Sunday, April 9, 2023

Your new neighbors

Redfin has a tool that shows inbound and outbound search activity for a city. Encinitas is very popular with people looking from L.A. and San Francisco.

Orange County would probably be near the top of the list, too, but Redfin doesn't seem to break that out as a separate metro area.  IRS tax migration by county shows O.C. in second place behind L.A.


  1. And we know from the WC Varones YouTube account that all of the videos switch from San Francisco to Encinitas area around 2008.

    Your blog admin doesn’t just report on people moving here from San Fran. He lives it.

    1. Tech fags!!! Wrong. Dong. Phooey. But they will blend right in. Just build their 4 ADU’s and walk their laberdoodles and water the street. Wall biters.

  2. The many years we have been fortunate to have EU to interact with has been a blessing.

    For sure, there have been moments when we would have liked more action from the moderator in regards to a few who have abused this site and still do to this day.

    Overall, I appreciate having EU to bounce our thoughts off of.

    Putting up with some malcontents is part of the deal of respecting freedom of speech.

    It is a balancing act and EU does what it can to continue to provide an outlet for our outrage, no matter which side of the spectrum we come from.

    Happy Easter Day to all, red or blue.

    Thank you EU. I hope the detractors do not shut you down.

    We know who they are, anonymous or not. Their 'tell' gives them away every time.

  3. All of the cities people are leaving Encinitas for make sense except for Portland OR? I can't think of a worse destination.

  4. Encinitas is San Francisco part 2. Its become the next Progressive Liberal capital of the world.

    Elitist yuppy hippie hipsters with their Patagonia puffy jacket uniforms and $8 latte complaining about the inequality of wealth between the poor and wealthy. These are the same people with their COEXIST stickers on the bumper of their $100K car that honks at you as soon as the light turns green. Encinitas has now become a city fully of people who just virtue signal. Just take one look at Encinitas Progressive Unity or Encinitas Now.

    1. Maybe you should smoke less weed. Maybe you should go when the light turns green.

    2. Maybe you should get a hobby

    3. 7:31 you are the Progressive Liberal I'm talking about. Don't forget your Patagonia puffy jacket tomorrow before you hit Starbucks! Gotta do the rounds!

    4. 6:37pm Now that...was funny. And 100 spot on.
      And, may I add, I see young men wearing those yoga pants and slippers when I'm in Trader Joes. It always baffles me how anyone could leave their residence in yogi clothing. Thank the gods I grew up in Lakeside where dressing up meant putting on "clean Wrangler jeans and pearl button cowboy shirt".
      This area has turned into a "nancy boy wonder world"

    5. 5:37 am- yep. You sound like a Lakeside drug attic Puss.

    6. 5:41...sorry, whiskey and Camels was my drugs.
      With a side of Copenhagen under the lip.
      Puss was subjective depending on viewer.

    7. 6:17 - thanks for explaining why you are sorry.

      Your drugs are whiskey, Camels, and Copenhagen.

      I sure hope our youth of today are much smart than your ill- filled ways. I also hope us taxpayers don't have to spend too much $$$ money trying to keep your sorry butt around any longer than it needs to be here considering your poor choices in life.

      Thank for for saying your sorry and enjoy the remaining days here while you can.

    8. Who here doesn't enjoy a fine tobacco product.
      The communist run state of california has now banned flavored tobaccos. Yet, it's just fine for gay men to put AIDS infected items in theirs mouths.
      It all makes perfect sense.

    9. 6:43...not to worry. I'm rich.

    10. 6:37 I’ve lived here for 45 years and you’re absolutely right, we’ve become San Francisco and LA. The link from Redfin above says it all.

    11. “Encinitas Progressive Unity” run by Darius Dager and Christina Simokat, refuses to talk about Nathan Fletcher and Lorena Gonzalez. If you post an article they delete it. It’s Very telling of the Progressive Liberals in this town!

