Sunday, June 8, 2014

Density Bonus!

... again in Leucadia, the city's favorite dumping ground.

From the Inbox:
Currently there are two tiny cottages and they want to build five three-bedroom apartments and two two-bedroom. They are seeking a density bonus and variance for the set backs. Though the address is on Vulcan, the project really is on East Jason which is predominately small single family homes. With so many bedrooms there's a potential for adding dozens of people and their cars, traffic, noise etc. to a small street.

The sad thing is is that my wife and I "fled" living in North Park because the City of San Diego was handing out liquor licenses and approving large density projects in an area that was originally a nice mix of single family homes and small shops. Now we live in Encinitas where the city council is bent on the same destructive path. By contrast look at Laguna Beach. No infill, strict design requirements for businesses and it is a thriving and beautiful area.
There's a neighborhood meeting this Wednesday evening at 6PM at the site at 1265 Vulcan (corner of Vulcan and Jason).


  1. Once again, density bonus rears its head. The key to that property is the Vulcan address. Vulcan has the higher zoning number, probably R-8 right there, despite the fact that the new properties will front Jason.

    Has anyone seen the drawings? How do they propose to get any off-street parking in.

    I will be at that meeting.


    1. We know wehre Graboi stands on standing up for residents to protect quality of life, safety, property values and community character.

      We know that Gaspar, Muir, Barth, Kranz and Shaffer opposed resident safety at Desert Rose and lied on Prop A.

      We know Shaffer, Barth and Kranz backed Blakespear at her meet and greet.

      So where does Blakespear stand on standing with residents? Will she round down? Will she vote in favor of residents? Will she tell us lies about her positions to get elected?

      We know where Graboi stands - she stands for the community. Blakespear has been standing with the liars- Barth, Shaffer and Kranz

    2. A few months back, a board member of LTC and I attended the Jason / Vulcan public participation meeting and met the developer. A man and his son. Nice enough people, and encouraging that the son said he and his wife would live in one of the condos. However, at that time there were only 4 condos planned with drawings for such. Now it's changed to 7. The 4 made me cringe, especially with Tandem parking garages. (Little difference between those and someone blocking your driveway every day.) Am dismayed at the revised version. Vulcan Ave is already insane with hundreds of cars parked on the railroad right of way every day and night because the places that were built for those folks DO NOT supply adequate parking. Neither will this place.

    3. It's 7 so they have enough money to build their unit on the front where the main house stands, and then the other 6 including the density bonus will presumably cover their costs.

      Total conjecture, but you have to assume that's the case, and the access will be what, in the back if you make a right off of Vulcan? Either way, a tight fit for that many units and 3 cars per unit.


  2. Sadly, I would add you can't compare Laguna Beach to Encinitas. Much different topography, culture, and a history of height limitations.

    1. 7:47

      I disagree with you. Laguna Beach is a 2 story town. Building heights are about 30 feet. Like Cardiff there is a sloping hill that runs down to the ocean. Like Cardiff pulling into Laguna one sees the beach, 2 story commerical buildings and a hillside of 2 story homes.

      Like Cardiff pulling into Laguna one sees a commerical district that serves residents- not stack and pack with condos-

      Downtown Encinitas used to be zoned like Cardiff- then the out of town developers rezoned the 101 calling it a specific plan. The result is all of 101 is rezoned from density that benefits Dody Crawford, Peter Norby and out of town developers that donate to Gaspar's campaing.

      That is why Norby chose not to accurately represent residents in Cardiff. It is why Barth, Gaspar, Shaffer, Muir and Kranz lied on Prop A. It is why Dody Crawford and DEMA supported the lies on Prop A. It is why the city council just awarded Dody and her DEMA band taxpayer money to motivate them to push the latest Gaspar/Vina boondoggle of stack and pack called a housing element.

      Who ever knows the players at Fulvia, Balour and Vuclan get them together. It is time to march on city hall.

    2. Julie's husband made financial contributions to Ehler's Prop A Group. Get ready for the FPPC before this election is over.

    3. Thanks for the heads-up, Mikey.

    4. If anyone legally went after me just to intimidate me and others in the future I would give them a taste of east coast street justice.
      The Cabezon

    5. Just shows how tweaked these players are at Graboi's certain win.

    6. 8:47- take your trash ove to the liar's neighborhood- Gaspr, Muir, Shaffer Kranz and liar in Chief Barth-

      I gave money to Prop A and i will give money to Graboi. I opposem liars and thugs

      Whoever knows the Fulvia people, Balour People and Vulcan people now is the time to unite and take it to city hall. Th Gaspar/Vina strategic boondoggle to force density increases on us to benefit Gaspar's and Vina's cronies needs to end.

