Thursday, April 6, 2023

Stonesteps closure extended

 Encinitas Advocate:
Provided the weather cooperates and the contractor is able to speedily obtain the necessary specialty parts, the Stonesteps Beach access staircase could reopen just before the busy summer beach season, the city reports.

Initial forecasts were for an earlier reopening, but the project is a bit more challenging than anticipated.


  1. Just another example of Da Dunce focused on spending $20,000,000.00 for a finger-painting club house on the beach all while Encinitas is crumbling...... To be fair at least one of his pals do water-colors, and one does character pictures of people.

    All while the beach access at Stone Steps and Grandview crumble, the pathway at Beacons collapses from neglect, all the beach access points are crumbling, and the streets are literally crumbling and becoming black sand and then there is the full on neglect of important things such as this:

    This act of neglect I bet will cost taxpayers over $10,000,000

    All known last year although Tony wanted his clubhouse on the beach with a few of his friends that identify as "Artists" and they do not like sharing our existing community/art/ senior center with stinky old people and crazy tweeker homeless. Not to mention those dam kids playing sport in the gym. Geeze.

    Lets not even think about the lawuits dropping from all the unsafe road furniture Da Dunce is placing and resulting in tragedy. Whats the latest with this:

    Lets do let Encinitas crumble and build more fences, and lets get a clubhouse at the beach with a big plaque with Da' Dunce's picture on it.

  2. Resources are spent in the wrong places to be sure. Workers in Leucadia are frantically laying fiber optic lines, tearing up the streets most recently on oceanview. One of the city workers was asked what they were working on and his response was “Blakespear wanted us to be the first city to go all fiber optic and this is a priority.“ Expect the council majority to support her résumé builder project at the expense of public safety.

    1. Fiber optic? Awesome! Can’t wait.

    2. BIA is almost as retarded as our Dunce.

      There’s plenty of other cities that beat us to being all fiber. It’s no big deal.
      City of Solana Beach has been all fiber for years. Tons of cities up in the Bay Area.

      As usual, our Clown Council are focused on the wrong things.

      Ummm, can you pass the blue paint please. My purple has just run out. 😭

    3. Other cities beat us to indoor plumbing.

      Don’t care. It’s still a good idea.

      Dig away, fiber crew. Can’t wait.

    4. People seem to be oblivious to the fact that L.A money is moving down here. Hence more fiber and additional utilities in general. Seen the price of housing?
      It's L.A money...wake up. This area is in change

    5. LA Money has been here for about 40 years, Rockefeller...

    6. You are correct 9:51. It is happening more now than most folks have any concept.

  3. In a few decades with seas rising and storms increasing erosion, we’re going to have to rename it “Stonestep” (singular).

    1. Oh yeah it’s moved a lot in the last 40 years hasn’t it?


    2. Answer: yes.

    3. Bluff retreat averages 2in per year, so 6.5 feet in the last 40 years.

      However, that rate is accelerating due to sea level rise, and increases in frequency and intensity of storms eroding the bluff toe.

      Worst case scenarios call for up to 135 feet by the end of this century.

    4. Sea level rising where the east and west coasts will be underwater, along with melting icebergs, dying polar bears, raising temperatures where everyone is burned up. Those predictions were made over 40 years ago. And yet the tides are the same. What do you know...
      Gullible warming...alive and well.

    5. 100 feet within 75 years of coastal erosion. Wooopy doooo.

      Bigger question, will the United States of America still be in existence?

      I’m betting at some point it’s going to split up. I democracy has been around a long time and people are completely ignoring the constitution.

      Just some light hearted thoughts.

    6. Good. Yes. Let’s split up at the county level based on the 2020 presidential vote.

      Blue America would take 70% of GDP, and would no longer have to subsidize Red America. Let’s see how Alabama and Wyoming fare without Birmingham and Jackson Hole.

      It’s time we stopped subsidizing obesity, diabetes, drug use, poor education, lack of economic investment, and lack of innovation. Country music, NASCAR and coal can be your economy. Good luck.

    7. left out gays, trans what ever they call themselves today, blacks and the 5 million illegals the America hating left has allowed into the country during the last two years.

    8. I'd rather be around country folk than America hating leftists.

    9. And yet, you choose to live in Southern CA.

      Nobody chooses to live in red shithole land.

      Trump lives in deep blue Palm Beach.

      Tucker Carlson lives in the deep blue Kent neighborhood in DC.

      Sean Hannity lives in New York City.

      Rush Limbaugh could have lived anywhere. He chose Palm Beach.

      Laura Ingraham chose tony and blue McLean, VA.

      Glenn Beck lives in Tarrant County, TX, which went for Biden.


      People who can afford to move out of shithole red areas always choose to move to nicer blue areas.

      Where you going this summer on vacation?

      Enid, Oklahoma? Probably not.

      Cottonwood, Idaho? No thanks

      Kingman, Arizona? Yuck.

      Barstow? Yeah right.

      I’m fine with a national divorce at the county level. There’s nothing of value we’d miss.

    10. 3:15 you're stupid! The people on your list have houses all over the country, not just in one state, moron. California is not only losing people but tech companies because of failed policies from people like Nathan Fletcher, Lorena Gonzalez and Gavin Newsom. Might as well throw in Blakespear and Kranz as well.

      California has turned into an over crowded, dense, boring, over-taxed, yuppy hippie haven with COEXIST stickers on all of your Prius's, that honk at you as soon as the light turns green. The same COEXIST progressive liberal assholes are the same people who complain about their latte being too hot at Starbuck just before their Lulu Lemon yoga class. Encinitas is about as pretentious as can be. People have identity crisis in Encinitas. You wave your BLM flags and there's not a singe black person in Encinitas, with the exception of our token, Marlon Taylor. All the yuppy trust fund 40 and 50 somethings, the botox hipsters all grabbing for attention, please Marlon teach me, I swear I'm only white on the outside. Bunch of phony elitist asshats. Encinitas = identity crisis!

