Sunday, April 3, 2022

Mosca’s history repeats

Pasadena Star-News:
While more recent arrivals in town may be unaware of this fellow’s significance, veteran Sierra Madreanos are likely to remember Joe Mosca. The one-time mayor of Sierra Madre first arrived in town in late 2005, only to run for City Council less than a year later. Obviously he was a young man in a hurry. One of splendid gifts and much promise all were assured by his handlers.

Running as a preservationist opposed to a clunky mixed-use nightmare known as the “Downtown Specific Plan,” Joe rode to elective glory upon a wave of local revulsion at the city’s fraudulent proto-development political establishment. When his election gave slow-growthers a clear City Council majority, many declared the town’s troubles over.

Alas, no. As often happens with local baby-kissers, Mosca quickly flipped on everything he’d previously promised. He became an aggressive supporter of the very project he’d opposed when running for office. Something that led to a successful resident land use revolt called Measure V, an unsuccessful recall, general civic mayhem, plus some annoying blogs.

Then, for reasons remaining unclear to this day, in 2011 Joe suddenly resigned his office. This only months after he’d won re-election with a campaign vowing his eternal love of Sierra Madre. Some credited Chris Holden for effortlessly crushing Mosca’s state Assembly ambitions, leaving him with little reason to stay. Others pointed to his physician husband being awarded a lucrative job in San Diego, bread winner’s needs carrying the day.

Shortly after landing in the San Diego County surf and sand suburb of Encinitas, Mosca somehow managed to get himself appointed to an open seat on that City Council. This despite the many other hopeful applicants who’d lived there for more than a hot minute. When he actually needed to run for that seat a few years later, he barely eked out a victory over an 80-year-old resident who rarely left the house due to his ailments.


  1. His first step was to ingratiate himself to Lisa Shaffer so that she could get him onto commissions and place him on the council.

  2. The same Lisa Shaffer who told everyone to suck it up and welcome affordable high density across the street from her as she supports it? The denser, the higher, the better? The same Lisa Shaffer who then picked up and moved to Carlsbad the minute she saw the project plans?

    Frauds, all.

    1. Yes! The same Lisa Shaffer who describes herself as an ethics professor! The old saying is that people teach what they have to learn! She is not too quick of a study!

  3. Indisputable proof of how gullible Encinitas voters can be.

    1. Stay on the Blakespear train and expect more of the same. She'll use Mali Woods-Drake continues to shame her base into submission.

    2. "to continue to shame her base into submission."

      Speaking of shame, where is Gonzalez these days? Working hard to destroy the backcountry or holed up with La Blakespear plotting who to run against Ehlers? Any guesses as to what puppet they'll try to install?

    3. Whoever runs against Ehlers has my vote.

    4. 2:52 -

      No one cares what you think Flyboy. Now shut up, do ask your husband says, and finally get a job and earn some keep.

      You know, you are not getting any younger and he is the bread winner and is likely sick of your endless yabbering. I could see him wanting to upgrade to a newer model?

      -Just saying ;)

  4. The mayors mouthpiece, btw not my mayor, MWD vomit producing editorial in the Coast News amounted to what?

    A call for sympathy after castigating our most dedicated citizens efforts to have true representation in order to defend this community against the money grubbing developers along with the planning dept. who has never seen proposal that they would not approve of.

    Sure, Randy's abomination was declined, but..... they showed their true stripes by giving Randy all he needs to continue his project with the lot combining.

    Attempts to resurrect a despicable reputation deserves as much as she gave to our citizens who she had no problems attacking.

    MWD. You have learned little from your past self-inflicted life experiences when it comes to treating others with respect. You are just another tool to be used and not the sharpest one in the tool box either.

    Where will you go with a new council majority? Good damn riddance when that day comes. Anywhere but here works for me and I suspect many others.

    1. Drug addiction and severe metal illness deserve compassion and she obviously is dealing with both.

    2. Mali has been dishing out vitriol and vicious attacks against residents who threaten her seat on the mayor's gravy train. Many are saving their compassion for those who deserve it. And she does not.

    3. In my opinion, people such as Mali Woods Drake are the reason WHY people with mental illness are stigmatized. She is way off the charts since many people with depression and the maladies that she describes are private and do not go out of their way to initiate fights with an entire city. Her piece does not address her behavior of preemptively accusing people she doesn't know of being racists. There is no responsibility taken for her behaviors and only a list of sad situations to explain away why her life is so bad. She views her hurtful and bizarre attacks as her being, "an outspoken community activist." I also think that she is mistaken that she can hold herself up as an example of a person who has successfully emerged from her problems. It is sad that she lost her father at such a critical time, and I respect her for seeking help, but what is really needed is a change in behavior that would include learning to respect other people. I strongly agree that people with mental illness should be shown compassion since most suffer silently and are isolated from other people because of shame. She however, is the classic example of a person playing a victim card when it is she who is the perpetrator of abuse towards others.