    7. 8:47 can't take his trash to the liars' neighborhoods - in certain cases, he's an ally.

    8. Density Bonus was/is and will continue to be your enemy, now and in the future. in town/ out of town, a developer is a developer. Give people a way to buy a property and make money, they will do it.....

  3. It is important this group aling with the Fulvia Group and Balour group.

    During the Fulvia density bonus meeting at city hall a video of residents was shown. Residents are visibly, vocally and physically angry and upset. Taxpayers seeking to protect their quality of life are fed up with over paid incompetent self-seeking power mad bureaucrats dictating their property values and personal safety.

    During the meeting at city hall on Fulvia a letter was read that claiemd city planner Roy Sappau was bully and threatening residents- is he again?

    During the meeting at city hall on Fulvia residents presented factual evidence the city should round down density- but the council ignored the residents

    During the meeting on Fulvia Mayor Barth- who lied on the Prop A ballot statment- sat next to city manaehr Vina- who lied on the true cost of the Lew Edwards Survey- and the 2 of them looked visibily shaken by the anger and raised voices of residents in the video as they confronted the greedy out of town developers seeking to destroy their quality of life for their families.

    Now comes news of stack and pack in Solana Beach- just up the road. The entire conter lot near CVS will be destroyed as open space and stack and pack is going in. In the Coast News this week there is more news of Stack and Pack being planned for the Mellmo building in Sol Beach.

    Let's not forget the Encinitas Planning Commission includes Joanne Shannon, who's husband was a VP with Shea Homes and proposed the horrible stack and pack on Cedros

    This week the Encinitas Planning Commission acted illegally with regards to the latest effort by the city to upzone and force stack and pack on residents.

    Enough is enough. It is time the city band together.

    Julie Graboi is our best chance for council, and while she is only one person and by herself can not bring about change- she will hold other council membes, staff and the city manager accountable.

    Catherine Blakespear is alinged with Barth, Shaffer and kranz who supported her meet and greet. Barth Shaffer KRanz support taking away local property rights and threatening resident safety to promote increased density. They voted against residents at Desert Rose. Graboi stood up for residents whe the council stood up for developers.

    1. Vina's your worse enemy.

      He needs higher density to bring in higher property tax to pay for his fat pension. He's afraid without it, there will be state law retracting some of over $200,000 pensions forever law!!

  4. These people forcing destructive decisions on peoples' neighborhoods don't live there, so they don't care. It is a small clique that enrich themselves and their cronies by commandeering the political process and forcing dissenting voices out. Once these clap-trap developments go in, the damage is done. It is time to put a stop to these special interest goons and put in those people that listen to the constituency.

  5. 8:47 cheap shot. A lot of people gave money to the Prop A group including me.

    1. Read the laws concerning non-profits giving/trading checks for political reasons to/with other non-profits. You guys are all law and order until one of you missteps then its always the pot calling the kettle black. Delano probably knows he is in violation, he's just been waiting until the issue is forced. Plus, the $400K in Delano/Ehler's bank account was for forcing an impending Wal-Mart out of La Costa and into Encinitas. Ask'em.

      Continue to be in denial if you so choose, but this'll be a challenge in the fall for Julie. Love the fact that anyone and everyone who corrects you is named Mike.

      Marco does start with an M, though. How many millions is the council majority going to spend on a community garden on Wednesday evening? Time to float some more bonds that'll be more appreciated in 50 years. Teresa's last Agenda item as Mayor.

    2. Mikey, $tock$, bottom-dwellers who seek to make their incomes off FPPC witch hunts. Your names may be different, but you all stink the same.

  6. Note yet another meeting scheduled to conflict with Council. Jason street folks, you need to bring this to COUNCIL'S, not planning's attention. Ask why planning did not tell the developer to work around Wednesdays. This is beyond out of control.

  7. Why don't we divide ourselves up. Some go to Council and some to the meeting? We could report back on this blog. We have to start speaking up during oral communications and share our concerns. All of us. Not the usual people. Please take a chance, if you want change. We are all in this together, so we have to stop pitting one community against another. By this I mean, if it isn't happening in your community, why bother to show up? We have to understand that the best option we have against Density Bonus is water. I was driving on I-5 and noticed a sign that said "Drought situation". Perhaps some of us will have to go above the Council and go to Sacto and make the case. I have heard that the City employs a lobbyist. Is this true, and does anyone know who he or she is? We are the citizens. So it the City Council, but there are only 5 of them. We have every right to approach the folks in Sacramento and make a case. All we have to do is find out who we need to get this going up there? We cannot be the only community with this problem. And, as I mentioned on the last thread, I will be hosting a meet and greet for Julie in the near future. Anyone on this blog is welcome to come. It would be wonderful to see many. When I have a date I will announce it, along with my phone and email. You can then find out where I live.

