Saturday, December 31, 2022

Saturday open thread

 Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year fellow citizens who care to inform themselves.

    Thank you WC or whoever runs this blog these days for providing this forum.

    We get all kinds that test our patience and our bs detector, but overall, we are lucky to have this blog where all are welcomed.

  2. Follow up to that comment. Let's stop the comments and attacks on women in the new year. The election is over, the result will not change. Move on with your lives...

    1. Sorry Garvin that’s so freaking off. We will slow down on providing facts as soon as we get rid of the town dunce mayor. She/it is the worst. Claiming local roots when the loser is a transplant like so many of us, but not all and you don’t hear the locals crying roots like the dunce. But we expect failures from the Dunce always.

      PS- you are a much better fit on the east coast.

    2. LOL, definitely not Garvin....

    3. Yes, let’s all put women out of bounds for criticism or jokes, because they are weak and fragile, and unable to take it.

      It’s very important if you consider yourself a feminist that you dedicate yourself to protecting and sheltering our women and girls from anything difficult or uncomfortable.

    4. It would be really feminist to have police enforce a rule that their hair must be covered in public at all times, to protect and shelter them from male comments about their appearance.

  3. Yes to 10:54 and 12:08!

  4. We all know the source of those body shaming attacks. May the new year bring some long ignored clarity to him and his lemmings.

    1. He can’t even hold up his end of the agreement to move to Hawaii. He much rather just beat up on his family. 👎

    2. Stan should listen to the song Date Rape by Sublime to get ready for his pokey time.

  5. In the new year, my hopes are for people to see thru the bee ess about electric cars, the lies of raising seas, man made global warming and rest of the nonsense lies.
    My goal for the believers is to wake up and die right.
    You've been lied to for over 40 years and please try to figure it out on your own without my help. WAKE UP!!!!

    1. I hope you continue in your fantasy wonderland. Electric cars are awesome.

    2. And solar is even better!!

    3. 2:47 Virtually all EU readers will be happy to not have your help. You are the most ignorant person in Encinitas. When provided with overwhelming evidence that you're wrong, you deny it. You must be brain dead.

    4. Remember that time when you were repeatedly asked to provide links to peer reviewed science in a reputable journal on which you based your opinion, and you came out of it looking like a dum, anti-science, willfully ignorant, slack-jawed yokel?

      I do.

      Good times.

    5. Dude you just made half this town run to their safe spaces to hug their body pillows!!! We only have 97 yoga places so go easy on reality man.

    6. 1:18

      My Pillows and ComfySlippers use promo Code POSO!

  6. Everybody who has committed crimes in Encinitas should be held accountable. Those who have falsely accused people of crimes, should be held accountable.

  7. My hopes for you 2:47pm are that you achieve some clarity of mind and recognize the dire position our Mother Earth is in.

    Look beyond yourself and this community and you will see the changes that fossil fuel usage and other polluting sources since the Industrial Age has done to our planet. Manmade. Yep. Pointing out some stated mistaken time lines means nothing. Ask those living in the Arctic or the Islands in the Pacific. They are not sinking. The water is rising. Just because it doesn't happen here as drastically as other places, it surely will and all the sooner if ignored by ignorant science deniers.

    I know your response already for the bs it is always is.

    1. So, the oceans aren't connected??? Ohhh' I see now.
      How could I have been so ignorant? You don't use electricity from SDG&E? plastic trash bags, plastic trash cans, plastic anything?, computers, phones?
      You people are so full of crap it astounds me.

    2. “ So, the oceans aren't connected?”

      It took me about eight seconds on Google to find you a scientific answer to your question from a reputable source.

      You don’t have to stay a dumb anti-science ignoramus.

      In fact it’s pretty easy to find the answers to your questions. You should try it.

      So, the oceans aren't connected?

    3. Here’s your answer:

    4. You def took 3 shots a 4 boosters. Your brand of dumb is rare. Move to vista or village park (same thing) and hold a sign that says—the end is coming sooner due to my retarded beliefs—that would be doing something.