    11. 1.) Let’s take an example: Tesla. Giga Factory Texas is in Austin, which is more blue than Encinitas.

      2.) Innovation and scaling a company require the highest level of talent. During the phase of hyper growth, you need the best and brightest, no matter the cost. Once products mature, you can train toothless red necks to put them together and lower your labor cost. Republicans cheer this without acknowledging that those jobs are less valuable, and are a temporary stopover as the company figures out how to manufacture in Juarez Mexico or India.

      Meanwhile, those Californians move on to the next company innovating and growing and needing the best and the brightest.

      Because that’s what blue areas do—the most valuable, productive, and skilled work that runs the American and global economies.

      You’re welcome.

    12. Last time I checked Tesla moved to Texas, a red state, as did HP and so many other tech companies. Maybe it was because a Progressive Liberal named Lorena Gonzalez told Elon Musk to “go fuck himself”. So not sure about your Tesla argument there skippy!

      California lost a ton of people and tech companies in the last 3 years and that number growing because of your high taxes and progressive liberal corrupt politicians like Nathan Fletcher, Newsom and Blakespear.

      How the economy doing under Biden? It’s shit. The stock market has been crap since he was elected, we’re at a 40 year high on inflation, jobless claims are at a high and rising because of massive layoffs, interest rates are sky high so the housing market is shit, taxes keep going up, Biden wants to forgive student debt and have the taxpayers pay for it instead of the banks who made the loans, crime is at levels we’ve never seen before as is homelessness, we’re in a very bad place with both Russia and China, need I continue!

      Your Biden sucks! The guys a career politician and Harris is an idiot. This country is in far worse shape than when the Orange Man was in office.

      But the fog from your progressive liberalism won’t let you see the damage your blue politicians have done. Because you live in Encinitas and you’ll never have to fight to survive like 99% of planet earth. All you have to do is virtue signal and hold up BLM and Green Peace signs as a fashion statement and honk and wave at your friends in your shiny red Tesla just before your Lulu Lemon class.

      You are so out of touch with reality, just stay in that bubble and keep virtue signaling with all the other yuppy yo yos! It’s to dangerous out here for your manicured hands. Thank you!

  4. See level rice!

    Grand canyon was formed by too many Encinitas wasteful clowns using their natural gas stoves!

    Get an EV and save the world!

    How will you charge that EZV alfi? Maybe charge it with fossil fuel as you witness your 45 mil oceanfront ppty drop into the abyss?

    Geezuz man your mascot clowns propagating see level rice both have gazillion dollar oceanfront properties on both coasts and one of them likes to bang young girls. Call him Fletcherous if you will.

    Cognitive dissonance on steroids much?

    1. 8:40 a.m., And don’t forget Obama in his sprawling Martha’s Vineyard Ocean front mansion! He could’ve temporarily housed all those immigrants on his vast acreage when they showed up in his town! Instead he sent them away! What a “woke” hypocrite! Not on HIS lawn! Not in HIS town!

    2. I remember when it was embarrassing to be caught spewing ignorant anti-science garbage.

      Sadly, now dummies wear it like a badge of honor.

    3. That's my favorite response...anti-science. When the believers of gullible warming respond, that is what they respond with............

    4. 9:52 if you are correct about all of your fantasies you'll be dead before your trailer falls into the see level rice anyway!

      Slava ukraine bra!

  5. Jeff surfs most mornings. But Whatever you say Christie…. You’re the only one w/a ‘Fatal Attraction’ for him, who “stalks” him and follows his every move, or who even cares what he’s doing this morning.

  6. Where? Never see him this early ever at his ‘spot’, Swamis, where he ‘rules’.

    I call bullshit.

  7. 8:04 what about you Christie? What happens when you wake up in the a.m. w/a needle still in your arm and have one of those losers you brought home from the bar in bed with you? Do you look over to see he’s chewed off his arm after he realizes who he just banged?

  8. 9:19- apparently you haven’t watched Jeff try and surf. That is not surfing.

    That is called floundering.

    He’s known as super Kook at swamis.

  9. Wow.

    I think I broke Jeff’s brain.

    He’s been on a five-day psyche meltdown since I suggested he take responsibility for his own actions.


    Who forced Jeff to write the Blakespear letter?

    Who forced him to threaten local journalists?

    Who forced him to get into a domestic violence situation?


    Own it.

    1. I always appreciate the truth. Thank you.

  10. What are you getting out of keeping this alive on every thread, 9:56? Curious. Who are you working for?

    1. Working for everyone opposed to domestic violence, arrogance, narcissism, and unemployable a-holes.

    2. You said your piece many times over. I don’t disagree with you by the way. But hijacking every effing thread just invites him to come out and post more vitriol. Is that what you want? Sincere question because you know that’s what will happen. If I didn’t know better, and I’m not saying that I do, it’s almost as though you are trying to get this blog shut down.

    3. 10:15👏Thank You for saying that! We’re all tired and bored with CD’s toxic rants!

    4. The lord…. Try it. 🙏🏿

    5. If that's her keeping this garbage going, get rid of her. I like this page but this is getting old.

  11. Yes please stick to the topic. Your ruining this blog by bringing up Jeff’s name.

  12. I'm looking for some advice. There is an elderly woman I know that spends all her time on Facebook. For the purposes of this question let's call her "Pam". Her behavior has become increasingly concerning and she is showing some textbook signs of dementia and cognitive decline. Some of the warning signs include regularly posts the same thing over and over and over as if she doesn't remember posting it. Sometimes she does this mere minutes or hours later. She constantly reacts or likes her own posts as if she doesn't recognize that she posted them. She shares posts back to the source unaware that the post originated from there.

