Wednesday, June 25, 2014

In Encinitas, we'd call them "excellent"

"Every single VA senior executive received an evaluation of 'fully successful' or better over a 4-year period."


  1. Just govt employees covering there asses, I'm sure the rankings are higher at the IRS. You do a lot of ass kissing to move up the ranks of govt. Just look at Enc FD. There are fitness standards that must be maintained, fill in the rest.

    1. You're an idiot and don't know what you are talking about.

    2. There are fitness requirements to be a fire fighter, unless you are 300+ lbs and call the shots.

  2. unless you're Captain or Chief.....

    Off to the In N' Out!!!!!!

  3. That evaluation is more of an indication of how bad things were than of how things are today - which is still pretty bad. The VA has been messed up for a long time, and being a very large institution it moves slower than a battleship. Improvement should always be rewarded, even if it's going from a minus 100 to a minus 75. Just putting it into context........

    As for Encinitas.....well, that's apples and oranges...

    - The Sculpin

    1. Some believe in rewarding failure. Others believe in holding leaders accountable.

      At the VA failure and mismanagment of taxpayers funds are rewarded. In Encinitas failure and mismanagement of taxpayer funds are rewarded.

      Apples to Apples

  4. I agree Sculpin. I have worked with the VA in the past, and they are understaffed, at least in San Diego. Hopefully this will improve, as we owe to to the men and women who fight for our country. And, as for Encinitas, I hope we don't disintegrate, as some cities have done in the past.

    1. All VA are understaffed and funded!! What's your point?? Hey here's an idea ... Let's throw some more money at the VA I'm sure they'll spend it wisely.

  5. I've seen the same thing happen in the private sector. That said, agree with the Sculpin, let's keep the VA moving in the right direction.

    We treat all our veterans, especially recent ones really poorly, unless it's Memorial Day. And I'm a pacifist..


  6. Our veterans deserve excellent care for their excellent service.

  7. Yes, because Encinitas City Council is exactly like the VA. (?)

    And because the private sector never screws up (cough -- Lehman Brothers, BP, Enron -- cough).

    Don't worry about solving problems, just whack the pinata everyone! Feels good, huh?

    1. Every organization and company you mention was and is mismanaged. So what your point??
      A fish rots from the head first....

  8. Remember when Enc declares bankruptcy that the current council said Vina is an excellent CM. But Sacramento unloaded his ass. Hmmmm, what do they know that COE doesn't.

  9. A few years back:
    * A San Diego prosecutor who used a falsified forensic hair test result as the probable cause to arrest a woman for murder was awarded "Prosecutor of the Year".
    * The arresting officer in the same case was awarded "Top Cop" of the year in Carlsbad for "solving the Susan Taylor murder" and had co-signed the arrest warrant against the same woman swearing it all was true and correct as though there could be a penalty of perjury if it were not.
    * A former SD DA assigned a man to the Fraud Unit who had instructed his secretary to "shuffle defendant's interviews to confuse the defense and aid prosecution". He was later convicted of other felonies. In the first case mentioned, the same practice was done to the defendant, making her interview sequentially void (34 pages were out of order, yet numbered as though they were). Another pattern problem here in San Diego.
    Yep, sometimes bad deeds are rewarded and at the worst possible times.

  10. Did anyone see the "excellent" Logan Jenkins prank he pulled on ol' Tony yesterday in the UT? Classic!!

    1. Hi-

      Jenkins was a jerk. He calls Tony out of the blue and asks him a random bullcrap question- trying to play it down the middle of the fairway on a sensitive issue of humanity of all things Kranz says it is an interesting twist. Jenkins set him up. After all Jenkins isn't a reporter or a watchdog columnist- he is an errand boy for special interests. A propagandist. Own it Logan, it's who you are.

      The Jenkins- The water boy crony of Papa Doug and the developer and special interest crowds, runs to his old buddy the I can't read the encinitas municpal election code Jerome Stocks and like a 4th grade school girl Jenkins sems to say , oh- we got him now!

      Then the blowhard, I write at a 5th grade level, Jenkins leads with this liberal crap when it was his buddies in bed with the public unions that have all but banrupted the city (something Jenkins refuses to write about) and tries to smear Kranz-

      Now- I am no fan of phony Tony, or Tony Baloney or whavever you want to call him. Maybe this will wake Tony up to realize that Jenkins, Papa Doug, John Lynch, the Eckes, Meyers, harwoods and Stock's of the world don't like Tony, and more importantly don't respect Tony (neither do people who worked to elect him)

      But back to Jenkins- what do we know about Jenkins and his integrity?

      Jenkins- Stood by Dan Dalager after residents exposed Dalager and his free kitchen and $100,000 qui pro quo apparent loan. Jenkins told us all that Dirty Dangerous Dan was just a good ol boy who liked to Tinker

      Jenkins- Stood by his buddy Stocks when Stocks was raising salaries and pensions to benefit his crony friends

      Jenkins- stood by his crony friend Muir when Muir was appointed to council despite being the only candidate the public opposed

      Jenkins- stood by Norby when residents questioned that Norby incorrectly represented the record of the public on zoning related issues to increase densities-

      That is who Jenkins is- a water boy.
