Saturday, April 15, 2023

Morris charges dropped as DA can’t contact witnesses

Coast News:
Three misdemeanor domestic violence charges against former Encinitas mayoral candidate Jeff Morris were dismissed on April 10 due to insufficient evidence, according to the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office.

A jury trial was scheduled to begin at 8:50 a.m. on April 10 at the Vista Courthouse, with Morris facing up to 2 years in jail if convicted.

However, the case never went to trial and was eventually dropped from the calendar.

“Despite extensive efforts to locate and personally serve the victim and witnesses, we have been unable to do so,” said Tanya Sierra, spokesperson for the DA’s office. “This case cannot be proven without those witnesses.”


  1. Victim and witnesses refused to talk or testify under oath as to what they saw.

    Gee. I wonder why that would be.

    1. Right. Codependency at its worst.😢

  2. How convenient for the moron. Who disappeared or was disappeared is first thought that came to my mind.

    We will have to hope his newly painted house sells fast and this loudmouth will go somewhere, anywhere else all the sooner.

    With his reputation in the tank, gawd I hope he moves on to some other town, in some other state, in some other country, on some other planet.

  3. That guy seems to always be a step ahead of his friends on this page.

    1. By punching the🐧 on Christmas in front of the kids?

      Please explain

    2. He’s got this page consumed with him.

    3. This post is about him. Who should we be talking about Fletcher?

    4. Aren’t his kids adults?

  4. Maybe they didn’t check his other house?

  5. Jeff’s daughter.

  6. Jesus. That’s going to far.

  7. Might Mouse Morris triumphs again!

  8. Great. Anyone with a sound mind knew this was the outcome.

    Can we now focus on the real local corruption and gaslighting coverup?

    No, we are furious because she allegedly threatened to destroy the reputation/career of a Latina worker sexually harassed by her husband & she’s so far gotten away with it with impunity. Mind you, as a very well paid statewide LABOR LEADER. Her behavior is an insult to workers.

    That she’s trying to portray herself as the victim here is also a sophisticated form of gaslighting. Many sources know this is a game she plays to try to silence critiques and distract from them. The real issue here is her role in silencing #MeToo victims.

    Ignore her. Her prolific tweeting about other things as her husband has purportedly gone into hiding in an underground bunker on the taxpayer dime is a massive scandal & so is the role she played pre-litigation. I’m 100% sure more will come out about her anti-women actions soon.

  9. Mighty Mouse Morris🦔

  10. 7:28 What a terrible thing to say. Please, don’t stoop to his level.

  11. Nope @LorenaSGonzalez
    , ppl are angry that you probably knew @nathanfletcher
    was cheating on you, you defended his egregious behavior, violated your own moral standards as a labor leader defending women’s rights in the workplace, and threatened the employee your husband assaulted.

    1. This is the real headline. Why isn’t the news picking up on this crazy behavior of a labor leader, supporting an employee getting sexually harassed and intimidated?

      Marco, what does your firm stand for besides everything developer?

      Are you OK with labor labor leaders supporting violators like trump, Fletcher, Clinton, and Jeff Epstein?

      What’s your thoughts on your sister’s husband?

  12. That would explain a lot but lets not forget Stan was an established 3rd place fool well before getting arrested on Xmas.

  13. GloriaRomero
    But we do fundamentally understand that labor leaders don’t threaten or silence working women when they are assaulted and harassed by their Supervisor bosses, right?

  14. OK bro

    Nathan Fletcher
    Today is #DenimDay2019. We stand everyday with survivors of sexual assault. But today we wear denim to protest a horrific Italian Supreme Court decision that rape survivor must have consented because she was wearing tight jeans.
    FYI-Even OK to rock the denim on denim

  15. 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣

  16. Lighten up Francis.

  17. Leave kids out of it.

  18. 7:43 is Jeff I bet. His lawyer told him nothing here was actionable, so he’s tying to provoke another level. Weirdo.

  19. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂. OMG. Someone has amazing wet. 🙏🏿

  20. So I just put a very fair offer in of $276,750 to purchase Stan's house. Here is the break down:
    Original Zillow Estimate $1,100,000
    Removal/Disposal of Trump Flag and Flag Pole -200
    Removal/Disposal of excess amount of anal beads -50
    Drywall repair to cover up all the punched out holes in wall -10,000
    Repainting of interior to cover up all the blood stains -10,000
    Exorcist visits to get rid Stan's bad juju energy -800,000

    I'd also like to run a small social media/print campaign letting everyone know the Morons don't live there anymore so people can stop with the eggings of the house. -3,000

    Are there any additional deductions I'm missing?

