Wednesday, April 12, 2023

About those new neighbors…

from LA and SF

A lot of them are paying CASH.

This is not your father's Encinitas.

HT: Bubbleinfo.


  1. A fool, and his money are soon parted.

    1. They turn them into vacation rentals and the neighborhoods deteriorate with noise, traffic and trash.

    2. The entire city government is sold out to the BIA - the tyrant Blakespear was Queen of the sell outs and now can do the BIA's bidding in Sacramento.

  2. Even those who don't like Jeff would have to admit a lot of anonymous trolls are eating crow this morning.

    1. And Stan will always be Stan.

    2. No crow to be eaten. “Despite extensive efforts to locate and personally serve the victim and witnesses, we have been unable to do so,” said Tanya Sierra, spokesperson for the DA’s office. “This case cannot be proven without those witnesses.”

    3. Very disappointing, but not surprising at all.

    4. The only witnesses would be Jeff's family. So was there a 911 call after all? After all he did get charged with 3 misdemeanors. Has anyone seen the 911 text of the call placed from the Morris's home on Christmas eve. Something seems off. Couldn't the Sheriff be a witness?

  3. I don’t like Stan. Please elaborate.


    2. Thx. So sad Co-dependency is real.

      🐧 what is beaten, and she was threatened not to testify against her assailant.

      As we know, ambulance chasing attorneys, like this one will say, and do anything for a dollar. This guy would sell out is on mom and sent his dad out to be molested if it meant earning five bucks.

    3. Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  4. If you have 1.5 million in cash to buy a home, you're probably not a fool.

  5. Both China and Japan lost their ass during the last few US real estates down turns.

    We are in for a huge one this time… the result of 20 years of zero cost for the US dollar.

  6. The Facebook group “Encinitas Progressive Unity” hasn’t posted a single article regarding the scandal of Nathan Fletcher or Lorena Gonzalez. That’s extremely telling.

  7. Why are all Progressive Liberals, elitist Neptune snobs? You can spot the women from a mile away, they all have short hair and wear Patagonia Puffy jackets.

  8. The Progressive Liberals are always so pissed off, they’re also terribly boring, always offended and most of the women are closet lesbians.

    1. 💯… their is a reflection of their non-purpose in life. They are completely dependent, which makes people unhappy.

    2. “Encinitas Progressive Unity” run by Darius Dager and Christina Simokat, refuses to talk about Nathan Fletcher and Lorena Gonzalez.

      If you post an article they delete it. It’s Very telling of the Progressive Liberals in this town!

  9. “Encinitas Progressive Unity” the Facebook page is full of closet lesbians. They all March together in their Patagonia puffy jackets while waving “pink pussy” signs and snickering at the men.

  10. I See the city closed Vulcan Avenue south of the Costa Avenue for the three-story ghetto apartments further negatively impacting the public. I see Tony Kranz is ghetto parking lot next to Vulcan Avenue is attracting homeless, and there is broken down cars and boats out there,

    I see NCTD is repairing all of the cuts, and Tony’s Fence is blocking people getting access to our coastline.

    We need more hometown heroes to cut all of Tony‘s fence out.

    Let’s cut Tony out. Where can I sign the recall petition

  11. Apparently you can get away with beating your wife and children if you prevent them from testifying against you.

    1. The wifebeater will get what's coming to him. It's just a matter of time. Cowards always do.

  12. I suspect many are disappointed that justice was not served. It’s also unfortunate for women in general. Victims who don’t hold their abusers accountable set a poor example for their children.

    I hope we can move on here. Encinitas has a lot bigger problems than this guy and his domestic issues.

  13. Of course the courts found Stan innocent, he didn’t do anything wrong except go to town the Xmas tree, big fucking deal.

    Now Natalie has to deal with lawsuit, she’s fucked!

  14. Innocent just like OJ Simpson.

    For the rest of his life.

    Everyone knows.

    The internet never forgets.

  15. I have seen Jeff talk A LOT of shit about A LOT of people, with nothing to back it up, but he is going to sue people for saying negative things about him? Is it still defamation if what is said is true?

    1. What separates Jeff from the rest is he provides evidence. It’s not shit talking if he can back his claims.

    2. There are many things that separate him from the rest. Nothing positive. Definitely not evidence.

    3. Here’s what need to proven by Jeff and I think this will be easy for him based on the comments.

      To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject .

      IP addresses are easy to obtain.

  16. How big of a lawsuit do you think Jeff has against this town and bad players?

    1. It is always someone else’s fault.

  17. Jeff loses his shit over anonymous posts on a website viewed by a few dozen people. I feel sorry for his family when he sees the new site dedicated to him that is coming. EVERYONE will know what Jeff is. #countdowntojeffsplosion

  18. “At some point, somebody called the police, and Jeff was arrested. There was no physical violence. He wasn’t fighting with his wife. (Morris) and his wife have a strong, stable relationship.”

    If that’s all true, then why not testify to it under oath? Why duck the DAs attempts to serve witnesses and victims?

    Does not add up.

    1. Christie, Christie, Christie, trusting the DA would be like trusting you. Move along little flea.

    2. Of course he was guilty. He couldn't trust his wife or kids to lie for him on the stand.

    3. People with nothing to hide generally don’t hide.

      The courts don’t ask you to trust the DA. They ask you to show up and tell the truth under oath.

      The only reason to avoid it is if you’d rather not tell the truth, because the truth is painful and comes with consequences.

    4. Or the Sheriff’s had an agenda and didn’t tell the real truth? Any mention of the main issue, Jeff trying to kick his daughter out for fighting with her mother a few times? Where’s that at? Is it possible DV looks more damaging than a father trying to kick out a 21 year old for ruining Christmas?

    5. It’s always someone else’s fault.

    6. I like Tony. I’m glad he won. He was always going to win.

    7. 2:58- good one. 🤣🤣🤣

  19. It wasn't the first time and it won't be the last. This is typically how DV situations unfold. It will escalate until the damage is significant enough that witnesses won't be required, often involving corpse.

    1. How stupid do you feel, Christie?

    2. 2:11, sad but true.

    3. Talking to yourself again, Christie? Based upon that logic, Jeff must have dozens of arrest records, correct? Wife beaters don’t wait 55 years to beat their wife. You should know better than anybody.

      We all should be thanking your husband for being a role model to all. He beat you early and often. I don’t blame him. Look at you, look at your fat mouth, look at your psychotic obsession. All “HAIL” Christie’s ex. He didn’t give any fucks. He beat this bitch to a pulp every night.

    4. 55 years would have made him a year old. Think clearly much or not at all? So much rage.

    5. Rage. Like what you’re doing right now? Look how much time invested into somebody you don’t even know. You’ve done nothing but talk shit, slander, liable, nonstop for a year, and you don’t know anybody.

      Pull your head out of your ass and just remember how many times your husband beat the shit out of you. I praise your husband. Let’s Colin Clint Eastwood for beating your sorry ass all the time, but I do have a bone to pick with them. He should’ve finished your sorry fat ugly crackhead ass off so as not to spread your fucking self everywhere you go.

      What a sad, pathetic puny pile of shit you are. Seems like Rachelle is the only one with brains in that group, she got up because she knew she would lose. There’s like both you and dumb. Fuck Natalie. Both of you dumb fucks.

    6. I merely pointed out that your calculation would have made him a year old at the time. Can you focus on that for a minute? No. So much rage you can’t see straight.

  20. 4 days before Christmas, Christie and Natalie pulled Jeff into court over a complete fabricated lie. Nobody was hunting you guys down, except your ex.

    1. Admittedly, with the help of the Captain. Is that why you guys got so bold, the Captain was on your side? Where’s he at now? You fail to address your obsession with Jeff.

      Tell us again what he did to you? Nothing, yet here you are, psychotic as fuck. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to see Jeff again very soon.

    2. That would be Commander Lopez now

  21. The Sheriff’s tried to charge Jeff with 3 FELONIES. The first day the judge saw that, he instantly knew those charges were false, and dropped them down quickly to MISDEMEANORS, like a parking ticket.

    That shows the overkill of a corrupt system. If Jeff beat his wife, they wouldn’t have let him go home. We all know what’s up, Trailer Trash wanted so bad for Kim to be beat, like Trailer Trash always got beat.

