Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Educating the Educators

It was delightful to see Julie Graboi school Professor Lisa Shaffer on the legal and well-understood meaning of "community character" in Encinitas after Shaffer's bizarre and entirely unsupported attempt to define it as something completely different.

Graboi's slides are here.  When the city council video is available, you can watch Graboi beginning at about minute 15, the last public speaker in "oral communications."


  1. Julie gave a wonderful presentation and is one who actually understands what "community "character" is. Way to go Julie.

  2. Yes, I thought she got in a lot in 3 minutes. I only saw one slide. Whoever was running the webcast wasn't following/presenting all her slides on camera.

    Since there was so much extra time, I wish that the public speakers could have had four minutes each, instead of three. But the mayor was much nicer than previous mayor about letting each speaker conclude her or his remarks without interrupting.

  3. Too bad she is backed by the KLCC and running hand and hand with Crazy Cameron.

    1. But good she is backed by all the smart citizens as well.

    2. We shall see. I have zero respect for the KLCC. They have no common sense or intelligence. I don't know if any "smart citizens" are backing her. What are her positions on all the other important city issues other than density bonus?

      At this point, she sounds like every other politician. Look what happened with Dalakranz?

    3. Julie's running on her own, leave the other garbage out of it. There will be plenty of time for her to explain all her positions. This is a great start...

  4. " Community Character " is code for keeping Leucadia crappy. Next thing I know she 'll be talking about her deep local roots and her ethics and this is why we need to elect her. Gee, local roots, ethics, and she wants to keep Leucadia crappy, she's the perfect candidate. And their are those of you that want to elect Sheila, why?? Julie's got all the bases covered.

    1. Stow it with the repetitive nonsense. Julie is not Tony. It's her or Blakespeare, I know which way I'm going...

  5. GO JULIE! Where was Blakespear?

    1. Blakespear is collecting money from her Dad's developer friends.

    2. Blakespear got tired of being on the tube. I got tired of looking at her.

    3. Blakespear was at the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy EIR/EIS presentation, which happened to be at the exact same time as the council meeting. Another mess up in scheduling. Nevertheless the the room at the Community Center was packed. Standing room only.

    4. Of course Blakespear was in Cardiff. That's where her land is.

  6. Graboi, attacking Lisa and if Graboi is elected how will they work together.I think not.Graboi a lonely vote meaningless.If elected she only has one vote I said meaningless.If your going to attack it should have been Gaspar.Gaspar seat is the one your trying to fill Lisa has two more years,Graboi is stupid yes stupid,big mistake

    1. Do have another drink.

    2. Do take your pink pills 11:59, your mind is wondering again into freudian issues. Keep with the program.

    3. Correcting and informing is not attacking.

      If Graboi and Shaffer serve on the council together, we'll all be better served if Shaffer is better informed.

    4. Yup, time for a nap 10:30. Being a hater on here just to hate isn't going to take you anywhere. Go to one of Julie's Meet and Greets...

    5. 10:30 you sound like teh victim Barth who made up a harassment charge toi get sympathy (I voted for barth andg ave her money)

      Shaffer lied on PRop A, Shaffer lied in her newsletter on the tax increase, Shaffer lied in her newsletter on Desert Rose-

      Shaffer made up a new definition of comunity characther to promote her political ideology of stack and pack on the city, she made it up to bully those who speak up for the general plan as 'complainers' we know who Shaffer is, a bad representative for residents of encinitas

      you might choose to support liars like Shaffer, don't expect us to join you

    6. At least Gaspar is civil and Barth has never been and acts like a mean troll.

  7. From Lisa Shaffer's Newsletter:

    And a side note - at the Council meeting I was criticized (echoing the one negative email I received) for using the term "community character" in my letter to the editor in a way different from the definition in the Encinitas General Plan. Last time I checked, my literary license was still valid. I chose my words intentionally and I hope my readers will focus on the real message about how we treat one another.

    For the record, yes, I have read the General Plan and I am well aware that it defines the term "community character." And despite being criticized, I supported the speaker's request that the General Plan be more visible on the City website, and asked the City Manager to make it happen.

    1. Like she intentionally chose the word "reconsider?"

    2. She always claims she reads everything. However, her comments don't reflect any understanding of what she's read. Her comments are always snarky.