  5. Hey it’s Ferris Bulluers day off tomorrow…..

    Late April Fools!

    It just Stan getting sentenced for beating the 🐧.

  6. So Creepy Christie how you’re fixated on a guy you don’t even know, and fantasizing having him sentenced for something he didn’t do, that btw, has nothing to do with you, or the City of Encinitas. If you care at all about your son, please seek a mental evaluation and get help before your son is taken away from you.

  7. See the pattern here? 10:04 is downgrading both Christie and Jeff, putting them both in the same category, ignorant, and all while gently excusing Christie Dean as an idiot.

    This group of 2-3 people are pro Kranz. Why else would you attack both parties that oppose Kranz, Fletcher and Gonzalez.

    The group posting about Christie Dean and Jeff Morris are pro Kranz, Fletcher and Gonzalez.

    1. Are there really such people that prefer those politicians?

      Back on topic:
      Cruise on over to the fancy hotel some time, check out the demographics.

  8. Suck it bitches!

  9. Christie Dean can suck on my fat ass fucking giant cock.

  10. Suck it you stupid fucking bitch! You dumb fucking white Trailor trash, big mouth fucking compulsive pathological liar. Shits funny? Wait till the shoes on the other foot here very shortly bitch.

  11. I think it’s time for Encinitas to recognize what Susan Terney did, what Pam Slater did, what Cindy did, what Steve Mikey did, which, Steve, Golden did, what Rachel did, what Natalie did, what Christie did, what a Lena Thompson did, and the hundreds of examples of false accusations of crimes, actions, and most importantly, posting that up publicly, posting up, lies, with the specific intent to cause maximum damage.

    You fuckers caused my wife, a mental break down on Christmas, not me. For that the guilty ones of you will be held accountable.

    1. It’s always somebody else’s fault. Never an ounce of personal accountability or contrition.

    2. The paper trail says something different, the truth. There is NOTHING TO OWN, when you didn't do anything. On the other hand, Christie has been defaming Jeff nonstop. Candidates have the right to run for office. Residents can criticize those candidates, however, you can't accuse them of false accusations. That is what Christie, and many others, have done for 12 months.

    3. What did Rachel, Susan, and Christie do to cause Kim's mental illness to become so bad her husband had to beat her? I just don't follow the logic!

  12. Here’s what’s wrong with Encinitas. I love you, big mouth, like Susan, Turney, and the rest of her crew, believe they are better than everybody else because they identify themselves as intellects.

    It’s the same intellects that have cost us every election for 10 years. Those of you that joined onto Cindy Turney’s team, based on all of the slander, libel, and fabricated stories by Susan Terney and her team, should all apologize for what you did.

    Jeff didn’t do a single fucking thing wrong except try to protect his community out of the kindness of his heart. Jeff didn’t want to join any group nor political candidate.

    You dumb asses, complete fucking retarded, fucking idiot, moronss, made up so many fucking fairytales, that it was Susan Terney’s team that cost us the entire election in the past decade.

    Jeff decided to run because nobody announced. Cindy Cremona’s team lied, but that is par for the course. If you looked up who filed first, and who was the spoiler, Jeff filed on February 17. Cindy filed on February 22, five days later.

    That didn’t stop Cindy’s team from lying though, because that’s all they know is how to lie. The amount of stuff that they lied about is inconceivable.

    1. Sore loser - ask Julie Thunder why she and your sainted wife put you up to this, when they damn well knew you couldn't handle it? Then you better pivot back to your trial, because today is reckoning day for you.

    2. Kim put Jeff up to what, running for office? No, that was Krista Curtis. Jeff was frustrated because he tried so hard to protect this town, and couldn't think of a way to wake up the masses. Krista suggested that he run, and 5 minutes later, Jeff decided to run.

      Jeff never wanted to be the Mayor. Jeff wanted "someone" else to be the Mayor. Nobody had stepped up, nobody had announced, so WHY NOT JEFF? He's got more balls that this entire town combined. He's not scared like 99.99% of you.

