Thursday, April 13, 2023

Got solar? SDG&E wants to charge you huge fixed connection fees


There are some big proposed changes to how you’ll be billed by SDG&E for electricity.

A new state law requires utility companies in California to come up with a fixed rate plan, as a way to help stabilize rates and make billing more equitable.

Those plans were due on April 7.

SDG&E, along with Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison, teamed up and a proposal to charge people based on their income.


Here's a breakdown of where you'd fall based on your income.

  • Households earning less than $28,000 a year would pay a fixed delivery rate of $24 per month.
  • Households earning under $69,000, that fixed price goes up to $34.
  • Households earning between $69,000 and $180,000, that price goes up to $73.
  • Households earning over $180,000 dollars will pay $128.


  1. Did EV go private yet? I don't want to miss the deadline.

  2. Will there be any hearings where the public can weigh in or is this fee a done deal?

  3. It’s like rain on your wedding day.

    It’s the free ride when you’ve already paid.

    It’s the “We support law enforcement” photo BEFORE the Sheriff’s report alleging you are a domestic violence enthusiast.,l:0%25,w:84.75%25,h:84.75%25/rs=w:364,cg:true,m

    Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?

  4. Whatever. Anyway is there a SD citizens group that is spearheading any kind of pushback?

  5. About the only pushback I can see is to go with solar panels and storage batteries, and tell Sempra where they can stick their business model.

    Off the grid. Staying on their grid will result with more of this latest proposal and you better believe there will be more of the same to come.

    Those with panels now pay so little compared to the rest of us that maybe it is easy for them to stay on the grid. For the time being anyway.

    If Sempra/SDGE keeps this .... up, the worth of a totally independent solar system could be a wise investment.

    1. SDG&E makes proposals in regard to billing to the CPUC. It is the CPUC that tells SDG&E what the billing costs will be. Not the other way around.
      The State of California is your enemy not the utility companies. Your anger is pointed in the wrong direction.

  6. 1:20pm Just stop polluting every thread. Stay on topic.

    1. 4:06 is there a citizens group we can join? These utility thugs are once again going too far.

  7. The batteries aren’t ready. Any decent ( rare) non money grubbing Solar installers would tell you. If they have less that 15 years Doing only solar-keep searching.

  8. Folks, don't you see, it's the state of california that is causing "all" of the billing insanity, over costs, high bills etc.
    No billing from "any gas and electric utility in the state of california is determined "by that utility" NOT ONE.
    It's all the CPUC. If you voted for that group ruining caliifornia then it's on you, not the utilities. The voters are to blame. But keep voting for newsom...that will fix everything.
    Now they want you to drive electric vehicles? Don't you see what's going on????? Wake up. Gawd you people. Wise up.

    1. 5:01 Sure...just vote for Republicans and everything will get much Texas..oh nevermind.

    2. Texas and Florida are killing it.

      You don’t sound see them handing out hypodermic needles.

    3. your homework, then respond. And yes, 7:03 is correct. Texas and Florida are indeed killing it.

      This is a perfect example. I stated "nothing" about a political party. Only a buffoon in a suit, newsom.
      And there it is........

    4. Texas and Florida are killing it.


  9. The truth is, more and more rooftop solar is breaking the billing model. Grid infrastructure has a cost to maintain, and meeting goals for smart grid technology also has costs. And as more residential solar is installed under the current model, fewer and fewer people are paying for the grid infrastructure costs, which were bundled into the variable consumption rate. But if you are selling excess power back, you are still a grid infrastructure user.

    I get the need to fix that problem, but shifting from a consumption heavy model toward more fixed monthly cost doesn’t make sense in the context of a climate crisis that calls for households to become more energy efficient. The business case for investments in insulation or windows or LED lighting depends on the ability to lower the cost of consumption of power. If consumption is made a smaller part of the total cost, then the incentive to become efficient is reduced.

    I get what they are trying to do, but this isn’t the right way.

    1. 5:33...well done.

    2. Fixed price for unlimited use? What could possible go wrong? It's to "incenitivize electric vehicles", but what will happen is people will be encouraged to waste electricity.

      I plan to transfer my utility account to my cat, who has very low income.

      What the article doesn't really discuss is how this will impact the community choice energy programs.