    3. Hey Idiot Lisa by the Sea, fuck off.

    4. Lisa by the sea?

    5. Note to Shaffer -- you should be criticized because you are a complete inept council person who truly has an extremely devious, almost to the point of jealous, side.

      You keep trying to build yourself up as something special when you are about as low as one can get. You are so detached from your constituents that you should be removed from office. You don't deserve to serve another two years.

      I don't know where you came from, but I wish you would go back there as soon as possible. You are one of those people who shoots off their mouth and can't stop. You actually believe the words you say.

      Lady, you need some help. I hope we can help you out of office.

  8. Shaffer is truly oblivious- evry thing, every thing ! is about her, not us. To think our school systems are filled with people like that teaching our kids

    Shaffer made up her one definition to promote her political agenda

  9. She should take her lumps and criticism like a man.

  10. I hope Julie reads this blog, to see what the future will look like if she wins.

    If we cut and paste the comments here to replace the word "Shaffer" with "Stocks," and "Graboi" with "Shaffer" and we have created a time machine.

    This group would not be satisfied with Mother Theresa (pun intended) once she was seated on the dais.

    1. I hate to agree with you on that constructive observation. Maybe everyone who reads this backs off and chills a little. Myself included.

    2. "hate"...wrong choice of words-sorry...

  11. Lisa’s “newsletter” today said:

    “Thanks for the nice responses I received about my recent letter to the editor asking for a positive, issue-based campaign. Several people commented along the lines of ‘nice idea but it will never happen in Encinitas.’"

    Hypocrisy embodied! Just before Graboi was to meet the local Democratic chapter for the first time, Shaffer “informed” Dem party higher ups that Graboi was a Tea Party member. News to Graboi, whose politics could not be farther from the TP party, but her false affiliation did explain the chilly reception she encountered when she walked into the meeting.

    Shaffer apparently thought it best to carry her story behind Graboi’s back than check with her first. Guess that’s why an issues-based campaign is a “nice idea, but will never happen in Encinitas.”

    1. Lisa Shaffer has her own little hidden agenda which is not good for this city. I am glad that someone like Julie Graboi can stand up to this uneducated twat.

    2. And please share.....
      "Her little agenda" is........

    3. 3:54 Have Shaffer share that with you. She doesn't mind commenting on anything else. I guarantee you won't hear a word from her.

    4. Shaffer, you are not even in the race, so shut the hell up.

    5. If Graboi was a tea party member I would vote for her. Now i learn she is one of the mindless government tit suckers. Pathetic. This County is going down the tubes.

    6. 11:19 if you are truly a conservative then the only candidates you can vote for are Graboi and Cameron- they are the only two who have a record of going to city hall and holding the council aoccountable on finances and leadership

      I called the republican party HQ in SD and the woman was shcoked as I read off the list of financial crap Gaspar has pulled, they backed Ziegler becuase he was the only republican running

      oh- I voted for Obama and Feinsting, as well as the liars Barth and Shaffer

      Screw the parties, vote for the best candidates- Cameron adn Graboi

  12. Why Julie is 100% correct on Community Character, and why it doesn't matter:

    If I look in a science text, I can find a definition of "Green": part of the visible light spectrum within the broader electromagnetic spectrum, a small range of wavelengths near 520nm. Call that concept upper-case Green.

    But green is also associated with envy, money, "go," a project that is on budget, or a stock market gain. Call these concepts lower-case green.

    The person who defines green by the technical upper-case definition of "Green" isn't wrong. In fact, we'd all have to concede that they are 100% correct. But if they insist that all other uses and associations (green) are invalid and wrong, well that's just silly.

    If Julie wants to clarify that "Community Character" has a specific legal definition in the context of the General Plan, fine. But if she wants to suggest that "community character" has no other valid uses outside that context, then she will be exposed as a pedantic fool.

    1. Much thought and hard work went into writing that General Plan. It defines our "community character" and that relates to the specifics of this city we live in. Outside of that context, you can argue any point you wish.

    2. The General Plan is our city's governing document. It can only be changed by a General Plan Amendment. One doesn't trifle with it. Lisa may still have her "literary license." She needs to go back and take the test again to renew it. It's expired.

    3. Julie spoke about and defined community character in the General Plan context, which, by some odd coincidence, happens to be the context we're dealing with. Shaffer invented her own abstract definition of community character. It's out of context and irrelevant.

