Wednesday, May 10, 2023

5/10/23 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations. 


  1. The dorky looking guy in the duncecap is the mayor.

  2. Let’s hope Mr. Mavill shows up. Best comments ever for Encinitas.

  3. Remember when Tony Kranz hung out the welcome sign as a welcoming community?

    I do. Well here they come.

  4. Between this huge influx, and then all of the internal tweaker homeless in the US already, Encinitas is going to look a whole lot different in five years thanks to Da Dunce!

    Thanks for lowering our quality of life dip shit!!

  5. This is great. We get to hear about our Dunce mayor’s carny experience. Wait for it….

  6. Oh good Mark Mavill is going to speak! Yes!!

  7. June-your suggested signal will be an absolute clusterfuck. You clearly do not know what you are talking about.

    The all way stop is working well. Tell kranz to sell the second community center/ senior center and fund some improvements on La Costa and Vulcan.

    1. Hey June, stick with jogging and pickle ball. Clearly you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

    2. The problem stems from the poorly designed changes the City made to the traffic signal at Lacosta Avenue and Highway 101. The planned roundabout at that location word free up most of the congestion on La Costa Avenue.

      June’s suggestion of a traffic signal at Vulcan with the current conditions is going to wreak havoc on the neighborhood just to the south of the Costa Avenue. That neighborhoods not gonna be happy with your suggestions June. A traffic signal will cause back ups on Vulcan and will cause cut through traffic to the neighborhood to the south.

      Not a good idea. The city should build a roundabout at Highway 101 and the cost Avenue and replace that ridiculous bridge with a functional bridge. If they’re approving all the development along the LaCosta Avenue, they need to provide the infrastructure.

  8. 6:14=Mark Mavill

    1. 8:46- yeah right. Your a kook.

    2. 8:55=Also Mark Mavill

  9. Try to imagine after next years election, Scott is our Leucadia council member.

    Try to imagine Mark is another council member. Is that Joys' district or Hinze's?

    Then imagine Bruce as our Mayor and another suitable Olivenhain resident would take Bruce's council seat.

    Ahhhhh The majority we need is that close. Or far. haha

  10. A year and a half with Da Dunce at the helm means a whole lot of destruction of Encinitas.

    Actions have consequences.

    1. Heard that before and they always win. All they gotta do is throw in a bunch of spoilers and the incumbents keep their seats. You don’t think Tony is going to give up his seat easily do you?

  11. Welcome to Encinitas!!! Our Town Dunce’s welcomes you!!!

    Don’t mind the fentanyl tweaked out zombie. homeless, we welcome them too…

    Welcome welcome for free Good living at the beach! Tell your friends!! we got tons of room here! An endless amounts of assets, because we are privileged and we want to share our privilege to the world.

    -Da Dunce

  12. This is great news. Just think about it. I tried but it hurt so I quit thinking… there is 7.8 billion people in the world. Let’s just say 80% of the worlds population lives below the affordable housing standard in Encinitas. That means we must do our fair share to house 6.2 billion people in Encinitas and make sure they have free food and shelter until we can do so.

    Welcome all to Encinitas!!

    - Da Dunce

    1. I demand more "ghetto apartments" throughout Encinitas. I'm an America hating "demon"cratic leftist, I hate my country and want more ghetto dwellers from around the world on my doorstep. Send em'...and hurry. We NEED MORE dwellers.

    2. Ghetto apartments, and no infrastructure. Keep bringing on the fentanyl tweakers.

      As Delmar and other coastal Cities continues to focus on quality of life for their citizens, Encinitas is focused on lowering the quality of life, promoting death, and making sketchy crime so we can have more affordable housing.

      Way to go to city Council. That’s pure equity.

  13. My name is Smish Smokla and I’m right now 2,000 feet above Encinitas flying back and forth in my autogyro. I hope to set the record of 56 times back and forth. I flew here from hundreds of miles away, and I’m making money throwing lead paint chips onto children’s playgrounds. If I run out of gas or have an engine failure, my goal is to crash into a hospital or school.

    Also, your mother smelled of elderberries. I fart in your general direction.

    It’s all legal, and you can’t do a damned thing about it. Tough shit.


    1. As I write, the Coast Guard is looking tor the dead bodies from the small plane crash at San Clemente Island.
      And yes, there is something we can do to greatly reduced the fly rounds over Encinitas. Ruin the business of the flight schools by announcing the unsafe practices of go arounds over tens of thousands, schools and the illegal back and forth over the hospital.. Oh' trust works.

    2. There was a car crash in Orange County this morning too, so we should also ban cars.

      "Go arounds" are missed approaches to a landing. You really don't know the first thing about aviation, do you?

    3. You are wrong. Go arounds are intentional and they are asked in the complaint section when reporting a complaint to all local airports. Go arounds are part of flying schools around airports as well. NOT intended over populations not near an airport.

    4. Let us not forget the crash landing on the beach in Carlsbad at the beginning of the year.
      By the way, you don't live in Encinitas

  14. Is ranting endlessly all you can do?

  15. 10:54am Thanks.

    Touch and Go is another training and maintaining exercise and I have never flown an airplane but somehow know more than our plane/train guy who watches the skies as endlessly as he posts his 'the sky is falling' diatribes everyday on the blog. When asked for proof of his claims we are being poisoned, he resorts to the same old refrain that anyone who calls him on his bs must not live here and has some connection to the flight schools.

    How simple life must be for him in his simpleton and limited brain functioning life.