      Coiuld this ber a strategy to git rid of those pesky meddling middlemen that just resell the same exact electrons.

    3. "to my cat". That was priceless. Thank you.

      Lucky for the hoards of the unwashed, I and others like me write the climate crisis is a lie and has been for 50 years. Remember raising seas?
      Still waiting...............................

    4. 7:34, are you also the last dummy to comprehend that cigarettes cause cancer?

      Even the Koch Brothers oil company funded a study over ten years ago that confirmed anthropogenic climate change. That’s like Philip Morris admiring cigarettes cause cancer.

      But you be you—the last dummy holdout. Turn out the lights when you leave.

    5. This folks is typical of a gullible warmer. In this case 7:57.
      Notice how my comment on the lie of "raising seas" wasn't addressed? Instead, generalizations, and I, am a dummy. These people think they can change the atmosphere of the earth. I tell you what warmer.
      Stop a volcano. Go can do it. Genie Blink it.

    6. Take a guess how many active volcanos there are on planet earth. 1350 active volcanos (+/-) according to the USGS. Go ahead and stop em' warmers. You can do it.

    7. Re: Sea Level Rise

      Now your turn. Provide a link to any peer reviewed study published in a reputable science journal showing no sea level rise.

      Re: Volcanos

      Now your turn. Provide a link to any peer reviewed study published in a reputable science journal showing volcanoes emit more GHG than human activity.

      Go on, dummy. You claim to have science on your side. Put up or shut up. Let’s see your sources and have a real debate about he science.

  10. And here we go with peer review. You are the same one that wants to see peer review how there is no effect on the air from planes using leaded fuel. Ya' sound real smart.
    Here's a tip o' learned one...use your eyes and view tide heights. Get back to us and tell us how smart you are.

    1. Just say you got nothing, dummy.

      Have you ever personally seen a virus? Or continents split and move? Have you seen a live dinosaur? Or a black hole? Or animals evolve into other animals? Did you observe the ice ages? Have you watched the splitting of an atom to confirm E=MC²?

      If not, then none of them are true, according to your dummy logic.

      The truth is, you can’t cite science, because there is none. You got nothing, dummy.

  11. Still waiting for raising seas as the lie has only been for the last 50 years. And, it's so serious that ho'bama bought a huge home 300 feet from the Atlantic Ocean. Been to Malibu lately with the mutli-gazillion dollar homes on the beach? How about La Jolla homes on the beach or the Sub Base on Point Loma and Military Barracks that have been there since the late 1800's.
    There's your peer review whack-a-doodle

    1. Then it should be real easy for you to find peer reviewed research in a reputable journal to prove it.

  12. Whom are these peers you speak of? Are they "climate scientists" that are paid by government doles with a specific goal to only use they own biases without using critical thinking?

    Are they the same "climate scientists" that get larger bonuses and grants to come up with their own hand picked and manipulated data that makes that data come to the conclusions to keep the dole $ spigot running hot?

    Are these the same clowns trying to tell us that those lines in the sky are not "sun dimming" chemicals to alter the temperature?

    Which is it alfi?

    1. Dummy, your ignorance is showing.

      Peer review is an adversarial process. People who are most valuable and get paid better for their peer review are people who are most critical, and save a journal the embarrassment and reputational damage of having to retract published works after the fact.

      Conversely, if you are getting paid for peer review and you failed to identify problems in a study prior to publication, then you have put your employer at risk, and your personal reputation is damaged in the scientific community.

      But if you believe that reputable journals are publishing fraudulent work, then where are the requests for retraction documenting the problems? Surely we agree that climate science is affecting public policy and private capital flows to the detriment of massive and powerful oil and gas companies, right? Surely, if the science was faulty, those companies being damaged by it have a huge interest in correcting the scientific record. Surely they would hire experts to make the case and demand retractions of the published science, and they would publicly publish their evidence.

      So where are those demands? Where’s the evidences?

      Show us, Dummy. Put up or shut up.

    2. 🇲🇻

      Case closed hoaxers

    3. Bro you need to stop reading conspiracy crazies like Peter Gleick. According to him we're having a 3 million year climate emergency and it's better for you to eat bugs and die from malnutrition/poison illnesses then eat meat and live a long productive life. Have you ever in your entire life seen a "veeeegan" that actually looks healthy? Good gawd these folks have zero clue about living a health existence.