    4. compassion is not a word in the general plan 1:23

      It is a word stolen by Lisa Shaffer and others like her to bully and intimidate others to remaining silent while they rewrite zoning to benefit their own political agenda- you might support that I don't

      If Shaffer were truly compassionate she would not have lied on the prop A ballots statement and would not provide misinforamtion in her newsleters

      she is a tool of the developers and the social engineering bullies

    5. Please, what is your plan to identify locations in the city for state required low income housing?
      Where would you change zoning?
      You can't just say no, you know.

    6. 3:52 An accessory unit amnesty. No zoning changes unless you mean downzoning, that is, decreasing density per acre.

    7. 3:52, you actually CAN say "no." We've done it for over 20 years with a non-compliant housing element. And guess what? Aside from foregoing an amount of money even SANDAG admitted was small, the sky did nor fall.

      Don't buy the "state mandate comply or else" line developers and the City love to push. It's just that: a line.

      Anyway, as 5:28 says: a decent amnesty program and we're good. The only issue is: where will developers and City cronies get their windfall profits from??

  13. Kranz is the worst, twice as bad as Barth who is horrific. Lisa and muir tie and Gaspar is actually the best because she doesn't lie like the rest. No supporter of Gaspar but she is leagues ahead of the others.

    1. Gaspar is too juvenile with literally little experience except the title her husband gave her.

    2. I disagree with you opinion of Gaspar. I disagree with many of her policies, but she is very smart and her meetings are better run than what we have seen with other mayors. She is very professional and polite during meetings.

    3. 5:08 You certainly are entitled to your opinion, but some of us others have different opinions.

    4. When has Muir lied? Not saying I agree with his positions, I just don't know when he has lied.

    5. Muir lied, along with the others, on Prop A. That was a big mistake on their part.

  14. Also from Lisa Shaffer's newsletter:

    "There's no need to seek revenge other than by electing someone else. Insist that all the candidates play fair and square and stick to the issues and we'll all be better off."

    Is Lisa playing fair by going behind Julie's back? How is telling a lie about a tea party connection sticking to the issues? Lisa needs to look in the mirror and ask herself if she is living up to her own standard.

    She isn't.

    1. Now I had to go back and look at Shaffer's newsletter. She further said:

      "Keep the candidates focused on what THEY would do, not what they accuse their opponents of being or doing. And check the facts. If you find someone misrepresenting the truth, call them out on it. Post a comment or send a letter to the editor. Let's hold each other accountable."

      Sounds like a plan to me. I wonder what Shaffer would say if asked about her "truth" about Graboi??

  15. Lisa can you spell hypocrite? You played dirty and lied during your campaign, now your lying to the Democratic Party and citizens about Julie (just heard from from a resident yesterday, that you did it again).

    1. Shaffer is deplorable for all the lies and doesn't deserve to be representing the citizens of Encinitas. I am ashamed to call her one of our representatives. I wish her term was up because she would be out faster than you could say "SCAT".

  16. I understand that Lisa was a terrible teacher and her students thought she was an idiot, that had no personality.

  17. Shaffer - the snake in the grass. Her ego is so big, she can't see beyond her own BS.

    1. Really - I don't see her ego as big. She seems pretty even keeled.

      Although her votes on PV and the $4 million dollar life guard tower were seriously flawed.

    2. Even keeled?? She says one thing and secretly does another? Word is the tea party thing is among several equally weird departures from what she claims to believe in.

      Ask her - report back - would love to hear her even-keeled explanation.

    3. 12:32- Someone mentioned something about Shaffer had told the chair of the Democratic local party, where Blakespeare got the endorsement, that Julie was a tea bagger. Someone also said something to me about just today and asked if I knew anything. Kind of weird.

  18. On the website "Rate Your Professor" this is one students opinion of Lisa as a teacher:
    "She thinks to be more ethic we should be vegetarian; pay more money to airline is greener. She says something like I don't know what you are talking about when students are presenting the team project. Grade hard for exams. Got full points on home assignment but still got bad grade. Our team is at the middle-upper level in the class but got C-.

    1. Given the grammar and depth of thinking on display in this comment, maybe she's too generous?

    2. Agree. I would fail that loser. It looks like a blog comment not a dissertation.

  19. It would be so refreshing to NOT have to listen to two "nasal blocked" council members. We can dump one of them in November. That will leave one which would be a big improvement.

    NO to GASpar.

