Monday, April 24, 2023

He's baaaaack

From the Inbox:

Shortly after his devastating mayoral run loss to Tony Kranz, the self proclaimed, Mayor of Surf, swore he was done with politics. Here we are a few months later, with some additional legal baggage, he now has his eyes set on District 2.

Note: Screen shot below is from Jeff Morris’ post on public facebook page “Encinitas Uncensored”


  1. Can someone translate for me?

  2. I think he might be angry.

  3. 😂 you are so worried about Jeff running. It’s hilarious!

    1. Not worried whatsoever.

      Should be fun look at last time. Who is he going to beat up this time besides his wife, the Easter bunny?

  4. He won’t make it a year. He’s imploding daily.

    He must have wrote that at 9:30am right when he woke up before his Jack Daniels and Crystal kicked in.

  5. Can't believe he hasn't deleted that yet.

  6. The more you post about him you only make him more relevant. Great job keeping his name in the news. It will only help in the next election.

    1. Well, everybody loves a good self implosion…. It’s like watching a train wreck.

    2. If you thought he handled it poorly when he got 20% of the vote, just wait until you see how he handles getting 5%.

      His ego simply will not allow him to accept that. Can’t wait to see which woman he blames for it.

  7. Jeff Moron, Jeffalina Mooch, J Mud, Jeffronic Moronic, Jeffica Rabbit, Jeff Half Cooked, Jeffrey Jack Off...feel free to use any of these!

  8. That’s hysterical. He better hope Julie and Garvin don’t slip in a spoiler.

  9. Is this the "insane version" of Telenovela.

  10. Maybe I'm alone here, but I just don't think he had enough criminal activity on his record during his first run to warrant my vote. I mean yeah he had the whole assault with a deadly weapon thing but that was a while ago. He just didn't have the panache in the felony departmet that I look for in a politician. Now that I know he's stepping up his game and abusing women both physically and verbally I'm all in on Stan!
    -Encinitas Resident

    1. For me, getting charges knocked down from a felony to misdemeanor, and then having them dismissed is weak. To get my vote, I’d like to at least see a conviction, even if it’s later turned over on appeal. I just think Jeff lacks experience in the criminal arts. He does have 18 months to improve his CV. Let’s see how he uses that time.

  11. His campaign slogan on signs should be “Allegedly”.

  12. If history has taught us anything, it’s this: now that Jeff has announced his candidacy, no one else can announce theirs.

  13. “People project their innermost feelings and desires onto someone else to justify their thoughts or avoid taking responsibility for them. By attributing an uncomfortable feeling or trait to someone or something else, they can avoid acknowledging that part of themselves, thus protecting their self-esteem. Projection is most commonly seen in adolescents, people who misuse substances, people who have experienced brain injury, and people with certain personality disorders.’

    1. Like biden and harris

    2. This is indicative behavior of narcissists who have been proven to have underdeveloped prefrontal cortexes.

    3. 10:08 No, like you and Trump.

  14. Jeff posted another grievance fest on his Facebook page. I’ll spare the details—you already know the whole rant.

    Some guy in the comments expressed support for Jeff. I asked myself, what kind of guy supports. . .

    Oh. Yeah. That makes sense.

  15. Jeff posted on Encinitas Uncensored and said "Someone tell Cindy Cremona the election is over..."

    Projection much? Cindy hasn't even mentioned the election and he's attacking her and her supporters because he ASSUMES they are posting about him on this anonymous blog. That post of his show he is easily triggered, therefore, unfit to hold office.

    1. 10:05 Exactly.

      “Wannabe political people…bitches, entitled assholes, haters, liars, only able to focus on themselves…trolls…arrogant, dumbasses…unfriendly” and so on….. From what I have seen, he is describing himself.

    2. He doesn't address issues people care about, he just talks about himself and his own grievances.

      When he does mention a legitmate issue, like homelessness, he only discusses it through a filter of HIMSELF.

      He also offers no solutions. No details. No direction. Just general narcissistic statements like "I alone can fix this".

    3. Bhavani stated that she didn't support Cremona because Cremona wouldn't shake Jeff's hand or meet with Jeff.

      Look at how Jeff treated Rachel, calling her "Rottencrotch" all over the internet. That is juevnile behavior. Rude. Tasteless. Disgusting.

      You can tell a lot about people by how they treat those who disagree with them.

      Let's say jeff was right and Rachel attacked him frst. She's a future posible constituent of his and he chose to repeatedly use that language? Because of a personal beef? That is immature and problematic on so many levels yet he and Kim can not see that.

      How you respond to adversity is important. And he responds by attacking. Every. Single. Time.

    4. Bhavani still adamantly defends him. Kinda like those women who adamantly stand by serial killers. Creepy.

    5. Yeah, well, what do you expect from a guy that said if he got elected he would prosecute certain people. He was running for a job he doesn’t even understand what function it serves.

    6. I still don’t understand how on earth he got as many votes as he did. Scary.

    7. Jeff insisted on “negotiating” with another candidate.


      You are running against each other. There’s nothing to negotiate. If you determine that the contest is unwinable, then you have a decision to make. Stay in or get out.

      There’s certainly no obligation to “negotiate” between candidates. And if anything, this situation demonstrated how ineffective Jeff would be on City Council. Turns out, if everyone finds you a cocky, belligerent narcissist, then nobody is going to want to cooperate and “negotiate” with you.

      Google Ben Kalasho down in El Cajon.

    8. Jeff (& his conspiracy cohort Bhavani) want you to believe otherwise. Insist on an issue long enough and some will buy into the misnomer. It still does t name it true, legal or logical.

