Monday, April 10, 2023

Fatality on I-5 south of Encinitas Boulevard

Times of San Diego:

One person died Monday in a traffic collision involving a big rig and several other vehicles on Interstate 5 near Moonlight Beach, authorities reported.

The fatal pileup occurred about 10:45 a.m. on the southbound side of the freeway, just south of Encinitas Boulevard, according to the California Highway Patrol.


  1. Cell phone records should be checked for all involved.

    I cannot recall a time when I have been out on any of the roads, whether it is on the interstate or our city streets, when I have not seen a distracted driver doing what distracted drivers do, not taking off at stoplights as soon as the light turns green for a few seconds when other drivers have already moved on, weaving all over their traffic lanes like they were drunk, never bothering to use their turn signals like we were all taught, are we still being taught that? It is not evident. More often that not, when I am in a stoplights turn lane, the majority of drivers don't bother using their turn signals. Want to take a guess why? Cell phones constantly in their hands at the ready just in case someone calls. So often when I see a car stop, the driver immediately puts all their attention on their phone to talk, text, tweet, or whatever.

    Distracted drivers are a hazard for all of us. It must be a generational thing to be so addicted to these devices that they cannot put them down long enough to safely drive somewhere , anywhere, without the constant need to check your so-called smart dumb phones.

    1. You are 100 percent correct. Covid shots and boosters aren't needed to dumb down these idiots (it's been proven its a poison). All they need is a cell phone. Cell phones cover all the bases.

    2. Can you say dildo ? It’s a very liberating experience. What a dumbfuck click bait article. News flash. Dead human in car. Commence cell phone distracted Tesla bitch. Where’s train fag ?

  2. How’s that Vision Zero working out for ya?

    1. The roads are not designed to be vision zero.

  3. I blame the train and small planes.

    1. It’s because you don’t have any brain cells. Otherwise known as you’re an idiot

    2. Notice how there are less planes flying back and forth and in circles over Encinitas? Hmmmm? Our group, that's how. You see 9:58, you are a dunce and we are not. You are a loser and
      These flying schools thought they could win...Nope.
      And, if they start up again putting our families at risk, we will trash them into the poor house.
      Have any questions?

    3. Okaysureyeahright.

    4. Nope. Same amount of planes. Flying perfectly legally. Logging hours and practicing skills and maneuvers as required, in properly designated airspace.

      You should go take a lesson. It’s fun, and surprisingly affordable.

      When I took my first lesson I was in High School. I had already passed the FAA ground school classroom stuff, so on my very first lesson ever, the flight instructor let me taxi and setup, do the radio calls, take off, fly around (yup, over houses and schools!), and fly the downwind, base and final approach. He didn’t touch the controls until we were 10ft above the runway. I flew 99% of my first flight—probably over your house—as a high school student who didn’t have a drivers license yet.

    5. 9:00 a.m, you are 100 incorrect. They are not flying in circles and back and forth over and over and over.
      It may be legal but the bad press will kill em'.
      The FAA doesn't care but we do......

    6. To correct my insanity. "They are" flying in circles and back and forth. I didn't proof read. Just to be clear.
      These schools were flying back and forth over and over Encinitas and Solana Beach as many as 34 times, same plane in some cases. Legal or not it's dangerous as "once again", on average 1000 private plane go down in America every year. Per the FAA
      Not to mention the leaded exhaust

  4. Must be Blakespear's fault

  5. Well, one thing for certain BIA did not help anything. Sucked in Desert Drive water crazy traffic congestion. More rude people from LA. And now she helped build a huge homeless industry in San Diego and specifically Encinitas.

    Da Dunce - Welcome all of you penniless crackheads!

    We welcome you to Encinitas to rape and pillage our land.

    1. You are ignored because your only homeless solution is “somewhere else.”

      Guess what?

      Every “somewhere else” has people just like you that want to move the problem “elsewhere.”

      If we listened to people like you, we’d spend a fortune moving the problem around and doing nothing to solve it.

      That is why you are ignored.