    1. I would love to say no to developer Gaspar, but she keep voting well, and Dalakranz and Shitfer keep voting well like Sh*t.

      Please someone give me a real candidate.

    2. I'll take nasal issues over anal disfunction. Really ? Come back to reality. Please!

    3. 11:48 All five are anal if the truth were told. Add to the nasal interference and you have total disfunction.

    4. Oh so witty in your own head. Boring in others. try harder.

    5. 10:04 You are upset because you can't come up with anything witty.

  20. What does that mean?

  21. Look folks , Julie if elected will have to vote with Lisa and Tony Or Mark and Kristin or maybe she's planning on abstaining as a protest .I think whiney and petulant and talking a lot to really say nothing.

    1. A swing vote would be quite welcome on this polarized council.

    2. Polarized? Its been a majority. Dalalkranz, barth, shaffer. What a waste. the first thing barth does is support the loser Vina.

      the majority have no common sense.

  22. Which candidates up for election want to rein in salaries, pensions and spending?? We have new staff contract coming up, we need someone that will say NO in the negociations. All candidates will vote to screw the taxpayers again.

  23. Julia is part of our pension problem.Ask her about cal sterrs,a giant pension

    1. she actually does not participate in that pension.


    1. 2:18 If you have a pension, how about donating yours? Why don't you ask Muir to donate the extra 35% that his buddy $tock$ got for him? That would be the place to start.

    2. I agree with that!…

      The state should tax all pensions over $50,000 per year 50%- So Muirs $185,000 would only net 93,000. the state tax would then go to shore up the whole PERS program which is greatly underfunded.

      boo hooo hoo… poor little muir could not possibly live in $93,000 in retirement per year now could he

    3. Again: she's not part of that pension. So sorry to thwart your uninformed attack.

  25. Hey, people who comment on this blog: Literacy and knowledge really does add to your credibility. Nobody takes grunts from knuckle walkers seriously.

    1. Especially if they post in all caps!

    2. Its not graduate school english jackass. its a blog. I am not spending time to edit my typing on a blog jackass.

      Get a life.

    3. 10:09 dropped out of school midway through the fourth grade.

  26. And especially if they bought their college degree on line and still can't construct a sentence like his lowness although the lack of profanity this time is a slight improvement if just ever so.

    1. You might want to throw a comma in there somewhere jackhole

    2. 4:13-

      and you consider yourself a writer. Good one.

      Whats your degrees? I know English or Journalism. Something that doesn't require logic.

      How you get by in life if beyond me. You swim like an anchor and your blog sucks as bad as all your writing.

      Hopefully your future is brighter then your past, because Leucadians are much better than KLCC.

      KLCC is the first step to stagnation and cancer.

    3. Choose life.

      Appreciate Life!!

    4. 10:14 We now have proof there is a level of intelligence below moron. You're it.

    5. lol 12:20. Good call! Obviously 10:14 is a KLCC member who wants to make the Keep Leucadia Beautiful people look bad. Classic quotes from Our Lady of Stagnation. We had a city manager here once who moved to Poway and raised the I.Q. of both cities.

  27. 5:25 pm Thank you for the constructive criticism and I do see I missed two opportunities to use a comma in order to keep you happy, if that is even possible, Mikey A++ream.
    So it appears Lisa lied to Busby about Julie being a tea party member in order to secure the approval of the Dem party for Catherine?
    That is pretty low, even for our very own supposedly moral [low] ground retired teacher of ethics????
    That Francine bought into it without confirming or talking to Julie before supporting Catherine is shameful.
    I did vote for Francine and now I have to wonder why. Oh yea, it was to dump Bilbray. Her shortsightedness recently with not questioning Lisa's motives is sad.
    Busby represents the dem party here and she just bought into lies brought by a sitting council member who had already come out for Catherine.
    Francine, you blew it and shame on you. Shame on you Lisa for lying about Julie's affiliation with the tea party. What little faith I had in you is gone and so will you in two years. You occasionally had some good ideas but this despicable act by you seals the deal for any future in public office.
    It has been said you have no intention to run again in 2016 and that is a good thing for you and this community. You had an opportunity to live up to your campaign promises and squandered it all for what?
    Now you have propagated a lie about a treasured citizen to a gullible Busby. Wherever can you go from this point forward I cannot imagine, especially when this latest lie hits the fan?
    I saw you there in O'side trying to vote in the O'side residents only section until someone caught you and told you to move out of that O'side residents section. Ethical????? Not so much.
    What a disappointment you have become and for the life of me, I cannot fathom what you could have been thinking to stoop so low. Did you really think you could get away with this tactic and not catch flak and stain your reputation even further? Lying to the Dem county chair about an opposing candidate. Wow. You are in limbo land. How low can you go?