      11:56 the voting public is lazy and uninformed. Morris also bombarded neighborhoods with signs. You have to dig a little deeper to learn the truth. I’m sure they’d be embarrassed to admit voting for him now.

    9. 1:16 I run into people daily that still like Jeff because he’s not afraid to speak up against bull. They are proud to have voted for him.

    10. 10:44 Rachel is not innocent. The amount of venomous comments I saw on social media from her was outrageous. Scary

    11. 6:17 of course there are some likeminded, monster people who are proud they voted for him. But 24% of Encinitas? I don’t think so.

  16. 10:40 Nor has he ever provided any real evidence to back up the accusations he continues to make.

    1. Other than Encinitas Watchdog, all of us, all of you at one time, all on their updating the community for years? There’s only one truth, Cindy’s people are 100% responsible for starting every single issue with Jeff. Rachel, Natalie, and Kristie, all decided to attack Jeff and make up lies.

      Jeff didn’t assault Natalie, nor did say anything bad about her. She completely fabricated her story and you can ask her ex boyfriend. He’ll give you the truth about her. She is the most manipulative person in the world, according to her ex. He helped explain to the judge what Natalie did, which
      led to all Natalie’s charges being dropped.

      It’s simply one lie after the next coming out of this group.

    2. 10:10 Actually, this page just 💯 affirms that Jeff is a psychopath. His behavior continues to support every negative thing said about him. Facts.

  17. The way people act on this page towards others, is what it would be like if Cremona or Turney were elected. Based upon the behavior here, how would that behavior be if they were in power? They would make Encinitas residents infinitely more miserable than BIAspear.

    1. Given how he acts toward others: huh??

    2. No one else on this page disrespects women and calls them c*nts and skanks like you do Jeff, Bhavani, Kim or whoever is proxying for you.

      Let's not project onto other candidates your lack of respect for women and residents or complete lack of issues knowledge, let alone the endless lies, previously proven wrong that you continue to reignite regardless of reality.

      BTW, the election is over and every other candidate has moved on with their lives but you. No one cares, but you.

      The only thing any of us cared about in regards to you was seeing justice done. Unfortunately, your wife and family were too afraid to tell the truth. Beyond that, you're just a loudmouthed loser trying to be relevant, which you never were and never will be.

    3. 5:48 I am a woman and I don’t feel bad for any of those women with big mouths. If your going to run your mouth then you get what you deserve.

    4. Sounds like a sour grapes comment. But thanks to Jeff's antics I guess we will never know will we.

    5. So Rachel, Cristie and Natalie can blast Jeff but no one can blast them back. Not how the real world works people. If they want to get involved in name calling then they need to be ready to be in the game.

    6. 7:31 proof please. Just because you claim it doesn’t make it so. Never ever saw their names attached to all the bs you claim.

    7. 7:48 don’t hold your breath. There are only ever promises to provide proof. No follow through. Because there isn’t any. It is the only thing that makes sense.

  18. 4:47 I have to agree with you. The majority of evidence seems to point to the gals running this blog, as being the main posters hating on everyone. They’ve repeatedly showed themselves to be a bunch of Negative Nasty Natalie’s:
    Susan Turd Turncoat, Pam the Scam,
    Crystal Meth Dean, Rotten Crotch, Creepy Conniving Cremona, the Vile Vivian Villain and Nasty Natalie seem to hate everyone except themselves. Until Jeff came along their enemy #1 was Marco. But they feel so threatened by the fact that Stan would give Marco a run for his money, that they disdain Stan out of fear they’d no longer be able to bitch about “Margo” (as they affectionately call him) if Stan were to take office.
    Their complete hatred of Stan and most all other men explains why they’re still angry single women, and OR childless cranky old women.

    1. And there we have Stan…

      Always the same incredibly low class dirtbag. Boy, do I feel sorry for his kids

    2. 7:23 his kids are incredible. That’s doesn’t happen with shitty parenting. Two kids through college and a great son.

    3. 7:28 how come Stan didn't get through college? Was it Cindy's fault?

    4. 7:50 your a dumb ass

    5. Turney/Cremona make up one lie after the next. Of course Jeff has his degree, but that doesn’t stop these two from their pathology lying. Turney/Cremona never cease to show how low they were willing to go to sandbag the election, handing victory to Tony. Turney/Cremona went from one lie to the next, all 100% lies, to make sure that got Tony elected.

      They were 100% in bed with Tony and the irrefutable proof is, they never once said a bad word about him. They made an agreement with Tony that they will keep him clean and do all of his dirty work. This is absolute proof of their devious back room support of Tony.

    6. Prove any of it.

    7. Stan would be eaten alive if Marco ever cared enough to go after him.

  19. 5:53 Don’t forget ME, Larri! I want credit for being a ball buster too! I love to emasculate men! I want to force them to be “woke” like me! Maybe I can make them all be Transgenders, so I can build my army. But I confess, the one man I do idolize is MLK. “Don’t forget I marched with Martin Luther King. I haven’t told you enough times, that I walked with Martin Luther King. I REPEAT, I walked with Martin Luther King!”
    Signed, Lorri

  20. 7:31 ditto. Where?

  21. After a year of Turney/Cremona lying about being the first to file their candidacy paperwork first, they then lied about beating Jeff when the first set of financials came out. In other words, Jeff filed first, proving Turney/Cremona lied the entire time and was unequivocally the vote splitter.

    Furthermore, Turney/Cremona claimed they were easily going to beat Morris in donations and donors for the first round of disclosures. Wrong again. Jeff out raised everyone and had the most donors.