    Some people have tried to explain away her behavior as signs of insecurity and extreme narcissism but it's obviously so much more than that. As dementia is a very sensitive topic for the elderly and there are some fantastic new treatments available, how can I gently tell "Pam" that she should seek professional help?

    1. Dr. Lorri Greene here.

    2. dealing with the topic of dementia involving friends or loved ones is difficult. I've collected a number of resources over the years on this topic but that's a story for another day. In my professional opinion as a doctor with decades of experience you're better off simply ignoring it.

    3. When I walked with Dr. King he would tell me "Lorri, focus instead on how weed can improve your life and the lives of your loved ones".

    4. So for now I suggest you find ample quantities of illicit substances and self medicate your problems away. I'll be reaching out to meet up with your significant other to share my advice with them as well. Perhaps you would like to buy my book on dealing with pet loss?



    7. 🤣🤣🤣 spot on.

    8. 11:54 sounds like you're upset that Pam's posting about Nathan Fletcher and Lorena Gonzalez. I applaud her for doing so. Sounds like your Fletcher/Gonzalez fan and hoping to shut her up. You must be Marco the "turd".

  13. This is a GREAT opportunity to see HOW Cindy and her crew would've operated if elected. This page belongs to Susan and Lorri Greene. You don't have to believe that or not, but there is NO arguing, NO debate, and NO question, Cindy's Team is/was operating this page.

    As her Crew talks shit about everybody, obsessives over other candidates 6 months after the election, this is how Encinitas WOULD HAVE BEEN RUN.

    Could you imagine Blakespear, Tony, Gaspar, or any other Mayor weaponizing this type of activity on residents? This is Susan Turney's world of chaos, scraping up the dregs of society on her side, and turning Encinitas into a shit show.

    We need to be thankful that Cindy, aka: Susan Turney, lost this election, along with the past 10 years of elections. If Cindy was in office right now, Cindy's Crew were attacking residents nonstop, we'd be WAY WORSE off than we are with Tony.

    There are some smart people on this page, that are side by side with some of the worst of Encinitas. This behavior is why we will NEVER win our town back. We need to "unify" our community, not keep "dividing" the community. This nonsense gets the opposition re-elected. This page should be shut down until someone sorts out the nonsense. Encinitas is being ripped to pieces right now, and nobody is paying attention to our elected officials. When are we going to focus on them? If not, shut this page down, it's not good. We need to begin unifying.

    1. 12.01 AMEN to that! Wiser words have never been spoken on this blog!👍👊👏🙏

    2. 12:01 Your “wise words” should be posted everywhere for all to see who are stuck digging in the dirt, creating more muck & mud!

    3. It's ridiculous. There is an election next year. We need to be focusing on that, not all of this other rubbish. Our town is in big trouble and our only resolution is to get a majority at the Council. How is this helping us?

    4. I don’t want to unify with an alleged wife beater.

      Sometimes division is a good thing.

  14. Everybody who was behind Cindy, AKA Susan, supports and embraces this type of behavior. Their devious malicious behavior, is unbelievably out of order. What is wrong with Susan Turney and Lorrie Green? Are they supposed to be respected leaders and contributors to the community?

    What is "this" stuff? You guys are absolutely awful and this is a huge eye opener. Grow up or shut this page down.

    If we put enough complaints on this we can get this page shut down easily. It would be even better if the owners are held libel for the nonsense they put on here. This must stop immediately.

    1. I just put in the first of nonstop reports.

      When it asks you the "URL of the post you want to report," make sure to cut and paste the "thread topic," not just "

      You report the URL that includes any bad comments. Report this page over and over and over. This will be shut down quickly.

  15. Oh, it’s now after Jeff 3rd plastic 16 ounce Tumbler of vodka. The F bombs and all of the personal insults towards women are coming soon.

    Groundhog’s day…..

    1. 12:22 Christie take that needle
      out of your arm. There’s a Whole World out their that doesn’t revolve around your “Fatal Attraction” obsessive Jeff fantasy.

  16. 12:14 Thankfully the toxic team that runs this blog and loves to get dirty swimming in the “mud” with all their bullying hateful behavior didn’t become Mayor. Tony did us all a favor, winning, b/c even though he’s taking Encinitas ‘downhill,’ we would’ve taken a deep dive “down the hill” to the bottom and be stuck in a pool of quicksand in Susan Turney/Cindy Cremona’s pile of “muck” and sewage had they become Mayor.😝💩🤮

    1. Too funny. Are you in third grade?

    2. That is an eye opener.

  17. Here's how we shut down this Blog.

    If you go to the top left of this home page, under the "search" area, click on "more," and then click on "Report Abuse." We can have this page shut down hopefully today.

  18. I just reported too. Let's get rid of this page.

    1. I reported your a loser. 👊

    2. Another report.

    3. And yet I reported another report that you’re a loser again

    4. I just tried to report it but it said something went wrong and I couldn't report it. will try later. What is the URL for this site?


    6. That's not it but did find it and reported. Sorry to do this but if the adm. of this site doesn't care about all of the women Jeff and Kim have harassed, I do. Take it down and start a new one.

  19. Jeff, even if you are successful at taking down the blog, all it proves is that you are a thin skinned man-baby who can’t compete on an intellectual level.

    It also wouldn’t change the fact that you’ve been criminally charged with beating your family on Christmas Day. Even if the blog is gone, everyone around you knows, and thinks you are a bad human being.

    There is no Karen complaint email to stop everyone from having those thoughts.