    1. Not as low as your boring stupid comment.

      Please get a life and post interesting comments- Derelict.

    2. See this is modern politics in America ...lose to campaigns for office and be appointed as the Democratic Party chairwoman for SD county. As if she knows how and what the voters want?? But in politics today both parties will give you a position if you raise enough cash for them regardless of your record. In the real world have two projects go down in flames and watch your employment cease.

    3. 10:19 it is telling Shaffer was sitting in O Side section- and had to be told to move. Shaffer has proven herself to be a lying hyrocrite- and I voted for her.

  28. Democrat and Republicans are both the same- Idiots.

    You folks need to quite watching mindless TV and educate yourself.

  29. 9:02: How low can Shaffer go? Let's see what two-faced "ethical" sermon she puts in her next "newsletter."

  30. I have Heared from several people close to Julie that she is tea bagger and she confirmes it every time she speaks,nothing positive to say and very little to contribute ---------- simplistic ------------- unrealistic .

    1. You are a troll and are making up things. When I hear or have heard her speak, she confirms the opposite and has many positive things to say and contributes a lot. Have you ever been to a city council meeting when she has spoken? I don't think so.

    2. Hello 9:15- as a member of the San Dieguito Tea Party we neither seek nor desire members such as Julie G. She provides no answers to the plague of big government, big spending nor big taxes. Which ever party she belongs to.... They can keep her.

    3. 10:51, Nicely said. Julie's still the best candidate and has my vote.

    4. As a tea party conservative I will be voting for Graboi and Cameron- they are the only two candidates who have stood up to Vina on responsible spending

    5. 9:15AM you are an effin LIAR.

    6. Well Graboi simply and unrealistically has my vote.

  31. Prompt and good service. Thanks

  32. 9:27
    How is that different then your trolls lies about Lisa ,live by the lie and you die by the lie.

  33. Why doesn't Blakespear EVER take positions on anything other then the stupid Coral Farm. She also needs to explain why her dad's developer friends are funding her campaign.

    1. 10:45 Because she is FAKEspear.

  34. The rumor about Julie being a tea partier is true, Shaffer told me and a friend over a month ago. I'm surprised it just now came out.

    I'll be voting for Blakespear.

    1. I suspect you're joking, but if that actually happened, please drop me a line at

    2. 3:40

      The democrats endorsed Barth - lied on Prop A, lies in her newsletttersm increased city debt by gajillions, left unfunded projects, treats citizens badly- would never get re-elected

      the dems also endorsed kranz lied on prop A, lied about the ordinace, voted against residents at desert rose, supports the tax hike, increased debt, left projects unfunded

      the dems supported Shaffer- lied on A, bullies citizens, opposed residents at desert rose, supports increased taxes-

      why would anyone vote for Blakspear or Kranz backed by the party bossed?

      I supported Barth, Shaffer and Kranz- they all turned out to be horrible

      I will be voting for Cameron and Graboi- at least they have held Vina and Sabine accountable- it is a start

    3. 9:44 well said.

  35. 3:40pm You will soon see what a fool you have been to believe Lisa when the truth comes out and it surely will.
    There is sh==storm coming over what Lisa has been saying about Julie and how she influenced the county dems decision on who to endorse.
    Any of those who were endorsed will have to deal with the blowback created by Lisa's mistruths.
    This going to be a bumpy ride for Lisa and it is all of her own doing.
    Mark these words, you will be questioning why you ever believed Lisa in the first place when all comes to the light.
    Enjoy the imaginary world you are in now because once all the details are revealed, you will regret ever having believed her to begin with.
    I hope then you will come back and say thanks for the warning and the heads up.
    You will be welcomed back to the fold as many here are a forgiving lot when it is deserved.