  6. Well, one thing for certain BIA did not help anything.

    Her overdevelopment sucked the desert water dry. Now we have crazy traffic congestion, and the beaches are packed, More rude people from LA. And now she helped build a huge homeless industry in San Diego and specifically Encinitas.

    Da Dunce - Welcome all of you penniless crackheads!

    We welcome tweekers to Encinitas to rape and pillage our land. I must phone or both children are yours for the taking. Keep flooding fentanyl to the school grounds and watch our children die.

    Great job BIA.

  7. Oh good. Thousands more homeless coming to Encinitas.

    “Encinitas is welcome in community for all of you crackheads and tweakers,” said Da Dunce.

    We finally will get recognized as the tent city we want to become. It’s been a long vision coming but now we will get our oh blessed, homeless.

    Thousands pushed out of San Diego and straight into Encinitas.

    Remember Kranz’s highest priority is to build a huge regional homeless shelter for all of the County of San Diego’s homeless. Guess where he’s intending to put it?

  8. Try and focus you with A.D.D The story is about how the moronic woman in the white van ran into the car on the side of the freeway, killing her passenger and sending kids to the hospital. TRY AND FOCUS OR, GET BACK ON YOUR MEDS. MAYBE BOTH

  9. 709- that’s your story. I covered that one in about five seconds. Onto a bigger story:

    Oh good. Thousands more homeless coming to Encinitas.

    “Encinitas is welcome in community for all of you crackheads and tweakers,” said Da Dunce.

    We finally will get recognized as the tent city we want to become. It’s been a long vision coming but now we will get our oh blessed, homeless.

    Thousands pushed out of San Diego and straight into Encinitas.

    Remember Kranz’s highest priority is to build a huge regional homeless shelter for all of the County of San Diego’s homeless. Guess where he’s intending to put it?

    1. That is the story. The woman caused the accident. I guess the Highway Patrol spokesman was wrong.
      Back on your meds 7:24

    2. And there it is folks, 11:12 isn't crazy, no, really. Can anyone imagine 11:12 behind the wheel of an automobile.
      There's a country song there, I just know it.

  10. So tragic, lots of people were affected by this accident.

    In other news:

    Amtrak service resumes on Monday. Look forward to 10 more roundtrip horn blasts a day.

    Staff is requesting $1,500,000 for storm drain repair budget. The annual ask has been $250,000 in the past.

    Questions to ponder:
    Will the Sheriff's department be willing to enforce the no-smoking ordnance? I suspect they will not.

    Will the council tax the proposed cannabis stores into failure?

    What will the people that live off of Quail Gardens do if the Via Molena parking permit pass passes?

    Should the city support AB 73 and allow cyclists to not have to stop at Stop signs anymore? This sure seems like a serious safety liability issue. But think of all the carbon that will be saved.

    Most importantly:
    Will the city oppose SB 423 and AB 1485, bills that further reduce the city's ability to control it's own destiny?

  11. the tax for the cannabis stores is baked in from what we voted on, no pun intended.,_California,_Measure_L,_Cannabis_Tax_Measure_(November_2022)

  12. The Amtrak has been running in between Oceanside and San Diego, just not the full Pac Surfliner schedule via Orange County.....And FYI, they're not blasting the horn much right now, let's not jinx it...

    1. The Amtrak trains are empty pollution and blasting machines. Such a huge waste and destructive on our community.

      Old polluting technology from 1800s that nobody uses. Completely pathetic.

      Of course Da’ Dunce. He’s the one that proposed all the fencing blocking our historic pathways to the coast.

    2. Dude, they are running Diesel Electric engines, the cleanest available. BNSF is not....

    3. Why are you calling me Dude? Misogyny idiot.

      It’s diesel. Doesn’t matter whether it goes to a generator or the axles. It’s burning millions of gallons of diesel, which are polluting our youth lungs.

      VW tried that… didn’t work EU outlawed them.

      Marlboro tried that with Marlboro Light… still gave people cancer.

      Diesel Trains = kids with cancer in their future.

