Friday, December 16, 2022

Over residents' objections, council votes to appoint itself a supermajority

As predicted.

From an observer of Wednesday's council proceedings:

Speaker after speaker urged the council to turn over a new leaf and do the democratic thing by holding an election. The council predictably voted to appoint, with Bruce Ehlers opposing. A few highlights:

Joy cited the burden of paperwork put on those who might want to run, thinking that folks would not apply because the process was too onerous. Even though she had gone through the process herself and was elected, she was deciding for others that this same option was not available to them.

Kellie said that anyone could apply. Bruce was ready for that nonsense using himself as an example. He explained how although he won D4 by a large margin, a council that had just fired him from the Planning Commission would never have considered his application had Joe stepped down early and left his D4 seat suddenly vacant. Kranz didn't like that scenario and tried to argue that Bruce's math was wrong. Kranz stopped trying when the audience got frisky with him. Kellie was vehement in expressing her wish for a unanimous vote to appoint the fifth person - trained well by Blakespear! If it was supposed to be a stern warning to Bruce, news flash, Kellie: it ain't gonna work.

Kranz predictably cited election cost as a factor even though multiple speakers said that the estimated $250K-$400K would be a drop in the bucket to ensure democracy, and especially when compared with the costly trophy and "improvement" projects this council throws its money around on.

Believe the appointment application deadline is January 11, something like that, with the meeting to appoint held on either January 18 or 25.

Hope that gives you a flavor of same old, same old. In general, the remaining three have nowhere the punch or command that Blakespear demanded. Kranz is attempting to seem reasonable, Joy has replaced Joe for Deputy Rambler, and Kellie is trying to channel Blakespear's control of the council much like a 5 year old tries to walk in her mom's shoes. Not working for her.


  1. Over the objections of a vocal minority of Encinitas voters… the folks who lost in the election.

    1. Really? Cyrus Kamada, Blakespear supporter, spoke first and powerfully against appointment. Same goes for Kathleen Lindeman and other died in the wool progressives. What a blow that must've been to Kranz who counts on unquestioning support from such usual supporters. He should see the warning signs, but there's no way he'll defy his marching orders.
      The supporters for appointment were notably a Blakespear supporting planning commissioner and L101 representative. And let's not forget Ron Dodge, ever grateful to Kranz for removing L7 as part of their back room deal.

  2. Alex being a career lifeguard somewhere not here isn't relevant experience. He's just another fresh off the boat resident that's been here 5 minutes and thinks he knows what this city is about.
    He's done nothing but bitch about the state of things with no practical solutions. Then again that's what the bitter crones love to see in a candidate. The stench of Thunder, Turney and Cremona oozes from his every pore so he will never be elected here for anything. Ehlers will probably throw him a bone to please his supporters. With any luck he will run in 2024 ensuring another progressive candidate win.

    1. 5:36 "Somewhere" is City of San Diego you may or may not have heard of it. He's also a trained firefighter.

      Lemme guess, your pick is Mali? You want FOB it's her but without a fraction of the experience and brain of Riley.

    2. 5:36 Alex needs to stay away from any run in 2024.

    3. 2024 - Thunder for Mayor, Riley for D1 and another retread TBD for D2. Unfortunately it's unlikely to be Turney but close enough to be another clean sweep like 2020.

  3. Meeting observer's comments are spot on. 5:36 is an ignorant fool.

    1. And it votes. Probably a renter or a neighbor of hinZEEEEEEE in that disgustingly ugly shit town known as village park.

      Yet another new poser low rent shit stain with his Obama phone glued to its ugly mug 24/7.

      This blog is fucking lame. Train guy. Ballsack bounce swamiis kook and the various desert dry vag blue hairs who hate everything except what thier political party tells them to care for. Critical thinking? Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaa. Hooman knows orange man bad, mongo must eat , Kamala sucking shriveled blue pill doingers all good with these old bags. Most are lez. It’s super hip to be shucking clams and ganging up on those successful white men who wouldn’t give them attention ever so now-white man bad. Mongo hungray

  4. “Over residents’ objections”


    The 10 whiners who bitch and moan at every council meeting are not representative of the residents as a whole.

    Most residents have stuff to do, and elected the current council to follow the code “shall appoint” and take care of business.

    1. Oh no the shall ass is back! Watch the meeting, doofus! Listen to the city attorney. Or um just keep making up your own reality!

    2. Most residents are ignorant of what goes on in city government. That's why jerks get elected and reelected.

  5. Bruce. Braveheart.

  6. One sees on the meeting one way and others see it another. I assume they were all there in person, as was I. I also assume the city tool whoever he/she is comes off as compromised and has an agenda, the city's agenda, some paid, some not. Maybe some expecting to be rewarded for their adherence to the agenda.

    Was there a future D1 council member sitting there? Hmmmm

    The residents who give of their time expecting some, any consideration, then get skunked, but not really unexpected at the same time. We have a few public heroes who regularly stand up for our futures. They deserve better than to be called whiners and bitches by some city mouthpiece.

    I guess it is T'is the season for all, high and low minded.

  7. I watched the Encinitas last city council meeting this week. It’s freaking hilarious.

    Our Town Dunce in his first presentation tells all of the City employees that they really don’t matter and the only ones that he respects is the 🔥 princesses. And he encourages the continual rotational promotion to chief to maximize their golden retirement programs and continue the raping of the taxpayers.