    We need to invite her Godlike ex-husband to Encinitas. He beat Christie to a pulp every Friday and Saturday night, and gave no fucks about going to jail. What a badass. He beat her sorry ass 100 times, he went to jail 100 times. What a fucking stud.

    Why didn’t he just finish he job for the rest of humanity? You’d think she would’ve learn to shut that big fucking hole in her face.

    1. One thing my mom told me. Never trust Stan.

    2. The courts are corrupt. The DA is corrupt. The sheriffs are corrupt. City council is corrupt. Journalists are corrupt. Non-profits are corrupt. Other candidates are corrupt. Anyone who says anything negative is corrupt.

      And Jeff is always the victim.

      It’s always someone else’s fault.


    3. Trailer Troll. How bad does it feel to be a loser everyday?

      Your meaningless life has ended. Your about to be charged with perjury. How does that make you feel?

      Don’t trash that sweet trailer either. It needs to be towed to Moonlight so we can have a bonfire 🔥, after it change possession.

      What kind of trailer are we getting?

  22. We’re going to buy some popcorn, some good beer, and some good bud. We’re going to do a Jerry Springer show as we watch you in court doing your head tweaks.

    We might be able to get your son on the stand as well, for pretending to be a bully. Too bad he’s such a pussy he didn’t take a swing.

    1. That explains why you try to get a group of people to beat up the other kid. Your son would’ve lasted about a split second before he be kissing the cement if he took a cheap shot at somebody.

      Do you think he might’ve got some experience watching your ex beat your fat fucking ugly ass every single day. I bet he was giggling his ass off.

  23. Well folks, we at least had a day to enjoy this site moron free.

    Hopefully, we can again when the next time goes down, as it surely will.

    It would be nice if these ongoing moronic posts could be relegated to their own page, even better would be for them to have their blog site I can dream. I miss our good old EU without the constant degradation that is the morons.

  24. Jeff, you continue to prove you are a despicable human being.

    1. Just be ready for justice. You’re up next….

    2. You don’t even know who you are addressing. It is so sad, the level of your delusion. Just pitiful. Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself? What about your family? Think of someone other than yourself for once. I am guessing you are not capable, being the narcissistic person you are. That is too bad.

  25. Such a cute comment on Coast News. That comment is plucked and will be used into evidence of the nonstop harassment by you, Rachel, Natalie, and the rest of the gang.

    You told Kim to “burn in hell!” Now you’re trying to play advocate? We’re going to make you “broke as fuck,” and cleanse this town of scabs like you. Druggies are the worst kind of people on the planet, you being a prime example.

    We are going to make sure to break you little piggy bank and say “Adios!” when you are gone!!! 😊 Cannot wait to get this ball rolling!!! 😂

  26. Apartment reconstruction proposal near Moonlight evicting tenants - so much for "affordable housing".

  27. Remember the comment about how we expected the criminal justice system to fail domestic violence victims, and that Jeff would strut around like a peacock making everyone in Encinitas want to puke?

    Well here we are.

    1. Christie, the Morrises have 0 impact on your life, you don’t know them, they don’t know you. For the last year, you entire world has revolved around them as YOU obsessively made up one lie after the other about the, sold yourself into believing these lies, and ran with these lies/delusions as if they were fact.

      You’ve harassed them nonstop, you were involved in both the FAKE TRO and proceeded to send letters to the DA as a witness to Jeff’s actions…. Keep in mind, you never met them, don’t know them, and you still can NOT stop obsessing and hurling insults to a family her never did anything to you.

      You’re a danger to the community because you “ACT” on your delusions and fantasies. You’re going to likely be in a shit ton of trouble when Jeff takes action against you, with your major criminal background, your well documented delusions, and the number of people who are ready to take the stand against you, you might consider moving before Jeff wipes you out in court.

      You chose to pick a fight with the most seasoned fighter in this town. The only person willing to stand up to any and every bad player in town, and advance his position with each play.

      If I were you, I’d pack it and go before Jeff takes legal action on you.

    2. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  28. 6:02 You are the one making people “puke!” You thought bullying and screaming at a family 24/7 over a personal family dispute was a good idea? You’re the one that is a “Peacock!” You think you should be judge and jury for a family issue concerning people you don’t even know. What a weirdo mentally unstable person you are! You yelled non-stop how you wanted Jeff to go to prison and how you hoped he’d get raped day and night. What a horrible evil disgustingly raunchy person you are!