    At that point all of Encinitas knew that Turney/Cremona would hand Tony the election if they stayed in the race. This is not a debate, everyone knew including Turney/Cremona.

    This means that Turney/Cremona stayed in the race for one purpose; getting Tony elected. If it wasn’t for them, Tony would have lost. They are 100% responsible for the outcome of this election and they know it. Jeff would’ve stepped down if he was the vote splitter or he came in last place. Why on earth wouldn’t Turney/Cremona step down at that point? Everybody knew the outcome, none more so than those two.

    1. Can you shut up 🐧….?

      Why don’t you and Stan drink yourself to a blackout early tonight and give us all a break.

    2. Jeff lost because he sucked ass.

    3. Name calling and lying is all that Turney/Cremona bring to the table. #justsaynototurney/cremona

    4. 8:45 Bless your little heart. Jeff still wouldn’t have won. Under any circumstances.

    5. 8:45. Everything you said during the election was wrong. Everything you did during the election was devious, dirty, scandalous, and always going to get Tony elected. You knew it, everybody knew it, yet you didn’t concede. That’s all of the proof Encinitas needs to know, Turney/Cremona are the spoilers. You’ll never shake that and you can never be trusted.

  22. Turney/Cremona filed 2 weeks after Morris. They were always the vote splitter. There is no circumstance that Morris split any votes, he was the first to announce his run for Mayor in 2022.

    1. If we agree to make a tiny trophy out of scrap metal that says “filed first,” will you shut the f up forever?

      Nobody cares.


      Order of filing means squat.

    2. Order of filing means everything, Turney/Cremona knew there was only one outcome, getting Tony elected. You don’t get to walk away from your lies because you were caught, you will always be liars and untrustworthy

    3. 9:06 only in your delusional mind. It doesn’t matter when Jeff filed. He never would have won.

    4. He wasn’t going to win because Turney/Cremona were always going to spoil the election. There was no circumstance that their decision wouldn’t green light Mr. 40% into office. They wasted everybody’s time the day they chose to blow the election.

    5. With or without Cremona in the race, Jeff would have lost. That is the reality.

  23. Turney/Cremona knew the day she filed, 2 weeks after Morris, that she was going to 100% guarantee a victory for Tony. There was no other outcome. That’s the real Turney/Cremona, they don’t care about anybody but themselves.

    1. Tony was going to win no matter what. Move on already.

    2. Turney/Cremona raised Tony’s margin of victory to 46%, because they turned off so many voters with their dirty tactics. The tactics are visible today, now, here, on this blog. Their lies are obvious, their bad mouthing is never ending, their harm to Encinitas is irreparable. They are not good people.

      We already have bad folks running this town, we don’t need to replace them with worse folks. Could you imagine BIAspear or Tony running a circus an attack blog daily to keep stirrings the pot? They wouldn’t even stoop this low, but Turney/Cremona will. Even when there is no election. People see this. They see what you’re doing. It’s bad for our community, it’s a turn off, and worse of all, they got Tony elected.

      That was their plan all along and this fact is undeniable.

    3. Stan mouth is the only mouth that is non-stop running. Cindy lost my vote because Mali shared some screen shots from watchdog of her. The stan stench did Cindy and Julie in. If Julie committed to condemning watchdog losers, she would have had a few hundred more votes and won. Stan and the Stan Stans are the kiss of death in elections. Where the stans go the vast majority go the other way, even if that means Blakespear 2.0. Woke vibe is way better than the Enstanitas vibe. The only thing more broken than your politics is your stupid ass kook stance, both are all over the place.

  24. I hope Stan files before Hinze otherwise he has no chance for D2.

    1. Who cares about him? Right now you should be focusing on Tony, that’s assuming you weren’t already in bed with him. You keep talking about some nobody, while completely ignoring what’s going on in our community.

      There’s only one logical reason you refuse to acknowledge Tony, or any of the other god awful deeds our city is imposing on us. Tony for Mayor 2024. We can do it again Encinitas. Let’s keep focus on nobodies so Tony gets away with murder. Great job.

    2. 💯… let’s support turning Encinitas into a complete shit hole like Oxnard.

      Go, Kranz!

  25. What’s more pathetic than a third place candidate?

    Absolutely nothing.

  26. It’s always someone else’s fault.

    Who forced Jeff to write a slobbering email to Blakespear exposing him as a phony?

    Who forced Jeff to no-show a major debate weeks before the election at the moment when mail ballots were going out and causal voters were just starting to pay attention and make decisions?

    Who forced Jeff to write threatening texts to a journalist that exposed him as a potentially violent nut job?

    The answers: Nobody. Nobody. Nobody.

    Nobody forced Jeff to make these bad decisions. Jeff chose to make bad decisions because he was a shitty candidate and never had a chance. He’s a third-place loser who can’t accept responsibility for his own poor decisions.

    And after the election he doubled down on poor decisions and got arrested and charged with beating his wife on Christmas Day. But of course, that was also somebody else’s fault.

    Because everything is always someone else’s fault.

    1. 💯. Stan is very bad for everything. Especially his family and Encinitas.

  27. You folks are easily sidetracked with this trivial b.s
    GHETTO APARTMENTS ARE BEING BUILT in Encincitas and plans for more. The leftists ruining california threatened to sue cities thru out the state if low life, low cost ghetto apartments were not allowed. Focus your anger in the right place as you are being manipulated to thinking in soap opera segments and not the big picture.
    If you don't think that everything the left does ruins it all,
    simply view the condition of the U.S

    1. 6:21- you must be slow.