  20. 2:27 Nice spin. Jeff hasn’t even seen todays comments as he’s knee deep in painting the inside of his house. If you read the above comments you’d see the people wanting to shut the blog down, are those who are tired of seeing every “effing” thread hijacked and thrown off track by someone(you) constantly hijacking every thread for the sole purpose of bashing Jeff. Posters were pretty clear in saying they wanted to focus on constructive things moving forward. Things that’lll help get our City back on track. They’re tired of you(Christie) stirring the pot.

    1. The only thing that is guaranteed to work is ignoring comments. Don't participate. The more you talk shit, the more shit that's probably going to come your way.

    2. Jeff is painting the inside of his house in preparation for mandated home visits. He spent a while patching all the drywall damage from where he slammed Kim into it.

    3. I think he's painting it because Christie Dean is stalking him. If he paints it a different color, she'll forget where he lives. I've never seen someone so obsessed with a married man. First the Sheriff's Captain and now Jeff? Stay away from that skank Jeff!

    4. 6:36 Yes Jeff! Pls watch your back every second! Even though Natalie led the charge w/her fake TRO that the judge threw out, Christie apparently has a pattern of doing this kind of thing to men as well. These 2 dysfunctional Black Widows have a sordid past that evidently includes stalking men and various other forms of illicit behavior. Christie seems to have vast experience in navigating around the prison system, that dates back to criminal activity w/her X husband. It could explain why she talks about prisons incessantly, and the gross things associated with them. Beware Jeff! These women are dangerous.

  21. 2:57 Bull Shit! But Happy Easter to everyone else, and good riddance to you 2:57 (the rotten egg that’s destroyed the whole bunch and blog). If I was Susan & Lorri I would’ve made you zip your big fat lips before it got to this point! 🤐

    1. That wasn't directed at anyone specific 3:32. Both sides need to stop typing and take it elsewhere, or even better let it go.

  22. Paint fumes? Do keep breathing deep and do this community a favor for a change. To think the head moron could descend any lower was inconceivable. Was.

    Maybe he is painting to present it better for sale? If only.....

    Heck, he could probably get volunteers if it helped him move away all the sooner.

  23. Christie is squealing w/delight that she’s single handedly managing to get this site shut down. It’s apparent she has no care for the fact she’s betraying Susan & Lorri. She’s been evidently telling everybody and anybody that will listen. The people in her TraIler Park are especially sick to death of hearing her toxic negativity.

  24. Hey, how come other candidates who lost have never drawn such attention?

    Cindy, dog guy, Paul Gaspar. . .

    Maybe it’s because they were smart enough to STFU and stay out of legal trouble.

    Jeff catches flack because of his own choices.

    Take responsibility, Jeff.

    You aren’t the victim.

    1. 4:38 Because dog guy was a dork who never had a chance, so wasn’t a threat. And Sleepy Silent Cindy was a Snooze Fest, which begs the question, where did Sneaky Cindy sneak off too? She slithered off as fast as she slithered in.

  25. Stan is good at three things:

    1. Being Stan
    2. Uncontrollable illogical rage.
    3. Ruining blogs

    1. you forgot spoiling elections

  26. 5:19 look at yourself in the mirror. Stan has not been on the blog all day. This is ALL on you! But keep flapping your Trap. Have you caught any more men in your Venus Fly Trap? Poor guys!

  27. Christie and her "Stan" name is so lame. You know that you always say "Will the real (whoever) please stand up." On your porn site you play that Stan song all the time. That's disturbing.

    1. Like someone else said, “Christie has a Creepy obsessed attraction to Jeff.” And yes the Stan name is lame. For being in her 50’s with a teenage son, she sure is into some trashy stuff. The poor kid!

  28. Check out Christie's porn site,

    1. Was she the one having the affair with the Captain of the Sheriff’s?

    2. that's some crazy porn in your head Stan...... 🥰

    3. stans infatuated. I feel bad for co-dependent 🐧

      I hope she finds an ice berg to slide down.... or something to make her happy. Maybe she can try and sell vacuums or something?

      Or Danny DeVido to strach her love handles. I would love to see those two make a video together.

  29. I think you should tell that to the Roberta Walker riding in a sharrow on a high speed road and the

    and then you have this:

    and then this with Worley family. RIP Dr. Worley-,fight%20to%20cure%20cystic%20fibrosis.

  30. Is Christie Dean the one the fake blonde hair falling out in clumps?

    1. That’s what happens when you’re a druggy. Hair falling out in clumps is the least of her concerns. She has way worse problems than that!

  31. 6 full plastic sixteen ozs of vodka and Stan comes alive in the Stan zone.

    Groundhog's day 20001


  33. Is Stan painting the house in preparation for a sale in order to pay the attorney?

    1. i think he’s painting his house to match the new trailer he’s going to own soon.

    2. Is Christie’s trailer a double wide?

    3. There is no possible way that he will be able to eliminate the highly toxic fish smell in her trailer.

  34. So many fucking children on here. Always talking about Jeff, Cindy, Susan. It was entertaining at first, but now it's just boring. It's like 3rd grade all over again. zzzzz

    1. I agree Garvin, we need to talk about trains and planes more.

    2. 7:37 Amen to that!

    3. 7:50, I'm not Garvin! You're one of the people that's been going on and on about Jeff, it's boring Zzzzz. I'm not a Jeff or Cindy fan, but this is so fucking mind numbingly boring.

      It almost feels like Cindy and some of her supporters are on here incessantly commenting about Jeff "stan" because they're embarrassed that they split the vote with him. Either way, who gives a fuck, move on. New topic.

    4. Cool story 8:16

  35. Is Stan painting the inside of his house green so when he assaults his christmas tree the flying pine needles will blend in with the wall?

    1. 7:52 Boring Zzzzz.....

    2. 8:16, 8:17 Yes, “Boring Zzzzz…..” The quality of new people moving to our town causing havoc like Christie has really brought our Town down to all time new low levels! I’m afraid she and her ilk are even worse than Mali Woods Drake!