    4. Dude is unversal, there is no dudette! It's gender neutral, neutral like you ability to think, or lack thereof....

    5. Let's put it this way, there is way less diesel being emitted from those new engine than all the trucks over on the 5..


    7. Bottom line - millions of gallons of diesel spent fuel into our children’s lungs when there’s absolutely zero benefit from it.

      No one ride to empty death machines. They’re slow and way out of date. Everything about them as bad. Name one thing that is good?

      A union slug sits behind a super blaring train horn?

      Sorry that’s not good.

  13. Scott-what do you think of the plans to develop L7 along Quail Garden? The same site Tony and Joe got squashed for 100% affordable during the last housing element (Encinitas Ranch residents lawyered up) and was replaced by Clark and Piraeus.

    1. Tony, Joe, and Mark!

    2. And now it's Tony, with Kellie put into the lead on this. Guaranteed, Tony will get this developed while trying to make everyone believe he isn't the bad guy.

      Encinitas Ranch thought they were immune while throwing their poorer neighborhood cousins to the developers!

    3. Too much in that area. Olivenhain is short on their fair share.

    4. Goodson not enough for you?

    5. ECR can handle it all right?

    6. This is the fault of that idiot 40% that voted for Da’ Dunce. John Gjata and Kathleen Lees are two of those at fault.

      Leucadia Town Council is part of the problem, not the solution.

    7. LTC also takes credit for things they didn't do.

    8. Fight bad development in all areas of town, not just your own. Leucadia is getting hosed right now, but we should oppose Goodson will everything we have.

    9. Goodson is/has gone to court. How many impacted communities have $50-100K plus to go to court? And we all know that the justice system sides with the state in most cases. We need cities willing to press a federal lawsuit to get back city's rights before Newsom (and the likes of Scott Wiener) destroy the state once and for all.

    10. “ And we all know that the justice system sides with the LAW in most cases.”

      Fixed it for you.

      Courts don’t decide which party is noble or good or charming or better looking.

      Courts interpret the law and apply it to a specific set of facts.

    11. Last month, Kelli and Joy wanted to hand out vouchers. There was discussion of developing the city owned land.

      The city and state are practically begging developers to build price restricted units. Maybe those housing policies don't work and should be tossed out?

      I don't think we should build housing on that lot. Once open space is developed, it is gone forever. On the 2022 Legislative Policy Priorities list is 'Support parks and open space'.

      #1 and 2 on that list are "Protect funding for vital community services" and "Protect local control"

      I'd say it's time for us to support Huntington Beach, Torrance, Marin and other locales in opposing overreaching state housing mandates.

    12. Scott, the only reason to spend time and money joining a court case is if you think you can win. There has to be a return on investment.

      What’s your analysis of the law and the particulars of the case that lead you to believe it’s a good investment?

    13. Scott only thing wrong is no one is begging developers to build, we are giving them the keys to the kingdom. Policies only don't seem to work because well, pull the campaign donations to all but Ehlers and see who took money from what developers. Follow the money.

    14. Your focus is missing the largest item. It's the state of california that is pushing this with threats of lawsuits by the a.g bonta and the tweeker in a suit newsom. All of this is a result of leftism. Stupid people vote for the left and this is the result.
      Hate the clown act mayor all you want but it's the state.

    15. I didn't say join the court case, I wish we would. Is the cost too high to draft a letter of support? Or maybe we could up to the level of a Legislation Position Letter. I don't think courts are involved there.

      Also, I guess you are saying Huntington Beach is stupid and Encinitas is oh, so much smarter to just roll over and play dead like a possum and hope to net get eaten.

    16. A letter of support? Isn’t that what they call virtue signaling? A feckless public display that makes people feel good but in reality does nothing to move the ball? Should we also all face North toward Huntington Beach and wave jazz hands in their general direction?

      What I’m suggesting is that symbolism over substance is dumb, and spending money on lawyers as a symbolic gesture is double dumb.

