Sunday, July 27, 2014

It's official: Gaspar vs. Kranz!

Seaside Courier


  1. Interesting strategy from Mr. Kranz: following in the footsteps of Councilwoman Barth means what? Kranz is going to file sexual harassment charges against Gaspar and Muir that will later be determined to be unfounded?

    Or will he Chair a committee that rehires MIG for another million dollars? Bet Kranz cannot wait to be elected Mayor so he can hire Catherine Lew to push-poll his new tax increase scheme: bundervar! He and Shaffer's impudent responses to credible citizens who attempted to give them credible financial advice to save some of the overspending should tell any adult voter that society must be broken if Mr. Kranz is the caliber of leadership we are promoting.

    As for Mr. Kranz taking the 'high road'? He and his supporters, Slater-Price, will have no choice but to go after Gaspar with a vengeance: because the side-by-side comparison of the two candidates is so stark.

  2. I understand Slater-Price is no longer a supporter after the Prop A debacle.

    But he still has Francine Busby and the Democratic Party establishment.

    1. Busby the all time loser?! She lost in a year that Republicans were raising white flags; as I recall, she made some off-handed quip about illegals having voting rights or something. Her endorsement is akin to donning a millstone around one's neck.

    2. 12:45 Seems to me Bilbray was a big time loser not too long ago.

  3. Wow! What a surprise!

    said no one.

  4. I think I'll hold my nose and vote for Kranz, Gaspar is so immature .

    1. then vote for Alex Fidel- he appears to have principals- misguided as they might be. Kranz has none. He is what the kids call a two -face

    2. With the exception of Pacific View and approving the horrible budget that Vina came up with, many of their votes have been the same. Fidel does have some interesting positions.

    3. Yes- Alex Fidel would be an interesting swing vote- I wonder why Barth isn't backing the Millenial- see how it works?

    4. Fidel is hilarious.

      -fluoride in the water is a government conspiracy to poison you.

      -our local Sheriff is part of a police state that will kill you for no reason,

      - a variety of other tin-foil hat conspiracy issues that local government has no control over, and are not priority issues to the majority of local voters.

      I wonder if he'll talk through sock puppets at the debates.

    5. The fluoride that is added to Olivenhein Water Didstrict is a type of industrial waste. Too much fluoride isn't good for us. The water district is paid to allow the fluoride to be added, not vice versa.

      I am very glad that SDWD doesn't allow fluoride in our water. You don't think the authorities "conspire," against individuals at times? People have every reason to be wary about the government overstepping its authority.

    6. Maybe Fidel has already started passing out campaign weed samples. His chance of success is zilch. You can take that to the bank.

      I've seen his age listed both 22 and 23. Which is it? Does he still live at home without a job?

    7. Yes, Fidel had principals in elementary, middle and high school. Now he has principles, some of which are wacky, but considering the sad state of City politics, including the fact that the council and staff don't pursue or protect the majority public interest, it might be revolutionary in a positive way to have Fidel as mayor. At the very least, it would be entertaining. For starters, he would probably generate an immediate recall campaign.

    8. 12:51: when industrial waste has other uses it's called a byproduct.

      I hate to tell you this, but your street--every street is industrial waste. Asphalt is a byproduct of petroleum refining.

    9. Fidel has no chance, it's Tony vs. Kristen. If Kristin had done or represented ANYTHING in the last few years, I'm might have given her a look. But her record to the positive is pretty empty, especially when she voted for plenty of "enhancements" despite her claim otherwise...


    10. It's not an argument to attack someone's character, doing so is a logical fallacy. Most young people are in dire straits economically. Even those with college degrees are screwed. Doesn't make someone lazy or a bad person. If the economy keeps going south, a lot of us will be in the same boat as young people are, and that wouldn't make you a bad or lazy person either.

    11. Fidel has a website that he uses to highlight world issues. It is refreshing to see someone his age actually involved in what he supports and doing something he believes in. I would just like to know more about his position on local issues.