    1. I would have it thoroughly checked for lead, radon, or other environmental hazards that could explain a broken brain.

    2. Your list seems pretty thorough however, an alternative may be just to raise the house and use the web for the last remaining bonfire down at Moonlight Beach.

      $1.1 million less $600,000 for a replacement generic box, and then another $500,000 for the exorcism. seems like a wash. I’m not interested.

      I heard the local residents are alarmed that there’s no close place other than the YMCA to do art projects. There’s a movement underway to have the city, purchase the Morris house and create a neighborhood art center. Tony’s two art friends are all over it and Scott supports it because it’s gonna have cool tools that he can use as well. It will probably get like four or five people going there a week. It’s a great use of public tax dollars, and who cares about the long-term operations and maintenance cost, and the number of employees that will be hired to start the place. I I’m calling it Pacific view on Saxony.

      Just a thought what do you think?

    3. Better yet, put in a wave pool. Call it, Swamis II. Add a couple of bums for authenticity and a few needles for atmosphere. Kind of an ode to Stan.

    4. 11;08- I tell you. Our citizens are brilliant. I hope you’re all on city commissions because these are great ideas. These are all great uses of public tax dollars.

      Who needs roads anyway? roads are highly overrated and so what if we can’t walk to the beach. At least we have that beautiful cut-up cable fence that trips up us older folks and causes havoc for the families trying to shop at Just Peachy.

    5. Don’t forget about the costs associated with security and a drone defense system. No chance will you be allowed to live in peace in a house you will surely be accused of stealing.

      Expenses are really adding up.

    6. That’s true fortunately 80% of my heritage is African American 10% is Hispanic but I do have got damn European gene and I own a house.

      Some of us are just born racist I guess?

      Sure wish I didn’t have that damn European gene. It causes hell with my cholesterol too. I hope someday Mali will forgive me. 😢

    7. What's "true?" Who are you responding to 12:43?

    8. With the pending of sale of the house, will the Kim be splitting the commission with the old ball and chain?

  21. 9:59 Absolutely! This is 100% Jeff trying to give ammunition to his pathetic attempt to shut down the blog. Everything he does is easy to spot.

  22. Owner of this blog would absolutely have a case against stan if that is the case.

  23. The so-called 'Sanctuary's' proposal for our friends to the east of Encinitas proper is an abomination in the making. What is a sanctuary now would be obliterated if they get what they want.

    Showing what a treasured undeveloped property it is now, does the developer no good other than to raise as many flags as possible to defeat this development before it goes any further. Thanks Gove, you have given us a gift to defend this property with all we have at our means.

  24. I just rode down southbound Highway 101 Leucadia and all the green paint is gone and washed off into the ocean. How long ago was that installed? And does the contractor have to pay for the repaint or is that cost on the city?

  25. Hurry up and sell the house I need to get paid Stan!
    - Neuharth

    1. Yeah pay the ambulance chaser first.

  26. When someone gets doored and dies in those unsafe tiny 5’ bike lanes, I pray the family Sues the city for over $20 million and goes after the idiot that installed those death traps for criminal charges. At minimum manslaughter.

  27. I'm sorry to return to Stan, but I have something that keeps bothering me and maybe someone can help me out. OK- a 911 call was made on Christmas Eve. from the Morris house. The Sheriff goes out and takes Jeff in for 3 misdemeanor violations, all for what it looks like to be more than a violence against Christmas trees. Nest day Morris gets out. Trial comes up and all of the suddenly no one witnessed anything, so charged are dropped. So what I don't get is the Sheriff was convinced enough Morris had done some harm. And so far, no one can get the 911 tape on this. A PRA has been sent to the Sheriff and he will most likely have to turn it over, as Stan is a free man and it won't jeopardize his freedom. We pay the Sheriff good money to go out on thee 911 calls, and people are not supposed to make them unless there is danger. Then add the court costs of Stans adventure. Those are costs we pay by the way, including the judge, the DA, the courthouse, etc. So how is it possible that the DA went to court and THEN said " we have no witnesses that will collaborate. Why did they waste their time even taking this to court? There is something way off here, IMHO, and the taxpayers are getting screwed.

    1. What’s the point of the state making the case against domestic abusers if they have to rely on the very witnesses/victims which had resulted in the state now pressing charges, because the victim, especially if it’s a spouse, is afraid of the abuser and would never press charges in fear of retribution or death?

      Of course Kim is afraid of him. Look how he stalks and threatens complete strangers. Imagine what he would do to her. Kim’s safest bet is to go along with the madness. Jeff is a monster because he’s been allowed to escalate. Kim knows exactly who she’s married to. Testifying against him would not end well for her.

      And Stan, a dismissed case is not a proof of innocence. You’re a wife beating thug and now everyone knows it.