    1. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  29. It's great that Surfing Madonna is that the Nickels cancer has been excised.

  30. Christie, you went after Jeff’s son. You got your son to try to get a group of kids to jump him. You went after Jeff’s wife, a person who was very nice to you, and you slandered her all over town. You then tried a committed perjury twice to get Jeff in trouble with the law, and ultimately try to put him behind bars.

    This is someone you don’t know and never met. That means that 100% of you actions, were nothing more than trying to feed your delusions. I’d move if I was you. After what you did to Jeff in the town he raised his children, don’t be surprised when you’re excommunicated. You’ve exposed who you really are, a mentally disturbed individual who is a menace to society.

    1. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  31. 6:38 Yep! Christie thinks she’s smarter than the judge. A crackhead who will never have the aptitude to be anything constructive in society. Never trust a crackhead who hates men, and tries to interfere with the judge. She’s a menace to Encinitas.

    1. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  32. Stop with the posts about Morris et al. He, his opponents and supporters are irrelevant history. You might as well be posting endlessly about Stocks, Barth and Shaffer.

  33. Cwistie Dean the Trailer Park queen, wanted Jeff locked away more than anybody in town.

    So we know that you aren’t crazy Christie, please explain.

  34. This was a witch hunt from the start by the Mean Girls. Sure they may have gotten a couple mean boys to do there bidding? But I think they’re the type of boys that, you know…, 😉 “identify as woman!”🤫 Notice I said, “boys,” not Men?” A real man would not give these toxic women the time of day. Buyer beware(of “Nasty” women)!
    Are you paying attention “Nasty Natalie” to the company you keep? You’ve managed to be destructive enough on your own. But when you added Crustie Crud into the mix, that was a severely toxic combo that you’ll be regretting g the rest of your life. I hear you’ve had some severe mental problems. So adding Cray Cray Christie into the mix was not a wise decision. Has she pulled you into her ‘demonic drug infested world’ yet?

    1. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  35. Who’s obsessed with who, Jeff? Seems pretty obvious you are the one with the obsession.

  36. 8:36, I’m not Jeff. But since you’ve shown a repeatedly difficult time understanding this concept, let me give you a simple math lesson:

    60k+ people live in Encinitas. Jeff isn’t all 60k+.
    I know you think he is, b/c he’s so omnipotent. And he certainly IS ‘All powerful, and strong enough to take on the bad guys!’ This is why you FEAR him! YOU ARE the bad guys! Jeff is an extreme threat to toppling over your evil empire. He is one of the few people that has the strength to take back our beach town. Wow! Such a crime!🙄

    1. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

    2. 9:04 Just Jeff-like. Bummer. One is one too many.

  37. Who’s the moron Willow Hannington that I keep hearing about?

  38. Ruben Florez thinks that Coast News is censoring supporting commentary about Jeff Morris! You can read his comments on Encinitas Uncensored. That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

  39. Here’s what Bhavani Kirnak wrote about Stan on Coast News’s page.
    April 12, 2023 at 2:55 pm
    The DA’s office seems unaware that its explanation of its case’s failure reveals its willingness to prosecute those whom the very law they are charged to enforce is meant to protect. It’s clear on whose behalf the DA is really acting: not the Morris family members, but those who – without evidence or an actual crime – consider Morris a “violent abuser” and did not want him to run for Mayor.

    Likewise, despite “innocent until proven guilty”, some of our neighbors believe they somehow possess the omniscience to know exactly what happened at the Morris home on Dec 25, and continue to defame Kim Morris and persecute her family in the name of “getting serious about crimes against women”.

    “Get Morris” or “Get Anybody” perverts the justice system and disregards the collateral damage to the multiple innocent.

    1. Christie, you, Natalie, Rachel, and everybody in Cindy’s camp followed Jeff. Your “name” calling only reinforces that you HAVE no reason.

      You should learn not to fuck with Jeff, look at Natalie. He beat her 3 times and is suing her. You’re next.

    2. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

    3. Two houses on my street still have Morris for Mayor signs up. Just sayin...

  40. Garvin Walsh for Mayor!

  41. Boring…💤

    Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  42. Jeffie is the only person in the entire city that still cares enough to even think about Cindy let alone mention her. Like a good loser she vanished after the election and is now ignored. You could take a lesson or five from her on how to lose properly.