    4. An editorial is written by the paper's editor or board of editors. Not surprisingly, that's why it's called an editorial.

      MWD's piece in the Coast News is an op-ed, which is short for opposite the editorial page. Called that because contributions from writers outside the paper's staff used to appear on the page opposite the editorial page.

      Coast News calls an op-ed a Community Commentary.

    5. I respect the Coast News for giving coverage to a range of points of views. This piece does not demonstrate why a person with this many problems is competent to make decisions for so many law-abiding citizens in Encinitas. She has said that people who have lived here and disagree with her should move on and make way for her. Does this seem like a healthy conclusion by one who has penned a page-long confessional and asks for our compassion?

    6. And who just got here, 7:29? Where was her activism before she struck her deal of mutual promotion with the mayor??

    7. Mali can now add "self-important" to her entitled millennial DV. Yes, it was shitty that someone on this blog attacked her for her alcoholism, but it's her toxic, insulting social media rants that piss off 99.9% of the people in this town who can't stand her. Writing a "I am a victim!" op-ed (NOT an "article" as she claimed on EN) and then advertising it ("Feel sorry for me!") on EN is beneath where I though she was, but there she is.

    8. It's not written by the board, it's by the Sierra Madre Tattler owner, who knows all things Mosca....

    9. Not to mention the exhaustive video evidence of Mosca himself.

  5. No surprise that Joe is going to cut and run.
    Congratulations Encinitas.

  6. He was a pawn for Blakespear's ambitions. A worthless carpet bagger that would say anything to get elected. He did nothing for this City.

  7. 2:52 you are either Goodson, a developer shill, or a corrupt city employees. Those are who will be voting against Ehlers. So clear.

  8. 2:52 is Mali Woods-Drake. Directed by the mayor, she is carrying out the mayor's attack on Bruce Ehlers. All you need to know to vote for Bruce.

    1. If I lived in that district, I would vote for Ehlers. I'm still surprised that Blakespear voted to appoint him to the Planning Commission, where he's now chairman.

    2. Of course, thats what BIAspear does... She is only concerned with getting another vote for State Senate. She has shown time and time again, she cares nothing for Encinitas as sold us out years ago.

  9. sad to see encinitas get ruined by LA and SF morons. leave the place cause it's messed up from what you voted for then run the same playbook in another city and ruin that. i f-ed off im in florida now im definitely rooting for enci to stay sick, still is an awesome spot year by year i saw it slipping into insanity

  10. Excellent article by the Pasadena Star - The truth always come out in the end. The problem is the collateral damage that is cause in creating the tails of woe. Mosca fly boy never got his leg up high enough to pee like a big dog.

    BIAspear and Kranz still trying to step up to state office, but they face serious headwinds having a long track record of destroying Encinitas.

    Watch the votes in this election. I better more people in Encinitas will vote for BIAspears opponents and she knows this because she almost lost the last election in Encinitas.

    Kranz has his own long list of destruction to Encinitas so I can not wait to see how he trying to weezle votes in this upcoming election. He has proven to sell out Encinitas every chance he has gotten regarding supporting over development, building parking lots over nice trails, and cutting off access to the coastline, so expect he will gladly except political favor and $$$ from big time developers and union pawns like MWD and Gonzalez/Fletcher/Blakespear.

    BOOPO and KOOPO!

    1. Kranz is aspiring to higher office?! Maybe he can try climbing the flag pole at City Hall! He is symptomatic of an uninformed electorate, as his competency is challenged by assorting his desk pencils! He is in the DUNZA league with Dalager - the Dumber and Dumbest of Encinitas! People could mistake him with a mannequin. but the later is more useful. Kranz as mayor??? Break out the "DUH" flag - his symbol.

  11. So what is Kranz doing today? Working on approving more LA density low income apartments in Leucadia, fencing off more of the coastline, building more parking lots instead of trails, or building more seawalls to destroy our Coastline?

    Oh, I know. Nothing as usual. He will sit around mommy-in-laws home all day. Sometimes, he let developers do some of the damaging leg work and then he will use his IQ of 65 to approve the worst proposals.

    1. Blakespear must be politically banished.

    2. he's letting Morris do the dirty work for him...

    3. He certainly is. They think they've got a "plan."

  12. Kranz was bought by Leichtag soon after their acquisition of Ecke's property. He is seen by the developers as an easy mark - $$$$$.