  16. Ho Simpson S is a danger to the pubic. A plane he owns with tail number N54502 just flew back and forth 30 times over homes, 10's of thousands of people, schools and a Hospital.
    His home address is 13137 Tawny Way, Poway Ca.
    Ass-Ho simpson should be investigated for stalking children since he was going back and forth over schools, over and over. Another one from Montgomery Field. You think the FAA cares...NOPE

  17. I mentioned the Touch and Go for a reason and you as usual, deflected. Training flights from Montgomery Field fly north and over Encinitas on their way to Palomar airport for purposes to train on landing without actually stopping, thus Touch and go.

    I seriously doubt they fly north from Montgomery Field just to circle over and over Encinitas to spread their fairy dust like you claim.

    I seriously believe they fly up here to be able to practice Touch and Go at Palomar Airport and then fly home.

    30 times over and over Encinitas makes about as much sense as you do, which is nada. Proof? Show the proof that a single plane circles repeatedly over the same town on the same day.

    1. 🥱 You, flight recorder, are brain death. Go can rocks on the beach, and report to Encinitas Voters. They really care about flight lessons over Encinitas.

    2. 6:08...Here is your proof...It's CALLED RADAR...and yes, 30 times back and forth. Touch and Go at Palomar????
      You are touched and if you are going to respond to anything...KNOW YOUR SUBJECT.

  18. Huge fan of the border situation, "we" welcome all

    1. Truth is, every immigrant that crosses our border illegally LOWERS our crime rate.

      I’d rather hire a risk taker who crawled across broken glass in the desert to get to the job than some entitled tweeker high school drop out who thinks the job is their birthright because of the accident of where they were born.

    2. Thanks for the insight 11:17 aka Tony

    3. “a risk taker who crawled across broken glass in the desert to get to the job than some entitled tweeker high school drop out who thinks the job is their birthright because of the accident of where they were born.“

      Good. go for it.

      You seem to be a sad joke with a super low perception of our youth.

      I hold way more faith and hope in our youth, than you old fucks that have ignored our divine Constitution of the USA…… there are so many entitled bleeding heart idiots in this country.

      It’s actually a pleasure to see the old fucks (referring to the generation after WW2 great generation) under major duress. They’re all woke till they need to call the cops. Because there’s some tweaking that has a knife to the granddaughters throat . Ha!!

    4. Who is Tony?

      Is he that dunce that was elected because👧🐖 and Lehman Brothers Garvin I were pulling bullshit in the last election?

      Oh yeah that’s the fat Fuck we’re talking about. So disgusting.. he should really start wearing his hat when he is on the dais.

  19. Here is an idea?

    Let’s quit, enabling and growing the homeless population like Mayer. Gloria likes to do along with our Dunce.

    No work, no food. No work, no water.

    Let’s give all these homeless opportunity to go pick produce in the field and earn their keep.

    Hey look homeless problem solved overnight.

    Let’s start elected leaders with Brains. instead of electing Dunces.

    This country is way overcrowded as it is we don’t need to open up the gates, and have all the roads poor turn this place into a new India.

    I don’t think that’s what our forefathers had envisioned by our constitution

  20. My God- could there be a more stupid person in this world?

    "The solutions are simple. Achieving them is not. More money and land are needed to address San Diego’s affordable housing shortage."

    - Someone has their head up their ass. Tony

  21. It is funny that we always talk about helping the vulnerable and alienated in our society and than we allow levels of illegal immigration that completely destroy our low income workers and alienated segments bargaining power.

    I guess though when all these politicians from both sides live in gated communities and don't have to worry about the realities of real life there isn't much urgency. Lot of social and economic platitudes though..

  22. Completely open border with zero policy on hiring practices of our businesses. this is the new world order. So Good!

    Keep your posse tight and your ammo dry, this should be fun to watch as the Government "Leaders" have absolutely no fucking idea what they are dealing with, with 6 billion plus of the world impoverished with the one goal of crossing the US border so the mythical Uncle Sam can magically care for all the world endlessly growing population.

    Russia and China threats, no water for southwest, traffic, overbuilding in Encinitas, Fentanyl deaths by the millions..... all not that big of a deal compared to the shit show you are about to witness over the next 3 years.

    Thank God we have a Swamp monster friend of Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton with stage IV Alzheimer's leading our County and the Town Dunce leading our City. This could not get more interesting. Love it!!

    1. The sky is falling.

    2. The federal government is "the enemy within". Illegals to the tune of 6 million and counting. Thank you america hating leftists.

    3. 7:37- so good. Can’t wait to see your face in about five years. Ha!!

    4. No one said the sky is falling or no chicken little here. Just wait to you see the change in the way America’s looking in about three years.

      If you want to see the direction, we’re going, just head down to Mexico or drop by any town in India.

      We are definitely separating into the have, and the have-nots. So be it.

      And quit all your whining about inflation, and the pending collapse of the US dollar…. You voted for these idiots. Haa ha ha!!

    5. Live in fear.

      Don’t go outside.

      Let the panic take over.

      Feel your blood pressure rising.

    6. 8:00- freak. Exaggerate much?!


    7. 8 am- you should stay inside. Watch out for Covid.

      Me and my friends are gonna go out and enjoy this incredible day. Surf shop and life is good.

      Shit show in America is full steam ahead!! 🤣😘😊

  23. One thing for sure. Shut down the border patrol and use that money to pay down the US DEBT.

    The border patrol has no purpose, completely wasteful, and the money and energy should be spent on something better like education on how to survive in the new world order. HA!!!