  36. 7:52 Don’t be such an asshole! Besides, it’s the outside, not the inside! Ever heard of a typo? It was later corrected if you can read past 3rd gd level.

  37. Is the house being painted like a prison while the movie "Get Hard" is played on repeat in preparation?

  38. Christie would know about prisons better than anybody in town. Her and her ex husband’s second home was Rikers. Go look at her christiexdean stupid TikTok account, yes the children’s social media. This trailer trash dirtbag, has more mileage on her than than a 1920 Model T. Why you’re looking at her trash TikTok child account, look how beat she is. She doesn’t look a day over 70. Encinitas is turning into a shit hole, and Christie is the biggest dingleberry in town.

  39. I think discussing an accused violent narcissist on trial for beating his family is more noble and important than a temporary beach access closure or potholes.


    1. I’m not able to find the way to repot Encinitas Undercover using the method listed above? In the meantime can someone get a 5150 or other mental help for Christie & Natalie? They’re over the top with their creepy sexual obsession with Jeff, and with hijacking every post.

    2. Boring. For the millionth time.

    3. 10:40- boring comment is for you.

    4. Christie, you’re the “narcissist” causing a whole blog to shut down b/c you can’t let go of your obsession with Jeff. He’s a married man. Leave him alone. Take your raunchy sexual fantasies somewhere else. His personal life and your over exaggeration and spin on it have nothing to do with things going on in the City. So yes, the rest of us would rather discuss “Pot Holes.” We’re all tired of your “Pot Hole” trash filled mouth.

    5. Cindy Cremona, you lost the election, give it up and move back to New York!.

    6. Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho wife beater.

    7. Everyone knows who isn’t hijacking this thread because the hammer is coming down on defamation and is not limited to the Morrises. Their loud buddy should start painting her house too

  40. Not that we needed any more confirmation that Christie is Mental and a Skank, but it’s very revealing that on her own social media account she portrays herself this way in her looks, actions, and verbiage. She actually calls herself a:

    “Single Hungry Bitch “Influencer” in the Wild, Waiting for Hell!”

    What a horrible role model for her son! Sadly, Christie refers to her own son on her page as a “Monster!” The rest of the videos are ALL about HER(Christie)! Very “Narcissistic!”

    All this, while she makes suggestive sexual gestures with her tongue, etc to the camera!

    In the background there’s the bizarre Rap music lyrics, “Tell the “Brown Daddy” when ya gonna quit.” Wth is that supposed to mean??? Does it mean she’s going to tell her pimp she’s quitting?
    Sounds Racist?!

    And this is the person that Susan & Lorri have allowed to take over their Undercover blog, as an “INFLUENCER ??!!”

    Christie is so proud of being the one that came up with the name “Stan” from one of her other favorite Rap songs. She thinks she’s so clever, but Trailer Trash is so transparent.

    If they thought putting up Christie as an “INFLUENCER” to get people to hate Jeff is working, it’s NOT! She’s just further exposing herself and the other nasty mean junior high girls that never grew up. So pathetic that the two admins of this page would bring on someone skanky like Christie as their “INFLUENCER!” I would’ve expected more, even from them. Especially an X Psychologist…I would’ve expected her to be held to a higher standard!

    1. They are all beyond stupid. Lorrie is an idiot. Susan is so fucking weak.

      Christie is the “high class” of the 3.

    2. Influencer? Idiot has 200 followers. Probably stole them from Jeff. Jeff gave her permission to run his Instagram account why he campaigned. She started stealing people, sending emails to his friends and family, beyond slander.

      She’s an absolute psychopath. Stay away from this thing at all costs. Just look at dumbass. She’s still chasing Jeff around? Stalk much? Get a life trailer girl. This is society, not a dumbfuck trailer park with a bunch of idiots. Leave the bullshit in the trailer where it belongs.

  41. Cindy Cremona, you lost and barely by less then a few votes beat Stan, what does that say about you? It says how unorganized you were. You were so confident about winning, on an on about being a corporate professional and business leader. In the end it was all bull shit, you were none of those.

    Your campaign sucked, you failed to debate, you didn’t raise any money, people thought you were a snot. You thought so highly of yourself that you didn’t feel the need to put much effort into your campaign. You thought you were better than you really are.

    Now you sit here in EU and take pot shots at everyone, trying to bring people down to make you feel better about yourself.

    Do the right thing for yourself and this blog, stop attacking everyone and go back to New York, like Garvin should do.



  44. ------------------------------------------------------STOP!


  46. Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  47. I love the mornings. It’s when Stan is blacked out and we get our block back for a few hours before his DTs start, and the whole groundhogs day begins again. 😊🙏🏿

  48. Let’s see 2:30 blackout…. That should give us till about 10:00 AM before his eyelids crack up and he heads for the sink faucet.

    Def of Stan - Repetitive boring Pycho 🐧 beater

  49. Agree 6:37. What do you think about Stonesteps, Beacon, and more. Do you think Pacific View is worth the tons of money the city is putting in it? After all this is Tony's baby. He's the one who blurted out 10 million when the asking price was a lot less because it is not zoned residential. So developers didn't bid. Maybe Tony didn't know that so he thought he had better grab it before developers did. Either way we are out a lot of money.

    1. OMG. 6:49 I absolutely love your post. Logical comments.😊

      I think Tony is blowing it. Pretty much shows his intelligence level when you have a $9.5 million asking price and you offer $10 million.

      And then, he completely ignores. The cities real needs and literally builds fences and blocks Coastal Access. the cities infrastructure is nonexistent with flooding, deteriorating stairways, and no sidewalks in areas were they putting high density housing. It’s absolutely crazy.