    1. Plus he's on a first-name basis with "Dave" Meyer and the Ecke wife from school. That's what's meant by "local" boy...the associations go way back and those are who Kranz represents...his #1 priority.

    2. 9:53 AM Explains a lot. They let Kranz lick the caviar plate at their Christmas parties. Yokel politics....

    3. Deep Community Looting

    4. Ecke and Meyer have owned the Council for years. It's a developer's paradise in Encinitas.

  13. Good grief.

    What is it with this total clowns?

  14. Mosca seems infinitely smarter than South Bend Mayor Pete at least?

    1. Pete is a very bright, capable guy. Mosca is not.

    2. 1:07- Pretty sure he can suck the paint off a tailpipe, but how do you figure he is a capable guy?

    3. 1:07
      Buttajudge is very bright???? He is a buffoon and out of his element. You no doubt think binden knows what planet he inhabits.

    4. It takes brains and talent to spot brains and talent. You have neither, so you can see them in Pete.

  15. So Kranz not only didn't defend his community as an elected official, He led NCTD to pro-actively fence off the coast and install massive seawalls thereby screwing mother's coastal habitat. What the hell Kranz?

    If there was ever a cause for a recall, this is it.

    People have been crossing the coastal area for millions of years prior to Kranz. Kranz take the lead in blocking of eternal access the coast all for all a few people to commute on a diesel burning, cancer causing train.


  16. Well Stated-

    What has Tony Kranz, who wants to be our next Mayor, done to facilitate safe crossings in Leucadia? It takes a long time to get safe crossings processed? Tony has had TEN years serving this district! Instead, as chairman for NCTD, Tony decided on the fencing separating his district’s residents. Unlike Del Mar, who knew this would be detrimental to its residents and fought back. Lazy or incompetent, he doesn’t seem to prioritize good decisions for his district, imagine him as Mayor?

    Recall Kranz today!

  17. Agreed. Encinitas can not stand one more year with this tool. Every day this idiot is making decisions for our City is a bad day for Encinitas.

    Remove the paid off dunce. Remove Kranz today. Recall please!

  18. Please join Leucadia Now and lets get Kranz recalled. The sooner the better for Encinitas.


  19. 6:40, 6:59 you don't understand the recall process. There is no time between now and November. The straightest line to getting the creep out of our hair is to make sure he's not reelected. Get the word out. Tell your neighbors, go door to door, whatever. Put your efforts there, they'd be wasted on a recall. And whatever you do, don't ensure his reelection by voting Morris. By all reports that one's a serious contender in his mind only.

    1. Kranz's council seat is good until 2024. This year, he's running for mayor. He can't be reelected in 2022. Let's hope he won't be elected. You hit the nail on the head about not voting for Morris.

  20. In the past 2 weeks democrats have been forced into defending:

    - pedophiles
    - masking 2yos
    - allowing biological males to compete against women
    - teaching sex to kindergarteners
    - senile heads of state starting WW3

    Why am I blathering about these factoids on a local beach city blog?

    Because the local beach city in question is run by 100% democrats.

    Good luck in November

    1. 9:56 Right out of the Clay and Buck mid-terms playbook.

    2. I like the saying by Dennis Prager...
      "everything the left does, they destroy"

    3. 9:56 needs a reminder that Trump is a Republican, was justifiably impeached twice, fomented a Republican-led insurrection at the US Capitol that was excused by every other Republican as a gathering of tourists, and cozied up to Vladimir Putin, who is now barbarically making unprovoked war on Ukraine.

      Add to that reminder that Mitch McConnell, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Tayor Greene, Ted Cruz and too many other assholes to name are Republicans.

      Your list of talking points is for gullible blockheads who are easy to manipulate. You're so dumb you don't even know when you're being had. You're a willing tool of Rupert Murdoch, one of the worst humans who has ever lived.

    4. But............Her e-mails.

    5. 3;24

      Repeat after me..

      Democrats are groomers





    6. 3:18- Trump may have been/is a republican. The thing to remember is he was/is always a bad person. He was best buds with Jeff Epstein and the Clintons for years. He was recorded on national television talking about the glory of grabbing a female by their privates. Can you imagine the horror of having that pig as your father?!

      My god who could support this discussing person. Republicans/Democrats all part of the same two party problem.

      We need at least one strong new party and if not a few more to really keep this democracy alive.

      I for one would support a fiscally conservative and social liberal party the closest thing currently we have is the libertarians. Both the Republican and Democrat parties stink to high heaven!