  43. 9:04 If Jeff is truly the "all powerful that can take on the bad guy" as you say, then perhaps he should stop attacking Christmas trees and beat the shit out of himself. Pretty sure nobody in the village would step in and break up the fight.

    1. Who gives a flying fuck about a Christmas tree? Only the biggest retard in Encinitas, “Christie Dean, who will be going down very soon.” Go talk to your buddy Natalie, and learn something. All of that shit you guys talk? That’s because you’re all dumb as wood.

      #morris4mayor 2024!

    2. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  44. Listen to your own words, Crazy Christie. Jeff would’ve loved to forget about the election. Unfortunately, Christie Dean wouldn’t allow that. Your obsession with someone you never met, don’t know, and you nonstop lies, is dangerous for our community.

    Everybody else in town forgot about Jeff. Go join them. Crazy Psychotic Bitch.

  45. Jeff will be renaming his big wave surfboard to Nasty Natalie! 😝

  46. Stan = #unemployable#menace#wifebeater#loser

    1. 24/7 Christie. You’re going down next, just like Natalie. Better start searching for an attorney

    2. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  47. Do you smell that? It smell likes victory. Actually, you wouldn’t recognize it because all you do is lose! 😂

    1. Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  48. Tell me about my trailer? What about my car? Can surfboards fit in it?

    1. 12:48- Boring…💤

      Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

      12:52- 🤣

  49. Boring…💤

    Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  50. watched the Circus Act at City Council last night.

    Best 2 minutes of the whole meeting come at 36:19 (Ellen Berg sp?) - perfectly stated! 👌🏽


    the others were OK... comments about negative impacts from smoke/THC, over densifying our City and removing trees and character, and Tony wants to focus on poetry slams and finger-painting instead of Fixing the Damn Roads.

    Scott seems to be losing his focus and punch. Too bad. He used to be on-point.

    Da Dunce was in classic form completely ignoring the comment about the failing roads and responding to the speaker about an IT issue.

    Actions have consequences. and we are living out those by having a Dunce as Mayor. 🤮

    LA style Encinitas full steam ahead.

    1. I am willing to accept criticism. Way too many topics on the agenda last night. I spent too much time on accolades. As the last general speaker, it's easy to comment on what previous speakers have brought up. This has happened to me before. I will try to do better.

      You must have missed when I scoffed at the notion that stopping takes too much energy, and then showed the Mayor how difficult it is to get an e-bike up to speed with one's thumb.

      Or the part where I compared the council to Hansel and Gretel, following the free candy (money).

      Maybe the mention of how toxic/sustainable/eco is the green paint used for bike lane striping?

      Basically, I think the majority council has unwavering support for whatever bills the homegirls Tasha and Katherine come up with.

      The council was also not pleased that I mentioned how depleted our general fund is after dishing out an unexpected $1,500,000 for emergency repairs. Ehlers was also on top of this.

      Unless you go to the meeting, you can't see the reactions on the council faces. What's the saying? Priceless.

      Please, stop the finger-painting garbage. Did you know there will be a fabrication shop with CNC and other similar machines? I get it, we over payed for a property with major use restrictions, what should we do now?

      Interesting, I have been informed the IT issue was gone when the speaker arrived home. She came home, and the meeting was up on the TV.

    2. Scott- what is the total operations and long term maintenance costs for operating PV? And how many residents are expected to use it?

      What’s the return on investment for the center?

      How does PV’s need and costs compared to the infrastructure needs/costs that Ellen highlighted last night?

    3. What should we do now? Rezone it to residential and sell the property to the highest bidder.

      We’re going to need the money for our true infrastructure needs, and to pay settlements for the huge lawsuits dropping.

      If Roberta Walker was paid 11 million for being run down and maimed in a sharrow lane, how much you think the Dr. Jensen Worely family should receive for their wrongful death of such a good human? RIP.