    I felt so bad he specifically called out IT and Community Development Services and others that really don’t matter. You should all get ready for a pay cut and or being laid of because the cities budget is in terrible conditions due to the lack of knowledge on counsel and the continual putting money towards unnecessary pet projects like the Karen’s finger painting station on the beach. Plus all the hundreds of millions being drained do to the settlements of negligence like Roberta Walker and Dr. Worley.

    Now Leucadia you should be proud of yourself for supporting a town dunce that took $7 million and gave it to a super expensive long term anchor of the city instead of addressing safety conditions on Vulcan and LaCosta.

    Encinitas is fucked. Get a dunce cap for that Town Dunce.

    Every day the Town Dunce is Mayor is a bad day for Encinitas. Where can I sign the petition to recall the Town Dunce? We have 53% of the voters that will support it.

  8. And Encinitas has a POS Town. Dunce problem.

    Where can I sign the recall the Town Dunce petition?

  9. Everything is going perfectly to plan (you racist fvcks)

    1. Agreed Mali. I am so glad you came to save us from all these entitled white piece of shit long time residents.

      Welcome all newbies and fuck all the old residents over 3 years. It's a new day under Mayor Dunce.

  10. here is the real problem. The town Dunce invite all the national tweekers and all the world homeless to Encinitas for free living.

    who wouldn't' t come?

    They are coming and will not stop anytime soon.

    Nice invite Town Dunce.

    1. Call Tony a dunce all you like, and you will, but always remember while you are doing it that the guy you call a dunce dusted Jeffy, Cindy and Mr. Beyond. Ya’ll were beaten by a dunce. So what does that make you, other than perpetually angry?

    2. Ha…. Like everything else in Tony’s life he didn’t do shit and when he dies it’s bad decisions. I’m pretty sure someone other than Tony figured it out to get Jeff to run to split the citizens vote.

      Everyone knows the incumbent has the name recognition and there’s a ton of an informed butters in Encinitas.

      For Tony to have 53% of the voters vote against him is the telling sign.

      The town dunce sucks. People like newbie, carbon newbie, Mallory and old school. Idiots like John Gjata, and Kathleen Lee’s are the assholes who helped put the town dunce in the top position of mayor.

      For me, I just thought I was sad to see a cool family orientated beach town get converted to another shitty LA style beach town hall for developer profits.

      Encinitas Kevin cooler Than Laguna Blvd., Cupertino or any coastal city but no….. Kranz wants to turn it into a shitty river side by the beach.

      Angry? Not really sad disappointed and ready to recall Kranz. Hell yeah.!

      I just can’t wait for some group led by Sheila Cameron, or some group like the one that led the prop. A vote starts the citizens initiative to recall the Town Dunce.

      Just watched the last City Council meeting and watch the Dunce in action. His doofus bad decisions speak for themselves.

      I love how he comes out of the gate and tells all of the city employees that they’re worthless and the only one that he respects is the fire princesses.

      That Hass to be really great feeling for the rest of the city staff. When you just love it, if your boss told you, you are worthless. That my friends is classic Town Dunce material.

      Can’t wait till the next time the town dance opens his mouth. If he does managed to stay in office for two years, it’s going to be super fun to watch the shit show and watch Encinitas get absolutely decimated.


    3. 8:58 “I’m pretty sure someone other than Tony figured it out to get Jeff to run to split the citizens vote.”

      Yup, that someone would be both Thunder and Walsh. All Kranz had to do was sit back and count his 47%.

      This town shouldn’t forget the gift that keeps on giving from the two interlopers who flung Morris into the race.

      But let’s not forget the regular whiners who hedged their bet with Thunder, not Cremona. They bet wrong. Again.

      Keep backing the losers folks and that’s how we’ll always end up. Losing.

      It’s going to be a great two years for you whiners. And a terrible two years for the residents.

    4. I have to say, the Thunder thing was pretty damn funny. She thought she was a shoo in, and started fucking around and not supporting the citizens interest to secure a real Mayor, and not end up with a dunce.

      Thunder and Garvin totally fucked the citizens of Encinitas.

      Now we have a literal dunce running our city and telling the city employees that they suck. That’s a great way to get employees motivated. WTF?

      Just watched the first council meeting. It’s freaking hilarious. I love the shit show.❤️❤️❤️

    5. Good point. Thunder was too invested in her cat fight with Cremona instead of focusing on running her campaign on real issues. Loved her whining about Lyndes’s PAC when her own PAC was advertising those awful puppet caricatures early on and often. Talk about hypocrisy. Between playing victim and her 60 year old Heidi pigtails I’m surprised her loss gap was so narrow.

    6. 😂😂🤣

      This is way too funny. Now ocean side looks like a well run city compared to the City Of Encinitas .

      Before we had a clown council.

      Now we have one logical councilmember with Ehlers, and will have three bozos, and a dunce leading the effort. Absolutely fantastic.


    7. Spot on 1208. What’s sad is Thunder learned nothing from her failed mayoral campaign. Telling everyone you’re an independent than getting yourself photographed at the republican women’s luncheon is about as smart as investing in Barstow real estate because of its charming beach vibe.

    8. 12:29 or stubbornly hanging with and taking the advice of avowed right winger Walsh. She not only didn’t learn from her 2020 mistakes, she doubled down.

      Just as well. She would have sold out too. In fact, she already did.

    9. Thunder was never going to win. She’s a Trumper, and that’s out of step with an area filled with educated, enlightened, joyful, fit, economically successful people.

      She tried to cover it up. But the secret was out.

      The Republican brand will continue to lose at the local, state, and national levels until they openly reject the backward, anti-science, and anti-democracy wing of the party.