      He protected himself by ALWAYS sticking to the TRUTH. That's what made him so dangerous to the City Council. They knew Jeff was 100% pure honest, so they made it a mission to DESTROY Jeff, something like they are doing to Trump.

    3. Our country needs a conversation about not allowing guns in the hands of people like this.

    4. “ Think you know what’s better for others. You may be prone to a messiah complex if you believe you know what’s best for others. That can lead to an irrational impression that you’re helping others. In other words, your good deed could backfire on the person you’re trying to help.

      Crave power over others or self-worth. You may start out genuinely wanting to help others and find that you crave the power that it gives you. Then you may stop wanting to help others but only do it for the power or feelings of self-worth. In other cases, people may help others and have a savior complex solely because they want power and self-worth.”

    5. Says the third place spoiler.

    6. Jeff has had guns for over 30 years. Jeff is a fine outstanding citizen who have NEVER broken the law. He has been under attack by one false criminal accusation after the other, after the other.

      If Jeff was everything you guys said, do you think you'd all be alive? Exactly. None of you have ever MET JEFF, let alone be able to overturn his gun licenses. He kept his shit in a safe, and has a 2nd amendment right to own weapons.

      Nobody knew about this, until Susan Cremona's team started sending it to the entire town with the specific attempt to defame, put it in writing, and cause maximum harm to the Morrises.

      You dumb fucking inland transplants moving to Encinitas for your lame politics or status, are all idiots. This is a SURF town, and that's what Jeff fought for, to protect the community he loves and raised his children.

      Why would Jeff join any of you psychos? Why would Jeff join Julie? Jeff didn't join Julie, we made absolutely clear that NONE of us want to join forces. Jeff knew he was carrying a baggage full of lies by Susan's crew, so he didn't want to harm any other candidates.

      Jeff ran his election ALL BY HIMSELF. He never ran for office before, but he showed us he can do it. Unfortunately, Cindy's team spent the ENTIRE campaign slandering, lying, and destroying Jeff's family. If Team Cremona stayed in her lane, Jeff would've mopped her ass to pieces. If it wasn't for the psychos lying, the results would've been much more different.

      Cindy's team promised to drop out, after the first round of donations came in. Cindy came in LAST, Jeff came in FIRST. Right there is the time Cindy should've backed out.

      Instead of backing out, they completely ignored Tony and focused 100% of their efforts on destroying Jeff.

      Are you going to tell me that Susan Turney didn't know that Cindy "splitting the vote" would end in doom? Obviously, she didn't know. She was jealous of Jeff because Jeff is someone who really cared about the community, and stopped working for years to try to help us.

      Everything everybody knows about homeless, crime at hotels, crime by homeless, collusion between the council and nonprofits, payments made to nonprofits, to simply reading the City Hall people and calling them out for all working together, colluding, Jeff was the ONLY PERSON IN TOWN WITH THE BALLS TO STEP UP!

    7. The same millionaire who’s bitching he has to plunder his kid’s college funds to get by?

    8. Christie Dean, STFU up trailer trash. Jeff is coming after you next, legally. Encinitas doesn't need people like you, ex crackhead, the most vile filthy human personality on the planet, and talking shit about the Morrises nonstop.

      Let's be clear Encinitas. Jeff doesn't know Christie, Christie doesn't know Jeff. Christie doesn't really know anybody on Cindy's team on a personal level. They just accusing him of nonstop crimes.

      When Jeff sues the shit out of Christie, we will have a MASSIVE TRAILER BURNING BONFIRE AT MOONLIGHT! It will be like burning a witch at the stake, except we will be burning my future trailer.

      Can that trailer be towed Christie? You need to help me figure out how to take possession of that thing We may need volunteers to help pull it to a fire pit at Moonlight and scorch the fuck out of that thing!