    2. Imgine having to share a nest with stan and then testifying against him.

  28. I heard Stanton was coordinating with Fletcher and they’re looking to try and find a mobile home together somewhere.

    This will all happen, Once Lorena fesses up, get smart and kicks out loser out.

    We know the 🐧 is a codependent. Unfortunately, her life is not going to be good.

  29. I predict this happens in Enc TarrJaaay before summer

    Mark this post/date

    Inside info

  30. I can't comment like I usually do cause I'm shitting a brick the judge might find out. I've gotta lay low for a while you guys, if anyone asks where I am just tell them my Christmas tree is in mint condition and I tied Cindy.

  31. Big idea: next year at the holiday parade downtown, have a Christmas tree fight competition.

    Judges award points in categories like style, flatness of hat bill, damage, and how far you can throw the tree at the end of the fight.

    Literal judges, wearing robes.

    1. Great idea 948, but due to the price variance of trees near the RSF Polo fields in comparison to those at say Home Depot, we're definitely going to need to bring on Mali full time to ensure there is equity involved. I wouldn't feel comfortable moving forward unless it fits my agenda.

  32. Empty cancer causing death machines rip two more lives away in just 10 days.


    Where is the information on the earlier victim?

    1. Read comments. Death train strikes again.

      RIP 😂

  33. The coaster is a horrible program. Earns millions of gallons of diesel fuel and kills people and gives kids cancer. All for not.

    For the few people who ride the coaster, you are killing children and polluting our world. Not to mention causing greenhouse gases to escalate with the millions of gallons of spent diesel fumes burned per year.

    Stop your horrendous actions and don’t ride the Killing Coaster.

    1. Sure.

      The only alternative that has no emissions and can’t kill children is walking.

      Good luck with that.

    2. Biking, walking, e-bikes, one wheels, e-cars, e-trains, E- carpool.

      Like BART in Bay Area- No Diesel burning. No running down kids.

    3. So you think cyclists can’t kill pedestrians?

      Have I got news for you.

    4. 8:40 - those "modalities" do not fit into the majority of lives. Too much time taken up coordinating carpools and how exactly does one take a couple of kids to soccer then do the week's shopping on an ebike? Add on the aging boomer demographic who might have spare hours to walk instead of drive and wait for barely functional public transport, but they're less likely than ever to hop on a bicycle of any kind. Stop knocking people over the head with non solutions. Can't all be like Hinze with family money and nowhere we have to be.

  34. 8:40 decries expense of public transport, then suggests as an alternative that everyone be forced to buy a $70K electric car.


    A lot of people who use the train do so for financial reasons.

    1. Liar. There’s not a lot of people on the train. Only a few. You should try and ride one one time and you would see. Empty diesel burning trains.

      We want something like BART.

    2. There's no money for it, haven't you heard?

  35. Why do all the liberals wear Patagonia puffy jackets and masks? It must be their identifying uniform, even in the summer.

    1. Do you mean, why don’t they wear the most ridiculous shitshow costume they can find like MAGA?

    2. Those are Ayn Rand Libertarian Objectivists. I will choose Free Will!!! and a puffy jacket....

    3. All the liberal females are feminist lesbians in denial and the guys are loners. Liberals are boring and ignorant!

    4. Yup, not hing can compare to the exciting conversative musical stylings of Anita Bryant, ,Kid Rock, and Toby Keith....

    5. Republicants are poor and uneducated and when they cant make it in CA they move to a red welfare state where they feel safe being fat, dumb and poor. 3 elections lost in a row. Newsome, Biden and Kranz are your daddies. Republican lose jobs to illegals who cant even speak the language and know nobody, looooosers.

    6. CA has become a shit hole because of the Liberal policies. Look at the damage Newscum and insider trading Pelosi has done. The Liberals have ruined the state, selling out to Blakespear, Gonzalez Fletcher and the BIA. How’d that bullet train work out? How are gas and electric rates going under the Dems policies. More homeless than any other state by percentage and school systems suck as we’re ranked 44 in education across the nation because Liberals wanna cancel accelerated classes for woke tutorials.

      CA is the most expensive state and lowest quality of living in the country.

    7. Glad you’re proud that you elected Nathan Fletcher, Lorena Gonzalez, Blakespear and Kranz, you should pay yourself on the back for that one, jackass.

      Time to put on your Patagonia puffy jacket, grab your walking sticks and March down to Starbucks for a $12 Pumpkin Spice Latte. Don’t forget your BLM coronavirus virus mask for virtue signaling, even though there’s only 1 black guy in Encinitas 😂

    8. Q: What do you get when you offer a Liberal a penny for his thoughts? A: Change.

    9. Q: What do you call a basement full of Liberals?

      A: A whine cellar.