    5. If you’re going to disparage science and medicine, go all the way. Next time you’re in a car accident or feel a lump under your arm, don’t go to a hospital. You know more than them anyway. Just use your intuition.

  8. My new year's resolution is to identify as a woman so residents will no longer be able to classify me as a chauvinist...I can then reek more havoc in 2023. But should I worry, with my new sexual identity, I'll then be a target for the moron?

    1. It’s “wreak.” Maybe have a resolution to learn correct spelling and punctuation.

    2. On the East coast. You suck.

    3. 10:26...I too will identify as a women. I then can join the Navy and walk around in the white house in heels.
      maybe hook up butt-ajudge for some real action.
      Continue to help ruin America with bad decisions over and over, print more money and let another million illegals into the country and give them all free cell phones.

    4. If you want to ruin America, then vote for the party that has made red states poorer, sicker, less educated, more likely to die in shootings, more likely to have a broken down car in your yard, more polluted, more racist, with less innovation, more opioid addicted, and more dependent on federal government spending.

      If you doubt any one of these claims, please ask. I have the data to back it up.

    5. and the minion continue with the battle between red and blue- Right and Left just like the 0.01% controllers keep in place to maintain order. Good job minion keep focused on your team and don't address the your real controllers. Ha!

    6. The Green Party representative has spoken.

    7. 10:12- nope. Independent all the way.

    8. 10:17, just like Thunder (cough cough).

    9. I didn't point to a party. But, my references apparently identified the America hating side.

    10. Gotcha. So that would be the side that tried to kidnap a governor, attacked an FBI office, sent fraudulent slates of electors from states they lost, attacked our Capitol, threatened the families of local election workers, lost law licenses making bogus claims in court, stole classified documents, and bludgeoned police officers with the American flag?

      I agree. That’s all very anti-America.

  9. I will identify as a furry, and will continue to fight for furry rights!

  10. Furry cognition appears to be your site of mind. You have the choice to not be uninformed. Take it.

    1. What an illogical comment. How do you know my state of being informed or uninformed?

  11. This is just like the beach bluff lawsuit.

    The National Park Service needs to be sued. There should be rangers keeping everyone at least a hundred yards from all cliffs in Yosemite. All roads need to be closed it moved immediately. There need to be big signs everywhere. Because nothing is just an accident anymore. It’s always someone’s fault.

    And if anyone climbs the fence and gets hit by a train, then there needs to be a lawsuit, and the fence needs to be much taller with concertina wire on top.

    Bad Luck, Shit Happens, and Personal Responsibility are outdated concepts.


    2. Ever notice how when things happen, someone always needs to be blamed and sued. Like the couple in Yellowstone in the pickup. People are so dependent on fault, they have no sense, common or otherwise.

    3. I hope your venting helps… not sure yet why you went off on that point?

      If people are too close to the cliff, they should fall off… OK ramble on bologna head

    4. They were driving on the 140. Read your own article...

    5. Close Yosemite. Too dangerous. The two people killed in the rockfall deserve $1B USD each.

  12. Uninformed is your choice and logic plays no part with your state of cognition. The illogical mind is yours. Why anyone would continually broadcast such ignorance is illogical.

    1. OK. you win at losing. Loser. I hope you are on welfare, because I fire employees with dipshit minds and I know most other employers do too.

  13. 2:03- you might wanna stop while you’re behind. Every time you post you sound more and more stupid.

  14. Wow- Streetscape is really doing well during these rains.
    $40 MUSD buys some awesome moats. As someone living west of the 101, I was comfortable with the fencing to keep the other side away but with the moat, the others can jump the fence but not make it to the beach without wading through the street sewer.
    I also like the way the 4X4 timbers are holding up. Yes, nearly all have been unseated and turned or broken from the line-up but they have not been stolen - which is awesome. Well done Leucadia!
    Hopefully, all understand that Cardiff plans to pull ~2 MUSD of the $40 MUSD for dog fountains along the amazing walking trail. There will be dog fountains every 300' from Swamis to Seaside Market. It will be AMAZING.