      On top of that, he then pushes for another city facility, which is going to cost at least $20 million and will cost millions per year to maintain and operate in a marine environment.

      I always say actions speak louder than words and actions have consequences. Encinitas voting in Tony as mayor has some serious consequences. And all are not good for the future of Encinitas.

      That’s my opinion. what’s yours?

    2. Given that state law would have allowed the school district to force a rezoning to residential, I think the price was about right.

      The state law was written with the stated purpose of improving the ability of school districts to use surplus real estate sales as a funding source.

      It states that once a property is declared surplus, a school district can demand and receive a zoning change to the zoning around the property, which in the case of PV is residential.

      The auction for PV that was underway when the city stepped in had two bid options. The first was “As is,” with an immediate sale at the current Public/Semi-Public zoning. The second bid option was bidding an amount to purchase the property after the rezoning was complete. In this case, the rezoning was a condition of sale, and the sale would never close at the bid price unless the school completed the rezoning to residential. Any risk in the rezoning process was borne by the district, not the bidder.

      So yeah, you can bet that there were bids on PV for the resined residential property, and they were probably at or above what the city paid, although they were returned to the bidders unopened and undisclosed because the auction was aborted when the district reached a sale agreement with the city.

    3. Rezoned not resined.

  50. I think Stone Steps got hammered this winter by the waves. The delay in fixing is so "custom parts" can be fabricated.

    Beacon beach is just waiting for a tremblor so it can slough off more dirt and get steeper at the top. I predict the upcoming sand replenishment at Stone Steps get diverted.

    How's all those years of sand dredging at Blakespear's Beach holding up? Looks like a 10 foot wall of sand, you can even see original dirt from before the work. 2-3 years of sand pumping, gone in 2 weeks.

    Pacific View, I am looking forward to doing fabrication with the CNC and milling machines. It aint all "finger painting".

    1. That’s going to be some pretty high expenses for the city to maintain in perpetuity for a very select audience.

      What do you think the attendance will be for Pacific view and what do you think the annual maintenance and operations cost will be for that place?

    2. 7:01- what happened to that fancy Italian sand scraper, or whatever its' called? It was supposed to keep sand on the beach, or so we were told. That thing must have cost a pretty penny and its sitting by the Chart House doing nothing that I can see.

  51. 6:49- what’s your thoughts as to how the city is going to address this huge stack of lawsuits?

    Do you think there’s going to be a lot more with the city street furniture being pushed between Cardiff and swami’s?

    I’m thinking after the next huge one that settles, which is Dr. Worley’s death, the city may want to declare bankruptcy. Clear the books, all the debt, including the pension liability, and start over.

    Maybe we could have a wiser city council annex, at least Coastalal Encinitas and take over our City operations. I much rather have Solana Beach, Delmar or Carlsbad city councils manage Encinitas coastline than our City Council. What do you think?

  52. This is awesome. We got probably three more hours of open logical comment opportunity before groundhogs day starts again. 😊

  53. Look at the latest closed session agenda, we are up to three serious threats of litigation. They don’t provide any real information, but suffice to say for a city that depends heavily on grant money our finances are not “in great shape.”

    Ehlers is now the only adult in the room. When Hinze and Lyndes talked about subsidizing our affordable housing it was Ehlers who did the basic cost per unit math to show their plan would exceed the annual budget. Kranz came in a weak “yeah let’s think about this” me-too second. Hinze looked livid and Lyndes blank.

  54. In the matter of People of the State of California v Stan, it’s literally and figuratively all of us against him.

    All Encinitas residents are People of the State of California.

    Sleep late again, grown up “bro.” Sleep like an unemployable surf bum.

  55. 💯. Out of control and spiraling beach bum.

    1. Here goes the Trailer Sasquatch first thing in the morning. Dude, talk about something else. You’re destroying this page. Go write on your massive forehead about your obsession with Jeff, but the rest of us don’t want to hear about it. You’re like full Creeper material.

  56. Cindy Cremona, Susan Turney and Vivian Vale just can’t stop typing horse shit day after day. You gotta your asses kicked by Tony and sadly enough just barely beat Stan by a couple of votes. Cindy’s campaign sucked, she didn’t debate when she was invited, she was coward. At least Stan made an effort and went door to door, but that was below Cindy. Cindy will never get elected because she’s whiny, egotistical idiot.

    Yes Stan is an idiot too, but at least he’s and idiot who made an effort.

    So keep posting about other people Cindy, Susan and Vivian see how that continues to work out for you.

    1. Got 3rd while Cindy got 2nd without even trying. Jeff is a special kind of loser.

    2. Cindy Cremona was a waste of time. She took my $250 contribution, never said “thanks” and didn’t even make an effort to go out and hustle votes. Total loser and entitled shit.

      She ran knowing she wasn’t going to win, but so desperately wanted the attention. What a brat!

  57. You can't blame the person living in the trailer, Susan Turney knew what she was getting when she recruited the lowest common denominators to attack the Morrises everyday. Susan Turney ran the entire campaign as NASTY as any human being can get. Susan needs to go fix her retards, retards can't fix themselves. I wonder is Susan is scissoring Sasquatch and that's why she keeps the "IT" around? It's not like Dean's tiny shriveled up penis has any use.

  58. Pam "Granny Panties" Slater is also a massive senile tool. You and Susan are complete idiots. Look at what you created. You both screwed Encinitas this past election, and now these creatures that you embraced are spreading their mental issues throughout town. Pam, do us all a favor and drop off of social media. Your tired old 1940 ways don't work, that's why you keep losing all of the time.

    We need to make an "enemy of Encinitas deck of cards" and keep these people out of our local politics. They have been beat by Blakespear nonstop and their inability to stop her, or even challenge the criminal behavior is ridiculous.