  5. Yes and Gaspars good friend JEROME STOCKS let's forget that

  6. Ya Gaspar hand picked by the development crowd shallow -- shallow --- shallow.

  7. Did anyone see the movie mean girls .Don't turn your back on Gaspar she is a proven Back stabber.

    1. No, Barth became the mean girl, holding grudges, being vindictive, cutting public speakers off the moment their time was up. That was proven, time and again at City Council Meetnigs, and when Barth promoted one position, such as being for the "Right to Vote," or promising a priority would be to replace City Attorney Glenn Sabine, were Shaffer and Kranz to be elected. Now that is proof of back-stabbing.

      You are being a troll 9:43. Anonymously claiming that someone is a "proven" this or that doesn't make it so. Where's your proof, if it's proven?

    2. Why don't you answer any of 12:57's questions, 8:19? Why are you obsessed with Lynn?

  8. I understand Tony and his team plan on going negative on Gaspar - get ready (already started on this blog)!

    1. Correct, 10:11. See 9:43, above.

      Barth was often heard to say, privately, what a "terrible person," Gaspar is. Those words never came out of Kristin's mouth, with reference to Teresa, as far as I heard, or anyone I know ever heard.

    2. 1:00 Are you Gaspar's mommy by any chance?

    3. Barth is mean spirited insecure and vindicative to anyone who questions her

      I know from first hand experience. I am a citizen

    4. Yes, I tried to ask Barth a question at a forum and she curtly brushed me off. She is a phoney - we can't get rid of her fast enough.

  9. Will not vote for Gaspar = puppet of $tock$, developer's friend, stack and pack lover, on the take for government teat, childish and immature, is no David Copperfield and fake, fake, fake. Fiscal conservative my rear end.

  10. Also Gaspar is still intimately tied with Mike Andreen. She has recently been seen with him, and it's all about upzoning and pushing development. For that reason alone, I would not vote for her.

    1. Yes, she clearly is supported by the developers. Watch her pitch the "fiscal responsibility" approach - she is banking on the majority of voters being clueless about her positions and actions while on the council - she is no fiscal conservative.

  11. You don't have to go negative Gaspar she is negative!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I saw Tony having lunch with David Meyer last week! Tony is as much as a developer tool as Kristin - I'll be voting for Alex!!!

    1. Oh my God. Having lunch with someone proves they're in the tank. Or not. As far as I know Meyer is a Gaspar supporter.

    2. Kranz is a dufuss selling out to the highest bidder.

  13. She is looking for another "tiara". Mommy wants her to have another one to add to her collection.

  14. Some already call her miss NO ------ NO on everything unless it supports
    Stack and pack developer buddies. Such as David Meyer. A K A mister density bonus.

    1. Gaspar and Muir voted no on having more secret subcommittees. They wanted the Pacific View issue to be discussed at open Council Meetings, in conjunction with open meetings of the Board of Trustees of EUSD.

      Tony Kranz has glorified in being a secret negotiator. He proposed another secret subcommittee, when the new policy is that Council Subcommittees are to be noticed, and open to the public, unless there is a showing as to why secrecy is necessary. The secrecy was not beneficial in getting the lowest and best price for Pacific View.

      Tony Kranz, with the help of outgoing Teresa Barth was able to set up PV as part of his platform for his run for Mayor, at a cost of $10 Million. He presided at the Press Conference, unnoticed to most of the public, where the purchase was announced.

      Glad we got PV, sad we are drastically overpaying, and not holding Baird to the requirements of Education Code, including the Naylor Act.

    2. Yup, Tony has some things he's going to have to prove, but Gaspar is going to have to live down her whole record.....

  15. Her council buddy Muir was at the gala event dressed in guess what? Yep, a VEST and eating and drinking his heart out.

    Lots of developers there also.

    Gaspar is a stack and pack kind of girl.

    1. Gustoff Glutton Hogger Stein - the alter ego of Muir.

  16. I can see the Barth, Shaffer, KRanz mean spritited facist bullies are out today. Talk about a war on woman. It's ok in their world to attack woman who don't agree with them

    The Kranz Shaffer bullies hope to use the phrase "No" to try and paint those with opposing views and common fiscal sense as racists, homophobe or whatever else will get them elected so they remain in power. In reality they are the ideologues of hate and intolerance -becuase they lose on the facts-

    Gaspar said no to the Barth Shaffer Tax Hike that would have taken $5M out of the hands of honest, compassionate, kind, hardworking Encinitas families and put that money in the hands of incompetent Gus Vina.