      What you speak of is the direct result of 🐖👧, Garvin, and Stan ushering in a Dunce mayor that majority of the voters voted against Da Dunce.

      Everyone in Encinitas knows Tony Kranz is an idiot. And he took trips on the Wallet of developers.

      And actions have consequences.

    2. Republican run parts of the country have lower income, lower productivity, and lower gdp. They are moocher areas that take more from the federal government than they contribute. They have higher crime rates, and you are more likely to die from gun deaths there. Fentanyl and meth deaths are worst in Republican-run areas. Access to healthcare is worse. Education is worse. Unemployment is worse.

      These are the uneducated toothless losers at life. They haven’t invented anything but busted cars in the yard and racism. And they think the successful people on the coasts should listen to their ideas.

      No thanks. We‘re not perfect, but compared to red areas, we are killing it.

    3. "I must be slow" ???? I state facts and I'm slow???
      This is much larger than you know or have the concept to understand. As for those names you people write (garvin stan etc) I have no idea what you people are referring to nor do I care. Try and focus on the enemy, the left ruining the state of california and the U.S in general. Just try it.
      Maybe I have this all wrong. Maybe the citizens of Encinitas prefer ghetto apartments being built in family neighborhoods.

    4. The "ghetto apartments" you refer to will sell for close to $1M in Encinitas. Your ignorance of the players as you claim is most of your problem. You don't even live here.

    5. What planet do you people live on? The word is "apartments" NOT CONDOS !!! Low income apartments...WAKE UP.
      As for the response from 7:02. Good cities like San Francisco, Chicongo and New York. Those lovely areas of crime, tent people, drugs and in general, insanity.
      Yep, those are wonderful places to live.
      In summation, I can tell you two are old and out of touch with reality. Someone points to an apple, you see an orange.

    6. These are apartments, not condos, and whoever keeps writing "ghetto" is an ignorant, prejudiced raver. Period.

    7. You 7:36 must be involved with the ghetto apartments.
      Darn that truth always getting in the way of reality.
      How dare anyone write what is happening, how dare they

    8. $1M ghetto apartments or not, Stan is still a loser. His campaign phrase could be,Vote for me, so I can blame somebody else.

      What comes first jail or the next election?

    9. 6:21 you sound like a pretentious prick. Please, move far away, somewhere less “ghetto.”

    10. $1M plus on the SoCal coast isn’t ghetto.

      For comparison, I looked up the most Republican county in the most Republican state in the USA. Crook County, WY. I shit you not. Crook. Can’t make this stuff up.

      Here’s some real red state ghetto living. Double-wide trailer in the county seat for $264K. Any meth crystals you can scrape out of the shag carpet are yours to keep.

    11. 8:07 I'm a pipeline welder...genius. And you? who doesn't live in Encinitas and is connected to the ghetto apartments? It's LOW RENT 9:24...NOT CONDOS genius. Change your Depends.

    12. 8:49 my bad. I didn’t realize you were mentally ill.

  28. 7:32 prefers Barstow, if you know what I mean.

    1. Yep...Pig Tails worth millions. And you...

    2. All that money and still 0-2.

  29. It is the America hating right like you that cannot see the truth. See above. Denial is your stock in trade. If you think repeating the same stupid mantra over and over again will impress anyone, you are as delusional as the moron and his morons in tow. On one hand, Putin loves you for helping to destroy our democracy. You are a willing puppet.

    1. “Denial” is the lamest new Commie word, in a world of “attack” words by our Socialist enemies. The Democrat Party is shit, like the Tea Party, except worse. Look no further than our streets, silencing, canceling, pretentious. No place should have too many of either party, balance is important.

      The current compassionate crew in Encinitas, need to be vaporized. All dirty money grubbers.

    2. 10:08 stole the America hating left from me and changed to America hating right. Not an original thought in their mind. They will vote for biden again as they have Alzheimer's as well. What ever makes perfect sense, the left thinks of opposite. Up is down, bad is good and ghetto apartments...good

  30. Thank god Encinitas won’t have to deal with Turney, Cremona, or Pam, with their old asses. They will be dead and buried within 10 years. If they keep fucking up Encinitas, we’ll crank up the pressure and hopefully they all kick the bucket sooner than later.

    1. At this rate, Jeff will be locked away by then.

    2. Sounds like Stan is scared Turney or Cremona will run again. Trying to intimidate much, pussy boy? It would be good to see Cindy beat him again! Pass the 🍿.

    3. 10:24- That's a horrible remark. Wishing someone dead to get your way. What a prick.

    4. "Crank up the pressure?" Oh my.

    5. The best Turney/Cremona crew, is a dead crew. The vampires are bloodsucking dead zombies already, let's just scoot them away so Encinitas doesn't have to relive their nightmares of destroying the town.

      You have to be one stupid mother fucker to intentionally bag an election, which is exactly what they did. Tossed an election, spoilers, spite filled lying bitches. Fuck them and fuck their retarded followers.

    6. If you’re trying to change your image away from being a violent, belligerent, dangerous, narcissist, asshole, then you are failing.


    7. Let's face it, the cry baby can't handle the heat so tries to intimidate the better female candidates. Even Hinze can spank his crybaby ass.

    8. 10:58 Man, you are disturbingly desperate to believe Jeff ever had a chance of winning.

    9. The truth is this, and it's not a debate. Jeff did nothing to Turney/Cremona, nor anybody else. That can be easily proved because out of everybody affiliated with these two idiots, not ONE can show any evidence of Jeff doing or saying anything negative before they got busted cheating.

      If what you are saying is true, you can post up countless examples of Jeff causing them problems before June 2022, which you can't.