    1. Sure wished I'd had the warning before I voted for Lisa.

  36. You are certainly not the Lone Ranger. She fooled many here and running with the Maggie endorsement got her an 'in'.
    Maggie is turning in her grave over Lisa's betrayal as much as Ian is here on this side of life and so are many others who got taken in by her promises while running.
    It has been downhill ever since and man oh man, there is an even bigger drop off just ahead for her and it is all of her own doing.
    What was she thinking? Oh well.
    At this point when the next ball drops there will be no place to hide for her and she will want to hide. I can see her now slinking down in the council seat with only her head barely visible above the desk.
    I actually saw that posture this past week at the council meeting and her head was the only part of her that was visible. Of course, we in the audience are sitting lower so that only accentuates that view point.
    Body language cannot hide the truth.

  37. And what about that guy who got in with her that can't grab a barstool fast enough.

  38. Rumor has it that the BIA is loading up Francine's Dem coffers to insure wins for her puppets blakespear and Kranz. These two are such airheads they buy hook line and sinker the crap that Vina and his crew of developer pawns feed them. And Shaffer with all her utopian BS about stack n pack curing global warming?! Then why are AB 32.results showing INCREASED Greenhouse gasses and pollution where stack n pack has been implemented? These morons are like mushrooms - keep them in the dark and feed them manure. Juliecand Sheila will clean house and stand up for the residents who are already here! They support Prop A and oppose Density Bogus which has NOT resulted in low income housing because all it REQUIRES is more housing crammed in

    1. I am not voting for all the hate. Crazy Cameron is loony. No way she should get back in office. What a fiasco.

    2. I'm voting for Cameron. Cautious Cameron = realistic growth.

    3. Well that is 1 vote. Wow. Off to a great start. Assuming you are not her husband. She now has 8 votes. KLCC club, Camerons family, and maybe 1 other. Lets talk about real candidates.

  39. Shaffer, in her newsletter after the August 27 Council Meeting, talks about bullying. She has a graphic, BULLYING in a circle, with a diagonal red line through it. She also says, "Last time I checked, my literary license was still valid."

    Shaffer's using her position of authority and "prestige" to falsely name Julie Graboi, behind Julie's back, as a Tea Party member, is a not-so-subtle form of bullying.

    Shaffer seems to think she has "literary license, to put a false spin on facts, to distort the truth.

    Sure, it's Shaffer's prerogative to share her opinions; but when they are misinformed, and she twists "literary license" into BS lies, then she's being a bully, using her bully platform to put out disinformation and more and more double messages.

    1. I really don't care what Shaffer thinks. Her words are empty and mean nothing.

    2. What's wrong with being a Tea Party member?? We are for smaller govt, less spending , less taxes. Sounds good to me.

    3. Tea Party members are ignorant, wacko, reactionary, anarchistic fools. Julie Graboi is NOT one of them.

  40. I am convinced that Shaffer has no morals and her big mouth is part of her problem. She wants this campaign to be so nice, yet, she is the first one to start slinging the mud.

    I say recall this idiot because she is doing all of us damage by her constant lies. If any one would like to start a recall campaign, let's get the ball rolling. When we see a "bad" one, we need to get rid of them.

  41. you would need to get rid of all 5 and there are not enough candidates to fill the positions. We have a Crazy Cameron, bought off plastic barbie, and Dalakranz going for Major. We have bigger problems to address verses recalling a weak council member.

    I am writing in Andrew Audet for Mayor.

    1. Will that count?

    2. Unless everyone writes in Andrew Audet for Mayor, the vote means nothing. It would be great if he would have run for Mayor because he would have been perfect for that position.

    3. Do you have to take out papers to run or is this just a spontaneous impromptu throw away vote? If it'd count and there was a ground swell movement, I'd join. Otherwise, I don't want Gaspar or Blakespear to gain any advancement by diluting the votes.

    4. Sure, write in someone who doesn't want the job. It'll make Gaspar even happier with her count.

  42. Alex Fidel has my vote!

    1. Marco has my write-in.

    2. Marco Mutant - sleeze has a fan base - an even lower life form.

  43. Voters Guide

    Anybody who writes in a non-candidate like Audet or Marco, or votes for Fidel, who has no chance of winning, is wasting a vote that could go for a legitimate candidate and help that candidate win.

    Choose among the legitimate candidates who best align with what you want for Encinitas. Before you choose, figure out which candidates are lying.

    1. AND where their money's coming from.

  44. Graboi & Cameron.

  45. Good point about sources of money, also consider how much they have.

    I agree with 2:23. My choices are Graboi and Cameron.