    Fact- Gaspar wanted Encintias families to keep more of the money they earn to pay for healthcare, education, tutors, tuitions, youth sports, food, clothing, housing-

    Fact- Kranz wanted to take the money from hardwoking Encinitas families and give it to Gus Vina- the man who witholds financial information from the public.

    The Shaffer Kranz tax plan - taking more of your money from your family to benefit themselves

    1. "fascist bullies"? And I thought it wasn't possible to reach a new low here. By the way, that's the correct spelling.

    2. 1:32 apparently you have never seen Barth seek to silence those with opposing views and Shaffer misuse her propagandist newsletter to misrepresent the truth.

      No denying Barth and Shaffer regularly seek to promote policies that are less transparent not more. If the shoe fits- goose step right along

    3. 11:17 is our local version of demagogues like Karl Rove and Ted Cruz. What he/she calls "facts" are not.

      For example, for a local tax hike to go to the ballot, four of five council members would have to vote for it. In the highly unlikely instance that happened, it would then be trounced in a public election.

      The repeated use of the phrase "hardworking Encinitas families" and the like is a tip-off. It's transparently phony populism.

      On top of being a demagogue, our local Rove/Cruz is stupid. Pay no attention to him/her.

    4. 3:17 apparently thinks Encinitas families are lazy- I disagree

      In March of 2014 Tony Kranz made a motion to fast track the proposed Shaffer Kranz tax hike. Kran's motion was seconded by Shaffer. Kranz and Shaffer both said timing was important as they wanted to get their proposed tax hike on the 2014 ballot.

      When residents exposed the Shaffer Kranz proposed tax hike the UT did a story on it. The next week Shaffer said she wanted to wait until after the election to revisit the Shaffer Kranz proposed tax hike and Kranz agreed.

      Oh yea- it's non partisan and will take money from all Encinitas families and give it to the failing Vina.

      Gaspar opposed it.

    5. 4:40, you are apparently too willfully ignorant and biased to recognize that:

      1) Four out of five council members would have to vote for a tax hike proposal to go to a ballot. That happening is highly unlikely, but if it did . . .

      2) It would be defeated by Encinitas voters.

      In case you're still missing the point: A local tax hike will never happen. But if it makes you happy to think you're influencing people with your misinformation and demagoguery, keep at it. The more you do, the more foolish you look.

    6. 9:27

      In March Shaffer and KRanz proposed a tax hike. The Shaffer Kranz proposal included taking money and using it to pay a consultant to get it passed. The known estimated cost of the consultant was $180,000. Vina withheld the information from the public.

      Shaffer said it could raise $5M - that is taking $5 million out of hands of residents and putting it into the hands of Vina.

      Nothing foolish about council members like Krans and Shaffer who say one thing and do another- it's scary. Just like the Shaffer Kranz Tax plan.

      Shaffer and Kranz will look to take money out of residents pockets any way they can. Tax Hike, Parking Meters and increased fees on residents and your sports are just a few of them.

  17. I voted for Shaffer and Kranz as her puppy dog.
    I will be voting for Gaspar.
    If the main difference in their voting records is spending $10 mil on PV and approval of the budget, those are big issues and plenty of reason not to vote for Kranz.

  18. Kranz will lose. But let's vote for Fidel as a protest vote to send a message. Anger (hear more anger) is not needed at city hall. Gaspar is a zero but she will beat -10.

    1. 11:34 respectfully I disagree-

      why were changes in city staff's interpretation of density bonus changed? Because angry residents went to city hall in mass and demanded them

    2. Anger from residents is justified but not needed on the council where it is a huge liability.

    3. There is much more anger at City Hall than they know. We only saw those who were at the meeting. Many, many more were watching at home and learning about this 2nd hand from friends and relatives.