    9. Go have a coffee with Jeff bad ass Christie. You would be terrified because you know that you cannot communicate like Jeff. Jeff has a gift that nobody in this town has, he is the best debater in town, and his balls are bigger then, every beta in this town. There is no man in Encinitas Balls, the size of the zit on Jeff’s nuts. All a bunch of Puscifier progressives who dick tuck their dick between their legs.

      You guys like people that “act“ like they are good people? Like political people like Tony and Biden? That was Cindy’s entire crew and look at these fucking retards right now. Cindy, Susan, and Pam are a disgrace to Encinitas, and under no circumstances should they ever put their geriatric fossilized, disgusting vitriolic, backstabbing ideas into any election.

      These people are responsible for elevating Blakes peer to the power that she’s in, and also responsible because they don’t have the balls to fight back. People keep talking that you need to talk like Blakespear? How did that work for you? Ringworms? It didn’t. Susan tourney and Pam Slater fucked all of Encinitas and it. It is time to rise up and stop the real problems.

      The real problems are not the city Council. The real problems are Susan attorney, and Cindy, who refused to negotiate with Jeff for the betterment of our entire community. Instead, they chose to slander, defame, and attack nonstop.

      What the fuck made you dumb bitches think that you’re going to intimidate the only man with a sack of balls in this entire town who’s proven he will stand up to anybody? You caught them off guard countless times, he is naïve and trusting people, but he’s honest. People have issues with his delivery, other people embrace his delivery.

      In Jeff’s mind, trust is earned, not a right. And Cindy’s camp, it’s the complete opposite. Whoever is a crazy lying scumbag bitch, is exactly what Susan tourney and Pam Slater seek out. They seek out the dregs of society and then try to get people to attack everybody.

      Jeff knows, Those bitches joined Jeff’s group, not the other way around. They didn’t invite Jeff to shit. Jeff invited those two dumbasses to help work for the betterment of Encinitas.

  13. The Coast News is guilty of "favorable treatment," to one candidate, and a complete lockout of another candidate. They did NOT let Jeff Morris write up his story piece, like they let the other candidates. When Jeff came out on top, in the first round of donations, FRONT RUNNER STATUS, they wouldn't print the results for weeks or months, because the Coast News is part of the problem.

    Coast News lied to Jeff, broke his trust, and did EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO SHOW FAVORITISM. They worked with both Tony and Susan Cremona's team to DESTROY Jeff.

    1. Always someone else’s fault.


    2. Booo hooo, thin skinned loser whose stories wrote themselves. CN did a great job exposing you as a loser with no plan, just a low IQ big mouth that cant STFU. Get a job, not that you can. Maybe your wife can pay you to put out signs assuming she even has a listing.

    3. And why do you write in the 3rd person but then 1st person. Do you really think we all cant tell it is your dumb ass ranting away. You are the only loud mouth dumbshit in town. Some advice…don’t drop the soap.

  14. Stan is Stan…. Always a victim.

    1. Christie, why don't you and Jeff go have a coffee right now. Jeff will GLADLY meet with you. You won't come though. Why? Because liars and cowards won't face the person they tried to destroy. You KNOW you are a pathological liar. There's a couple of coffee shops by your house. Which one do you want to meet at so you can tell Jeff how bad he is and that you know everything?


      Jeff has been in the game DEEPER than anybody in town. Christie has NEVER been in the game. Christie is some psycho, got a massive boner during the election because she felt like she was the shit, but all of her candidates lost. Everything she touches turns to coal.

    2. Cry some more jeff. Loudest loser in town.

    3. Jeff doesn't care about the election. He cares about slander and defamation. Wake up Christie. Your best chance in this town is to VANISH from Social Media and go silent. The more you continue, the more you CEMENT the need to take legal action against you.

      The entire town knows you're broke, but having a bonfire at Moonlight with your run down rickety ass trailer, would be a fine sight for all of Encinitas. Jeff is willing to spend whatever it takes. Are you?