      If you can't post any examples, not even ONE, then case is closed. You're going to revert to name calling, acting retarded, and proving why you are trash... because you have nothing.

      You turned against Jeff 100% on your own, he didn't do anything to anybody. He didn't go crazy, YOU guys went crazy. That is 100% all documented and Jeff can prove it a million times over. You can't prove your argument, because you can't provide one single argument prior to YOU going crazy in June.

      You already know you have nothing, so show us how scum answers questions when they are 100% wrong about everything.

    10. 2 weeks after Jeff announced he was running, Cremona announced. At that point, the election was going to be handed to Tony. Everybody knew this.

      What should have Turney/Cremona done at that point? We can tell you what they did, they went on the attack. Jeff tried to get them to "GROW UP" and act like adults. Unfortunately, Turney/Cremona are nothing more than pond scum, and pond scum always fails.

      If they gave 2 fucks about Encinitas, they would have done everything to make something positive happen. Disappointingly, RATS don't do anything positive, thus why Turney/Cremona cost us every election.

      Turney "thinks" she's way smarter than she is, but everything she looks at turns sour. She's a sour puss who nobody likes, was defeated by a teenage nobody named Hinze, and doesn't have any positive people skills. She's a nasty, childless, East Coaster, who thinks she's tough behind her computer. She's ugly as fuck and her personality is uglier.

  31. Encinitas Viewpoint, Turney & Cremona's best piece of work in Encinitas, could only muster up 188 followers. Why was their ENTIRE team part of Watchdog? Because Jeff is a genuine badass and has excellent people skills. It's not like Turney or Cremona could "EVER" pull in interest with their skills, both are PLAIN WRAP NEW YORKERS with dog shit personalities, anger issues, and their heads are up their asses.

    1. Can't wait for the announcement and to see your ass beat again, really by any woman. Dumbass is already shaking in his flip flops. Kim better buy some body armor for the fallout.

    2. There's no fallout. There are nothing but a tiny of cowardly pussy fucks on this page who hurl insults like 3rd graders. You guys are as gay as it fucking gets and complete roaches, but you know this.

      Jeff will use his purse from suing Natalies Settoon's dirtbag scummy slutty skanky dick driveway ass, to shut you guys down, shut this gay page down, and collect from all of the well documented cases.

      YOU guys are the bad guys, not Tony. All of you are pussies, always have been, always will be. A bunch of keyboard KOOKS from New York. All of you will be tossed to the sharks very soon for being so fucking evil and destroying this town. Protests at Susan's house, Cremona's, Vails, and the rest of the kooks, will shut you lame ass cowards up.

      None of you have the balls to do it at Jeff's house. Why? Because you're all liars and liars won't publicly support their scummy positions, that's why you all HIDE like little bitches on this gay ass page for retards.

    3. OMG!

      “excellent people skills”


      I can’t breathe.

    4. How many followers does Watchdogs have right now?

    5. Is this how one generates “positive interest”? 😂

  32. Here is our ex Mayor, Sheila Cameron, sending an email to Jeff and Cindy, telling both to "not cut your own throats!!!"

    Jeff responded 100% of the time to try to work this out because everybody knew we'd lose the election.

    Cindy NEVER responded, choosing instead to attack and intentionally get Tony elected. That is 100% the fault of both Turney and Cindy.... Read for yourselves...

    "I will pull everything down once it’s confirmed that she’s dropped as “my” lead.
    From: Sheila
    Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2022 1:23 PM
    To: Cindy Cremona ; Jeff
    Subject: FW: Did Cindy really post this on Nextdoor Luecadia or is it a joke? Here are the comments on Encinitas Votes today and tonight






    Sent from Mail for Windows

    Sent: Friday, June 3, 2022 11:09 PM
    To: Sheila

    1. Dumb fuck Turney, and Downs Syndrome Cindy, absolutely cost Encinitas the election. But this is an assumption that they were on the side of the "residents." They were NEVER on the side of the residents. "They" intentionally got Tony elected. The two dumbasses who could only muster up 188 followers.

      They snuggled up to Jeff to USE HIS WORK, rather than create their own. Every tactic they used during the election, is how they got Tony elected.

      This is why they are a cancer, because they are both fucking retards, weasels, and cowards. Cindy Who?

    2. Well you sure didn't listen to Sheila! You want berserk, attacking Cindy and threatening the FBI. You continued on AFTER it was proven that Cindy could not delete your Nextdoor posts.

    3. Awe, scared your neighbors are going to run against you and wipe the floor with you again? What lies will you make up next time? You already failed with NextDoor and flopped with your other spoiler schemes. How about launching your run now so you can debate yourself? Pick a fight at the Street Fair or next Festival? Beat your wife and invite the Coast News? This is going to be the best election ever. Nonstop embarrassment for Kim and family - destroy Kim's career,once and for all. All the lies, quotes and videos resurfacing.I can see the headlines: Morris got beat by a woman (again) and comes back for more!

  33. Jeff is such a loser that Turney/Cremona's crew talk about him every day, every thread, every other sentence. Why would anybody waste time on a nobody?

    Because they know Jeff is WAY more powerful than them. They know they can NOT attract new people, dinosaur pussy. Knock the dust off hags. You suck, your people are vile, and fuck all of you soon to be shark food.

    We're going to force you old hags into a heart attack. The force that will be applied, will 100% absolutely retire you cowards from any further destruction.

    Tony isn't the enemy, he's just been beating you retards for years. YOU CLOWNS are the enemy.

    1. Serious question:

      Would you say this is all someone else’s fault?