  19. Let's remember that the Mayor really has no more power than the Council. He or she will just cut more ribbons. So, it probably doesn't matter who wins. Personally, I choose Gaspar only because she is at least honest about her intentions. Kranz had sold out, and to me that is a problem. He has been seen with the same people as Gaspar, so he is not exactly "clean" from their stench. Kranz is the one who negotiated the PV property for 10 million, if you want to even call that a negotiation. Kranz is no longer for Prop. A , and if you don'e believe me, ask him yourself. Kranz doesn't have a clue about finance and will listen to Vina, just as Barth. I would be embarrassed to have Kranz be our Mayor, as even though it is not anything more than a glorified council member, he would still be representing the City of Encinitas. Personally, I don't want a Mayor that might take a swing at someone if he got angry. He has lost his base and, like Barth, is going to listen to Vina, as he doesn't want to put the time into reading all that should read to make an informed decision. It's a lot easier to let Vina tell you. He has done that with Barth, and he will do that with Kranz. I don't see him getting away with it with Gaspar.

    1. Just think of the cleaning bill when his head finally explodes!

    2. I also don't think Kranz could or would stand up to the City Manager or City Attorney. He is too enamored of their authority, just as Barth was.

      I hope Gaspar can do so. The mayor does have the authority of chairing Council Meetings and setting the agenda. That is a large power. While two Council Members can set a future agenda item, or one can, without a staff report, the Mayor gets to decide more specifically how that agenda item will be reported, and when it will be heard. That is a significant power.

    3. 1:15 Please stop me from laughing. In conjunction with the city manager, the agenda gets set for a council meeting, depending what projects are in the works.

      Since Gaspar is in the minority and likely to remain so, good luck with your theory.

    4. Please note the first paragraph listed under Gus Vina's duties as city manager:

      "The City Manager’s Office is responsible for City Council agenda planning, development of City-wide policies and procedures, regional government coordination, economic development, legislative tracking, public relations, citizen assistance, law enforcement contract administration, resource allocations and special projects "management.

    5. The mayor and the city manager, together, set the agenda. The mayor has a lot of power in being able to direct the city manager when she wants agenda items to be heard, and directing him as to how she wants them listed on the agenda. For instance, the mayor can determine she wants something listed as an action item, with possible alternatives for action to be taken.

    6. 2:04 In your dreams.

  20. I think it would be a far more telling protest should the Blakespear/Graboi contest get more collective votes than the Gaspar/Kranz race. Forget about Alex - why vote for someone who clearly wants nothing to do with the position he's running for?

    - The Sculpin

    1. wow- interesting observation 12:29. Perhaps your best one yet. Even as a protest vote Alex seems uninterested in the job itself and frankly not well informed or prepared. He is right about the police militarizing themselves. It is happening across the country. Here in Encinitas I am seeing the police (not the CHP) walking around in SWAT gear- black t-shirts, bullet proof vests, weapons on display. They look less interested in "protect and serve" and more interested in "initmidate and bully" in my opinion

    2. Alex has not seemed uninterested in the job of mayor. He was the first to pull papers, and the first to announce.

      Alex does want something to do with the position, or he would not be running; he wants nothing to do with corrupt and intimidating governmental authority, except to assert his and our rights, to oppose government overstepping it authority and violating the public trust.

      I have seen Alex at many Council Meetings and at various forums. He is involved; he cares, and he's honest. Better to have someone who can look at the situation with fresh eyes, than the same old developer sycophants, who bow down to the city manager and city attorney.

    3. Alex has my vote.

    4. The Seaside Courier's coverage was weighted to pre-posture the incumbent city councilmembers. It would have been nice to hear equally from Fidel and Rodbell, especially from the city clerk's website says that Fidel is the only one who is currently ballot-qualified. I hope in the future, the Seaside and other publications contact all candidates and give them the same amount of space, so that we can view them all and then make a decision.

      We should not make judgments about whether or not Fidel & Rodbell or any outsider candidate are serious about the position until we actually hear from them. The power held by being a gatekeeper of information can be abused to favor certain candidates over others, unfortunately in this instance by the Seaside Courier.

    5. I talked to Fidel at the farmers market 3 or 4 weeks ago

      he knows nothing about the issues in Encinitas. PRop A- no, Density Bonus-No , Lew Edwards-No, failing Vina- no, failing staff-no, underfunded roads and pensions-no

      he went on and on about weed, militarized police and the Fed-

      late to the game Fidel PR spinmeister don't try to make him seem something he is no.

      ps- in 3 years I have seen Alex at 2 council meetings- that is it.