    10. The Democrat and Republican party and our Town Dunce all suck!

    11. I'm not joyful, fit or rich, but I been done have read a book once...

    12. Thunder is radioactive and too dense to realize it. She and her clown posse of advisors think she actually did better this election so look for another losing run in 2024.

  11. 47% is all it took to win. Imagine if it were just jeffy vs. Tony. Tony would have had 75% of the vote.

    And I’m pretty sure Jeff squeaked out the idea to run from his own troubled mind. Really. Explain why Julie “I ran against EVERYTHING Blakespear stands for and LOST” two years ago only to secretly come up with a plan to inject the human Grenade Morris and help elect a guy who is aligned with Blakespear?

    It makes no sense.

    1. It does if she thought aligning with Kranz would help her win. That’s where Garvin Walsh came in or so she thought. She also made it well known she would not support Cremona. She was pitching for him as was Kim Morris and Garvin Walsh when the ONV petition was going around last year. Thunder was readily conveying Tony’s change of heart to anyone who would listen.

      Thunder is best friends with Kim Morris. Jeff couldn’t have been a more perfect foil. Unelectable but too arrogant to know it.

      Thunder also can’t keep her mouth shut. Many folks knew about her ‘deal’ with Kranz. Sadly, many knew it and made the mistake of supporting her anyway.

      Tony let them hang themselves by their own egos. He played them like the fools they were.

    2. And why would Tony help a person who aimed to take a wrecking ball to his agenda? Julie hasn’t budged on her opinions?

      Just like why would Tony NOT appoint t a person who he could count on to get stuff done?

      Having Julie around him is counter productive and Cindy still would have lost because the Morrisistas Wouldn’t have her

    3. "Count on to get stuff done" means backroom dealing before majority votes. Lazy Kranz may actually have to do some work, no more staff slipping him the answers behind closed doors.

    4. So Thunder & Garvin were played by Kranz, but somehow Kranz is the biggest idiot of the bunch? I don't think so.

  12. 2:27- it already been clearly explained.

    You are just spouting gibberish.

  13. Who is crazy eyes Cameron aligned with?

    Is she part of the mean girls?

    1. Sheila has done more for this town than a basement dweller like you will accomplish in your entire lifespan...

    2. OK. Please answer the question. Thanks.

  14. Hey, morons! The election is over. Stop screwing up the blog by rehashing it with your falsehoods and speculation. Move on fer chrissakes! We have the present and the future to deal with.

    1. Uh, the present and the future is determined by the morons from the past!

      Never forget!

    2. That’s right.

      Current upfront focus is to recall the Town Dunce.

  15. 2:56pm. Sliming as always. You know no other way. It is you. It your life. It is your reputation. What a piece of ...... work.

    1. Marvy karma. Baby, karma… 🙏

  16. Hey, Hey, Hey.... how we digress.....


    Current upfront focus is to recall the Town Dunce

  17. We heard the same recall bullshit about Blakespear for years. It’ll be the same with Kranz. All babble, complaints and whining. No recall.

  18. I never heard recall stuff about Blakespear. I’m calling BS. She had a following of around 50%. Kranz has a following well below 50%.

    Remember, we just had an election and 53% of the voters voted against Tony Kranz.

    53% do not want a Town dunce as mayor.

    The sooner we have the recall, the better, and Tony is removed from office. If we let him sit there for two years, he’ll be more difficult to vote out. Remember incumbents have the advantage.

    Recall the Dunce is the best thing to do for R. City.

    1. If you want a recall, 8:50, start the process. Stop calling on somebody else to do it.

  19. In other news, Jeff sure has been quiet lately. Did he move to Hawaii?

    1. I noticed this late night rants either. It's very unlike him.

    2. One of his chickens has come home to roost.

    3. He's been served a cease and desist order by the Sheriff and supposedly hired an attorney who has probably him to button his lip.

    4. Ahhh now it all makes sense. How long do we think BBJ (Best-Behavior-Jeff) will last? I’m thinking we’ll get a nice rant/meltdown shortly after the new year when the shock wears off.

    5. 9:09 do you think bro has a hen house?

    6. 2:26 It's a metaphor. After years of fucking around he is finally finding out.

  20. Hey- what happened to the comments about Dalakranz looking like he had a sour look on his face all the time like trying to hold in explosive diarrhea or something?

    Another comment shared that it looks like he has a cholla cactus stuck-up is ass or maybe he is worried about his twisted personal past coming out… WTF?

    -Recall the cholla cactus lovin Town Dunce

    1. If you talk bad about me on EU I'll have no choice but to shit myself and give you a confused look.

  21. Our Town Dunce sent out the Marketing message loud and clear and they are here and coming even more. Peeing and pooping everywhere....Our dunce is lock step with Mayor Gloria.

    With the new Mayor of Los Angeles declaring war on homelessness, those there will feel right at home in San Diego. A large metropolitan city, where our Mayor has, and continues, to welcome them.

    Another commenter, Ben Giles, suggested the name of all these new encampments; Gloriaville. However it could become confusing with Gloriavilles popping up all over the city. So may I suggest adding a hyphen and community location too. The possibilities are endless.


    Kranz supports a regional homeless shelter in Encinitas and all the other north county cities already know this and are "encouraging" all the homeless towards Encinitas. If you have a pigeon problem and you put out pigeon roosts and endless birdseed what do you think happens?

    ThanksTown Dunce for creating this huge homeless industry here in Encinitas.