      If you want change, then a cold hard analysis of the relevant laws, their constitutionality (state and federal), their application, their enforcement needs to be undertaken. If you find something, great, then work on a legal strategy. If not, then assess the chances of getting superseding law passed. If you think you can achieve a result, then put resources toward legislative ends.

  14. How nice to have or blog back. Jeff is in court so look at the difference.

    1. Don’t mention the cursed. It’s very bad luck.

    2. 1:33 Sorry, you're right. Wondering how he did today?

  15. Empty, highly Polluting and deadly diesel engines resume . Cutting off primary access points to the coast line, shutting down pedestrian pathways that existed for thousands and thousands of years, and causing massive polluting congestion, for other modes of travel. How does this make sense?

    There’s a better way forward-

    Let’s help Mother Earth. Let’s help our children, Let help equality, let’s help humanity. 🙏🏿

    1. Equality???? What the........

    2. Pam and Dan, the trains aren't going away....

    3. What purpose do they serve?

      We know that pollute, and we know they’re bad for the public.

  16. When is the next el camino real specific plan meeting?

  17. 1:56 when did Goodson go to court?

  18. 3:07 It's sometime this month according to an ERRD resident I spoke with recently.

  19. Good place to find out about Goodson:

    1. Sorry looks like the link didn't post. But if you go to you'll find everything going on with Goodson and other projects.

    2. Orange County is taking on the communist state of California trying to push all this leftist garbage of low income housing and forcing all housing being built in the cities of California. It will go to the California Supreme Court. This goodson project is the perfect example of the America hating left wanting to tear down everything. Historic Olivenhain is a great example.
      The a.g bonta and that tweeker in a suit, gavin newsom, they could fuck up a soup sandwich.

    3. Look at the makeup of the building industry and developers in general. Hardly a dem among them but they are laughing to the bank as they sell a feel good story to the left. You think the right is your friend? Think again.

    4. We need a picture of "rat boy" randy goodson plastered all over Encinitas. Ohh' there are reasons

    5. 6:03 pm...I won't disagree my friend. It is the left in Sacramento that is pushing this and allowing the pig faced developers to get away with things never thought of in the past. Example is ruining Historic Olivenhain with ghetto apartments. They are all nothing but greed and selfishness. Poster boy is "Rat Boy Randy Goodson".

  20. 6:03- not true. Look at our own BIA, Da Dunce, and Gonzalez.. those three are building industry guzzling sellouts…. They use BS passwords like affordable, affordable, smart, affordable, sustainable, sustainable affordable….. they should just say profits for developers, lower quality of life for existing residence, gridlock traffic, no water, LA style beaches, and profits for developers.

    Every chance they get to sell out the Encinitas resident they take, and they give the profits to the developers of course, less their rewards.

  21. Our owner BIA? Who?

    1. BIAspear.... you have a lot to learn about the real happening in Encinitas. Read the blog comments about the last two years. Ignore any reference to Stan and his co-dependent. They are a distraction and a huge unentertaining waste of time.

    2. LA style beaches? Like in Manhattan Beach, the city most cited by our council as a comparative example, 100 yards wide.

      The lifeguards say 2.9 million peeps came to Encinitas shoreline area last year. I did the math for us, 7,945 people/day. That's over 10% of the city's entire population. Clearly, they don't all live in Encinitas. I sure am glad we have all the street side bars to provide the visitors with refreshing adult beverages.

      Gridlock? How was one lane Coast Highway the other day when the freeway gridlocked?

      You know what the town needs? Sustainable infrastructure. Not sink holes, not roads barely above gravel.

      You know that green paint for the bike lane striping? What's it made out of? When it washes off, does it degrade gracefully?

    3. For being an engineer, you sure do not understand road design Scott.

      Look at where the congestion starts on ou Coast Hwy 101- the gridlock starts at four lane traffic signals like Leucadia Boulevard and then it backs up all the way through Marchetta which gridlocks the new roundabout.

      The same thing happens on Leucadia Boulevard. The traffic signals at Vulcan and Highway 101 and at I5 cause all the back up congestion and then the traffic gridlocks up through the roundabouts.