    Both Pam and Susan went into an election dividing Encinitas, rather than uniting. This is how these two fossils think. Same with Lorrie Greene. She's going psycho too. All of these 5150 old ass ladies, need to go check into a senior living facility because you're not helping this town, you're making a joke of it. We need to focus on getting Tony and his appointee out, along with Arizona Joy and Kiddy Kellie.

  59. Speaking of “sleeping, the admins of this blog must be “sleeping” b/c Undercover still hasn’t been taken down, as promised.

    Who cares about Jeff’s sleeping habits, or if he’s sleeping right now? Only an obsessed ‘Stalker’ would know, or care, or keep tabs on his sleeping habits.

    And if he is indeed sleeping, why is self proclaimed “Influencer” Christie still flapping her trap on here and getting her “Wild Women of Hell” all worked up?

    There’s a slug of comments on here this morning and, once again they’re ALL about Jeff, with the exception of one brave person with some integrity who tried to break away from the pack. But that’s it! Seems that the others are followed and dutifully getting in step with their new “Influencer.”

    It is evident the admins have allowed Christie to take over the blog. And it looks like only one person from Christie’s pack of “wild women from hell” is trying to talk about City matters, but that’s it! Why are these “Women of Hell” still yapping about Jeff?

    If Jeff is indeed sleeping, why is the “Wacko Wild Women of Hell’s” leader Christie, still stirring things up? Why have the others in her Pack not seen her for what she is? Why did they allow her to take over this blog? Why are the other members of her pack allowing her to “Influence” them and further the agenda of creating Evil in Encinitas?

    1. Not enough, ignorant, swearwords to be Stan. So It sounds like the 🐧.

      Good morning. Did you find some nice icebergs to slide down this snowy winter? I hope you have a happy Friday. And find the strength to break away from your codependent habits. 🙏🏿

      Please lay off the blog so adults can have good conversations regarding Encinitas.

    2. The Social Media Influencer at 70 has 11 followers? Wow Christie! That's excellent for an old haggard crackhead like you. You should go celebrate by getting another tattoo or burning off a vaginal wart

    3. 🐧 boring. Go watch Batman and work on your Danny DeVito..

      Blog down for the day. Psycho idiots running amok.

    4. 9:38- 🐧 boring. Go watch Batman and work on your Danny DeVito..

      Blog down for the day. Psycho idiots running amok.

  60. Check out one of Christie's porn movies as she transitioned from a man to a woman, or the other way around. She/he? Same shit. She is the one wearing the thick glasses.

    1. Holy crap. You call that point. You are one sick puppy. Stan and 🐧 on it early. Blog closed for the day. 😢

    2. * you call that porn?

  61. This is absolutely excellent! Christie shows the inside of her trailer as her chromosome deficient kids to trailer park shit. How cute!

    1. Cute kids. 🐧 boring. Go watch Batman and work on your Danny DeVito..

    2. Stalking someone’s children is disgusting.

  62. It’d be a shame if someone notified Jeff’s lawyer of his activity here.

    Might have to get a new lawyer.

    Sounds expensive.

    1. The owners and admins of this page are the only ones that have to worry. This page is "ripe" for litigation. Marco sued Susan Turney for something far less, and this is her page. She should know better than to let trailer retards run her page, but Susan is also a retard. This is her work, life, and personality all wrapped up in one.

    2. 🐧 boring. Go watch Batman and work on your Danny DeVito..

      Blog down for the day. Psycho idiots running amok.

    3. The sheriff, DA and presiding judge have the link

  63. Ehlers for Mayor in 2024! He sounds like the only intelligent person up there.

    1. Absolutely and the only one who's had to work hard to put a roof over his head. No idea on Blackwell she's so silent she doesn't' count and anyway her opinions are tbd. Shall see whether she falls neatly in line with whatever cockamamie nonsense Kranz/Lyndes/Hinze cook up. Like exceeding the annual budget to enter the city into the affordable housing construction business.

    2. I don’t get it.

      It’s a title with no power, and a shorter term.

      I think Tony made a mistake, except as a blocking move.

    3. 1:11- Agree. So we have a chance to get him out next year. The problem is we need another person like Ehlers. Since the Mayor is not by district, we can chose anyone. Let's get him out. He's not the brightest brain and his thinking and speaking skills are less than moderate.

  64. Imagining anyone, even a lawyer, could represent the moron is inconceivable. Why would any lawyer lower themselves to his nonstop very public infantile behavior level? I am not one of the women he blames for all of his self-created problems.

    I am a long time resident who is appalled at what this community has been put through because of this stunted mind of a child who was never suited for public office to begin with.

    Enough already. Stfu and go away. You are toast around here in any meaningful or positive way and it was of your own doing. A failure as a candidate, a failure as a husband, and a failure as a father has cemented your reputation to the lowest common denominator.

    1. 9:55- Amen to that. I still think whoever owns this blog at this time is getting some kind of points for having so many comments from the 2 Stans. So maybe we all still need to try to get Google involved.

  65. Most lawyers are sellout scums.

    Look at Marco and look at BIA. Enough said.

  66. Stone Steps closed for tourists is as bad as it is for residents. Will the city put up vanity project signage directing folks to the next closest beach? STVRs nearby must be sweating their "easy beach access" promises.

    Meanwhile 3 "significant exposure" legal items.

  67. Christie Dean telling "ANYBODY" to STFU up and go away? You are the most psycho person in this town. Nobody did shit to your stupid ass. You just moved here. The day that Jeff takes you and Natalie down for Perjury, will be a blessing in disguise for Encinitas.

    Of course, it's always Jeff taking on the bad guys. We have enough crazies, Susan Turney can't keep adding these clowns to her clown circle. They are going to FUCK Turney BIG TIME, and Susan will deserve it.