    Knowing his past track record, can guess the proposed location? Right next to your house. “Mr. Kranz affirmed this summer when asked that he supports establishing a homeless shelter in Encinitas. After an overnight in a shelter, where will the homeless spend their time in the day?”

    Recall the Town Dunce

  22. Wrong. 53% of the voters voted against the town dunce.

    53% of the voters voted against the town dunce. The town dunce is not, and will never be our mayor.

    The only question is is where and when can I sign the recall of our Town Dunce?

  23. Does anyone know if Better Buzz Coffee accepts credit card or is it cash only? Trying to plan ahead as I just got invited to coffee by Garvin and I know he won't be picking up the bill.

    1. 124= stupid comment. Julie did.

    2. I guess she’s got a good point. There’s plenty of fucking idiots in this town. 47% of the people voted for the Town Dunce.

      53% of us, smart voters will have to recall that numbskull. Recall the Dunce.

    3. 1:57 - plenty have. Once.

    4. 1:57 you must be new here. There's a laundry list of people that have had coffee with that travesty. You sound butt hurt coz you can't get a date with him.

    5. Hardly…. Who the hell would waste their time on such a nothing newbie.

  24. Hey Garvin, Austin Powers called…he wants his wardrobe back

    1. Since we are throwing out random insulting truths. I was surprised that the guy who looks and sounds like grownup Eddie Munster is Alex Riley.

    2. So someone insults Walsh and you "what-about" to Riley? Spoken like a true M Moron.

    3. Both are out of town weirdos who think they are far more intelligent than they really are.

    4. Thanks for the laugh 1:45pm. I, we, all needed a chuckle when all we have to work with is ridicule. So deserving he is.

    5. This one made me laugh. Austin Powers, well done.

  25. 6:52pm. Marvy karma? No. Why bring up the dead? Slimier than an ever mikey, and that is saying something for you.

    Give it a rest, why don't you. All these years it has appeared you have a thing for Sheila to keep bringing her up, as unnatural as it is. Gawd is it ever. Just stop. Try to think before posting such drivel, if it is within you, which I seriously doubt.

    1. Crap. You nailed me. You’re right I like her and specifically her eyes.

  26. So for the sake of argument, if Kranz was actually recalled, who would be Mayor? With the exception of Ehlers, they are all beholden to the developers in this town and elsewhere. They personally never run for office. Neither does Marco, Peck, and others with money or influence. They find someone who will do their bidding. Always be careful of unintended consequences. How do you think Kranz got elected anyway? The first time he ran, he lost. Then miraculously, which has been explained on this blog many times, the next time he won. He was not their first choice, but he took the deal someone else wouldn't. When he went to Israel on JFS's dime, he actually pontificated on his own FB page on how HE would solve the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict. It was both funny and embarrassing. The rich always win and none of this Council is rich by Ecke and Meyers standards. But they can be bought.

    1. That’s like asking if Hershel Walker won in Georgia if he would treat vampires fairly… he didn’t and Tony won’t be recalled.

  27. Can't we just have the people choose who gets to lead Encinitas? Oh that's right we have an election every two years and the people just chose the current council last month. Bbbbut if tttthey only knnnnrew the truuuuuth! Rofl. Maybe spend more time trying to field candidates that aren't shit instead of whining.

    1. 4:34 Candidates worth a shit don't get elected in this town. Check out how much PAC money went into Blakespear all of those years. Added to that the crap they have to endure from people isn't worth it anymore. Didn't always used to be this way, but it is now. There is a way but most people on this blog like to complain and not do anything. When you are actually ready to hear how to do it, let us know and I will put my name on my comments. Until then, no way. I don't like being slandered, libeled, and have my home destroyed. Not worth it unless there is enough of us who are really ready to do it.

    2. And keep the interferers out. How would you personally have dealt with Garvin? Thunder’s machinations with friends? Sincere question.

    3. 5:22- I think this last election proved your point. With Morris's bullshit and people supporting him, such as Julie, Garvin, Kranz and others, it's hardly worth the effort. It would take a very strong person to go against Morris alone. He likes to threaten with guns. And personally, I would rather not be shot. The Sheriff was absolutely useless which is weird IMHO. He was shown so many of Morris's "hits" and still didn't do anything. I would love to know why on just that alone.

    4. That’s because your a liar! If you continue to spread lies I hope morris sues your asses for slander!

    5. He's already being sued by quite a few people. I don't need to add to his grief. I just wish he would move to Hawaii like he said he would.

    6. 5:26. Agree mostly. He not only had Julie and Garvin’s support but a frightened electorate who knew Jeff threatens and stalks relentlessly.

      Morris is a typical bully, and had no issues (that he didn’t steal), platform (also stolen and faked) or morality. It’s a shame good people let such a piece of shit ruin the chances of a good candidate. There’s a saying about that somewhere…

      So the electorate let itself be maneuvered by 2 sellouts. Julie Thunder, who many people still think ran a good campaign (can’t think of anything memorable, can you?) and her best friends husband, Jeff Morris, who used the campaign for mayor to beat his own chest and attack anyone who disagreed with him.

      They both should be thoroughly ostracized for doing Tony Kranz and his developer string puller’s work for them.

      They won cheap and easy by using our own candidates against us.

    7. Wow, I just looked it up. Jeff really got himself into a pickle this time. If he has weapons, wouldn't he have to surrender them?

    8. 6:53 He bragged about having weapons in his Watchdog rants. The Sheriff knows he has a lot of them but for whatever reason they chose to not have him surrender them. In fact there is a law called a 5150 that allows the Sheriff to take a person in to a psych. facility for 48 hours if they think he is a threat to others or himself. They didn't do that either. Others could have done it too, and tried but were asked not to.