      Yup, broke Jeff hired the most expensive lawyer in town. Where did he get the money? He lives in the same town as everybody, owns a home, so he obviously did something right, has outperformed Christie, Susan, Natalie, and all of the other naysayers.

      You dumbfucks have NO IDEA what resources Jeff had, because he lives modestly. Jeff has $1.5 million to take some fools to court. There you go. Suck it Christie.

      Why don't you have a coffee with Jeff at Starbucks or Pannikan? You've been trashing him for a year. Bring a video camera. Go tell him what you think about him to his face, in a very public setting.


    4. As awesome as it sounds to have a cup of coffee with a charged domestic abuser so he can rant about how everything in his life is someone else’s fault, I’m afraid I can’t because I’d rather be doing literally anything else.

  15. People posting about the Morris family, be careful, there’s a civil suit on the way. IP addresses are easy to collect under these circumstances. Just saying, be careful. A defamation suit could cost everyone a pretty penny in damages.

    1. The Morrises were slandered on a level that Encinitas has never seen. Every single check box relating to establishing slander, has been checked.

      Not “some or a few “ examples, dozens or hundreds. There are many people involved in this attack on this innocent family.

      Jef may be loud, obnoxious, but her stayed in the pocket for years as this was going on. Nobody else in Jeff’s situation, someone who wasn’t getting paid, someone who did her for the sole purpose of protecting our town and our families, not political, has every taking a beating like Mr. Morris.

      Yes, here he is still fighting for his community, many people who betrayed his trust and went after his family.

      This is going to be a big deal in Encinitas and Jeff clearly has the biggest balls in town. When you think about the comparison and contrast between Jeff and Susan. Jeff “helped” Susan, Alex, and Julie last election.

      What did Susan and Alex do to Jeff? To,d the entire town he’s a misogynist, he hates women, all kinda of horseshit.

      Guess what guys, you all WRONG. My advice to you is to contact Jeff and apologize, if you are concerned he’s going to hold you accountable. He’s willing to give second chances, if you are honest and sincere with him.

      If you know that you made up a lie, put it in print, and shared it with he intentional purpose of harming the Morrises, you might want to reach out to Jeff and ice it.

      If you want to play tough guy, falsely accuse Jeff of criminal charges, and not apologize, don’t cry when it is YOUR turn to be in court.

  16. I would love to see the number of messages posted by Stan and Co-dependent and content. Pretty sure they’ll come out on the losing end of that action.


    1. 11:51 and what if Jeff wasn’t posting on here or making defamatory remarks? You’re assuming!

      If Jeff files a Civil Suit and from what I understand he is, the IP addresses and the Admin of this blog will be revealed. I hope, because I’d love to see the people who were posting made public, it would ruin quite a few reputations.

    2. It would probably build credibility for most that is unless you’re Stan.

  17. Two things you can count on. Every time Jeff posts about himself in the third person, it's stupid obvious it's him. Jeff doesn't have the mental fortitude to maintain the lie and always slips between first and third person.

    "Nobody gives a fuck about that election, especially Jeff. He NEVER wanted to run for Mayor. Jeff is not happy about the harm caused to his family.

    The damage to my name, reputation, my children, my wife's business, any future business I try to open, is going to be fixed."

  18. Now threats to sue anyone who said he was charged with domestic violence, in spite of the fact that he was charged with domestic violence.

    1. You are a spcial kind of stupid Christie. You’re the only one that is stating Jeff is going to sue anybody who talked about domestic violence.

      Jeff never said that, and that was after the election. You’re trying to deflect off all the other bullshit that you did during the election. That is what’s going to put you behind bars, plus perjury. You clearly did not give a fuck about Colton Bowers, you can’t even keep your mouth shut for your sons benefit and you’re gonna make him the laughingstock of LCC campus to the point where he will never want to return to school again.

      You lost you slimy filthy Cunt. You lied nonstop during the entire election. You are by far the worst person in Encinitas and that’s why we need to hold you accountable.