      The roundabouts work awesome with safe and efficient flow. It’s the traffic signals that need to be replaced.

      Same thing at La Costa Avenue. The cities near signal improvements made conditions worse. Fortunately, the low performing traffic signal at La Costa Avenue is scheduled to be replaced with a roundabout, but that’s going to take some money.

      The roundabout at Leucadia Boulevard can happen when the railroad is grade separated like it’s supposed of been 30 years ago. When is the long time promised leucadia great separation funded in SANDAG’s Regional Plan?

    4. I agree with you regarding your green paint comment, and the huge amount of influx of tourist to our city. And your sarcasm regarding people getting loaded at the side bars. The city Council needs to start taxing the shit out of the tourist to pay their fair share of services provided. Major paid parking and fee the snot out of the restaurants for serving alcohol.

      They can issue locals cards where locals get 25% discount on all services and don’t pay tax.

      For those not paying high property tax, you play you pay.

    5. How is that literal money pit doing on Lake Drive anyway?

      When is that project going to be discussed at city council?

      What’s the current cost estimate and when will it be repaired?

      Who is responsible for maintaining the drainage Infrastructure?

    6. It’s dumb to blame streetscape for 101 congestion when I-5 has a major incident.

      It has always been that way, and there is no design that would stop it, unless you plan to make it into another 10-lane freeway with overpasses and exits.

    7. The congestion was a result of the freeway backup. The point is with one lane, emergency vehicle access is greatly reduced.

      Please tell us more about a roundabout at La Costa and 101. This subject has been rebuffed hard for the past year.

  22. 4:13- why would you say something as ignorant as that?

    If you can read, all of the answers are here.

    There’s a better way forward-

    Let’s help Mother Earth. Let’s help our children, Let help equality, let’s help humanity. 🙏🏿

  23. Cindy Cremona needs to move back to New York, what a waste. She completely fucked up the elections and had no chance of winning. The guy with the dog, JP, got more votes then she did. So disorganized and terrible at speaking. What the hell was she thinking?

    1. Always someone else’s fault.

    2. 128 am and 6:28 am 💯

    3. Guess who DIDN’T get more votes.

    4. The only person responding would be the disorganized arrogant idiot, Cindy Cremona! That woman is an absolute moron!

  24. City has over $3 million scheduled on consent calendar which means they don’t want to talk about the item at all. Check out 8J. Update on sinkholes throughout the city requesting an additional $1.5 million. No discussion needed. 🤣


    Do you really think that huge slope failure on leg drive from the field storm drain is going to only cost 1.5 million? Really??

    1. 7:27- I saw it too. The Consent Items are getting trickier to understand. I have pulled some in the past, but most folks just let it go thru and don't pay attention to the Consent Items, only Action Items. What I am seeing each time the council minutes are up on the city server, is more and more consent items. Blakespear used to do the same trick. I guess Kranz is following her lead.

    2. * Do you really think that huge slope failure on Lake Drive from the neglected storm drain is going to only cost 1.5 million? Really??

      I think someone needs to go look at that giant hole in the slope, and all of the washed out drainage infrastructure. That thing is serious.

  25. Holy shit. And there’s another million on the consent agenda regarding a new fire engine. It sure seems like Da Dunce is trying to schedule everything on consent so the public is not aware of the issues.


    1. It’s an old trick all mayors have played over the years.

    2. Why we need Ehlers in 2024. Not more abuse from Kranz.

    3. The Israel traveling Dunce is as dirty as they get.

      Don’t look over here I’m just robbing your tax dollars every chance I get..

  26. The Facebook group “Encinitas Progressive Unity” hasn’t posted a single article regarding the scandal of Nathan Fletcher or Lorena Gonzalez. That’s extremely telling.

  27. “Encinitas Progressive Unity” run by Darius Dager and Christina Simokat, refuses to talk about Nathan Fletcher and Lorena Gonzalez. If you post an article they delete it.

    It’s Very telling of the Progressive Liberals in this town!