    9. @6:53, oh that's right. I believe in a city council meeting Jeff told Mosca he's possessed guns longer than he's been alive (which would mean he's been playing with fire arms since the age of 6).

  28. Let’s not give that asswipe anymore attention. He is now irrelevant to Encinitas. Let his fans and his wife deal with his worthlessness.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. So if I’m reading the court records correctly, there’s a hearing Wednesday to determine if a lady from Cardiff will get a restraining order against Morris.

    She should agree to drop it if he moves to Hawaii.

    1. 11:12- Could you provide a link. I don't know where to look. Thanks.

    2. Doesn’t work like that.

      Go to the San Diego superior court page, click on Case Search. Fill in the form. Find the case filed Dec 2022. Copy the case number. Go back to the courts home page and click Register of Actions. Paste in the case number.

    3. This is great news and hopefully the start of a trend. Maybe after they are done making the city safer from Jeff, the Sheriff can focus on Steve and his habit of touching children.

    4. that website is a pain. Just state the facts about Jethro.

  31. He’ll do what he did last time. Cry victim and then take one out against her. His kinda crazy only escalates.

  32. They call me stormy Monday, but Tuesdays just the same.

    Ad infinitum every day for the morons and their morons.

    1. Is that a barf newbie east coaster BS limerick?

      Newbies go home.

    2. He's back on EV getting people to do his work for him.

    3. Love how Walsh the asshole pontificates about compromises and new blood after he totally fucked the citizens of Encinitas with the deal he had during the election with Julie and Kranz, helping Kranz to win. He's still got his dick in the wind hoping it will blow his way.

    4. He's back on EV? I thought he was blocked. Of course he can always go over to Encinitas Now or the new Encinitas Uncensored who swears they will not delete anyones comments. So far they have 65 members. You have to post your name, but you can be as raunchy as you want and they also say they will never go private. EV still says it's going private so we will see by the end of Jan. Rumor has it there is a group of folks deciding who to keep and who to delete and block. So far over 150 people have asked to be kept on, or at least that is what it is showing on the main feed. I understand that a lot of them are messaging the adms. and asking to stay. Still trying to figure out why they are going private.

    5. Who cares? Nothing to "figure out." Start your own public FB page if you don't like the rules.

    6. Correction, for all that it matters for historical accuracy of the lyrics. The call me stormy Monday but Tuesdays just as bad.

  33. Stormy Monday?Look it up. The Allman Brothers did a great rendition. One doesn't have to be from the east coast to know that. I guess it was before your time, young one.

    1. Weak like your mind…. Only the first two lines are from the song…. The rest is shit.

  34. Lock your doors. More and more illegals are living in canyons. But don't get discouraged. The America hating left has just started letting more in. The count now in two years?
    2.5 million illegals. But don't get worked up. It only breaks all State and Federal laws so why would us tax payers care.
    Everything the left does..."they destroy". Go get trained on your favorite side arm then lock and load. It's comin'

    1. Then why are red states broke, dumb, sick and crime ridden? Why are red admins always tanking the economy? Why can’t you dumbasses beat the left in an election if they are so bad? The left sucks but the right swallows.

    2. Interesting and ironic that 2:42 chose to post this comment on the day that the head of his party and leader in the race to represent his party in 2024 was referred to the Department of Justice for federal criminal prosecution for obstructing an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the government, making false statements, and assisting an insurrection.

      The current version of the American right is defined by POS domestic terrorism. They will continue to lose elections at the local, state, and national level until they recommit themselves to America, and purge their party of the racist, ignorant, and violent wing.

    3. And yet, you American hating leftist don't address the law breaking violations on the border. "2.5 MIllion"
      illegals. Typical. Deflection

    4. 6:14. The left, the ones with all the power, are simply replacing the useless losers on the right with hard working illegals. Y’alll dumbshits are dying faster than ever, do poor work and are a drag on the economy at every level. Illegals are an upgrade, y’all cant even dig a ditch anymore without bitching and moaning the entire time.

  35. Replies
    1. Ditto. Happy holidays EU.

      While you are a bit slow, you do provide an open forum for the most part to provide the last news and happenings in Encinitas. 🙏

  36. The America hating party is the right you bozo. Wake up! Everything the right stands for is killing off our democracy for an autocracy. Could you be more clueless? Yes, you could and will.

    1. Hey clown act, stop watching msn and cnn. You child
      buffoon. And we hope you never have children as you mess them up as well.

  37. Someone recognizable to most but who's name I won't repeat recently shared something interesting. At first it sounded far fetched but after observing the behavior of various personalities and spending some time thinking about it, some of the pieces have started to fit together.

    The claim they made was that EN is actually run by a few trusted EV members, primarily Lou Caldia. That they are doing this with the full knowledge and support of Lorri. It was part of some earlier plans to take EV private that were delayed. They also claimed that the animosity between Lorri and EN was all staged to throw people off the trail.

    Since then I have noticed some obvious similarities between the personality and writing style of Lou and the anonymous EN moderators. I've seen many posts directly copied from EN and posted to EV by Lou as if he were the one posting them on EN in the first place. Lorri has repeatedly stated that she knows who's behind EN and they're a Blakespear sight funded by dark money but she always refuses to say who they are. That never made any sense to anyone. As much as Lorri and EV have done to expose Blakespear and her cronies why wouldn't she name them? Especially if EN was run by Marco or the Verdus as some people claim. There's no way with so many smart and capable people on EV that they don't know who's really behind EN. Unless they do know and aren't saying because it's been an inside job from the beginning.