    1. Yep that’s Kranz.

      Cardiff demands gold and Kranz demands shit for Leucadia.

      Luckily the first part was done with concrete and the roundabouts is done pretty good. All of the parking lots and DG pathways are complete ghetto. By cheating out on the Streetscape, leucadia is getting ghettoscape.

      Complete bullshit. Just another reason to recall the Town Dunce.

  15. A similar ban on empty ear piercing deadly diesel cancer causing
    trains would be nice. Right?

  16. Replies
    1. poor guy. He must be late to everything and in very poor health if he rides the cancer causing ghost train.

  17. Day 2 of 2023 and Encinitas Votes is not yet private. C’mon push the button LG. I still don’t think she will, her call to the public to request their inclusion reads like an ego flex/ cry for attention depending how you look at it.

    Happy 2023 Encinitas. Nobody is requesting the homeless come to town, it’s a problem that plagues the entire country. The social safety net is thinner than ever.

    Let Tony do his job.

    1. 7:52- that’s complete bullshit. Time and time again that is BIA in the town dance have made open calls to the homeless and all of the worlds Refugees. We are a welcoming City and Tony had passed ordinances, which allow people to camp in front of your house.

      The only thing Tony can do from here on out, is resign or be recalled. That idiot has done way too much harm for Encinitas.

      The call was made, and the worlds homeless are here and coming big time.

    2. * Time and time again BIA and the town dunce have made open calls to the homeless and all of the worlds Refugees. Elections have consequences and 47% at gave us his asshole are the cause.

      Now it’s time for the 53% majority to take actions to correct your mistake.

    3. Everyone knew it wasn't going to happen. She's pulled the same stunt before. It's always about her and a smaller private group won't generate the necessary ego stroking.

    4. “The call was made” 😂

    5. 9;47. If you had any brains you’d know that she didn’t say the 2nd. She gave people until the 15th to let them know who wants in the private group. You’re obsessed with Lorri is getting just like Morris. You are blocked from EV so how do you know it’s open? Why don’t you STFU about Lorri and be brave enough to put your name on your posts?

    6. In your mind, do you think Tony calls each homeless person individually and personally invites them to town or is more of a bat signal/ Gotham City type of deal?

    7. Everyone was unblocked from EV so save your pathetic attempt at defending Loonie. Making an anonymous comment complaining about anonymity. 🤣🤪🤣

  18. Then explain “the call” Dr. Professor Rocket Scientist. How is Tony Kranz summoning the destitute of the world to Encinitas,California. Follow up question…. Why?

    And please leave out 53%, any mention of trains and recalls.

    Clock starts NOW.

    1. Join the strong majority of Encinitas Votes that supports removing the Town Dunce from office.

      The majority is 53% and growing!


    2. Explain the call yet? How is Tony making Encinitas a homeless destination? Show your work to the class please!

  19. Diesel trains worked if you have no where to go, don't mind polluting and give kids cancer, and you live in the 1800s.

    If you want to continue destroying Encinitas, keep the Town Dunce as mayor.

    If you want positive change, join the Recall the Dunce campaign.

    - Mother Earth 🌎

  20. The Town Dunce's masters have spoken,

    “The housing shortage is as serious as it has been and we really need to have as many opportunities as possible to build near transit,” said Matt Adams, a spokesperson for the local chapter of the Building Industry Association.

    Even as many residents with assets are moving out of San Diego and the housing market is crashing.

    California Leavin'! Golden State is warned there's no end in sight to mass exodus of businesses amid skyrocketing taxes
    The rate at which businesses left California in 2021 was twice that of 2020 and 2019 and three times higher than in 2018, according to a new report
    It was revealed in a report by the Hoover Institute at Stanford University

    Businesses in California are fleeing the state at a rapid pace amid skyrocketing taxes - and, according to new research, there is 'no end in sight.'

    The rate at which businesses are leaving California more than doubled in 2021 from the previous year, according to a new report from the Hoover Institute at Stanford University.