  24. Can we please deport Garvin?

  25. Can't wait for the new bike lanes in the Pipes section on the coast highway....I hope they put up those lovely green poles so it emphasizes MY bike lane and then I'll ride in the sharrow with 12 of my douche bag idiots to fuck up traffic as much as possible!
    -Viva La Spandex!!!!

    1. Viva La death and law suits more like it.

    2. 9:19,

      Turn in your license.

      You clearly don’t understand the rules of the road.

    3. 9:19 I think your spandex not only cut off circulation to whatever's left of your ballsack and moved on to your brain.

    4. 10:09 = Rides seatless and prefers Bud Light

  26. Better yet, you can ride in the 5 foot wide bike lane near Leucadia Boulevard and soon south of swami‘s and get tagged and killed.

    We on the traffic commission told city council not to approve this shitty plan. They completely ignored us. Hence people will die, and the city will get sued again.

    And then you could be one of the many coming up of families will sue the City Of Encinitas for wrongful death.

    Watch the way this current case goes with Dr. Worley. Likely close to $50 million.

    Many more in line for the City Of Encinitas . Unfortunately, we have a fucked up city council.. and it’s costing taxpayers big time.

    Along with the pain and suffering, with those that gets severely injured and killed.

    1. It's bad enough just being a local trying to navigate the city's death traps. Now that we've made Forbes list of best places to visit, we'll now get a bunch of clueless tourists not familiar with the place taking those bullshit B-cycles for a spin and ending up as hood ornaments. #Tonyisafuckstick

  27. Ebikes are exploding in Encinitas. What does City Of Encinitas do?

    Design completely fucked up and safe streets and remove bike lanes. Unbelievable..

  28. I want an E-ntitled bicycle too!
    -Catherine Blakespear

  29. I want an E-ntitled death pay out for pain and suffering too.

    Cause - Having a Dunce as Mayor promoting closing beaches, fencing off coast access, and promoting death streets.

    - Families suing the City of Encinitas

    1. Let's call it what it is...E-ncinitas, could be paradise but these artsy fartsy fucktards keep voting for shit bag socialists.

    2. 💯 Kranz is tanking the city.

      Recall Da Dunce!!

  30. No reparations for anyone! Can I still be president one day?

    1. Behind closed doors it's called "reparation H".
      Because they are and always have been a pain
      in the arse.

    2. Only if you close down the economy again, when cold season comes around. That’s always a great thing for children’s mental health.

      Thanks, governor for fucking up the economy in public health for three years. And dumb shit like our dumb ass mayor actually listen to you.

      The Town Dunce is dumber than a rock.

  31. I just read the newsletter from the second dumbest person in Encinitas - BIA.

    That ignorant woman is dumping millions of tax dollars into a zero performing, out of date, community dividing, Polluting hazard.

    Actions have consequences. And Encinitas has two of its lowest IQ citizens making decisions in our government. Super embarrassing and pathetic.

    Recall The Dunce and get rid of BIA next election.

  32. Hi I'm an entitled shitbag doing the van life thing in welcoming Encinitas. I was a problem for months where I'd camp out on Village Square in front of the Taco Bell and then at night I'd creep over to the other side and camp out behind UC Health. Now I'm parked over on Westlake street where nobody could possibly see my 40 foot shitmobile with a green stripe.

    1. Doesn’t affect me. Don’t care.

      I mind my own business.

    2. Hope you're able to mind your own business when he sets up shop in front of your house. "They're not a problem I just don't want them in front of my house" Typical liberal idiot.

    3. If, as you say, he’s at Taco Bell and a healthcare business, then he’s not in front of anyone’s house.

      Get a life.

    4. Oh I got myself a wonderful life....inside your mom!

    5. Oh, you’re my father. Hi Dad!

      I quess I’ll never meet you because my mom is 8 months pregnant and the doctors in here with a cutting tool and just cut my arm off, he sliced my guts, and now he’s about to cut my head off….

      Bye dad, love you. ❤️

      I wish I would’ve got to meet you. 😘

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This is going to be so fun to watch- the idiots in Sacramento and Washington are opening the door to all the world's poor with promises of free food, homes (by right), and healthcare.

    Well, who would not come?

    Now we have millions coming in ready to do shit jobs for super low wages and how is that going to play out for the current US citizens that performs manual labor? current homeless?

    Way to go morons. This is going to be so fun to watch.

    Biden, Newsom, BIA, and Da Dunce- All total idiots.

    At least Biden has an excuse. - Alzheimers

    The rest, none.... just fricken morons.

    1. US unemployment rate is at 3.4%.

      What percentage of people are unemployable?

      I’m guessing roughly 3.4%.

      Bring on the hard workers. If Americans are exceptional, then they won’t fear competition.

    2. Yeah right. Do you think the end employed in the homeless are exceptional?

      You are such a freaking moron I can’t wait to watch this unfold. 🤣

    3. And we just ended a 20 year run with zero cost for money. Zero cost Bank got charged nothing for borrowing billions of dollars and then charging consumers 18% in credit card interest …. Inflation is rampant …. The feds are trying to keep the dollar from collapsing. Major recession about to start.

      Yeah, this will be good. 🤣

    4. And we just ended a 20 year run with zero cost for money. Zero cost Bank got charged nothing for borrowing billions of dollars and then charging consumers 18% in credit card interest …. Inflation is rampant …. The feds are trying to keep the dollar from collapsing. Major recession about to start.