      If it makes you feel better, we’re just going to do the same thing that you did to Jeff but 100 times harder. If you think what you did to Jeff and Kim is excellent, keep shooting your mouth off Because I can promise you, one thing, you’re fat ugly smelly ass is going to be held accountable for your actions.

    2. 12:25 false accusations about the Morris family’s character that creates mental or monetary damage can result in huge punitive damages. I’ve already seen hundreds of comments about him and his family that qualify. Just saying I’d be careful and think twice about what you post.

  19. My, my, oh my, the moron is on quite the rampage this fine Spring morning. The poor boy has a serious lack of vocabulary language skills and favors four-letter words. There he goes again earning his moron status with every post. He needs some time in the cooler to rethink his life choices.

    1. Now you’re deflecting to communication? Jeff communication has been some of the most effective communication in this entire town. The difference between someone like Jeff, and your white trash ass, is that Jeff actually took action and created a movement.

      What did you do Christy? You did absolutely nothing for this town except fuck us up and get Tony reelected. Quit trying to change the subject to speaking, and switch it to something that impacts you, like that crackhead head tweaking, twisting jiggles. Jeff have outperformed you in every aspect in life, So keep talking about Jeff beating his wife, don’t change the subject now. You’re already on the hook for all the shit you did during the election.

    2. "Jeff communication has been some of the most effective communication" 😂 😂 😂 😂

  20. Not Christy, as is usual for you. Not that that matters to you in your blind infantile ramblings. Your gonna do you, while you can. Whew. It will be nice to have our EU back again.

  21. Why don't we just call this blog "Watchdog". That's what it \has turned in to.

    1. 2:02 & 2:55 When Jeff had ‘Watchdogs, you wouldn’t shut up about it. You were constantly lurking it, spinning lies, and reporting about it, Ad nauseam
      on here and on EV. Now that Jeff took it down, you’re still, whining and screaming like a bunch of cry baby little girls, especially Christie! Don’t deny it, and say you’re a guy. No self-respecting man would do all that bitching and moaning. And on the off chance they did, we’d know he wasn’t a ‘real man,’ but one of those “I identify as a woman” type of men! You’ve got issues, especially you Christie. Are you listening up!

  22. Watchmutt is more like it.

  23. I am an idiot and I like to post on EU from court!

  24. You could suck my cock Christie, but I don’t your diseased herpe ass fucked up toothless mouth giving me a thousand STD’s

    1. Is this an example of some of that sweet sweet “ Jeff communication has been some of the most effective communication”?

  25. 3:19 Nice try. Your attempt to distract Jeff from the more important things he’s doing at court, is a big Fail! Just like you! Frying Christie’s big ass and oversized mouth will no doubt be next on the agenda if you keep this up!

    1. 3:54's "important things": Googling pruno recipes

  26. For the record, Christie Dean has been the main person slandering and defaming Jeff and his wife for over a year.

    Look at this psychotic person. Every day for X amount of months, all she did was beg & pray that Jeff would be prosecuted. She wanted Jeff to get prosecuted so bad, she sent the DA a letter warning them how dangerous Jeff is.

    Jeff isn't dangerous, Jeff just reacted to the nonstop daily attacks & lies by using his rights as an American citizen, DEFENDING HIMSELF. Jeff never attacked anybody first, but he never backed down from ANYBODY, the ONLY guy in town with the BALLS BIG ENOUGH to.

    People love to call "BADASSES" all kinds of names, especially the super weak on social media. At no point in the past 4 years has ANYBODY called Jeff out to his face. Jeff is the ONLY person to call out the bad guys to their face and try to hold them accountable.

    Christie Dean defines Porno Troll. She has 0 balls, 0 ability to publicly speak, 0 confidence, 0 self respect, and she thrives off of trying to harm others. Christie Dean's actions are NOT in line with the residents of Encinitas. She's not one of us, she's a newcomer who ended up here because she burns every town that she goes to, just like Nasty Natalie.