      What about the next person that gets run down in a sharrow Lane in South Cardiff? It’s just a matter of time. Sharrows on high speed roads result in pain, suffering and death. We know this, but yet we allow it and even promote it? 😢

    4. Always love your sarcastic comments Scott, but the bottom line is, anyone paying attention knows what’s what in our city, including Ehlers and the council DOES NOT CARE. We haven’t learned that nothing we say or do makes a damned difference with this bunch. They are fiscally reckless ideologues and are running Encinitas into the ground. Just drive along Encinitas Blvd and you’ll see the deterioration in plain site.

      We had a great opportunity to change lanes in November but some of the very activists who moan daily for change backed the wrong candidate (you know the one. She lost twice). Slater is already beating the, there’s an election coming drum, but she’s part of the problem.

      The politicians and activists need to get out of their own way and put their city first.

    5. Good for you for taking the time to attend meetings and speak. That's more than most of us can say.


  52. Pack and move why you can Christie. Once you’re served, you’re TOAST.

    1. Whoa… Stan’s up before 11am. Amazing.

    2. Move to Hawaii like you said, “bro.”

  53. 9:40 you’re such a stalker that you keep track of Stan’s sleeping schedule? Pls seek help!

  54. 7:29 PV needs a public vote to rezone. Thank goodness it's not up to this council or we'd see Kranz flipping developer favors to his donors.

    1. Why do you say that? Super majority could rezone the property.

      Or bring it to the vote of the people. It’s better than the direction they’re going now.

    2. Study up on your Prop A, 10:14. The super majority vote was removed in 2013 when Prop A passed. Any upzone has to go to a vote of the people. A good proposal should have no problem passing.

    3. PV should become a new city hall / arts center. Conference rooms by day, galleries at night. Council chambers can double as a performing arts stage. Plenty of public parking underneath.

      Fund the construction by rezoning and selling the existing city hall property on Vulcan. Hold a competition for the sale, and publish specific requirements for the redevelopment bids, like, has to include 50 spaces of free public parking for train / shopping / events. Other requirements: cannot interfere with the library view, must include public view access (like the roof of Del Mar Plaza), must include 10 units of deed restricted affordable housing to help the city’s numbers.

      Once the bids are in, put the whole shebang up to a city Prop A vote for citizens to approve the rezoning and sale of Vulcan, with proceeds to fund a real city hall/arts center at PV.

    4. Here we go. I knew the city had something up their sleeve. I wondered when they were going to "plant the seed."

    5. Now you are opposed to a Prop A vote?

      Make up your mind, man.

    6. Whose comment are you referring to, 1:23?

  55. 9:13/9:40 so not only do you stalk Stan’s sleeping habits, but you keep track of his vacation itinerary? Do you realize how nutty you sound? I recall him saying he wanted to go surfing in HI when this crap was over(not move). Do you realize you’re prolonging his vacation plans w/your constant harassment of him? Hey genius, sooner you leave Jeff alone, the sooner he’ll go on his vaycay!

    1. 10:10- you are as stupid as they say.

      No one cares about Stan.

    2. Jeff completely dominated Christie in every aspect. She showed what true filth is, and Jeff took her out. Christie is mentally ill and needs help, from a Great White shark.

      So obsessed with someone you never met, pretending she knows him. Two skanks tried to post up, two skanks got knocked the fuck down. Next?

      It’s called WINNING, something Christie will never know. The only thing Christie is good for, is her ex husband’s punching bag. Could you imagine making punching bags with her ugly ass toothless tweaky face on it? Everybody would punch 🥊 that thing. 😆

    3. Stan’s hammered already.

    4. I apologize. I forgot to add your dirty little trailer whore and your rat maggot little faggot son. 2 words, BAR-STOW. All of the meth a pile of rotting crackhead flesh could ever want. I got a bus ticket for you

    5. OK Stan. Hammer Time!

      Please don’t punch the 🐧 today. 😢

  56. 10:32 as long as any plan is respectful of the surrounding neighborhood so they're not inundated with overflow parking, their main concern. Not sure about moving city hall there, that benefits city workers only. The entire site should benefit the public at large, not upgrade the existing country club enjoyed by "staff."

  57. And could present voters with multiple options and that includes none of the above, something the city likes to leave off surveys. This way have a better shot at getting one of the better projects accepted.

    1. I think a Prop A vote has to be yes or no, not multiple choice. So I think the city would have to hold hearings with public input, then select one for the up or down vote.