  36. Stan is MAGA but he dresses like a psychopath.

  37. Well, if we’re going to let the diesel burning trains continue to run empty running down people, Let’s just allow them to fill with homeless and crackheads like is happening anyway…

    1. Interesting how the convo deflects to trains every time a certain someone is mentioned. Who's the mastermind behind this clever trick? Haha.

    2. Stick Stan on the train with all the crackheads. He’ll fit right in.

  38. Q: What do you call a basement full of Encinitas Patagonia puffy jacket Liberals?

    A: A whine cellar.

    1. More deflection from the title of this thread. Stocks or Walsh, pick one. Or both.

    2. I liked Stocks, he did a hell of a lot more for this town than Kranz or Blakespear. Walsh, meh, not such a fan of, he’s kind of an arrogant Dick head!

  39. Q: What's the definition of a Progressive Liberal running for government for the first time?

    A: A mouse trying to become a rat.

  40. Can you imagine a Democrat version of The Apprentice? “You built nothing, you sold nothing, you did nothing... I would say You’re Fired, but we can’t afford arbitration."

  41. Q: Have you heard about McDonald’s new Newsom Value Meal?
    A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.

  42. Progressive Liberals and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly… and for the same reason.

  43. You're a real laff riot, tiger. Not.

  44. After viewing this page, I think I’m good with my Patagonia nano puff.

  45. 2:51 let me guess you’re a Liberal right? Patagonia Puffy jacket uniform 🟰 Progressive Liberal. Please tell me I’m right!

  46. We used to have Reagan, Jonny Cash, and Bob Hope. Now we have Biden/Harris/Blakespear, no cash, and no hope.

  47. When asked if they would have sex with Nathan Fletcher Gonzalez, 86% of women in San Diego said, "Not again."

  48. Did you hear about Monica Lewinsky becoming a Republican? The Democrats left a bad taste in her mouth.

  49. What happens when you give a Liberal politician Viagra? They get taller!

  50. Q: Whats the difference between a California Liberal and a snail? A: One is slimy, a pest, and leaves a trail everywhere and the other is a snail.

  51. Q: What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 100?

    A: Your Honor.

    Q: What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 50? A: Senator Blakespear!

  52. 2:51 “Patagonia nano puff” LMAO, you sound like the Joe Mosca type! Do you drive a white or red Tesla? Do you have a COEXIST sticker on the bumper next to the BLM one? 😂

    1. You sound like a toothless POS domestic terrorist who has rejected democracy for a fat orange turd.

      I can’t wait for him to lose again.

      Joe Biden could die four weeks before the election and he’d still win, because his corpse would still be a better option.

    2. It was so cold today, a Biden had his hands in his own pockets!

    3. Biden will find an excuse to get out of anything except office. 😂

    4. A priest, a Democrat, and a clown, walk into the bar. The bartender says, "What is this, some kind of joke?"

    5. 3:49 Your mother is classless she could be a Marxist utopia. 😂

    6. Your Mother is like a door knob. Everybody gets a turn.

  53. Newsom does some strange things. He passes a high tax on liquor and then raises the other taxes that drive people to drink. 😂

  54. What did Nathan Fletcher Gonzalez say when Lorena asked if he had used protection? "Sure, there was a guard standing right outside the door."

  55. Biden and Harris did a state dinner at the White House honoring the prime minister of India, and the menu was vegetarian. How do you like that for Thanksgiving? No turkey, wrong Indians.😂

  56. How dumb do you need to be to copy and paste other people’s jokes?

    Asking for a friend.

    1. A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?" The dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism. Your mother, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the government. We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you the people. The nanny, we'll consider her the working class. And your baby brother, we'll call him the future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense." The little boy goes off to bed thinking about what dad had said. Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has soiled his diaper. The little boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed. The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now." The father says, "Good son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about." The little boy replies, "Well, while capitalism is screwing the working class, the government is sound asleep, the people are being ignored and the future is in deep shit."

    2. What do you get when you cross a corrupt lawyer with a crooked politician? Catherine Blakespear.

  57. What do you get when you cross a corrupt lawyer with a crooked politician?
    Catherine Blakespear.

  58. No Jokes Please, we’re Liberal!

  59. 4:24 not dumb, just wearing themselves out trying to deflect from the topic of this thread. Brought to you by the great minds at Encinitas Uncensored.

    1. 5:06, 🥲 it’s not fair 😫 time for Venti Pumpkin Spiced Latte, that’ll cheer you up little guy!

    2. Yup, Morris's next mission is to bring down EU. Not worried. He'll be as (un)successful here as he was at helping the homeless, running for mayor and surfing.