  28. Liberalism is a mental disorder

  29. You really think they're going to let you put that up on EPU? Come on, you're baiting them....

  30. Don't forget the Policy Support Letter advocating for bikes to not need to stop at Stop signs.

    What's our city position on AB 2011 and SB 6? Those bills allow development on commercial property. Heck, what is this blog's position on those bills?

    Attend the meeting tonight, pull the consent calendar items, and force at least a minimal discussion.

    1. The law that allows cyclists to treat stop signs as a yield at their own risk has been in effect in Idaho since 1982, and studies show it actually makes cycling safer, because it gives cyclists more latitude to exploit gaps in car traffic to avoid conflicts.

      If the car in front of you is accelerating away from a stop sign, a cyclist can use their momentum and use the car as a shield from perpendicular or turning traffic.

    2. Sounds smart. Being so, this council will probably deny it.

  31. But this is San Diego where cyclists aren’t respectful or respected. Encinitas is already a dangerous place for cyclists. The city council continues to put bad cycling infrastructure in place and expects different outcomes.

  32. Terrible idea for any users on/of the public roadway. Stopping at stop signs is now becoming conditional?

    Idiocy confirmed and approved by most of our council. Thank you Bruce for the only vice of reason. Thank you Scott for your voice of reason.

    Can Hinze ever come out on the right side of issues? There must be a few times in the past, but I cannot recall them after all the bone-headed rulings she has regurgitated the last year.

    1. No one stops at stop signs just go watch one for ten minutes.

      If you say you do, you are either a liar or stupid. It’s very bad for your vehicle, pollutes way more, waste a ton of time and fuel/ energy.

  33. Cindy Cremona needs to move back to New York, what a waste. What a total moron! She completely fucked up the elections, wasting people’s money and time, with no chance of winning.

    The guy with the dog, JP, got more votes than she did. She’s an embarrassment on the community. What the hell was she thinking?

    Please leave Cindy, leave now and take your dachshunds with you!

    1. Bravo! The sooner she goes back to NYC, the better for her, and everyone!

  34. She has lived here longer than most of the morons. Why don't you get out of town, or at the very least, stop polluting every thread with the same repetitive non-related to the threads topic.

  35. 4:12 Wrong! Nice try, but Jeff has been in Encinitas since he was in his teens. All of his supporters that I know are long time Encinitas residents. They’ve seen the damage to our town in the last several years, compared to how it was for years and years. You may say “Tony is a local and look what an idiot he is.” But I’d rather have the local “Enemy I Know” from Encinitas, than the “Enemy I Don’t Know” from NYC who only lived in Encinitas a couple years before she ran for a position where she knows little to nothing about Encinitas. She has no investment in Encinitas like those of us who raised our families here. So she doesn’t have roots here, Thus, she could easily grab her 2 dogs and go. In fact it appears she has?! She isn’t fighting for Encinitas. A person who truly cared about Encinitas would still be around and part of the community, looking out for us whether she got Mayor or not. I didn’t hear the door hit her in the ass on the way back to the Big Apple. Nope! Not a peep from silent sneaky Cindy! Thankfully, she appears to have snuck out of town and vanished, like she always does!

    1. 9:02 get your facts straight Jeff and Kim moved here from New Jersey in 1986. And as far as Cindy fighting for Encinitas why should she when anything she does is vilified by all you Morris peeps.

    2. Sorry typo since 1996

    3. So lived here since his 30s not teens wonder where that claim came from?

    4. Jeff makes lots of claims not backed by factual truth.

    5. Yet are repeated without question by his followers.

  36. Is it true Jeff is blowing people in the safe parking lot to help pay his attorney fees?

  37. 7:43 You get “YOUR facts straight!” Jeff was born in L.A. and lived there as a kid. When he came to N.County surfing with some friends as a teen he discovered Encinitas and knew this was where he wanted to live. Sure he spent a couple years in New Jersey/New York Area b/c of Kim. But so what! With the exception of that brief stint, he’s lived his whole life in CA, and whole adult life in Encinitas.