    I tried to post this theory on EN and they deleted it instantly and blocked me. Thou dost protest too much methinks. With EV about to go private and all the other pieces starting to fit together I can't help but feel that there's some truth to this claim. It's all getting curiouser and curiouser.

    1. EV commentors aren't particularly smart or capable. They are a group that loves gossip, drama, shit talking, and attacking people that disagree with them.

    2. Guess we can safely assume you were among the banned, 5:30.

    3. Haha, no. I was banned long before all of this. That's really all that comes out of the group though. It's not like they're making a positive impact...anywhere. They like to listen to themselves talk and pat each other on the back, and there isn't much more going on.

    4. Lou Caldia aka Alan Yates? Nice theory in that it fits perfectly with his technical skills, he's on Facebook 24/7 and it would explain several unanswered questions. Alas it's far more likely someone is talking out of their ass because Lorri isn't remotely this clever. Which private group was this supposedly on?

    5. It would be more believable if this was all true but Loonie Lori can't remember planning it.

    6. @5:00 Did you notice after you posted this theory Lou deleted his comments from EN and the posts he had copied to EV? How curious!

  38. 5:00 EN is Verdu. It walks and quacks like a duck and Verdu is nothing if not a duck.

    1. God damn him for creating a page about street fairs and ocean pics from Encinitas. What will this jerk try next?

    2. For God's sake. It's a Verdu run page. Lorri was blocked for asking who the person behind the scenes was. That got her blocked. If you recall, Verdu paused the other group he and Scott Chatfield had because didn't like all of the animosity. A few weeks later EN appeared. Lorri asked who the owner was and was blocked. She then asked 2 of her techie friends to find out. It was a deep dive but it came out Verdu. I don't know know about Lou and don't care. He can do what he wants. He posts good stuff on EV and was not a fan of Blakespear, as EN was. At least he isn't on EV. A couple of people say they know who he is, but I know I don't. The goal of the private EV is to weed out the trolls, come up with action plans for keeping this city at least somewhat recognizable and not have to deal with the B.S. from folks like Garvin, Julie, and others who say one thing and do another. It will be a much smaller group and each member will be checkout to via their FB page. If you want a really great group go to Encinitas Uncensored. They will let you say anything.

    3. 6:33 How many kinds of stupid are you?

    4. 6:33 banned from EV, are we?

    5. EN was up and running before EV members harassed Encinitas Politics into shutting down. EV are a bunch of self important bullies, that feel they have a right to tell everyone else how Encinitas "should" be run. Luckily they'll be going private and they wont be able to share their ideas with many people anymore.

    6. 6:33 is completely wrong on the time line.

      If you go to the About section of any FB group and click learn more, facebook tells you the date a group was created.

      Encinitas Now was created in June4, 2020. Source:

      Encinitas Politics was created in October 2020. Source:

    7. 6:33 is also wrong regarding why Lorri was blocked. It's hard to blame them when she lied about it so many times. The real reason was because she was offering to pay the "tech" people in her group to hack EN and find out who was behind it. One of her members tried and was caught. Here is the post still on EV from when she was blocked where they admit to it.

    8. Stop the narrative of blaming everything on the Verdus. Ask Julie Thunder and Chris Swanner because according to Chris, they all had a productive sit-down. Don't know who is behind EN, but I know the Verdus got really burned...Bhavani doxxed them on EW, Jeff Morris's constant rants targeting them, death threats, harassment, the bullying in this town is way out of control and for some reason, the bullies never seem to realize that they are bullies! It's always, the other guy, right?

    9. Yes, the group of people that harassed and threatened them know who they are and should be ashamed of themselves.

  39. O/T for all the TDS posters around this neighborhood ghetto looks like Drumpf is gonna get arrested...

    aNy DaY nOw lolCiniTaS

  40. Tomorrow Morris finally meets the judge. Should be interesting.

  41. I will miss having the opportunity to daily read the posts on EV.

    Signing up for anything Facebook connected ain't happening, even though I am sure they know everything they want to know anyway. Any expectations of privacy has been gone for years.

    Thank you Dr. Lorrie for the ride. You will be missed by this anti anything Zuckerberg related observer.


  43. Hey how is the signature gathering going to recall Tony? Any paperwork filed? Action taken?

    OF COURSE NOT! You easily angered folks are too lazy to peel yourselves off the couch to actually do anything. Just post day after day “recall the dunce”

    Encinitas best and brightest… 🤣

  44. This is a job for Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote

  45. It not interesting to me at all…. Both Stan and lorri are yesterdays news at best.

    Did I ever tell you that I walked with MLK?


  46. So who s going to be the home town hero today and cut Tony’s fence and restore pedestrian access to the coast and Just Peachy today?

    I’m sick of driving miles to the stores when I could stretch my leg and walk a 1/4 mile or so and frequent local stores.

  47. Dr. Nutbird is a crispy-brained old burned out hippy who gambled and lost with her brain cells in the 70s.

    Just say no.

  48. IMO, you're giving her too much credit. Who cares who runs Encinitas Now? Is it the need to attack anything that doesn't parrot EV? It was awesome when she got called out for interfering with the publication of the podcast/election there.

  49. Will local newspapers and EU cover the restraining order request against a grown man who still calls people “Bro” in a professional context?