    3. I Hope he does expose some of these IP addresses, some corrective actions need to be made so we can get back on the topics at hand. So yea, I hope Jeff is successful!

  60. Jeff got off his bogus case because he was trying to kill his daughter, not his wife(not lite). The cops ignored everything that the girls did, they ignored the argument between Kim and the girls, and Jeff was sticking up for his wife.

    That doesn’t look good on the front page of the Coast News though. They want a ldomestic violence charge against somebody that wasn’t even arguing with his wife, and never hurt his wife.

    They loaded on as many felonies as they could, but everything was about the daughters and the wife arguing. Jeff’s only rule was breaking it up and separating them. That’s it. Kim had a mental break down four days after going to court, 100% because what Natalie and Christie did. Both committing perjury, one, trying to get a fake TRO, the other, trying to pretend she’s a victim and just family argument.

    These two skanky whores need to be fixed or they’re gonna fuck up every election.

    If Jeff wanted to hurt somebody, he’s the most capable person in this town. There was no argument between Jeff and Kim, there is no punching, kicking, or even hurting. What there was, was a father, who is pissed off at his daughters, for fighting with her mother on Christmas after they promised not to.

    Things got ugly when Jeff decided to throw his daughter out that wouldn’t shut up. Had nothing to do with Kim. Absolutely not one single thing, but that doesn’t look good on the cover of Coast News.

    The same reason 500 cops showed up at Jeff’s house, to try to embarrass him. But Jeff wasn’t the one that was showing up at someone’s house every morning with coffee, and climbing in bed and banging them. If the DA tried to run with the garbage, That would’ve dragged the captain North County Coastal into the quart room, as well as his mistress.

    Jeff is by far the strongest warrior in this town and he keeps winning. He will still be able to brag about his record being the best in town.

    1. Jeff, you're a loser and the only one you're trying to convince otherwise is yourself.

    2. Looks kinda bad when the missing witness advertises her business on social media two days after the hearing. Not a breakdown, but convenient.

    3. What about the Coast News story was factually incorrect?

    4. The Sheriffs ignored the daughters. They tried to nail Jeff knowing with 100% that Jeff and Kim weren’t beefing.

      False imprisonment? The Deputy made that story up.

      Jeff simply tried to breakup an argument between his wife and daughters on Christmas Day. He separated everybody, as he’s done for 24 years… not imprison them. Complete bullshit and the entire Morris family said hat didn’t happen.

      Jeff still retains the World Title for cleanest record in town.

    5. Your family should have testified and exonerated you. And they didn't, why?

    6. You are one dumb ass mother fucker. It was the DA’s responsibility to provide their evidence. They had all of the statements that contradicted what they said.

      You don’t hire an attorney of Paul Neuharth’s caliber, to try to help the DA take you down. You hire someone like Paul to keep the DA honest. Jeff never even went to court or trial. He was NEVER going down. Some time was allowed to pass to get Team Cremona’s calm the fuck down.

      It’s more disturbing that Cremona made an agreement with Tony to not attack him. You bitches were never going to intimidate Jeff, he’ll chew you up and spit you out.

      Payback is coming. You’re not going to keep fucking up our elections. We want Christie and Natalie out of town, and take their lying vitriolic hatred with them. Two white trash scums.

    7. 6:17, was the assault on the Christmas tree true or did The Deputy make that story up too?

  61. No reason to hide from testifying under oath if that story was true.

    My conclusion: it’s pure bullshit.

  62. Another productive day in moron land.

  63. Christie needs to be fed to the sharks. When you keep coming at a family and inject yourself in the personal business, you’re crossing lines. You’re going down for that, and a LOT MORE.

    1. Ok, time to show proof that Christie or anyone else continues or ever did harass you. Put up or shut up. No one believes you and you dig your hole deeper with every post. Otherwise, please reboot Watchdogs so you can continue your misogyny somewhere else.

    2. I GUARANTEE Christie is going down. It’s not a maybe, it is an absolute DEFINITE. Natalie got her sorry ass beat by the genius, Christie will be smashed in court.

    3. Bring it Stan. 💩💩🤣🤣🤣

    4. 6:27, are you insinuating Jeff is a genius? The words Jeff and Genius should never be used in the same sentence. In fact if I could I'd have you arrested immediately for such a stupid claim and you'd have no choice but to put Neuharth on retainer (again)

  64. If the DA is going to pursue a case a family didn’t want, you better have some evidence. As they said they had 0 evidence of anything. Kim had already answered any and all questions, multiple times. Told them clear as day nothing happened. Daughters said nothing happened.