  46. How about a Marco face can at the new dog park for the dog poop! Same stuff going in that usually comes out.

  47. It seems as if Tony and Marco have become fast friends. That's enough for me to swing from him to Cameron.

    1. Poor choice - Kranz is easily fast talked.

  48. Serious question:

    What has Julie Graboi achieved?

    What, specifically, was her responsibility with respect to Prop A? I hope the answer is more than flapping her gums at council meetings.

    Did she develop and execute a fund raising effort? If so, how much money was raised? Did she write the ballot proposition, or the argument for it? Was she in charge of the petition campaign to qualify for the ballot?

    I'm looking for very specific and tangible examples of leadership with results. Since I can't find any on her site, I'm suspicious that nothing exists.

    What gives?

    1. Oh the fear of Julie Graboi winning must have got to you. Doesn't take much digging to see she has addressed council about finances, fought Desert Rose, and stood up for prop A. Also she has integrity and honesty other candidates could only dream of, especially one guy running from safe vantage point.

    2. Okay, but again, "addressed council," and "stood up for." Does this mean more than giving speeches? Where's the specific record of leadership actions, and results?

      What was her specific area of accountability and responsibility with respect to Prop A or Desert Rose?

    3. 9:18 I have a question for you: What did Shaffer or Kranz do before getting elected that exhibited any kind of leadership? Further, what did Gaspar do before she was elected besides being a member of the Rotary Club. Did she ever speak before the council? Ever? Before she got elected? Further, besides Muir being a fire chief, what else did he do besides makes trips to the grocery store to stock supplies for the fire stations? I seriously doubt that man could have run fast enough to save anyone from a fire. What did he contribute besides receiving an enormous pension?

      If you have specifics, sure would like you to list them.

    4. Sadly, none of these people are qualified for the position. If someone backs your campaign and you send out enough mailers and post signs, you get in. Kranz and Shaffer rode the Dump Stocks campaign - supporters hoped for the best, but got duped. Gaspar is the developer's shill - Dalacrook was done and $tock$ was fading, so she was their back-up. Absolutely unqualified. Muir played the fireman image - an American equivalent to Superman. He is a $tock$ stooge and wallows in a fat pension for doing nothing spectacular for 30 years. Barth was always nothing, but erroneously thought to be an independent because $tock$ picked on her - when on her own, she proved worthless to making the changes necessary.
      It appears the City Manager is the real power behind the throne - all these council members either are intimidated or outright support his agenda.
      My vote is for Julie.

    5. There's a lot of blather knocking the candidates, past, present and future on this blog. But here's an obvious fact: The Candidates are the Candidates. Wishing for Teddy Roosevelt, Barry Goldwater or JFK is just that, wishing.

      Graboi and Blakespeare are viable candidates, you'll have to pick one, it's called "Voting". People saying they were duped, fooled or other cry baby crap doesn't cut the mustard anymore. Do your research, pick a candidate and vote. That's it. Quit crying about the past....

  49. 9:56- No offense, but either you are a newcomer to our community; you don't know how to Google anything; your stupid and uninformed; or you are a shill for Marco, Shaffer and Kranz. Take you pick. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to click on the city's website and go to last weeks oral communications to see Julie in action. She lives on Desert Rose and she and her neighbors mounted an appeal of the city's move via Glen and via Marco and developers to get around an EIR to develop the property on Desert Rose. The citizens have won both times. Marco is appealing, and will will see if the city spends more of our money doing the same. Now, do the rest yourself, or please just shut up. Thank you.

    1. 10:11,

      I take away three important points from your response:

      1.) There likely isn't a good answer to my question. If there was, you'd have offered it instead of attacking me personally.

      2.) Julie Graboi and her supporters don't want to engage people and win votes. Either you exhibit unquestioning commitment to Julie, or you are told to shut up. Julie doesn't want my vote.

      3,) Given #2, Julie is unlikely to win any election.

      I welcome anyone who wants to prove me wrong and answer the questions seriously.

    2. We have won votes. Supremely confident Julie will be on council. Off to help Cameron. Enjoy your reality since it differs from the real version.

  50. 10:20-Poor baby. Let me help you with one thing. Then you're on your own. planners-and-concerned-home-owners-on-jan-3-2011/‎

    1. Page Not Found

      Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.

    2. You need an http:// at the beginning..

  51. troll likes the sound of it's own keyboard

  52. 10:11 doesn't know anything about Encinitas since he moved to Oceanside. Right Mikey? All he knows are what his buddies Gaspar and Stocks feed him.