    2. What is Jeff crying about? Is he a loser and it is everyone else’s fault? Or can no one touch him because he is the winningest winning winner in town? Why can’t he make up his mind?

  34. So many people called it, that Jeff would blame the loss on everyone else. And here he is. Still. Months later. Talking shit. Playing the blame game. Truth is, he is lucky he got as many votes as he did. It wouldn’t happen again. So what will he blame it on the next time? Pathetic 🙄

    1. The truth is Susan “Scrambled Eggs Between Her Legs” Turney, is on Tony’s side. Fuck all you bitches. Last election was a learning experience. Learning the TRUE Turney/Cremona clan are dirtbags. That was a variable that all of Encinitas didn’t expect.

      The next election, there is going to be a team in place to shut them down. What they did to the Morrises, is coming back at them… times a million.

      The best advice, stay out of the way. You turned Jeff into an assassin. He won’t be nice and respectful this election. His goal is to completely shut down the Turney/Cremona/Pam show, and get them the fuck out of the way.

      That crew is getting crushed. Get ready, because a HUGE WAR if coming up and nasty bitches are going down. It’s going to be bad. By the time Jeff is done with you bitches, you’ll wish you never FUCKED him and Encinitas in the first place. This will be a bloodbath electric to get rid of the trash 🗑️, and your the trash.

      You all are done, everyone of you that crossed the lines. Your homes will be protest locations. Everything you did, is going to happen on the streets in front of your homes. You’re going to be treated and broke down, the same thing you weaklings tried to do to Jeff, but failed.

      Now, Jeff is a hardened seasoned political fighter, and will wipe your shit show out. Step aside bitches because your time is over.

      There will be an army assigned to you guys, just like you did to Jeff. The difference is Jeff can back his mouth, you smelly cunts can’t. You fuckers are going to be mopped, exposed, and shut the fuck down. There will be no negotiating with you. You’re going down at all costs and nothing will stop you.

      You fucked up and made Jeff a thousand times more powerful.

    2. Powerful people make their own choices. You just blame everyone else.

    3. 12:19 doesn’t sound like excellent people skills.

      Just sayin.

    4. Jeff is trying to say that he would like to hand this election over to Hinze just like you did with Kranz.

  35. Some notables are Steve Meiche. You’re a fucking bitch bro, sit your fucking 2 cent ass down you pussy. Alex “Pat” Riley. You define fucking faggot. Fuck you bitch, sit your sorry as down. Steve “Circle Jerk” Golden. Trying to play both side of the fence, like your non-existent sex life? You’re a BETA, the highest level of male pussy in humanity. A little snake 🐍 faggot. Fuck you too.

    Don’t think you are forgotten. All of you clowns will have your day, and you all are bitches. There will be a war this next election and no stone goes unturned. Cowards need to sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up, and quit pretending that you’re men. You’re not, your vaginas are bigger, hairier, and smellier, than Turney, Cremona, Pam, and Vail. All are weak ass bitches who lose every year, because everybody is stronger than you, including the tadpole Hinze.

    1. “excellent people skills”

    2. 3rd place dude, looooooser

    3. Making those comments while anonymous doesn't exactly make you much of a man, does it?

  36. You need a babysitter. You are a very disturbed individual.

    1. You need to be eradicated, like this entire page. You want a boogeyman? You got one now. Two can play that shit, but one can play a million times better. You will not fuck another election ever again.

  37. Turney/Cremona want to play dickhead games? Now your going to see dickhead like you’ve never experienced. It’s war and you clowns are the enemy and don’t stand a chance. This is going to be fun. You intentionally bagged the last election, that won’t happen twice……….

    1. Hahahahaha! Can't handle the heat and none of the better female candidates have even announced yet! Hahahahahaha!

    2. Turney and Cremona aren’t females, they are “Pats”

  38. How much you want to bet you will get far fewer votes this next time around?

    1. How much you wanna bet you’re not going to walk out of your house when there’s a group of protesters outside your home exposing your sorry ass? The goal this election is to get YOU out of the way. To let YOU run amuck again, is to keep the status quo. Don’t worry, nothing more will happen to you than what you did to Jeff.

      He’s a fast learner, and he’s infinitely more scary than you dumbasses. He doesn’t have to pretend, he’s the #1 fighter in Encinitas, unmatched by anybody. Why you pussies run “from” controversy, Jeff runs “toward” controversy.

      You’ll be running for your life this next election. Pack you bags bitches because you dumb fuckers are going down!!! 😂 😂 😂

    2. Jeff acting tough is more pathetic than his election results,

    3. Who are you going to get to protest? Your Watchdog peeps? You do realize a large number of people are only their to watch the shit show, right?

    4. People realize the residents keep losing elections, that's not Jeff's fault, it's yours. You have been conditioned by Blakespear to be pussies, that's how she beats the shit out of you every year. You've proven you're not a force, but you've proven "JEFF" is a force... you talk about him every day, not because he sucks, because he's a badass and people trust him.

      Maybe if you guys would've focused on Tony, showed the City that you're going the right direction, you wouldn't have to be forcibly retired from politics. The problem is that you can't stop obsessing about Jeff, for a reason, he's a bad ass mother fucker.

      You want him to be the enemy of you, NOW he's YOUR enemy. Don't cry, it's YOU dumbfucks that are creating all of this. Go away, before the bombs begin to drop. You're not fit for this shit, and your senility proves this.

      Nobody is talking shit about Alex Riley after he ran, didn't even try, and cost us that election. Why? Because he's a BITCH. He's a NOBODY. He wouldn't last 2 seconds with Jeff. You talk about Jeff, because you know he's FAR MORE capable of anything you cunts can do.