    Jeff got pissed because he wanted his daughters on their best behavior on Christmas. We know that Natalie, Christie, and Rachel, went all in to attack Jeff’s entire family to cause maximal m harm and damage. The had “intent” and paper trails. I’d move out of town if I was involved in this illegal hit on a family, as his opponent slandered and libeled his family about fake stories, one after the other.

    1. Nothing to do with anything. Why didn't they bring it all into the light and testify under oath?

    2. The minute you pick up the phone and call 911 the cops are required to respond and act. What you later decide later you “didn’t want” is neither here nor there.

      No one “needs to move” but what does need to happen is to bring on those IP addresses. Let’s see how fast those defamation tables turn.

  65. Jeff said Natalie was going down, and Natalie went down.

  66. Everything is always someone else’s fault.

  67. If Jeff’s family was truly affected they would have spoken out, they didn’t because nothing happened. That’s why the judge dismissed the case.

    1. Yeah. The sheriffs make work for themselves all day long and love writing these type of reports. Right?

      Someone has their head up their butt.

    2. 6:36 and 6:38 are you saying the Judge is corrupt? Are you trying to tell us that Jeff and the Judge go way back and the Judge was hooking Jeff up.

      The Judge made his decision, I’m sure his decision was based on more evidence than what you have. Unless of course your evidence is coming from EV 😂

      Who’s got their head up their butt? 😜

    3. The prosecutor asked for the case to be dropped, because the witnesses were hiding and refused to testify.

      That’s what I read in the papers.

      An honorable, innocent man would have told his family to testify and tell the whole truth under oath.

      A rotten scumbag would be okay with them hiding.

  68. Cool story bro.

    Somebody should have told it under oath.

  69. Gotcha Stan. We got you like a 🐧 loves 🐟

  70. It would be funny if someone dragged your trailer on the tracks. 😂

    1. It would be funny because I don’t have a trailer ha ha

  71. Bring on those IPs.

  72. 7:04- A PRA request has been sent to the Sheriff to get a copy of the 911 call. Then we may know what really happened.

  73. The reason Jeff’s case was dropped so quickly, is because Jeff’s attorney provided the background of what Rachelle, Christie, and Natalie, did the Kim Morris, to cause her to have that mental breakdown.

    Dragging the Morrises in to court GOUR days before Christmas, over what? To show how big your fucking lesbians dicks are? Everything provided was done under the “penalty of perjury.“ None of that shit happened, and that’s where you’re gonna be fucked with a criminal case as well.

    They will be prepping for the real trial that’s gonna fuck all of you bitches. You went so beyond and above slander and libel, this will be the most precedented case in San Diego, history of campaign law violations.

    You guys don’t have a right to try to prevent candidates from running, and that’s exactly what you guys were doing the whole election. Dozens of witnesses and you know them all.

  74. So all the Jeff haters now believe that the Judge is corrupt and good buddies with Jeff. That’s why he won his case 😂

    1. Prosecutors dropped the case because witnesses refused to testify under oath and tell the truth.

      We can only speculate about the possible threats and intimidation behind closed doors that made this family fear telling the truth.

  75. Seems you ran, as well as your mouth, just fine. And lost. Let's face it, your family was too afraid of you to testify, so you got the case dismissed. Doesn't mean you didn't do it. And we all know there's no suit forthcoming. You're broke dude. You just blew your kids college funds defending your wife beating case. Remember?

    1. The initiator of the problem doesn’t get to go back and cry that the victim fought back. If you attack someone, the other person has a right to retaliate.

    2. So the Judge was wrong, is that what you’re telling us?

      Was it that Judge was wrong or maybe you were wrong. Maybe Natalie Settoon, Cindy Cremona and Susan Turney aren’t the most reliable sources.

      Natalie’s has filed multiple TRO’s and been in and out of court often with men. Cindy Cremona is bitter because she only beat Jeff by 17 votes. Susan Turney is upset because she only got 29% of the votes when she ran against the “child”, Kelly Hinze.

      What do these three things have in common? Women. They’re all bitter women.

    3. Jeff, do you have any problems that aren’t a woman’s fault?

      Do you ever take responsibility for anything?


    4. The Judge said it was no one’s fault and that nothing happened. The judge clearly stated that the DA was wrong and Jeff was innocent. Not the first time this sort of case has happened and the DA was wrong and it won’t be the last. Justice prevailed and the liars got caught.

      Sorry ladies, YOU LOST 😂

    5. There’s approximately a 100% chance the judge didn’t say any of that.

    6. 8:03 but the Judge did and dismissed the case. Sorry ladies you lost!

    7. 8:03 I’m embarrassed for you! You lost and face it you’re a loser! Justice prevailed it usually does!

    8. It's all white trailer trash women who have never met Jeff, don't know a single thing about him, and they make up one story after the next. No reason, no logic, no anything.