    6. Agree. I have nothing against Fidel, but this is a city race, not state or national. Local issues first, then weed, the police state and fluoridation.

      If you want to run, woodshed like the kid in Vista....

    7. In a recent post on this blog, it sure sounded like Rodbell had decided not to run.

    8. 12:32,

      Tell us what is intimidating and bullying about black t-shirts and bullet-proof vests. The former is purely decoration, the latter is purely defensive.

      As for weapons on display, um, they're cops. Ah--words fail.

    9. 12:32- you make no sense- cops in uniform wih a gun side arm saying hello mam, hello sir

      or today's cops, steroided out, black t shirt, green fatigues, buller proof vest, armed belts- they are to bully and intimidate, not protect and serve...................and they are robbing taxpayers blind with their pensions

    10. @July 27, 2014 at 4:32 PM:

      That's why it would have been nice for the Courier to ask him those questions about those issues and hear his words first hand, rather than hearing it second hand, even if you are 100% right. My concern was more of a general concern about media ethics because I am one that likes to hear every voice and then make a decision on who I vote for. It is unethical for any media to only take incumbents seriously, unless we like Soviet-style elections.

  21. This is what Gaspar said in the Seaside Courier:

    "Gaspar said she recognizes the possibility of still having a minority vote on the City Council if she wins the mayoral bid, but thinks it’s important to send a “clear message.”

    Why in the hell would we elect a mayor that will continue to have a minority vote and will be ineffective in that position? It makes no sense at all.

    Gaspar has obviously been a failed council member and if she wins the election will be a failed mayor and we are stuck with this for two long years.

    She just wants to sit up there in the big chair and smile and say thank you to everyone who speaks and thank the staff for doing their job.

    This is not a leader. I can not think of one thing she has done in her years on council that has made even the slightest amount of difference for our city.

    NO to Gaspar.

    1. I can think of one thing she's accomplished: stopping the Barth-Shaffer-Kranz tax increase. That's not insignificant.

      And I can completely see the logic in electing a minority mayor if you don't like the direction the majority is going. It's one more vote on the council to prevent a supermajority.

    2. 12:43 She did not do that single handed. She knew she could claim that in her run for mayor. Strategy, my boy.

    3. Indeed. And the broader point of Gaspar's lack of accomplishments is completely valid. But then none of the other council members have done much either, with the notable exception of Pacific View. But then spending freely of Other People's Money isn't exactly heavy lifting.

      Whatever happened to the campaign promises of sunshine ordinances, fiscal responsibility, management accountability, etc? Seems it's a lot more fun to go on a wild spending spree.

    4. Not obvious at all that Gaspar has been a "failed Council Member." More rhetoric and hyperbole always so abundant before elections.

      Gaspar could win with a landslide if she would set a future agenda item to pass a Sunshine Ordinance. Because the lack of transparency, and accountability to the public, the lack of respect for our wishes has been the new council majority's greatest flaw.

      Why did Barth wait until after she was no longer Mayor to put forth the density bonus questions, and to do it in such a way that the conversation dragged out for hours and hours, taking up the majority of two Council Meetings? That should have been addressed long ago, before all the density bonus projects were completed, or before new ones that are "in the works" put in applications with the City. Barth is setting the City up for more potential lawsuits, because, according to Marco, anyway, who seems to have become a developer friendly attorney, once a developer applies for density bonus, that is when the effective policy and ordinances are to be applied, not retroactively, to policy changes, or future ordinances. I haven't read the specific law on this, but someone needs to figure out when City policy is legally effective with regard to DB, or anything else. The general rule is that any law isn't retroactive unless the law itself spells that out.

    5. 1:32 (aka Lynn) go ask Barth.

    6. You go ask Barth, and don't be so sure that you know who is posting. Leave Lynn's name out of it. Why is that so important to you, who someone is? Why don't you address what the comment says, and not who you speculate is saying it?

      Don't call out who you assume others are, if you aren't willing to give your own name, Charley.

    7. Anytime the council gives direction on a change in interpretation, the change becomes effective immediately. The council voted to do this. The city doesn't have a Density Bonus ordinance, but one will be prepared. So there is no ex post facto application to worry about.