    Case: 37-2022-00049188-CU-HR-NC

    1. Not CN, they still have a hardon for Jeffy.

  50. By the way nut cases...what happened to raising seas?
    40 years of lies and the tides are still the same.
    More leftist propaganda. It never stops.
    It's "gullible warming" at it's best

    1. The POS domestic terrorism party will continue to fail at the local, state, and national levels until they purge and reject all the willfully ignorant, anti-science morons like you.

    2. And once again you prove me to right. Why? You have nothing to argue with, and you don't. The typical nut cases simply call others science deniers and liars.
      Welcome to the communist party.

    3. This person is correct. The tides are same as they have been since, as an example 1950 . It's all a fact as records show it as such. Nothing has changed.

    4. Genuis...go to the beach. Why aren't all the houses underwater like the experts claimed 40 years ago.
      I thought all the ice was melting in the Artic 40 years ago.
      What happened? Remember when all the Polar Bears were dying off. Oppps. there are more Polar Bears today than in yearly count in the last 30 years. How'd that happen. Fake science, lies and whacky logic to ruin the United States. Next you'll try and convince people that men give birth. Never mind,
      the whacko's are already doing that.

    5. Look, I get that you don’t like being called an ignorant anti-science dipshit.

      But the answer to that problem is to stop being an ignorant anti-science dipshit.

      When someone asks you to produce serious research published in a reputable peer reviewed science journal, then do that. And don’t respond with more ignorant anti-science dipshittery.

      Now go away you dumb slack-jawed mouth-breathing yokel.

    6. Remember when it was called "man made global warming?". Then it was on to "global warming".
      When those two lies didn't work, it was again changed to "climate change". Seeing that the climate changes every milli-second, no one could argue that.
      Bingo !!! They finally had a winner.
      The trouble is the houses never got underwater.
      Now what? Never mind, it's the fault of oil

    7. I’m still looking for that link to research that supports your view in a reputable peer reviewed journal.

      Any minute now, you’re going to deliver the real science, right dummy?

    8. And's electric cars are the answer. Never mind there isn't enough electricity to charge them in a power shortage as an example last summer. Slave labor to extract materials from mines in china and africa. Don't look over there...look over here at raising seas, gullible warming and racism. I forgot racism...sorry.
      It is an entire package of mumbo jumbo presented to "fool the fool". And to this one knows how the Pyramids were built in Giza, but they can tell you they can change the earths atmosphere. Ya' right.

    9. It must really give you a feels boost to the old ego to convince yourself that your folksy witticisms and Fox News make you smarter than all of the scientists who actually do work and went to better schools than you.

      Unfortunately, it’s a delusion.

      You are in fact, of below average intelligence, and your family is ashamed of you. Just another arrogant Dunning Krueger dope.

      So sad.

  51. Was that rant about lorrie Jeff’s long promised “hit piece?” …yawn

  52. Another Darwin Award winner in our midst, make that the same old fool and by many other names, always has me wondering why not keep your ignorance to yourself? Any attention is good attention? Sounds about right. The world of alternative facts is his sad state of affairs. He is committed, and literally should be committed for his own good, his family and friends good, and lord knows for this communities good. Dunning Krueger? More like dumbing down.

  53. "tu stultus es" This fool will remain so despite any attempts to show the errors of his way of brainlessness with alternative facts. Look beyond your immediate surroundings and the truth will set you free from ignorance about mans ability to affect climate change.

  54. Thats right genius', you can control the earth's atmosphere.
    Ever notice when the whackos are presented logic their response is to call everyone names. That, is communism

    1. Before anyone (correctly) called you a dope, we asked you to present us with a link to published research from a reputable peer reviewed science journal that serves as the basis for your beliefs.

      Unfortunately, there isn't any--which makes you a dipshit.

      Assuming you aren't so arrogant as to believe that you alone are special and smart enough to reach your conclusions, consider for a moment the nature of science itself.

      Name some famous scientists: Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, Darwin, Curie, Tesla, Hawking, Faraday, Kepler, Hubble--what do they all have in common? Answer: they disrupted and proved wrong the consensus of the day. Conclusion: Science is adversarial. It rewards those who reject and disprove the consensus view. Every young scientist knows this. They know that to become truly great in their field, that they must be a contrarian, and prove consensus wrong. Science has a built in incentive system to reject the status quo and prove it wrong.

      If there was evidence disproving anthropogenic climate change and sea level rise, there's a massive incentive for the first scientist to bring that evidence forward. And if the evidence is correct and can be replicated by others, Science itself would celebrate the discovery, and heap fame and adulation on the scientist who brought it forward.

      The fact that it has not happened speaks volumes.

      It means you are wrong, and that you are a moron, a dope, a slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, yokel. a dummy. Ignorant. Anti-science. An idiot. A loser.

      You have earned these titles.


    2. 3:01, science doesn't work like that anymore, at least regarding highly politicized issues:

    3. Actually it does. The case of Judith Curry is a sad one.

      It appears she was doing actual research, and getting it published in reputable peer reviewed journals up until about 2013.

      Her published research work all confirmed the consensus view that global temperature is rising and that human activity is the cause. Here’s one of her last published papers before she quit her job, stopped publishing peer reviewed research, and decided instead to become a blogger and talking head on TV. In other words, a failure at science.

      “ We apply this new framework to the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) monthly land temperature dataset, and obtain a new global land temperature reconstruction from 1800 to the present. In so doing, we find results in close agreement with prior estimates made by the groups at NOAA, NASA, and at the Hadley Center/Climate Research Unit in the UK. We find that the global land mean temperature increased by 0.89±0.06”

      How sad.