      Yeah, this will be good. 🤣

    5. I am super privileged have plenty of funds. Diversified my assets, I can nearly live on nothing and I’m in the later part of my life. It’s going to be like watching a good movie with a complete shit show. Probably better than mad max or hunger games.

      Bring it. Making popcorn. 👌👍

    6. * don’t give me your the sky is falling shit…. I don’t care either way.

      Fun times ahead. 😊😘🤣

    7. And don’t give me your sky is falling shit. I don’t care either way. This is just going to be fun to watch.

      I am super privileged have plenty of funds. Diversified my assets, I can nearly live on nothing and I’m in the later part of my life. It’s going to be like watching a good movie with a complete shit show. Probably better than mad max or hunger games. Bring it. Making popcorn. 👌👍

    8. What ever the America hating leftist do, they destroy.
      Just look at the the U.S then california.
      6 million illegals. The left, the enemy within

  35. The dumbest person in Encinitas just voted at SANDAG to give all of our tax money to the City of San Diego. Da Dunce never fails. He always does what’s bad for Encinitas.

    Watch on our dunce in action 1:42:19 here:

  36. Thank goodness the Dunce welcomed all of the world’s migrants to Encinitas. Free Homes for everybody!! Awesome Dunce:

    Look at this huge amount of plastic and pollution!!! This is all going to wash out into the ocean. So disgusting and sad.

    Actions have consequences and this is what happens when you have the stupidest person in a town as mayor.

    Recall Da Dunce!

  37. Hey June, your neighborhood didn’t need any road improvements on La Costa Avenue or Vulcan Avenue did it?

    Your boy, Tony just gave away all of Encinitas Transnet tax dollars to San Diego. Seems like you’re supporting an idiot. What’s the deal?

    Are you as stupid as Garvin or John Gjata?

  38. Republicans:

    COVID was a hoax and like the flu. We demand all public health measures related to COVID be revoked immediately.

    Also Republicans:

    Except Title 42.

    1. 3:14 - stupid and I'm not republican and I hate Trump.

  39. As it has turned out, all the border crossings from here to Texas are handling the legal immigration with Title 42 ending, as it was meant to do. No problems. No huge rush of illegals crashing the borders, as it was meant to do.

    The right wing fear mongers have mongered for no reason. The border crossings are working as they were meant to do.

    1. Said like a complete idiot. Thank you. 😘

    2. 3:42. 6 million illegals in the last 2.5 years. Ya genius, no problem. I know you are joking as NO ONE is this stupid. NO ONE...well let me take that back. Anyone voting for the America hating left, is, that stupid.

  40. Is it fair to conclude that Morris is a flim flam man?

    1. Please don’t talk about the Damned on this site.

  41. I think there is another local political operative that could be classified same

  42. We've talked a lot about Tony, so let's switch gears. What are everyone's thoughts on Hinze? She seems to be an entitled individual that's never actually had a real job. Trust fund kiddo that got mommy's property transferred to her name right before the newly passed legislation would've made her pay her fair share. She seems completely clueless during the meetings and during the Blakespear era it was as though she was reading a script straight from the queen herself. I was kind of hoping after she shit out the kid she would move on from politics. I don't think people like Hinze and Tony (who in reality were given everything in life and never actually worked hard for what they have) are good for Encinitas. What say you?

    1. 💯 - But she shines in comparison to Da' Dunce. No one is as stupid as The Town Dunce. This is the second worst City Council in the History of Encinitas. The only one worse was went it was BIA and no Elhers.

      here is the Dunce at home after his wife (care taker) sends him to his room-

    2. The two worst up on City Council are Hinze and Da Dunce. You can not lead when you have no real life experience and have been dependent on other people your whole life. You do not get the real world experience to mold solid common sense. Hence, Encinitas has massive DEBTs to pay. You know who pay's them right? -- The taxpayers of Encinitas. Here are just a few:

      1. Huge debt from building and maintenance in perpetuity for building a Regional Park at Hall property all on little Encinitas dime.

      2. Huge annual payments to their insurance JPA due to the fact that Encinitas loses tens of millions per year to wrongful death and injury lawsuites with a future list a mile long. Just two as an example include Walker being mowed down in the sharrow on a high speed road $11,000,000, Worley (Phd curing horrific diseases that cause massive human suffering)wrongful death for faulty road conditions >$50,000,000, All the future deaths in the sharrow lanes caused by the City removing Bikelanes and pushing the bikes out on a high speed roadway. this is well documented and future payouts will be well in excess of >$100,000,000.

      Lake Drive openspace dissaster - slope failure and erosion and silted in mess in the open space draining to our precious San Elijo Lagoon. >$10,000,000 +++

      Second Community Center/Senior Center/ Homeless Parking Lot at the Beach - current have $20,000,000 dumped into this one - Staff or City Council will not even mention the future long term (in perpetuity again) Operations and Maintenance costs for this second community center all because some of Tony's Artsie friends do not like doing there fingerpainting and watercolors at the existing community center/senior center because there are gross homeless all around and kids playing basketball.

      Massive neglect of the City's road - >$50,000,000

      Massive neglect of building infrastructure throughout town to address their massive high density give aways to developers- >. $500,000,000

      Dunce giving away Encinitas tax dollars to the City of San Diego. Huge mistake and no wonder the Dunce will continue to stroke June about La Costa Avenue and Vulcan Avenue... he lost all Encinitas funding for any future projects.