      But there’s little doubt it should be more cost and space efficient to design for joint use (City Hall / Arts), with built-in funding from the Vulcan sale.

      And the selling points for citizens to say yes on a vote are: protected library view, affordable units to take some pressure off HEU units, additional free public parking both at Vulcan and PV for downtown, new arts center without (or less) added debt burden or taxes, modernized city hall with better public access for big council meetings without pushing people outside or spillover rooms.

      If it’s done right there’s enough public benefit that citizens may approve it.

  58. How would parking under PV work given the instability of the bluffs?

    1. I’m not an engineer. It would have to be studied and designed right.

      But go for a walk on Sealane Drive north of the J Street viewpoint. Many condo buildings closer to the bluff edge with underground parking dating from the 60s and 70s without problems.

    2. Seem to recall an issue with an easement or right of way that the city was illegally trying to take. Look very closely at any plans the city promotes. They like to spend our money doing studies that get yanked when pesky details like private property interfere.

  59. It's evident a yuge amount of tech bro money is making it way down to NSDC. Friend just sold his 5m Los Gatos shack that was free & clear. Spying a 2m teardown. Says bay area is a failed experiment. A pricey one at that. Will live here 60% of the time.

    He's a dem. I told him to F off. He appreciated my frankness.

    I told him to f off again then we had a beer

    1. Yep...dems remind me of a murderer that is angry he is to be executed...for murder. They continually screw themselves over and keep doing it.
      It is, a mental disorder.


  61. Can I please say hi to my best bud Stan on here without it being deleted? Without him I never would've been elected.
    - Phony

    1. Thank you Phony!

      I’m glad you appreciated all of my hard work. I can’t wait for the developers you and I to spend some quality time alone. I’m getting so tired of this 🐧. Smells like fish. It doesn’t put out the way you do.

  62. It should be easy for Jeff and an attorney to prove libel. Many of the anonymous comments on here fit prima facie defamation.

    To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject .

    IP addresses are easy to obtain.

    1. Stan going to be paying peoples attorney fees as well as his own. He is a 3rd place unemployable blabber mouth loser. Stan has failed at most things in life. Sue me and find out yet again, stan is a loser.

    2. As much as Jeff would like to blame everyone else, he has done a thorough job destroying his own reputation. Fact.

    3. 9:51 and 10:07- 💯

      I implore Stan to go after people. He will get his ass handed to him, and Cindie and whoever the main girls are will be given Stan’s entire fortune whatever that may be.

      Blade cuts both ways loser. And take your loser attorney with you.

    4. Tranny Devito 🤣🤣🤣👏👏😂😂😂


      Thank you for that awesome wit.

  63. The mouth that roared is beyond redemption. So are all of his lemmings that should be made public as often as possible.

    Did Crista support the idea of Jeff to run? While anything from her is not a surprise, I suppose we have her to thank for the moron running.

    Crista, you tanked your best buddy's run a couple of years ago and kept your record intact last year with the moron and Julie once again failing with her campaign choices when we needed her to achieve a council majority.

    As a spoiler, you, Crista, have no equals, along with Thunder. Your public absence on Julies latest campaign was a positive, but for naught with some other choices Julie made.

    Let's all hope we are done with Crista, Julie, Jeff and his fellow morons when the next campaign season is upon us next year.

    1. Jeff can lie all he wants. This was Julie and Garvin’s plan with Tony’s blessing. She didn’t want Cindy to be mayor and her high school petty dislikes, along with her two sided ability to cozy up to Tony, got us where we are today. She was playing footsie with Tony in 2021 and she needed a spoiler to help Tony win.

      Morris was perfect. His ego maniacal obsessive personality meant he wouldn’t give up and he’d be a loud distraction.

      All this arrangement needed was for a little urging in Jeff’s ear to turn him against Cindy. Jeff ignored Tony, therefore helping Julie and Garvin reach their goal.

      Those of us in Watchdogs saw Jeff kick Crista to the curb when she rightfully defended Cindy against Jeff’s false accusations. It ended their friendship. Julie never said a word in Cindy’s defense. Went right along with it.

      Julie thought she had her council seat win in the bag. Turns out D1 voters saw through her BS too.

    2. Yes, D3. Tony was D1. Thanks.