      The interpretation comes from other sections of the code. The code already says to round down on base density (30.16.010B). It also says in the same section that “environment constraints may reduce density.” This will allow retention basins to be subtracted from gross acreage. The city has always been allowed to apply discretionary decisions after the initial date of application and make a developer follow them. A completely new requirement with no discretion.done through an ordinance would, however, be a different story. The is the interpretation that a land use attorney gave me. It's very unlikely a court would disagree with this.

    8. same can be said about Barth- at least Gaspar had the common sense to oppose Lew Edwards- Barth tried to slip it through with her "Direct the city manager to engage a firm" motion

    9. If you will read the minutes of several of the council meetings in the Fall of 2012: you'll see that it was Kristin Gaspar who almost single-handedly stopped Patrick Murphy/Diane Langager and Teresa Barth from loading New Encinitas with over 90% of future growth: while turning El Camino Real into a walkable community AND a serious plan to consciously create gridlock during peak traffic hours along ECR and Encinitas Boulevard.

      When the council decided to start over, Gaspar caught Barth and the Planning Staff trying to pull a switcheroo against council direction with even a greater percentage loss to private property rights to New Encinitas homeowners and when Gaspar reported out the Barth led conspiracy, Barbara Henry, who is always sympathetic to Barth, was more interested in a specious potential Brown Act violation by Gaspar than a very real full blown conspiracy by Barth and the Planners.

    10. Thanks, 9:42, for coherently explaining why Marco's speculative argument about increased likliehood for potential lawsuits, relative to the date of application of DB projects fails.

    11. Sorry, I meant 2:42, not 9:42.

  22. Politics in this town only gets worse by the moment.

  23. Just wait for all the stack and pack to come. Favors to developers are right around the corner.

    1. If you don't want stack and pack, the only one who seems against it is Fidel! Tony and Lisa both said that they want low income housing to get places for their kids to live so that they can kick them out. Was it a joke? You decide!

  24. Kranz Kranz he's our man if he can't do it no one can .

  25. After digesting all the comments my vote goes to ......Alex Fidel! The others are proven losers so why not try something new.

  26. Remember, the filing period for mayor and council candidacies ends August 8, 2014 at 6:00 PM. So all you people here who are going to show us how it's done have less than 2 weeks to get on the ballot. I know you're just waiting until the last week to file but don't wait too long. Based on many of the comments here, running a city is just so obvious, so please step up and show us.

    1. 2:43 And you do the same.

    2. 4:44 PM

      Sorry but I'm not qualified since I don't think it's obvious.

  27. It's Gaspar vs. Kranz, barring some exciting heretofore unheralded entrants.

  28. Hello all,

    Sorry to interrupt the bashing, trolling, shouting, and hyperbole, but I'm enjoying a happy Sunday in paradise. I thought I'd offer up a positive thought.

    Did you know that Surf Dog's Java Hut above Swami's also has a record label? Did you know that the tiny label is launching an important album put together by Eric Clapton, honoring the late, great Valley Center musician JJ Cale? Cale wrote After Midnight and Cocaine, which Clapton covered as hits at the start of his solo career. Cale has also been covered by Lynard Skynard (Call me the Breeze), the Grateful Dead, Widespread Panic, Tom Petty, Mark Knopfler, and many more. Many if the same stars are featured on the new tribute album.

    Cale was a laid back, cool dude--one of the best--but he never sought fame and fortune to satisfy his personal ego.

    I for one think it's no accident that Clapton chose an Encinitas label for the album. Encinitas and JJ Cale have a lot in common.

    Consider watching the documentary "To Tulsa and Back" if you'd like to know more about the quiet, humble legend.

    1. Didn't Clapton support right wing extremist Enoch Powell as recently as 2007?

    2. Wow 8:18,

      Right to the heart.

      Slow Hand is a music icon, and I never heard this story. Clapton is also connected to Encinitas through his longtime friend and romantic rival George Harrison (Layla was writtened about Harrison's wife, who left him for Clapton, then went back). George Harrison spent retreats at the Self-Realization Fellowship with Ravi Shankar learning the sitar (think Norweigian Wood).