      This is just a small fraction of the huge mistakes made by the Dunce and Hinze. I could like 30 more.

      Actions have consequences. You elected these clueless POS. The existing residence pay the price by lower quality of life and deadly conditions because there are no funds to build the needed infrastructure for a densified Encinitas.

      Residents like John, Kathleen, Garvin, 🐖👧, and Marco are all responsible for this mess. The screwed the Majority of voters who voted against putting the Dunce in as mayor of a formerly cool family beach committee. You made your mess now take ownership of it.

    3. 8:37,

      Stop being such a sad loser. When you aren’t using vague terms like “huge,” you’re pulling random numbers out of your ass.

      City has a AAA credit rating, the highest possible rating.

      If you want to make a point other than screeching, how about doing some work and bringing data. How about you compare debt load to a basket of similar coastal cities.

      Do the work, loser.

    4. tell that to losers like June why Vulcan is such a shit hole and will never get fixed cause Encinitas has no funding. None. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      You are a loser and Encinitas lost by having Kranz and Hinze on the City Council. Sorry Gjata some of us understand logic. 🖕🏾

    5. 8:37 You are spot on, thank you. 9:08 please crawl back into the hole you came out of.

  43. Happy Mother's day for some.....😥

    the list gos on and on because of our neglectful City Council..... 😥

    Worley, an avid cyclist, was a leading scientist fighting to cure cystic fibrosis, according to his obituary. .....

    RIP Dr. Worley you are missed.

  44. Encinitas has no funding?

    Encinitas will bring in over $116M this fiscal year. And the budget is $105M. So the city spends less than it takes in. Only 5% of the budget is spent on servicing debt.

    71% of the capital budget is dedicated to roads.

    It’s amazing what you can learn in five minutes on the city finance department website.

    If you aren’t a lazy turd just here to lie.

  45. 105 million- operation budget sunk costs….

    Peanuts for capital projects….

    Tell June why you’re not finding any improvements on Vulcan Avenue or Lacosta Avenue and the quiet zones are unfunded and all the roads throughout town are shit.

    Yep it’s easy to look at the budget and see how fucked up Encinitas is…

    Thank you for the link.

    1. Can you comment on how the city intends to absorb all of the lawsuit costs?

      That list seems endless like a bottomless pit….

      A logical response would be appreciated.

    2. Sure.


    3. Insurance cancels you when you become to great of a liability and the give you sky high premiums. Has Encinitas premium compared to other cities in the JPA?

      If I was on the JPA board, I would cancel Encinitas from the policy. Endless lawsuits coming with their placing bicyclists in deadly conditions.

  46. While some well-known interlopers and candidates tanked our chance for a new council majority last time, somehow I continue to have hope for the future when we have a few residents standing up at council meetings speaking truth to the sellouts on the dais.

    It will be a long year and a half with the bunch we currently have not representing the will of the residents who inspire this community every week with their dedication to calling bs on just about everything this council majority piles on us, week after week, month after month and year after year.

    The power of money and influence is tough to overcome. The stench is unavoidable of the collusion between our appointed Planning Dept. planners and the approval of every desire developers could hope for.

    Without a new council majority nothing will change. Without some drastic planning dept. personnel changes, nothing will change.

    It is past time for every single one of our planners to be required to be members of the AICP and have that membership be renewed every year with having to submit to re-qualifying for membership in this national organization of city planners by attending online classes that emphasize being sensitive to residents concerns.

    We have no such concerns from any of our current senior or junior planners. We need all of our planners to be certified by this national organization.

    Want to guess how many of our planners are certified by this national organization of city planners? A couple of years ago before she moved on, only our planning director could claim such, and she is gone. Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep out these compromised sellout planners and we might have a chance to preserve some of what attracted all of us to begin with.

    1. I love how people refer to themselves as representative of the majority, and yet bitch about constantly losing elections.

    2. What it shows is we need runoff elections.

      A strong majority of voters voted against Kranz, The Town Dunce….

      Because of shenanigans of Lehman Brothers, Garvin, and🐖👧 we ended up with the turd ball we have… 😡

    3. Same percentage that voted against Ehlers.

  47. The conspiracy to keep the majority in power is undeniable.

    Whether the populace learns anything from the past is doubtful.

    This does not deny the fact that the fix is in well before any legislation by our council makes to the surface.

    Brown Act? Never has been a concern when power comes to the fore.

    I cannot recall all the times the fix has been in before a council meeting. Such a lofty position they think they hold.

    There once was a Ca. town that had had enough and disbanded their city council in order to have some true representation.

    There once was a moment when the residents stood in unison at a council meeting and turned their backs to the council majority of the time.

    There were TV cameras there. I could not have been more proud to be among those who had that opportunity to express our dissatisfaction of our elected's non-leadership.

    Progress since then is hard to define.

    The respect for those who continue to speak up is never-ending.

    1. 💯! A trip to Israel, guaranteed open development and homeless parking lot wherever the Jewish foundation says they want it…

      If they want to, they could have Kranz usher in a second homeless parking lot at the second community center under construction….

      Again, Kranz doesn’t care about the financial future of Encinitas and it’s just putting more and more employees on the payroll which will tack the city in the near future…. Actually, the city is tanked already. he just continually makes it worse.

    2. Ah, the Brown Act.

      Always invoked by people who don’t understand it, and simply use it was shorthand for “I don’t like it.”
      Trivia question:

    3. Glad we're clear on the fact that governments the world over are corrupt and controlled by Jews. This is the real issue Encinitas is facing.