    7. Lindsay Graham was the one who obsessed about pedophiles during the recent SC nomination process. Me thinks he protests too much - he is a closet pedophile. The spineless worm is creepy and spins from position to position like a top. This is why our government is in trouble - we've got gutless, morally devoid, ethically vacant, spineless hill billy morons in the Senate.

  21. Democracy is the theory that common people know what they want,

    And deserve to get it good and hard

    - Encinitas Pleb

  22. Goodson's project was approved by Joe Mosca during the Housing Element approval process - Mosca is such a liar!!!

  23. Approved by Mosca and Kranz. At least Mosca has the good sense to know when to pack it in. Kranz is still hoping no one will notice.

    1. totally agree. It is because Kranzablabber has an IQ of 65.

  24. Unfortunately 6:21 is right,

    Unless we recall Kranz we are stuck with that garbage until 2024. Recall is needed. Our City can not take another year of Kranz approving more LA density low income apartments in Leucadia, fencing off more of the coastline, building more parking lots instead of trails, or building more seawalls to destroy our Coastline.

    The petition process is straight forward. If Leucadia Now wants to help encinitas start the petition ASAP. This week is not soon enough. Encinitas has about 45k registered voters -

    So we would only need 20% of that or about 9,000 signatures to get him removed. Lets do this!

    the process for local officials is simple and straight forward with local offices like Councilmember starting on page 17, Chapter III Recall of Local Officers - here -

    Kranz has failed every Encinitian and needs to go ASAP. This petition would have two purposes.

    1. Get Kranz out of office ASAP and also way before the end of 2024.

    2. Essentially negate and effectively remove him from the Mayor race.

    I honestly can not think of one person in CA that could be worse for Encinitas than having Kranz as Mayor. The stoned out Inland Empire newbee's dog from the 2020 would be 10 times as good Kranz.

    Leucadia Now. Please, Please, Please do something effect and get this petition roling!

    If not you maybe the old school City Founders group that brought us the excellent Prop A could do the legwork.

    Leucadia Now - prove yourself and lets go!!!

    - Leucadia Mourner (Mourning the destruction of Leucadia under the constant attack by Kranz for 10 years)

    1. Why are you calling on other people to lead the recall effort? Lead it yourself!

    2. I would love to but I can not so I will not.

      Unfortunately, I am a Ukrainian immigrant without papers although I have lived in Encinitas for over 40 years. I am fearful the repercussions. One of my Ukrainian friends had a bad experience with Russian comrades Blakespear and Kranz having pointed the KGB their direction.

    3. 8:11 Not funny. In very bad taste.

    4. 9:07- You know whats not funny and in very bad taste?

      Voting for someone who will approve and slam in tons of LA style low income 3 story plus throughout Encinitas.

      Voting for someone who was supposed to be protecting beach communities access to the coast, but instead spends 10 years spearheading NCTD to block historical coastal access to the entire coastline of north county blocking millions of walks to the beach and making people drive to the beach.

      Voting for someone that supports installing miles of seawalls along our coastline destroying the coastal habitat and eliminating the sand and beach. Our Coast will be water against wall. Not good.

      So who voted for this fool in the last election beside the Encinitas-Leucadia Town Council folks? IDK, but If you see a person with a Kranz sign out in front of their house from this point forward, you know they have blood on their hands for killing what little remains of unique chill beach town vibe in Encinitas.

      Impeach Kranz Now!

    5. 6:37- I'm not sure we can impeach him, but we sure can recall him. :)

      page 17, Chapter III Recall of Local Officers - here -

  25. Vote against Blakespear - she leaves Encinitas in ruins!

  26. 1:15pm- thats for sure, but Kranz is here for more damage unless we recall the fool. Lets go!

    1. Is Kranz running for Mayor? If so and he loses, is he out of office? Amazing that dunce has lasted as long as he has. Voters in Encinitas are asleep.

  27. 7:13 - Agreed. Please read from 9:43 down. His City Council position runs through 2024 so we need to Recall him now!

    - Leucadian Mourner

  28. is a recall petition all city voters or just those in Kranz's district? Do you know how many signatures are required and the deadlines for submission? But then if Blakespear gets to replace him, the effort is sort of futile.-

  29. 9:59- excelent points. I think you are right. Since we now are by district the required signatures is much less. Probably only a few thousand. We just need to find out the number of registered voters in his district.

    Your point about BIA is a good one. We should launch the petition in a few months and go for certification and the final recall election following the Nov election so we have a new Majority to pick his replacement.

    What a great day for Encinitas when we have 3 good Council members, and then Hinze and barf (I mean Kranz). We get rid of barf and then it will be Hinze against a solid 4.

    That will be awesome!