      Is emaciated the new buff and strong?

      8 billion buddies want to know

  13. 12:20pm It is said you can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink.

    This dumb as a rock denier will go to his grave believing he is smarter than 90% of the worlds scientists and that they are being paid to mislead the public because of money.

    Many other parts of the world do see the effect of mans arrogance/ignorance over manmade climate change.

    Here in our town, not so much. Yet!!!!!!

    Thanks for trying. It is good to see some reason expressed clearly enough even for this knuckle dragger to understand.

    We know his mind won't be changed by the facts because the tides here have not risen like they have in other places. By the time ocean levels rise here, [rise not raise, you idiot] mankind may be too late.

    1. This is without question a joke. You crack me up.
      The oceans in other parts of the world have risen...
      BUT NOT OURS. I see. The Pacific Ocean hasn't risen on the West Coast of America. That makes perfect sense, if you are insane.
      You probably don't think biden has Alzheimers.

    2. Oh, Dummy.

      You should try reading.

      The universe outside your head is interesting—if you have the curiosity to learn, and the humility to admit you don’t know everything.

    3. Can you make your points without name calling? If that's what you need to do as proof then you're losing from the start. And I happen to agree with you. Just a sad thing you feel you have to do there.

    4. In this case it’s not name calling, but rather an accurate descriptor.

    5. I’m sure you find it helpful convincing people you’re tight.

    6. Sometimes rubbing the puppy’s nose in its own filth is the best way to teach it.

    7. That is how you would treat an animal 9:45? Man, your parents did a number on you.

    8. It is quite apparent that 9:45 is old and frankly washed up. And no doubt they think biden has his faculties.
      And, Ukraine is winning the war.

  14. Did you all hear the good news? Jeff Morris is coming for you!

    1. He probably was upset that everybody went a whole day without mentioning his name. I’m sorry that this painful distraction name was mentioned.

    2. More of Kim’s money wasted on lawyers. Adding insult to literal corporal injury.

    3. Codependency and mental illness is real. 😢

      Kim may be twisted and smell a bit like a fish but she is a victim. 😢😢

  15. Jeff ? Jeff who?

    Do u mean Stancie?


    Def of Stancie- Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater and screamer at kids.

  16. Just swung by the Moron household to put a cash offer in...NOT TODAY JUNIOR! Let's put it this way, fresh coat of paint=lipstick on a pig.

    1. I also viewed the property today, thought it was strange to have a trump flag on display while trying to sell the property but whatever.

  17. Probably the best thing that loser could do in his life is to get out.

    🐧s done.

  18. Thanks for that much welcomed real estate sale update. Hope springs eternal that they will sell asap and be gone just as quickly.

    Get out while you can and take some of your fellow morons with you while you are at it.

  19. I can’t wait to never mention that name again. 👏

    He was much worse than the “L”-word. She was just drawn-out nonsense.

    Now we have the S-word. What a public meltdown. Poor kids. Mental health is real.

  20. HI everyone. I represent San Diego Flight Training International. I just flew over and over, back and forth, over Encinitas and Solana Beach...28 times. Why? I make money teaching people to fly. I don't care about you on the ground and neither does the FAA. The FAA allows me to fly over hospitals, schools, churches and the entire population of Encinitas and Solana Beach. Back and Forth. Isn't it wonderful...I think so. And more upside, I am allowed to pour leaded fuel exhaust over all of you. Thank you for your kindness in allowing me, my company, to put your families in danger. Remember, approximately 1000 private planes go down in America each year. You read correctly...1000.
    Eight in San Diego in the year 2022.
    The FAA is your families friend.

    1. OK. No one cares. Keep on doing what you’re doing.

    2. I rode my bike to the beach and back 10 times today and I don’t post about that nonstop. Why?

      Because no one cares. Get a life.

    3. 28 times? Wow.

      It takes many attempts to drop a paper bag with a turd in it into Skyscreamer’s swimming pool.