  48. Brown Act constantly being ignored. You are correct sir in that it has been ignored for decades. That does not mean that the right cause of action has been done for those who elected them to represent us.

    Maybe one day we will have a council majority that stands for us, the residents, in heart and spirit of preserving the soul this special community.

    1. Let’s hear your evidence for one example of a Brown Act violation.

      Give us your best specific example, and present your evidence.

    2. Please. Kranz and th city attorney admitted to it on video in 2021. Pay attention.

    3. You’re right. But the DA never enforces. Remember the Days of Stocks and Muir. 🤣

    4. 2:03 Not all residents think like you. Sorry about your luck.

    5. 3:09,

      Oh good. So there’s a recording.

      Where is it?

    6. There is no recording.

      Made up BS.

    7. Sorry to disappoint. The first public council meeting that dealt with the safe parking lot issue was recorded in Siri f if of 20 or 21.. The video exists.

    8. Was recorded in 2020 or 2921.

    9. source: trust me bro.

  49. 3:29 pm. What? What? Is that you Roger Ogden? No, no, no. Governments the world over are not controlled by the Jews, except in your distorted hateful antisemitic world view.

    You should to worry about being replaced by the Jews.

    "Jews will not replace us" is straight out of Charlottesville, Va. when the Nazi's rioted. Your missed your chance to march with like-minded Nazi's Roger Ogden.

  50. Is Joy Lyndes a good guy or a bad guy? Asking for a friend?

    1. My opinion is she’s kind of a weak COuncilmember and not good for Encinitas and from Arizona.

      But at least she work for a living, so she is smarter than Kranz and Hinze.

    2. She seems easily swayed. Am I off base with that sentiment?

  51. Better than 🐷👧

    1. There's only one person in Encinitas worse than 🐷👧and I'm not going there.

    2. There’s two. One she helped get elected.

    3. The other one she tried to get elected.

  52. You have to admit, he does fit right in with the other scumbags in the family- Lorena and Marco.... seems like a great fit.

    Have fun in the cesspool, and best of luck with your future predator hunts. I'm glad this women at MTS was strong enough to stop your abuse of power. Now Lorena can act like Hillary and continue to hurt women's rights by supporting the denial of the me too movement.

    Who is worse Fletcher or Filner? What a stinky cesspool.

    Lorena might as well support Trump... Well she does openly support scum bag Clinton..... Flees come in infestations.

  53. I bet Lorena's daughter is proud. " Look honey, I married a predator. Now go give your new daddy a hug."

    1. What kind of asshole writes something like that?

    2. Writes what?


    3. 10:36, the kind of person that writes stuff like that is someone who was humiliated by you in debates requiring facts and logic.

      They don’t even believe what they are writing. They just want to lash out for the shame and humiliation they feel for being unable to compete in a battle of wits.

    4. 11:59- ✔️. Just for clarification, Your talking about Nathan’s garbage resignation letter and for denying his predictor behavior right?

      Who could support that POS?

    5. Not about supporting. It’s about being an asshole by trying to judge people for the actions of others.

      I see my brother in law about once a year. He’s an okay person, but I didn’t pick him to spend the rest of my life with. If it turned out he was a scumbag, that’s no reflection on me.

      Same with Marco.

      The actions of his brother in law shouldn’t be seen as a reflection of him and his values.

      How would you like to be judged by actions of some of your worst relatives?

    6. 12:38- I would acknowledge the facts if they were not being a good person.

      I would hold them responsible for their actions. That’s what responsible people do.

      I would hope Marco and Lauraine should be calling out the shitty Nathan character behavior.

      Actions have consequences. Just asked Nathan. Just ask Trump. just ask Filner.

    7. I would assume Marco thinks his BIL is a f—k up, but wouldn’t say so publicly out of respect for his sister.

      Making his opinions public would do nothing to make his sister’s life easier.

    8. It would clarify the fact for his family, and specifically his daughter that he does not condone predator behavior. Not anywhere. not from Filner, and not from his brother-in-law Nathan Fletcher. That would be a big action.

      Actions speak louder than words.

    9. So you think he needs to make a public statement to communicate with his daughter?

      I disagree.

  54. The worst county supervisor in our history really is resigning. Talk about a tool of big pharma and enacting policies that destroyed lives. San Diego is now a much better place.

    1. There have been some pretty crappy Supes, probably a 5 way tie at the bottom....

  55. The GOP has ha POS domestic terrorist problem.

    1. the FBI lying about Trump and Russians.
      Why is the leftist always so angry?

  56. Marco was the first, along with Cory Briggs and Donna Frey to take Filner down for the exact same things, in fact worse, and now he keeps silent? Filner never slept with anyone, nor was he married. Sorry of hypocritical IMHO.

    1. I disagree.

      There’s a reason we don’t allow family members of the parties on civil or criminal juries. The assumption behind that rule is that family members can’t be impartial and objective—nor should they be.

    2. Not hypocritical at all. Filner was a serial sexual harasser. I represented nearly twenty women with different levels of inappropriate interaction with him. None of them experienced Filner's advances in a consensual relationship. Further, when I first confronted Filner in private about the issues, the goal was for him to seek medical and psychiatric help. Only when he refused to do so did Donna, Cory and I make it all public and call for his resignation.

      Nathan's circumstance is much different. He cheated on his wife (but didn't sleep with the woman, contrary to what was written above). While this is understandably extremely problematic for me from a familial perspective, it is not in and of itself a reason to call for resignation. Plenty of elected officials have done that without major consequence.