    1. Water is the big issue, not just now, but always at this point. Things will not change until the state, cities and other gov. entities make each developer answer the question: "Where is the Water going to come from"..


    2. Someone please elaborate on the water argument.

      According to SDWA, the region has been on an effective water diet over decades. Our water consumption per person per day has dropped from 200 gallons to 150. In fact, the region consumes less water today than it did in 1990, even though the region now has 30% more people.

    3. True, but you have to look at the bigger picture, which is water availability in the entire west.

      It's a complicated picture how San Diego receives its water. I believe part is from the MWD in LA, and part if from the Colorado, which has ever diminishing supply, as does the entire western allotment. In other words, we live in a desert, are currently in the middle of a significant drought.

      I think it's obvious that the population has exploded in the west in the last 50 years. Our average rain year at best is 10-15 inches a year.

      Therefore water is and will increasingly be a huge issue. Any large scale development MUST answer the question "Where is the water coming from". Water is a finite resource, so even though we have become more efficient at saving water, there is still a lot of waste.

      Further, who's to say when the next 20-50 year drought will hit, thus further diminishing supply.

      For further reading, try Cadillac Desert of some of the other books written in the last 20 years.


    4. MGJ,

      I get it. But underlying your question is an assumption that more people requires more water. My point was, that assumption has been wrong for the last 40 years. The trend has been more people using less water. What has changed, and what real data do you have to prove that the long term trend is broken.

      I see a desal plant being built, increasing use of purple pipe, council making mouth motions about changing building codes to require grey water-ready construction, sports fields being replaced with artificial turf, toilet to tap water recycling, drip irrigation systems, concrete lining of canals in the Imperial valley, a continuing exodus of water-intensive agribusinesses (due to labor costs, coastal property values)--all of these trends will continue into the future, right?

      We will have droughts; we will have limited water supplies; we must invest and continue our water efficiency trend.

      Again, what data do you have that the measures listed above have played out, and that your assumption is correct?

      By no means am I pro-development. But I am against weak arguments that will fail to inhibit development.

    5. Forgot to mention in the list above, a new reservoir in Elfin Forrest, and transfer pumps to better manage storage with Lake Hodges.

    6. We can expect more drought, but also more severe El Nino storm years. We should consider adding mitigation fees to development to fund construction of additional water storage capacity.

      As recently as 2011, we sent tons of potable water out to sea.

      Remember this scene?

  8. And for those of you who go to Council, make a point of stating during oral comms that you were placed in the position of having to choose one meeting over another, thanks to the planning department's apparent lack of interest in telling the developer "btw, do not schedule your workshops on Wednesdays."

    Call BS on "scheduling conflicts" with the community center that are lies.

    This has been brought to the attention of planning and council far too many times for it to be a coincidence that meetings are double-booked. It is intentional; at least, that's the only conclusion one can draw.

    1. Or incompetence, which should never be underestimated...

  9. And another community meeting for the Balour Density Bonus project on June 18th at 6 pm in the Community/Senior Center. Of course, it's Wednesday. Jeff Murphy and Gus Vina have to stop this doubling up with council meetings. It's a blatant attempt to stifle public input.

    1. It's a community meeting. That means it is not a city function. It is for the developer to inform the neighborhood what is being proposed. They could have the meeting at Paul Ecke or the Elks Lodge if they wanted to. It's all up to the developer to choose when and where to have the meeting. Just because they chose the Community Center doesn't mean City Hall had any input into the rental schedule at the Community Center.

  10. Oh, and ignore Barth's predictable "we'll try to do better in future." Ask the council to direct planning to make it part of the process for any development that requires neighborhood workshops to exclude Wednesdays from the workshop calendar. Not hard for planning to theory.

  11. 11:24- Just when we were starting to actually have constructive conversation you have to say something about Kristin. Get over it. She will win her seat. Let's focus on the other seat. Who cares. We all know who Kristin reports to. Please add something constructive or don't add anything at all. I agree with Dr. L. I really want to figure out how we, as ordinary citizens, can make a difference. And, trashing anyone is not helpful. Thanks for your considering this. JS

    1. When you run for public office, you will get positive and negative comments. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    2. Hopefully, we can be constructive in our comments, rather than making stupid remarks about any Council member. I want to do that and I'm asking everyone else to do it too. I guess that's just too much to ask 1:33.