    4. You won't stop us airplane girlymen, we will get er' done and take free airspace and turn it into a no fly zone.

    5. How’s it going so far?

    6. You see folks, the clown hats that state they don't care about the planes...they don't live here. And, they are hiding somethin'. Maybe they make money placing your families at risk while these cheesy things with wings circle your homes. No matter the stories, there is only one truth, our findings...period

  21. Sorbi Aviation. Eight times back and forth over Encinitas. This is after flying 17 miles up the coast to put your families in danger and leaded fuel exhaust in the air. Yes, that's right, 17 miles up the coast from Montgomery Field in San Diego. Oh' and they missed another plane by 600ft. over the Encinitas population. That's Sorbi Aviation tail number N5396E
    It's open air space per the FAA and open season on your family

    1. Cue Patsy Cline...

    2. I like Patsy..."stand by your man", or, is wo-man. Today it's to tough to tell. Yoga pants vs. Wranglers.
      Oh' we are going to get these "plane clowns" and turn em' into plain clowns.

  22. 8:43am mikey, mikey, slimy mikey andreen, after all these years one would think some maturity might present itself before you take your last breath. Not to be. Unrealistic expectations are dashed again. Life as a lowlife slimeball is all you can be.

    Has there ever been a thought of yours that did not attack someone every freaking time you post?

    You have a thing for publicly denigrating women like you have been doing for decades now. Real classy mikey.

    1. We know who this is. 🤣

      Ramble much. ✔️

  23. 2:55pm Are you in favor of a lowlife character like mikey andreen denigrating our local women with every post like he has done for years? I am not. His targets deserve to be defended.

    1. You’re not only ramble, but you are completely clueless. Quit wasting our time.

  24. 6:56am. To be expected, there goes his best buddy Jerome, one of the perpetrators himself, defending the indefensible actions of slimy mikey constantly attacking a couple of our local women who cared enough to participate in our efforts for true representation from our elected [non-representatives].

    These local caring women deserve better.

    You Jerome, are lucky to not have been prosecuted years ago and you damn well know it. Your violating the personal space of a woman at a party with your wife there who told you she wanted to go home and you told her to go, shows what a lowlife you have always been and still are. The less we hear for you, the better.

    1. Not to mention the free kitchen remodel a La Dalager.

    2. How about an all expense paid for you and your wife to Israel?

    3. Oh, by the way, can you approve this rezone and this waiver for development on our property that’s irrevocably zoned as agricultural/used penspace

  25. You moved from clueless to Idiot. Wrong direction.

  26. Does anyone actually think Mike Andreen is still on this page or involved in Encinitas?

  27. Sooo, let's see. Bills based on income. This kills incentive to work hard and make money. The communist left strikes again.
    But continue voting for them and make everyone's life miserable except people that don't make money. This country has had it.

  28. 12.32 Yup. Save America! And Save Encinitas! Vote the liberal progressives out! Biden, Harris, Newsom, Blakespear, Kranz….Out! We’ve had enough!

  29. Midwit special of the day:

    Causal relationship between climate change and home runs in MLB

    Be sure to eat your fried crickets today plebiscite!

  30. Hello residents of Encinitas Ca. I represent Coast Flight Training and Management. Our flight just flew over your town to include a Hospiital, schools, pre schools, senior care facilities and 10's of thousands of residents, their homes and families. I did it 23 times back and forth...and I don't care.
    I made money placing the fine folks of Encinitas in danger and pouring leaded exhaust over all of you. I loved it and I couldn't care less about you. The FAA is on my side, not yours. They don't care either. That is tail number N282HP and we are located at 3760 Glenn H. Curtiss Rd in San Diego.
    We are out of Montgomery Field, 17 miles down the coast.
    Remember, we make money putting you at risk. Thank you.

  31. Proof? Prove we are being poisoned by these flights overhead. So simple if true. Thank you.

    1. Have you been talking to 3 year olds again? A 3 year old wouldn't know leaded exhaust could hurt people, but a 5 year old would know that simple fact. The EPA states leaded fuels are not good for you. And by way, I never stated poison or poisoning. Get it right.

  32. Providing proof of your claims is too much to ask. I get it. Thank you.

    1. why is there "no lead" in automobile fuel ??? But it is just fine in private plane fuel.....hmmmmm?

  33. Deflection as usual. It is what you do best. Proof that any of our residents have suffered medical complications from the flight training planes exhaust is the question that is never addressed.

    Hey Chicken Little, provide evidence of your claims.