    The report revealed that 153 companies moved their headquarters last year, which was twice as many as the 75 that left in 2020 and 2019 and more than triple the 46 that left in 2018.

    Home prices tanking - San Diego County home prices drop for sixth straight month,median%20home%20price%20was%20%24850%2C000.

    Looks like people are purposely moving out of densely developed Cities, yet our Town Dunce's actions is converting Encinitas into more a high density land use while inviting the homeless.

    Oh Well, you can't take the Dunce out of Town Dunce now can you 🤷🏽‍♀️?

    1. And increase the "nearby transit" distance to 1 mile.

    2. 7:05 Nobody reads your ridiculously long posts or goes to the links you include. A little goes a long way. Your posts don't.

  21. 9:50- your loss Mr. negative. I feel sorry for your family. 😘

  22. Vebosity is not a value many tolerate. You have that covered in spades. Try some editing for a change and see how the responses may become more favorable.

    1. By what? congratulating me on a well written post.

      Sorry, it’s not worth my time. Get a life.

  23. I know. I meant verbosity.

  24. No more bickering amongst ourselves. Just stop.
    Treat the cities bad judgements as our enemy. The building of ghetto low rent apartments so even poor people can live at the beach, the same that didn't work hard to get there. It's a plan to ruin your life style, the life style you worked hard for. And guess who/what is at the foundation of it all. The America hating left. Exactly like the lie of "man made global warming"
    Don't believe me? Read the new book "Green Fraud".
    Then maybe you'll see thru the haze of lies. The lies I've been telling people for the last 30 years

  25. 6:23 Finally an intelligent voice of reason in the house! I guess there are a couple of us! Thank You!

  26. More likely, you are looking into a mirror and talking to yourself. Again.

    The America loving left knows the truth you choose to ignore. Tell us which party are the traitors to our democracy? Which party supports an authoritarian regime for America? Which party wants a sharia style rule over our freedom of choice?

    You and your kind are the frauds that hate America.

    1. I will always take the time out of a day to “bicker” w/ANYONE who is backwards enough to use the phrase “ghetto apartments” and claim somehow that lower income people don’t deserve to live in Encinitas because they don’t work hard enough?

      Okay boomer… look, why not peel off the facade and just say “I’m a scared old white person afraid of a changing world….”

      Your attitude is petty. Your solutions are impractical. Turn up the Fox News and stay angry.

    2. 3:58, allow me to wise you up. The democratic party has been taken over by world factions to bring down the U.S. Sadly this alone needs to be explained to you.
      Try if you will to look back and see how the change has ruined the party. Then, look at the bigger picture, with 2.5millions illegals since the Alzheimer's buffoon took office, fentanyl, men in womens clothes in the white house. It goes on and on. Please do yourself a favor. Wake up.

  27. 7:25 low income ghetto apartments it will remain. I never expected to live at the beach when I was starting out. I did jobs to get ahead that were so filthy you cannot imagine.
    Year after year hard work. So screw you, I earned it and NEVER asked anyone for low income rent.
    People just like you ruin things for all of us that have worked our asses off to get to where we are today.

    1. @8:22 your “I’ve got mine, fuck y’all” attitude says it all. It’s who you are. You lack, it would seem, empathy. That’s a failed human in my book. Did you spend the money Gavin mailed out?

      @8:13 which would you say are LOUDEST: trains, the new world order black helicopters circling your bunker or the voices in your head?

      Things change folks. Better for some, not better for some. This is a real fact. T-shirts we’re once considered underwear. There was a time in our history when it would have been scandalous to walk around in public in your underwear. As you go about your day today, assuming you leave home, take a look around at all the people in their underwear. You may even be one of them.

    2. 8:53, did I spend "my tax money" that the twitchy creep mailed out? It was my money, why wouldn't I?
      Do you invite low income into your home? Ya' sure

  28. 8:53 Whatever you say Amanda🙄. You might want to think about joining the mean girl bitter old hags club and “bicker” all day long. You’d fit right in.

