For some reason, duh, the height limits were missing for these backyard domiciles.

    A single lot split can turn into 8 units. 4 units per split lot. So much for our single family residence neighborhoods.

    But, but, but, infill density helps with our climate as our former mayor and now state senator claimed. I could never figure that premise out. I guess it is just me.

    1. The presentation showed 0' for back yard setbacks. Side yards were 4'.

      Notice how the council first thought it was four units per parcel and it finally came out that it's actually eight? Typical obfuscation from staff and laziness from council, Ehlers excepted. Roy has to be nervous.

    2. This city government is worthless and clueless. Owned by the BIA.

    3. “I could never figure that premise out”


      I figured it out immediately.

  55. What was up with Gonzo's disjointed "remember when" speech that still managed to include a warning to the new council. His benefactor Blakespear is gone and mini me Kellie is no Catherine no matter how hard she stomps her tiny feet. Anyone know what he was getting at??

  56. I was simply reminding Bruce and others that we haven't always been on opposite sides of issues and that it's only a matter of time before he pisses off a bunch of his supporters and they turn on him. It's the "compass versus weather vane" speech I've given to many newly elected officials.

    Bruce was elected on a platform focused on anti-growth and anti-Goodson, basically land use issues. The problem for him will be that this NIMBY position is espoused both by Republicans and self-proclaimed conservationist Democrats. On the vast majority of issues that come up however, Bruce will likely vote with the Dems, and this is going to piss off all the Republicans who thought they would be getting one of their own on the council.

    I could be wrong, of course, but wanted to throw it out there so I can remind him when a bunch of his current supporters start slinging mud at him.

    1. How thoughtful of you to take time out to deliver your message of doom! Well just know that your "reminder" came off as weird and anxious, likely because your benefactor wasn't up there hanging on your every word.

      You can hope Ehlers "pisses off a bunch of his supporters" but you what you don't seem to get is that even if we don't like it, he will always rely on code and law, never the "interpretations" that you and staff favor. I don't see him pulling a Barth, Shaffer, Kranz, Blakespear and forgetting what he campaigned on so I suspect you'll come away disappointed. They didn't leave him over unpopular votes on the planning commission but you can dream, right?

      Too tired of your lying no growth/NIMBY labels so won't even bother. They play well with the E4E crowd so there's that.

    2. What about the code that says the council “shall” fill vacancies?


    3. Watch the replay to learn about the options. Then you won't embarrass yourself quite so badly.

    4. “Shall” is pretty clear. No interpretation needed.

    5. Well you might like to hear the city attorney's opinion or just stick with your own. Embarrassing.

    6. Bruce is a force dealing with a farce.

  57. 2:56 - My "interpretations" of code and law happen to be those that are supported by the folks who wrote the law and the courts who interpret them. In fact, I had a very public disagreement with Bruce about some of the Density Bonus state law interpretations he was pushing back when he was on Planning Commission... all of which he turned out to be wrong about. At some point you'll wake up and realize the City Council hasn't got the power you think it does so long as the State is frustrated with Encinitas's compliance with housing laws.

    1. Marco your problem is that your reputation for lying outright and by omission precedes you. You can say whatever you like, but and unless the reader is the most ardent Kool-Aid drinker, they will not believe you.

      Let me ask you this: Bruce has been on the planning commission for 20 years now. He has been a steady compass and never weathervane. His supporters have not left him in two decades. What leads you to think that that will change now?

    2. He's fearmongering, ignore.

    3. While it is true the CC Council cannot ignore the laws of the State Housing, I'm curious as to what you get Marco, out of saying ya na ya na, if it goes bad. I'm wondering because you in a lot of ways are a really nice person and it seems as if you are being pretty petty here. Question that came up at the Council meeting. If we were a Charter City instead of a General Law City could we get around some of the higher density laws? Curious as to your thoughts. Thanks. And you are better than acting like a former Mayoral candidate.

  58. Bruce was our only hope on this council of BIAspear puppets and he has voted with them 94% of the time. Time to recall Ehlers as he's just another fraud owned by developers.

    1. Where do I sign?

    2. Ehlers was just elected to the council. How could he have voted with them at all? He was a planning commissioner, then the chair of the commission until Bleakspear kicked him off.

    3. Most of the electorate voted against Ehlers.

    4. Huh? Make stuff up while you’re at it, developer shill.

  59. Remember when Marco said this to Voice of San Diego?

    1. Yep!! Notice he abandoned the “brown people” race card? What was that, two or more years ago he dropped it?” Doesn’t play well with his developer clients?