    You combine Nasty Natalie, Krusty Christie, and Rachel Rottencroch, and you've got 3 certifiable mental cases. Encinitas can NOT have these cancers blowing every election. These three have an immensely long slander, libel, and harassment trail. They've intimidated candidates, and intimidated residents. They've sent out LIES to destroy reputations, and they will pay for their actions.

    The shoe will be on the other foot from here on out. Now we will show you what it is like when individuals attempt to stop candidates from running for office. We'll show you what it's like when individuals "threaten" voters who don't vote their way.

    If we can set some examples of Susan Turney's team's behavior, we can stop Susan from destroying every election. Susan Turney has no idea how to win an election, she's stupid and has ZERO common sense. She's a jealous angry old bitch who is mad because SHE COULD NEVER ACCOMPLISH WHAT JEFF DID. Instead of copying and learning from Jeff, she chose to attack him, attack all of his work, and COST us the election. Susan Turney is 100% responsible for getting Tony elected.

    Now, we'll be looking into what these CLOWNS did that fucked Encinitas. Fuck politics, all of you, Republicans or Democrats, you're all fucking idiots. Simpleton fucks. You should be focusing on protecting something real and tangible, like Encinitas. Instead, the Dems and Reps shover their heads up each others asses.

    Encinitas is almost certainly gone to the Progressives. If we don't mount some type of unity movement, fuck this town. If you care about our fundamental rights then you better FIGHT FOR ENCINITAS. If momentum can't be built to fix this fucked up town, fools will be leaving left and right, myself included. Things are going to WAY MORE WORSE, but cowards are too afraid to even fight for their own town. I don't like living with cowards and refuse to.

    1. Time to call the Sheriff and report this bully. Calling out women's names and posting about children is above the pale. Screenshots taken on this last post and will be sending it to the Sheriff. Love with it Jeff.

    2. 7:21 I don't live in a trailer and am not one of the women you keep hounding. Both the Sheriff and the DA have screen shots.

  27. The Trailer Park He/She? How stupid do you feel you scourge? Payback & Karma is a mother fucker, and Big Dick Daddy can't wait. If you weren't so ugly, I'd send you to a senior citizens home so some 90 year old horny old men, could deposit their loads into the appropriate depository. I'd never do that to them.

    If I was Krusty's pimp? I too would live in a trailer too. Broke ass ugly hair falling out clumpy bitch.

    The rounds will making schools, entire town, media, revenge is SWEET THING!

    1. School will be school, and kids will be kids. Someone grew up here, someone came here to start problems. The party is just getting started. Would you like to come over for a drink trailer skank?

    2. Hell no Stan.

      I surround myself with good people.

      No time for victims like you.

    3. No you don’t, you’re as evil as it gets. Natalie, Rachel? The entire town saw what those two bitches have done, you included and probably neck and neck with Natalie for holding the #1 SCUM title in town.

      I’m curious. When did you start doing Meth, Crack, or whatever drug fucked you. What chain of events happened to make you do something so bad to yourself?

      Also, why do you lie so much? You’re far more powerful when you tell the truth.

  28. Here's what went wrong with Crackhead Christie. She's definitely NOT totally stupid, she has some beneficial use but, she just got outclassed by a REAL OG. She's been LYING for a year, and she prayed overnight to Allah that Jeff would go to jail, so she can flick her BEAN, smoke her cig, and buy a new ANAL VIBRATOR. Welfare checks don't cover everything she needs.

    She got OUTMASTERED, by the MASTER. She was told by Team Turney to "attack the Morrises," and that is what she did nonstop for a year. Fast forward to today, who's the bitch now?

    Their plan was to TALK NONSTOP MASSIVE SHIT & LIES, and if someone reacts, then point fingers at them for defending themselves. Once you respond, she runs back to Dickless Dustin, and tries to say "he's harassing me, blah, blah, blah." No bitch, you're just being treated the same way.