      Jeff is responding to "women" because that's who is trying to destroy his family, all for nothing. The judge was made aware of this fact, and presented a evidence of what had been going on the entire election.

      The story makes sense, when the DA saw the evidence. 4 days before Christmas? A 100% lie by Natalie to try to harm Jeff and his family? Jeff never did shit to Natalie, ever. That Trio of Rachel, Christie, and Natalie, might all end up being locked up together.

      The number of laws you broke, the "intent to harm," posting lies publicly, you guys are fucked. Jeff did 0 to any of you, but you all made up stories to attack the Morris family.

      More important, is Kim has a SLAM DUNK case against these roaches. These THREE DUCKS decided they have the right to say & do whatever they want, without any consequences. There's going to be consequences.

      Just as SURE as Jeff knew he was going to win this case, he's even MORE confident about taking down the THREE STOOGES. Don't cry for me Argentina.

    9. Anyone else notice how Jeff says the DA is corrupt and biased against him, and yet the DA is going to do his bidding on criminal perjury charges.

      Does he realize we all see how stupid he is—that he can’t even be consistent within the span of two sentences?

      What a narcissistic dumbass.

      And oh yeah: it’s always someone else’s fault.

    10. 8:34 so you’re saying the Judge presiding over the case was corrupt when he found Jeff Morris completely innocent of all charges brought against him 😂

      What other conspiracy theories do you have for reasons Jeff won?

    11. You aren’t fooling anyone.

      Prosecutors withdrew the charges after the family/victims of the domestic violence hid and refused to testify.

      Now why would they do that, huh?

      If Jeff was completely innocent, wouldn’t they want to testify to that under oath? Wouldn’t Jeff want that?

      Or is it possible that a family destroyer got away with it by threat and intimidation of witnesses? I don’t know the answer, but the question is certainly worth asking.

  76. You dumb ass is Just and I have no idea of strategy. That’s why you guys get mopped every fucking time

    There’s not one single person in this town let’s put Just in check, and it will definitely never be from a bunch of fucking lunatic country living in trailers.

    Yeah, Jeff is broke, but has the best attorney in San Diego? Fuck outta here.

  77. I think that we should stop discussion about Morris, and ask Marco (Hunter) Gonzalez how scared he is that the family house of cards is tumbling down. He seems rather quiet nowadays, plausibly because there is nothing to say. Indictments to follow.

    1. Marco is fucked, he’s next! He lost a lot of influence and power when his sister and brother went down.

    2. Marco belongs to a rare species known as an asshole-a-dick, Betcha he wouldn't last long in the SD County penal System if things keep trending South for his troubled, dysfunctional, and corrupt clan.

  78. I can’t wait for Stan to be gone. 🙏🏿

    1. 8:08 I see you’ve got your BLM hands up. Identity crisis? Or is this your way of making a difference 😂

    2. 8:08-that’s exactly what the 🐧 and his kids said.

    3. I can’t wait for Christie’s son to be taken away from him when she goes to jail

    4. 8:46 boring 💤. That’s getting old, but nice try Susan!

      Jeff and Kim are doing great, was just over there this past weekend. Kids are both in college one with an academic scholarship and the other getting ready for college. Looks like the Morris’s did a great job with the kids. That’s more than Turney, Cremona and Settoon can say, they don’t even have kids, thank god for the rest of us.

    5. 9:10- let’s hope the kids are doing great. Mental health is real. Parental scars cut deep.

      I don’t have any faith in Stan and the penguin understanding that issue.

      🙏🏿 For the kids.

  79. There is no circumstance, no condition, no anything, that Christie gets away clean. I’m gonna bankrupt you for what you did my family. Do you think you’re a fucking Baller?

  80. Let’s say by some miracle Jeff goes to court, spends Kim’s money on lawyers and proves defamation. (Unlikely)

    Let’s talk damages.

    Compensatory. Jeff has no job, no clients, and no employment prospects.


    Okay, so what’s the value of “damaging” his reputation? This is a guy who made threats to a journalist over text that were later published in news reports. Same guy was apparently investigated as a threat during a previous election cycle. There was also allegedly a female journalist who was advised by her employer to contact sheriffs about his behavior toward her. He also was very publicly charged with domestic violence and got off on a technicality when his family hid and refused to testify. Then there’s the phone book of aggressive and threatening online behavior on a multitude of platforms, mostly against women.

    So what’s that kind of reputation worth?


    1. 9:08 I call Bullshit! How do you know what Jeff’s finances are? Do you see his bank statements every month?

      Once again you’ve proven yourself a liar.

      Jeff and Kim are happily married and obviously you aren’t 😂

    2. 9:08 exactly.