      However, the fact that the woman Nathan had a consensual relationship with worked at an agency where he was Board Chairman was sufficiently problematic to warrant resignation and destruction of his public political life. Unlike Filner, Nathan did the right thing and resigned and immediately sought treatment (which he will continue).

      But, just as I information the public did not know about in the Filner scandal, I also have information about Nathan's case that has not yet been made public, but will in due time. I am confident when all of the messages and other evidence comes to light, and believe me it will, many are going to have a changed view of the situation. No one is arguing what Nathan did wasn't wrong, but he didn't sexually assault anyone and he didn't have anything to do with her getting fired. Until that evidence is out in the public, there really isn't anything else to say.

    3. I'm curious how Marco knows all of this, if in fact, Fletcher, was out of State and getting help? According to his staff and the agency where he helped oversee, he was not in communication with anyone. So, he left his district with no one to help those people, and now there is going to be a special election. IO how I felt compassion for him when it was announced he was going into re-hab. However, the very next day the shit hit the fan with the sexual stuff. Maybe Fletcher could have given his constituents the courtesy of resigning then and letting the precess play out. But NO. He wouldn't resign and for 6 weeks supposedly no one could get a hold of him, I guess except Lorena and Marco? Yes, there is a lot missing and I look forward too finding out the whole story. However, I do know one thing. A man that cheats on his wife, will cheat again. Lorena knew just what she was getting and chose to go along with it. Yet, she was also one of the first ones out of the gate about Filner. Now crickets, as the saying goes. Any politician who thinks of him or herself before their constituents, is in my opinion at least a narcissist. Fortunately no matter what happens, he won't be in politics anymore. There are too many self-centered people already there.

    4. The only reason he resigned is he knew he was going to get caught with his pants down. He avoided the truth until he couldn't. He took advantage of that young woman from a position of power. It's abuse of power, sexual harassment, unprofessional and an insult to all women as well as his constituents.

      The guy can't spell either. Not a firing offense, but certainly shocking for a politician with his level of responsibility.

    5. Classic- Marco- known truth teller🤣

      Says it was consensual and his Bro didn’t predator the twenty something year old women staring her career.

      You are sure a gem Marco. Pure lawyer at heart. You would pull the rug from under your mother for $5. 🤣🤣

    6. She’s 34 you dumb fucks.

    7. Now you’re shaming her for her age?

      What the helm is wrong with you Marco🤥?

  57. Agreed. Marco is also adept at lawyer speak, aka bullshit. Most folks who know who he is don't find his advocating for scumbags and developers the most winning traits, especially when he's profiting from his opinions and preferences.

  58. “but he didn't sexually assault anyone and he didn't have anything to do with her getting fired.”🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Sure Marco🤥….. we believe you. 🤥😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. So I guess what you’re saying🤥 is:

      You wouldn’t mind if where your daughter works, some 45-year-old man in charge of the board in charge of your company/agency corners your daughter in a stairwell and slams his hand up her shirt grabbing her breasts and shoves his tongue out her throat?

      IDK🤥, I find that hard to believe and I would hate to be your daughter. 😡

  59. Even for Marco 🤥, a new low.

    Defending a predator of a young woman in her 20s just starting her career, hunted down by the all mighty Chair of the county BOS and the Chair of the board of the MTS where she worked until the predator arrived.

    Pathetically low 🤥

    1. A young woman in her 20s just starting her career? Nope, a 34 year old who pursued a married man and engaged in a consensual relationship. The truth will come out.

    2. 🤥 you sure got a lot of eggs in that basket….

      I think your biggest problem is Nathan is a rotten egg.

  60. The Durham investigation is over.

    After 4 years and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars spent, here are the results:

    1 plea deal resulting in community service.

    2 court cases resulting in 2 acquittals.

    And that’s it.

    Remember when this was supposed to unveil the crime of the century and the conviction of Hillary Clinton?

    Turns out, not so much.

    Community service.


    1. It was led by republicants, dumbest people on earth, of course it failed. They fail at everything. It is hard to be effective when you are scared of everything including crossdressers, immigrants taking their low wage jobs, books, education, science, non-christian religions, Mickey Mouse and homeless people. There is a reason every republican led state is a shithole welfare state and every federal republicant admin amassed massive debt and lost wars. The party of losers, bonded by failure, trying make failing normal so they can feel better about their sorry lives while getting convicted daily of everything from being pedos to failing to over throw the government. Dems may suck as well but still 1000 times better than the party of failing.

    2., you are somethin'. The Russian Hoax and you still defend the communist left. Were your parents that mean to you? Were picked on in school? Are so twisted that day is night? Seek help and medications.

  61. Tony Kranz says welcome to all and all who are in Encinitas deserve a house by the beach for free.

    Welcome, fentanyl crackheads and welcome poorest migrants of the world. We are a welcoming Community.

    The thing is Da Dunce doesn’t have any Brains. Little old Encinitas doesn’t have the means to change the world’s political belts, or equality, or worldwide crime. And in the process Kranz and the other idiots on council will destroy Encinitas.

    Speaking with his face pressed up to the fence, 30-year-old Ryan Smith said he left Kingston, Jamaica, on Monday and came to the border after taking multiple flights that sent him to Santo Domingo, Panama and Mexico. He said he saved about $10,000 and sold his car to make the trip.