    1. Were told AXXdream is very happy in O'Side. Says the Mexican Food is better there and the surfing.

  53. Funny, I found it.

    Minutes of Meeting between Encinitas City Planners and Concerned ... planners-and-concerned-home-owners-on-jan-3-2011/‎
    Jan 4, 2011 ... Minutes of Meeting between Encinitas City Planners and Concerned Home Owners on Jan 3, 2011. Minutes of Meeting between Encinitas City ...

  54. Replies
    1. How arrogant is it for you, 2:05 and preceding times, to express your doubts about Julie Graboi and demand that people who read this blog provide you answers that will assure you of Julie's value? I say it's extremely arrogant.

      Her website details her background — personal, professional and with regard to Encinitas politics. She states what she's done on past issues and what her positions are on current and future issues.

      She has spoken at City Council and commission meetings for years. Each speech took commitment, research and knowledge. Search the City's website and watch the videos.

      Julie has written commentaries in the Coast News and has been covered by that paper, the Advocate, the Courier, the U-T and NC Current.

      If you had been paying attention, you'd know her and what she's done.

      Instead, you have the gall to demand that other people do the homework you should have been doing all along.

      In short and putting it bluntly, you've been busted, asshole.

  55. Excellent summary. The next time 2:05 asks the same "serious question," he/she can refer back here and leave the rest of us alone.

  56. So she wrote editorials and gave speeches.

    She did not build and execute a fund-raising plan or manage a budget. She did not create or execute a legal strategy. She did not oversee the signature-gathering process to put Prop A on the ballot. She did not write Prop A or the ballot statement. She did not create or manage the website Savedesertrose.

    I'm not decided, and I will hold the other candidates to the same standard. But I'm concerned about any candidate with a history of talking and writing vs. acting and doing.

    I would hope more than a few would share that concern.

    1. Nope, not concerned. Julie is by far the best candidate and if you can't see substance then that is your issue.

    2. 4:42 PM
      And you are saying Blakespear did all those things?

    3. Nope. I will hold all candidates to the same standard.

      Looking for doers, not talkers.

    4. You're not going to find any rocket scientists, CEOs, or transformational leaders running for a Podunk suburb city council.

      The pay is nominal but the opportunities for graft and corruption are significant.

      So the candidates we get fall into three categories: morons, crooks, and the very rare honest citizen who wants to do the right thing.

      Graboi pretty clearly falls into the last category. Blakespear may as well, but her ties to the Barth-Shaffer-Kranz gang give serious pause.

    5. How do you know what Graboi has done/not done just because your special list of items is it reflected in Graboi's materials? Prop A was written by an attorney; it would be absurd to expect someone not in the legal field to produce a legal document.

    6. 4:42 you raise items that you think should concern others, but your list is as stupid as your tone. Your concerns will not rub off on anyone else, so best to beat your drum of supposed worry over on the Rostra, where you'll be in good company with the likes of Jerome & Co.

  57. If only a few present and former council members had stopped at talk and not done the damage they have! Like that costly sports park and excessive pensions. Talk may be cheap but taking wrong action gets prohibitively expensive.

    1. Well blakespear had my vote and lost it the minute she was endorsed by Barth. Put that in your corn filled yard and smoke it!

  58. Actually Blakespear may win if she denounces barth but it would take that at this point. Julie looks so good, squeaky clean.

    1. Yeah, except the part where Blakespeare has way more money and has been running since May. She will win it, like her or not..


    2. You won't be buying the folks that passed prop A etc.

    3. Blakespear will appear in her farmer's duds for the PR photos and act all rural - if elected, she will field the flags for the Catepillar tractors tearing up the landscape for more subdivisions. She is an Ecke's handmaiden!! The Trojan Horse for the developers!

    4. That may be true, 7:41, but the Prop A. gang are only one element of the voting bloc. You have to appeal to ALL the voters in the city to win. It will be an uphill battle, and I'm voting for Julie.

      Everyone on this blog would do well to put down the pen until the election's over, and spend that time campaigning for Julie. Otherwise the crying will continue in November...

  59. 7:48 is more right than never he or she knows. Google Blakespeare's name and Rossini Creek.

  60. My vote will be for Julie Graboi.

    FAKEspear is backed by Shaffer and Barth. That alone gets a "NO" vote from me.