      Jeff’s reputation is what it is because of his behavior and every time he posts, he only makes it worse 🤦‍♀️

    3. 9:16 what makes you think Jeff is posting? Oh I get it, anyone defending Jeff must be Jeff, that’s your logic.

      Is that the same logic you used when you told everyone Jeff would lose his court case, genius?

      Being wrong over and over again doesn’t seem to have effect on you. Maybe that’s why you’re having a tough time with men 😉

    4. 9:23 exactly right!

    5. 9:23 pay attention….

      “There is no circumstance, no condition, no anything, that Christie gets away clean. I’m gonna bankrupt you for what you did my family. Do you think you’re a fucking Baller?”

      In Jeff’s delusional rage, he sometimes forgets to refer to himself in the 3rd person.

    6. 9:13 I agree with you, I call Bullshit!

      Jeff did nothing wrong according to the Judge.

      However, a couple of miserable women seem to find excitement in this. It’s sad!

      My best guess they’re sexually and emotionally miserable women. Husbands gone or doesn’t care about them. They’ve become middle aged with saggy tits and perpetual jealousy for anything younger than them. No one pays them any attention.

      They think it’s their age, when in fact it’s their Debbie Downer personality!

      So they gossip and complain all day to make their miserable lives feel better. Kinda like women who watch soap operas and lust for the next city council meeting. Drama!!! It’s all they have.

    7. 9:33, or he’s just stupid.

    8. 9:34, Or 9:33 is trying to come across as Jeff. My guess it’s you! You’re losing all credibility!

    9. 9:40, exactly the same conclusion that I came to.

    10. Nobody buying that BS.

    11. Universal law. Actions have consequences.

      Watch the video Stan. You will understand.

      Poor kids. Tough life break.

      Mental health is real.

  81. Bingo 9:34! That about sums it up! Jealous old miserable bats, with Pink Pussy hats! 😂

    1. 9:36 are you referring to Jeff?

    2. 9:42, no I’m referring to the miserable old bats with the pink pussy hats. You know the Turney, Cremona, Settoon, Harmon type!

      I like Jeff and Kim, they live down the street and have always been a great neighbors. The others not so much, too much gossip about everyone. Miserable old bats!

    3. 9:46 that’s what I thought! Same assessment as you. Miserable old bats!

    4. Dang Stan you didn’t even wait 10 minutes to reply to yourself. You replied faster than Blakespear sent your emails to the trash folder. Or is that the Penguin replying from her nest in the other room? Maybe you 2 should take a break from scheming on how you are going to take out Kranzman and swindle Gothamnitas out of $21k/year. Perhaps wash the onesie, use a lot of bleach, pop a pill or two with a 40 of Old E and take a few months off. Watch out for Carturney and PoisonLarri, them some bad b itch es.

    5. Hi Jerome. Always know when it's you because you're usually drunk at this time of night. And you just can't help yourself with your asshole comments about Susan and Lorri. Wish she had reported you, or should I say I wish I had reported what I saw when I saw it.

  82. Good Morning. 😊

    I love it when Stan and the 🐧 black out. We get our blog back for a few hours.

    Universal law. Actions have consequences.

    Watch the video Stan. You will understand.

    Poor kids. Tough life break.

    Mental health is real.

  83. Are you going to pay $65 to listen to the Town Dunce ramble and bumble about BS for 30 min. ?

    I would, but I have a better opportunity to poke my eyes out with flaming spikes that evening. You?

    1. short answer, no

    2. $65 to listen to the Dunce pontificate and not even a view!

  84. MIGRATION: The Emperor penguin make yearly travels to breeding sites in New Jersey in early spring. Near the beginning of summer, the penguin and her chicks return to the sea and spend the rest of the summer being beaten.

  85. “ 9:34, Or 9:33 is trying to come across as Jeff. My guess it’s you! You’re losing all credibility!”

    Okay. I accept this theory. So this blog is anonymous. There’s no way to tell who you are talking to. And now, if we accept that people are impersonating each other, then it’s impossible for Jeff to win a defamation case.

    Here’s why.

    Let’s say someone said something defamatory. But they said it to an anonymous commenter. There’s no way to know who that commenter really was. Maybe it was Jeff, and maybe it was someone impersonating Jeff. Either way, it can’t be defamation if the comment isn’t directed at a specific, known individual. Even if a comment is directed at Jeff, that could literally mean Jeff, or the person playing a character called Jeff. Or the person making the comment could just be wrong about who they are speaking to.

    Either way, it’s difficult to prove someone intentionally defamed you if they don’t know who they are speaking to or about because everyone is anonymous.

  86. Encinitas Uncensored is accusing CN of deleting comments on Instagram, but the same 9 comments are still there. 🫣