    3. 1:38 Feel free to be constructive, but if others have a different opinion, they should not be criticized. I don't think that is asking too much for people to have their own thoughts and ideas.

    4. Thanks- several comments deleted. Let's move on.

    5. 1:25 I disagree-

      Gaspar is not a lock to win any seat. Her record is horrible

      If you are a financial conservatie and want responsible spending-

      1. Gaspar voted to increase our debt by $10M and left 200 projects unfunded

      2. Gaspar voted to take $7M from funded projects like traffic calming with no plan to pay it back

      3. Gaspar voted to give ex city manager Cotton an extra paycheck to spike his pension.

      4. Gaspar voted waste up to $135,000 on a spin doctor knowing projects were unfunded

      If you believe in open government

      1. Gaspar voted to keep the Nichols road report from the public

      2. Gaspar left the building when the public needed her vote on Pacific View - and cost us the $10M price tag with her cowardice

      If you are for family values

      1. Gaspar lied on the Prop Ballot statement sent to evey voter
      2. Gaspar ignored a signed contract to benefit her friend ex city mgr Cotton

      If you are for resident safety, resident property values and community characther

      1. Gaspar lied on Prop A
      2. Gaspar voted against resident safety and property values at Desert Rose-

      Gaspar has to think about running for Mayor- even if she wins, she will hve to run again in 2 years- as opposed to having a 4 year seat if she runs for council

      But withg Graboi running for council if Gaspar runs she will likley lose- Graboi and Gaspar both have records for the public to see-

      1. Graboi spoke to protect resident safety/ Gaspar voted against resident safety

      2. Graboi spoke to protect property values/ Gaspar voted against protecitng property values

      3. Graboi spoke to spend money to serve residents / Gaspar voted to spend money on Survey's to benefit her husband Paul.

      Fact Thrower

    6. Fact Thrower: I don't disagree with what you have posted. But, without another viable candidate besides Graboi, who do you think can beat Gaspar? Do you want Barth's choice? There are 2 seats up if I am not mistaken, as Barth is not running. She made that very clear. And, she is supporting another candidate, not Graboi. Realistically, the people in Kristin's camp, will ramp up and give lots of money, no matter what we do. That is why I think Gaspar will win. I don't like it, I just think that's the way it will be. Personally, I will go all out for one candidate and that will be Graboi. At least it's a start. Then, let's find a couple more for 2016 when Kranz and Shaffer are up, and hopefully out. Do you disagree, or what are your thoughts?

  12. Thank you EU. Appreciated by many.

    1. Yes thanks EU for deleting some of the comments.

      Gaspar will "buy" her seat as it appears all elections have gone this way. The person with the most money usually ends up winning. It's too bad, but that is life in politics.

      I would like to see some fresh new ideas by different people. Gaspar has been on council for four years and her accomplishments are few.

      Julie Graboi is appealing, interesting, knowledgeable, and I believe would be the best candidate for a council seat. I hope there are more out there just like her that will think about running.

    2. Just to be clear, Gaspar is running for mayor, Graboi and Brakespeare are running for the two council seats right now. There will no doubt be more entrants.

      Engagement that leads to voting is the key. I guarantee you most of your neighbors don't know who the current council is, let alone who's running in the fall..


    3. The conversation here is always about the same issue: unless an elected official violates or infringes on someone elses's property rights or property values, they are doing a bad job. You guys had your shot and you chose Tony, Teresa and Lisa. Do you really believe that the public is going to listen to you again?

      They're not.

    4. MGJ,

      There's only one mayor seat and one council seat.

    5. Who has pulled papers to run for Mayor? Facts please

    6. Either KG or JB could still decide to run for either Mayor or Council. No one has officially "pulled papers," yet, and they don't have to, until mid July?

      Again, thanks for removing some comments, EU.

    7. 4:45, you assume that everyone on here has a monolithic, lockstep opinion. There's a wide variety of opinion on this blog.

      The one common element is, how are we going to keep our infrastructure maintained without being crushed by city pensions and debt.

      In short, we want a true, representative democracy, that speaks for the people and is not unduly influenced by money from outside the city, or within the city.