    4. Thank you 3:01/6:06 for two intelligent, knowledgeable posts. The no-climate-change moron has been similarly challenged before and has not come up with anything reputable to back up his claims. He ignores the overwhelming evidence and comes back with the same stupid shit.

    5. And Tucson Az used to be covered in Topic Ferns.
      Things change and you "believers" think you can control the earth??? What planet do you live on?

    6. Do you realize that above you argued that change (sea level rise) wasn’t happening at all, and now you are arguing that change is normal?

      Those two arguments are inconsistent.

      The more you write, the more obvious it is how breathtakingly stupid you are.

  55. What the fuck! Lorri just unblocked every person that was blocked on EV. That includes Mali, Garvin, Bhavani, etc. Has she gone bonkers or is there a method to her madness?

    1. Start your own page, 3:16. You're spending way too much time on this.

    2. Nobody cares what you do Lorri. Stop trying to feed your ego and go away already.

    3. Agreed… nobody cares on this blog about EV or lorri. Please post something relevant.

    4. For people who don't care, you sure do spend a lot of time on her. Rather funny on so many levels.

    5. What a bunch of pussies. First you trash her, throw her in the wastebasket, and now you don't care. She spent 9 years moderating EV and in all of that time she has received, on this blog, nothing but shit. Wait until you see the next thing. Oh, that's right-you don't care.

    6. Dr. Nutbird has no idea what she’s doing from moment to moment. She’s erratic and inconsistent. That’s what makes her a terrible moderator.

      Her only consistency is in making everything about herself, and what a martyr she is.

    7. 5:37, you have a problem.

    8. 5:48- It's just Morris making his last stand, as tomorrow he has to go to court and many folks will be watching. He blames it on Laurie so he has to get his last licks in. Long story going back to almost the beginning of the 2020 election.

    9. The EV files

      You can check out anytime you like

      But you can never leave

      Please Remember to only eat soy and no animal protein lol

  56. Agree, a deaf, very dumb, and blind problem.

  57. Does anyone else see the irony in a bunch of questionable anonymous posters with some pretty far flung language, ideas, politics and suggestions posting about one elderly women's mental capacity? Amusing but sad. Very sad.

    1. To be fair, there is a lotta chatter about Jeff’s noodle too….but yes both are very sad and so are the things said about them.

  58. It is called the revenge of the morons. Really classy there morons, as in, like never and true to form, for them.

    1. Vindictive to the end, that’s the Morris way. If he wants to pick on a bitter old woman, he doesn’t have to look any further than the other side of the marital bed.

    2. Marital bed aka the penguin nest

  59. Geezus.... Lorri say on your fricken EV... no one cares here.

  60. Geezus.... Kim say on your fricken WD... no one cares here.

  61. Looking for a holiday gift for that special someone? Stop by Watch Dog for their going out of business super sale! Since they now have zero traffic, everything must go! This week only, buy one creepy rant and get one conspiracy theory absolutely free! Just use promo code "fringe" at checkout.

  62. You are all comically Shakespearian (Blakeserian) in your war of CRAZY (Lori) vs. CRAZY (Jeff). *best of luck*

    It ends in TEARS….

    1. Dual at dawn. Jeff may have to loan Lori a gun and teach her how to use it if it''s going to be a fair fight. Who wants to be a second for each of them?

  63. no one cares about Stan, Lorri, or BIA.

    We have bigger problems with the Town Dunce appointing a super majority of repeat clown players, negating Ehlers and continuing to destroy Encinitas.

    1. 5:34- We may not care about Stan or Lorri but we had better be concerned about the BIA. Who do you think got them all, with the exception of Ehlers, elected? Look at the 490's.

    2. She is a small flea in a pile of puss infected CA state senators now.... let her suck the bloody state puss and enjoy her diseased State government as the economy enters a depression greater than the 1929-1939 downturn.

      Pop gos the free "money" period and it's about time. Let us get back to reality. There are consequences for action including consequences for election. This last election of the Town Dunce will have significant negative effects on Encinitas.

    3. The City Attorney should be directed to seek a moratorium on all building permits in the City, due to the drought. Plus the overall infrastructure is already out of balance - the roads are severely outdated for the traffic load. There is no reasonable urban planning going on - the BIA has been given free license to maximize profits by over building. Kranz sold out a long time ago to the BIA.

    4. The city uses less potable water now than it did 40 years ago.

      There is no link between population and water consumption.

  64. 5:41-we need to get going on the recall the dunce. Take out the top current clown and the rest follow.

  65. Any updates on Jeff's court appearance today? Is it true the judge found him guilty of extreme douchery?

    1. Only clowns give any f***s whatsoever

      You're a clown

  66. I am Jeff Morris's attorney and have been for many years. Today's hearing resulted in a decision by the Court that the Injunction/Order requested was not supported by the evidence and was dismissed. A hearing on the amount of Attorney fees to be awarded to Jeff Morris will be held after December as he was the prevailing party. In addition, despite assertions that he was arrested for PC 245, that is blatantly untrue and there is NO arrest record. Although charges were briefly filed, they were quickly dismissed and a 3 year Restraining Order issued against the individual who had brought the false complaint against him. I have spoken to Mr. Morris about bringing a Civil Action against those who have publicly posted that he was arrested as that is clear defamation.

    1. Thank you.

      Just know the amount of propaganda in the comments section here is greater than the former mayors lies.


  67. So serious question here.

    If Blakespear % of lies was basically 100% only when her lips were moving though.

    What is new mayors percentage?

    75% ? 80%? 95%?

    95% would be 5% improvement, no?