    “There’s too much violence, too much crime, no work, no jobs” in Jamaica, he said. Smith said he drove a truck at a chicken processing plant in Kingston and wants to join relatives in Alabama.

    “I’m not coming (to the U.S.) to sit down,” he said. “I’m coming there to work, to drive a truck there, anywhere. And pay tax to the government.”

    His twin brother, Ryon, wants to go to New York City and join his U.S. girlfriend who, he said, is the mother of the couple’s 3-year-old daughter.

    “We don’t want to go back to Jamaica,” he said. “We’re just waiting (to get processed here). We have no problem with working. We get up in Jamaica at 4:30, 5 in the morning to work. I love to drive a truck.”

    Cheap crime filled labor? Welcome USA to the 3rd world.

  62. The border policy is basically no policy at all - a free for all. Now Newsom is considering unemployment for illegals; right after reparations.

    1. I heard India and China are doing the same thing. Our current leaders are so smart. Da Dunce leads the pack. 🤣🤣😢🤮

      No need to work today. New pandemic coming. Stay indoors shut all the shutters no sunlight. Sunlight spread the virus. CDC. Dr. False he says so.

    2. The U.S. hasn't had any cohesive immigration reform in 40-50 years, there's not even an argument to be had there....

    3. The congressional Republicans negotiated a deal for comprehensive immigration reform, but then voted against their own deal because they didn’t want Obama to have a win.

      Politics over what’s good for America.


  63. No wonder there’s a deficit and the hole keeps getting deeper!

    1. 💯… as we all know. The US dollar doesn’t have long. Hope you’re all diversified. 😊

    2. What's going to replace it, the Wingnut buck?

  64. Other world currency? Brazil and China have already made the move….. not good trends the US. Our politicians are ruining our reputation and our credit. No one believes fiat currency anymore. Even us citizens.

    1. The America hating left is ruining our reputation.
      Example: The Durham report.

    2. When a partisan hatchet man is installed and given tens of millions of dollars, unlimited time, no oversight, and the powers to subpoena, to form a criminal grand jury, to indict, to prosecute—and after four years all he’s achieved was one guy getting community service.

      That’s a clear win for a squeaky clean DOJ.

      Clearly Crossfire Hurricane was justified.

  65. The America hating right is hellbent on ending our democracy and our ruining our reputation across the planet, and for what?

    Everything the right does fails. If there is one thing these right wingers know, it is how to fail in every moral sense of the word. Immorality is a constant. Unamerican is a constant. Delusion is a constant. Criminality is a constant. Keeping women subdued is a constant. Burning books? Straight out of the Third Reich.

    1. Remember when a court ruled in Tucker Carlson's favor stating that any "reasonable" person could not possibly believe the crap coming out of his mouth. Unfortunately the entire Republican base apparently is not reasonable which is why it's a waste of time to engage with them. Please continue to ridicule them though.

  66. Could you people go back to Encinitas Uncensored and argue national partisan politics there? It feels like we got rid of one crazy and swapped out for all of your crazies. If you haven't figured it out, it's the same handful of people bickering over the same (really boring) partisan issues. The rest of us are more interested in discussing local Encinitas politics and issues. Thanks.

    1. 3:34- Its as if they don't want to focus on the chaos in Encinitas. Maybe drDunce has his shills on this page. Nothing surprises me anymore.

    2. Could be. It's amusing that they don't even realize they are indistinguishable from one another.

    3. There isn't a single post here that doesn't involve accusations of who is making which anonymous comments, and people telling each other anonymously to shut up.

  67. I would be happy to stop calling out the raving right winger on this blog.

    All it takes is for him to stop calling the only party that is defending our nation, the haters of America, when in fact it is him and his party of choice who are the haters of America and its once grand experiment in being the beacon of light to the world.

    1. You need to be on mind numbing meds. You are, a nut case.

  68. 6 million illegals since Alzheimers mumbles took office.
    Yaaa', nice choice. Oh' and the fake black woman where it is shocking she could pass the Bar exam. Proving, good sense has nothing to do with taking a test. Remember folks, vote for the communists again if you want to fully ruin America.

  69. Lots of useful idiots posting.

    Frank Figliuzzi types.

    Who you may ask is Frank Figliuzzi?

    He's the cnn former eff bee eye clown 🤡
    Claimed the Donald was a neo Nazi due to having flag half staff on August 8. Eight eight.

    Fuggin hilarious these people are not serious people. Libs lmfao need clinical help 🤣

  70. You few fools just carry on with you mind numbing idiocy.

    1. 6:54- thanks for the insightful highly entertaining comment.

  71. First problem is you have the stupidest person in Encinitas other than The Dunce leading the group.

    Second issue is to address the problem and realize that there’s no value in running a Diesel burning empty train on the beach.


    pretty simple solution. We just need to elect people with common sense.

    1. Good luck with that.

    2. No luck needed.

      Vote out these idiots wasting millions in tax dollars.

  72. The dredging project going on at Cardiff Reef looks like an abortion clinic. Why aren't our liberal friends up in arms about the environmental impacts of all the sea life in the San Elijo Lagoon?

    1. Tony Kranz told them it's okay so it's a non issue for them.

    2. What a dumb statement. You must be a republicant.

    3. 7:09 wins the blog today

      If we drill down and seriously consider why they are dredging it is to put sand on the beaches for the summer which equates to tourist dollars.

      That is really all it is.

      I walked over those cobblestones 2 days in a row to get unceremoniously they pummeled by 10' close outs at the beach break.

      No sand in my ears but most certainly rocks