    Cindy on the other hand lived her whole like in NYC, then moved to San Diego, and after only living in Encinitas a couple years decided b/c of the building going on on her street that she wanted to be Mayor. Then she takes donations from her neighbors who thought she could be trusted to fight the project like she promised, but instead abandons them. She didn’t even show up at the CC meeting to fight the project after she fleeced everyone of their money. She made a private backroom deal w/the builder to not use her little court for construction trucks, but to hell with everyone else on Clark Street, etc. With her self entitled NYC, “I know more than anybody on the planet” attitude, you wonder why people don’t like her?! It’s obvious to the rest of us why there was so much in-fighting between her and the other “mean” girls, and the couple mean boys, who “identify” as….

  38. What is obvious is a completely different reality when one has chosen to be a moron or one of a small group of his supporters. Why people would associate themselves with such a not ready for prime time candidate will remain a mystery, but he took a few vocal locals down with him so it is not all bad. Vocal locals has a ring to it.

  39. What happen to his claims that he was from the hood Compton to be exact. As always his story changes to fit whatever bullshit he wants people to believe.

  40. 7:23 Never said he wasn’t from Compton idiot. I said .L.A. which includes his early childhood there, and the later part of his childhood in Long Beach. Both Compton and Long Beach are part of L.A. Duh? What a retard you are!

    1. Not as as much as you are that you have to resort to name calling. But by your response you sound like Jeff yourself.

  41. 11:23 Native CA vs. Native NYC er. A no brainer for anyone having a brain…

  42. Native CA means nothing Blakespear and Newsome are Native Californians, suck on that for awhile.

  43. The moron forgets his wife is from New Jersey, a state considered the arm pit of the northeast. And what does having come from NY or any where else have to do with anything anyway?

    I know! It’s moron logic! Take a nothing burger and create…. Wait for it! Nothing!

    Morons who can’t handle pressure or criticism should not run for office. They should continue to stay home and suck off the NJ wife’s teat. Pathetic.

  44. 9:25pm. From your words to gods ears, or better yet to our residents ears. And minds.

    The current mindlessness has to end. Locally, this 'should' not become a dem. or rep. issue. I feel we deserve better from our elected reps. whichever party they subscribe to. NPP is a flimsy excuse for any candidate to use.

    The dems. don't have all the answers. Check.

    The reps. have even less of the answers until they grow a spine and reject their chosen party's cowardly inability to call bs on their authoritarian support for a tyrant, make that multiple tyrants. Check.

    We need the two party system, or even a third party, if the reps continue to refuse to support our fragile democracy.

  45. O.K you don't like Trumps personality and yes, he is a pain. But this country was running just fine before the "house of horrors" was supposedly voted in. Now look.
    And, if any of you think Trump is going to get convicted on these paper thin charges...ain't gonna' happen.
    And yes, I'll vote for Trump again. And you, can vote for another America hating dimwit.

  46. 8:26 Amen to that! I’ll vote for Trump too! It’s refreshing to see someone w/an intelligent voice of reason, instead of the many “America hating dimwits” intent on destroying America. I’m also tired of their non-stop harassment of Encinitas residents and their raunchy evil bullying comments of a family trying to help Encinitas.

  47. Trump and the morons? Little wonder that is a match made for each other. Only I can fix it. Riiiiiight.

  48. 3:13 Some of us only check in once and awhile here. It seems that while I was away I haven’t missed much. You’re apparently one of those same old bats someone mentioned earlier that’s life revolves around trying to destroy peoples lives who care about Encinitas.

    We all know who you are. You count away the seconds on waited breath for every CC meeting (the highlight of your life) where you can get your much needed OCD fix of drama to feed your sick, evil, warped selves. You must be so proud of your mission to destroy Encinitas and America. And btw….

    The country was humming along on all cylinders when Trump was President. Ever since Biden/ Harris took office we’ve been running on exhaust b/c the fuel to run the economy has been purposefully minimized and or deleted to keep it suffering.

    1. You mean "bated" breath. It's Scott Campbell down there every week now. You're behind, the players have changed. Nothing against Scott tho.