      You caught him off guard last election, he NEVER expected Turney and Pam to "100% intentionally fuck the election" to get Tony elected. Who's the genius who decided LET'S LIE ABOUT JEFF EVERY DAY FOR 2 YEARS?

      What the fuck do you dumb CUNTS expect? You don't like your own medicine, do you? You won't stop, so FUCK YOU. You're cowardly speed bumps DESTROYING Encinitas by losing elections and promoting Tony. Go back to New York and let the real BEACH community take back this town. You outsiders are old and tired and childless.

      Go plug your uterus back in and move the fuck out of here.

    5. What are these lies you keep referring to?

    6. Silence. Because you are the liar.

    7. That is how it goes with Jeff. He talks mad shit, but ask him to back it up? Radio silence.

  39. You will be intimidated, pressured, squeezed, and ultimately broke down. You created a beast, which is exactly what Encinitas needs. Nobody is more game than Jeff to take out bad guys. YOU are the bad guys and this vice grip will only get tighter and tighter and tighter…

    Encinitas is a pussy ass town full of pussies, who lose to rejects like Hinze. Susan Turney was destroyed by a diaper wearing dumb fuck who never held a job, who can’t think on her own, who is the softest thing since Charmin. Fuck that. The bad apples need to be taken down and squeezed into apple fucking juice 🧃

    1. “excellent people skills”

    2. Never held a job projection.

  40. Lorena Kookzales and Nathan Feltcher, went down this year. That shit comes north and you fucking maggots are next. Jeff will be able to rile up Encinitas to turn against you lame ducks. Grab your popcorn bitches, the party will be starting soon…

  41. Your Tourette’s is showing Jeff.

  42. Wait until the 911 call is posted. It reveals a lot. The Freedom of Information Act is an amazing service.

  43. Geezus take it to the surfermag forum clownworld is calling

  44. Don't CRY CUNTS. You posted about Jeff again. You ain't ballers. You ain't shit. Just a bunch of keyboard warriors who will vanish once litigation on this site begins. I know you're too terrified to talk publicly, so you'll all end up shutting the fuck up like good little smelly cunts.

  45. If Jeff was dangerous, you'd all be dead. Be thankful he's not. He will fuck you up at your own game though. Put your seatbelts on SMELLY CUNTS!!!!

  46. This thread is better than watching The Exorcist!

  47. Anyone else notice Jeff is obsessed with women’s private parts?

    1. Women in general, but yes, noticed that as well.

    2. You're women? Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

    3. Vivienne Vail is a Sasquatch. Susan Turney has the hairiest bush in San Diego, untouched since WWII. Cremona is a inbred midget ugly as fuck. Rachel is 5150 ugly her husband only married her to get a white woman. Dean is straight outta the trailer parks, nasty tats, fucked up face, fucked up retarded down syndrome faggot kid, Natalie is a fucking whore hot dog parking garage for 80 year old guys who don't mind their dick getting blown off.

      You are all the biggest fucking retards mongoloids in SoCal. "Duh, I live at the beach because I'm cool?" Fuck outta here with your skanky asses, who need to move out, let some hot chicks move up into this mother fucker.

      Everybody in Encinitas needs to chip in and buy a lawn mower to what off Bush Pig Susan's hairy beaver, and her steel wool mustache with a fat witch wart on her chin. Ugly ass bitch gets no uglier than Susan Turney. Absolute filth of society, and chicken shit to go out in public. Good choice, stay hidden bitch.

    4. 3:39 is this Jeff or Kim? Hard to tell your angry selves apart.

    5. Wow 3:39, pretty horrible.

    6. 3:41 both, they are trading off today

  48. Even so, can’t wait to see her or Hinze kick your ass. Going to be so much FUN!

    Where is your posse? You seem to be all alone on your own here defending yourself. We know Kim is too scared, but how about the rest of the Watch Dorks? Is that why your WD page isn’t up? All the rats jumped the ship?

  49. The next Ed Gein?

  50. “Eat Shit Bitches! You're going down!”

    —Jeff, 12/25/2022


  51. So much excellent people skills on this thread.

  52. I love how bitches talk shit on here, and then say you're talking shit about bitches. Listen bitches, know your position in society, in the kitchen washing the fucking dishes. None of you maggots are worth fucking under any circumstance, so I better see those dishes shine like the sun.

    Do your husbands a favor. By extra thick bags to cover your ugly fucking heads, but more importantly, to hide that shit eating dick breath from all of those rotten teeth you have from eating tons of candy that turned you into a bunch of fat ass white ugly whales too embarrassed to go in public.

    I fucked a lot of chicks in my days and I never discriminated against ugly. There is ugly, and there's Susan Turney, a super special kind of ugly that will make your dick shrivel up and fall off like a pubic hair.

    "No, that's not Dean's pubic hair. That's his dick!" Poor Dickless Dean, the CUCK, who can't get anybody to fuck his fat ass nasty pig wife's dried up shingly nasty tranny that hangs out of the bottom of her pant leg.

    I'd be angry to if I looked like Turney. You can fix that ugly though you skanky NYC bitch, take a long walk on a short pier. Do Encinitas a favor. Your existence in a beach town is meaningless, MOVE OUT.

    1. Does this love talk turn Kim on too?

    2. 3:48 Or maybe Jeff’s obsession with other women’s vaginas has something to do with him not getting any from his wife. I can’t imagine seeing my dad talk about other women the way Jeff does. So embarrassed for his family.