      The tirade you reference appears to be true, but dates to the mid-1970s. It's no excuse, but I hope the sunrise of sobriety that didn't hit Clapton until the 80s explains part of this dark episode.


    3. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  29. On the other hand, letting Marvin run loose could be the best way to kill Streetscape. He's the worst ambassador the plan could possibly have.

  30. Some of us on here still like a lot of the elements in the streetscape, not just Charley, if he's indeed on here. I for one would propose a burying of the hatchet between he and Lynn, at least on the forum. Love to see those two move on from personal differences at least in print here.

  31. Sure adding trees is great, but nothing else about the plan is a good idea.

  32. 9:14- KLCC always has the same comments. Boring and uneducated.

    1. 6:23 One trick pony. Pigs are smarter than you.

    2. Another funny one- Thanks. Some KLCC member even mentioning the word smart.

      I just want a road that I can safely walk on with my family, that will provide an environment were good businesses can succeed so I can walk to my favorite stores, and that will not lead to the slaughter of more of our children - RIP Jason.

      That highway is still designed for 70 mph speeds and people are regularly traveling 60 mph plus. The road physical characteristics much change. Speed limits do not effect the speeders and we can not afford full time enforcement because City Hall is mismanaged.

    3. Well, let's see, there are signaled crosswalks at Vulcan, 101 and Leucadia Blvd. There's a sidewalk along almost the whole length of Leucadia 101 on the west side where the stores are. Not enough for you?

      If you think that placing five roundabouts within 8/10 mile at the north end and another 1.2 miles south will reduce speeds north and south of El Portal, you're dreaming.

      Nobody is against truly improving Leucadia 101, but what's proposed are not improvements.

  33. I don't know if it was on this blog or Al's. but he said after he pulled papers he realized he didn't want to run. Don't quite remember the reason why. Can't say I blame him. He can do us more good as an activist, and one of Vina's ever expanding 28 people. I think it's up to about 33 now.

  34. BS- Councilmember have a vote in changing city issues. Citizens/ activists have an opinion. Huge difference

  35. The Ditz vs the Dunce - now that's a race!

  36. I pedict public will vote for Ditz over Dunce any day. Dalakranz hasn't a chance.

    1. Probably right - I think instead of Comic Con-isk "Wonder Woman" image, she'll be portrayed as the thinking intellectual, bedecked with glasses, wearing a woman's business outfit and there will be a bookshelf in the background. She'll make vague, generalistic statements about fiscal responsibility and civic priorities - great fodder for the uninformed voter seeing the mailer in their box and having no background on what has gone on in the last 4 years.
      Kranz has to be careful on the attack mode strategy - that can backfire if Gaspar's campaign also doesn't employ it. The Rotary Club and the special interest developers want the Ditz to remain where she is - they will undoubtedly succeed, as money does buy elections. But between them , there is no real choice......

  37. 2 years of the Ditz compared to 4 years of the Ditz is music to my ears. Then maybe another Ditz will hire her so she can continue to be ditzy.

    Love it.

  38. Here is a thought folks. Lets all support Tony for mayor in order to dump the princess this fall. Tony can either join Julie for true progress when she gets there or be relegated to the trash heap in two years but at least the princess will be gone this fall. Sounding better by the minute. Tony can be our surrogate for the disposing of GASpar. Now just wait for the coming responses for some entertainment value.

    1. Kranz's campaign theme - Where's my kitchen appliance???

    2. 3:41 I'm all for that great suggestion.

      Let's dump the princess. She already thinks she has won and the election is months away.

      Let's surprise her like her buddy $tock$.

    3. not buying it- Kranz is a disaster , I will vote for Alex Fidel before two face Tony Baloney

      My Baloney has a first name it's T O N and Y

  39. Tony, Tony, Tony for mayor. Yea that's the ticket to dumping GASpar. Brilliant.

    1. Kranz is a vacuous blank slate and the local powers that be know that. That is why you see the Dunce with the likes of Myers. It's like "Let's make a deal!". Channeling Dala-duh-ger.
      Surfing Madonna has my vote.

  40. He is "Kranz the gardener" in the movie Being There. A simpleton.

    1. Gaspar is wonder woman, magician and cinderella all wrapped in one package. How lucky are we (NOT).