      I would counter that you must have indeed "blown it" if you supported Stocks/Bond/Guerin/Dallager/Gaspar/Muir/Duvivier, the developer , big bucks backed candidates that voted to increase the pensions, give the fire dept way too many shiny new firehouses and build the hall park without any regard to expenditures.

      If these guys are so community oriented, why don't you see them at events like the meeting at Jason this next Weds? Why, they don't give a rats ass about the communities in this town....

    8. Puppet = Gaspar

      Puppet String Pullers = $tock$, developers, out of town money.

      Time for Gaspar to get out of politics. Her voting record is not for the citizens. She is bought and paid for by developers.

      We need a mayor who will represent our interests.

  13. 4:45

    All five council members lied-

    Jerome Stocks hid reports, upzoned everything he could and rewarded his cronies with extra paycheck

    dand alager took $100,000 loans and free appliances-

    right- people are going to listen to you and Gaspar- the family values candidate who lies

  14. Please GJ get it right. There are not two council seats up for election. There is one mayor seat and one council seat. Julie and catherine are running for council. Princess is running for mayor. That is pretty easy now isn't it? I wish there was a Prop A mayor candidate but at the moment there is only princess seeking that position. Today at Cottonwood Creek Park I had a chance to ask Mark to fire gus and glenn and stop letting gus schedule opposing times for no other reason than to create division. The fact that scheduling conflicts have been proven false in the past and continues unabated coming up in the near future just stinks to high heaven. This needs to stop and stop now. come on council grow a pair and try to get it right.

    1. Sorry, I bass-ackwarded it. Two slots, one for the mayor, one council seat. Breakspeare vs. Graboi.

  15. 5:10-What did Mark say? Thanks for doing that. I am pretty sure he will not fire Sabine, as he didn't second Shaffer's motion the night Dr. L spoke, but I think he may be getting a bit tired of Vina. Let's keep the ball rolling.

  16. Well, Mark seemingly was aware of the controversy of this practice by gus but didn't commit to do anything about it. Now with this week and next weeks more of the same bs dual scheduling coming up we will all just have to keep raising this until we see some positive change. They all need to hear this repeatedly until we see a difference being made. One other thing I would like to address to Kathleen at the LTC booth. I apologize for thinking her chosen council person Catherine was a land use attorney. She is an estate planner . So dear Kathleen I am sorry for getting that wrong but I now know better. That still doesn't excuse the fact that the city sales contract of the PV purchase protects the Old School House in perpetuity but the PV is protected only for ten years. It is right there for anyone to read near the top portion. This provision should be revised to insuring all of PV is protected in perpetuity. Catherine, it seems to me should have caught that and we should all question Tony about why that provision is included as written currently and demand in perpetuity be assigned to the whole PV site.

  17. Tony, unfortunately is not as bright as some of us were led to believe. He is now in good hands with the people he has always envied. So, I think we cannot count on his vote for sure on much of anything, except if it goes along with the people he is now hanging with. It's too bad, but that is the way it appears. If you happened to watch or were at the Council meeting when Gaspar's people were there, and you happened to be looking at Tony's body language, jaw set, red face, etc. I think he was close to losing it. He seconded the motion way too quickly and then the next day decided to be Deputy Mayor. He is possibly losing it, and therefore, is unpredictable. At least that was my take on it. Maybe others have other ideas?

    1. So who specifically are the people he's hanging with?

  18. Lost it long ago. Only got in on Shaffer's coattail, and has betrayed all trust. But if you own a bar he will back you to the hilt for sure.

  19. Yes I thought he was seriously going to blow a gasket at that point. Maybe he will learn a little something from that experience for the better for himself and the rest of us. I can dream, can't I? Hope springs eternal.

  20. I seriously think Tony needs some anger management courses. I have seen him time and again get way to riled up for what the situation was. I hope he refrains from doing anything really stupid. He is a nice person, just not a great councilman.

    1. Gaspar makes me want to blow a gasket every time she speaks, that's how bad it is. Tony's not perfect, but he's my pick for mayor over Kristin. Her whole act stinks, we really don't need to rehash it...


    2. KRanz has no integrity. He lied on Prop A. He sold out community character and resident safety on the 101 to side with hsi drinking buddies and bar owning friends, he sold our residents at Desert Rose siding with high density lawyers who support his bar drinking friends and developers. He sold out residents seeking resposible spending and open government when he proposed paying $10M for a property worth $4M and then approved more debt by $13M without a public vote to buy it.