    3. You must make your children so proud, do they see these posts?

    4. Oh, we make sure they do!

  53. Clearly someone needs meds or needs to get off meds.

  54. Pro Tip: The reason talking about Jeff getting arrested and charged with being a wife beater gets under his skin isn’t because it’s a long all caps rant filled with the worst swear words.

    It cuts to the bone because it’s true.

    Jeff’s rants don’t make anyone look bad but Jeff.

  55. 1:15 post - Jeffy boy - we all know there's nothing you can do about any posts here, but when you're running again, I will personally take out a full page ad in your favorite local paper and make sure you are quoted word for word (with a few * tossed in for the disgusting words). Money well spent.

    Sorry Kim, you're flailing career is a byproduct of your husband's behavior. Moving and starting over may be a better option before you lose everything.

  56. I have screenshots of similar rants with his name attached we can include. That way people can compare and contrast those with his “anonymous” posts. Totally obvious they are written by the same depraved, raving lunatic.

    1. We can also compile the nasty posts from WD with his name attached. It will make an excellent graphic collage. It might cost a bit more in color, but the pay off will be his poll numbers tanking. I cannot wait for this next election!

    2. Think he will let us borrow his red pen?

  57. Jeff, why did your family/witnesses duck the police? Were they intimidated? Would they tell the truth and implicate you? Were they advised to duck the cops rather than perjure themselves? Were the witnesses harassed or intimidated into hiding?

    Expect those questions at every stop of the campaign.

  58. Yes, Jeff beat his wife, killed his children, and then cut Susan Turney's dick off.

  59. After Jeff cut Susan Turney's dick off, can anybody guess what he did with it? He parked in in Nasty Natalie's HOT DOG parking lot, where Captain Lopez, who's as big as a human COCK, is still stuck, along with all of Swamis parking lot... except Jeff. Dickless Dustin is now bunk partners with Susan Turney's crooked dick.

  60. Dear Encinitas Undercover, can you please allow us to post up pictures of Vivienne Vail so we can show proof that Sasquatch exists? Seriously, I'll bet $100,000 that there is NOBODY uglier than that pumpkin head, cow head, huge fucking 6'10" linebacker body, in all of San Diego.

    I bet that ALL OF THE VIAGRA IN THE WORLD couldn't help ANY HUMAN get a hard on for that fucking Wilderbeast ass wide load toothless thank god you're going to die in 5 years disgusting PIG.

    Just send me the checks, and don't waste my time. Here's my email address,

  61. Do you know how the Great Dust Bowl of 1930 happened? Dean knocked the dust off of Susan's vagina and killed everything green for thousands of square miles.

    Dirty ass pussy ho bitch skank afro saggy titty bitchass!

  62. A guy walks into an elevator and stands next to Cindy Cremona. After a few minutes he turns to her and says, "Can I smell your pussy?" Cindy looked at him in disgust and says, "Vote For Jeff Morris for Mayor!"

  63. Love how Stan assumes it's the women he fears attacking him here. I doubt that just as much as I doubt his ability to get it up. We all know how obsessed guys with small penises get.

  64. Let’s please talk about Jeff 24/7 in hopes he’ll make a comment. You retards are so fucking gay even gay people be saying, “those mother fuckers are gay as fuck.” 🌈

  65. Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! Jeff! We can’t get enough of him. We want more Jeff! Susan Turney eats Jeff’s ass and then sticks her tongue in Pam Slater’s mouth.

    How’s that shit taste grannie panties? .

  66. Such a small minded moron you are, make that small minds, plural, for the few like Bhavani and James, and Leaf and Robert, and whoever else, who have nowhere to go but to moron land. So much for being an adult. It must be never never land for them all where juveniles never grow up. My wish for all of them is to go find that neverland and leave our community to the adults.

  67. Hahaha!!! Natalie Settoon tried to take Jeff down and got beat by Jeff!!! 😂 😂 😂

    Jeff then turned around and SUED DA BEOTCH!!! Bwahaha!!!

    You fucking retarded scummy bitch, you gor DROPPED BY MORRIS!!!! Hahahahaha 😆


    Nasty 🤮 Natalie got BURNED!!!! Pay Up Cuntbag!!!! Hahahaha 😆!!!!

  69. When I win this election, were going to start 2 hunting seasons. Starting Summer through Fall, Encinitas will enact new hunting legislation.

    Starting June 1st, all BUMS, HOBOS, VAN LIFERS, DRUG ADDICTS, CRACKHEADS, METH FUCKS, TWEAKERS, will all be legalized to hunt, kill, and shoved into Natalie’s Grand Canyon skank hole with Dickless Dustin.

    Staring December 1st, Cremona, Turney, anybody on their team, anybody who vote for that SMELLY HERPES MIDGET MUD WRESTLER, can also be hunted and shoved up SUSAN TURNEY’S Depends Undergarments dirty fat asshole!!! 😂

    Happy Hunting Encinitas!!! Remember, 10 round magazine max!!!

  70. Who wants to get drunk and rip down the fence by Cindy’s house, to create MASSIVE GRIDLOCK in her front yard!!!

    Hahaha 🤣!!! That dumb bitch took everybody’s money pretending to try to stop Blakespear gazillion fucking housing projects, but got a developer to say he won’t open her street.

    Hey! Nigga Cremona! They gonna open the street up bitch, put a fucking bus stop on your door step, open a homeless shelter next door! And then put a halfway house in yo garage BITCH!!!! 😂

    I’ll be around after the show signing autographs!!!

    1. Look forward to her kicking your ass again in the next election! Every woman in Encinitas will get to see your lovely posts. Your wife and daughters will never be able to show their faces again.

      Then again, men may be lining up at the door for them.