    1. “it's always Jeff taking on the bad guys.”

      Was the Christmas tree a bad guy?

      [huge eyeroll]

      People who get charged with domestic violence are the bad guys.

    2. Christie, keep repeating it because we haven’t heard enough. Also, please keep ignoring the dozens of times that your husband was thrown in jail for beating you.

      Kim wasn’t touched, so drop your obsession. Secondly, what makes you the disgusting hypocrite in this town, is that you wished Kim and Jeff would burn in hell.

      Now you’re pretending that you care about Kim after you wished for her to go to hell, stop being a fucking retard. You were the enemy of Kim, not her friend.

    3. Who you talking to?

      I’ve never met any of the women you pretend write my comments.

      I think you’ll find most of the town hates you at this point.

      Alleged wife beating is a surprisingly unpopular move, “bro.”

    4. The town hates Jeff? LOL. Only the TRASH of Encinitas, which includes you. You are the reason Natalie lost 3 times in court, your fake lying convinced Natalie to file a bogus TRO. You going to split that bill with her? She just lost her ass ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR LIES. She is stupid as shit for listening to you, and that's why she told YOU to FUCK OFF. You are invisible to even Natalie. Shacked up in your trailer 24/7.

      Fuck no, with your broke trailer ass. It's so funny that the Mayor of the Trailer, is trying to call everybody broke in this town, accuse everybody of everything, and you don't know anybody.

      Jeff didn't do anything to Kim, that's why the wheels are spinning. How many people like you, who never met Jeff and don't know him, just like yourself, did you get to make up more lies?

      Liars never win, they always lose. You should know this better than everybody. You've been losing your entire life, and you are losing right now. Next election, you're going to be ex-communicated. There is NO candidate that will EVER talk to you. This town sees what you're doing, you're a fucking retard.

      Jeff doesn't give ANY FUCKS, what any dipshit like you or the rest of the other bad guys in town. That's why he's at the top of the food chain, fighting away, just like he always does. Go shove some more needles in your arm dirty woman, that's the one thing you will ONLY be known for. Head Ticker, tic tic tic. LOL

    5. i’M eT dA tOp ER dA FüD cHaiN!

      —Family Abuser, awaiting criminal trial.

      If this is a Charlie Sheen impersonation from a few years ago, then brilliant. Well done, adult male who still calls people “bro” in a professional context.

  68. Flexair fly school out of San Diegos Montgomery Field. "21 times back and forth over Encinitas and Solana Beach. Over schools, Scripps hostipal and 10's of thousands of citizens. They flew 17 miles from Montgomery Field to put us in danger and pouring leaded fuel exhaust over the area. This, is not their first time. They have been contact.
    21 Times.

    1. You are still failing and irrelevant.

    2. 1:08 are you still a fool?

    3. And you? Still the fool

  69. Parking permit back on agenda for 3rd? 4th? time? Delayed again because Hinze saw brown people at the back of the room and decided they couldn't understand the proceedings. Turned out they speak English and followed everything. Profiling much, virtue signaler? This time CBS news will be there to cover the circus. What wrench will Hinze and Lyndes throw in this time to delay again? They're running out of options.

  70. Jeff sure focuses on the porn angle a lot.

    How many times a day do you think he watches it?

    1. I think he turned gay after watching your trailer trash porn videos. Christie's porn videos are enough to turn the entire town of Encinitas gay. Christie used to be Christian Dean. No kidding. Go look her up.

    2. “Look how nasty she is. Let’s watch it again, Kim.”

  71. Hi, I represent Coast Flight training out of Montgomery Field San Diego. Today in a private plane with the tail number N686CA, I flew 15 times back and forth over Encinitas and parts of Rancho Santa Fe. Why? to make money while placing thousand in danger. Flying over schools while I make money. I don't care. And what is most fun is leaded fuel exhaust coming down on those populations. And what do you in Encinitas get? NOTHING. Why? The FAA doens't care so why would I? That's Coast Flight School.

  72. HI, I'm another ass that just flew back and forth over and over, 18 times over Encinitas placing you in danger of a potential downed plane. I'm FBO Berkley Holdings out of Fallbrook Ca. and I don't care if I pour leaded exhaust over your kids or you. The FAA is my friend, not yours as I can do anything I want as long as I keep an altitude of 1000ft.
    This time I'm out of Carlsbad Air Field.
    You see, the FAA claims this to be open air space above your homes, schools, hospitals...and you. 18 times

  73. I am not whoever you are imagining is telling you to f off. Not christie, not whoever else you 'imagine' is wishing you and your morons would take a flying leap out of here or at the least stfu.

    Not of the female persuasion either. As usual, you don't have a clue and are talking our of your rear end blaming the same couple of women. Wake the heck up. You are delusional.

    1. It’s all just a distraction on the way to Monday’s trial. Counting down the days till Jeff Morris is held accountable for violent actions towards his wife and family. BTW, no matter the outcome, you will always be known as an asshole who beat his wife and imprisoned her and other members of your family on Christmas, that most family of family holidays. I hear anyone can show up or tune in and watch the trial.

      Got any big follow up plans for Easter Sunday Stan? Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Three. More. Days.


  74. Goodbye Lorena Gonzalez…. Here’s what the 9th District Court just said about Lorena Gonzalez.

    “Corruption.” “Backroom dealing.” “Pure spite.” “Naked favoritism.”

    These are the words written by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to describe former Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez’s bad behavior when crafting her anti-independent contractor law AB 5 (Assembly Bill 5), enacted in January 2020.

    Blakespear and Marco Gonzalez, your time will come as well.

  75. Pretty bad, all under the guise of holding themselves to a higher standard. What is the difference in behavior between her and the orange one? Serious question. Neither side should be throwing stones.