      Fact thrower

    3. True, but it's Tony or Kristin, barring another quality entry. Ya gotta pick one....

    4. Alex Fidel is running. I will vote for Alex before either Kranz or Gaspar.

      Kranz and Gaspar lied to the public on Prop A.
      Kranz and Gaspar increased our debt.
      Kranz and Gaspar let us get ripped off at Pacific View paying an inflated price.
      Kranz and Gaspar voted against resident safety in Olivenhain
      Kranz and Gaspar voted against resdident quality of life on the 101 and sided with bar owners

      Alex has my vote- as would other possible mayoral candidates not named Kranz/Gaspar or Muir Barth Shaffer Stocks

    5. I won't, conspiracy theories and weed don't make for a successful platform.

      But I am voting for Graboi.....

  21. Be careful how you talk about KRISTIN she'll tell her mommy!

  22. If you like increased density as a way to pay for the ever increasing staff costs under this City Manager, then you love Vina.

    If you don't love the stack and pack model and down want to end up looking like Hermosa Beach, then you better get busy finding some City Council members that will replace Vina. Who are they?

    1. I was told that Shaffer and Kranz would take care of all these issues. That's why I voted for them! What happened? Who's the next turncoat you want to stick me with?

    2. The difference needs to be that support for Prop A. and reform at city hall needs to be a part of the package you vote for.

      The focus before was dumping Jerome, and there are only so many horses in the race. The choice was either Muir and Jerome, or Tony and Lisa.

      That was essentially it, that's who had the backing. We still live in a democracy, and Tony and Lisa can be voted out if we so desire. That's how it works.

      Until then, we have a solid candidate shaping up in Julie Graboi, who is actually representing true change at city hall, and reasonable density..


  23. What happened? They showed their true colors. Tony made infrequent appearances before council and got blinded by developer money and influence. He's more interested in helping out friends both old and new.

    Shaffer in retrospect never really showed herself around town much, just talked a good game. Turned out she is more interested in "sustainable" living through stack n'pack than representing her base.

    Graboi will be good because she has put in years of regular and frequent appearances and contact with the city, always on behalf of resident wishes and coming from a "do no harm" perspective. She will not be a turncoat, she didn't put in so much time and effort to forget who she is.

    Kranz is whoever you want him to be, just dangle something shiny in front of him and he'll comply. Shaffer is who she really was all along, she just neglected to tell voters about her hidden agenda before the election.


    1. Just a question here, how did Tony get blinded by developer money if he didn't get any during his campaign?

      We're kind of running down the same topics over and over again on the council.

      I'm showing up at the Jason meeting, hope to see a big crowd there....

    2. 7:48-Tony got elected by many of us. He didn't get blinded until after he saw how they treated him. Before, he was nothing to them. After he was elect, by us, they decided to "recruit" him for lack of a better word. They invited him to their fancy functions that most of us cannot afford to attend, they showered him with praise, etc. That's when he saw that he liked that shit and the rest is history,

  24. Remember Shaffer ran on she was Maggie's choice. I loved Maggie, but I wonder if she really for to know Shaffer before she was getting chemo and was having to take pain meds to help her out of her pain. That can sometimes change a person's perspective. I don't think Maggie knew Shaffer until she got sick and met Shaffer at the cancer center, but I could be wrong. Please someone correct me if I am.

    1. Maggie was no genius and had an undistinguished run as a city councilperson.

    2. Kind of a dirty shot at Maggie. Yes, she was aware who Lisa was. Let's leave that alone.

      Lisa can be voted out in several years, until then, we have an election coming up to focus on.....

    3. 3:17 incredible nastiness aside, 3:11 has it right: Shaffer did NOT know Maggie as she intimated; she cruised in near the end of Maggie's life and seemed to be an option.

      General opinion: Shaffer took advantage of Maggie's condition, 'nuff said.

    4. 3:17 PM Factual ... can't remember anything that she did.

    5. 3:17.... On the money. Nice person did little to nothing for the betterment of the city. Streets sucked during her term, still suck today.

    6. Talking about Shaffer using Maggie. Used.

    7. That's not how I remember it with Maggie and Lisa, but the past is the past.

      Lisa's in there until 2016, until then, I'm focused on 2014. Let's get Julie in there....

    8. I sort of recall Maggie's "Cat Crisis". She was in Japan on the sister city tour and abruptly canceled and returned due to an ill cat. Her priorities were called into question at that point. Maybe she was the model for the cat woman on the Simpsons?

    9. That's not quite how Logan tells it:

    10. It's a little pathetic talking about someone who passed away from a terrible illness. At this point, who cares about a "cat crisis" or whether Maggie knew or didn't know Lisa?