    If you want to be treated nice STINK HOLE, treat others nice. Otherwise, you have now become the TOWN CLOWN.

  29. You lied over and over about Cindy filing first. She didn't, she filed 5 days later. How about having sons go into a ring here in Encinitas, and let your son try to beat my son's ass.

    I'll bet? Your son can't make it out of the first round. $5,000 right now? You talk a lot of shit, put your welfare check where your mouth is.

  30. Sorry Cristie, how much are those monthly welfare checks?

  31. Prison burritos, also known as a Dorito Burrito.
    For this recipe, Stan should choose the following:
    1 large bag of Doritos (I actually mixed half a bag of spicy nacho & half a bag of buffalo)
    1 bag of ramen noodles – no seasoning
    1/2 bag of flaming hot Cheetos, simply because he enjoys them.
    He can also use some Slim Jims, because while meat is optional, he will enjoy putting it in there.

  32. 12:34 Even the scum pond guys are afraid of the Crud they’ll catch from you Crusty Crud. So you have to try to lure them to your Trailer with bad food, and posting dumb recipes on your sleazy Tik Tok page. This is a crappy recipe that only a Fat Fuck Tweaker (like you) would think was good. You are a complete Zero!

  33. Third place loser, Terrible candidate. Was never going to win under any circumstances.

  34. Such a loser is an understatement. Stan needs to be locked up. 5150.

  35. Such a loser is an understatement. Stan needs to be locked up. 5150.

  36. 6:42 We were talking about YOU (Christy Crud), with the low IQ and lack of cognitive skills. Hope you get to ‘Hell’ fast like you were wishing for on your Tik Tok account. You’re not only poisoning Undercover with your Trench Mouth, but Planet Earth. You’ve warn out you’re welcome. Do us all a favor and get out of here! You’re expiration day has past. Hope you are now living in the Hell you wished for on your Tik Tok page before you were shamed into removing it:

    “Single bitch wild woman momma waiting for Hell with nightmare monster son,” to the lyrics, “when you gonna dump your brown Daddy.”

    *such a quality Encinitas resident!🙄
    Take your Trailer Trashy self and get out!

  37. Don’t forget the weird bee keeper hat they wear out in the sun!


  38. If you don't want to die of melanoma, you wear a lifeguard hat or the equivalent.....

  39. If you want to donate to Stans new boyfriend, you can do it here.

  40. 🤣🤣💯- 9:22 & 9:28…. And they’ll tell you that they’re from LA but they’re really really environmentalist. 👏🤪

  41. The Facebook group “Encinitas Progressive Unity” hasn’t posted a single article regarding the scandal of Nathan Fletcher or Lorena Gonzalez. That’s extremely telling.

  42. Why do all the Progressive Liberal women have short hair, wear Patagonia puffy jackets and can’t say “thank you” when you open a door for them. It’s like they expect it.

    Then you watch them hop in their Tesla with a COEXIST sticker on the bumper.

  43. You forgot about their cargo pants or the old Progressive Liberal women who wear the spandex Lulu Lemon yoga pants to the Ecke YMCA yoga class.

  44. The Facebook group “Encinitas Progressive Unity” hasn’t posted a single article regarding the scandal of Nathan Fletcher or Lorena Gonzalez. That’s extremely telling.

  45. 9:29 I’ve never heard of the puffy jacket stereotype? I do have one, but I bought it on sale at REI. In addition to my REI clothes, I also have a few Lululemon pieces. I also like Lates. But I don’t have short hair, or live on Neptune. And I’m certainly not a liberal Progressive Elite snob. I left the Dem party when they started all the ’woke’ b.s. So be careful w/your stereotypes.

    1. …I would never buy a Tesla.
      And I would never put one of those dumb CoEXist stickers on ANY kind of vehicle, Tesla, or not!