      Please show some respect. Wouldn't you expect that for yourself?

    11. Rodney Dangerfield always said: "I don't get no respect"

    12. History, if ignored, tends to repeat itself. Come to think of it, it repeats itself regardless!

    13. 3:09 So are you saying we will have another cat crisis? Let's get real.

    14. 3:43 Are you catatonic? Yes, our council is a catastrophe, but let's not catapult to categorization.

    15. Houlihan stopped in a bicycle race in Japan to save a kitten - she demonstrated compassion for a stray animal. David Meyers exploited the incident by hounding her with his clown act,, as he didn't get his way with some consulting jobs and had an axe to grind with her.

    16. 3:09
      Yep. That's why there are so many stop signs on historic 101 where there used to be none.

    17. 4:56 Either you are drinking too much of the good stuff today or smoking something. At least Houlihan was compassionate even if it was a cat.

    18. Fred's new moniker should be the Riddler. 3:09 Vague metaphor or what? History and stop signs??? Fred climbed the Tower of Babel and fell off......

    19. The same David Meyers that is closely associated with Gasping Gaspar?! The plot thickens! It stinketh to the high Heavens!!

    20. Could Gaspar be metamorphizing into the Cat Woman?? Stayed tuned for further feline fiascoes Meowwwwww....

    21. More of the same....
      Try telepathy.

    22. Houlihan put up stop signs to save the cats?

  25. Maggie was sort of aware of who Lisa was. She had not spent a meaningful amount of time with her.

    1. Then why did Maggie endorse her? Soft in the noggin?

    2. Final stages of cancer, 12:22.

  26. Graboi is one vote only and one vote gets you NOTHING.Rant all you want,we need at least two votes.

  27. The developer plans all there meetings not city staff.My god you guys are slow.

    1. And staff has no influence and gives no advice in this process?

      My god you are clever!

    2. 6:49, you have to start at square one and build from there. We're trying to get away from the old divisions and move on to cleaning up city hall....

    3. Thank God you're 'all-thumbs' punk-tuation tips off readers as to your identity on the Blog, 6:51. A lifetime of comic books and a microwave diet has left your imagination to run wild. Its understandable that you are someone that has no real world experience so you misinterpret reality, because your reality is a lighted screen in a lonely room somewhere. All, and I repeat, ALL of these people on the dais and hoping to be elected to it have good intentions: something you lack, along with any grammar skills. The point is, they are all equally imperfect: and even if they were perfect, they still wouldn't live up to or operate in a manner that would satisfy you and many others: because of your palpable envy: it can be poisonous. All you really want is to take away from others, or to punish those who have what you have not.

      Furthermore, most people want to see some kind of optimism in potential leaders: not the dispiriting negativity and paranoia you possess and display here. Its clear by your constant tirade that you don't understand the first things about municipal management perhaps because you've never been brave enough to take a risk and involve yourself: ever since you perhaps failed in a game of Red Rover, decades ago. That's a long time to hide: but don't expect anyone to follow your lead: you haven't learned how to lead.

      And that's very clear, feel free to curlicue up on your trailer's shag rug and get back to your thumb.

      Yes, that is harsh, but real solutions are necessary and trash criticism won't change things for the better.

  28. Call the planning department 6:51 and they will tell you they approve meeting dates/times. Thanks insider, your info is wrong. Surprise, surprise!

    1. The only control developers have over meetings is the time/date/place of Citizen Participation Plan meetings: period. Not Public hearings or Planning Commission Meetings at the City, period.

    2. Developers do NOT have control over when they hold their meetings. Call planning for yourself, 8:07. Planning is supposed to tell them Wednesdays are not available.

      If you're a city insider and making this claim, then you're part of the problem.

  29. Lisa USED Maggie! Pressuring her to endorse her near her death. Pathetic!

    1. How do you know she "pressured" her?

    2. I was told by one of Maggie's best friends.

    3. The truth about Maggie and Lisa- Maggie met Lisa at the Morse Cancer Center when she was getting treatment and Lisa's husband was also getting treatment. They got to talking. Maggie was having a hard go of it the last time around, and they gave her meds to ease her pain and nausea. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of these drugs, is sometimes a person's mental capacity is not as sharp. Maggie was as sharp as they come until the cancer really took hold. Lisa said she wanted to run for City Council and asked Maggie to endorse her. As Maggie became sicker and sicker, Lisa kept putting the pressure on her to create a video that Lisa could show at the Council meeting and other places. Perhaps many of you saw that video. Almost on a daily basis Lisa would ask Maggie to do the video, as most everyone knew Maggie had little time left on this earth. So, one day, people got Maggie dressed, put a little makeup on her, so she didn't look so pale, and she did it. I, for one, miss my dear friend Maggie, and to this day I have been disgusted with Lisa. She ran as "Maggie's Choice" and even had sweaters made for dogs with "Maggie's Choice" on them. I would have never voted for her, and when she came out as the ethical candidate I almost fell off my chair. Rest in Peace my dear friend Maggie. We all have our faults, but when she saved the kitten someone referred to, it was in a relay race in Japan, in our sister City, and Stocks and Company had a field day with it. Who friggin cares who won the race. I living being is more important, at least to me. So please let Maggie rest if you can't say something nice. You may have not liked her politics, but she was an awesome woman and we were lucky to have her on the Council no matter what anyone on this blog says. I truly hope they name the Dog Park section of the new Park after her.

    4. Well said. I miss her too. Let's move on folks. Leave Maggie out of this fight.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. My disgust for Shaffer has increased 10 fold.....

  30. I sure hope we have more choices for mayor. The choices are looking weak!

  31. 8:05
    Yes my grammar skills have faded if I ever had a any.I was a math major and wound up having a secretary and made lots of money in the real estate market.Having you attack me personally Leeds me to believe your an elitist snob with nothing of substancauto say.Get over your self!

    1. Real estate market? Lots of money there? One more reason to suspect your comments.

    2. 3:27 - stop being difficult and petty. There is nothing wrong with making money in real estate - and a majority of it has nothing to do with community character or density bonus. If you have ever bought or financed a home, you've paid someone working in real estate. Do you have any life or property insurance? Your premiums have been invested in real estate. Do you think the real estate industry in general cares about the little project Vulcan, or even density bonus? No. They're scrambling trying to figure out how to deal with Cantor's departure! They're worried about how the tax code gets re-written. They're concerned with maintaining liquidity in the debt markets so all of the little guys can continue doing what they're doing. And if you own a home, you're one of the little guys. So please......

      - The Sculpin

    3. Ooooh sculp's got the big us little guys all some more...not.

    4. 3:51 omits they are figuring out how to heard millions into stack and pack micro units on contrived density rail transit corridors to control food, population, liberty and freedom. Sure- Planning Commissioner Felker and ERAC members Paeske, Harwood and Rogers want handouts, and yes, Norby wants to get paid and Gaspar wants to get elected and reward Harwood, Norby and Dave Meyers

      but what about the real money makers, what do they want- control.

      Cantor's gone- good. He was a RINO and he can take Stocks, Gaspar and Brian Brady with him

    5. Agree…. the implementation of hunger wars.

    6. 10:06 omits that he's not to sure who "they" is, but would definitely recognize one if "they" should happen to stroll into surfy surfy looking to buy some wax..........

      Cantor a RINO.....sheesh.......

      - The Sculpin

    7. 11:15

      10:06 didn't omit anything. Yeah- I'd definitly recognize they if they walked into buy surf wax- you would too

      They-- George Soros
      They- The IMF
      They- The UN
      They- G-20
      They G-8
      They- Koch brothers
      They- Bill Gates and the gates foundation (who will make gajillions pushing common core)
      They- Warren Buffet- reaping gajillions by defeating keystone while his CSX Rail makes money transporting oil from Alberta and North Dakota- oh yea, and he pays 15% on taxes and takes tens of millions in business write offs annually
      They- Building One America-started in Chicago now in DC- and their BOD (look it up- note the tie to Susan Rice from long ago)
      They- the Ford Foundation- look it up
      THey- the Bush family
      They- The Clinton family- anybody see the news today that NBC paid Chelsea clinton $26,000 per minute for her $600,000 a year contract? Any body know Chelsea is on the BOD of IACI another media group collecting near $1M annually- even though she has no business experience.
      THey- The Clinton Global Initiative- (see the Gates foundation)

      and the list goes on and one and on and on-

    8. Oh - those "they" guys - actually, I'm not worried about them at all. Sure, they have a lot of influence in a lot of things, but most all of them play nice for the most part. Besides, I tend to worry most about things I have control over. I have no control over any of the "they's" you mentioned - and neither do you. You should probably find something that you can actually influence - start there and you'll be much happier and more self-fulfilled. Maybe run for mayor of Encinitas!!

      - The Sculpin

  32. I'll say again an elitist snob with nothing much to say.
